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er "#$ "%%"$ P&Chie' Insp. No(i P)checo$ Chie' o' the Provinci)( Dru* En'orce ent +roup o' the ,u()c)n Provinci)( O''ice receive- )n inte((i*ence report )!out the i((e*)( -ru* )ctivities in Sitio +u(o-$ ,)r)n*)y P)ntu!i*$ S)n R)')e($ ,u()c)n o' ) cert)in .F)e($. /ho ()ter turne- out to !e )ppe(()nt R)')e( St). M)ri). P)checo 'or e- ) survei(()nce te) to (oo0 'or ) po(ice )sset to ne*oti)te ) -ru* -e)( /ith )ppe(()nt. On Nove !er "1$ "%%"$ the survei(()nce te) reporte- to P)checo th)t ) con'i-enti)( )sset 'oun- !y the te) h)- )(re)-y ne*oti)te- ) -ru* -e)( 'or the purch)se o' P"%% /orth o' sh)!u 'ro )ppe(()nt )t the ()tter2s house in the evenin* o' Nove !er "1$ "%%". The survei(()nce te) then prep)re- 'or ) !uy3!ust oper)tion. At the )ppointe- ti e )n- p()ce$ PO4 5entur) )n- the con'i-enti)( in'or )nt procee-e- to )ppe(()nt2s house )n0noc0e- )t the -oor. Appe(()nt opene- the -oor )n- the con'i-enti)( in'or )nt intro-uce- to hi PO4 5entur) )s ) prospective !uyer. PO4 5entur) ()ter h)n-e- the t/o 6"7 )r0e- P4%%3!i((s to )ppe(()nt /ho$ in turn$ *)ve hi ) p()stic s)chet o' sh)!u. Thereupon$ PO4 5entur) sp)r0ehis ci*)rette (i*hter$ /hich /)s the pre3)rr)n*e- si*n)( to the other e !ers o' the !uy3!ust te) th)t the s)(e /)s consu )te-. Appe(()nt /)s )rreste- )n- the t/o )r0eP4%%3!i((s recovere- 'ro hi . A(so )rreste- on th)t occ)sion /)s one 8e-ric -e() Cru9 /ho /)s )((e*e-(y sni''in* sh)!u insi-e )ppe(()nt2s house )n- 'ro /ho -ru* p)r)phern)(i) /ere recovere-. :pon ()!or)tory e;) in)tion o' the ite !ou*ht 'ro )ppe(()nt$ the s) e yie(-e- positive 'or ethy() pet) ine hy-roch(ori-e or sh)!u /ei*hin* %.%<4 *r) . The -e'ense: Appe(()nt testi'ie- th)t on Nove !er "1$ "%%"$ he /)s )t ho e /ith ) cert)in 8e-ric -e() Cru9 /ho /)s )((e*e-(y o''erin* hi ) ce((phone 'or s)(e )n- co((ectin* p)y ent on ) (o)n o' his /i'e. At th)t ti e$ his /i'e /)s out o' the house to p)y their e(ectric !i((. =hi(e /)itin* 'or his /i'e$ he )n- 8e-ric /)tche- te(evision /hen they he)r- the !)r0in* o' -o*s. I e-i)te(y$ three 6>7 en su--en(y !)r*e- into the house )n- )nnounce- th)t they /ere po(ice o''icers /hi(e three other en st)ye- outsi-e the house. The po(ice o''icers 'ris0e- hi )n- 8e-ric )n- se)rche- the house. He trie- to co p()in )!out /h)t they /ere -oin* !ut the po(ice o''icers *ot )- )n- )ccuse- hi o' se((in* sh)!u. He rep(ie- th)t he -oes not 0no/ )nythin* )!out -ru*s. A'ter/)r-s$ he )n- 8e-ric /ere !rou*ht out o' the

house )n- h)n-cu''e-. =hi(e on !o)r- the po(ice vehic(e$ the po(ice o''icers /)rne- the to cooper)te. The po(ice o''icers )(so )s0e- hi to !e their )sset )n- /hen he s)ith)t he -oes not 0no/ )nythin* )!out it$ they to(- hi th)t they cou(- 'i(e ) c)se )*)inst hi . The po(ice o''icers )(so o''ere- to !uy -ru*s 'ro hi !ut he re'use- the o''er !ec)use he 0no/s th)t it is on(y ) p()n 'or the to )rrest hi . TC: *ui(ty !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t o' 5io()tion o' Section ?$ Artic(e II o' Repu!(ic Act 14@?. CA: )''ir e-. ISS:E: =ON the tri)( court erre- in convictin* hi !ec)use his *ui(t /)s not proven !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t. 6He )int)ins th)t insti*)tion$ not entr)p ent$ prece-e- his )rrest. He )(so ')u(ts the )ppe(()te court in not 'in-in* th)t the evi-ence )--uce- !y the prosecution /)s o!t)ine- in vio()tion o' Sections "4 )n- A@ o' Repu!(ic Act No. 14@?.7 HELD: No. In entr)p ent$ the entr)pper resorts to /)ys )n- e)ns to tr)p )n- c)pture ) ()/!re)0er /hi(e e;ecutin* his cri in)( p()n. In insti*)tion$ the insti*)tor pr)ctic)((y in-uces the /ou(-3!e3-e'en-)nt into co ittin* the o''ense$ )n- hi se(' !eco es ) co3princip)(. In entr)p ent$ the e)ns ori*in)tes 'ro the in- o' the cri in)(. The i-e) )n- the reso(ve to co it the cri e co e 'ro hi . In insti*)tion$ the ()/ en'orcer conceives the co ission o' the cri e )n- su**ests to the )ccuse- /ho )-opts the i-e) )n- c)rries it into e;ecution. The (e*)( e''ects o' entr)p ent -o not e;e pt the cri in)( 'ro (i)!i(ity. Insti*)tion -oes. Here$ the ere ')ct th)t the )*ree ent !et/een )ppe(()nt )n- the po(ice in'or )nt 'or the purch)se )n- s)(e o' i((e*)( -ru*s /)s )-e on Nove !er "#$ "%%"$ /hi(e the !uy3!ust oper)tion /)s con-ucte- on Nove !er "1$ "%%"$ is o' no o ent. =ithout ore$ it -oes not prove th)t s)iin'or )nt insti*)te- )ppe(()nt into co ittin* the o''ense. I' )t )(($ the e)r(ier )*ree ent )n- the su!seBuent )ctu)( s)(e su**est th)t )ppe(()nt /)s h)!itu)((y -e)(in* in i((e*)( -ru*s. It is ) !)sic ru(e in evi-ence th)t e)ch p)rty ust prove his )''ir )tive )((e*)tion. In this c)se$ )p)rt 'ro )ppe(()nt2s se('3servin* -ec()r)tion th)t he /)s insti*)te- into co ittin* the o''ense$ he -i- not present )ny other evi-ence to prove the s) e. Appe(()nt /ou(- ne;t )r*ue th)t the evi-ence )*)inst hi /)s o!t)ine- in vio()tion o' Sections "4 )n- A@ o' Repu!(ic

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Act No. 14@? !ec)use the !uy3!ust oper)tion /)s /ithout )ny invo(ve ent o' the Phi(ippine Dru* En'orce ent A*ency 6PDEA7.


