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Considering law school? Here are 10 signs you would make a good lawyer. One. You love to argue.

Not the occasional tussle. But day in and day out, you want to argue a out everything, !rom what to eat !or dinner to the right amount o! detergent you should use !or a wash. "ove o! argument is the !irst sign you would make a good lawyer. "awyers argue constantly. #ith their adversaries, with the courts, with insurance com$anies, even with their own clients. %racticing law is y its very nature adversarial, so i! you love to argue, the legal !ield may very well e !or you. &wo. You love to write. '! you love to write ( and you are good at it ( you may want to consider ecoming a lawyer. "awyers dra!t rie!s, contracts, motions, $leadings, and hundreds o! letters every year. #riting is a large $art o! $racticing law. '! you love to write, it might )ust e a sign you would make a good lawyer. &hree. You are a workaholic. *any lawyers are workaholics. 'ndeed, some o! the est attorneys work seventy or eighty hours a week. '! you are a workaholic, it may e a sign you would make a good lawyer. 'n order to e success!ul in the law, you will most likely have to make sacri!ices. +mong those sacri!ices will e your time. '! you en)oy urning the midnight oil, consider the !ield o! law. ,our. You are a good negotiator. "awyers negotiate on a daily asis. #hether you are a s$orts lawyer negotiating contracts !or $ro!essional athletes, or a $ersonal in)ury lawyer negotiating settlements !or in)ured clients, or a criminal de!ense attorney negotiating $lea argains, you had etter e good at what you do. ,ive. You are good at $ersuasion. &his is essential i! you want to ecome a litigator. *otion $ractice and trial work is all a out $ersuading $eo$le to your side o! the argument. #hether you are $ersuading a )udge or a )ury, it takes a great amount o! skill and $ractice. -i.. You have a thick skin. Beware o! irate )udges, angry clients, and vicious adversaries. You will take a !air share o! a use. '! you have a thick skin, you have a etter chance at making a good lawyer. -even. You are good at alancing your time. &his is essential. +s a lawyer, you will need to alance your time etween $a$erwork and courtroom a$$earances, etween tele$hone calls and !ace time with clients and colleagues. Not to mention your !amily li!e. /ight. You are $ersistent. You sim$ly must e $ersistent as a lawyer. You will not get your way the !irst time around. You will need to write letter a!ter letter, dra!t motion a!ter motion, in order to succeed !or your clients. Nine. You are $atient. %racticing law involves a lot o! waiting around. #aiting around courthouses !or your case to e called. #aiting around !or decisions on a$$eals to e handed down. You sim$ly must e $atient, or you will grow old e!ore your time. &en. You must e aggressive. You must e a $it ull. 'n the law, $oodles need not a$$ly. No client wants a lawyer who is a $ushover, or a lawyer who waits !or things to ha$$en. Clients want lawyers who are hungry and una!raid o! a !ight. &hey want a lawyer who is aggressive.

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