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1set Ores Orals
dete sad gsrsi a-
kcToiii tis 1Nde1
11III1Nde M-
s Moa-
JanetI ntebed I bait pc4s rtyl TSo
KdosTpteesc Ladle and Mtases Solid Gold
Chased land Rings bandeomely engraved
assorted allBeslJD for 600
dos pieces Sliver and Gold Plate
oonsUtlnit of Oolls Knots and Rhine-
Hair- ¬
M models at 2950 each only
half of the original price-


Black FaWeirse
t2lncb Plaid Silk c
Orted °this
° Meson to at
stones eoc for IDlY each
JO quality j siss
10 doz Silver

Roman and Bright Gold
e etrectalIlm- ¬ Plate Bead Necklaces with or without heart
mounted on fins chains all sties
BOo each
Housefnrnishings Fulton

St opposite DeKilbAie1-

Lch Borah Plaids black sad eolorecl 18 dosfor Bhlnestone Tn noIee and Garnet A full assortment of the cole
grounds regular price tuo Monday 118 Binge also sliver and gold plate frteedihlp ROOKLYN brated Xavier Jouvin Kid and
IbIotft- W design fialahed same as solid gold lee for Suede Gloves both button and
BABTPH 1svs7rTh tilt mousquetaire the finest quality
f WEEK GWV- MONDAY We have u Parlor Suits- The system of tettng every rthh- and bestwearing gloves made
mtmnatUprottt betotm thorough We are sole agents in Brooklyn
AMONG 1i1FtHSJINDBROO- In Brocatelle Damask Tapestry Rug Plush Ha1r ly reliable quality la a ruling prio
for them
OUTSIDE OABMENTa Oloth and other coverings II OverStuffed Suits Ladies Pearl Kid Gloves with
Ladles 6hook Beal Kid Gloves clple of tIIIII firm black embroidery button and
ii AS only regular goods the L60
II BisouitTufted Suits Fringed Suits Combina- ¬
We will display this week over 200 tion Suits Some as low priced as 3260
m aitr for 98c styles of Gapes Jackets Beefers Mens Jonvin Pique Kid Gloves
Ltdies 7hook Suede Gloves tans Blazers Top Goats Hip Seam
JU1LLLVER elegant fitting and fine wearing

