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Esquire Magazine Man at His Best! Esquire is the most-honored monthly magazine in history.

. When the magazine was started in 1933, it was meant as a mens apparel trade magazine; it was later acquired y !earst "agazines in 19#$. %n addition to Esquire &', there are () other pu lished editions around the world. Esquire has e*clusi+e distri ution rights throughout all ha erdashery stores. ,urrently -a+id .ranger is the Editor in ,hie/ o/ the magazine, and 0ac1 Essig dons the roles o/ 'enior 2ice 3resident, 3u lishing -irector, and ,hie/ 4e+enue 5//icer. Esquire turned out to e the only uni+ersal li/estyle magazine /or sophisticated men that de/ines, re/lects, and cele rates what it ta1es to e a man in the present-day 6merican culture. 7he magazine +er alizes the e*tent and di+ersity o/ the passions o/ men y mettlesome storytelling, rilliant manners, and a tonic splash o/ irre+erent humor. %t piques the reading interest o/ men who are intellectually curious and socially aware. %n the 1989s, the magazine di+ersi/ied its /ocus to include +arious other aspects, including the /amous :2arga .irl; co+ers, which largely increased its popularity. Esquire is 1nown /or eing a /unny, in/ormati+e, and connected magazine; it is cele rated /or its /irm literary tradition and o//ers articles on a +ariety o/ topics including< health, /ashion, arts, politics, ad+ice, women, dining and drin1ing, and the most interesting people o/ our time. 6ll these articles are written y the /inest =ournalists and authors, who 1eep all o/ the interests o/ the 6merican men in mind. Esquire has always encouraged writers, starting with Ernest !emingway and >. 'cott >itzgerald /rom the 39s, including 7om Wol/e, ?orman "ailer and .ay 7alese @ pioneers o/ the so-called ?ew 0ournalism /rom the $9s. Esquire cele rated its #9th anni+ersary in 5cto er (913 with the title :7he Ai/e o/ "an;, which was the most prominent issue in Esquires history. Esquire has recei+ed the highest acclaim and o/ten has a place on the charts as 6mericas top magazine. Winning a total o/ 1$ ?ational "agazine 6wards o+er the past 1B years is not a simple /eat; it is an equi+alent o/ the 5scars. Esquire has also een prominent in the digital world y ha+ing won the /irst-e+er ?ational "agazine 6ward /or i3ad applications. %n recent times, -a+id .ranger was honored as :Editor o/ the Cear; y 6d+ertising 6ge and listed the magazine in its annual :6-Aist; issue. %t also added to its list the title o/ the :!ottest "ens "agazine; y 6dwee1 magazine in its annual :!ot Aist; issue /or year (913. %n addition to the pre+iously mentioned awards, there ha+e een numerous awards /or short /iction, Dest 6merican "agazine Writing, multiple citations in the Dest 6merican 'portswriting, Dest 6merican ,rime Writing anthologies, and an award /or pinnacle writing a out /ood /rom the 0ames Deard >oundation. 6lso, Esquire has een honored with (9 gold medals y the 'ociety o/ 3u lication -esigners. 7he 5cto er (99# issue o/ Esquire mar1ed its )Bth anni+ersary; electronic in1 was used /or the /irst time on its issue co+er. Dy doing this, Esquire co+eted the title o/ the :3u lishing %nno+ator o/ the Cear; y 3u lishing E*ecuti+e "agazine. Esquire has een consistently implementing technological changes in the print arena so as to ecome somewhat o/ a leader. 6part /rom the e-in1 magazine co+er, they /eatured the use o/ 6ugmented 4eality on the co+er and entire issue o/ -ecem er (999; the end result was an interacti+e e*perience that made e+erything =ump to li/e when held up to a computers

we cam. Esquire went digital in -ecem er (91(, when it proclaimed the /irst-e+er /ully interacti+e, sharea le e-magazine made possi le y ?etpage. 7he app was designed to allow readers to digitally clip, sa+e, and share e+ery article, ad, and photo in the print edition o/ the -ecem er (91( issue o/ Esquire, and all issues going /orward. 6lso, readers can +iew interacti+e lin1s and play e*clusi+e +ideos, or purchase items right /rom within the app @ creating a completely new way to e*perience a magazine. With the emerging trend o/ mo ile de+ices currently sweeping the mar1et, we need more inno+ations /rom app de+elopers. -igital newsstands li1e that o/ "agzter, 6pple and .oogle are helping pa+e the way /or technological ad+ancements in the arena o/ digital pu lishing. 6ccess an Esquire magazine su scription at the touch o/ your /ingertips. 6lso, with the !quality o/ screens, their adequate size and ac1-lighting, it is now possi le to read a copy o/ your Esquire e-magazine with ease. 5ur ad+ice< a su scription to the Esquire digital magazine and a cup o/ your /a+orite co//ee, in ed or on the couch, reading articles on how to rela* on a wee1end, a/ter a usy wee1 at wor1E .o ahead now, =oin the digital re+olutionE !eres to a decision youll ne+er regretE About the Author: Esquire is the most-honored monthly magazine in history. .ra a copy o/ your Esquire magazine su scription at http<, and en=oy a read o/ the Esquire emagazine todayE Summary: Esquire is the only uni+ersal li/estyle magazine /or sophisticated men that cele rates what it ta1es to e a man in the present-day 6merican culture. Keywords: Esquire,Esquire "agazine,Esquire "agazine 'u scription,Esquire digital magazine,Esquire e-magazine.

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