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Vol. 30, No.

1 / 2010

INMATEH Agricultural


Eng. Matache M., Eng. Mihai M., Ph.D. Eng. Vldu V., Eng. Voicea I. INMA Bucharest
Tel: +40 727.957.693.; E-mail:

Abstract: The shock absorbers role in all the auto vehicle geometry is very important, because the shock absorber is a key element for the security and performances of a technical equipment. The main function of a shock absorber consists in controlling the ratio between the technical equipment static masses (chassis, casing, engine, passengers, loading, etc) and the moving ones (wheels, tyres, brakes, etc) during its functioning. In movement, these masses produce continuum mechanical shocks, because of the terrain irregularities or the direction changements, which are transmitted to the rolling system, passengers, direction, etc. The tests which have to be performed on a shock absorber are of static and dynamic nature. The shock absorbers compact testing platform PCIA can be used for performing both types of tests which are suited to using such an equipment. The platform offers the possibility of simultaneous endurance dynamic testing of more shock absorbers, thus reducing both the time and cost of a test and it could be used in the future for testing other machine parts. Likewise can be performed static resistance tests of shock absorbers as well as the dynamic test of raising the elastic characteristics. The equipment can reproduce different reference signals for actuating the shock absorbers, under different forms and with different frequencies and amplitudes, thus reproducing the entire range of vibrations and loads at which the shock absorbers are subjected by daily usage and the strains at which they have to be subjected for testing, stipulated in standards and other regulations. Keywords: shock absorber, platform, signal, testing INTRODUCTION The shock absorbers role in all the auto vehicle geometry is very important, because the shock absorber is a key element for the security and performances of a technical equipment. It is proven the fact that the usage of shock absorbers which don't comply whith the current norms have often led to producing of some tragic accidents. Further, because it is conceived by the vehicle originar designer as an integral part of the suspension system, any modification on its structure has unexpected effects on the machine general charactestics [1, 2, 3, 8]. The main function of a shock absorber consists in controlling the ratio between the technical equipments static masses (chassis, casing, engine, passengers, load, etc) and the moving ones (wheels, tyres, brakes, etc) during its functioning. In movement, these masses produce, by the terrain irregularities or by direction changement, continuum mechanical shocks, which are transmitted to the rolling system, passengers, direction, etc. The shock absorber role is absorbing this mechanical energy, due to the technical equipment launches on the vertical direction, and to dissipate it all around, as thermal energy, thus realising the vehicle trajectory stabilization [4, 5, 6, 7, 9]. Tests which have to be effectuated on a shock absorber are of static and dynamic nature [11]. The compact shock absorbers testing platform PCIA can be

Rezumat: Rolul amortizoarelor n toat geometria unui autovehicul este foarte important, deoarece amortizorul este un element vital pentru securitatea i performanele unui echipament tehnic. Funcia principal a amortizorului const n a controla raportul ntre masele statice ale echipamentelor tehnice (asiul, caroserie, motor, pasageri, ncrctur, etc.) i cele n micare (roi, anvelope, frne, etc.) n timpul rulrii sale. n mers, aceste mase produc, prin neregularitile terenului sau schimbrile de direcie, ocuri mecanice continue, care se transmit sistemului de rulare, pasagerilor, direciei, etc. Testele care trebuie efectuate asupra unui amortizor sunt de natur statica i dinamic. Platforma compacta de ncercare a amortizoarelor PCIA poate fi utilizat pentru efectuarea ambelor tipuri de teste care se preteaz la folosirea unui asemenea echipament. Platforma ofer posibilitatea ncercrii dinamice simultane la anduran a mai multor amortizoare, astfel reducndu-se att timpul i costul unei ncercri, ea putnd fi utilizat n viitor i pentru ncercarea altor organe de maini. De asemenea se pot efectua teste statice de rezisten a amortizoarelor, ct i testele dinamice de ridicare a caracteristicilor elastice. Echipamentul poate reproduce diferite semnale de referin pentru acionarea amortizoarelor, sub diferite forme si cu diferite frecvente si amplitudini, putndu-se astfel reproduce ntreaga gama de vibraii si sarcini la care amortizoarele sunt supuse prin utilizarea lor zilnic ct i solicitrile la care trebuie supuse pentru testare, stipulate n standarde si alte reglementari. Cuvinte cheie: amortizor, platform, semnal, testare INTRODUCERE Rolul amortizoarelor n toat geometria unui autovehicul este foarte important, deoarece amortizorul este un element vital pentru securitatea i performanele unui echipament tehnic. Este demonstrat faptul c utilizarea unor amortizoare care nu respect normele n vigoare au condus adesea la producerea unor accidente cu urmri tragice. n plus, deoarece el este conceput de ctre proiectantul originar al vehiculului drept o parte integrant a sistemului de suspensie, orice modificare a sa are efecte neateptate asupra caracteristicilor generale ale mainii [1, 2, 3, 8]. Funcia principal a amortizorului const n a controla raportul ntre masele statice ale echipamentelor tehnice (asiul, caroserie, motor, pasageri, ncrctur, etc.) i cele n micare (roi, anvelope, frne, etc.) n timpul rulrii sale. n mers, aceste mase produc, prin neregularitile terenului sau schimbrile de direcie, ocuri mecanice continue, care se transmit sistemului de rulare, pasagerilor, direciei, etc. Rolul amortizorului este tocmai de a absorbi aceast energie mecanic, datorat lansrilor pe vertical a echipamentelui tehnic, i a o disipa n jur, sub form de energie termic, realiznd astfel stabilizarea traiectoriei vehiculului [4, 5, 6, 7, 9]. Testele care trebuie efectuate asupra unui amortizor sunt de natur statica i dinamic [11]. Platforma compacta de ncercare a amortizoarelor PCIA poate fi 95

Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 used for performing both types of tests which can use such an equipment. The platform offers the possibility of simultaneous endurance dynamic testing of more shock absorbers, thus reducing both the time and cost of a test and it could be used in the future for testing other machines parts. At the same time, can be effectuated static resistance tests of shock absorbers as well as the dynamic test of raising the elastic characteristics [10, 12]. The testing platform is endowed with rapid coupling systems which will simulate the linkage systems on the technical equipment of the shock absorbers. The equipment can reproduce different reference signals for actuating the shock absorbers, under different forms and with different frequencies and amplitudes, thus reproducing the entire range of vibrations and loads at which the shock absorbers are subjected by daily usage and also the strains at which they have to be subjected for testing, stipulated in standards and other regulations. MATERIAS AND METHOD The experimental model of the shock absorbers compact testing platform (PCIA) is presented in figure 1.