Tand slates all sizes the 160 qual JBennett mnd Tequei gloves 200 perGloves pair
rjtt for 98a- Coats andVest Jackets in all the
fabrics The prices will be
NY BROOKLYN NY KLYN1 We have Chamber Suits- Sm Mens Kid for street
iitfisses 6hook Kid Gloves tans spring the latest Peru and London styles wear 150 per pair
tvnd browns the 100 quality 76a varied enoughto suit
all demands In highly polished Walnut Oak 16th Century Old
100 Ladiel Black Cheviot Cloth A DAY XKMoZLIt7P IO 2OLAIDZ3-
< for Spring now ready in un- ¬
Yens Foster hook Suede Gloves
open seams bone buttons Ta Vsetseaar rth Otlteea er IIQ Oak and Mahogany finish elaborately carved plainly equalled assortment
jjUes 684 to 10 175 quality Jackets 395 Theyre the 560 line a h 0stebrt4 I a this City carved some not carved at all all shapes styles JOUBJVS NBCKWBdR
j others160 goods a choice 98c- 150 Ladies Jersey Cloth Jackets On Mar 1791 a new Constitution was pro- ¬
sizes and prices some as low priced as 1200 UNTRIMMED STRAW GOODS-
Mens pique sewed Foster hook all wool black only with reveres mulgated b < the Diet of Poland which gays
embroidered back Walking Gloves and vest effect front open seams political rights to the cubs civil right to the the most complete stock we have Our Spring Importation-
tau and browns 160 peasantry made the throne hereditary and ever shown every style of Fancy of London Neckwear
goodsfor L19
regular 490 The 650 line asserted Poland independence more strongly We have Folding Beds Braids and all the leading shapes- by Virgoe Middleton Amade for as
160 Ladies Jackets reefer shape than It had ever been asserted before But
ttt in Hats Bonnets Toques and Co New ¬
were people who adhered to the old order- est and choicest designs in mate- ¬
incheok cloth or plain tan covert there of things and they invoked the powerful aid of Made by the Standard Folding Bed Co
II II Odell Flats
cloth Worth at least 950
to CatharineILEmpres efBuMla The Bus rials and shapes Puffs Ascots
BIG BALE be 890 elan entered Poland Prussia did not keep her
Straight Gun A BIt Ames Frost and SPECIAL SALE Fourinhands and Windso-
t SAMPLE SHOES 250 Ladies i Military Ulsters with splendid to
promlie support the Pole Eosolusko
fight atOubtenka wasuseless and
other makers in all the popular woods and finishes 25 dozen fine quality genuine
deep English capes made in a va- Poland wareticedir not to ilaverr at least some desk shape some wardrobe shape some side ¬ White Leghorn Flats 98 eta each I
7 16 TO 911 FOB 869 riety of light spring cloths 1500
tea worse condition than had ever been her board shape some cabinet shape all good shapes- regular price 198 to 225 rsFVR1TURE
after Monday 1950 lot betoreaml hr
