Police Vocabulary

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Commit a crime Commission of a crime perpetrate Report a crime / notify the police Crime situation Crime rate Crime report complete/fill out/write Free of crime community Clear someone of crime Recorded crime Criminal (noun) Criminal (adj) Criminal action Criminal prosecution Criminal police Criminal code Age of criminal responsibility Criminal record / history Police record a!e a clean record / a long record Attempted felony $reason felony

A comite o infractiune A incalca legea A raporta o infractiune Situatia infractionala Rata criminalitatii Proces verbal de constatare a infractiunii A disculpa Infractiune inregistrata

Penal Actiune penala Urmarire penala Cod penal Cazier Dosar / evidenta operativa



Tentativa Inalta tradare Delict Infractiune grava Infractiune usoara Infractiune / contraventie A recidiva Presupusa pretinsa Contraventie rutiera Contraventie Infractiune prevazuta de lege, conforma Cu intentie Prima abatere Recidiva

&ffend / re'offend Alleged offence (mmoral offence $raffic offence Pecuniary offence )inor / serious offence %tatutory offence &ffence against property Capital offence *eliberate offence First offence %econd offence

OFFENDER Felon / lawbrea+er / perpetrator / !iolator / Infractor / contravenient wrongdoer Petty offender ainar First offender %econd offender abitual / persistent offender / pedigree man / old lag ,u!enile offender %tate offender Re'adjustment / rehabilitation of offenders -reach of trust -reach of contract -reach of the peace Alleged infringer (nfringement of law / regulations / rights Abuz de incredere !erespectarea termenilor contractuali Incalcarea ordinii publice



A pretinde Acuzatie A cere / a pretinde Plangere A face / a scrie / a depune o plangere Reclamant

Complaint File / ma+e / lodge a complaint Complainant (n!estigation / en.uiry Police in!estigation Conduct an in!estigation /aunch an in!estigation -e in charge of an in!estigation -e assigned / put on a case (n!estigator (n!estigating officer (n!estigati!e methods / bodies *etect crimes *etection rate $rac+ down / hunt down / trace / trac+le Catch criminals -e caught in the act / red handed Crime scene Crime scene unit / officers Crime scene report -e called at the scene Arri!e at / attend the scene Conduct a crime scene e0amination


A face o investigatie A demara o investigatie

"etode de cercetare / organe de cercetare


A da de urma


In flagrant


A face cercetarea la fata locului

ARREST -ust / hoo+ / put behind bars A aresta )a+e an arrest Put under arrest Resist arrest 1rongful arrest false arrest Arestare abuziva Pre!enti!e arrest Powers of arrest Arrested by / without warrant Arrest under authority of warrant Arrestable offence (offence for which penalty is fi0ed by the law) Confinement solitary confinement A aresta, a izola #carcera$ "nder house arrest ome confinement Custody officer Custody record Custodial sentences $a+e into custody -e in custody awaiting trial / pre'trial custody eld in custody %earch warrant -ody search ouse search %top and search %earch team


Pedepse cu inc%isoarea Arest preventiv Retinut "andat de perc%ezitie Perc%ezitie corporala Perc%ezitie sumara Scotocire Procuror criminalist


CORONER DAMAGE Criminal damage Claim damages -odily injury )inor / major / serious injuries (njured (nflict injuries cause harm Recei!e / sustain injuries Physical harm %e!ere bodily harm 2rie!ous bodily harm (2- ) Aggra!ated bodily harm (A- ) 1ounding %eriously wounded / injured Assault occasioning ADUTY &n duty / off duty (n the line of duty Perform / fulfill / carry out one3s duty /awful duties *uty officer

Distrugere de bunuri


&atamare corporala Ranit A provoca, a cauza vatamari A suferi vatamari &atamare corporala grava &atamare corporala foarte grava 'ovituri cauzatoare de grave vatamari corporale