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utilizat pentru efectuarea ambelor tipuri de teste care se preteaz la folosirea unui asemenea echipament. Platforma ofer posibilitatea ncercrii dinamice simultane la anduran a mai multor amortizoare, astfel reducndu-se att timpul i costul unei ncercri, ea putnd fi utilizat n viitor i pentru ncercarea altor organe de maini. De asemenea se pot efectua teste statice de rezisten a amortizoarelor, ct i testele dinamice de ridicare a caracteristicilor elastice [10, 12]. Platforma de testare este dotat cu sisteme de cuplare rapide care vor simula sistemele de prindere pe echipamentele tehnice ale amortizoarelor. Echipamentul poate reproduce diferite semnale de referin pentru acionarea amortizoarelor, sub diferite forme si cu diferite frecvente si amplitudini, putndu-se astfel reproduce ntreaga gama de vibraii si sarcini la care amortizoarele sunt supuse prin utilizarea lor zilnic ct i solicitrile la care trebuie supuse pentru testare, stipulate n standarde si alte reglementari. MATERIALE I METOD Modelul experimental al platformei compacte de testare a amortizoarelor (PCIA) este prezentat n figura 1.

Fig. 1 - The compact shock absorbers testing platform (stand) / Platforma compact de testare a amortizoarelor (stand) 1 Mechanical system / sistem mecanic; 2 Hydraulic system / sistem hidraulic; 3 Command and control system / sistem de comand i control

Experimental model constructive description The shock absorbers compact testing platform (stand), PCIA is composed of the following systems: 1. mechanical system (fig. 2) 2. hydraulic system (fig. 3) 3. command and control system (fig. 4, 5)

Descriere constructiv a modelului experimental Platforma compact de testare a amortizoarelor (stand), PCIA este alctuit din urmtoarele sisteme: 1. sistemul mecanic (fig. 2) 2. sistemul hidraulic (fig. 3) 3. sistemul de comand i control (fig. 4, 5)

Fig. 2 Mechanical system / Sistemul mecanic 1 holster / batiu; 2 guiding column / coloan ghidaj; 3 superior chassis / montant superior; 4 driving screw / urub conductor

Fig. 3 Hydraulic system / Sistem hidraulic 1 oil tank / rezervor ulei; 2 pump engine / motor pomp; 3 hydraulic hose / furtun hidraulic


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010

INMATEH Agricultural


Fig. 4 Command and control system / Sistem de comand i control 1 control panel / panou control; 2 data acquisition system with oscilloscope / sistem achiziie date cu osciloscop; 3 signal generator / generator de semnal; 4 data processing laptop / laptop prelucrare date

Fig. 5 Control panel / Panou control 1 ON/OFF buttons / butoane pornire/oprire; 2 safety button / buton avarie; 3 signaling lamps / lmpi semnalizare; 4 oil temperature regulator / regulator temperatur ulei; 5 digital display of load cell signal / afiaj digital semnal doz tensometric

Functional description The shock absorbers compact testing platform PCIA has the role to perform the run in and to determine the elastic characteristics of all the shock absorbers types, by covering the next stages: 1. By means of the command and control system and of the shock absorber positioning system are executed the following operations: it is actuated the hydraulic group for obtaining the necessary pressure for the hydraulic cylinder; it is actuated the shock absorber positioning system for adapting the working distance to its sizes. 2. By the medium of the mechanical system it is realised the mounting of the shock absorber on stand. 3. By the medium of the control and parameters measuring system of the shock absorber subjected to the test can be executed the following operations: it is established the testing frequency and the stroke by commanding the signal generator; it is visualized in real time the elastic characteristic on the oscilloscope display and it is verified its framing in the limits required by the producer; it is achieved the data acquisition (force, displacement) necessary for drawing the elastic characteristic of the shock absorber. Dimensional and constructive characteristics: Gauge dimensions: Length: 2596 mm; Width: 1830 mm; Height: 2870 mm; Power supply: 380 Vca ; Maximum force: 50 kN; Maximum stroke: 350 mm; Working pressure: 150 bar. Shock absorbers testing methodology on stand Shock absorbers role and characteristics Shock absorbers used in autovehicles suspension have the role to rapidly dissipate the energy of the

Descriere funcional Platforma compact de testare a amortizoarelor PCIA are rolul de a realiza rodajul i a determina caracteristicile elastice ale tuturor tipurilor de amortizoare, prin parcurgerea urmtoarelor etape: 1. Prin intermediul sistemului de control si comand al grupului hidraulic i al sistemului de poziionare amortizor se execut urmtoarele operaii: se acioneaz grupul hidraulic pentru obinerea presiunii necesare cilindrului hidraulic; se acioneaz sistemul de poziionare al amortizorului pentru a se adapta distana de lucru la dimensiunile acestuia; 2. Prin intermediul sistemului mecanic se realizeaz montajul amortizorului pe stand. 3. Prin intermediul sistemului de control i de msurare a parametrilor amortizorului supus ncercarii se pot executa urmtoarele operaii: se stabilete frecvena de ncercare i cursa amortizorului prin comandarea generatorului de semnal; se vizualizeaz n timp real caracteristica elastic pe display-ul osciloscopului i se verific ncadrarea acesteia n limitele cerute de productor; se efectueaz achiziia de date (for, deplasare) necesare pentru realizarea caracteristicii elastice a amortizorului. Caracteristici dimensionale i constructive Dimensiuni de gabarit: Lungime: 2596 mm; Lime: 1830 mm; nlime: 2870 mm; Tensiune de alimentare: 380 Vca; For maxim: 50 kN; Curs maxim: 350 mm; Presiune de lucru: 150 bar. Metodologie de ncercare a amortizoarelor pe stand Rolul i caracteristicile amortizoarelor Amortizoarele folosite n suspensia automobilelor au rolul de a disipa rapid energia oscilaiilor verticale ale 97

Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 vertical oscillations of the vehicle cabin and wheels by transforming it in thermal energy given to the environment. Shock absorbers are mounted in parallel with the main elastic elements of the suspension and represent a key element in assuring the comfort and safety in traffic. At modern auto-vehicles, the most used shock absorbers are the telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers. The working principle of these dampers consist in the following: at the relative displacement of the suspended mass up against the unsuspended mass, the viscous liquid from the shock absorber's body is forced to pass through small section orifices. Because of the liquid friction which appears at its passage through the calibrated orifices, the oscillations energy is transformed in thermal energy. The dependence between the damper's resistance force F, (the force opposed by the liquid passing through the calibrated orifices) and the relative speed between the suspended and unsuspended mass (speed of shock absorber piston Vp) defines the amortization characteristic. The telescopic damper resistance force is given by the relation: -i F = CV [N] where: C is the damper's resistance coefficient, i the speed's exponent. Depending on the speed's exponent i, the amortization characteristic can be linear, (i=1), regressive (i<1) and progressive (i>1). The advantage of regressive characteristic dampers consist in more reduced value of the resistance forces at big oscillation speeds and hence the transmission of smaller forces to the frame or the bodywork. The ones with progressive characteristic present the advantage that the resistance forces are smaller at small oscillation speeds (travelling with reduced speeds or travelling on routes with smooth unevenness) and are increasing rapidly with the increment of the oscillation speed. The optimum characteristic is a square characteristic (i=2), which assures a proper comfort. Also, the axle oscillation is amortized faster after a squared law and is obtained a greater safety in traffic. Depending on the ratio between the shock absorber resistance coefficients at the compressing stroke Cc (stroke of masses approach) and the expansion stroke Cd (stroke of masses aberrancy), the telescopic shock absorbers can be: with double effect and symmetric characteristic, Cc=Cd; with double effect and asymmetric characterictic, CcCd; with simple effect, Cc=0; Cd0; The great majority of current shock absorbers are with double effect and asymmetric absorbing characteristic with Cd=(25) Cc. Usage of such characteristic is motivated by tendency of reducing the shocks effect at wheel crossing over bold unevenness, by a smaller amortization at the compression throw. If Cc is big, at wheel crossing over the bumps of the road, the speed of the unsuspended mass rises and through the damper will be transmitted a big force, and at the wheel crossing over gaps the transmitted forces will be smaller. But if Cd is too big, at movement over a road with gaps it could loose the wheel contact with the rolling route and the wheel will cross over a part of the gap without touching it. Moving over rolling routes with uneven surfaces, there are recommended big differences between the Cc and Cd coefficients. In case of traffic on roads with long but smooth irregularities, it is recommended a small difference between the two coefficients. The shock absorber medium resistance coefficient C is defined by the relation: C = 1/2(Cc + Cd)

INMATEH Agricultural


caroseriei i ale roilor automobilului prin transformarea ei n energie caloric cedat mediului ambiant. Amortizoarele sunt montate n paralel cu elementele elastice principale ale suspensiei i reprezint un element de baz n asigurarea confortului i siguranei circulaiei. La automobilele moderne, cele mai utilizate amortizoare sunt amortizoarele hidraulice telescopice. Principiul de lucru al acestor amortizoare const din urmtoarele: la deplasarea relativ a masei suspendate fa de masa nesuspendat, lichidul vscos din corpul amortizorului este obligat s treac prin orificii de seciune mic. Datorit frecrii lichide care apare la trecerea acestuia prin orificiile calibrate, energia oscilaiilor se transform n energie caloric. Dependena dintre fora de rezisten a amortizorului F, (fora opus de lichid la trecerea prin orificiile calibrate) i viteza relativ dintre masa suspendat i nesuspendat (viteza pistonului amortizorului Vp) definete caracteristica de amortizare. Fora de rezisten a amortizorului telescopic este dat de rela ia: -i F = CV [N] n care: C este coeficientul de rezisten al amortizorului; i exponentul vitezei. n funcie de exponentul vitezei i, caracteristica de amortizare poate fi liniar (i=1), regresiv (i<1) i progresiv (i>1). Avantajul amortizoarelor cu caracteristic regresiv const n valoarea mai redus a forelor de rezisten la viteze mari de oscilaie i deci transmiterea unor fore mici la cadru sau caroserie. Cele cu caracteristic progresiv prezint avantajul c forele de rezisten sunt mici la viteze reduse de oscilaie (deplasarea cu viteze reduse sau deplasarea pe ci cu denivelri line) i cresc rapid cu creterea vitezei de oscilaie. Caracteristica optim este o caracteristic ptratic (i=2), care asigur un confort corespunztor. De asemenea, oscilaia punii se amortizeaz mai rapid dup o lege ptratic i se obine o siguran mai mare n circulaie. n funcie de raportul dintre coeficienii de rezisten ai amortizorului la cursa de comprimare Cc (cursa de apropiere a maselor) i cursa de destindere Cd (cursa de deprtare a maselor), amortizoarele telescopice pot fi: cu dublu efect i caracteristic simetric, Cc=Cd; cu dublu efect i caracteristic asimetric, CcCd; cu simplu efect; Cc=0; Cd0; Marea majoritate a amortizoarelor actuale sunt cu dublu efect i caracteristic de amortizare asimetric cu Cd=(25) Cc. Folosirea unui astfel de caracteristici este motivat prin tendina de a micora efectul ocurilor la trecerea roii peste denivelri proeminente, printr-o amortizare mai mic la cursa de comprimare. Dac Cc este mare, la trecerea roii peste ridicturile cii de rulare, viteza masei nesuspendate crete i prin amortizor se va transmite o for mare, iar la trecerea roii peste denivelri sub form de adncituri, forele transmise vor fi mai mici. Dac, ns, Cd este prea mare, la deplasarea pe un drum cu adncituri se poate pierde contactul roii cu calea de rulare, roata ve trece peste o parte din adncitur fr s o ating. La deplasarea pe ci de rulare cu suprafee neregulate, se recomand diferene mari ntre coeficienii Cc i Cd. n cazul circulaiei pe drumuri cu neregulariti lungi, dar line, este recomandat o diferen mic ntre cei doi coeficieni Cc i Cd. Coeficientul mediu de rezisten al amortizorului C este definit de relaia: (1) 98

Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 The C coefficient is chosen so that the oscillations amortization assure the passangers comfort and the merchandise protection in the conditions of auto-vehicle circulation on roads with uneven surfaces. In case of shock absorbers with progressive characteristic, for reducing the forces which are transmitted through the damper, there are provided unloading valves (of compression, respective of expansion). When the relative speeds between the two masses reach a value, named critical speed (Vcr), the unloading valves open themselves and the passing sections for liquid widen. Thus, the amortization force will increase more slowly. It is recommended that the damper works with the unloading valves closed until speeds corresponding to low frequency oscillation are reached, with amplitudes equal to the suspension stroke until the buffers couple. This speed is:

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Coeficientul C se alege astfel ca amortizarea oscilaiilor s asigure confortul pasagerilor i protejarea mrfurilor n condiiile circulaiei automobilului pe drumuri cu suprafee neregulate. n cazul amortizoarelor cu caracteristic progresiv, pentru reducerea forelor ce se transmit prin amortizor, se prevd supape de descrcare ( de comprimare, respectiv de destindere). Cnd vitezele relative dintre cele dou mase ating o valoare, numit viteza critic (Vcr), supapele de descrcare se deschid i seciunile de trecere pentru lichid se mresc. n acest fel, fora de amortizare va crete mai lent. Se recomand ca amortizorul s funcioneze cu supapele de descrcare nchise pn la viteze corespunztoare oscilaiilor de frecven joas, cu amplitudini egale cu cursa suspensiei pana la cuplarea limitatoarelor. Aceast vitez este: (2) Vcr = hr 0 0 ,2 0 ,4 [m/s] where: unde: hr is the wheel stroke until the buffers coupling, hr este cursa roii pn la cuplarea limitatoarelor, determined from the suspension elastic determinat din caracteristica elastic a suspensiei. characteristic. 0 pulsaia proprie a suspensiei. 0 suspension self pulsation. In table 1 are given for different types of auton tabelul 1 sunt date pentru diferite tipuri de vehicles the medium values of the damper resistance automobile valorile medii ale coeficientului de rezisten coefficent [10, 11]. al amortizorului [10, 11]. Table 1 / Tabel 1 Values recommended for the damper resistance coefficents / Valori recomandate pentru coeficienii de rezisten ai amortizorului Auto-vehicle / Automobilul Cars with: / Autoturisme cu: - microcylinder capacity / microcilindree - small and medium cylinder capacity / cilindree mic i medie -big cylinder capacity / cilindree mare Trucks / Autocamioane: 3 Ga<90x10 N 3 Ga>90x10 N Buses / Autobuze: 5 Ga>10 N C With closed valves / With open valves / With closed valves / cu supapele nchise cu supapele nchise cu supapele deschise Front/Fa Rear/Spate Front/Fa Rear/Spate Front/Fa Rear/Spate Front/Fa Rear/Spate Cc Cd

























1110 1660


5870 14300


3490 7980


2060 5650










For assuring a sufficient reducement of the amortization forces, it is recommended that the section of the characteristic appropriate to the open valves (Vp>Vcr) be regressive. The critical forces for dampers are comprised between the limits: Fcrd = 20003000 N for the expansion stroke and Fcrc = 400700 N for the compression stroke. Between the two forces it is recommended the relation:

Pentru a se asigura o micorare suficient a forelor de amortizare, se recomand ca poriunea caracteristicii corespunztoare supapelor deschise (Vp>Vcr) s fie regresiv. Forele critice de amortizoare sunt cuprinse n limitele: Fcrd = 20003000 N pentru cursa de destindere i Fcrc = 400700 N pentru cursa de comprimare. ntre cele doua fore se recomand relaia: (3)

Fcrd = (1/41/3) Fcrd


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 the ratio value being taken smaller if the roads on which the vehicle is designed to travel are of good quality. Verification of the shock absorbers quality For quality verification, the dampers are subjected to: 1. type verifications; 2. lot verifications. 1. Type verifications are executed according to the regulations of the quality control technology for all the technical conditions established according to STAS 9381-88. Type verifications are done: at product type approval; in case of raw matters or materials replacement or in case of their quality characterictics modification; at every constructive or technological modification which affects the product quality; periodic, at least once every two years, as well as at the beneficiary request. This type of verification is made on four dampers of the same size, constructive variant, dimensions, executed from the same material and through the same technological process, excepting the trailing test which is performed on a single piece. If a shock absorber does not correspond to a single verification, the test is repeated for a double number of dampers. 2. Lot verifications are performed according to the regulations of the quality control technology, through procedures established by SR ISO 3951:1998 for measurable quality characteristics. The verifications are done on lots of dampers of the same size, constructive variant, with the same dimensions, executed from the same materials and through the same technological process [2, 11]. The type and lot verifications at which are subjected the dampers, according to table 2, are the following:

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valoarea raportului lundu-se mai mic dac drumurile pe care este destinat s circule automobilului sunt de bun calitate. Verificarea calitii amortizoarelor Pentru verificarea calitii, amortizoarele se supun la: 1. verificri de tip; 2. verificri de lot. 1. Verificrile de tip se execut n conformitate cu prevederile tehnologiei de control al calitii pentru toate condiiile tehnice stabilite n conformitate cu STAS 9381-88. Verificrile de tip se fac: la omologarea produsului; n cazul nlocuirii materiilor prime ori materialelor sau n cel al modificrii caracteristiciilor de calitate ale acestora, la fiecre modificare constructiv sau tehnologic care afecteaz calitatea produsului; periodic, cel puin odat la doi ani, precum i la cererea beneficiarului. Acest tip de verificare se face pe cte patru amortizoare de aceeai mrime, variant constructiv, dimensiuni, executate din acelai materiale i prin acelai proces tehnologic, cu excepia ncercrii la traciune care se face pe o singur bucat. Dac un amortizor nu corespunde unei singure condiii, verificarea se repet pentru un numr dublu de amortizoare. 2. Verificrile de lot se execut n conformitate cu prevederile tehnologiei de control al calitii, prin procedeele stabilite de SR ISO 3951:1998 pentru caracteristicile de calitate msurabile. Verificrile se fac pe loturi de amortizoare de aceeai mrime, variant constructiv, cu aceleai dimensiuni, executate din acelai materiale i prin acelai proces tehnologic [2, 11]. Verificrile de tip i de lot la care sunt supuse amortizoarele, conform tabelului 2 sunt urmtoarele: Table 2 / Tabel nr. 2 Verifications / Verificri of type / de tip of lot / de lot X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Verification name / Denumirea verificrii Materials quality verification / Verificarea calitii materialelor Exterior aspect verification / Verificarea aspectului exterior Gauge dimensions verification / Verificarea dimensiunilor de gabarit Execution and mounting verification / Verificarea execuiei i montajul Roughness verification / Verificarea rugozitii Hardness verification / Verificarea duritii Protective covers verification / Verificarea acoperirilor de protecie Maximum stroke verification / Verificarea cursei maxime Length and nominal stroke verification / Verificarea lungimii i cursei nominale Net mass verification / Verificarea masei nete Functioning verification / Verificarea funcionrii Liquid loss verification / Verificarea pierderilor de lichid Protector welding verification on the damper superior cap / Verificarea rezistenei sudurii protectorului pe capacul superior al amortizorului Traction test / ncercarea la traciune Guiding test / ncercarea ghidajului Valves test at shock / ncercarea supapelor la oc Bumpers and grips test / ncercarea tampoanelor i prinderilor Determination of the adjustment diagram F-s / Determinarea diagramei de reglaj F-s Determination of the amortization characteristics F-v / Determinarea caracteristicilor de amortizare F - v Verification of thermal stability and functionality at high end temperatures / Verificarea stabilitii termice i funcionrii la temperaturi limit Endurance test / ncercarea de anduran Noise level determination / Determinarea nivelului de zgomot Bumpers test at stretch / ncercarea tampoanelor la elongaii