territory was divided mona
all styles and at popular prices 20 dozen real Black Leghorn 48000 Jtedroem
alMaxaatiyof the handsomest finest
1 woaWs drees and street boots ve-
200 Ladies Ohallie House Gowns her conquerors
Mays 1891 III the centennial of the promul- ¬ Flats 48 cts each regular price SuM for
r7Tt4M o2t of the city over the bridge with snrah silk fronts tea gown ef- ¬ gation of this unfortunate Constitution and 125 to IL60- 1950
tiwojnen whove been paying 113 and 5- fects new patterns 4 for 275 the Poles in this country wilt celebrate In a We have II Baby Carriages-
1IfortbMrIboeswW be the quickest to appre
2etit th4lllleboee 150 Ladies Ohallie Wrappers- unique manner The patriotic feeling In Po- ¬ FLOWEBB AND FEATHEBS tique Fullsize Bedroom Suits in an
< tttyles vary widely Every style shape land fis still atrongand nothing would be ball- ¬
made with yoke front and back ed with greater Soy there than permission II Gerbracht II Wake
oak XVIth century finish or
Jest kid cloth patent leather fonyy top Made by II Hey Bros Co A magnificent assortment In all white maple nicely carved wood ¬
lace button ttpl olaln getable In the boe- 250 for L29 from the ruling Government to celebrate this
field and other firstclass makers Besides we are the natural effect in Flowers and work bevel mirror on bureau 24x30
1br1d this Iprtnlr le moDR this oolleotlon ot- osntenntat But as that Is out of the question
j lUfacturere eampl- tIIlt celebration In this country will be tile more
patriotic the exclusive agents for the II Excelsior Carriage Foliage- inches suit equal to any yet sold
efr1 to Sj AAA AA A B Q and D Full assortment of all the small for 3000 now offered at 196-
iha- FRAMEDno demonstration In this city will be a Cath- ¬ Works whose designs are mostly original and very
Ito palrln the InUre assortment cells for lees olic onr Poland IIs a Catholic country and In-
n other part of the world Is there such a POD colored Ostrich Tips in over 100
than SI from that to til ETCHINGS 1260ular and Intense antltieinltlo reeling On ac- ¬ stylish All are sold so close in price that it dont different shades and colorings
Thee wilt be placed on sale Monday aatpair the count of the enormous Immigration of Polish
pay a body to buy the II Decoy Duck marked
alnirle price of three fiftynine tlfil Jews to this country the name of Poland has SPECIAL 100 dozen extra fine 0aJE1 JRR1JGIs
Notice Important all means be on hand Oolleottoa of Handeome Etching torn come to be connected with the Jewish religion
997 ct of the ribbon establishment or the II side- ¬ Black Tips 68 ota per bunch reg-¬
4orlnt the forenoon framed In Ivory with gold lining The men who are In charge ol the demonstra- ¬

