Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Company

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Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Company New CRM Solution Empowers Employees, Improves Efficiency and Revenues

ounded in !"#$, Godrej % Boyce &as !' diverse (usiness divisions offering consumer, office and industrial products, along wit& t&e &ig&est )uality services to every corner of India and across t&e glo(e* +(sence of t&e latest tec&nology and integration capa(ilities was adversely affecting t&e sales cycle* ,it&out real time information, t&e management could not ta-e appropriate decisions in time* +fter a t&oroug& evaluation process, it deployed Microsoft .ynamics CRM /0!! wit& t&e &elp of its su(sidiary, Godrej Infotec&* 1&e solution automates t&e sales process and improves services* 1&is &as led to an increase in customer loyalty* 2ost .ynamics CRM, t&e company &as seen an improvement in outstanding payment collections and s&orter sales cycles* 3ig&er conversion rate and (etter insig&t drives (usiness growt&*


ounded in !"#$ (y +rdes&ir Godrej, Godrej % Boyce Manufacturing Company 4GnB5 is one of t&e largest privately &eld, diversified industrial corporations in India* 3ead)uartered in Mum(ai, t&e company &as a presence in more t&an 60 countries* It operates in diverse sectors suc& as construction, consumer appliances, industrial engineering, security solutions, loc-s, vending mac&ines and +7 solutions*

1&e company &as !' divisions, wit& more t&an !!,'00 employees* 1&e annual revenue was appro8imately 9*S*:!*/(illion in /0!!;!/*

Eac& division of GnB wor-s independently using E8cel wor-s&eets* Several divisions were using an "<year old CRM solution, developed specifically for GnB* 1&is solution &ad outlived its utility and lac-ed features availa(le in t&e newer CRM applications, suc& as integration wit& multiple devices and mo(ile usage*

More importantly, t&e old application did not scale effectively to meet t&e organi=ation>s needs as a w&ole* ,it& instances of t&e application running for specific profit centers, consolidated information on customers was missing* +dditionally, information was outdated? t&erefore, data analysis too, affected (usiness performance as well as decisions*

+t t&e same time, efforts and time deployed to trac- t&e progress were more t&an re)uired* @eads, opportunities and orders &ad (ecome difficult to manage*

+dditionally, t&e time ta-en to customi=e t&e solution to meet current (usiness needs was a (ig drain on I1 resources* 1&ere were also security related issues* Solution

By year /0!!, several divisions started evaluating alternate solutions t&at would offer an integrated platform for sales and mar-eting wit& real time reports* .uring t&e evaluation process, Godrej % Boyce felt t&e need to (ring in Godrej Infotec&, its su(sidiary, to review t&e needs of t&e entire group and recommend a more &olistic approac& to customer relations&ip management*

9nder t&e leaders&ip of Godrej Infotec&, t&e management evaluated several CRM solutions including Sales orce, S+2 CRM and Microsoft .ynamics CRM* 1&e evaluation focused on &ow t&e product could meet (usiness re)uirements across different (usiness models ranging from B/B to consumer and distri(ution* 1&e goal was to implement a single solution t&at could meet t&e re)uirements of t&e varied (usiness models across t&e group* AMicrosoft .ynamics CRM emerged as a front runner* ,it& Mo(ile E8press included in t&e license, we didn>t &ave to pay any additional fee,B states Sanjay 2atan-ar, 3ead C G%B Business, Godrej Infotec& @imited* A1&e multi<tenancy capa(ility t&at is native to .ynamics CRM &elped us address typical c&allenges, vi=*, functional locali=ation, master data management, security and privacy in view of t&e scala(ility for t&ese large<scale enterprise (usiness scenarios,B states 3emant Savla, .elivery Manager, Godrej Infotec& @imited* 1&e Implementation

Godrej Infotec& implemented Microsoft .ynamics CRM /0!! on<premise, as t&e solution would integrate wit& ot&er on<premise applications including B++N 4Infor5 ER2*

1&e implementation (egan in a p&ased manner, tac-ling one division at a time, starting wit& Godrej @oc-ing Solutions* 1oday, four major divisions, Godrej @oc-ing Solutions, Godrej 2rima, Godrej Material 3andling and Godrej Security Solutions are using Microsoft .ynamics CRM* Godrej Infotec& created accounts for eac& customer in all t&e divisions* 1&is allows t&e management to trac- countrywide sales or accounts for a particular customer*

+not&er of t&e important features deployed is Mo(ile E8press for sales representatives* 1&ey now access .ynamics CRM solution and data t&roug& a we( (rowser on t&eir mo(ile device wit&out installing any additional software* It allows salespersons access to customer information on<t&e< go, -eeping t&em informed and up<to<date*

Godrej Infotec& &as configured Sales, Mar-eting and Services modules according to t&e re)uirements of eac& division and all divisions of GnB are using t&e new Sales and Mar-eting modules* Godrej Material 3andling is also using t&e Services module*

.ynamics CRM generates consolidated reports suc& as sales funnel (y =one, MIS for (usiness reviews, order status, aging reports t&at en&ance (usiness planning and e8ecution* Customi=ing t&e Sales Module

.ifferent (usiness units &ave diverse customers and custom sales processes* 3ence, GnB &as deployed direct sales, c&annel sales and institutional sales processes across t&e divisions* In addition, several processes &ave (een customi=ed to meet specific needs*