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 The materials quality verification is made based on the quality certificates released by the producer. In case of doubt, there are made chemical analyses or mechanical tests of control in the proportion established in the current standards of materials. The dampers proper test with the compact testing platform for testing shock absorbers On the shock absorbers compact testing platform PCIA can be effectuated the following tests: Maximum stroke test The damper maximum stroke verification is done measuring the maximum and the minimum lenght of the same damper and making the substitution. Testing of lengths and nominal stroke Verification of the lengths and of nominal stroke for dampers provided with self catchers, can be made by measuring a damper without load and under load, according to the stipulations from the technical product documentation. Functionality testing The verification is made on stand at the temperature of 235 C. There are performed 8 10 complet cycles (expansion and compression) at the test speed of the damper provided in the product technical documentation. The damper must develop the forces provided in the product technical documentation. After the test, with the obtained data it's drawn F-s diagram, which is compared with the initial F-s diagram. Traction test The assembled damper is mounted in catching devices and is loaded at the traction forces provided in the product technical documentation. Guiding test The test is performed at assembled dampers, on the platform with a frequency of 1,60,1 Hz (according to STAS 9381-88), at a stroke of 25 mm placed so that to assure a minimum guard of 5 mm between the elastic catcher and the rod guidance at the end of the expansion stroke of the damper. Right in front of the guidance, perpendicularly on the damper axle is applied a constant force of 150 N. There are 6 performed 10 cycles at a temperature of 9010 C. Determination of adjustment diagram F-s The F-s diagram is determined on the dampers testing platform. The F-s diagram is drawn for the following testing conditions: - testing stroke (s), of which value must be written in the initial file; - shock absorber speed. The determination have to be made at an environment temperature of 235 C. The effective amortization f orces values Fd and Fc up against the nominal values have to be framed between the limits provided in table 3 (STAS 9381-88).

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Verificarea calitii materialelor se face pe baza certificatelor de calitate eliberate de productor. n caz de dubiu, se fac analize chimice sau ncercri mecanice de control n proporia stabilit n standardele de materiale n vigoare. Testarea propriu-zis a amortizoarelor cu platforma compact pentru ncercat amortizoare Pe platforma compact pentru ncercat amortizoare PCIA se pot efectua urmtoarele testri: Testarea cursei maxime Verificarea cursei maxime a amortizorului se face msurnd lungimea maxim i lungimea minim a aceluiai amortizor i efectund diferena. Testarea lungimilor i cursei nominale Verificarea lungimilor i cursei nominale la amortizoarele prevzute cu limitatoare proprii de curs, se face prin msurri pe un amortizor fr sarcin i sub sarcin, conform prevederilor din documentaia tehnic de produs. Testarea funcionrii Verificarea se face pe stand la temperatura de 235C. Se efectueaz 810 cicluri complete (destindere i comprimare) la viteza de ncercare a amortizorului prevzut n documentaia tehnic de produs. Amortizorul trebuie s dezvolte forele prevzute n documentaia tehnic de produs. Dup ncercare, cu datele obinute se traseaz diagrama F-s, care se compar cu diagrama F-s iniial. Testarea la traciune Amortizorul asamblat se fixeaz n dispozitive de prindere i se ncarc la forele de traciune prevzute n documentaia tehnic de produs. Testarea ghidajului ncercarea se efectueaz la amortizoarele asamblate, pe platform cu frecvena de 1,60,1 Hz (conform STAS 9381-88), la o curs de 25 mm plasat astfel nct s asigure o gard de minim 5 mm ntre limitatorul elastic i ghidajul tijei la sfritul cursei de destindere a amortizorului. n dreptul ghidajului, perpendicular pe axa amortizorului, se aplic o for constant de 150 N. Se 6 C. efectueaz 10 cicluri la o temperatur de 9010 Determinarea diagramei de reglaj F-s Diagrama F-s se determin pe platforma de ncercri amortizoare. Diagrama F-s se traseaz pentru urmtoarele condiii de ncercare: - cursa de ncercare (s), a crei valoare trebuie nscris n fia iniial; - viteza amortizorului. Determinarea trebuie fcut la o temperatur a mediului ambiant de 235 C. Valorile for elor efective de amortizare Fd i Fc fa de valorile nominale trebuie s se ncadreze n abaterile prevzute la tabelul 3 (STAS 9381-88).

Table 3 / Tabelul 3 Limits to the nominal amortization forces / Abateri limit la forele nominale de amortizare Limits to the nominal amortization forces / Piston speed / Viteza Abateri limit la forele nominale de amortizare [%] pistonului, v Vehicle / Vehiculul compression / [m/s] extension / la destindere la comprimare 15 dar nu mai puin de / but not Cars / Autoturisme 15 Until / Pn la 0,131 less than 50 N inclusiv Rest of the vehicles / Restul 25 25 vehiculelor Cars / Autoturisme 12,5 15 Over / Peste 0,131 until / Rest of the vehicles / Restul pn la 0,5 inclusiv 20 20 vehiculelor Cars / Autoturisme 12,5 13 Over / Peste 0,5 Rest of the vehicles / Restul 13 13 vehiculelor


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 Testing of thermal stability and functionality at limiting temperatures Thermal stability testing The verification is made on the testing platform using additionally an installation which allows the temperature determination for the damper subjected to the test, without cooling. The verification is made on the damper without guard, placed in vertical position with the piston in the middle stroke position. The thermal stability of the damper is determined this way: a) It is recorded initially the F-s diagram at a testing stroke s = 25 mm and a testing frequency, = 1,66 Hz for the damper temperature equal with the environment temperature 235C and after for each 5 C of temperature rising until it is settled. b) It is processed the heating diagram T-t and the amortization force drop diagram F-T. The damper temperature is measured on the outer surface of the tank cylinder, at the sealing device level (in the upper part). The damper is considered proper if: the maximum temperature is settled until +90 C; at maximum temperature, the drop of the amortization force does not exceed 30%, both at the damper expansion and compression; during recording (from 5 to 5 C) the form of the F- s diagram curves remain similar to the form of the initial F-s diagram curve; the form of the F-s diagram curve recorded after the damper cooling to the environment temperature ressembles with the initial one, and the amortization forces do not drop with more than 5% at expansion and with 7,5% at compression. Functionality testing at high end temperatures (thermal shock) At this verification it is noted the shock absorber comportment at extreme temperatures. The maximum temperature verification is made by maintaining the damper working for one hour at a temperature of +110 C, at a testing frequency, = 1,66 Hz and the piston stroke s = 25 mm. After finalizing the test, the damper must not present oil leakage. Verification at minimum temperature is made by maintaining the damper working for 12 h at a temperature of 40 C, at a speed of 0.262 m/s, at 1.66 Hz and th e piston stroke s = 25 mm. After finalizing the test, the damper must not present oil leakage. Endurance tests Tests on stand Before the test are verified: a) the effective dimensions of the pieces which wear off; b) the oil quantity inside the damper; c) the damper mass; d) the amortization characteristic F-v. The damper testing regime have to be according to the company standard: the testing temperature +60+80 C; for maintaining this temperature there will be built exterior casings for cooling with water; the damper position will be vertical; 6 test time 3 x 10 cycles. The amortization characteristic is verified , after every 6 10 cycles, comparing it with the in intial amortisation characteristic. For the broken pieces or which present important wear are taken into pictures, for establishing the causes which determined the wear. SHOCK ABSORBERS TESTING The shock absorbers testing on the compact platform PCIA was made for a commercial damper, used for equipping auto-vehicles. For these dampers were raised the adjustment