Ibs24 I7- Some framed in Antique Oak with sliver will notthis
tion In city say that th Jewlah population
bn representeditnd will have nothing
are about 30000
walk affair which are as common as pine tables ular price 11M In the Basement
Average size tBx45 Inches at alt to
Bubjeota are Poles In thiswithdo It
I I city whom less than onethird A full line of Heywood Carriages
t OABPETS Bural Sound M
Day Dreams Beoee- are Catholics
I> BlonaL
Sunday Afternoon in New Eng¬
Among the Wiles
As Hay S falls on Sunday the real eelebra
Parting Day1 tlnn will be postponed until the next day¬ We have u Carpetings SILK NOPBLrLE at popular prices
Word of Advice The Last Sheer There will be a solemn high mass la Bt Stan A fine Carriage upholstered in
90 for 1160 islaussonRoman Catholic
street wind
Church 43 Stanton
On Monday morning there In Moquettes Wilton and other Velvets Axmiusters Rich Brocaded China SiLks plush and with satin parasol for
riMUMMOo- will be a pontifical nigh mass in the name
church It IIs not yet known who will officiate Body and Tapestry Brussels Ingrains c all colors
I i
at this mass Corrlgnnbut It Is thought that It will bo 24inch white and cream grounds
Everjthing the Carpet Depart- ¬ Archbishop All the Polish societies
will gather In front of the church after
patterns and qualities Also OilCloths Rugs and large and small designs also satin
ment to cover a floor with irom CHEAPENED Mattings Bedding c Our STOCK of Lounges stripes with polka dots and fig- ¬
tjie mass and form InAJlne Many of
the modest OilCloth and simple the parader will beagoIn the costume Cr ures 125 per yard
nlOTANTS WEAR Poland ot a century while other Couches Hall Stands Chiffonnieres Sideboards Dining
Ingrain to the regal Wilton all wear the dre < s that Iis now worn by the Polish 22inch cream and white satin
alike this seasons turnout peasantry Th eccle lHtlc l sncietle Bt
Joseph and 6t Atoysns Gonzaito will head the Tables Leather and Cane Seat Chairs Rockers Parlor stripe China with colored figures
20 patterns of the 2 and 225 Ax Nearly 100 Infants Caps all over the parade After them will come the military and
benevolent societies a here will be depu- ¬ and other Tables is something immense in size and 150 per yard
minsters and Gobelins will be cut- embroidered with lace niching tations from all any
there are
the Ma cities In ibisexpected-
POIM anti It is variety of design and as for priceswell when you 24inch Hemstitched Brocaded BENEDICTS PATENT
up for the first comers Monday bought to sell for SOc to be where that some of the clUes of Poland will send over consider that Houses of our size on Fulton St China Silk cream and white 125
morning at 156 marked 89a- eelHaUOIIII
per yard- Rolling Window Screen
CawWMBotr Childrens White Lawn Hats cord- ¬ parade
The detailll of the lineof march have not yet
been decided upon From the charm the or over in New York have to pay 40000 or
proceed to Union square where an 50000 per year in rent you can imagine the profits 24inch Black Brocaded China
ed crown large rosette 1 is the iddress will In KnulUh willSto I delivered by Sirs Silk 20 designs 125 per yard Perfect Protection against
usual price but are to be marked pII bed Polish woman Kraomer Mrs Kraemer Is an scoots
who Is enthusiastically that are necessary to meet such expenses 24inch Black Brocaded China Flies and Mosquitoes
fV 76a patriotic and Is connected with many of the Silk satin figures and stripes 160 Z
Polish societies here Her husband WhO is a
f USE BOOKS Childrens AllWool Oloth Coats German Is connected with th liFts 01 Stein Estimates furnished on any quantity from 500 per
handsome plaids velvet collar and ot a
war Sons She will describe the condition
Poland at the Urn when the Constitution to yardSPECIAL o
An Easter AcoL by Phillips Brooks ISo
ynOl the Day Break three pictures for cuffs size to 3 years I
Childrens Reefers allwool cloth which
490was promulgated and tell of all the wrongs
have been Inflintod on her native country
Then she will thank Ithe United Btates for

