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The Message from Water: Vol.

Index of The Message from Water-Vol.1

145 pages , 125 pictures irst issued! "une 1, 1### Introduction Masaru $moto%Water and &ado Water, &umans and $arth 'an (ou ma)e e*aluations a+out ,ater at a glance'hapter 1! The stor( of ,ater in dail( life Tap ,ater in "apan Tap ,ater o*erseas Water in the natural ,orld .pring Water /i*ers, la)es and marshes 0laciers /ain ,ater 'hapter 2! 1 .tor( of e*er-changing ,ater 2la(ing music to ,ater .ho,ing letters to ,ater .ho,ing a person3s name to ,ater 'hapter 4! The ,orld of ,ater spreads afar Transcript Technolog( that changes ,ater artificiall( The micro-clustered ,ater of 5r. 6ee. &. 6oren7en Water changed +( people3s consciousness Water and .oul Water came from .pace2ostscript

The Message from Water: Vol.2

Index of The Message from Water-Vol.2

The popular reaction to the first +oo) ,as so ,idespread in +oth "apan and o*erseas that a second collection of cr(stal photographs and commentar( ,as pu+lished in 8o*em+er 2991. 1lthough in format and si7e it closel( resem+les Volume 1 the chapters focus on areas not pre*iousl( co*ered. 'hapter 1! 1round mum. Maternal issues of +irth, raising children and marriage reflected in cr(stals 'hapter 2! 1round dad. The modern +us( father and ho, he relates to the famil( 'hapter 4! 1re electromagnetic ,a*es scar(- 1n ama7ing loo) at home appliances3 effect on ,ater 'hapter 4! /ain ,ater and earth:ua)es. 'an ,ater foretell earth:ua)es- .ee for (ourself; 'hapter 5! 1 concert of ,ater. 'lassical music, "apanese fol)s songs and <a77 create cr(stals 'hapter =! Water is also ha*ing fun. .ho,ing images and ,ords to ,ater demonstrates its <o( 'hapter >! The ,orld of ,onder. Wisdom, 'osmos and 6o*e in different languages sho,n to ,ater 'hapter ?! 'on*e(ing our feelings to ,ater. $speciall( interesting is ho, children are learning this 145 pages Translated from "apanese +( .onia 1ichi @/$W@/5 +( Masaru $moto I.A8 4-#4#9#?-94-4 .ince BThe Message from Water B ,hich ,as first pu+lished in "une 1###, a little more than t,o (ears ha*e passed and e*en no,, li)e ripples through ,ater, a :uiet mo*ement is spreading to,ards the se*en seas. 1fter the +oo) started out in our nati*e "apan it +egan spreading mainl( *ia $urope to the ,orld. 1s the ,ord ,as passed person to person, +efore ,e )ne, it the +oo) had spread to .,it7erland, 0erman(, 1ustria, Ital(, &olland, the CD and rance.

I follo,ed in the ,a)e of this mo*ement and for one and a half (ears lectured o*er 59 times in foreign countries. This is still carr(ing on and so as long as I ha*e time I ,ould li)e to continue endlessl( ,ith this fortunate situation.I ha*e recei*ed countless comments of appreciation a+out this +oo) from readers +oth a+road and at home. @n top of that, there are continual offers to ha*e the +oo) translated into *arious foreign languages. Within "apan it is the educational scene, particularl( including that of famil( education ,hich has responded to the +oo). Moreo*er, almost all the religious fraternities, as ,ell as the entire alternati*e medical esta+lishment, sho,ed a tremendous response. This :uic)l( +ecame a strong desire to ha*e the next +oo) of photographs pu+lished, and the( communicated that desire to me. In these ensuing t,o (ears I ha*e applied m(self to further research and ha*e sufficient ne,l( accrued data, +oth in :ualit( and :uantit(, to +e represented in this second collection of photographs. I am confident therefore, under these circumstances, in pro*iding readers ,ith this collection.To +e honest, ,hilst organi7ing the first +oo) it ,as 3)otodama3, the spirit of ,ords, +ased on ,ritten letters that I most ,ished to communicate. &o,e*er I had gra*e dou+ts o*er ho, much of a response I ,ould recei*e. Aut contrar( to expectations, it ,as precisel( that part ,hich elicited the greatest response from each reader, and so, as the author, this ,as an unsurpassa+le <o( to me. 5uring these fe, (ears I ha*e secretl( )ept in m( heart a sense of danger a+out the future of the planet.The a+o*e response has gi*en me a positi*e energ( that ,ipes out such feelings. 1h... I reali7ed that so man( people potentiall( ha*e the same ,a( of thin)ing as m(self, and so I can strongl( feel the &15@ Eresonating energ(F of that potential +eing rapidl( actualised through the photographic collection in this +oo). BWhat is great a+out this photo collection is that, in spite of the content +eing shoc)ing, the author doesn3t force an(thing on (ou. &o, those reading and loo)ing at the +oo) feel is ,hat is important, and for modern people it is that feeling ,hich is necessar(B, ,as the comment I recei*ed from one person. Aecause that is exactl( ,hat I had intended, I ,as relie*ed that course had ,or)ed out after all. or that reason in this second +oo) I ha*e limited m(self to expressing ,hat I sensed . &o, do (ou, the readers feel a+out it- It ,ill +e a <o( greater than m( expectations as the author if (ou, as families, as friends, as neigh+ouring ,i*es or as ,or) colleagues tal) a+out this +oo) to (our hearts3 content.2lease en<o( and full( feel these +eautiful designs from that source of energ( ,e call &15@.

'urrentl(, re*ised *ersion of the +oo), B6o*e Th(selfB from ha( &ouse 2u+lisher is a*aila+le for sale.

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