Section A@ is si(ent )s to the conseBuences o' ')i(ure on the p)rt o' the ()/ en'orcers to tr)ns'er -ru*3re()te- c)ses to the PDEA$ in the s) e /)y th)t the I p(e entin* Ru(es )nRe*u()tions 6IRR7 o' Repu!(ic Act No. 14@? is )(so si(ent on the )tter. ,ut !y no stretch o' i )*in)tion cou(- this si(ence !e interprete- )s ) (e*is()tive intent to )0e )n )rrest /ithout the p)rticip)tion o' PDEA i((e*)( nor evi-ence o!t)ine- pursu)nt to such )n )rrest in)- issi!(e. As /e see it$ Section A@ is e;p(icit on(y in s)yin* th)t the PDEA sh)(( !e the .(e)- )*ency. in the investi*)tions )nprosecutions o' -ru*3re()te- c)ses. There'ore$ other ()/ en'orce ent !o-ies sti(( possess )uthority to per'or si i()r 'unctions )s the PDEA )s (on* )s i((e*)( -ru*s c)ses /i(( eventu)((y !e tr)ns'erre- to the ()tter. Appe(()nt ne;t )r*ues th)t the prosecution ')i(e- to sho/ co p(i)nce /ith Section "4 o' Repu!(ic Act No. 14@? re*)r-in* the custo-y )n- -isposition o' the evi-ence )*)inst hi . The ()/ e;cuses non3co p(i)nce un-er Custi'i)!(e *roun-s. Ho/ever$ /h)tever Custi'i)!(e *roun-s )y e;cuse the po(ice o''icers invo(ve- in the !uy3!ust oper)tion in this c)se 'ro co p(yin* /ith Section "4 /i(( re )in un0no/n$ !ec)use )ppe(()nt -i- not Buestion -urin* tri)( the s)'e0eepin* o' the ite s sei9e- 'ro hi . In-ee-$ the po(ice o''icers2 )((e*e- vio()tions o' Sections "4 )n- A@ o' Repu!(ic Act No. 14@? /ere not r)ise- !e'ore the tri)( court !ut /ere inste)- r)ise- 'or the 'irst ti e on )ppe)(. People v. Pringas APPEAL from a decision of the Court of Appeals CHICO3NA8ARIO$ D.: Facts: On "" Apr "%%>$ SP%< Tu)no$ O''icer3in3ch)r*e o' the St)tion Dru* En'orce ent :nit o' the P)si* City Po(ice -esi*n)te- P%4 Dose(ito Es )(()ner to )ct )s ) poseur !uyer in ) !uy3!ust oper)tion he)-e- !y SP%> Lene)( M)ti)s to !e con-ucte)*)inst A(vin Prin*)s in his house in ,ever(y Street$ ,utin*$ P)si* City. :pon reco*ni9in* the in'or )nt$ Prin*)s so(- to Es )(()ner ) p()stic s)chet cont)inin* ) /hite cryst)((ine su!st)nce ()ter 'oun- to !e sh)!u$ 'or Php4%%. A'ter con-uctin* the s)(e$ Es )n)((er then )rrestePrin*)s. He intro-uce- hi se(' )s ) po(ice o''icer )n- in'or e- the Prin*)s o' his vio()tion )n- his constitution)( ri*hts. M)ti)s recovere- the 'o((o/in* 'ro Prin*)s2 house:

> pcs. o' he)t3se)(e- tr)nsp)rent p()stic s)chets cont)inin* ) /hite cryst)((ine su!st)nce /hich turne- out to !e sh)!u 6Meth) phet) ine Hy-roch(ori-e7 o " -ispos)!(e (i*hters o @ strips o' )(u iniu 'oi( /ith tr)ces o' sh)!u 6Meth) phet) ine Hy-roch(ori-e7 o I provise- /)ter pipe use- )s ) tooter o I provise- !urner o =oo-en se)(er o S )(( scissors o 4< pcs. O' tr)nsp)rent p()stic sheets o 4 s )(( nee-(e on top o' ) s )(( ch)ir 6!)n*0ito7 Prin*)s2 De'ense: He -enie- the !uy3!ust oper)tions. He c()i e- th)t he )n- his co on3 ()/ /i'e +in) De)n /ere /ith their three chi(-ren in their House in ,ever(y Street$ ,utin*$ P)si* City /hen so e!o-y 6()ter i-enti'ie- )s Es )n)((er$ M)pu()$ Esp)res )n- F) i(i)r)7 0ic0e- the -oor o' their house$ entere- /ithout )ny se)rch /)rr)nt or )rrest /)rr)nt. The po(ice en su!seBuent(y con-ucte- ) se)rch in the house !ut they neither recovere- nor too0 )nythin*. The vio(ent entry /)s even /itnesse- !y > o' his nei*h!ours /ho /ere h)vin* ) -rin0in* session. Prin*)s /)s ch)r*e- /ith 5io()tion o' Sections ?$ 44 )n- 4" o' Repu!(ic Act No. 14@? Tri)( Court )n- Court o' Appe)(s 'oun- hi +:ILTE o

Issue: =ON Prin*)s is *ui(ty o' the o''enses ch)r*e-espite the in)- issi!i(ity o' the evi-ence h)vin* !een o!t)ine- in vio()tion o' Sections "4 )n- A@$ RA 14@? Ruling: YES Ratio: Pringas Arguments Po(ice o''icers vio()teSection A@ o' RA 14@? /hen the )((e*e- !uy3!ust oper)tion th)t (e- to the )pprehension o' the )ppe(()nt /)s con-ucte/ithout the invo(ve ent o' PDEA. SC It /)s very c(e)r in the Doint A''i-)vit o' Arrest o' Es )n)((er )n- M)ti)s th)t the !uy3!ust oper)tion su!Cect o' the c)se /)s not /ith the invo(ve ent o' the PDEA. Even )ssu in* ex gratia argumenti, there is nothin* in RA 14@? /hich even re ote(y in-ic)te the intention o' the (e*is()ture to )0e )n )rrest )-e /ithout p)rticip)tion o' PDEA i((e*)( )nevi-ence o!t)inepursu)nt to such )n )rrest in)- issi!(e. Moreover$ the ()/ -i- not -eprive the PNP o' the po/er to )0e )rrests. Non3co p(i)nce /i(( not

Non3co p(i)nce


Crim Rev - Drugs 1

Section "4 o' RA 14@? re*)r-in* the custo-y )n-isposition o' the con'isc)te-&sei9e-)n*erous -ru*s )np)r)phern)(i) /i(( )0e these ite s in)- issi!(e in evi-ence.

ren-er )n )ccuse-2s )rrest i((e*)( o' the ite s sei9e-&con'isc)te- 'ro hi in)- issi!(e. =h)t is o' ut ost i port)nce is the preserv)tion o' the inte*rity )n- the evi-enti)ry v)(ue o' the sei9e- ite s$ )s the s) e /ou(- !e uti(i9e- in the -eter in)tion o' the *ui(t or innocence o' the )ccuse-. The Court he(- th)t the inte*rity )n- the evi-enti)ry v)(ue o' the ite s invo(ve/ere s)'e*u)r-e- F they /ere i e-i)te(y )r0e'or proper i-enti'ic)tion )n'or/)r-e- to the Cri e L)!or)tory 'or e;) in)tion. The Custi'i)!(e *roun- 'or non3co p(i)nce /i(( re )in un0no/n !ec)use )ppe(()nt on(y r)ise- the issue !e'ore the CA$ /hich he c)nnot -o. O!Cection to evi-ence c)nnot !e r)ise- 'or the 'irst ti e on )ppe)(. Appe(()nt /)s ch)r*e- /ith vio()tions o' Sections ?$ 44 )n- 4" o' RA 14@?. The e(e ents necess)ry 'or the prosecution o' i((e*)( s)(e o' -ru*s )re: 647 I-entity o' the !uyer )n- se((er$ the o!Cect$ )nconsi-er)tionG )n6"7 De(ivery o' the thin* so(- )n- p)y ent thereo'. The evi-ence 'or the prosecution sho/ethe presence o' )(( these e(e ents. The e(e ents necess)ry 'or i((e*)( possession o' -)n*erous -ru*s )re: 647 Accuseis in possession o' )n ite or o!Cect /hich is i-enti'ie- to !e ) prohi!ite- -ru* 6"7 Such possession is not )uthori9e- !y ()/ 6>7 Accuse- 'ree(y )nconscious(y possesse- the s)-

Three o' his nei*h!ours /itnesse- the vio(ent entry )-e !y the po(ice en in his house.

-ru*. A(( these e(e ents h)ve !een est)!(ishe- in the c)se )t !)r. The con-uct o' ) !uy3!ust oper)tion is ) co on )n)ccepteo-e o' )pprehen-in* those invo(vein )n i((e*)( s)(e o' prohi!iteor re*u()te- -ru*s. The Court -i- not see )ny c(e)r )nconvincin* evi-ence th)t the e !ers o' the !uy3!ust te) /ere inspire!y )ny i proper otive$ so the presu ption o' re*u()rity in the per'or )nce o' o''ici)( -uties ust !e uphe(-. Prin*)s ')i(e- to present the or )ny o' the to prove his point.