old 101
r Poems
shape OMi1teee cxee25o
15o t Lilies of the
iroSpfcJOo Eastertide IBc Holy Joy ISo
An BaaterOceettn Mo Cross and Crown
60a 1 tou 3 years size Navy Blue and countrymen
Cardinal special price 150
Childrens Reefers same material making There
bound with gold braid 1 to 3 yrs game
the hospitality which ban been extended to her
From Union square the parade
will march to 8ulrer Harlem River Park
where the afternoon will be spent In merry- ¬
will be mnntc danelng and
all thoroughly Imbued with the spirit
of Polish patriotism On the way from Union
square to Suiters Park there will be living
22inch Twotone Printed China
Silk full range of tints 69 ots per
20inch allsilk Black Satin Bbs
dames 69 cts per yard
special price 175 tableaux the pArade on woEon decorated
ABiinoh of Lentenp Lutes SSo Ho Careth
lor You 11Io
rataa flsa wiee
for the purpose The actors willl all be In ap- ¬
propriate costume and the scenes represented CD

3hrUt the Lord Is Risen Today J8a will beg i

a roUa4alttB DRESS GOODS
ZubrBeIIe 180 soa I Umt
faster Wings Sunrise 8sa Easter IN THE- Poland dlYldttl
a lelanC Is opUTltr nmerated by
This will be Jmanufacturer and Jobbers of Furniture and o
K ay ISoMom At the Cross 35o Foilih costume sad lotdtd down
> Bun clad In tb old
in 800 The Little Maid 88-
Boyal Bounty My King The Boyal Invite
SHAWL WAY with ehiUi suodtnf ovrr tktm with upllriM swords
will M thr > AniiruD loidlwt
kid coo Pruiiltn utdltr
I threc Rawlu oldltn-
The proportion U d HT d Kindred Goods Carpeting ct
Select Parisian Robe Q III
Boa1 uommaDl1mente Loyal lie
0tponses Starlight Kept for the Masters
Use all by Francis Bldley Havergal with
Some 9 doz 190 Imitation French India
Shawls 11175 each
from the dlruiott ef polmd among tbM
riea tbatbtlut tba proporUon or
territory wblch tmy- tin A limited number in single dress
patterns no duplicates in the FREDERICK LOESER

900 Imported MBO Fancy Shawls oomblna
4 KMetmko and tome of
rTyranny Ia Ooaoral-
Ulamlnated covers 25 cents each atberIne drivan 10 Slbtrla br tb Rnulaaa
Love the Supreme Gift The Perfected
Life with handpainted covers 40 cents
lon Bbades IUtI
900 of the 12110 Imported honeycomb Shawls
of HnHla over Qrk Catbollci
On entering the park there will be an im- ¬
115117119 and 121 Myrtle Av Brooklyn N Y newest embroidered and jewelled
effects will be shown tomorrow
each both by Henry Drummond assorted colon 1118 posing salute with old Polish flags In the SEND FOR CIRCULAR
The First IJiing In the World by A J- Assortment ot travellers and tourists Rugs evening the paraders will march to Cooper French Combination Suits en ¬
Oodon D D 20 cents and Shawls Is now ready mens as well as Union where speeches willI be made tirely different from any pre ¬
Power From On High by Rev B FayMills womens 195 to sao This Is an outline of the programme In the
course of three weeks it will probably be com- ¬ viously shown in Melange Cheviot
90 ocutA kawnld
I floor pleted audit will be extended considerably
Easter Interpreted by Robert Browning with frise and novelty silk figures
compiled by Hose Porter 20 cents
Dally Strength for Daily Heeds white oarer-
htford Bible Oxford Prayers and Hymnals
Catholic Prayers and Devotional Books
Civil JTBStlee Mitchell Suggest Several
Kemedlul Aendeata
FurnitureGarpets Beddinec 1500 1760 2000 and 2500
per pattern WJ1OffPInmtnd and bndy heo by
happy ant comfortablMmatniiiiri
tVon e alTtliYnaiit
Easter gifts
rile Oreateet Thing the Worldby Henry
Nearly every man who was interested In the
provisions of the new ballot law before election
A PEARSON 59 61 and 63 Myrtle Av SPECIAL VALUE- encln
Us In had a large spirt
tbe tralmf olr all Facial fliemlh
nuooi hair Afolrt Birthmark Wr a hookI tBuMr
r odor MrU ftel Zos Ru V1IDL clp Skin Tn
Jrummond one vol 8vo Illustrated regu- Art squares for less money than lost this interest as soon as the election was An excellent quality allwool nd Uatr Dli Eum hrylpI Hrp 1115
ar price tloo j store price 75 centa usual The 18 ones will be 675 over and thought no more of it Civil Justice Our new Borlnc patterns are all In and Include eTerythlng that la tasteful In Honattarnlsh Tumor tIIIIOdo
enerJlmplAc permnlIy
Arnl tarhoa Iloli
Beoksaaoeor Mitchell has continued the study of It Inlr80 Price are lower than eyer and person not haying the toady means will find our credit
Domestic Cheviot in exact imita- trn1
applIcatIOn our4 by
1 The 960 ones will be The Peter
760 He says that Us defects have been dlsaoversd system suitable for all tion of the most popular Scotch UJ18 ACKEI1MA1R Ireckl Frartkatnr A kln
11100 ones will be but 9 and that the Legislature should sot adjourn designs 89 cIa per yard

