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! Title VIII% &oo' II% New (ivil (o)e of the *hili++ines N,isance ! R!A! -.-/ *eo+le0s S1all Scale Minin2 Act of $33$ 4! R!A! -4.5 See) In),stry #evelo+1ent Act of $33 6! R!A! -75/ National Inte2rate) *rotecte) Areas Syste1 Act of $33 7! R!A! -3.. 8i2h Val,e (ro+s #evelo+1ent Act of $337 /! R!A! -36 *hili++ine Minin2 Act of $337 -! R!A! 5.6$ National Water (risis Act of $337 5! R!A! 5.65 (ocon,t *reservation Act of $337 3! R!A! 5647 A2ric,lt,re an) 9isheries Mo)erni:ation Act $.! R!A! 5657 The Ani1al Welfare Act of $335 $$! R!A! 577. *hili++ine 9isheries (o)e of $335 $ ! R!A! 3.- National (aves an) (ave Reso,rces M2t an) *rotection Act $4! R!A! 3$6- Wil)life Reso,rces (onservation an) *rotection Act $6! R!A! 3 -7 *hili++ine (lean Water Act of ..6 $7! R!A! 47-$ &an on (,ttin2 Roa)si)e Trees Recent Stat,tes; $/! R!A! 3 $$ To<acco Re2,lation Act of ..4 $-! R!A! 34/- = &iof,els Act of ../ $5! R!A! 3654 = Oil *oll,tion (o1+ensation Act of ..$3! R!A!37$ National Environ1ental Awareness an) E),cation Act of ..5 .! R!A! 37$4 Renewa<le Ener2y Act of ..5 &! INTERNATIONAL LAWS"TREATIES > JURIS*RU#EN(E $! ! 4! 6! 7! /! ASEAN A2ree1ent on Trans<o,n)ary 8a:e *oll,tion &asel (onvention (ontrol of Trans1ove1ent of 8a:ar)o,s Waste &asel *rotocol on Lia<ility an) (o1+ensation ?yoto *rotocol on (li1ate (han2e (onvention UN (onvention on the Law of the Sea J,)icial #ecisions on environ1ental law fro1 other @,ris)ictions

(! (ASES"JURIS*RU#EN(E $! ! 4! 6. 5. #. 7. .. La &,2al=&0laan Tri<al Ass0n v! Ra1os% A!R! $ -55 % Jan! -% ..6 > 9e<! $% ..7B Le+anto (onsoli)ate) Minin2 v! #,1y,n2% A!R! Nos! L=4$///=/5% A+r! 4.% $3-3 Miners Association of the *hil v! 9actoran% 6. S(RA $.. Tano v. Socrates, G.R. No. 110249, Aug. 21, 1997 Tatel v. Mun. of V rac, G.R. No. 4024!, Marc" 11, 1992 Tec"nolog$ %evelo&ers v. 'A, 19! S'RA 147 (s)ael *r. + 'o. v. %e&. ,-ecut ve Secretar$, G.R. No. 795!., /ct. 1., 1990 Ma00u)1a v. GS2S, G.R. No. #129!, 3e1. 15, 1990

Recent *ur s&ru0ence4 Metro Manila Development Authority, et al. v. Concerned Residents of Cavite, G.R. No. 171947, %ec. 1., 200. #! RULES O9 *RO(E#URE ON ENVIRONMENTAL (ASES Metho)olo2ies; Oral Recitation% Written Re+orts% Lect,re"Syno+sis% Vi)eo *resentation% Site I11ersion"9iel) Tri+ References; $C A Le2al Arsenal for the *hili++ine Environ1ent <y A! O+osa C (a+acity &,il)in2 for Environ1ental Law in the Asian an) *acific Re2ion% Vol! Nos! I > II% <y (rai2% Ro<inson an) ?oh

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