'a datorie a(si face datoria Indatoriri / atributii legale

Assign assignment Responsibility Power 1ith the power in!ested in me Act with full powers Power of attorney / pro0y STATEMENT $a+e statements 2i!e / ma+e / write a statement 1itness statement %worn statement (dentification parade (* parade 2roup identification Sarcina ) misiune Atributii A actiona cu puteri depline Procura / imputernicire avocatiala

Sub *uramant Identificare din grup


MUGSHOT )ug boo+ DELINQUENCY APB (US) *elin.uent All points bulletin Put an AP- on 1anted most wanted *etainee *etention *etention centre / facility / officer "nlawful detention *etention on suspicion / held on suspicion Prison system corrections department 1arden Prisoner / con!ict / inmate ,ail county jail ,ail +eeper ,ail deli!ery to release from prison -rea+ jail to escape 4scape Attempted escape 2etaway 4scaped prisoner escapee 2ood time good beha!iour while in prison $o do time / to be loc+ed up $o do one3s term / ser!e a prison term (mprison (!b5) imprisonment (s5) Penitentiary Release from prison Free / set free / discharge Parole on parole Parole officer Parolee breach of parole

Poza Album cu poze de infractori

Urmarire generala A pune in urmarire



Director de inc%isoare Puscarias, detinut Temnicer


A e,ecuta


+,ternat #din spital$

Probation on probation probation officer Pardon absolute pardon free pardon BAIL Freedom with bail Released on bail 2rant / refuse / deny bail -ail hearing -ail jumping -ail bondsman licensed bonding companies BEAT -eat officer &n the beat Patrol the streets patrol car Foot patrol Car / mobile patrol Routine patrol Cruise the streets police cruiser ("%) HOSTAGE ostage ta+er ostage situation ostage negotiations /aw enforcement 4nforce the law Aggressi!e enforcement $o wire Incalcarea conditiilor impuse prin cautiune Cei care platesc cautiunea A patrula ratiere Cautiune


A aplica legea Aplicare abuziva a legii Interceptare convorbiri telefonice A pune microfoane



"nderco!er operation "nderco!er agent / officer Panda Supraveg%ere A fila, a urmari Captura Sec%estru

STAKEOUT %ur!eillance %hadow shadowing $ail SEIZE %ei6ure *istress Cuffs Restrain Chemical spray de!ice C% can $ear gas


A imobiliza

INFORMANT Police informer %tool pigeon %nea+ Reasonable grounds /egal grounds &n what grounds7 Pre!ention Crime pre!ention Pre!enti!e initiati!es *eter crime deterrance deterrent Fight against crime Fight crime Combat -ring crime down $a+e place &ccur -e commited 8ou ha!e the right to remain silent5 Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law5 8ou ha!e the right to an attorney5 (f you can3t afford an attorney one will be appointed to you5 *o you understand these rights7 8ou do not ha!e to say anything unless you wish to do so but what you say may be gi!en in e!ident5 Informator Ciripitori, cartite "otive



A stopa ) stopare


READ ONES RIGHTS ("%) ("#) (caution)

A Anchetator Autostrada Astenic Agresor Agresiune A atrage / a amagi A se arunca A ascunde -aston (de politie) Conducator auto Camera de luat !ederi Corpolent /greoi Carliontat Clapauge (urechi) Cladire / incinta / loc *emonstratie A se deplasa catre *epartamentul &mucideri A se do!edi *etector de minciuni *eranjant A e0ploda A folosi A face / a intocmi (un raport) (nterogatoriu (ntructor de caini A imobili6a (ncaierare A imprastia A intreprinde A intocmi (nsiruire / lant ,urnal de bord /ocuitorii din 6ona A lo!i )inisterul de (nterne ("#) )asti )olo6 )edic legist )oti!atie :eplacut (n!estigating officer )otorway %lightly Assailant Assault $o lure $o di!e Concealment $runcheon )otorist %ur!eillance camera ea!y curly Flepping ears premises Rally $o proceed to )urder (n!estigation %.uad $o turn out /ie detector *isrupti!e $o go off $o produce $o fil out (nter!iu *og handler $o restrain 9iolent disorder $o scatter $o underta+e $o compile spree /og /ocal residents $o stri+e ome &ffice -lac+ hoods Rubble Forensic pathologist / legal e0aminer (ncenti!e arrowing




