MicFood Blog Proverbs 12 Part-2 The Way of A Fool Is Right in His Own Eyes #Wise Sayings of Solomon

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Thursday, 23 January 2014

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Proverbs chapter 12 (part 2) The way of a fool is right in his own eyes #Wise sayings of olo!on
Proverbs chapter 12. Summary: Righteous treat their animals kinder than the wicked treat their friends. Work hard and work smart and be rewarded with abundance of money. The wicked covets the ill-gotten wealth of another wicked person. The righteous will earn income with stability. Careless talk gets the wicked into trouble. o not over-react when angry. !onest witness vs false witness. Tongue can be hurtful like sword" or healing.

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10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. (N V) 10 ! righteous man regards the life of his animal, "ut the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. (NKJV)
Kindest action of the wicked are cruel in comparison to the least kind action of the righteous. The righteous treat their animals more kindly than the wicked treat their friends. This is a matter of heart. For the wicked tends to have a wicked heart, having ill intentions. !ample" desire to backstab and slander someone in order to #kill# off that someone. !ample" to lie and discredit someone in order to climb the corporate ladder and get promoted. !ample" desire to deceive and cheat in order to gain e!tra profit and much money. $ righteous man is not only merciful for his neighbours %friends and relatives&, but also to his pet animals and farm animals. This tells the degree of kindness in the heart of a righteous person.


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11 #e who tills his land will ha$e %lent& of bread, but he who follows worthless %ursuits has no sense. ('(V) 11 Those who work their land will ha$e abundant food, but those who chase fantasies ha$e no sense. (N V) 11 #e who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, "ut he who follows fri$olit& is de$oid of understanding.)b* (NKJV)
The person who is diligent in his work and business will be rewarded with much money. 'ork hard and work smart are important principle of wise living. 'e must be reminded not to do worthless work(activities which is unwise. !amples" trying to get rich by unsuitable manners, such as lottery, gambling, share speculation. )ther e!amples are wasting of time and energy in sinful interests, for instance, e!tra*marital affairs, drinking in pubs for hours, karaoke for hours at night. Those who are devoid of understanding waste time by fooling around with friends, drinking, gambling, playing women, partying, clubbing, etc. !cessive #wine, women and song# is not beneficial. +t is noted that we should strike a balance" #$ll work and no play makes ,ack a dull boy.# -espite the fact that we need to work diligently, we also need spare some time for rela!ing activities %which are healthy and not sinful&. .alance is crucial.

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1+ The strong tower of the wicked comes to ruin, but the root of the righteous stands firm.)a* 1, !n e$il man is ensnared b& the transgression of his li%s, the righteous esca%es from trouble. ('(V)


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The wicked desire the stronghold of e$ildoers, but the root of the righteous endures. -$ildoers are tra%%ed b& their sinful talk, and so the innocent esca%e trouble. (N V)




1+ The wicked co$et the catch of e$il men, "ut the root of the righteous &ields fruit. 1, The wicked is ensnared b& the transgression of his li%s,"ut the righteous will come through trouble. (NKJV)
The wicked person desires the wealth and power of another wicked person. 'e must not be like that. 'e must not covet the wealth and riches gained through improper means %e.g. deceitful



Michael's Food# Proverbs chapter 12 (part 2) The way of a fool is right in his own eye$$$ Page 2 of "

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schemes, lies, cheating, unfair business practice). We must not covet the power and honour of the wicked person (e.g. triad chief, gangster, loan shark, brothel boss). By being righteous in our work, we will be rewarded monetarily. We can be earning stable income doing righteous work. The bad guys get into trouble with their careless talk, e.g. slanders and gossips. Avoid slandering and gossiping. Avoid chatter that stir up conflicts, arguments and uarrels. Avoid talk that sow discord and disunity. The righteous through their good speech will be at peace with other people. !ven when he is in trouble with his angry customer, for instance, the righteous will be smart with his lips to mitigate the situation and calm the customer.

"od #roverbs chapter $ (part %) & Wisdom for the 'oung... #roverbs chapter ( & The moral benefits of Wisdom #roverbs chapter % & !)hortations to embrace Wisdo... !sther chapter %* & The greatness of +ordecai !sther chapter , & The triumph of the -ews . (*%$ (%*)

New King James Version

1. /rom the fruit of his words a man is satisfied with good, and the work of a man0s hand comes back to him. ('(V) 1. /rom the fruit of their li%s %eo%le are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. (N V) Our speech and work produce us rewards - money and riches. Good speech will bring us many good things: friendship, respect, honour, favour. Encourage others is a fine example of good speech. raising others for work well done is another example of good speech. 11 The wa& of a fool is right in his own e&es, but a wise man listens to ad$ice. ('(V) 11 The wa& of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to ad$ice. (N V) 11 The wa& of a fool is right in his own e&es, "ut he who heeds counsel is wise. (NKJV) !he foolish person looks at things from his own viewpoint only. !he foolish person thinks that he is always right. "ut the wise person is one who listens to counsel and advice of other people. !he wise person looks at things from multiple points of view. 12 The $e3ation of a fool is known at once, but the %rudent man ignores an insult. ('(V) 12 /ools show their anno&ance at once, but the %rudent o$erlook an insult. (N V) 12 ! fool0s wrath is known at once, "ut a %rudent man co$ers shame. (NKJV) #hen a foolish person becomes angry, he allows his anger to take control of himself. !he foolish person overreacts when angry. $o some foolish action which he would later regret. !he wise person may also angry, but is more prudent and able to control his anger. %e will try to keep calm when angry, avoiding hasty reactions. %e will decide on the action after he has calmed down from anger. "ecause actions&decisions during anger may later be regretted. 14 #e who s%eaks the truth gi$es honest e$idence, but a false witness utters deceit. ('(V) 14 !n honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies. (N V) #e should speak truth. #e should not be false witness, lying with deceitful intent. 'elated to false witness, is slandering and backstabbing. (ll these are output from lips of the wicked. #e must be careful so )O! to become a false witness. 15 There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. ('(V) 15 The words of the reckless %ierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. (N V)

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!ongue is very powerful. ( slandering tongue can hurt other people like a sword. ( tongue sowing discord and disunity can severe the bonds of friendship like a sword. On the contrary, a tongue of




Michael's Food: Proverbs chapter 12 part 2! "he #a$ of a fool is right in his o#n e$e%%% Page 3 of 3

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encouragement&exhortation can heal a depressed person and make him more optimistic. ( tongue of apology can heal many hurts and painful memories. (s righteous believers, we must be careful with our speech. *et our speech be of the beneficial type, one that builds and not destroys, one that encourages and not despises.

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New King James Version

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