APPEAL DENIED. Decisions o R!C an" CA AFFIR#ED IN !$!$. H+.R. NO. 4A%@1> : Septe !er <$ "%%1I %$NIFACI$ D$LERA Y !E&ADA' Petitioner' v. PE$PLE $F !(E P(ILIPPINES' Respon"ent. D$C!RINE: For ) prosecution 'or i((e*)( possession o' ) -)n*erous -ru* to prosper$ it ust !e sho/n th)t 6)7 the )ccuse- /)s in possession o' )n ite or )n o!Cect i-enti'ieto !e ) prohi!ite- or re*u()te- -ru*G 6!7 such possession is not )uthori9e- !y ()/G )n- 6c7 the )ccuse- /)s 'ree(y )nconscious(y )/)re o' !ein* in possession o' the -ru*. Prosecutions 'or i((e*)( possession o' prohi!ite- -ru*s necessit)te th)t the e(e ent)( )ct o' possession o' ) prohi!ite- su!st)nce !e est)!(ishe- /ith or)( cert)inty$ to*ether /ith the ')ct th)t the s) e is not )uthori9e- !y ()/. The -)n*erous "rug itsel constitutes t)e ver* corpus "elicti o t)e o ense )n- the ')ct o' its e;istence is vit)( to ) Cu-* ent o' conviction. Essenti)( there'ore in these c)ses is th)t the i-entity o' the prohi!ite- -ru* !e est)!(ishe!eyon- -ou!t. ,e th)t )s it )y$ the ere ')ct o' un)uthori9e- possession /i(( not su''ice to cre)te in ) re)son)!(e in- the or)( cert)inty reBuire- to sust)in ) 'in-in* o' *ui(t. More th)n Cust the ')ct o' possession$ the ')ct th)t the su!st)nce i((e*)((y possesse- in the 'irst p()ce is the s) e su!st)nce o''ere- in court )s e;hi!it ust )(so !e est)!(ishe- /ith the s) e un/)verin* e;)ctitu-e )s th)t reBuisite to )0e ) 'in-in* o' *ui(t. !)e c)ain o custo"* re+uirement per orms t)is unction in t)at it ensures t)at unnecessar* "ou,ts concerning t)e i"entit* o t)e evi"ence are remove". 6M)((i((in v. Peop(e7 FAC!S: CARPIO MORALES, J !

Crim Rev - Drugs 1

"hat on or a#out the $%th da& of August, '(() in *ue+on Cit&, Philippines, the said accused not #eing authori+ed #& la, to possess or use an& dangerous drug, did then and there, ,ilfull&, unla,full& and -no,ingl& ha.e in /his0 possession and control, 1( '(2 grams of ,hite cr&stalline su#stance containing Meth&lamphetamine /sic0 h&drochloride a dangerous drug 4. Au*ust 4<$ "%%>$ >:>% p $ PO" L)!on$ PO4 PeJ)(os) )n- PO" ABuino$ receive- ) report o' -ru* tr)''ic0in* in the vicinity o' ,ico( Street$ P)y)t)sG thus$ they con-ucte- ) survei(()nce o' the )re). PO" L)!on s)/ petitioner$ )t ) -ist)nce o' # $ stan"ing near an alle* a"-oining %icol Street' a transparent plastic sac)et containing /)ite cr*stalline su,stance . PO" L)!on$ /ho /)s in civi(i)n c(othes$ thus )(i*hte'ro the vehic(e$ 'o((o/e- !y PO4 Pen)(os)$ )n)ppro)che- petitioner )n- intro-uce- hi se(' )s ) po(ice )n. PO" L)!on )s0e- petitioner /h)t he /)s ho(-in*$ !ut the ()tter$ /ho )ppe)re- .n)tu()()$. -i- not rep(y. Suspectin* th)t the /hite cryst)((ine su!st)nce insi-e the p()stic s)chet /)s sh)!u$ PO" L)!on con'isc)tethe s) e )n- h)n-cu''e- petitioner. PO4 PeJ)(os) 'ris0e- the petitioner )n- recovere- ) he)t3se)(ep()stic s)chet )(so cont)inin* /hite cryst)((ine su!st)nce 'ro the ri*ht 'ront poc0et o' petitionerKs p)nts. After informing him of his constitutional rights, petitioner ,as #rought to the police station for further in.estigation PO" L)!on )n- PO4 PeJ)(os) )r0e- the p()stic s)chets /ith their respective initi)(s .RL. )n- .AP. !e'ore turnin* the over to the c)se investi*)tor. The t/o p()stic s)chets inc(u-in* their contents /ere !rou*ht to the PNP Cri e L)!G e;) in)tion sho/eth)t e)ch o' the s)chets cont)ine- %.4% *r) s o' sh)!u. Petitioner -enie- the ch)r*e. He c()i e- th)t he /)s st)n-in* in 'ront o' his house /)itin* 'or ) ri-e to the pu!(ic )r0et /hen > en in civi(i)n c(othes )(i*hte'ro ) /hite .FL. )n- 'orce- hi to !o)r- the vehic(e. He /)s then !rou*ht to the po(ice st)tion /here he /)s )s0e- to i-enti'y ) -ru* pusher in their p()ce. =hen he rep(ie- th)t he -i- not 0no/ )ny$ they to(- hi th)t .tutu(uy)n ni() )0o.. He /)s then -et)ine- )n- /)s su!Cecte- to inBuest procee-in*s )'ter < -)ys. RTC convicte- petitioner )n- sentence- hi .to su''er ) C)i( ter o' t/e(ve ye)rs )n- one -)y )s ini u )nthirteen ye)rs )s );i u )n- to p)y ) 'ine o' P>%%$%%%.. The court 'in-s it Buite i pro!)!(e th)t po(ice o''icers in !ro)- -)y(i*ht /ou(- Cust stop )nt)0e )/)y /ith the ) person /ho is -oin* nothin* !ut st)n-in* on the street in 'ront o' his house. CA )''ir e- petitionerKs conviction. In !rushin* )si-e )ppe(()ntKs Buestionin* o' his /)rr)nt(ess )rrest$ the )ppe(()te court he(- th)t he h)- /)ive- the s) e /hen

he su! itte- hi se(' to the Curis-iction o' the tri)( court. The presu ption th)t the po(ice o''icers per'or e- their -uties in ) re*u()r )nner$ there'ore$ st)n-s. #. Petitioner conten-s$ ) on* others$ th)t the prosecution aile" to esta,lis) t)e c)ain o custo"* o t)e sei.e" illegal "rugs to thus c)st serious -ou!t on /hether the speci ens presente- in court /ere the ones )((e*e-(y con'isc)te- 'ro hi .

ISS0E: H)s the prosecution !een )!(e to est)!(ish the ch)in o' custo-y o' the con'isc)te- -ru*s1 N$. (ELD: The petition is eritorious.