O P &fiter de circulatie Politia calare Pistol purtat la sold Pensat Poteca Piloni rana Retinut A recunoaste Rumen Resturi / ramasite %araci %oldat in termen %ubofiter A smulge %talp %calp A trimite dupa "nitate de escorta 9atamare corporala ;!elt ;idarie $rafic police )ounted police %ide gun Plugged Path Acro'props 1ounding Aprehende $o admitt ruddy debris *estituts Conscript 1arrant officer $o ripp out 4lectricity ' pole s+ull $o send for %pecial escort group -odily harm %lim )ansonry


$o ga6e $o attend an incident $o be off sic+ $o recei!e injuries $o trace Rush into / burst into $o outnumber $o be into0icated with $o wor+ on shift $o cause concern $o be riddled with $o be issued with $o be liable to /iaison %hooting (n cold blood Arm assault ,u!enile / under ' age offenders &ffensi!e weapons Carbomb /aw inforcement agency Case is under in!estigation (n!estigation are still on going Case is open 40tensi!e in!estigation (nter!iu room Await trial &n charges of 9alues con!eying !ehicles %ecurity !an )oney truc+ As a result of the injuries recei!ed )andatory sentences %entencing A pool of blood 2i!en adress $o conduct a crime scene e0amination Footpath Registration plates Registration no5 Caring # plates no5 *us+ to down curfew *own to the ground (n the course of which 4mpty handed 40cepting 40cept for 1ith the e0ception of A5+5a < also +nown as 2oing bald A se uita fi0 A fi chemati la un incident (n concediu medical A suferi !atamari A da de urma A da na!ala A depasi numeric A fi sub influenta (alcoolului/drogurilor) A lucra in schimburi A pro!oca ingrijorare A fi ciuruit A fi dotat (cu) A fi pasibil de amenda &fiter de legatura %chimb de focuri Cu sange rece Atac armat (nfractori minori Arme albe )asina capcana (nstitutie abilitata cu aplicarea legii Cercetari in curs de desfasurare (n!estigatie comple0a Camera de ancheta Arest pre!enti! %ub acu6atie de )asini de transport !alori Ca urmare a ranilor suferite Pedepse obligatorii %tabilirea pedepsei -alta de sange Adresa indicata Cercetare la fata locului *rum pietonal :umere de inmatriculare (nterdictie de a iesi pe strada seara Pana la temelii (n cursul careia Cu mana goala Cu e0ceptia Cunoscut ca (nceput de chelie


$urning grey -roadshouldered #een to find Fair hair For up to 0 years %heer good fortune As such P:C < Police :ational Computer -ase C(% < Criminal (ntelligence %er!ice Armed Response 9ehicles -lues and toos Controlled by an authorised person *ri!ing while into0icated *rin+ and dri!e *run+ dri!ing ,ay wal+ing $he amount of alcohol in your blood $o re!erse the car $o be up on smth5 $o cope in a crisis &ff the hoo+ Agent %ubinspector (nspector (nspector principal %ubcomisar Comisar Comisar sef %eful inspectoratului Policeman Police officers Police department Police unit Police s.uad Police !ehicle $raffic police -order police )ounted police Royal Canadian mounted police County police Police series *rama $9 police series (n proces de incaruntire Cu umeri lati :erabdator sa gaseasca Carunt spre blond Pana la 0 ani Prin urechile acului Ca atare "nitati de (nter!entie Rapida %irena si girofarul Conducere sub influenta alcoolului A tra!ersa pe rosu neregulamentar A introduce in marsalier A pune ce!a la cale A face fata intr'o cri6a A iesi din cercul suspectilor Agent %ubinspector (nspector %enior inspector Assistant superintendent %uperintendent Chief superintendent Comander / Chief of police / a tra!ersa





!" CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON (major crimes / indictable offences) MURDER (homicide) MURDERER )urder in the first degree (murder one) )urder in the second degree (murder two) )anslaughter -mor din culpa 9oluntary manslaughter Felony murder Attempted murder (attempt to murder) $hreats to +ill Amenintari cu moartea Accessory to murder INFANTICIDE CAUSING DEATH BY DANGEROUS DRIVING ASSAULT ASSAILANT %erious assault Assault and battery Atac cu vatamari corporale Aggra!ated assault Assault with intent to commit felony (ndecent assault Assault ocasioning ARAPE %tatutory rape ROBBERY *af, tal%arie Robbery under arms Armed robbery Attempt at robbery old'up / stic+'up #" PROPERTY CRIME BURGLARY ' spargere -urglary ' dwelling / other premises Aggra!ated burglary %tatutory burglary Cat burglary Forced entry to force entry -rea+'in to brea+ into / to brea+ entry -rea+ing and entry -=4 "nlawful entry LARCENY (US) / THEFT (UK) ( furt 2rand larceny petty larceny Aggra!ated theft %hoplifting ( /urt din magazin Poc+et'pic+ing Purse snatching RAPIST ROBBER .af armat

BURGLAR Spargerea unei locuinte +scaladare

THIEF shoplifter Pic+po+et Purse'snatcher

)otor !ehicle theft / auto'theft / !ehicle crime / car crime 9ehicle interference $heft of a motor !ehicle unauthorised /urt pentru distractie ta+ing / use (joyriding) $heft from a motor !ehicle Criminal damage to a !ehicle andling stolen goods Tainuire de bunuri furate VANDALISM criminal damage ARSON ' Incendiere FRAUD $%& FORGERY ' fals UTTERING ) falsificator de bani COMPUTER CRIME unauthorised access ARSONIST FRAUDSTER ' FORGERER UTTERER HACKER

(" OTHER CRIMINAL OFFENCES *R"2 $RAFF(C#(:2 *R"2 $RAFF(C#4R/ *4A/4R -/AC#)A(/ / 4>$&R$(&: -/AC#)A(/4R #(*:APP(:2 ) cu recompensa #(*:APP4R A-*"C$(&: ' rapire A-*"C$&R 9(&/4:$ *(%&R*4R P"-/(C &R*4R &FF4:C4% P4R,"R8 P4R94R$(:2 $ 4 C&"R%4 &F ,"%$(C4 obstruction of justice A-%C&:*(:2 FR&) /A1F"/ C"%$&*8 ' Sustragere de la e,ecutarea /U ITI&+ / RU!A0A1 pedepsei A(*(:2 A:* A-4$$(:2 Instigare $R4A%&: $RA($&R )" OTHER CRIMES AND OFFENCES *(%&R*4/8 C&:*"C$ *&)4%$(C 9(&/4:C4 ARA%%)4:$ A$4 CR()4 RAC(%) %$R44$ CR()4 )"22(:2 $ulburarea linistii si ordinii publice 9(&/4:C4 (: $ 4 &)4 infractiuni stradale Tal%arie pe strada



#eep the law Abide the law law abiding citi6ens &bey the law /awful lawfully -rea+ the law Abscond the law absconder 9iolate the law "nlawful unlawfully /awless ' lawlessness Come under the law Action at law /awsuit / law case Common law %tatutory law Criminal law Criminal law proceeding (procedure) Code of Criminal Procedure / $he Codes of Practice According to the law in accodance with the law (n +eeping with the law the law pro!ides "nder the pro!isions of the law Come / enter into force $he law in force bill Criminal justice system Criminal ,ustice Act /egal / judicial system /ord Chief of ,ustice Attorney 2eneral ("%)

A respecta legea 'egal A incalca legea A se sustrage /aradelege A cadea sub incidenta legii Actiune penala

Cod de procedura penala

'egea prevede Sub incidenta legii 'egislatia in vigoare Proiect 'egea penala Presedintele Curtii Supreme Procuror general cu functie de ministru A face dreptate / a aplica legea -bstructionarea *ustitiei +roare *udiciara


