A Collection of 101 Useful Websites Worth A Bookmark

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A Book for Useful Websites Worth a Bookmark for frequent net users.

Published by-Hackers market place Written & edited by- Jyotishman aikia

A !ollection of "#" Useful Websites Worth a Bookmark-by Jyotishman saikia

#". screenr.com $record mo%ies of yourdesktop and sendthem strai&ht to'ou(ube.

02. bounceapp.com for capturing fulllength screenshots ofweb pages.

03. goo.gl shortenlong URLs and convertURLs into QR codes.

04. untin .me findthe original URLsthat!s hiding behind ashort URLs.

0". localti.me #nowmore than $ust thelocal time of a cit

0%.cop pastecharacter.com cop &paste specialcharacters that aren!ton our #e board.

0'. tops .com abetter search enginefor twitter.

0(. fb.me)*pp+tore search i,+ appswithout launchingi-unes.

0.. iconfinder.com the best place to findicons of all si/es.

00. office.com download templates1clipart and images for our ,fficedocuments.

00. wooran#.com ever thing ou wantedto #now about awebsite.

02. virustotal.com scan an suspiciousfile or emailattachment forviruses.

03. wolframalpha.com gets answers directl without searching see more wolframtips.

04.printwhat ouli#e.com print web pageswithout the clutter.

0". $oliprint.com reformats newsarticles and blogcontent as anewspaper.

0%. isnsfw.com when ou wish to share a 2+34 page but with awarning.

0'. e.ggtimer.com asimple online timer for our dail needs.

0(. coralcdn.org if a site is down due to heav traffic1 tr accessing it through coral 562.

0.. random.org pic#random numbers1 flipcoins1 and more.

20. m wot.com chec# the trust level of an website e7ample.

20. viewer./oho.com 8review 863s and 8resentations directl in the browser.

22. tubemogul.com simultaneousl uploadvideos to 9ou-ube andother video sites.

23. truveo.com thebest place forsearching web videos.

24. scr.im share ouemail address onlinewithout worr ingabout spam.

2". sp pig.com now get read receipts for our email.

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2'. whatfontis.com :uic#l determine the font name from an image.

2(. fonts:uirrel.com a good collection of fonts free forpersonal and commercial use.

2.. rege7.info find data hidden in our photographs seemore ;<=3 tools.

30. tine e.com this isli#e an online versionof >oogle >oogles.

30. iwantm name.com helps ou searchdomains across all-L6s.

32. tabbloid.com our favorite blogsdelivered as 863s.

33. $oin.me share ou screen with an oneover the web.

34. onlineocr.net recogni/e te7t from scanned 863s andimages see other,5R tools.

3". flightstats.com -rac# flight status atairports worldwide.

3%. wetransfer.com for sharing reall bigfiles online.

3'. pastebin.com atemporar onlineclipboard for our te7tand code snippets.

3(.polishm writing.com chec# our writing forspelling orgrammatical errors.

3..awesomehighlighter.com easil highlight theimportant parts of aweb page.

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40.whichdatewor#s.com planning an event?find a date that wor#sfor all.

42. ever time/one.com a less confusing viewof the world time/ones.

43. warric#.cs.odu.edu ou!ll need this when our boo#mar#ed webpages are deleted.

44. gtmetri7.com theperfect tool formeasuring our siteperformance online.

4". imo.im chat with our buddies on +# pe13aceboo#1 >oogle-al#1 etc. from oneplace.

4%.translate.google.com translate web pages1863s and ,fficedocuments.

4'. outube.com)leanbac# sit bac#and en$o 9ou-ubevideos in full& screenmode.

4(. similarsites.com discover new sites thatare similar to what ou li#e alread .

4.. wordle.net :uic#summari/e long piecesof te7t with tagclouds.

"0. bubbl.us createmind&maps1brainstorm ideas inthe browser.

"0. #uler.adobe.com get color ideas1 alsoe7tract colors fromphotographs.

"2. followupthen.com setup :uic#reminders via emailitself.

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"4. tempalias.com generate temporar email aliases1 betterthan disposable email.

"". pdfescape.com lets ou can :uic#l edit 863s in thebrowser itself.

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"'. feedm inbo7.com get R++ feeds as anemail newsletter."(. isendr.com transfer files withoutuploading to a server.

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%0. privnote.com create te7t notes thatwill self&destruct afterbeing read.

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%". e7ample.com thiswebsite can be used asan e7ample indocumentation.

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%'. google.com)histor found something on>oogle but can!tremember it


%(.errorlevelanal sis.com find whether a photois real or aphotoshopped one.

%.. google.com)dictionar get wordmeanings1pronunciations andusage e7amples.

'0.urbandictionar .com find definitions ofslangs and informalwords.

'0. seatguru.com consult this site beforechoosing a seat for our ne7t flight.

'2. s7c.hu downloadstoc# imagesabsolutel free.

'3. imo.im chat with our buddies on +# pe13aceboo#1 >oogle-al#1 etc. from oneplace.

'4. wob/ip.org un/ip our compressed filesonline.

'". vocaroo.com record our voice witha clic#.

'%. scribblemaps.com create custom>oogle @aps easil .

''. bu//feed.com never miss another=nternet meme or viralvideo.

'(. alertful.com :uic#l setup emailreminders forimportant events.

'..encr pted.google.com prevent our =+8 and boss from reading our search :ueries.

(0. formspring.me ou can as# or answerpersonal :uestionshere.

(0. snopes.com findif that email offer oureceived is real or $ustanother scam.

(2. t pingweb.com master touch&t pingwith these practicesessions.

(3. mailvu.com sendvideo emails to an oneusing our web cam.

(4. ge.tt :uic#l senda file to someone1the can even previewit before downloading.

(". timerime.com create timelines withaudio1 video andimages.

(%. stupefli7.com ma#e a movie out of our images1 audioand video clips.

('. aviar .com)m na an online audio editorthat lets ou recordand remi7 audio clip.

((. noteflight.com print music sheets1write our own musiconline AreviewB.

(..disposablewebpage.com create a temporar web page that self& destruct.

.0. namem tune.com when ou need tofind the name of asong.

.0. homest ler.com design from scratch orre&model our home in3d.

.2. snapas#.com useemail on our phoneto find sports scores1read 4i#ipedia1 etc.

.3. teu7deu7.com abeautiful to&do appthat resembles apaper dair .

.4. livestream.com broadcast events liveover the web1including our des#topscreen.

.". bing.com)images automaticall findperfectl &si/edwallpapers formobiles.

.%. historio.us preserve completeweb pages with all theformatting.

.'. dabbleboard.com our virtualwhiteboard.

.(. whisperbot.com send an email withoutusing our ownaccount.

... sumopaint.com an e7cellent la er&based online imageeditor.

000. lovel charts.com create flowcharts1networ# diagrams1sitemaps1 etc.

000. nutshellmail.com >et our 3aceboo#and -witter streams in our inbo7.

,#1 a few more suggestionsC

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