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Individual Student Log Sheet

Date: December 10 - 16 (Skill Building & Project Planning) January 6 - January 14 (Project Execution) Class: TGJ 2OI Project: Audio Production - Student Directed Project INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Fill in this log sheet completely for each day are in class. Mark absences. Be specific and descriptive about the work that you did each day. Include:
Tasks performed Tasks completed Processes used Effort put forth Equipment used Problems Solutions Experienced gained People worked with Self evaluation Comments & questions

Be sure to fill in the self-evaluation section at the bottom of each phases entry. To do this, decide at what level you performed for that phase and how effective you are/were. STEP 2: Through the phases in blue text there are instructions to include screen shots. Please insert the images and delete the instructions. It is good form to label instructions.

First we brainstormed ideas and we wanted to do a voice over so we searched for a video like the dog one someone did on youtube (ULTIMATE DOG TEASE). We found a video of 4 mice in a cage and they kept looking in the bowl so brianna said we should do like a mouse fell in the milk and the rest are trying to get him out. Then we made a script.

Screen Shot - Please include a screenshot of your planning process as documented on your google doc. If you like you can include a screenshot of your script, a search for a Youtube video, sketches from your sketchbook, etc.

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

We got the MP4 of the video then, recorded all of the voices for the mice.

Screen Shots - Please include shots of organization (files, layers, etc) Please include and label a screenshot of a waveform

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

Please include a screenshot of the work area that you edited on

We imported the waveform We cut the video

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

We are going to do a rotating gallery of audio presentations.

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

Teacher: Evaluation of Work Sheet & Process: I will be attaching a rubric through Goobric. Please know that 0 indicates incomplete. The computer program will only accept whole numbers.

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