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Secondary ( wesite ) "Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web.

21 Jan. 2014. This website has alot of detailed information about the Industrial Revolution and was very helpful when researching basic background information in order to get into the air pollution, since it all started with the Industrial Revolution. Secondary pictures Studios, Paul Hey. "Chemical Compounds." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. This is a picture from flickr that we got to give a visual of one of the harsh chemicals that are in the air that we breathe. Varlan, Horia. "Graduated Cylinders of Compounds." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. The graduated cylinders are a visual of the harsh chemicals coming together to form hazardous solutions that are harmful to the human body. Gymbuddynz. "Compounds Broken down." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014 This is an image of a chemical compound that is in the air that we are breathing in and is also dangerous to the human body especially people with weak lungs. Mwahlesten. "Colorful Compounds in Chemistry Lab." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014 The chemical compounds in the cylinders are a few of the compounds are dangerous when combined with each other.

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