Esl Cheat Sheet Chart6

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Illinois annual measure of English language proficiency assessment

WIDA Access Placement test (WAPT) ( !!" or !#) '(DEL ( !!)) 'easure of De*eloping English Language (ther Prescri$e% Screening Proce%ures that may $e use%,

Prescri$e% screen instrument for stu%ents entering secon% semester of gra%e & or in gra%es -& Prescri$e% screen instrument for stu%ents entering + or the first semester of gra%e &

-esearche% $ase% proce%ures that meet the criteria, appropriate for age an% %e*elopment/ culturally an% linguistically appropriate/ inclu%e an o$ser*ation/ use multiple measures an% metho%s/ in*ol*es family pro*i%e% insight an% information/ in*ol*es staff .ho are familiar .ith, preschool e%ucation/ chil% %e*elopment/ an% first an% secon% language ac0uisition

Sheltere% Content Instruction may $e use% as .ell Limite% English Language Proficient Don1t nee% to $e foreign $orn2 Stu%ents 3ome Language Sur*ey Distri$ute% to P+-& stu%ent entering the %istrict for the first time2 Issue% in English an% in the stu%ents home language/ if feasi$le2 Who, Stu%ents .ho spea4 a language other than English or stu%ents .ho ha*e another language spo4en at home (Stu%ents .ho .ere screene% in P+ still nee% to $e screene% using the + instrument) When, Within 5! %ays after enrollment &) Stu%ent .as screene% in another %istrict an% i%entifie% ELP ) Stu%ent met state e6it re0uirements 5) 3as met all criteria, resi%es in a home .here a language other than English is spo4en/ has not $een screene% or i%entifie% as an English Learner/ has $een enrolle% in the general program of instruction in the school he7she pre*iously atten%e%/ has $een performing at or a$o*e gra%e le*el

English Language Proficiency screening

E6ceptions from screening

A proficiency score of a transfer stu%ent shoul% $e use% if,

- the score pro*i%e% .as achie*e% no sooner than the school year pre*ious to the stu%ent ne. enrollment - the score pro*i%e% .as achie*e% .ithin & months to the %istricts nee% to assess the stu%ent

Preschoolers shoul% $e screene%2 -Teacher e*aluations of performance (ther in%icators that can $e use% are, -Samples of stu%ent .or4 -Information recei*e% from family mem$ers an% school personnel


Illinois annual measure of English language proficiency assessment

A stu%ent can recei*e accommo%ation accommo%ations are recommen%e% through an IEP for the screening if,

Parents can,

re0uest that their chil% $e screene% for ELL ser*ices if a stu%ent .as not initially i%entifie% as $eing LEP Where schools up%ate their stu%ent recor%s

SIS (Stu%ent Information System)

SIS Inclu%es,

&) ) 5) 8) :) &) ) 5) 8)

If a stu%ent has a language $ac4groun% other than English If a stu%ent has $een i%entifie% ELL $ase% on a PSI Stu%ent1s home language Stu%ent1s D(9 Stu%ent1s gra%e 7 achie*ement le*el

School Districts are -e0uire% to annually assess +-& in the areas,

aural comprehension (listening) spea4ing rea%ing .riting

EE(A (E0ual E%ucational &) the process an% criteria for e6it (pportunities Act) must pro*i%e ) the language ac0uisition ser*ices an% metho%s pro*i%e% stu%ent .ho are not English Proficient 5) ho. the program meets e%ucational nee%s an% $uil%s on aca%emic .ith a plan that inclu%es, strengths 8) ho. the program .ill help the stu%ents learn English :) the names an% 0ualifications of implementors ") ho. sufficient resources .ill $e ma%e a*aila$le ;niform %efinition of English ELLs are eligi$le for state T9E7TPI < fe%eral Title III LIPLEPS programs Language Proficiency until they achie*e the ACCESS scores, :2! Composite=Proficiency Le*el A>D 82 Composite Literacy (-ea%ing < Writing) (nce these scores are achie*e%/ the stu%ent must e6it the state7fe%eral programs

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