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Testarea stabilitii termice i funcionrii la temperatur limit Testarea stabilitii termice Verificarea se face pe platforma de ncercri utiliznd suplimentar o instalaie care permite determinarea temperaturii amortizorului supus ncercrii, fr rcire. Verificarea se face pe amortizorul fr protector aezat poziie vertical cu pistonul n poziia de mijloc a cursei. Stabilitatea termic a amortizorului se determin astfel: a) Se nregistreaz iniial diagrama F-s la cursa de ncercare s=25 mm i frecvena de ncercare, = 1,66 Hz pentru temperatura amortizorului egal cu temperatura mediului ambiant 235C i apoi pentru fiecare 5 C de cre tere a temperaturii pn n momentul cnd aceasta se stabilizeaz. b) Se construiete diagrama de nclzire T-t i diagrama scderii forei de amortizare F-T. Temperatura amortizorului ncercrii se msoar pe suprafaa exterioar a cilindrului rezervor, la nivelul dispozitivului de etanare (n partea superioar). Amortizorul se consider corespunztor dac: temperatura maxim se stabilizeaz pn la +90 C; la temperatura maxim, scderea forei de amortizare nu depete 30% att la destinderea ct i la comprimarea amortizorului; n timpul nregistrrii (din 5 n 5 C) alura curbelor diagramelor F-s rmne asemenea cu alura curbei diagramei F-s iniial; alura curbei diagramei F-s nregistrat dup rcirea amortizorului la temperatura mediului ambiant este asemenea cu alura curbei iniiale, iar forele de amortizare nu scad cu mai mult de 5% la destindere i cu 7,5% la comprimare. Testarea funcionrii la temperaturi limit (oc termic) La aceast verificare se urmrete comportarea amortizorului la temperaturi extreme. Verificarea la temperatura maxim se face meninnd amortizorul n funcionare timp de o or la o temperatur de +110 C, la o frecvena de ncercare, = 1,66 Hz i cursa pistonului s = 25 mm. Dup terminarea ncercrii amortizorul nu trebuie s prezinte scurgeri de ulei. Verificarea la temperatura minim se face meninnd amortizorul n funcionare timp de 12 h la temperatura de 40 C, la o vitez de 0,262 m/s, la 1,66 Hz i cursa pistonului s = 25 mm. Dup terminarea ncercrii amortizorul nu trebuie s prezinte scurgeri de ulei. ncercri de anduran ncercri pe stand nainte de ncercare se verific: a) dimensiunile efective ale pieselor care se uzeaz; b) cantitatea de ulei din amortizor; c) masa amortizorului; d) caracteristica de amortizare F-v. Regimul de ncercare al amortizorului trebuie s fie conform standardului de firm: temperatura de ncercare +60+80 C; pentru men inerea acestei temperaturi se vor amenaja cmi exterioare de rcire cu ap;poziia amortizorului vertical; 6 durata ncercrii 3 x 10 cicluri. Caracteristica de amortizare se verific, dup fiecare 6 10 cicluri, comparndu-se cu caracteristica de amortizare iniial. Piesele deteriorate sau care prezint uzuri caracteristice importante se fotografiaz, n vederea stabilirii cauzelor care au determinat uzura. TESTAREA AMORTIZOARELOR Testarea amortizoarelor pe platforma compact de ncercat amortizoare PCIA, s-a realizat pentru un amortizor din comer, utilizat pentru echiparea autovehiculelor. Pentru aceste amortizoare s-au ridicat caracteristicile 102

Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 characteristics (F-s) and were effectuated the traction tests. The obtained experimental data were processed and written in a testing bulletin. There were performed more iterations, (minimum 10), watching the reproductibility of the monitored parameters, for verifying the stability and reliability of the shock absorbers testing platform PCIA. In figure 6 and 7 is presented the mounting respective testing of a damper designed to road vehicles, with a maximum mass of 2t, on the shock absorbers testing platform.

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de reglaj (F-s) i s-au efectuat ncercrile de traciune. Datele experimentale obinute au fost prelucrate i introduse ntr-un buletin de ncercri. Au fost efectuate mai multe repetiii (minim 10), urmrindu-se reproductibilitatea parametrilor monitorizai, pentru a se verifica stabilitatea i fiabilitatea platformei de ncercat amortizoare PCIA. n figura 6 i 7 este prezentat prinderea respectiv testarea unui amortizor destinat autovehiculelor rutiere, cu masa max. 2t, pe platforma de ncercat amortizoare.

Fig. 6 Mounting of a bitubular damper designed to road auto-vehicles for testing (detail) / Prinderea amortizorului bitubular destinat autovehiculelor rutiere, n vederea testrii (detaliu)

Fig. 7 Testing of a damper destined for road auto- vehicles on the the shock absorbers testing - platform PCIA / Testarea amortizorului bitubular destinat autovehiculelor rutiere rutiere pe platforma pentru ncercat amortizoare - PCIA