The st)n-)r- oper)tin* proce-ure on the sei9ure )ncusto-y o' -)n*erous -ru*s is 'oun- in Section 23' Article II o R.A. No. 4356 /hich provi-es: 47 The apprehending team h)vin* initi)( custo-y )n- contro( o' the -ru*s sh)(($ immediatel& after sei+ure )n- con'isc)tion$ physic)((y inventory )nphoto*r)ph the s) e in the presence o t)e accuse" or the person&s 'ro /ho such ite s /ere con'isc)te- )n-&or sei9e-$ or his&her represent)tive or counse($ ) represent)tive 'ro the e-i) )n- the DOD$ )n- )ny e(ecte- pu!(ic o''ici)( /ho sh)(( !e reBuire- to si*n the copies o' the inventory )n- !e *iven ) copy thereo'. Section 237a8 o Article II o t)e IRR o R.A. No. 4356 ore speci'ic)((y )n-)tes th)t: 6)7 The )pprehen-in* o''icer&te) h)vin* initi)( custo-y )n- contro( o' the -ru*s sh)(($ i e-i)te(y )'ter sei9ure )n- con'isc)tion$ physic)((y inventory )n- photo*r)ph the s) e in the presence o' the )ccuse- or the person&s 'ro /ho such ite s /ere con'isc)te- )n-&or sei9e-$ or his&her represent)tive or counse($ ) represent)tive 'ro the e-i) )n- the Dep)rt ent o' Dustice 6DOD7$ )n)ny e(ecte- pu!(ic o''ici)( /ho sh)(( !e reBuire- to si*n the copies o' the inventory )n- !e *iven ) copy thereo'G PRO5IDED$ th)t t)e p)*sical inventor* an" p)otograp) s)all ,e con"ucte" at t)e place /)ere t)e searc) /arrant is serve" G or )t the ne)rest po(ice st)tion or )t the ne)rest o''ice o' the )pprehen-in* o''icer&te) $ /hichever is pr)ctic)!(e$ in c)se o' /)rr)nt(ess sei9uresG PRO5IDED$ 'urther th)t non9compliance /ith these reBuire ents un-er Custi'i)!(e *roun-s$ )s (on* )s the inte*rity )n- the evi-enti)ry v)(ue o' the sei9e- ite s )re proper(y preserve- !y the )pprehen-in* o''icer&te) $ sh)(( not ren-er voi)n- inv)(i- such sei9ures o' )n- custo-y over s)iite s. Thus$ /ith respect to the )r0in* o' -)n*erous -ru* !y the )pprehen-in* o''icer or te) in c)se o' /)rr)nt(ess sei9ures such )s in this c)se$ it ust !e -one )t the ne)rest po(ice






Crim Rev - Drugs 1

st)tion or )t the ne)rest o''ice o' the )pprehen-in* o''icer&te) $ /hichever is pr)ctic)!(e. This is in (ine /ith the .ch)in o' custo-y. ru(e. =h)t Section "4 o' R.A. No. 14@? )n- its i p(e entin* ru(e -o not e;press(y speci'y is the MATTER OF .MARMIN+. o' the sei9e- ite s in /)rr)nt(ess sei9ures to ensure th)t the evi-ence sei9e- upon )pprehension is the s) e evi-ence su!Cecte- to inventory )n- photo*r)phy /hen these )ctivities )re un-ert)0en )t the po(ice st)tion r)ther th)n )t the p()ce o' )rrest. Consistency /ith the .ch)in o' custo-y. ru(e reBuires th)t t)e :mar;ing: o' the sei9e- ite s 3 to tru(y ensure th)t they )re the s) e ite s th)t enter the ch)in )n- )re eventu)((y the ones o''ere- in evi-ence 3 shou(- !e -one 647 in the presence o' the )pprehen-e- vio()tor 6"7 imme"iatel* upon con'isc)tion. This step initi)tes the process o' protectin* innocent persons 'ro -u!ious )n- concocte- se)rches$ )n- o' protectin* )s /e(( the )pprehen-in* o''icers 'ro h)r)ss ent suits !)seon p()ntin* o' evi-ence un-er Section "1 )n- on )((e*)tions o' ro!!ery or the't. For *re)ter speci'icity$ .mar;ing: means t)e placing ,* t)e appre)en"ing o icer or t)e poseur9,u*er o )is<)er initials an" signature on t)e item<s sei.e". I' the physic)( inventory )n- photo*r)ph )re )-e )t the ne)rest po(ice st)tion or o''ice )s )((o/e- !y the ru(es$ the inventory )nphoto*r)phy o' the sei9e- ite s ust !e )-e in )ccor-)nce /ith Sec. " o' ,o)r- Reso(ution No. 4$ Series o' "%%"$ !ut in every c)se$ t)e appre)en"e" violator or counsel must ,e present. There)'ter$ the sei9e- ite s sh)(( !e p()ce- in )n enve(ope or )n evi-ence !)* :NLESS the type )n- Bu)ntity o' the sei9e- ite s reBuire ) -i''erent type o' h)n-(in* )n-&or cont)iner. The evi-ence !)* or cont)iner sh)(( )ccor-in*(y !e si*ne- !y the h)n-(in* o''icer )nturne- over to the ne;t o''icer in the ch)in o' custo-y. R)n*e- )*)inst these evi-enti)ry nor s$ the prosecutionKs terse tre)t ent o' its e;)ctin* -uty to prove !eyonre)son)!(e -ou!t the *ui(t o' )ccuse-3petitioner 'oun-ers. Consi-er PO4 PeJ)(os)Ks 'o((o/in* testi ony: Here$ there is no sho/in* ho/ the '(o/ o' the custo-y o' the -ru*s /ent 'ro the ti e o' the )rrest o' petitioner )n)((e*e- con'isc)tion o' the s)chets up to the turnover thereo' )t the po(ice st)tion to the investi*)tor )ccor-in* to PO" Pen)(os)$ to the -es0 o''icer )ccor-in* to PO" L)!on. Neither is there ) sho/in* th)t the ite s /ere inventorie- or photo*r)phe- )n- )r0e- in the presence o' petitioner in )ccor-)nce /ith st)tutory reBuire ents. In ')ct$ /here in the po(ice st)tion )n- )t /h)t st)*e o' the investi*)tion /)s the suppose)r0in* o' evi-ence -one /ere not even in-ic)te-. An- there is no in-ic)tion /hether the investi*)tor )n- the -es0 o''icer /ere one )n- the s) e person$ )n- /h)t steps /ere un-ert)0en to insure the inte*rity o' the evi-ence. Not)!(y$ the recor- sho/s th)t it /)s PO4 PeJ)(os) /ho -e(ivere- the ite s to the cri e ()!or)tory. (o/ t)e* /ere turne" over to )im ,* t)e investigator or "es; o icer'

t)e prosecution aile" to give even a simple in"ication t)ereo . There is thus ) re)son)!(e (i0e(ihoo- o' su!stitution )(on* the ch)in in th)t the t/o p()stic s)chets th)t teste- positive 'or sh)!u /ere -i''erent 'ro the ite s )((e*e-(y sei9e'ro petitioner. The Court h)s (on* consi-ere- such possi!i(ity o' su!stitution )s ')t)( 'or the prosecution.=orse$ the t/o )r0e- p()stic s)chets /ere not even presente-$ hence$ not i-enti'ie- in open court !y the po(ice o''icers3 /itnesses )n- there is no e;p()n)tion e;t)nt in the recor- o' /h)t h)ppene- to the )'ter their ()!or)tory e;) in)tion. RE STIP:LATION: =h)t /)s stipu()te- /)s th)t$ ) on* other thin*s$ . t)e items allege"l* con iscate": /ere su,mitte" or la,orator* e=amination.The Che istry Report on(y con'ir e- the contents o' t/o p()stic s)chets. =hether they /ere the s) e p)c0ets )((e*e-(y con'isc)te- 'ro petitioner$ the prosecution ')i(e- to est)!(ish )s there /)s yet )*)in )n une;p()ine- !re)0 in the ch)in. =hi(e there is no nee- to present )(( persons /ho c) e into cont)ct /ith the sei9e- -ru*s to testi'y in court$ t)e prosecution still )as to convincingl* esta,lis) t)at t)e c)ain o custo"* remaine" un,ro;en t)roug)out' an" t)e sei.e" items speci icall* i"enti ie" . This the prosecution ')i(e- to -isch)r*e. The )ppe(()te courtKs re(i)nce on the presu ption o' re*u()rity in the per'or )nce o' o''ici)( 'unctions /ou(- not su''ice to upho(- petitionerKs conviction. Once ch)((en*e!y evi-ence$ such )s in this c)se$ the presu ption o' re*u()rity c)nnot !e re*)r-e- )s !in-in* truth )n- c)nnot prev)i( over the presu ption o' innocence o' petitioner3 )ccuse-. A(thou*h PETITIONERKS DEFENSE IS DENIAL /hich$ st)n-in* )(one$ is inherent(y /e)0$ the Court h)s repe)te-(y stresse- th)t the conviction o' )n )ccuse- ust rest on the stren*th o' the prosecutionKs evi-ence )n- not on the /e)0ness o' his -e'ense. E;horte- to !e e;tr) vi*i()nt in tryin* -ru*3re()te- c)ses$ courts shou(- *ive ore th)n (ip service to the )n-)te o' )- inisterin* Custice !y un-ert)0in* ) serious )nco prehensive consi-er)tion o' the pros )n- cons o' the evi-ence o''ere- !y !oth the prosecution )n- -e'ense in -eter inin* the erits o' ) c)se. =HEREFORE$ 'or ')i(ure o' the prosecution to prove his *ui(t !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t$ petitioner$ ,ONIFACIO T. DOLERA$ is ACN:ITTED o' the cri e o' i((e*)( possession o' -)n*erous -ru*s. People vs. >utierre. CARPI$ #$RALES' J.:

Crim Rev - Drugs 1

F)cts: Ass)i(e- in the present )ppe)( is the Apri( >%$ "%%# Decision o' the Court o' Appe)(s in CA3+.R. CR3HC No. %4114 )''ir in* th)t o' ,r)nch "@# o' the Re*ion)( Tri)( Court o' P)si* City in Cri in)( C)se No. 4"?4<3D 'in-in* Nico()s +utierre9 y Licu)n)n )(i)s Nic0 6)ppe(()nt7 *ui(ty !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t o' vio()tion o' Section ?$ Artic(e II o' Repu!(ic Act 6R.A.7 No. 14@?$ other/ise 0no/n )s the Co prehensive D)n*erous Dru*s Act o' "%%". Appe(()nt /)s ch)r*e- /ith i((e*)( s)(e o' %.%? *r) o' sha#u )n- i((e*)( possessiono'p)r)phern)(i) O'it or inten-e- 'or s o0in* . . . or intro-ucin* )ny -)n*erous -ru* into the !o-yP !y t/o sep)r)te In'or )tions$ !oth -)teDune 41$ "%%> On )rr)i*n ent$ )ppe(()nt p(e)-e- not *ui(ty.H>I The tri)( court$ )'ter tri)($ )cBuitte- )ppe(()nt o' the ch)r*e su!Cect o' the secon- In'or )tion 6i((e*)( possession o' p)r)phern)(i)7$ hence$ this Decision sh)(( -/e(( on(y on the revie/ o' )ppe(()nt2s conviction o' se((in* sha#u. Fro the testi onies o' three e !ers o' the te) /hich con-ucte- ) !uy3!ust tr)ns)ction th)t sp)/ne- the 'i(in* o' the In'or )tions F PO4 Mich)e( Esp)res 6PO4 Esp)res7$H<I SPO> Lene)(M)ti)s 6SPO> M)ti)s7$H?I )nPO4 A(()n M)pu() 6PO4 M)pu()7$H@I the 'o((o/in* version o' the prosecution is *)there-: At )roun- ?:%% p. . on Dune 4@$ "%%>$ /hi(e on -uty )t the Dru* En'orce ent :nit o' the P)si* City Po(ice Force$ SPO> M)ti)s receive- in'or )tion vi) te(ephone 'ro ) concerne- citi9en th)t ) cert)in )(i)s ONic0$P ()ter i-enti'ie- to !e )ppe(()nt$ /)s pe--(in* sha#u )(on* S)n A*ustin Street$ ,)r)n*)y P)()ti/$ P)si* City. On the instructions o' SPO> M)ti)s$ PO4 Esp)res )n- PO4 M)pu() procee-e- to$ )n- survei((e-$ the )re) )n- con'ir e- the in'or )tion. SPO> M)ti)s thus 'or e- ) !uy3!ust te) $ /hich he he)-e-$ /ith PO4 Esp)res )s poseur3!uyer$ )n- PO4 M)pu() )n- PO4 Mich)e( F) i()r) 6PO4 F) i()r)7 )s e !ers. Five )r0e- t/enty3peso !i((s /ere *iven to PO4 Esp)res )s !uy3!ust oney. The te) there)'ter /ent to the t)r*et )re) )n- et /ith ) con'i-enti)( )sset /ho /)s to )ssist the in the oper)tion. =hi(e the other e !ers o' the te) /ere str)te*ic)((y positione-$ the )sset$ )cco p)nie- !y PO4 Esp)res$ )ppro)che- )ppe(()nt )n- )s0e- hi OPare, meron-a#adi&an3 4i#ili -ami. 4i#ilia-ongpiso P App)rent(y not h)vin* he)r- the entire utter)nces$ )ppe(()nt rep(ie-$ 5Mag-ano#a#i#ilhinmo3P 6Ho/ uch )re you !uyin*Q7$ to /hich PO4 Esp)res rep(ie- OPisolang, etoperaP

)t the s) e ti e ten-erin* the !uy3!ust oney /hich )ppe(()nt too0 )n- p()ce- in his ri*ht 'ront poc0et. Appe(()nt then -re/ 'ro his p)nts2 !)c0 poc0et ) !()c0 p()stic c)se$ opene- it )n- too0 one p()stic s)chet cont)inin* ) /hite cryst)((ine su!st)nce /hich he h)n-e- to PO4 Esp)res. PO4 Esp)res thereupon e;ecute- the pre3)rr)n*esi*n)($ )pprehen-e- )ppe(()nt$ )n- con'isc)te- the !()c0 p()stic c)se /hich )ppe(()nt /)s ho(-in*. The c)se yie(-e) p)ir o' scissors$ )n unse)(e- p()stic s)chet cont)inin* tr)ces o' /hite cryst)((ine su!st)nce$ )n- 'ive e pty p()stic s)chets. Hee-in* the pre3)rr)n*e- si*n)($ the other e !ers o' the te) c(ose- in to )ssist PO4 Esp)res /ho then )r0e- )(( the sei9e- ite s inc(u-in* the p()stic s)chet cont)inin* the su!st)nce su!Cect o' the s)(e. Appe(()nt /)s !rou*ht to the po(ice st)tion /herein the con'isc)te- ite s /ere surren-ere- to )n investi*)tor. Appe(()nt$ 'or his p)rt$ presente- the 'o((o/in* version:H#I At )!out #:>% p. . on Dune 4@$ "%%>$ /hi(e he /)s )t ho e h)vin* -inner /ith his /i'e Dosephine$ -)u*hter Denni'er )n- her hus!)n-$ so eone 0ic0e- open the -oor o' their house. Four )r een in civi(i)n c(othes i e-i)te(y entere-$ h)n-cu''e- )n- 'ris0e- hi $ )ncon'isc)te- his /)((et. On )s0in* the /h)t his o''ense /)s$ he /)s si p(y to(- to e;p()in )t the po(ice st)tion. Denni'er$ too$ )s0e- the )r e- en /h)t the o''ense o' )ppe(()nt /)s$ !ut she receive- no )ns/er. He /)s there)'ter !rou*ht to the P)ri)nci((o po(ice precinct /here ) po(ice o''icer sho/e- hi ) p()stic s)chet )n- thre)tene- th)t ) c)se /ou(- !e 'i(e- )*)inst hi un(ess he p)i- P"%$%%%. He ')i(e- to p)y$ ho/ever$ hence$ he /)s -et)ine- )n- su!seBuent(y ch)r*e-. Appe(()nt2s /i'e Dosephine )n- -)u*hter Denni'er corro!or)te- )ppe(()nt2s t)(e on the circu st)nces surroun-in* his )rrest.HAI Appe(()nt2s nei*h!or Dose -e +u9 )n$ /ho )(so too0 the /itness st)n-$ st)te- th)t )t )!out #:<? p. . on Dune 4@$ "%%>$ he s)/ )ppe(()nt co e out o' his house h)n-cu''e)n- escorte- !y 'our persons /ho )(( !o)r-e- )n o/ner3type Ceep.H1I

In convictin* )ppe(()nt o' i((e*)( s)(e o' sha#u$ the tri)( court 'oun- th)t the prosecution su''icient(y est)!(ishe-

Crim Rev - Drugs 1

,y Decision o' D)nu)ry 4A$ "%%@$H4%I the tri)( court convicte- )ppe(()nt o' i((e*)( s)(e o' sha#u As re'(ectee)r(ier$ )ppe(()nt /)s e;oner)te- o' the ch)r*e o' i((e*)( possession o' p)r)phern)(i).

the corpus delicticonsistin* o' the !uy3!ust oney p)i- to )ppe(()nt )n- the sha#u purch)se- 'ro hi . It )--e- th)t )ppe(()nt2s -e'ense o' 'r) e3up /)s not supporte- !y c(e)r )n- convincin* evi-ence.

