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Mohammed F.



Educational Game

Level 1-2 resources required. 3-4 5-6

Plan The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the

The student produces a plan that contains a number of steps that include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan. The student produces a plan that contains an adequate number of detailed, logical steps. The student examines the feasibility of the plan, by considering if someone else would be able to create the same product given the students plan and design.

The plan includes a list of hardware or materials that will be used to create the product. The plan includes a list of the software and/or tools that will be used to create the product. The plan includes an indication of how the time used to create the product will be used. The plan identifies the knowledge and skills required to create the product and how these will be acquired. The student evaluates the plan by comparing the time required to the available time, and by considering the skills of the student. The student justifies a modification to the design.

Name of project: Educational Game Hardware you will use: (Computer properties, Camera, Scanner, Printer, web host) MacBook OS X Mavericks

Mr. Christodoulo

Mohammed F. Al-Ajji Software you will use: (Name and version number) Adobe Flash CS5 MAYBE Unity 3D


Educational Game

What skills/knowledge will you need to complete your project, what will you do to develop those skills/knowledge? Time-Management Skills Knowledge on how to use Adobe Flash Instructions must be as detailed as they can be. Do not use pronouns!! Useful Verbs: Copy Adjust Modify Fill Insert Create Check Make Code Paste Test

Steps to complete project.

All time in minutes

Steps 1 2 You will first open up Adobe Flash CS5 (not necessarily CS5). It will ask for Adobe Account. When you finish the account then click on Actionscript 2.0. You do not need an account just click Skip always. You need to make a few frames based on how many words youre going to challenge your audience with. Make 11 frames for Intro 3 Questions (each question three for the question itself and correct and wrong) Conclusion. First frame is going to be the title and instructions. Also, give a very brief story. You also need to make a start button. Second frame is going to be the story, so you need to make up a story and also a next button. (This step was ignored, as it was included in the last step.)

Estimated Actual time time 10 secs Depends

1 min

5 min

8 min-10 min

Mr. Christodoulo

Mohammed F. Al-Ajji


Educational Game

(Here is an example for 1 question in the game): For Depends 1 question you basically need 3 frames. 3 frames: 1 for the question, 1 for the frame that says its correct and 1 for the frame that says its wrong. So if you are going to make 9 questions for example you need 27 frames excluding the title and the conclusion of the game. Make 9 frames for 3 questions. Example of one question: Make 3 frames First frame will be the question, Second frame will be correct and Third frame will be wrong. But for each frame there are buttons, in these Depends buttons there are actions that you need to make, for example: make an action for the wrong button so it goes to the frame that says wrong and vice versa. The scripts are as follows (rough examples): stop(); on (release){gotoandstop (2);}. To make one button use the text tool and when you finish making it right click it and go to actions and place the scripts needed. Make the button with text tool. Then right click it and go to Convert to Symbol choose Button and make the Registration in the center and click OK. For each button in the game that is clickable, put the script: on(press) { gotoAndPlay(x) } (x) is the number of the frame which you want the button to go to. When you finish adding the buttons then you can Depends test it out, go to control then test movie and then flash professional. When you finish making the questions and each button works properly you can add the final frame and finish off the story. After that you can test the game to see if everything works by clicking Cmd+Enter. It will give you a preview for you to try

Mr. Christodoulo

Mohammed F. Al-Ajji


Educational Game




the game out. Now if you want to add sound (you can skip this step if you dont want to) download a sound effect online, then the format is going to be (example.mp3) you need to change it to (example.aiff) and accept. This step and 2 of the following steps you can skip unless you want sound. The next step would be to go to File>Import to library>and you need to find the file at this stage and open it. CAN SKIP At the bottom left corner of the program there is a square icon thats going to get you a new layer. Rename it to sound and then choose the frame which you want to put sound on (by highlighting it). On the right it says (Name:) Then choose the sound you imported from the drop-down menu. There is a problem now so go to the extreme right of Motion Editor there will be a button click on it then choose Preview. Now you see the sound is stuck on Frame 1. So drag it all the way to the frame that you want. Now go back to were you clicked on Preview and click Normal. Now you can test it again by going to control, test movie and then flash professional. CAN SKIP Just in case check if everything works properly by trying it out and clicking Cmd+Enter. Finally youre going to need to save it so go to file>save. Then youre going to publish it when you click on publish (in File) you can change the location it saves on to and you can change the name. Now to play the game go to the .html file (commonly on your desktop) and click it. You can also upload it to your Blog and/or Wikispaces.


1 min

10 min

5 min

13 14

Mr. Christodoulo

Mohammed F. Al-Ajji


Educational Game

Total time.
Add extra lines as needed

Evaluation of the Plan: (Response Text, Future tense) 1. Could someone feasibly create your product/solution using this plan and your design? Justify your answer! Yes they can if they followed the steps in order. They can even create whole different game than mine.

2. Discuss your time estimates and the total time you will need to complete the project? I estimated it takes me 30 minutes excluding all the spaces where it says Depends.

3. What strategies will you use to make sure you have enough time to complete your project? I will do much of the work at home and the rest at school. I will also do all the steps quickly.

Print the plan and have it with you while you make your product. Write on the plan the actual time it takes for each step. Write on the plan the changes that you make and why.

Mr. Christodoulo

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