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Exalted but Retrograde

First off, exaltation and debilitation is just one factor indicating a planet's strength. Especially by begining astrologers, exaltation and debilitation is often given more weight than it deserves. Given all the factors, you can have a planet that is debilitated and still strong in a chart. In general, house placement is more important than sign placement. Shadbala (six strengths) is a technique for analyzing the overall potency of a planet, as well as the particular strengths and weaknesses of each planet. It includes exaltation as well as several other factors. Secondly, in Vedic astrology a planet gets stronger when retrograde. This is a very different interpretation than in Western astrology, and even some Vedic astrologers in the West don't quite grasp it. The reasoning is that a planet is stronger when it is moving slower, and a retrograde planet is a planet at its very slowest. When a planet is slow or retro, it has more impact on the part of the zodiac it moves through, compared with when it is moving very fast through it. Also, when the outer planets (Mars, Jupiter & Saturn) are retro they are further from the Sun. This makes them stronger, as they are further from being combust and more visible in the night sky. It works a little different for the inner planets. When the inner planets (Venus & Mercury) are retro they are on the other side of the Sun and their rays get transmitted through the Sun, so they become more powerful (boosted by the Sun). I think it was R. G. Krishnan who said at the Kauai conference that Venus & Mercury are not considered to go combust when they are retro. Can anyone else comment on this? Anyway, the point is that Jyotish considers retrograde to be a planetary strength, not a weakness. Lastly, it is important to distinguish between a planet's strength and auspiciousness. A planet that is strong will have negative effects if it is inauspicious. This depends on its house lordship from the Lagna, but it also depends on other factors such as the influence of natural malefics and/or benefics on the planet. In some ways, you want each planet to have sufficient strength, because each planet holds an important function for each person. But if a dusthana lord is too strong it will bring suffering. To go back to your examples, it is difficult to give a full analysis without seeing the chart as a whole, but here are some suggestions. In the Sagittarius example you gave, having the Lagnesh in the 8th house is an indication of hardship and psychological duress, regardless of sign placement or retrograde status of the planet. In the second example, for Capricorn rising, Mercury is mostly auspicious but does rule the 6th house (a dusthana), and afflictions to the 4th house indicate heart problems. I think especially with this example more details are needed. What is the relationship of Venus and Mercury in the chart? What's the Chandra rashi? Are there natural malefics aspecting the 4th house and Mercury? Mercury's natural status depends on the influences to it from other planets. If there are natural malefics aspecting it, it will have some malefic indications.

Retrograde planets are closest to the Earth, that is why they are"stronger" and why the inner planets when retrograde are also usually/many times combust. Generally the planets approaching the Sun (higher degreee when retro and combust) is considered more benefic than after it crosses the Sun, because Astronomically is begins to move AWAY from the Earth on the other side of the Sun. (though still retro) I consider this, like a waning moon, to be losing strength to what had previously happened since retro. The inner planets are ABSOLUTELY closest to the earth when at exact degree w/the Sun. The outer planets are closest to the earth when at exactly 180 deg from the Sun. The motion is apparent, not actual - the planet appears to move backwards and will generally (at least) show an intrnalizing of its energy. if it is in a favorable position, etc its favorable qualities MAY also prosper - it unfavorable that may also be the case. But either case, the planet will be an internal force in the person and once that will be

prominent in their consciousness. The activities associated with the planet may be intially confusing and then after refelction, the native MAY get great insight. This is because the plnaets apparent motion is backwards, so he backs up in our consciousness. House poosition and sign position are both important fo rdifferent reasons. All of these thing must be synthesized. Exaltation is very important. it is an avastha and shows the planet at its highest intelligent nature. Jagraad=awake. It is the first thing parashara says about the planets after telling general (and very important info) about them. Like the sun is the kIn, etc. Then he says the exaltaion and deb. oints, then he says how to calculate the permanent relationships, then the dignity. Yet exaltation points should not be confused with a planet giving "good" etc. These things are totally different and happen for totally different reasons. A person getting sexuially assaulted as shown through an exalted Jupiter may lead the person to becoma a "buddha". The person who is sexuyally assaulted by their mother because they have Saturn Rahu and venus and DB Moon in Scorpio in the 4th may become a murderer or molester themselves. (My humble apologies to anyone with a similar stellium in the 4th) the difference is the exalted planet is operating with INTELLIGENCE, so the problems he creates will lead the native to awakening. This is why the same things happen to different people and the results are totally different, one learns from it the other doesn't. Intelligence (sattwa) comes from the grahas. NOwhere is it written or asserted that exalted planets give good stuff. It says the grahas will give it "full effects" and things like that. It is us who assumes that means good worldly stuff. Debilitated planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn can give many worldy fruits, yet deprive the intelligence that allows for their enjoyment, as an example. Shad Bala is a totally different shceme and way to qualify planetary strength. -Chesta Bala shows the motional strength (direct or retro) Uccha Bala show it relationship to the point of exaltation and debility

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