On )ppe)($ the Court o' Appe)(s )''ir e- )ppe(()nt2s conviction !y Decision o' Apri( >%$ "%%#$H44I hence$ the present )ppe)(.

Appe(()nt )r*ues th)t he /)s ) victi o' )n inv)(i/)rr)nt(ess se)rch )n- )rrest. He )int)ins th)t he /)s ere(y h)vin* -inner /ith his ') i(y /hen 'our uni-enti'ie)r een !)r*e- into their house. He cites )n inconsistency in the testi onies o' PO4 Esp)res )n- SPO> M)ti)s th)t he c()i s -estroys their cre-i!i(ity$ .i+: PO4 Esp)res -ec()re- th)t the pre3)rr)n*e- si*n)( )t the !uy3!ust oper)tion /)s th)t he /ou(- (i*ht ) ci*)rette$ /hi(e SPO> M)ti)s st)te- th)t PO4 Esp)res /)s to '(ic0 the s)chet cont)inin* sh)!u.H4"I Issue: 4. =ON the corpus -e(icti o' the cri e /)s est)!(ishe- !y the prosecution

movements an" custo"* o' sei9e-ru*s or contro((e- che ic)(s or p()nts source o' -)n*erous -ru*s or ()!or)tory eBuip ent )t e)ch st)*e$ 'ro the ti e o' sei9ure&con'isc)tion to receipt in the 'orensic ()!or)tory to s)'e0eepin* to present)tion in court )n-estruction. Such recoro' ove ents )n- custo-y o' the sei9e- ite sh)(( inc(u-e the i-entity )n- si*n)ture o' the person /ho he(- te por)ry custo-y o' the sei9e- ite $ the -)tes )n- ti es /hen such tr)ns'ers o' custo-y /ere )-e in the course o' s)'e0eepin* )n- use in court )s evi-ence$ )nthe 'in)( -isposition. 6E ph)sis )n- un-erscorin* supp(ie-7

In Malillin . People,H"%I the Court e;p()ine- ho/ it e;pects the ch)in o' custo-y or O ove entP o' the sei9eevi-ence to !e )int)ine-:

He(-: :n-er Section ?$ Artic(e II o' R.A. No. 14@?$H4<I the e(e ents necess)ry in ) prosecution 'or the i((e*)( s)(e o' sha#u )re: the i-entity o' the !uyer )n- the se((erG the o!Cect )n- the consi-er)tionG )n- the -e(ivery o' the thin* so(- )nthe p)y ent there'or. =h)t is )teri)( is proo' th)t the tr)ns)ction or s)(e tr)nspire-$ coup(e- /ith the present)tion in court o' the corpus delicti R the !o-y or su!st)nce o' the cri e /hich est)!(ishes the ')ct th)t ) cri e h)s )ctu)((y !een co itte-.H4?I In prosecutions invo(vin* n)rcotics$ the n)rcotic su!st)nce itse(' constitutes the corpus delicti o' the o''ense )n- its e;istence is vit)( to sust)in ) Cu-* ent o' conviction !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t.H4@I Proo' !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t -e )n-s th)t un/)verin* e;)ctitu-e !e o!serve- in est)!(ishin* the corpus delicti H4#I The Och)in o' custo-yP ru(e per'or s this 'unction )s it ensures th)t unnecess)ry -ou!ts concernin* the i-entity o' the evi-ence )re re ove-. H4AI Section 4 6!7 o' the D)n*erous Dru*s ,o)rRe*u()tion No. 4$ Series o' "%%"H41I /hich i p(e ents R.A. No. 14@? -e'ines Och)in o' custo-yP )s 'o((o/s: !. OCh)in o' Custo-yP e)ns the "ul* recor"e" aut)ori.e"

Crim Rev - Drugs 1

As ) etho- o' )uthentic)tin* evi-ence$ the ch)in o' custo-y ru(e reBuires th)t the )- ission o' )n e;hi!it !e prece-e!y evi-ence su''icient to support ) 'in-in* th)t the )tter in Buestion is /h)t the proponent c()i s it to !e. It /ou(- inc(u-e testi ony )!out every (in0 in the ch)in$ 'ro the o ent the ite /)s pic0e- up to the ti e it is o''ere- into evi-ence$ in such ) /)y th)t every person /ho touche- the e;hi!it /ou(- -escri!e ho/ )n- 'ro /ho it /)s receive-$ /here it /)s )n- /h)t h)ppene- to it /hi(e in the /itness2 possession$ the con-ition in /hich it /)s receive- )n- the con-ition in /hich it /)s -e(ivere- to the ne;t (in0 in the ch)in. These /itnesses /ou(- then -escri!e the prec)utions t)0en to ensure th)t there h)- !een no ch)n*e in the con-ition o' the ite )n- no opportunity 'or so eone not in the ch)in to h)ve possession o' the s) e.

=hi(e testi ony )!out ) per'ect ch)in is not )(/)ys the st)n-)r- !ec)use it is )( ost )(/)ys i possi!(e to o!t)in$ )n un!ro0en ch)in o' custo-y !eco es in-ispens)!(e )n- essenti)( /hen the ite o' re)( evi-ence is not -istinctive )n- is not re)((y i-enti'i)!(e$ or /hen its con-ition )t the ti e o' testin* or tri)( is critic)($ or /hen ) /itness h)s ')i(e- to o!serve its uniBueness. The s) e st)n-)r- (i0e/ise o!t)ins in c)se the evi-ence is suscepti!(e to )(ter)tion$ t) perin*$ cont) in)tion )n- even su!stitution )n- e;ch)n*e. In other /or-s$ the e;hi!itKs (eve( o' suscepti!i(ity to 'un*i!i(ity$ )(ter)tion or t) perin* R /ithout re*)r- to /hether the s) e is )-vertent or other/ise not R -ict)tes the (eve( o' strictness in the )pp(ic)tion o' the ch)in o' custo-y ru(e. 6:n-erscorin* supp(ie-7

)ppe(()nt /)s the source o' the speci en /ou(- !e to !inhi to )n uncere onious /ith-r)/)( o' his p(e) o' not *ui(ty 6 ) re)-in* not supporte- !y the recor-s /hich cre)tes ) -)n*erous prece-ent

The n)**in* Buestion$ there'ore$ re )ins /hether the o!Cect evi-ence su!Cecte- to ()!or)tory e;) in)tion )npresente- in court is thes) e o!Cect )((e*e-(y sei9e- 'ro )ppe(()nt.

=hi(e )((e*e- poseur3!uyer PO4 Esp)res testi'ie- on the )r0in* )n- eventu)( turnover o' the )((e*e-(y sei9es)chet o' su!st)nce to the investi*)tor$ no e;p()n)tion /)s *iven re*)r-in* its custo-y in the interi F 'ro the ti e it /)s turne- over to the investi*)tor to its turnover 'or ()!or)tory e;) in)tion. Such /)nt o' e;p()n)tion !)res ) si*ni'ic)nt *)p in the ch)in o' custo-y o' the )((e*e-(y sei9e- ite . H)vin* ere(y su!st)nti)((y echoe- the testi ony o' PO4 Esp)res$ SPO> M)ti)s )n- PO4 M)pu() -i- not 'i(( in this *)p.