Bitubular shock absorber destined for road auto-vehicles 1. Product: Shock absorber, produced by MONROE ORIGINAL 2. Dimensions: - extended: 700 mm; - compressed: 450 mm 3. Test: maximum stroke testing, functionability testing and determination of the elastic characteristic F-s; 4. Regulation/procedure/instruction: STAS 9381-88; SR ISO 3951:98; 5. Abstract description of the testing way: The test comprises two phases: phase A the testing of damper functioning in view of its preparation for the proper test and the initial verification of its functionability; phase B the proper test, respective of raising the elastic characteristic F-s of the damper. The damper linkage on the testing stand was made using a specific catching device which simulates the mounting conditions on the vehicle. Location of tests : DI INMA Bucureti Measuring apparatus used:: traction compression load cell from the componence of the force measuring chain endowing PCIA; system of displacement measurement with inductive transducer, 0500 mm, 0,1 mm resolution; data acquisition board DAP 3200 e / 214 SUA; digital thermometer with surface transducer, type 871 A; caliper 01000 mm; Testing parameters: A. Maximum stroke testing and of damper functionability Maximum stroke: 250 mm Testing of damper functionability was made according with STAS 9381-88 and consisted of : - number of running out cycles: 8 10 complete cycles; - stroke of damper rod: 200 mm - speed of rod movement:0,1 m/s - electrical signal of displacement command (provided by the platform function generator) with amplitude of 10 V, triangle wave; B. Raising of the elastic characterictic F-s

Amortizor bitubular destinat autovehiculelor rutiere 1. Produs: Amortizor auto, produs de firma MONROE ORIGINAL 2. Dimensiuni: - n stare destins: 700 mm; - n stare comprimat: 450 mm 3. ncercare: testarea cursei maxime, a funcionrii i determinarea caracteristicii elastice F-s; 4. Regulament/procedur/instruciune: STAS 9381-88; SR ISO 3951:98; 5. Descrierea rezumativ a modului de ncercare: ncercarea cuprinde dou faze: faza A testarea funcionrii amortizorului n vederea pregtirii acestuia pentru ncercarea propriuzis i verificarea preliminar a funcionalitii; faza B ncercarea propriu-zis, respectiv de ridicare a caracteristicii elastice F-s a amortizorului. Prinderea amortizorului pe standul de ncercare s-a fcut cu ajutorul unui dispozitiv specific de prindere care simuleaz condiiile de montare pe vehicul. Locul de desfurare a ncercrilor: DI INMA Bucureti Aparate de msur folosite: dinamometru tractiune compresiune din componenta lantului de masurare a fortei din cadrul PCIA; sistem de masurare a deplasarii cu traductor inductiv, 0500 mm, rezolutia 0,1 mm; plac achiziie date DAP 3200 e / 214 SUA; termometru digital cu traductor de suprafata, tip 871 A; ubler 01000 mm; Parametrii de ncercare: A. Testarea cursei maxime i a funcionrii amortizorului Cursa maxim: 250 mm Testarea funcionrii amortizorului s-a fcut conform STAS 9381-88 i a constat din : - numrul de cicluri de rodaj: 8 10 cicluri complete; - cursa tijei amortizorului: 200 mm - viteza de deplasare a tijei:0,1 m/s - semnalul electric de comand a deplasrii (furnizat de ctre generatorul de funcii al platformei) - cu amplitudinea de 10 V, triunghiular; B. Ridicarea caracteristicii elastice F-s


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 Raising of the elastic characteristic of the damper was made in the following conditions: - Effective stroke (displacement) of the piston rod during the test with sine wave reference signal: 163.08 mm at testing frequency of 0.3 Hz; 171.92 mm at testing frequency of 0.4 Hz; 182.9 mm at testing frequency of 0.5 Hz; 141.55 mm at testing frequency of 1 Hz; 94.09 mm at testing frequency of 1.5 Hz; - Effective stroke (displacement) of the piston rod during the test with triangle wave reference signal: 156.98 mm at testing frequency of 0.3 Hz; 158.83 mm at testing frequency of 0.4 Hz; 162.1 mm at testing frequency of 0.5 Hz; 135.05 mm at testing frequency of 1 Hz; 87.15 mm at testing frequency of 1.5 Hz; - Electrical command signal with amplitude of 10 V, sine wave / triangle wave; - Signal frequency: 0.3 Hz , 0.4 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 1.5 Hz; - Damper body temperature : 23 5C. The electrical command signal of the stroke was provided by the function generator of the electrical command panel of the hydraulic cylinder. RESULTS During the test did not appear abnormal noises, tendencies of rod stucking, oil leakage. The forces values in the characteristic points of the diagram (FmaxD - extension, FmaxC -compression), table 4.

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Ridicarea caracteristicii elastice F-s a amortizorului a fost fcut n urmtoarele condiii: - Cursa (deplasarea) efectiv a tijei pistonului pe parcursul ncercrii cu semnal de referinta sinusoidal: 163,08 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 0,3 Hz; 171,92 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 0,4 Hz; 182,9 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 0,5 Hz; 141,55 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 1 Hz; 94,09 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 1.5 Hz; - Cursa (deplasarea) efectiv a tijei pistonului pe parcursul ncercrii cu semnal de referinta triunghiular: 156,98 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 0,3 Hz; 158,83 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 0,4 Hz; 162,1 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 0,5 Hz; 135,05 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 1 Hz; 87,15 mm la frecvena de ncercare de 1.5 Hz; - semnalul electric de comand cu amplitudinea de 10 V, sinusoidal / triunghiular; - frecvena semnalului: 0.3 Hz , 0.4 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 1.5 Hz; - temperatura corpului amortizorului : 23 5C. Semnalul electric de comand a deplasrii a fost furnizat de ctre generatorul de funcii al dulapului electric de comand a cilindrului hidraulic. REZULTATE Pe parcursul ncercrii nu au aprut zgomote anormale, tendine de nepenire a tijei, scurgeri de ulei. Valorile forelor n punctele caracteristice ale diagramei (FmaxD - destindere, FmaxC -comprimare), tabel 4. Table 4 / Tabel 4

Reference signal / Semnal de referin Sine wave /Sinusoidal Triangle wave /Triunghiular

Testing force / Fora de ncercare FmaxD FmaxC FmaxD FmaxC (daN) (daN) (daN) (daN)

Testing Testing Testing frequency / frequency / frequency / Frecvena de Frecvena de Frecvena de ncercare [0.3 Hz] ncercare [0.4 Hz] ncercare [0.5 Hz] 57 70 72 116 131 150 28 56 57 72 77 93

Testing frequency / Frecvena de ncercare [1 Hz] 92 160 57 130

Testing frequency / Frecvena de ncercare [1.5 Hz] 82 150 53 126

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 0.3 Hz, semnal de referinta sinusoidal

Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 0,3 Hz, sinusoidal reference signal /

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 0.3 Hz, semnal de referinta triunghiular

Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 0,3 Hz, triangular reference signal /





Force / Forta (kN)



Force / Forta (kN)






0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 0.4 Hz, semnal de referinta sinusoidal / Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 0,4 Hz, sinusoidal reference signal /

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 0.4 Hz, semnal de referinta triunghiular / Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 0,4 Hz, triangular reference signal /






Force / Forta (kN)


Force / Forta (kN)