-ring before justice Administer justice %er!e justice *o justice (nterfere with the course of justice &bstruction of justice )iscarriage of justice Court of law / law court Court house Courtroom %upreme Court %upreme Court of Appeal


Sala de *udecata igh Court of ,ustice (ci!il) Crown Court (criminal) Court of Appeal ) Curtea de Casatie

County court Tribunal )agistrate court .udecatorie Court martial Court case Proces Court order order in the court 2otararea instantei Police court ju!enile court Contempt of th court court is presided by? Attend the court Appear before the court A comparea in fata instantei Remand a case to court A trimite in fata instantei Refer a matter to court Court is adjourned 40amining judge ,ustice of the peace (,P) ,udiciary $o rule $o o!errule barrister Counsel %olicitor ad!iser Attorney at law Counsel for the defence Councel for the prosecution Appointed lawyer Public defender Prosecution %tatement of prosecution (ndict indictment bill of indictment Arraign arraignment (mpeach impeachment (ndictable (ndictable offence Conduct the prosecution Public Prosecutions *epartment Crown Prosecution %er!ice Prosecutor *istrict attorney ("%) /awsuit trial suit -ring an action %et in motion %ue $a+e action Action for libel



A %otara A respinge Avocat pledant Avocat Cel care pregateste materialele Consilier *uridic Avocat Avocat ales Avocat din oficiu A pune sub acuzare Rec%izitoriu A acuza ) act de acuzare Pasibila de urmarire in *ustitie "inisterul Public Procuratura 3ritanica




A intenta o actiune Proces de calomnie

*isposition of the case Case is dealt with by the court Case is dismissed Case is dropped ear a case %tate a case Circumstantial e!idence (ncompetent e!idence (rrefutable e!idence Physical e!idence %ufficient / insufficient e!idence ard e!idence Rebuttal $here3s e!idence / proof that ? 2ather e!idence Produce e!idence in the court $ry -e on trial Ci!il trial / litigation $rial by jury $rial judge $rial lawyer Pre'trial custody Commit to trial -ring somebody on trial )istrial 1itness statement 1itness bo0 1itness for the defence 1itness for the prosecution / state witness 4ye witness Chief / +ey witness $estimony deposition faulty testimony *eposition by a witness *eposition of a witness 4ar witness 40pert witness Friendly witness ostile witness (ncompetent witness %worn witness 1itness at the stand 1itness in the bo0 $a+e the stand 2i!e e!idence in the court Call a witness Solutionare Cazul este pe rol Cazul este respins A audia un caz Prezentarea faptelor si a probelor Probe indirecte Probe fara valoare Probe de necontestat Probe materiale Proba contrarie A strange probe A prezenta fapte in instanta




A trimite in *ustitie +roare *udiciara


"artor cooperant "artor necooperant "artor sub *uramant 'a bara 'a bo,a a depune marturie

40amine a witness e0amination of a witness Produce witnesses $a+e an oath under oath A depune *uramant ( swear to tell the truth@ the whole truth and nothing but the truth@ so help me 2od5 ( swear by Almighty 2od that the e!idence ( shall gi!e shall be the truth@ the whole truth and nothing but the truth5 2rand ,ury ,ury ,ury bo0 ,ury panel ,uror juryman Foreman Challenge the jury 2i!e a !erdict Return a !erdict Reach the !erdict "arele *uriu #45 membri$ .urati #64$ 'ista *uratilor la inceput Presedintele *uratilor

WITNESS ("%) ("#)


A da verdictul


:ot guilty (nnocent innocence Presumption of innocence 4!ery person has the right to be presumed innocent until pro!ed guilty Finding of guilty Toate probele vinovatiei 2uilty as charged &inovat conform acuzatiilor 2uilty on all counts 2uilty mind Cu intentie -e gi!en the guilty / not guilty !erdict Plead guilty $o sentence A condamna %entence Sentinta Pass the sentence A da o sentinta Carry out the sentence A e,ecuta o sentinta ea!y sentence / light sentence Pedeapsa grea / usoara Prison sentence ser!e a prison sentence jail term Cancelling of sentence Commutation of sentence )itigation of sentence A atenua pedeapsa %uspension of sentence Con!ict con!iction Pre!ious / prior con!ictions


