Press Brief On The 1st Cabinet Meeting of 2014

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PRESS BRIEF 1ST CABINET MEETING 2014 Today His Excellency the President chaired the first Cabinet

t Meeting in 2014. During the eeting Cabinet!

Appoved " #lan to lease e$ui# ent for #ublic hos#itals and i #ro%e infrastructure under a Public Pri%ate Partnershi# &PPP' arrange ent. (nder the Pro)ect* the #ri%ate sector +ill be in%ol%ed in e$ui##ing and aintenance of hos#ital e$ui# ent. The #lan is intended to frastrac, the -o%ern ent.s intention of attaining the highest #ossible health standards for the citi/ens. The #lan +ill in%ol%e the -o%ern ent #aying for the ser%ices rendered +hile the e$ui# ent is o+ned by a #ri%ate entity. The #ri%ate entity shall guarantee aintenance0ser%ice of the e$ui# ent* and re#lace ents +ith no interru#tion of ser%ice deli%ery as long as the contract is in force* thus greatly sa%ing on the total costs. Critical Care Services The #ro)ect +ill focus on #ro%iding critical care ser%ices +here currently there is a huge ga# as the Country has only 14 Public 2C( 3eds &104' against a re$uire ent of 150 beds &604' in Public Hos#itals. Re al Care Services 7ther need areas to benefit are 8enal Care 9er%ices +here currently only :20 #atients are ad itted against a de and of o%er :000 ne+ #atients annually. 8enal care facilities are only found in fi%e a)or Public Hos#itals in the Country. There is an existing ga# of :04 as only 44 dialysis units are a%ailable against a de and of 200 units. Ca cer ! colo"# Services Currently* o%er 22*000 deaths are recorded under cancer related ail ents. (nder the #ro)ect* the -o%ern ent +ill ac$uire 8adio;thera#y &<uclear Medicine' e$ui# ent +hich +ill be a big relie%e for cancer #atients in the Country. Currently* the cost of cancer treat ent is #rohibiti%e and therefore out of reach for any =enyans. (nder the #ro)ect odern diagnostic facilities +ill be ade a%ailable in ,ey #ublic hos#itals for better diagnosis of #atients enabling the hos#itals to #ro%ide better treat ent. The #rogra +ill benefit all 45 Counties in the Country o%er an initial 10 year #eriod. 2n this regard* the i #le entation of the #ro)ect +ill be done in collaboration +ith all County -o%ern ent +hose functions include Health

anage ent. Ma"istrates Co$rts Bill 2014 Cabinet a##ro%ed the Magistrates Courts 3ill +hich see,s e #o+er and gi%e higher )urisdiction o%er ci%il atters including ci%il and labour dis#utes to the Magistrate Courts country+ide* unli,e before. Exa #les include! (a) >hen the ?a+ ta,es effect* Magistrates can litigate ci%il follo+ing %alues! i. ii. iii. i%. Chief Magistrate ; 5 illion Princi#al Magistrate ; 4.@ illion 9enior 8esident Magistrate ; A illion 8esident Magistrate ; 2 illion illion +ill go to High Court. The Chief Bustice can atters under atters +ith

Cases abo%e 5 re%ise.

2n addition* Magistrate Courts shall ha%e )urisdiction o%er "frican Custo ary ?a+ such as!

i. ?and under Custo ary ?a+. ii. Marriage* di%orce* aintenance* do+ry* seduction or #regnancy of un arried +o en0girl etc. iii. Ciolation of hu an rights including labour rights. i%. >ido+s* children and guardianshi#. %. Magistrate Courts +ill no+ ha%e )urisdiction o%er succession atters. %i. Deter ining succession cases +here one dies +ithout a +ritten +ill. The 3ill #ro#oses! 1. Establish ent of a Court "d inistrator &CE7' for all Courts under any 8egistrar. 2. Enables Court to hold sittings any+here +ithin the ga/etted )urisdiction. 3. Enables registration of for er custo ary decisions. These #o+ers +ere not at this le%el there before. 1. The #ro#osed Conte #t of Court fines are =shs.100*000 and @ days i #rison ent or both. Tra s%er o% Priso ers Bill 2014 "lso a##ro%ed +as the Transfer of Prisoners 3ill;2014* +hich +ill #ro%ide for treaties and agree ents +here other Countries +ith =enyans ser%ing Prison

sentences can be transferred to co #lete their sentences in =enyan )ails and the %ice %ersa. Either #arty can choose not to transfer a Prisoner in the national interest. A&e d&e ts to t'e A"ric$lt$re( Fis'eries a d Food A$t'orit# )AFFA* Act + 201, During the eeting Cabinet also discussed #ro#osed a end ents to the "DD" "ct 201A. The a end ents are ai ed at aligning the "ct +ith the ongoing refor Progra e for the "gricultural 9ector. Brie% o t'e Sit$atio i So$t' S$da

Cabinet +as briefed on the #re%ailing situation in 9outh 9udan and noted the hu anitarian crisis in the Country. CabinetE 1. "##reciated that to;date o%er 100 illion has been s#ent on hu anitarian assistance* airlifting of o%er 10*000 =enyans and also su##ort refugees fleeing to =a,u a. 2. Directed further e%acuation of 5*000 =enyans still in 9outh 9udan. A. "##ro%ed that hu anitarian su##ort be continued. 4. Directed "ttorney -eneral to #re#are legal #osition +ith regard to huge losses incurred by =enyans follo+ing the conflict. @. "##reciated the i ediate #roacti%e inter%entions initiated by His Excellency the President* Hon. (huru =enyatta including 2-"D eeting of 25th Dece ber* 201A in <airobi and resol%ed to utili/e all +ays and eans to stabili/e 9outh 9udan situation as custodians of the CP". Cabinet also a##ro%ed! Host Country "gree ent bet+een the -o%ern ent of the 8e#ublic of =enya and the Ba#an 2nternational Coo#eration "gency &B2C"' =enya 7fficeE and 2 #le entation of the Host Country "gree ent for the "frican -uarantee Dund.

P9C( 2Ard Banuary* 2014

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