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Estrella, Bien G.

NCM105RLE Medication (Generic Name) Chlorpromazine Brand Name: Laractyl, Thorazine Indications For the treatment of schizophrenia. To control nausea and vomiting. For relief of restlessness and apprehension before surgery. For acute intermittent porphyria. As an adjunct in the treatment of tetanus. To control the manifestations of the manic type of manic-depressive illness. For relief of intractable hiccups. For the treatment of severe behavioral problems in children (1 to 12 years of age) marked by combativeness and/or explosive hyperexcitable behavior (out of proportion to immediate provocations), and in the shortterm treatment of hyperactive children who show excessive motor activity with accompanying conduct disorders consisting of some or all of the following symptoms: impulsivity, difficulty sustaining attention, aggressivity, moodlability and poor frustration tolerance. Acute and Chronic psychoses Adverse Reactions CNS: neuroleptic malignant syndrome, sedation, extrapyramidal reactions, tardive dyskinesia CV: hypotension (increased with IM, IV) EENT: blurred vision, dry eyes, lens opacities GI: constipation, dry mouth, anorexia, hepatitis, ileus GU: urinary retention Hematologic: agranulocytosis, leukopenia Skin: photosensitivity, pigment changes, rashes

Fluphenazine Brand Name: Phlufdek

CNS: NEUROLEPTICMALIGNANTSYNDROME,extrapyramidalreactions, sedation,tardive dyskinesia. EENT: Blurred vision,dry eyes. CV: Hypertension,hypotension,tachycardia. GI:

Anorexia,constipation, drug-induced hepatitis, drymouth, ileus, nausea,weight gain. GU: Urinary retention. Derm: Photosensitivity,pigment changes,rashes. Endo: Galactorrhea. Hemat: AGRANULOCYTOSIS,leukopenia,thrombocytopenia. Misc: Allergic reactions Haloperidol Brand Name: Serenace Organic Psychoses acute psychotic symptoms Relieve hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking severe anxiety seizures CNS: extrapyramidal symptom such as muscle rigidity or spasm, shuffling gait, posture leaning forward, drooling, masklike facial appearance, dysphagia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, headache, seizures. CV: tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypertension, orthostatic hypertension. EENT: blurred vision, glaucoma GI: dry mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, weight gain. GU: urinary frequency, urine retention, impotence, enuresis, amenorrhea, gynecomastia Hematologic: anemia, leucopenia, agranulocytosis Skin: rash, dermatitis, phtosensitivity Cardiovascular:ECG changes, hypertension, hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, syncope, tachycardia. CNS:Agitation, akathisia, akinesia, dizziness, dystonic (eg, muscle spasms of the neck and face) and dyskinetic reactions (eg, choreoathetoid movements), extrapyramidal effects (eg, parkinsonian-like symptoms, tremor, rigidity, excessive salivation, masked facies), faintness, headache, insomnia, lightheadedness, mental confusion, muscle twitching, NMS, numbness, paresthesia, sedation, seizures, shuffling gait, slurred speech, staggering gait, tardive dyskinesia, tension,

Loxapine Brand Name: Loxitane

Treatment of schizophrenia.

transient drowsiness, weakness. Dermatologic:Alopecia, dermatitis, edema (puffiness of face), pruritus, rash, seborrhea. EENT:Blurred vision, nasal congestion. GI:Constipation, dry mouth, nausea, paralytic ileus, vomiting. Genitourinary: Amenorrhea, galactorrhea, gynecomastia, menstrual irregularity, urinary retention. Hematologic Agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Hepatic Hepatitis, hepatocellular injury, jaundice. Metabolic Weight gain or loss. Respiratory Dyspnea. Miscellaneous Facial flushing, hyperpyrexia, polydipsia, prolactin levels increased, ptosis.

Mesoridazine Brand Name: Serentil

Treatment of refractory schizophrenia

Autonomic: Dry mouth, salivation, nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fever, pallor, flushed facies, sweating, constipation, paralytic ileus, urinary retention, incontinence, polyuria, enuresis, priapism, ejaculation inhibition, male impotence CNS: Drowsiness, insomnia, vertigo, headache, weakness, tremor, ataxia, slurring, cerebral edema, seizures, exacerbation of psychotic symptoms, extrapyramidal syndromes pseudoparkinsonism; dystonias; akathisia, tardive dyskinesias, potentially irreversible (no known treatment), neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) CV: Hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, hypertension,

Molindone Brand Name: Moban

MOBAN (molindone hydrochloride tablets) is indicated for the management of schizophrenia. The efficacy of MOBAN (molindone hydrochloride tablets) in schizophrenia was established in clinical studies which enrolled newly hospitalized and chronically hospitalized, acutely ill, schizophrenic patients as subjects. - To treat psychotic disorders To treat severe nausea and vomiting

tachycardia, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, CHF, cardiomegaly, refractory arrhythmias, QTc interval prolongation (which has been associated with arrhythmias and sudden death), pulmonary edema Endocrine: Lactation, breast engorgement in females, galactorrhea; SIADH; amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities; gynecomastia; changes in libido; hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia; glycosuria; hyponatremia; pituitary tumor with hyperprolactinemia; inhibition of ovulation; infertility; pseudopregnancy; reduced urinary levels of gonadotropins, estrogens, progestins Hematologic: Eosinophilia, leukopenia, leukocytosis, anemia; aplastic anemia; hemolytic anemia; thrombocytopenic or nonthrombocytopenic purpura; pancytopenia Hypersensitivity: Jaundice, urticaria, angioneurotic edema, laryngeal edema, photosensitivity, eczema, asthma, anaphylactoid reactions, exfoliative dermatitis Respiratory: Bronchospasm, laryngospasm, dyspnea, suppression of cough reflex and potential for aspiration Hypersensitivity to molindone, its components, or other antipsychotic drugs, including haloperidol, loxapine, phenothiazines, and thioxanthenes

Perphenizine Brand Name: Trilafon

Blood dyscrasias; bone marrow depression; cerebral arteriosclerosis; coma; concurrent use of CNS depressants (large doses); coronary artery disease; hepatic impairment; hypersensitivity to perphenazine, other phenothiazines, or their components; myeloproliferative disorders; severe CNS depression; severe hypertension or hypotension; subcortical brain damage

Pimozide Brand Name: Orap

Treating severe muscle tics and speech tics in patients with Tourette syndrome when other medicines have not worked.

