A Quantity of Matter or Region in Space, Chosen For Study

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THERMODYNAMICS SYSTEM: -A quantity of matter or region in space, chosen for study.


-closed or control mass: only transfer of energy, -open or control volume: transfer of both mass and energy, -isolated: no transfer of mass or energy SURROUNDING: -Mass or region other then the system. BOUNDRY: - Real or imaginary surface that separate system & surrounding. STATE: -Condition of system at particular time, at this point all property has fixed value. STATE POSTULATE: -minimum number of independent intensive properties required.


EQUILIBRIUM: -study of all thermodynamic process must be in equilibrium (includes all mechanical, thermal, chemical, phase equilibriums etc) PROPERTY: -The quantity which characterize the state of the system.


-independent of mass or size of the system

e.g. density,

pressure. EXTENSIVE PROPERTY: -Dependent upon mass or size e.g. mass, volume.

PROCESS: -Any change that system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another equilibrium state e.g. isothermal, adiabatic, polytrophic process. PATH: -A series of states through which the system passes during process. QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM/QUASI STATIC PROCESS: -It is the process that precedes in such manner that system remains infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state. Iso baric- constant pressure . P = constant, V/T=constant, iso thermal const temperature T=constant ,PV = constant, iso choric- const volume.V=constant ,P/T = constant Isenthalpic- const enthalpy.h=constant Reversible adiabatic (isentropic) - constant heatQ=0, S=constant, PV=constant

PATH FUNCTION: -depends on path of process. POINT FUNCTION: -depends on states of process.

WORK and HEAT: -both are not property, they are path function; it takes place only at boundary. - Heat: Form of energy that transfers due temperature difference. -Work: other form of energy transfer without temperature difference. -Sign conversion: Q in: +ve, Q out: ve, Win: ve, Wout: +ve

Zeroth law of thermodynamics: when two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with third body. Then they are thermal equilibrium with each other e.g. thermometer First law of law thermodynamicsEnergy can neither be created nor can be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another.


Second law of thermodynamicsKELVIN-It is impossible for a device that operates on a cycles to receive heat from a single reservoir and produce net work. CLAUSIUS It is impossible to construct a device that operates in a cycle and produces no effect other than the transfer of heat from a lower temperature body to a higher temperature body. THIRD LAWEntropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero temperature is zero ENTROPY: -It is the measure of molecular randomness or disorderness. -It is not a conservative property because of entropy generation.

ENTROPY GENERATION: -Entropy generated during process is due to irreversibility. INCREASE OF ENTROPY PRINCIPLE: -The entropy of isolated system during a process always increases or, in limiting case of a reversible process remains constant. Sgenerated < 0, impossible process Sgenerated >0, irreversible process Sgenerated = 0, reversible process HEAT ENGINE -Device which converts heat to work. REFERIGERATOR- a device to transfer heat from low temperature medium to high temperature medium, coefficient of performance(COP) is ratio b/w QL (heat absorbed at low temperature refrigerated space) to required Win (work input)

HEAT PUMP: -a device to transfer heat from low temperature medium to high temperature medium, coefficient of performance(COP) is ratio b/w QH (heat rejected at high temperature heated space) to required Win (work input) COPHP =COPR+1 THERMAL ENERGY RESERVOIR: - a imaginary body which has high thermal energy capacity that can supply or absorb heat without change in temperature. SOURCE: -a reservoir that supply energy in the form of heat. (e.g.): sun, nuclear energy, etc SINK: -reservoir that absorb energy in the form of heat. . (e.g.): atmosphere, lakes, etc REVERSIBLE PROCESS: -the process that can be reversed without leaving any trace on the surroundings. (e.g.).frictionless pendulum, quasi-equilibrium process. IRREVERSIBLE PROCESS: - process that is not reversible because of the irreversibilitys such as friction, heat transfer, etc.

PURE SUBSTANCE: -substance that has fixed chemical composition throughout. MACH NUMBER: -It is the ratio of actual velocity of fluid to the speed of the sound in the same fluid and same state Ma= v/c. Ma =1 sonic, Ma <1 sub sonic, Ma>1 supersonic, Ma >>1 hyper sonic, Ma approximately=1 transonic.

ENTHALPY: -sum of internal energy and flow work h=u+pv. GIBBS EQUATION: dh=Tds+vdp. du=Tds-pdv. COMMON RELATIONS: T(k) = T(.c)+273.15 (Kelvin to Celsius), T(R) = T(.F)+459.67 (Rankine to Fahrenheit) T(.F) = 1.8T(.C)+32 (Fahrenheit to Celsius) T(R) = 1.8T(K) (Rankine to Kelvin) Pabsolute = Pgauge + Patmosphere Patmosphere = Pvacuum + Pabsolute Specific heat @ const volume CV = (du/dt), Specific heat @ const pressure Cp = (dh/dt) Cp = CV + R, (R =gas constant) Specific heat ratio : k = cp/cv IDEAL GAS: The gas which obeys the relation PV=RT STEADY FLOW ENERGY EQUATION : q-w=h2-h1+ (v22-v12)/2+g (z2-z1) TRIPLE POINT: At a particular temperature and pressure the three phases coexist in equilibrium For Water P = .617KPa and T=0.01.C CRITICAL POINT: The point at which the saturated liquid and saturated vapor states are identical(Latent heat is zero) For Water Pcr = 22.06 MPa and Tcr = 373.95 .C

CONTINUITY EQUATION : Q = A1V1=A2V2 CONSERVATION OF MASS PRINCIPLE: The net mass transfer to or from a control volume during a time interval is equal to the total mass within the control volume during the time interval. min-mout = mcv TYPES OF AIR CONDITIONING: winter air conditioning system, summer air conditioning system. TYPES OF REFRIGERTION: Vapor compression system, Cascade refrigeration system, Multistage compression system, Linde Hampson liquefying system, Gas refrigeration system Vapor absorption system


1-2 : reversible adiabatic heat addition. 2-3 : isentropic expansion 3-4 : reversible adiabatic heat rejection. 4-1 : isentropic compression.




1-2: isentropic compression. 2-3: constant pressure heat addition 3-4: isentropic expansion. 4-1: constant volume heat rejection



1-2: isentropic compression. 2-3: constant pressure heat addition 3-4: isentropic expansion. 4-1: constant volume heat rejection

10 | P a g e


11 | P a g e


1-2 : reversible adiabatic heat addition. 2-3 : isentropic expansion 3-4 : reversible adiabatic heat rejection. 4-1 : isentropic compression.


12 | P a g e


13 | P a g e


14 | P a g e

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