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24 January 2014

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!
But let those who love [the Lord] be like the sun when it comes out in full strength (Judges 5:31, !J"#$ The Book of Judges tells of Deborah, a woman God used as a spiritual leader of His people. Pray this week that the Lord will all women from the !uslim world to Himself, that He will use them as shining lights and leaders in their families, ommunities, and nations."

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni

SE E!"#: # alumnus who re ently began ser$ing as a missionary in %enegal writes& '( ask you to pray for our ministry here) the Lord is using us to sa$e souls, but our enemy is not sleeping. *e are undergoing many atta ks, parti ularly si kness. Please inter ede for us.+

In the News
$entral "frican Re%u&lic,s President !i hael D-otodia has stepped down in the midst of religious and politi al fighting, and an interim president was named this past !onday. D-otodia, .#/,s first !uslim president, was put in power by an (slamist group alled %eleka in 0123. %in e then, atta ks on .hristians, then ounter4atta ks against !uslims, ha$e resulted in more than a thousand deaths and a million displa ed people. Please pray for God,s wisdom as interim President .atherine %amba4Pan5a and go$ernment offi ials work toward pea e. .ontinue to pray that the Lord will sustain and strengthen belie$ers and use them to draw others to Himself. (n De ember we prayed on erning E'y%t,s new draft onstitution, whi h in ludes arti les that lift restri tions on the onstru tion and reno$ation of hur hes and prote t the rights of the .hristian minority. The new onstitution easily passed in a publi referendum last week. 6$en though the do ument upholds 6gypt as an (slami state and sharia as its prin ipal sour e of law, most .hristians supported it as a great impro$ement. Parliamentary and presidential ele tions will be held later this year. Please pray that .hristians will be allowed to worship and build pla es of worship as promised. Pray that the Holy %pirit will gi$e His people ompassion for and a burden to rea h out to those who ha$e perse uted them.

World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**

The (slami state of Somalia ranks 70 in the se$erity of perse ution of .hristians, who number only a few hundred in this ountry of 21 million. The #l48aida4linked group #l4%habaab has $owed and is working to rid the nation of all .hristians. Pray that the few belie$ers, who must worship in se ret, an find fellowship and grow in their faith. Pray for those around them, that they may see a differen e in the li$es of .hristians and open their hearts to the true God.

For Muslim Women***

Please pray spe ifi ally for a 9enyan woman who has followed God:s all to rea h women of a spe ifi !uslim people group in her ountry. Pray for fruitful friendships and en ounters, and for pro$ision as she labors alone at this point in her ministry.

Prayer Resources
%&r'(ing for )uslims: * +uide for ,ffective -ntercession offers many insights on erning (slam and a different prayer sub-e t ea h ;riday. This week we pray for !uslim women, that the Lord will sa$e and use them to rea h others& ""<pen Doors publishes an annual list ranking the =1 nations where perse ution against .hristians is most se$ere. %ee the full 012> *orld *at h List at .li k on the name of a ountry to read the ountry profile and prayer reAuests. """!uslim women need your prayersB Cou an -oin a prayer network and re ei$e regular reAuests at http&??sayhelloinfo. om?. ;or a list of resour es for prayer groups, see http&??tinyurl. om?waast-umaa. ;ind information and prayer reAuests on erning !uslims around the world at http&?? How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithD /ead http&??www.elam. om?arti les?How4to4pray4for4those4in4prison?. ;or news updates on erning perse uted .hristians, $isit http&?? and http&?? ;or prayer reAuests, $isit http&?? and http&??www.perse ution. om?publi ?pray.aspE. To help you answer !uslims, Auestions about Jesus and the Bible, eEplore http&??un hangingword. om?indeE.php.

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