Sulpiride Brand Name: Dogmatil

Sulpiride is used to treat a psychiatric (mental) illness called schizophrenia. It is used to calm patients who are mentally disturbed (who have symptoms such as hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which are not there) and delusions (false belief held strongly despite overwhelming evidence that disproves such a belief), and to restore normal behaviour. In general this drug is used to treat schizophrenia. Treating Tourette syndrome or other abnormal

>10% Akinesia (40%) Drowsiness (35%) EPS (10-15%) Sedation (70%) Speech disorder (10-15%) Visual disturbance (20%) Dry mouth (25%) Constipation (20%) Impotence (10-15%) 1-10% Appetite increase Thirst increase Dizziness Drug-induced tardive dystonia Nervousness Photosensitivity Taste change Orthostatic hypotension Diminished sweating Nasal congestion Diarrhea Urinary retention Retinitis pigmentosa Common (>1%) adverse effects Dizziness Headache Extrapyramidal side effects - Tremor - Dystonia - Akathisia a sense of inner restlessness that presents itself with the inability to stay still. - Parkinsonism Somnolence (not a very prominent adverse effect considering its lack of

involuntary movement disorders (choreas)

- Dry mouth - Constipation - Blurred vision

alpha-1 adrenergic, histamine and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor affinity) Insomnia Weight gain or loss Hyperprolactinaemia (elevated plasma levels of the hormone, prolactin which can, in turn lead to sexual dysfunction, galactorrhoea, amenorrhoea, gynaecomastia, etc.) Nausea Vomiting Nasal congestion Anticholinergic adverse effects such as:

Thioridazine Brand Name: Melleril To treat schizophrenia unresponsive to other antipsychotic drugs in patients

Restlessness Impaired concentration

Thiothixene Brand Name: Navane

To treat psychotic disorders, such as acute psychosis, psychotic depression, and schizophrenia -To treat psychotic disorders -To relieve anxiety

Coma; concurrent use of drugs that inhibit the metabolism of thioridazine ,concurrent use of drugs that prolong the QT interval; concurrent use of high doses of a CNS depressant; history of arrhythmias; hypersensitivity to the drug. Severe CNS depression; severe hypertensive. Blood dyscrasias, coma, hypersensitivity to thiothixene or its components, Parkinsons disease, severe CNS depression, shock, use of quinidine Preexisting CNS depression and coma; bone marrow depression, blood dyscrasias, liver disease, hypersensitivity to st phenothiazines, prolactin dependent tumours. Pregnancy (1 trimester), lactation. Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or to other ingredients of the drug

Trifluoperazine Brand Name: Stelazine

ATYPICAL MEDS: Amisulpride indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenic disorders, in which

Brand Name: Solian

positive symptoms (such as delusions, hallucinations, thought disorders) and/or negative symptoms (such as blunted affect, emotional and social withdrawal) are prominent, including patients characterised by predominant negative symptoms.

Concomitant prolactin-dependent tumours e.g. pituitary gland prolactinomas and breast cancer Phaeochromocytoma Children under 15 years of age Pregnancy or lactation Women of childbearing potential unless using adequate contraception Combination with the following medication which could induce torsades de pointes: - Class Ia antiarrhythmic disopyramide, procainamide# agents such as quinidine,

Clozapine Brand name: Leponex

To treat severe schizophrenia unresponsive to standard drugs; to reduce risk of recurrent suicidal behavior in schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders

- Class III antiarrhythmic agents such as amiodarone, sotalol - Other medications such as bepridil, cisapride, sultopride, thioridazine, IV erythromycin, IV vincamine, Halofantrine, pentamidine, sparfloxacin Angle-closure glaucoma, coma, history of clozapine-induced agranulocytosis or severe granulocytopenia, hypersensitivity to clozapine or its components, myeloproliferative disorders, severe CNS depression, uncontrolled epilepsy, WBC count below 3,500/mm3

Risperidone Brand Name: Risperdal Olanzapine Brand Name: Zyprexa

To manage psychotic disorders -To treat psychosis -To treat manic phase of acute bipolar disorder -As adjunct to treat acute bipolar disorder -To treat agitation associated with

Hypersensitivity to risperidone or its components Angle-closure glaucoma; lactation. IM: History of CVS disease, heart surgery.

Quetiapine Seroquel

Ziprasidone Brand name: Zeldox

schizophrenia and bipolar I mania -To treat schizophrenia -To manage psychotic disorders other than schizophrenia -To treat depressive episodes in bipolar disorder -To treat acute manic episodes in bipolar I disorder -To treat schizophrenia -To treat acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder -As adjunct to lithium or valproate for maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder

Hypersensitivity to quetiapine or its components

Concurrent use of other drugs that prolong QT interval, history of arrhythmia, hypersensitivity to ziprasidone or its components, history of prolonged QT interval, recent acute MI, uncompensated heart failure

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