jr runv
preparation which rrodnr
i Ilmrle
a cur com
frrlnklt Fltih Wnrmt-
HAUKI-I The Lasona or Scotch made Bugs without remedying them One thing be com- ¬ Oak or Cherry Bedroom Suites Bevel Glee gjg Q- ann Impartsand r111 tIIn 1IlI hlfolirfrarrAtt

i th n the apir nre nr wlv t and

Q6plece Parlor Suites covered In Plush or Tapestry spring edge 85 00 110 us cannot be Ilectd Cunsult1100 tr 40
the finest machinemade rug ob- ¬ plains of Is the fact that many of the booths Square Oak Extension Tables tulton t N- Y
OUT GLASS tainable 18 ones 6 feet 3x3 feet 8- were so dark that It was Impossible to read the Onk DlnJliK Chairs very nice
g 85-
ballot Again the process of voting was so 35
r i New most beautiful you ever saw In
feet 9 110
The 814 ones 6 feet 6x2 slow that the spaces reserved for voter were
freritiently blocked up
lances good bakers and burners
7 JQ-
jj op
Andorso cI IIA-
Eay Ter
Sent lower
diamond cut fan edge crystal Kequlrlng the voter to old twelve fourteen Tapestry Brns < els good quality
Finger Bowls youd guess they
XataMfloir ballots which are pot voted but are thrown
Into a waste box or basket and destroyed h-
Heavy Ingrains
per yard
per rardl
Black Cashmere Suit Patterns
with new designs in black and
t says so retarda the voter that thousands who Also a complete line of goods for Housekeeping at prices equally ae low No trouble to show cln IMan-
stood for Sa6 a doz Going to sell Intended to vote became so dlgueted after black and white corded embroidery IIARBMAR PIANOS oInducemratii
long waitIng that they would not remain and goods and goods bought now stored free till wanted We pack and ship all our good free of
1150 DOZEN for 997 a doz NIGHT- ¬ so lout their votes lie UIIRebts these rm Charge for trimming for cash
too 884 Fulton St Itrooklyn
dozen Rich Heavy Deep GOWNS IF edles
First Let the Police CommlsMooers rennlre
Highclass novelties in black and
i iS
Cut Tumblers Diamond Cut with be police Captains to select suitable well black and white Camels Hair with FOUR DOORS ABOVE rfBBItErQST
Ian edge 1200 at least theyre YOU WANT THEM lIi1bted
l places regardless of expense or build tufts and figures
booths In the streetU- TAB 110XiHrT A liON FY
worth this j 100 dozen only will be SecondAdopt a stricter sot of rules for the BEERT 8 Ona dot will rtop a conxhl
J Jold for 697 doz
43 Balmoral Dinner Sots 12 each
Muslin Night Robes Mother Hubbard yoke government
75o to be 600
tucked with Cambric ruffle regular price mandatoryLetthat
of Inspectors
the law be M amended and made
Inspectors within the poll
log places shall tile e the right and shall be
and 63 Myrtle Av TRY IT PRICE 55 CK-
Dinner Soup Breakfast Pre- ¬
> Muslin Gowns Maaonnelle muslin yoke required to glte advice and Instructions as to
handsomely trimmed with row of embroid- ¬ folding ballots Ac when requested by tile 5th Door from Jay St BROOKLYN NTHMANHOOD
serve Tea and Butter Plates
16 sizes of Plattr Soup Tureen
ered Insertion and plaits extra good width Voter so to Adoperson
and length regular price 11112r to be 860-
dozen more of the Figured IJawn Morning vote
who Is legally entitled to
should not be deprived of his vote even
after unsuccessful attempts to fold
DIED VT A SriKISTEIta CELKAH- Found a HonweftarBUhed Cave
9 Rare Opportunity- How Lost I How Regained I
Sauce Tureen Gravy Bowl and Gowns extra width anti handeome patterns Us ballots be had gone out Into the street for nna
SNOW HILL Md March 21A party of coon
Stan Who One Saw Better hunters lost their way the other night In what to secure new and desirable goods- A Great Medical Work for Young lilt

