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The buttery is a beautiful symbol for transformation.

First comes the caterpillar which lives close to the earth,
grounded and steady, inching forward. Next is the
cocoon, which is a time of self reection, preparing
for new growth. Finally like a buttery, you emerge
from darkness and y free to be all you can be.
Say to yourself: Like a butterfly, I emerge from darkness
and soar in my true nature.
Much of what you now enjoy you once desired and
feared would never arrive. All things come at the right
time and impatience wont bring them a moment
sooner. Focus your attention on what you do have,
allow gratitude to melt fear and anxious desire and let
your life grow organically.
Say to yourself: My life is unfolding in perfect order.
2 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Anxiety uses imagination to picture something you
dont want. Vision uses imagination to picture
something you DO want. Either way, you tend to get
what you focus on. So direct your powerful imagination
to a future that excites you, builds optimism and
creates positive change in the world. If you can see it,
you can be it.
Say to yourself: I see all that I can be, and my vision is
manifesting more every day.
Trust the part of yourself that is true and decent, and
you will attract true and decent people into your life.
Life offers no guarantees, but the risk of keeping your
heart closed pales in comparison to the joy of authentic
connections with loving people. When you trust
yourself and step out in trust, the universe meets you
halfway and opens doors to exciting, new relationships.
Say to yourself: I trust myself, and my judgment and allow
the wounds of betrayal to heal.
3 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Some of your most creative moments happen when
your mind is open, receptive and playful, freed from
stress and strain. Fun is not just fun. It also reminds you
to let go a little, stay present, take yourself lightly and
tap into the creative energy within and around you.
Unleash your inner cheeky monkey today.
Say to yourself: My inner child is ready to play, imagine
and create.
Love prevails despite overwhelming evidence thorns
have roses, tears have heart and trauma has strength.
There is wisdom in wounds, perspective in pain and
growth in grief. Tune into the pain, at least for a time.
It is preparing you for a life of depth and compassion.
Say to yourself: My heart is open. My will is strong. My
spirit is unbreakable.
4 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
When the ego feels threatened, it pulls out its three big
guns the need to control, the need for approval, and
the need to judge. Dont believe the hype. Its ring
blanks. Your spirit is bullet proof. You are safe to drop
your guard. Surrender to who you are and accept all
that is. You are enough and complete already.
Say to yourself: I love and accept myself for who I am.
Have the courage to stand out from the crowd. You
are a cool cat with much to offer and the crowd quietly
admires you for walking your own true path. Step up,
stand out and strut your special style even if it means
being a minority of one. There are things the world
needs that only you can give.
Say to yourself: I march to the beat of my own dream.
5 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Gratitude is an attitude with altitude. It puts you above
the challenges, worries and dramas of life, in order
to see the world from a new perspective. From this
altitude, the beauty and possibility takes your breath
away. Focus on what has you jumping out of your skin
today, reaching for the stars with excitement and joy.
Say to yourself: Gratitude takes me to new heights of
appreciation and wonder.
Love is everywhere when you look through heart
shaped eyes. It may arrive like a giant splash of
synchronicity, or it may radiate a steady stream of
optimism like ripples in a pond. Either way, it is there
waiting for you to receive it. Dive into the day like a
swan, headrst and open hearted, where love is all
there is.
Say to yourself: Love flows into my life and quenches my
thirst for acceptance.
6 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
No matter how old you are, you are still too young to
give up on your dreams. No matter how overwhelmed
you feel, you have all the strength you need to keep
going. Leap into your intentions, wrap yourself in them
like a silk cape, then use them like wings to soar higher
than you ever believed possible.
Say to yourself: I am a free spirit, leaping into my
wildest dreams.
Your life is full of incredible joy and abundance. You
just havent seen it all yet. Once you catch rst glimpse,
gratitude spreads like the rays of a rising sun, revealing
blessings that were there all along. Look at your life in
a new light today. Allow gratitude to light up your day
with appreciation.
Say to yourself: Gratitude is rising in me like a morning
sun, lighting up my many blessings.
7 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Are you in shape? Let love be your shape. Let love
shape your thoughts, love shape your life, love shape
the future. Shape your own destiny and let it be in the
shape of love. Let every decision you make take shape
around love given and received. Let love be the shape
of things to come.
Say to yourself: My life is heart shaped, joy filled and
love focused.
Be the best version of yourself even when life hurts,
people lash out, and fate seems cruel. Keep giving,
even when its hard to see the point. Trust that there is
a larger purpose at play, a moonlight that brightens the
darkest night. Your integrity will attract more support,
love, guidance and resources than you ever dreamed.
Say to yourself: I have deep confidence that persistent
integrity pays off in the long run.
8 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Not even a leaf stirs on the well rooted tree that is your
inner peace. It is a pond without the slightest ripple,
the silence in the midst of a busy, star lled sky. Many
things keep moving and changing around you, and yet
your inner spirit remains calm and grounded. Visualize
this inner calm every time change leaves you feeling
anxious or unsettled. You are peaceful at your core.