Godrej @oc-ing Solutions &as customi=ed a uni)ue Credit Rating System t&at decides t&e credit cycle, discounts and ot&er offers for its customers* 1&e customi=ation in .ynamics CRM uses predefined (usiness criteria suc& as previous order value, (usiness opportunity and so on, to determine t&e credit rating* ,it& t&e &elp of t&is uni)ue logic, GnB improves customer management for its customers*

1&e 2lanning and Dperations department gets a &ead start on t&e production as it reviews t&e opportunities in t&e negotiation stage, t&us reducing t&e delivery cycle*

Godrej @oc-ing Solutions and Godrej 2rima send SMS updates on leads, opportunities, orders, outstanding collections etc*, to team mem(ers and managers* 1&is improves trac-ing*

Godrej 2rima &as added a Review module* .ynamics CRM manages all individual and (usiness reviews, (ringing agility to (usiness processes* ,or-flows integrated wit& follow<ups reduce (ottlenec-s and add efficiency*

Marketing Module

All four divisions are using the Marketing module. All business units of Godrej Prima manage campaigns within CRM. A consolidated customer database has led to significant cross-sell and up-sell opportunities enhancing customer e!perience and ma!imi"ing revenue opportunities. Godrej #ecurit$ #olutions is using the lo$alt$ program e!tensivel$. %he s$stem calculates lo$alt$ points based on various parameters. %hese points entitle customers to additional discounts and offers and also incentivi"e dealers and distributors. #ervices Module &verview Currentl$ Godrej Material 'andling uses the #ervices module as the division manufactures trades and services material handling e(uipment. )$namics CRM integrates all call center processes using workflows. Call center emplo$ees log service re(uests which are routed to the branch based on the location. %he designated CRM champion at the branch assigns the re(uest to a team member and tracks the status on CRM to ensure the call is completed and the customer is satisfied. #imultaneousl$ the s$stem tracks a number of services repairs or failures and Mean %ime to Repair *M%%R+ the machine. %he management receives consolidated reports on complaint anal$sis model anal$sis complaint t$pe etc. that allow it to improve service levels. Godrej Material 'andling also has a rental business for heav$ machiner$ such as forklifts. ,t plans to track inventor$ and availabilit$ using )$namics CRM. ,ntegration with %hird-Part$ Applications ,ntegration of the 'uman Resource Management #$stem *'RM#+ with CRM solution simplifies emplo$ee management from a single location. ,t activates or deactivates emplo$ee ,)s as and when emplo$ees join or leave the organi"ation. -ikewise dealer portal integration for nonemplo$ees like dealers and distributors helps to meticulousl$ track secondar$ sales. Most importantl$ the integration with .AA/ 0RP facilitates monitoring of pre- and post-sales scenarios with a view of capturing all activities from opportunit$ generated order e!ecution and deliver$ from a single platform.

.enefits 1Microsoft )$namics CRM offers a central database which helped us take (uick and informed decisions 2 sa$s Abhishek Chaturvedi )eput$ General Manager 3 Marketing Godrej Material 'andling Godrej and .o$ce Mfg Co -td. %he benefits of )$namics CRM as stated b$ /eveille

4ankadia General Manager 5 #ervice Godrej Material 'andling include data capturing for details including anal$sis of field complaints through the Call 'andling M,# tracking the performance of branches based on parameters like 6irst Response %imes M%%R M%.6 capturing and scheduling the en(uiries for hiring AMC and CMC. ,ncreases Collection of Receivables ,ntegration with third-part$ applications ensures the compan$ can monitor progress of pending orders and outstanding pa$ments. 1Microsoft )$namics CRM helped us derive complete visibilit$ of institutional en(uiries at various stages and ensured the timel$ completion of customer orders which increased our sales b$ 78 percent with a substantial improvement in outstanding collection 2 sa$s 4ija$ )esai 'ead- Projects - ,ndia Godrej -ocking #olutions Godrej and .o$ce Mfg Co -td. )$namics CRM also provides product detailers and training modules and helps content which in turn accelerates the learning curve of end users. Ma!imi"es .usiness &pportunities ,n toda$9s competitive world CRM enforces best practices along with streamlined approvals transparenc$ and automated tasks across the organi"ation. %he business units are interlinked with real time customer information improving up-selling and cross-selling. )rives 0fficienc$ with Mobile Access ,ntegration of mobile features drives efficienc$ and saves time. Mobile 0!press gives emplo$ees access to information on the field including viewing modif$ing and updating options. ,t connects people processes and data from inside the organi"ation to work together more efficientl$ and effectivel$. #hortens #ales C$cle %he new CRM solution is a complete sales automation solution and offers anal$sis of sales activities leads and opportunit$ tracking. 6ocus on the right opportunities has helped to shorten the sales c$cle thus reducing sales costs and helping to close deals faster. Microsoft )$namics CRM offers a single snapshot review of divisions for their respective management. %he divisions now monitor the prospects manage business performance (uickl$ create reports predict revenue more accuratel$ and proactivel$ manage service issues. Rajiv :hangiani 0!ecutive 4ice President and .usiness 'ead Godrej Prima concludes 1%he integrated solution provides a ;<8 degree view of accounts contacts leads and opportunities whereb$ sales funnel visibilit$ is available across the various businesses.2

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