to bo sold for 169 instead of 120- TJcfort te
Stand 2 Pickle Dishes 4 Covered c
further Instructions on thut bead
Dare and Vas Seeking Food at less than half the regular prices- KiddleAged Men Dew Edition
Dishes 2 Uncovered Dishes 2 0114err4 floor > tvbgslliugpiare
A clause should be Inserted In the law tha- In known lIa the Burnt Swamp near nhBley
An importers stock of 22 27
and the booths erected
UierelirVhouId be so lighted artificially If coo
PUILtnzivuu March 2IWIIJl Dough yule In this county With the aid nf a pine
erty a brother of Daniel Dougherty was found torch tliov wire pushing their WilY through the
Comforts Salad Bowl Butter eary as to enable every person to read the and 45 inch Flouncings and Cam ¬ C
Dish and 12 Cups and Saucers all ballots and an omission to do so should be dead last evening In the cellar of the i esldence roots and water whet one of the party called
attention to n pathway which had evidently bric Nainsook and Swiss Edgings-
ANOTHER made a mlidfmennpr of the lIter Ur George Dana Voardman 3829 eon miiilo innny years ago Alter a connultn
very beautifully decorated with The voter should be comnelleil to foM only Walnut street where ho bad applied for food UII n itwaj deodod to take the Itauten track and Insortings
the ballot which be Intends to vote The re- ¬ with the hope that It would lend them out of
flowers and gold Imported trans- ¬ JEWELRY SALE maining ballots should be put In largo en- ¬ lie was very wet from the Ikre rain storm the 1
labyrinth They had procenoed onlyasbort 75 to 85 ct Flouncings for 39 cts
parent China 2 shapes worth velopes prepared ror tile purpose or rolled up when be came to the door and the servant In- ¬ distance when their loader suililenly dlsap 100 to 110 Flonncings for 60 cts
Jewelry man ls In clover overM the success of and banded to the clerk to lie dropped Into a vited him to come inside While she went to twareil from sight Hastening forward they KNeW THYSELF-
4600 our special run 2947 his past two reduction Here
basket This would obviate the present very
anoth- ¬ iloectlonsblo feature of compelling a voter to get hits something to eat Mrs Boardman hap- ¬ found that thslr oompaulon hud fallen into a 140 to 160 Flouncings for 69 cts SBXFrilF8nKVATION
pened to come In The heater In the cellar WAS im uprooted tree and liar
bolt which seemed to been made by Or A new and onlr-
SDinner Sets transparent China er say he bigger than ever
200 richly graven Flllgreexl Silverback
fold useless and waste ballots and would have
a tendency to expedite voting and to prevent tilled with about 200 Flouncings for 98 cts OoIdMeda PIUZE Ell HAY on NERVOUS aid
tiohly decorated with flower and Combe live designs have been 1110 will confusion
out of order and she rsked him to step Into two feet ot water Upon further Inves ¬ 250 Flounoings for 125 PHYSICAL DEBILITY
i gut assorted decorations100
pieces be95o the election being conducted under the be cellar and try to lix It Dougherty said he tigation however It wa found by re
moving n large stone Imbedded In the Edgings and Insertinga 2 6 8 MATURE DECLINE antI all IHHKAHK9
lawlof the State by State officers no unwar- ¬ would try to and be went Into the cellar whore earth on one side that this wall the entrance and WKAKNE88KS MAN WOpi M cloth
positively worth 3000 j will sell 800 lrow genuine Coral Necklaces with One
plated clasps have been 76o will be 9So- rantable Interference with a voter by a mar- ¬ hot was heard moving arounl to a subterranean eave There wa plenty of and 121 ots per yar- gUt 1U inraluable preacrlptioni Oulf tlM
shal should be tolerated for an molest In
it 1897 9QO 9roy genuine Coral Necklaces with line
plated tlaspe Imve been 160 will be 4Sc
conclusion every Hne ID the mew ballot law
tends to restrict the free and expeditious
In the mean time fnmi had beon prepared-
room tn crawl through and the first to enter
and was waiting lor him In tlu kltcnen Aa found himself In a partly furnished
the stranoer SlId not put In an appeuianceln a called to his companions who wore only too
room He
67 toil double ataled DetcripUr Prospect
na with endorsements I SEND
60 English Decorated Dinner Sets 100 Bolleit Gold Baby Sets 8 buttons at- ¬
right or sulTragenbould bn eliminated and the auaitorofI Mn hour tile neruut was bent to too glad to find shelter for the night A further
St the Fre end Toluntarr
tMtlmonUli of the cured
180 pieces fine flower decoration
shape extra thin qual ¬
tached with plated chains have been 1100 tood features creserved and strictly enforced what hal become of him the geored cnn
luiisly Into till cellar The man whom sIgn examination revealed two oilier
leading from the first All Were ofaPartments good
dCLOdKDBPdBrdlBJIX Couaiillillaa In peraon or by mall Kipol- treat
nent INVIOlAniK bKCIlKCT god CKK
BOW design
i will be 35e
The BlellUme Among V- 60ultbt wall dead Ho wee Uluu fnc In front dry utulI comfortable In one wns lound sire
ity Set of same grade never sold
25 doz Silver Oxidisedt and Gold Plate
Uroochea Cleopatra Snake and a dozen An Italian ethnologist in speaking of the
cit the furnace Tim entire nnuelioM mis-
roaneil and IlIIe Ollror VII eeot for a police
third six
of a rustoaten coos stove and In the
bunks vurtlall
Oiled with decayed
the Latest Novelties TAIN CUUK
Tb Pe bodr I

