2014 Spouse Scholarship Application

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Check one: ____ undergraduate ____ graduate ____ certificate ____ other _____________ SECTION 1: SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS A. Applicants must currently meet the following criteria: 1. Residing in Skagit or Island Counties, applicant must e attending or planning to attend an institution of higher learning. !. A spouse of an acti"e duty or retired military ser"ice mem er, or an un#remarried widow$widower of a deceased military ser"ice mem er. %% %%&'(AS( )*+(: ,ue to the dynamic nature of the military, each applicant-s eligi ility is su .ect to the re"iew of the *SC/I Scholarship Committee. If you ha"e 0uestions, please contact osc oard1yahoo.com to discuss your eligi ility. B. Applicants must su mit the following documents IN ORDER: 1. Complete Scholarship 2uestionnaire 3see ne4t page5. !. +ranscript of any college or uni"ersity coursework already completed, and$or *fficial high school transcript 3if no college or uni"ersity work has een completed5. 6. A one page resume of acti"ities, community ser"ice, honors, awards, and work e4perience. 7. +hree essays 3ma4imum of !89 words each5: a. An essay of your educational and career goals detailing why you are pursuing education. . An essay addressing your strengths and weaknesses and how they will help or challenge you to achie"e your educational and career goals. c. An essay of your need for scholarship assistance. 8. *ne recommendation from a teacher, counselor, employer, or priest$pastor. C. Su mission Re0uirements: 1. Application and all re0uired information must e recei"ed y the *SC Scholarship Committee no later than :arch 61, !917. !. All re0uested information must e included. Incomplete applications will )*+ e considered. 6. &lease type or clearly print your application materials. 7. :ail completed application to: *fficers- Spouses- Clu of /hid ey Island A++): Scholarship and Charity Committee &* ;o4 !<8 *ak =ar or, /A >?!@@

2uestions concerning the application or re0uested information may e e#mailed to osc oard1yahoo.com.

SECTION 2: APPLICANT INFORMATION AND SCHOLARSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE A. Pe !on"# In$o %"&'on )ame_________________________________ ;irthdate__________________________ +elephone ____________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ ___ (mail ______________________________________________________________________________________ )ame3s5 of Institution3s5 from which you recei"ed your undergraduate degree3s5 3if applica le5: ___________________________________________________ ,egree3s5 recei"ed: _______________ ____ Aield of Study: _____________________________

)ame3s5 of Institution3s5 you wish to attend or ha"e een accepted for additional education 3if applica le5: __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________

+ype of degree or certificate you are pursuing: ______________________________________________________ Anticipated or Current Aield3s5 of Study: ___________________________________________________________ Scholarships or Brants &re"iously Awarded: ________________________________________________________ Are you recei"ing funds from the BI ;ill: ____________________________________________________________ B. M'#'&" ( In$o %"&'on Aull )ame of Ser"ice :em er _______________________________________ ;irthdate ____________________ Current Address of Ser"ice :em er _____________________________________________________________ :ost Recent ,uty Station _________________ :ost Recent ,uty Station +elephone )um er______________ ,ependent of: ____ Acti"e ,uty ____ Retired ____ ,eceased SECTION ): NOTIFICATION OF SCHOLARSHIP A. All applicants will e notified of the result of their application y the end of April. +hose recei"ing a scholarship will e asked to attend the *SC Beneral :eeting on the e"ening of :ay 7, !917 to claim their scholarship.

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