0 0 -0.2 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

-20 -0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 0.5 Hz, semnal de referinta sinusoidal / Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 0,5 Hz, sinusoidal reference signal

INMATEH Agricultural
Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 0,5 Hz, semnal de referinta triunghiular


/ Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 0,5 Hz, triangular reference signal




Force / Forta (kN)

Forta (kN)





Force /



0 0 -0.2 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200








Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 1 Hz, semnal de referinta sinusoidal

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 1 Hz, semnal de referinta triunghiular

/ Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 1 Hz, sinusoidal reference signal


/ Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 1 Hz, triangular reference signal




Forta (kN)

Forta (kN)



Force /

Force /






0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Caracteristica F-s, frecventa de incercare 1.5 Hz, semnal de referinta sinusoidal / Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 1,5 Hz, sinusoidal reference signal /

Caracteristica F-s,frecventa de incercare 1.5 Hz, semnal de referinta triunghiular / Characteristic F-s, 1Hz testing frequency 1,5 Hz, triangular reference signal





Force / Forta (kN)

Forta (kN)



Force /




0 0











0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Range of displacement / Cursa (mm)

Range of displacement /Cursa (mm)

CONCLUSIONS After the effectuated tests it was concluded that the PCIA platform can reproduce different reference signals for actuating shock absorbers, under different forms, with different frequencies and amplitudes, so that it can be simulated the entire range of vibrations and loads at which the dampers are subjected through their daily usage, but also the solicitations at which they have to be subjected for testing, according to standards and other regulations. For the shock absorbers destined to road vehicles were effectuated the tests of functionality verification, of measuring the maximum stroke, respective of drawing the elastic adjustment characteristic F-s, at different testing frequencies, the form of reference signal being different: sine, respective triangle wave. The effectuated tests had as purpose the verification of the compact platform for testing shock absorbers PCIA capacity of performing on dampers the tests mentioned in the execution documentation and in the current standards. The obtained results were written in test bulletins and have confirmed the PCIA capacity of testing in simulated and accelerated regime any type of shock absorber. On the compact platform for testing shock absorbers PCIA can be effectuated also the simultaneous endurance

CONCLUZII n urma ncercrilor efectuate s-a constatat c platforma - PCIA, poate reproduce diferite semnale de referin pentru acionarea amortizoarelor, sub diferite forme, cu diferite frecvene i amplitudini, putndu-se astfel simula ntreaga gam de vibraii i sarcini la care amortizoarele sunt supuse prin utilizarea lor zilnic, dar i solicitrile la care trebuie supuse pentru testare, stipulate n standarde i alte reglementari. Pentru amortizoarele destinate vehiculelor rutiere s-au efectuat ncercrile de verificare a funcionrii, de msurare a cursei maxime, respectiv de ridicare a caracteristicii elastice de reglaj F-s a amortizoarelor, la frecvene diferite de ncercare, forma semnalului de referin fiind diferit: sinusoidal respectiv triunghiular. Testrile efectuate au avut drept scop verificarea capacitii platformei compacte pentru ncercat amortizoare -PCIA, de a efectua asupra amortizoarelor probele stipulate n documentaia de execuie a amortizoarelor i n standardele n vigoare. Rezultatele obinute au fost consemnate n buletine de ncercare i au confirmat capacitatea PCIA de testare n regim simulat i accelerat a oricrui tip de amortizor. Pe platforma compact pentru ncercat amortizoare PCIA se poate efectua de asemenea ncercarea


Vol. 30, No.1 / 2010 test of more dampers, depending on their type and dimensions. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Ftu D. (1991) Operating and maintenance guide of hydraulic equipment, Tehnical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [2]. Hilohi C., Untaru M, Soare I, Dru Gh. (1987) Testing methods and procedures of motor vehicles, Tehnical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [3]. Ionescu Fl. (2002) Fluids mecanics and hydraulic and pneumatic driving systems, Pedagogical and didactic Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [4]. Mazilu I., Marin V. (1995) Self-acting hydraulic systems, Academia Romn Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [5]. Neagu T. (1982) Tractors and horticultural machines Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [6]. Oprean A. (1989) Hidraulic automation and driving systems, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [7]. Pal C. (1986) Hydraulic and pneumatic automation equipments, Rotaprint Technical University Iai, Romania; [8]. Reinholtz Ch., Robertshaw H. (2001) - Innovative Designs for Magneto-Rheological Dampers, August 7, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA; [9]. Roca R., Vlcu V. (2000) Hydraulic and pneumatical driving systems, Editura Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iai, Romania; [10]. Untaru M, Seitz N, Pere Gh, Tabacu I, Macarie T. (1982) Calculus and autovehicles construction, Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [11]. Untaru M, Stoicescu A, Pere Gh, Tabacu I. (1982) Wheeled autovehicles dynamics, Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania; [12]. www.Damper Test System.

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simultan la anduran a mai multor amortizoare, funcie de tipul i dimensiunile acestora. BIBLIOGRAFIE [1]. Ftu D. (1991) Ghid de operare i mentenan a echipamentului hidraulic, Tehnical Publishing House, Bucharest, Romnia; [2]. Hilohi C., Untaru M, Soare I, Dru Gh. (1987) Metode i proceduri de testare a motoarelor vehiculelor, Editura Tehnic, Bucureti, Romnia; [3]. Ionescu Fl. (2002) Mecanica fluidelor i sisteme de comand hidraulice i pneumatice, Editura Pedagogic i Didactic, Bucureti, Romnia; [4]. Mazilu I., Marin V. (1995) Sisteme hidraulice autoacionate, Editura Academiei Romne, Bucureti, Romnia; [5]. Neagu T. (1982) Tractoare i maini horticole, Editura Pedagogic i Didactic, Bucureti, Romnia; [6]. Oprean A. (1989) Acionri i automatizri hidraulice, Editura Tehnic, Bucureti, Romnia; [7]. Pal C. (1986) Echipamente hidraulice i pneumatice de automatizare, Rotaprint Universitatea Tehnic Iai, Romnia; [8]. Reinholtz Ch., Robertshaw H. (2001) - Design inovativ pentru amortizoare electro-reologice, August 7, Blacksburg, Virginia, SUA; [9]. Roca R., Vlcu V. (2000) Acionri hidraulice i pneumatice, Editura Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iai, Romnia; [10]. Untaru M, Seitz N, Pere Gh, Tabacu I, Macarie T. (1982) Calculul i construcia automobilelor, Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti;, Romnia; [11]. Untaru M, Stoicescu A, Pere Gh, Tabacu I. (1982) Dinamica autovehiculelor pe roi, Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti, Romnia; [12]. www.Damper Sisteme de testare.


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