Punish Punishable (adj5) Capital punishment Penalty ea!y / stiff / light penalty *eath penalty Penal ser!itude Penal ser!itude for life life imprisonment "nder penalty of (nflict a penalty Accused Culprit plaintiff Inculpat Acuzat &inovat Reclamant refier Termen de prescriptie Sarcina probei A renunta WAIVE 1ai!er of a right Forfeit forfeiture $hird party (njured party Plaintiff claiming damages Party in the case %ue for ci!il injury Accuse of Accused prisoner Accusation *ispute the accusation Charge with &n charge of Criminal charge -ring charges against Press charges *rop charges Charges dismissed Resist charge Persoana terta Parte civila






A contesta acuzatiile A acuza Sub acuzatie de A prezenta acuzatiile A pune sub acuzatie A renunta la acuzatii A se impotrivi #a se apara$ in fata acuzatiilor


SUMMONS %ummon %ubpoena 1rit %er!e a writ / subpoena / summons (ssue a ? against someone *eath warrant %earch warrant Arrest warrant 1arrant of apprehension *istress warrant 1arrant of commitment (ssue a warrant %er!e a warrant Citatie Declaratie scrisa / a primi o citatie

"andat de perc%ezitie "andat de arestare "andat de sec%estru "andat de aducere A elibera A pune in aplicare


$raffic -ranch / *epartment / Police ighway Patrol ("%) ighway Code $raffic Regulation / Code Road $raffic &ffenders Act ("#) Road $raffic /aw &fficer 1arden /ights %igns

Codul rutier


warning signs ' priority signs A2i!e wayB ' restriction signs A:o entry forB ' waiting restriction signs ,am rush hour / pea+ hour / busiest hour %afety to promote road safety "sers 4ducation ,unction / crossroads Accident causing bodily injuries (slight@ serious/se!ere@ fatal) Accident causing death / fatality Accident caused due to *1( (dri!ing while into0icated) Accidents ' bump ' run o!er ' s+idding ' impact or collision (against a fi0ed obstacle) ' crash (collision between C !ehicles) it'and'run accident ("#)

Agent Semafor Indicatoare rutiere Stationarea interzisa Ambuteia* / ora de varf Drum, rutier #ad*7$, carosabil Siguranta rutiera Participanti la trafic Intersectie


Tamponare A trece peste Derapa*

/uga de la locul faptei 8RTA Cale, mod, drum


)otorway / highway / freeway / e0press way / Autostrada interstate Road carriageway Sens de drum /ane Culoar, banda ard shoulder 3anda de refugiu &ne way street Pedestrian crossing CROSSING ;ebra crossing Pelican crossing At traffic lights A motorist who ignores the restrictions regarding pedestrian crossings lea!es himself / herself open to a fine5 (este pasibil de amenda$

At full speed %peed limit $o e0cede speed 40ces speed $o slow down / to cut speed %peed control de!ice / speed trap Penalty money $o be fined $ic+et to gi!e a tic+et Fi0ed penalty note DFP: ("#) *ri!er to dri!e a car Rider / bi+er to ride a motorcycle / bi+e Permis de conducere Certificat de inmatriculare Inspectia te%nica Asigurare Ta,a vamala A prezenta documentele la control A anula permisul A suspenda permisul a warning to dri!ers that they ris+ A se strica, defectiune, pana BREAKDOWN 4ngine / ignition / gasoline brea+down A puncture in the tyre / a flat tyre Car %aloon Coupe hatchbac+ $ruc+ / lorry / pic+ up truc+ 9an /ight !an /ight goods !ehicle (/29) / hea!y goods !ehicle ( 29) $o ta+e pass breath test -reathaly6er test $o gi!e a bood test $o sa!e life Pana de cauciuc 3erlina 4 usi 3rea9 Camion / camioneta Duba, furgoneta, minibus Dubita &e%icul de tona* mic &e%icul de tona* mare Suflat in fiola