Say to yourself: I am at ease and peaceful even
while everything changes around me and soar in my
true nature.
Change is best understood with a little distance, like
standing back from an abstract painting or a 3D image.
There is an order to lifes confusing times if you look
with perspective. Stay alert as you climb the ups and
downs of change because new dimensions of your
character are emerging. Buckle in, stay present, know
who you are and get ready to grow.
Say to yourself: I see more of the fruits of change in my life
every day and soar in my true nature.
9 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Soften your gaze. You will be amazed at what you
notice. Unclench your sts. You will be amazed at what
you surrender. Open your mind. You will be amazed
at what you learn. Listen to your intuition. You will
be amazed at what you already know. Bring your
eyes, mind, hands and intuition into harmony. You will
be amazed at who you are.
Say to yourself: I am grateful for all my senses. I am wise
and resourceful and soar in my true nature.
At the center of any part of your life that feels broken,
there is an unbroken unity. You are a whole, complete
and perfect vessel, ready to pour your love and genius
out like ne wine. Self criticism and doubt are fears
illusions, aiming to divide you against yourself. Love
yourself back to wholeness. Your spirit is unbreakable.
Say to yourself: Abundance, wholeness and love and
flowing freely in my life.
1 0 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
May you have enough sun to stay optimistic through
storms and enough rain to appreciate the sun even
more when it shines. May you have enough joy to keep
your spirit light through days of loss and enough pain
so that you appreciate even the smallest of joys. May
optimism burst through grief like a sun through storm
Say to yourself: I choose to see all experiences with
Blessed are the exible, for you shall not be bent out of
shape. Happy are the exible in mind, for you remain
curious and open and let go of anxiety. Peaceful are
the exible in spirit, for you bend and stretch your
expectations to neatly t the contours of reality. You
have the strength to do back bends over stress.
Say to yourself: My body, mind and spirit are flexible and
resilient enough to handle anything.
1 1 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Hug everyone you meet, even if just in your mind.
Everyone has struggles and needs compassion, no
matter how they act. Wrap even the most difcult
person in a body blanket of love and acceptance. A
hug presses the message into another person, You are
not alone. The beautiful thing about a hug is that as
youre giving one, youre also getting one.
Say to yourself: If my arms were long enough I would hug
the whole world and soar in my true nature.
Live with optimism, smile like the sun, shine like the
moon, and let everyone you meet feel like theyre
walking on air. Help other people shine for the sheer
joy in their joy. The world is a more hopeful place just
because you are in it today. You are a piece of heaven
on earth.
Say to yourself: I make a difference and have fun doing it.
1 2 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Why try so hard to t in when you were born to stand
out? Be prepared to be a minority of one, swim against
the tide, break the mold, and make your unique mark
on the world. Its time to radiate your unique rays in
the rainbow of colors that light up the world. Be boldly
yourself. No one else brings your blend of genius.
Say to yourself: Im getting to know myself, and love
what I see.
Trust the part of yourself that is true and decent, and
you will attract true and decent people into your life.
Life offers no guarantees, but the risk of keeping your
heart closed pales in comparison to the joy of authentic
connections with loving people. When you trust
yourself and step out in trust, the universe meets you
halfway and opens doors to exciting, new relationships.
Say to yourself: I trust myself, and allow the wounds of
betrayal to heal and soar in my true nature.
1 3 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Optimism is the light at the beginning, middle and
end of the tunnel. No matter how dark it feels, stay
focused on the light which ickers with a reminder of
your strength and brilliance. When you stare at light,
you still see it when you look away. Its the same when
you focus on your inner light. It colors everything you
see with optimism. With optimism, its ALL light and no
tunnel, just open space and possibility.
Say to yourself: I have seen the light of my inner brilliance.
It guides and sustains me.
Lao Tzu said that a journey of a thousand miles begins
with a single step. Take one bold and decisive step
today. You dont have to solve all the problems of the
world or leap tall buildings in a single bound. Just take
one step in one area of your life, enjoy the feeling of
forward momentum and create a habit of action.
Say to yourself: I live skillfully and make progress
every day.
1 4 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Celebrate the joy of being you in this moment. Its
not where you will be tomorrow or next year, but it is
absolutely perfect for today. You and life are dancing
together cheek to cheek, sometimes even stepping on
each others toes. Thats okay. Just keep moving. As
you nd the peace of acceptance, the you that you are
becoming will unfold effortlessly like a rising sun.
Say to yourself: I am growing in all the right ways at the
right time and soar in my true nature.
1 5 WWW. S O U L S E E D S . C O M
Soulseeds is your premier personal growth center.
We are passionate about nurturing, cultivating and
growing the seed within so that all people can
nd their full human potential. Soulseeds offers
afrmations, resources and community to all people,
of all faiths and no faith, to nurture spiritual growth
and global healing. We believe in the power of positive
thought. Just one thought can lead you toward a
more loving and peaceful life. Grow from the inside
out, cultivating a more loving and beautiful garden,
beginning with yourself right here at www.soulseeds.
com. We invite you to join the growing number of
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