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Dear Friend, My name is Jennifer Williams. My husband, Tim, is running for the Nevada Assembly in the 5th District, right here here you and ! live. ! ho"e you#ll ta$e a minute to read this letter and allo me to tell you a little bit about Tim and hy he%s running for office. Tim and ! have $no n each other our hole lives, but even after all of that time together, he still $no s ho to ma$e me laugh& We%ve been married no for si'teen years, and it goes ith out saying, they have been the best years of my life. (ou see, Tim is a onderful father to our t o teenagers, and a res"ectful and loving husband. As long as !%ve $no n him, he%s been an honest, good)natured guy. *e al ays seems to have an o"timistic outloo$, and is al ays telling me for every "roblem there is a solution, so ! shouldn%t orry. *onestly, ! don%t $no ho he does it because life hasn%t al ays been easy for Tim. Tim is a childhood cancer survivor, and ! really thin$ that e'"erience sha"ed the "erson he is today. *e sa the ay his "arents struggled to "rovide for seven children, one of hom as very sic$, and as soon as he as old enough and ell enough, he "itched in as best he could. *e first ent to or$ in construction at age +,, and then hen he as +-, he too$ another .ob ith the /as 0egas)1lar$ 1ounty library district. 2y the time he as +3, he became a .ourneyman a""rentice, and or$ed as a car"enter until 455+, hen he in.ured his bac$ and couldn%t do that $ind of "hysical labor anymore.

2ut .ust li$e al ays, he didn%t let that setbac$ $ee" him do n. *e studied to become a real estate agent, and no serves our community by hel"ing "eo"le navigate the tough "rocess of buying or selling a home. There are a number of reasons hy Tim is running for 6tate Assembly, but !%d have to say our t o children )) 1harisa and Timothy )) are his main concern. (ou see, Tim cares dee"ly about their future, and ants to do everything he can to ensure that they )) and other young Nevadans )) have the same o""ortunities you and ! had gro ing u". That%s hy Tim is serious about im"roving education. 2ut this doesn%t sur"rise anyone ho $no s Tim. *e%s al ays been concerned about hat ty"e of orld e%ll leave behind for future generations. That%s hy, if elected, Tim ill do everything he can to get our economy moving in the right direction again so that more hard or$ing men and omen can find good .obs and end u" ith more money in their "oc$ets. That%s hy ! ho"e you%ll vote for him on Tuesday, November 4. We%ve all been through some very trying times recently. The economy is sha$y. And e all $no fol$s that have lost their .obs and are struggling to ma$e ends meet and "ut food on the table. 2ut if e can send "rinci"led men and omen to 1arson 1ity to stand u" for our shared values, e can turn things around and "lace Nevada bac$ on the "ath to ard "ros"erity. 6o if you ant an Assemblyman that you can trust to al ays "ut Nevada families first, then ! ho"e you%ll .oin my family in voting for my husband, Tim Williams, on November 4. Than$s for your time, and 7od bless you. 6incerely, Jennifer Williams 8.6. My husband, Tim, is running for 6tate Assembly right here in District 5 here you and ! live.

! can tell you first hand that Tim is an honest, caring man that ill al ays do hat%s right in 1arson 1ity. !f this is the ty"e of re"resentation you ant, then "lease vote for my husband, Tim Williams, on November 4.

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