Depasire de viteza Depasire de viteza Amenda



MOTOR VEHICLE DOCUMENTATION *ri!ing licence / dri!er3s licence 9ehicle registration document )otor !ehicle test certificate ()&$) (nsurance certificate 9ehicle e0cise duty $o produce documents $o re!o+e $o dis.ualify ' the accumulation of penalty points acts as dis.ualification if further offences are committed



CARE CRIME / Car theft / theft of cars / theft from cars VEHICLE CRIME


$o ta+e drugs $o use drugs *rug user *rug ta+ing *rug use ea!y / regular user Casual user *rug misuser Addiction Addict $raffic+ing / dealing $raffic+er / dealer Abuse /aws -arons


(llicit drugs / narcotics (llicit / unlawful drug traffic+ing Controlled drugs *rug money / profits / cash for drugs $he drugs trade is strictely a cash only business5 $he )isuse of *rugs Act DRUGS AND THE LAW &ffences under the Act ' Possession with intent to supply ' (mportation ' )anufacture of drugs ' "nlawful supply ' $heft of drugs


' *+,- &./0* the normal use is not dangerous to people health ' 1$.& &./0* damage people3s health ' &2*30%2. &./0* ' 12.+3% $%& +-12. +43$-2* deri!ed from opium poppy ' 5+5$3%2 powerful stimulant properties (5.$56 smo+ing cocaine base) ' $%$7+835 *-2.+3&* ' 5$%%$73* ' &24.2**$%-* (tran.uilli6ers@ sedati!es and pain+illers) ' 25*-$*9 ' 1$88/53%+02%* ' *+8:2%-* *ependence (ntra!enous injecting (nhaling %niffing / snorting %mo+ing &* o!erdose 1ithdrawal


,un+ie dope ,un+ Peddler / pusher $o brea+ in $o be high $rip $o puff Frea+out / flash bac+ A:24/ *"%$ 2&/* *"%$ / CA/(F&R:(A C&R:F/A#4% / C&#4 1 ($4 /A*8 %"2AR %&"RC4 &F APP(:4%% / /A"2 $4R PR&9&#4R -AR-8 *&//% )(2 $8 ,&4 8&":2


$o start ta+ing drugs $o be under the effect of a drug $he ta+ing of drugs $a+e a puff to smo+e allucinations induced by drugs )arijuana Cocaine eroine /%* Cannabis -arbiturates $otal addiction

4dged weapons :uclear weapons /eathal / non'leathal weapons igh'powered weapons )ass'distruction / mass'gra!es 2un / handgun / shotgun / airgun %idearm Rifle unting gun )achine gun ' tammy gun %ubmachine gun *uty gun Amo Cartridge -ullet Case / tube shell ("%) %hell proof !ehicle !ehicle) )aga6ine EF rounds Arme albe #cu tais$ Arme de calibru mare Arme de distrugere in masa Arma de politie Pusca Pusca de vanatoare "itraliera Pistol mitraliera Arma din dotare




Cartus lont Tub (armoured "asina blindata Incarcator Cartuse

2unner Artilerist 2unnery Artilerie 2unfire /ocuri de arma A burst of gunfire Rafala de gloante 2unpowder Praf de pusca 2unrunner Contrabandist 2unrunning / traffic+ing guns / Contrabanda cu arme smuggling 2unbattle 2unman Pistolar (at) gunpoint Sub amenintarea armei 2unshot /oc de arma 2unshot wounds Plaga prin impuscare $o be out / within gunshot 2unsmith $oy gun Pellet gun Pusca cu alice ;ip gun Pusca artizanala ired gun / hit man Ucigas platit $o carry and use a gun $o gun down (passi!e !oice) A dobora cu arma $o load / reload the gun A incarca arma $o threaten with a gun A ameninta $o fire a gun / to fire a shot $o fire at $o come / be under the fire $o open fire on / to start firing $o fire bac+ / to return fire $o hold the fire cease the fire (n the line of fire within the range of fire / out of range of fire At close range %hot %hooting incident $o discharge a weapon $o ta+e a shot 2ood / poor shot A warning shot $o shoot on sight $o shoot to +ill $o shoot down %hooting gallery firing range Firearms training range practice %hooter %niper %harpshooter mar+sman $o ta+e aim A folosi arma A trage asupra cuiva A se trage asupra cuiva A riposta In bataia pustii De la mica distanta