To interpret the stipu()tions )s )n )- ission th)t

The Court reiter)tes th)t on )ccount o' the !ui(t3in -)n*er o' )!use th)t ) !uy3!ust oper)tion c)rries$ it is *overne- !y speci'ic proce-ures on the sei9ure )n- custo-y o' -ru*s$ sep)r)te(y 'ro the *ener)( ()/ proce-ures *e)reto ensure th)t the ri*hts o' persons un-er cri in)(

Crim Rev - Drugs 1

!)e Court in"s t)at t)e evi"ence or t)e prosecution aile" to esta,lis) t)e c)ain o custo"* o t)e allege"l* sei.e" shabu. Th)t the -e'ense stipu()te- on these )tters$ .i+: th)t the speci en e;ists$ th)t ) reBuest h)s !een )-e !y the )rrestin* o''icers 'or e;) in)tion thereo'$ th)t ) 'orensic che ist e;) ine- it$ )n- th)t it teste- positive 'or ethy() phet) ine hy-roch(ori-e h)s no !e)rin* on the Buestion o' ch)in o' custo-y. These stipu()tions$ /hich ere(y )''ir the e;istence o' the speci en$ )n- the reBuest 'or ()!or)tory e;) in)tion )nthe resu(ts thereo'$ /ere entere- into -urin* pre3tri)( on(y in or-er to -ispense /ith the testi ony o' the 'orensic che ist )n- )!!revi)te the procee-in*s. Th)t such is the intention o' the p)rties is c(e)r 'ro the )--ition)( stipu()tions th)t the 'orensic che ist h)- no person)( 0no/(e-*e )s to the source o' the )((e*e- speci enG )n- th)t the -e'ense /)s reservin* its ri*ht to o!Cect to the pieces o' evi-ence )r0e!y the prosecution.H"4I C(e)r(y$ the stipu()tions -o not cover the )nner the speci en /)s h)n-(e- !e'ore it c) e to the possession o' the 'orensic che ist )n- )'ter it (e't her possession.

An- /h)t h)ppene- to the )((e*e-(y sei9e- sha#u !et/een the turnover !y the che ist to the investi*)tor )nits present)tion in court$ the recor-s -o not sho/.

The Court )-e it c(e)r in Malillin th)t the ch)in o' custo-y ru(e reBuires th)t there !e testi ony )!out every (in0 in the ch)in$ 'ro the o ent the o!Cect sei9e- /)s pic0e- up to the ti e it is o''ere- in evi-ence$ in such ) /)y th)t every person /ho touche- it /ou(- -escri!e ho/ )n'ro /ho it /)s receive-$ /here it /)s )n- /h)t h)ppene- to it /hi(e in the /itness2 possession$ the con-ition in /hich it /)s receive- )n- the con-ition in /hich it /)s -e(ivere- to the ne;t (in0 in the ch)in. The tot)(ity o' the prosecution evi-ence -oes not eet this st)n-)r-. It !e)rs no )ccount o' the prec)utions t)0en to ensure th)t there /)s no ch)n*e in the con-ition o' the o!Cect )n- no opportunity 'or so eone not in the ch)in to h)ve possession thereo'.

investi*)tionH""I )n- o' the )ccuse- ')cin* ) cri in)( ch)r*eH">I )re s)'e*u)r-e-. In People . "an$H"<I the Court e;presse- this concern )s it reco*ni9e- th)t O!y the very n)ture o' )nti3n)rcotics oper)tions$ the nee- 'or entr)p ent proce-ures$ the use o' sh)-y ch)r)cters )s in'or )nts$ the e)se /ith /hich stic0s o' )riCu)n) or *r) s o' heroin c)n !e p()nte- in the poc0ets or h)n-s o' unsuspectin* provinci)( hic0s$ )n- the secrecy th)t inevit)!(y shrou-s )(( -ru* -e)(s$ the possi!i(ity o' )!use is *re)t.P Thus$ it e;horte- courts to !e e;tr) vi*i()nt in tryin* -ru* c)ses (est )n innocent person is )-e to su''er the unusu)((y severe pen)(ties 'or -ru* o''enses.

-ee e- to h)ve /)ive- the present)tion o' her evi-ence )nthe c)se /)s su! itte- 'or -ecision /ithout )ny evi-ence on her p)rt. The prosecution presente- t/o /itnesses: Po(ice O''icer 4 6PO47 An*e(ito +. Reyes 6PO4 Reyes7 )n- PO4 +e A. P)stor 6PO4 P)stor7$ the poseur3!uyers in the )tte pte- s)(e o' i((e*)( -ru*s. Prosecution2s version: The prosecution su e- up its version o' the ')cts: In the )'ternoon o' 4# Dece !er "%%?$ PO4 Reyes )n- PO4 P)stor$ !oth /e)rin* civi(i)n c(othes$ /ere con-uctin* )nti3 -ru* survei(()nce oper)tions. =hi(e the po(ice o''icers /ere in 'ront o' ) sari7sari store )t )roun- ?:<% p. .$ )ppe(()nt L)y(o )n- his (ive3in p)rtner$ Rit/)($ )ppro)che- the )n)s0e-$ O8usto mong umis-or ng sha#uQP PO4 Reyes rep(ie-$ O4a-it ma&roon -a #aQP L)y(o then !rou*ht out t/o p()stic !)*s cont)inin* sh)!u )n- to(- the po(ice o''icers$ O9os 1P'(( ((2 ang isa.P :pon he)rin* this$ the po(ice o''icers intro-uce- the se(ves )s cops. PO4 Reyes i e-i)te(y )rreste- L)y(o. Rit/)($ on the other$ trie- to *et )/)y !ut PO4 P)stor c)u*ht up /ith her. PO4 P)stor then 'ris0e- Rit/)( )n- 'oun- )nother s)chet o' sh)!u in ) SIM c)r- c)se /hich Rit/)( /)s c)rryin*. PO4 Reyes )n- PO4 P)stor )r0e- the three p()stic s)chets o' sh)!u recovere- 'ro L)y(o )n- Rit/)( )n- 'or/)r-ethe to the PNP Cri e L)!or)tory 'or 'orensic testin*. Forensic Che ist Po(ice Inspector Eeh() C. M)n)o* con-ucte- the ()!or)tory e;) in)tion on the speci ens su! itte- )n- 'oun- the recovere- ite s positive 'or sh)!u$ ) -)n*erous -ru*. The po(ice o''icers ch)r*e- L)y(o 'or )tte pte- s)(e o' i((e*)( -ru*s )n- use- the t/o p()stic s)chets cont)inin* sh)!u )s !)sis /hi(e Rit/)( /)s ch)r*e- 'or possession o' i((e*)( -ru*s usin* )s !)sis the thir- s)chet cont)inin* %.%" *r) s o' sh)!u. 5ersion o' the De'ense The /itnesses presente- /ere: )ppe(()nt L)y(oG L)y(o2s three nei*h!ors n) e(y Ro-ri*o P)n)on$ Dr.$ M)r(on -e Leon$ )n- Teresit) M)rBue9. L)y(o testi'ie- th)t /hi(e he )n- his co on3()/ /i'e$ Rit/)($ /ere /)(0in* on the street$ t/o en *r)!!e- the . The t/o en$ /ho they ()ter i-enti'ie- )s PO4 Reyes )nPO4 P)stor$ -r)**e- the to their house. Once insi-e$ the po(ice o''icers p()ce- t/o p()stic s)chets in e)ch o' their poc0ets. A'ter/)r-s$ they /ere !rou*ht to the po(ice st)tion /here$ -espite protests )n- c()i s th)t the -ru*s /ere p()nte- on the $ they /ere )rreste- )n- ch)r*e-. To corro!or)te L)y(o2s testi ony$ the -e'ense presenteL)y(o2s three nei*h!ors. M)r(on -e Leon 6-e Leon7$ )(so ) c(ose 'rien- o' the coup(e$ testi'ie- th)t he /)s t)0in* c)re o' the L)y(o )n- Rit/)(2s chi(- /hen he he)r- ) co otion. He s)/ en$ /ho -e Leon i-enti'ie- )s )ssets$ ho(-in* the coup(e )n- c()i e- th)t he s)/ one o' the put so ethin*$ /hich he -escri!e- )s Op()stic$P in the (e't si-e o' L)y(o2s C)c0et. Ro-ri*o P)n)on$ Dr. 6P)n)on7 n)rr)te- th)t on 4# Dece !er "%%?$ )t )roun- ?:%% or @:%% p. .$ he /)s on his /)y ho e

At this Cuncture$ the Court notes )nother ()pse o' the e !ers o' the !uy3!ust te) F their ')i(ure to co p(y /ith the proce-ur)( reBuire ents o' Section "4$ P)r)*r)ph 4 o' Artic(e II o' R.A. No. 14@?H"?I /ith respect to custo-y )n-isposition o' con'isc)te- -ru*s. There /)s no physic)( inventory )n- photo*r)ph o' the sha#u)((e*e-(y con'isc)te'ro )ppe(()nt. There /)s (i0e/ise no e;p()n)tion o''ere'or the non3o!serv)nce o' the ru(e. Coup(e- /ith the ')i(ure toprove th)t the inte*rity )n- evi-enti)ry v)(ue o' the ite s )--uce- /ere not t)inte-$ the !uy !ust te) 2s -isre*)r- o' the reBuire ents o' Section "4 is ')t)(.