for less than 2200 j this special other

for 890
designs with cut IIIJTer flnUh Wo peculiarities of the Sicilians says can who had be body remoodto the station straw and swamp moss The supposition is
that this underground habitation wa wade in Ladies Jackets Coats and Vests AcldrelliJJO-
Initltatc No 4
finch SLBeaton I

et 0 1694 ptoM Ladle gsy7 Cable Link- There can be no doubt that there I s a Pnnlo A etaroh of the Bjan clothing re- ¬ during the latter part of the war Louis XV shapes j also Reefers FottOfflc lox
The Peabody
r OhLa aa < gieieXala 1- Breosiste Soman sAdnrht Snub mounted train in tbe bleed of the Blelllaa people la veal hi Ideptttv TPre was a rallito l n
1tllakuequavu C4Ip1f1I riu-
times the Island of Malta whleh was in Tots DooSitawltEUi name and Blazers in newest styles
1Lr or 4 BhTneitnnss allotted-
lear held by the Oarthasfalaas was ks kill wrltua OB It JVbiU the boor WUlrtU at the TwosU7ee BegtsseM ease
Tetevem dab
Mantillas and Capes in Velvet
pszs1dMsoe amPsrt wsyeiatloBbetweeii Carthage sad BteUyaaA station bones U was viewed
amDK thm an old man wiLt coowa Ji
Many Mrfona-
In Irjin The Twenryseesnd Beerimeat Teteraa Onb- Jengaline Ottoman Camels Hair Ceatraetor Turner U 314U Oat
BILES sad Plain fca w and prop fkrrimrs- sir Oeergepewea has recenUy howe that tile elrelta lie reoaplztd the dtad man as wl ha been Incorporated and ISO member en- ¬
When bid for repaviag the Bowsry fr °
mountedln rolled told with Sal wires o Xsltuoaresbouttbs lost surviving rypnont 11am OouBhcrtr brother of the wellkaewn Ladies Cloth and fancy cloth ma Chatham square to Sixth street were belac-
of the tar kagfnlan branch of the old Phaanl Urtrtopgued orator rolled It I going to have a permanent club
1NEWLOW for 91o
16 doz Childrens and Infants Solid gold clan people The bsseol the Maltese language house with billiard toorns parlors a reading terials with trimming of embroid- ¬ reeelved by Pnblle Works Com million Oilr-
cbased Baud lungs assorted sires 16 lot spoken asspoSnInday Is Carthaginian which
by the lather Qf Baunlbol who was at
mm mm
Barltd from ills Wire House room and a catC None but thohe who have ery lace jet and jewelled effects roy the lowest cam from Contractor C
ben honorably dlstharaeil from the Twenty
J While tvery yard of these silks are this
soiinga theyre all under the prevailing
a= low
on purpose
M doc pieces Ladles Boiled Gold Cable
ooe time Governor nf Malta
rUaliy of the MallI ot the PboBnlelan stock
Link Padlock Bracelets extra One iinlab all crossed to Sicily in early times and mluglocl
elzee lLOO for 9So with the Latin there QT generations aDd
Henry Avellng was burled tho Actors Fund spcood
plot In the rergrens Cemetery jesterilny tN
The funeral took pi ice from the apartments II J118 Irl
ship In the
ellKlble to lull snowier
Ilul eCIlaln COmJD consIsting ot
E John
Long Garments for travelling TUfe was
and shopping newest effects I
for 173978 and was 557t5J
us it usritni
t ol
faith lJ5i <Whln tile tlino ustile for s Iv1f a
tho ontru t Mr lurncr leiiiej
i jJ I

0lneh Colored Bilks shades to
60 86 doz pieces Sterling Silver Cut Bangle ome of the perullaritlea of he modern of his wife and his mothptlnlinv 2J9 COIJ
East Laid exlleulnalt COPlPlDY It Ueorle II Newmarkets in Albion and Duch- ¬ ground that n nun fnmful iihiiinKie lftLb i

Bracelets 6 deslgnsT I slats extra wide Slolllan that do pot belong to otker 14lisns- fonneenth street at 11 oclock Only a few A lrvln tost than was at Ilrst 11 i lrolUil tu blhl bid
also from regular 700 quality special
Me for S5c- end that bay recently ben much spoten of
the Va tiel States where there 591 pow
friends and members of the Paul Kauvar exLientensnt
Conipany H the lion lames O ess of Fife style- could not do the
alled for and he refused to sign and asked lt
company were admitted There were severed
EEi 1Iura lOG trnWIe eo J MCI- M dospleoes Bomaa and Bright Boiled Gold innany Blclllans are the outgrowth thIs
MoMurray James ONeill exuentenant Corn
landeom floral design Tb Kplsoopallan pan IX IIs pushing matters
sBPEOIAL27 imported Wraps cfor t h e return 01 his deposit WrWiOJ Ce

pade i apowtJ- Bib Pus set with Turquoa Pearls sad hctalclan strain la their tivrtS service wa read and a short and Capes which hsv4 beta used i nseoTto return the monty end wlU- adTtru a
lOG e-
3 the dub will be 1
r n

tJl if x a = It1 =

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