A descarca accidental A trage A trage fara avertisment Poligon de tragere Sedinte de tragere 'unetist Tragator de elita A oc%i



LICENCE Firearm licence / permit %hotgun certificate Certificate holder /awful user Detinator legal

- criminal use of firearms / unlawful use of firearms / firearms misuse - the safe handling of firearms - chec+ing the security of firearms in owners3 homes Arrestable offences under the Firearms Act are classified asG - possession with intent to injure - carrying a firearm with criminal intent - use of a firearm to resist arrest - possession at the time of committing or being arrested for a E st %chedule &ffence (criminal damage@ offences from the &ffences Against the Persons Act@ theft@ burglary@ blac+mail@ assaulting a constable in the e0ecution of his duty@ rape and !arious abduction offences) - possession of a firearm after con!iction - con!erting into a firearm or shortening the barrel of a shotgun


$o describe a person $o gi!e a description $o compile a description $o produce a reliable and accurate description Personal description / word picture / spo+en picture / s+etch portrait *escription of suspect / offender Face image $o draw a s+etch $o build up Computer description fit / identity'+it / photo'fit system Profile / psihological profile I&2%-3,35$-3+% ;2-1+&* ' personal identification by witness (suspect at the police station) ' instant confrontation - identification parade ((* parade) - group identification line up ' street identification ' photographs mug'boo+ / mug'shots ' fingerprints $o fit the description / to match the description $o locate suspects %uspects wanted for ? %uspects are considered to be armed and dangerous /ast seen wearing? %uspect described as / she described the man as follows Features (the face or countenance) *istincti!e mar+s Characteristics Peculiarities *escription Trasaturile fetei Semnalmente

a) F/88 %$;2*< 3%58/&3%0 $%9 $883$*< $02 $02 0.+/4 (school age / young / middle aged / old)H $02 .$%02 (under ?/ o!er?) and *2= e was CI years old / he was CI years of age / he was aged CI / he was a CI year old man / he was in his twenties / early CIs / late CIs / he was about / appro0imately CI 7) A442$.$%52 infatisare H2301- short / tall / medium height / a!erage height B/38& fat / hea!y / medium / slim / thin / slightly built constitutia / well'built (atletic) / tallish C+8+/. (ethnic origin) Caucasian (diferita) / white 4uropean / dar+ 4uropean / :egroid / Asian / &riental / Arabian C+;482=3+% (ten) fresh / ruddy / pale / pimply / uses cosmetics

H$3. short / long / curly / bald (c%el)H 5+8+/. blac+ / brown / blond / grey / dyed (vopsit) H$3. +% ,$52 (,$53$8 1$3.) beard / moustache / dar+ chin (cioc) E92* colour of the eyesH he had blue eyes / he was blue eyed 5) D3*-3%5-3:2 (&3*-3%0/3*13%0) ;$.6* birth mar+s / moles (alunite) / warts (negi) / scars / tattoos / deformity / other identifying mar+s &) C1$.$5-2.3*-35*$%& 1$73-* drin+ing / smo+ing / associates (anturaj) 2) D.2** (clothing) smart / casual / sporting / scruffy (sifonat) / !agrant (6drentaros) (tems of clothing &rder of adjecti!esG *3>2 *-982 / e was wearing %he had %he has got e was dri!ing a long a short long a large 4$--2.% striped curly J door 5+8+/. white fair blac+ / ;$-2.3$8 cotton cotton ' %+/% shirt5 dress5 hair5 saloon5

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