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QM INFO RECORD Quality info record ensures role of Quality in procurement. QM Info Record is the combination of material, vendor and plant. Create QM Info Record Transaction Code: - QI01 SAP MENU PATHSAP MENU>>>Logistics>>>Quality Management>>>Quality Planning>>>Logistics Master Data>>>Quality Info Record: Procurement>>>Create Run T Code QI01 to get the below shown screen

2. Enter Material 2. Enter Vendor 3. Enter Plant

Fill all the fields and then press enter to get the next screen


Click on Insp. Control tab after filling the required field

Enter Release until date i.e. till date the vendor will be allowed to supply

Click on Insp. Control tab to get the next screen.


Click on status tab after entering the required field

Enter Insp. Control AS Inspection Active, Independent of vendor Certification

Click on Status to get the next screen.


Select Status profile as ZQMP_001 from the F4 help pop up

After entering the data, click on save or press CTRL+S. Hence thus QM Info record has been created. For change and display, use transaction code QI02 and QI03 respectively.

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