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SuzAnne McMillin

Dear Friend, Time has just flown by, and it's hard to believe the November away" As you #robably !now, my brother $ud is runnin% for the State &ouse in District '() *hen he first told me he was thin!in% about runnin% earlier in the year, + have to say + wasn,t sur#rised) My brother loves +ndiana and is #assionate about the #eo#le of this state) &e has so much #ride about where he,s from and has really enjoyed %oin% door to door and meetin% so many #eo#le from this district) +f he hasn,t had the #rivile%e of meetin% you yet, + ho#e you will ta!e a few moments to read this letter and let me tell you a bit more about my brother) -nli!e $ud, + had no idea how much wor! was involved in runnin% a cam#ai%n .. but he has enjoyed every minute of it) &e,s always #ut his heart into everythin% he does / whether it was #layin% year round as an athlete at Fran!lin 0ounty &i%h School, as a football and baseball coach or his family law #ractice here in Southern +ndiana) 1ven when we were youn%, nothin% seemed to faze him) $ud and + had all sorts of adventures to%ether .. bi!in%, s#orts, even built a com#lete baseball field in our front yard) *e used to mow our #ro#erty to%ether2 3ne time, when he was about 4 , he thou%ht it,d be a %ood idea to use one of Dad,s lar%er mowers) + finished my #ortion before he did and went inside, only to hear him start hollerin% at the to# of his lun%s) + loo!ed out2 and saw him, still sittin% on the mower))) in the middle of the #ond, with the water almost over the seat) &is determination and %et.the.job.done mentality came throu%h as he went and %ot the nei%hbor,s tractor, which #rom#tly %ot stuc!2 and it wasn,t until they %ot the four.wheeler to election is just wee!s

#ull 53T& tractors that it everythin% was settled) &e too! such %ood care of everythin% that my #arents didn,t hear about the story until about five years a%o" &is wor! ethic and determination continued when he announced he was %oin% to law school) +t sur#rised us since he wasn,t really the 6boo!ish, ty#e2 5ut he hun!ered down, wor!ed really hard, and %raduated at the to# of his class) 3f course, as a former #rosecutor with a 778 conviction ratin% he hasn,t always been #o#ular with everyone) +n the #ast, criminals have done everythin% they could to smear $ud,s %ood re#utation .. all for #uttin% the bad %uys behind bars" $ust recently, $ud,s o##onent du% u# one of those old baseless smears and turned it into an attac! ad) +t,s sad how far #eo#le will %o to avoid tal!in% about the issues) *hen + first saw the ad + was really u#set and wanted to fire bac! but $ud told me that if he just stuc! to the messa%e, &oosiers would be able to tell the truth from the lies) That,s just li!e $ud, he always #ursues what he believes to be ri%ht, even when it means fi%htin% u#hill battles) $ud believes that the current le%islature wastes too much time and too much of our money, and that the #eo#le of our state !now the best use of their money, not the fol!s in +ndiana#olis) $ud and + both truly believe that we need better leadershi#, and that's why he is runnin% for State &ouse) $ud wants you to be able to s#end more of your time and resources on your family and friends) +n fact, one of my brother,s to# %oals is to reduce the ta9 burden on families: so you can !ee# more of what you earn) &e,s also committed to creatin% an environment that will foster business %rowth and more jobs for Southern +ndiana and will fi%ht for our traditional values) That,s the !ind of commitment that + have always been able to count on from $ud, and the !ind of commitment you can e9#ect from him as your State ;e#resentative) + am truly e9cited for $ud to %o to +ndiana#olis as State ;e#resentative, and + am so

than!ful for the su##ort of our family and friends in the community) + %uarantee that if you and others here in Southern +ndiana choose $ud to re#resent us in +ndiana#olis, you will come to trust and a##reciate him as much as + do) + ho#e $ud can count on your vote on November " Sincerely, SuzAnne McMillin

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