It nee-s no e(uci-)tion th)t the presu ption o' re*u()rity in the per'or )nce o' o''ici)( -uty ust !e seen in the conte;t o' )n e;istin* ru(e o' ()/ or st)tute )uthori9in* the per'or )nce o' )n )ct or -uty or prescri!in* ) proce-ure in the per'or )nce thereo'. The presu ption$ in other /or-s$ o!t)ins on(y /here nothin* on recor- su**ests th)t the ()/ en'orcers invo(ve- -evi)te- 'ro the st)n-)rcon-uct o' o''ici)( -uty )s provi-e- 'or in the ()/. Other/ise$ /here the o''ici)( )ct in Buestion is irre*u()r on its ')ce$ )n )-verse presu ption )rises )s ) )tter o' course. H"@I

?(EREF$RE$ the )ss)i(e- -ecision o' the Court o' Appe)(s is RE@ERSED )n- SE! ASIDE

" sep)r)te In'or )tions )*)inst )ppe(()nt L)y(o )nMe(iton) Rit/)( 6Rit/)(7 /ere 'i(e- /ith the RTC o' ,in)n*on)n :pon )rr)i*n ent$ !oth )ccuse- p(e)-e- not *ui(ty. Doint tri)( on the erits ensue-. Ho/ever$ -urin* the tri)($ Rit/)( Cu pe- !)i( )n- /)s trie- in a#sentia. Thus$ Rit/)( /)s

Crim Rev - Drugs 1


/hen he s)/ L)y(o )r*uin* /ith three en in )n )((ey. He overhe)r- L)y(o utterin*$ O4a-it #aQ 4a-it #aQP L)ter$ P)n)on s)/ ) co otion t)0in* p()ce )t L)y(o2s !)c0y)r-. The three en )rreste- L)y(o /hi(e the ()tter shoute-$ OMga -apit#aha&, tulungan nin&o -ami, -ami:& dinadampot.P Then P)n)on s)/ so eone p()ce so ethin* insi-e the C)c0et o' L)y(o )s he he)r- L)y(o s)y$ O;ala -a&ong ma-u-uha dito.P Teresit) M)rBue9 6M)rBue97 testi'ie- th)t /hi(e she /)s 'etchin* /)ter 'ro the /e(( on 4# Dece !er "%%?$ )t )roun- ?:%% or @:%% p. .$ she he)r- L)y(o2s son shoutin*$ OAmang, Amang.P M)rBue9 then s)/ the chi(- run to his ')ther$ /ho /)s /ith sever)( )(e co p)nions. Then so eone pu((e- L)y(o2s co(()r )n- 'ris0e- hi . M)rBue9 overhe)r- so eone utterin*$ O;ala po, ,ala po.P M)rBue9 /ent ho e )'ter the inci-ent. At )roun- 1:%% in the evenin*$ Rit/)(2s -)u*hter visite- her )n- !orro/e- oney 'or L)y(o )n- Rit/)(2s re(e)se. M)rBue9 then )cco p)nieRit/)(2s -)u*hter to the unicip)( h)(($ /here ) )n -e )n-e- P<%$%%%.%% 'or the coup(e2s re(e)se. RTC -ecision: !oth )re *ui(ty !eyon- re)son)!(e -ou!t o' vio()tions o' RA 14@?. The RTC *)ve cre-ence to the testi onies o' the po(ice o''icers$ /ho /ere presu e- to h)ve per'or e- their -uties in ) re*u()r )nner. The RTC st)te- th)t Reyes )n- P)stor /ere str)i*ht'or/)r- )nc)n-i- in their testi onies )n- unsh)0en !y cross3 e;) in)tion. Their testi onies /ere un'()/e- !y inconsistencies or contr)-ictions in their )teri)( points. The RTC )--e- th)t the -eni)( o' )ppe(()nt L)y(o is /e)0 )n- se('3servin* )n- his )((e*)tion o' p()ntin* o' evi-ence or 'r) e3up c)n !e e)si(y concocte-. Thus$ L)y(o2s -e'ense c)nnot !e *iven cre-ence over the positive )n- c(e)r testi onies o' the prosecution /itnesses. L)y(o 'i(e- )n )ppe)( /ith the CA. CA )''ir e- RTC -ecision. Issue: =ON the CA erre- in )''ir in* the RTC -ecision Ru(in*: NO. The e(e ents necess)ry 'or the prosecution o' i((e*)( s)(e o' -ru*s )re: 647 the i-entity o' the !uyer )n- se((er$ the o!Cect$ )n- the consi-er)tionG )n- 6"7 the -e(ivery o' the thin* so()n- the p)y ent. Fro the testi onies *iven$ PO4 Reyes )n- PO4 P)stor testi'ie- th)t they /ere the poseur3!uyers in the s)(e. ,oth positive(y i-enti'ie- )ppe(()nt )s the se((er o' the su!st)nce cont)ine- in p()stic s)chets /hich /ere 'oun- to !e positive 'or sh)!u. The s) e p()stic s)chets /ere (i0e/ise i-enti'ie!y the prosecution /itnesses /hen presente- in court. Even the consi-er)tion o' P"%%.%% 'or e)ch s)chet h)- !een )-e 0no/n !y )ppe(()nt to the po(ice o''icers. Ho/ever$ the s)(e /)s interrupte- /hen the po(ice o''icers intro-ucethe se(ves )s cops )n- i e-i)te(y )rreste- )ppe(()nt )nhis (ive3in p)rtner Rit/)(. Thus$ the s)(e /)s not consu )te- !ut ere(y )tte pte-. Thus$ )ppe(()nt /)s ch)r*e- /ith )tte pte- s)(e o' -)n*erous -ru*s. Section "@6!7$ Artic(e II o' RA 14@? provi-es:

Section "@. Attempt or Conspirac& 6 Any )tte pt or conspir)cy to co it the 'o((o/in* un()/'u( )cts sh)(( !e pen)(i9e- !y the s) e pen)(ty prescri!e- 'or the co ission o' the s) e )s provi-e- un-er this Act: ;;; 6!7 S)(e$ tr)-in*$ )- inistr)tion$ -ispens)tion$ -e(ivery$ -istri!ution )ntr)nsport)tion o' )ny -)n*erous -ru* )n-&or contro((e- precursor )n- essenti)( che ic)(G ;;; Here$ )ppe(()nt inten-e- to se(( sh)!u )n- co ence- !y overt )cts the co ission o' the inten-e- cri e !y sho/in* the su!st)nce to PO4 Reyes )n- PO4 P)stor. The s)(e /)s )!orte- /hen the po(ice o''icers i-enti'ie- the se(ves )np()ce- )ppe(()nt )n- Rit/)( un-er )rrest. Fro the testi onies o' the /itnesses$ the prosecution /)s )!(e to est)!(ish th)t there /)s )n )tte pt to se(( sh)!u. In )--ition$ the p()stic s)chets /ere presente- in court )s evi-ence o' corpus delicti. Thus$ the e(e ents o' the cri e ch)r*e- /ere su''icient(y est)!(ishe- !y evi-ence.

Crim Rev - Drugs 1

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