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Course: 8

Internship II seventh, 2012

Jos de Jess Gutirrez Cervantes

Eng. Josue Albert Sapiens Lopez

December 8, 2012

The goal of this is to practice and implement what they learned in class. As well as also the development of new skills such as circuit design, from simulation to take it to a card with this is you will understand as with a reference voltage can be more or less voltage, this is based on the needs. On the other hand also will take place the programming of a very commercial circuit called "Arduino" with which you can control a motor, and we will see how this works.

The place where practices took place, was in the multipurpose laboratory located on the floor of Mechatronics, it was in this place where events were giving from the development of equations to weld the last component of the designed circuits. also on occasions he went to the library, when I needed to investigate parts of the circuit. This was held in Universidad Politecnica de Sinaloa, it is located in Mazatlan Higueras km 3, Genaro Estrada. Map with location and company logo:

Company Mission Statement: Form professionals with high technological capabilities, entrepreneurial spirit and solid bases humanists and to generate scientific and technological knowledge through quality services based on relevant academic programs with an educational model based on skills and learning-centered

Brief History The Universidad Politecnica de Sinaloa (UPSIN) arises from a correspondence of the two levels of Government, Federal and State, sharing the same concern to diversify the educational offer in those regions that dont have viable options to operate. In addition, emerges as part of the proposal contained in the national programme of education 2000-2006, which aims to promote development with equity in a system of higher education of good quality which responds with opportunity for social and economic demands of the country and get better levels of certainty, confidence and satisfaction of its results. The need to strengthen higher education in the South of our State prompted the State Executive to create an institution of higher education of high quality which was able to be exemplary citizens, with mastery of the technology and ability to integrate fully into your environment. After several studies of order of economic and educational demand and supply, it was decided to install the UPSIN in the city and port of Mazatlan, in turn that it did have the right conditions, both in educational and industrial and services infrastructure. These studies showed the need for engineering careers in biotechnology, Mechatronics and informatics. Thus, on 30 August 2004 creates the UPSIN as a decentralized public agency of the State of Sinaloa, as shown in Decree for its creation, published in the Official Journal of the aforementioned date. The historical precedent of the UPSIN is the creation of the subsystem of polytechnic universities (UUPP) of the Department of higher education (SES) in 2001. With the support of the coordination of polytechnic universities (CUP), the UPSIN is created and implanted the same educational model with governing the UUPP in our country; This educational model raises the vocational competencebased and focused on the meaningful learning of the student. The date of publication of the Decree of creation, in the Official Journal of the State, began the work that is required to be able to summon candidates to join the UPSIN; get and enable the temporary space for the development of the activities of the University, among others. The first call for applicants was launched in February 2005 to enter the UPSIN and this process concluded with the official record of 138 students, distributed in three races, giving home to the academic activities on 2 may of the same year. At the same time the second competition was launched to join the

UPSIN in September of that same year. From then on, the UPSIN launches an annual call in order to initiate academic activities, for each generation, in the month of September.

Number of staff and departments:

This institution has 23 departments.

INTERNSHIP POSITION Department and job title

I made my internships in a university I didnt have a department and job title, but I was under the responsibility of Professor Albert Sapiens. He told me that I had to do like activities, practices, or he gave me the equations for the designing of the circuits.

Department in which the internship took place

The place where the internship took place was in the school laboratory located in the floor of mechatronic and it took place too was in the sapiens office.

Job duties and responsibilities

My responsibilities were finish the circuit before that the internship finished.


Designing circuits 12345Design the circuit in a paper piece Make the circuit in proteus Simulate the circuit Check the voltage in the references Create the circuit in protoboard

Figure 1.0 Circuit designed in a paper .piece.

Creating the circuit card 1- Export from proteus (ISIS) to proteus (ARES) 2- Make the circuit that it will look in the card 3- Print the circuit in transparency sheet Picture 1.0 After putting the circuit in acid.

4- Iron the circuit printer in a card with copper 5- Wash the circuit with ferrous acid

Welding the circuit 1234Heat up the soldering iron Fill the circuit of plasticene Tinplate the all the circuit Weld the electronic components to the circuit 5- Clear the remaining plasticene

Picture 1.1 After washing the circuit.

Picture 2.1 While soldering the components.

Picture 2.0 While solding the circuit.

Date\Activities 09-Nov-12 16-Nov-12 19-Nov-12 23-Nov-12 26-Nov-12 30-Nov-12 03-Dic-12 08-Dic-12 al al al al

Designing Circuits X

Creating The Circuit X X

Welding The Circuit

Programming in Arduino


Strengths and weaknesses

This institution has as strength that gives you many facilities as well as very good and economic working conditions because it has enough to work though if you already are missing some things that it is moving forward. On the other hand has as a weakness is that its location is far from the heart of the city and the electronics are very far. Training and Supervision

I Yes received proper supervision and I liked the way in which I attended because attention was focused only in my at the time of the doubts and all the same were resolved, because if it wasn't for my supervisor was on my own investigating. Learning outcomes

I learned how to create cards, electronic circuits for me, it is new because no teacher had taught us and I think that it is very important. As background because I really liked programmed Arduinos, this was for the control of motors.

In conclusion what I can say is that I had some good internship, the truth I learned a lot and bring it me light, I understood many things that were I not very clear in class that I can serve and hopefully for later. And I honestly if I recommend making their internship here in the University out cheap and not you fresh you long life and you learn more than in other places.

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