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CAUTION.Do- . The Chicago Bargain ShoeCo- ,'WO

Mrit * '
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Jlnttoii S
, U't flctl button Inttrn , t 00

n't ' Be Humbugged or Misled ! 1318 DOUG-LAS STREET , NEAR 14th. 4

hitntlrctli ofntlit'i'lmrunino. wlili'li Ilinlleil sw r mr if <
. . .tV.7- . re.-.

The people of Omaha and vicinity A Permanent Concern Who Never Misrepresent , It H'ttl lit' a niit-tdl.-i' to ; M VWM- -
lnitccthiu inn' iiminiitotti . . .' ttinl
in the Hue of fmttti'ciir before
niir in'lrci.
have had too much experience in the Fine Boots , Shoes and Slippers , at Reasonable
past with traveling concerns and so-
called bankrupt stocks who remain ALWAYS DO AS ADVERTISED , Prices a Specialty.
but a few weeks and prey upon the Will sell You Honest , Reliable Boots , Shoes or Rubber Goods GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE OF RUBBER GOODS !
public until their deceptions or 15 DAYS ONLY.
misrepresentations are discovered For Less than " Snide Concerns" offer You Shoddy ,

through the sale of shoddy goods and

numerous other impositions with Several large stores in the east and buyers constantly in
which the people are already too fam- the shoe market , taking advantage of forced sales , gives ¬
1318 Douglas Street.'- .
iliar. . us unequalled facilities for securing bargains , which we- s Lowest Price Jtoot ami Shoe Healers *


Leaders of Honest Goods at Lon Prices. *
continually offer our many patrons. of the Shoe on Wheels.
' ocks thatch the upper poition of her cither imlivlilimlly or in classes. Ad- ¬ is protected to a certain degree in Kussiu- the library , " the valet said at the eonelu- just how and where sno laid It. Is it pos-
CLARA BELLE'S BROCHURE- foiehcad ; and she has to-day scut to the
AMID THE RUINS OF POLAND , on account of the lepresentativc system , sion of his story.- . sible that one whom Mine. Sas-ou

dress , ollleo.1-
father a photograph of her lace thus be- ¬
It was in following up tins advertise- - but which in Kussiu , where autocracy M Sasson went to the libran and ex- ¬
loll behind her did the. deed ? "
comingly softened. Along with that incut that encountered a genius who
1 flourishes in all its strength , Is left to amined llu bureau This suggestion put the detective on u
Money Makes Old Maids anil Many Mad- picture she enclosed another , witli her might post) either for iv philological en- ¬
A Valiant Eaco Struggling Under the the hard mercy of a single man , icvolver hus been leinovcd , " ho- line of inquiry , and ho pursued it with
Men , Too. hair parted in the middle and smoothly thusiast or a scheming , moneymaking- and he u declared foe , and is exposed to said. . vigor , but found no clew. Mine. Sasson
Mailed Hand of Russian Tyranny.- .
blushed down at the sides , disclosing a
high , intellectual and outright ugly ex-
Yankee. . His place of business is a little persecution which knows no cheek. A
complaint , even the idea of attempting a valet said madame
" 1 saw quit the library , " tlio was convicted of the killing of tier hus-
room where ho lodges , ami his block in , "holding by her side some- band and .sentenced to fifteen j curs' im ¬

CATHERINE WOLFE'S CAREER- . panse ot brow. I'robablj the pictorial trade a small blackboard , a ready tongue A DARK AND GLOOMY PICTURE. defense , is considered u or me , which , thing w hieli was concealed by the prisonment.- .
argument will not convince him of his and enthusiasm. Hoas not at all averse though not formally judged , is strictly drapery " . .lean I'luiuhau , tlio former valet of M- .
error , but it ought to.- . to explaining the nature of his business- . punished by means 0,1 what are cullof- .Sassim , assumed tlio name of Koumaino
i"udministiutivo measures. " The gov- ¬ that In the evening on discovered
.TnllorMnite CostunieH nml Their Cost TA1I.OHMA1IE ( SHMKNTS KOIl VVOVtH- ."It is tl c eminently proper tiling , don't Surrounded by Civil nml- she had left a largo sum of money and opened a wineshop in the Kuo-
Hie Sprcnil ol' Cookiioylsin-
NIt seems to me that wo women are you know , for the dude to speak English tlie I'coplc Keep ernor of a province lias the power to de- in boudoir. She had immediate need
( Jrcuse , near the Hoise do Iloulogne.
port whomsoever he plca es without hav- of her
DcHpotlKin ,
tieing abused. I lead a great deal about as it is spoken in London. In fact ho Six mouths after Mine SasMm's eonvic- -
nml tlio Harvest or this .sum and how to get it was the

the for tailor-made garments for can not really be considered a dude who up tlio Good Fl ht , I'ns- - ing to give the reasons lor his act to any subject tion , in the spring of IbMi , Detective
much thought. She determin-

body but the emperor. The newspapers ed to sayofnothing

DllllC- . women and there's a certain amount of docs not accent his words after tlio man- ¬ slvcly by Firmly.- . ( .iimpe was looking for a wandering
basis for it. What I mean is that it is announce the fact , that is all. They don't of it to her children for
ner of the English cousin. It is not every Clrirles should in'-Nt on going to swindler who had cheated several charit- ¬

not true that the women dressmakers Uudo who lins had , or can afford to obtain venture to comment upon it. Then there fear former residence for it , and thus able ladies in the submhs of the city. In
: YOUK , Dec. It. [ Correspondence are all deserted ami sitting in lonely the advantages of a trip across the briny W , Nov. 2. ) . [ Correspondence arc the legal prescriptions , thu ukaxes , their brought into collision with his ins wandciings ( Jotmc dropped into the
of tlie lli.i : , ! The season of the dance in rooms crying for bread , while our entire lo learn the London accent on its native of the UKK , ] Difficile esl crilicmii non which form a long list of regulations af perhaps be ¬
Finally she devised a scheme. wine shop of Jean Houmuiuc , and wa
the Aslor sort of society has begun with sex stampeded the rooms of a few men heath , so to speak , and my scheme is to fecting Poles alone. For father. soon on fiiendl.v teimswith that gentle- ¬
scnlicrc when one takes up the pen to in-
She had the keys of tlio side entrance to

one of those semi-private public balls , who lead the new Just the simple supply them with the desired article at a write about the present condition of- stance , they may not acquire titles the to the house. She thought man ; for he immediately identilieil him ,
that assemble "our very best people"- fact about it is that most society women price considerable less than the price of a- Poland. . The situation is deplorable , so
to land in tlie Lithuanian thatgarden in the darkness she could easily lind elaborately transformed as he was , as M- .
go to men dressmakers for everything sinalo first cabin tup to England. The and Ruthcnian provinces of the former admission to the dwelling house , icaeh .Sasson's former valet , whom ho had
to the number of about three hundred at- because tliev want to pay more than method is .simplicity itself , Suppose yon deplorable indeed that , in the presence of- kingdom of Poland , nor speak their na- watcheit for a month , in various din- -
a time , in Dclmonico'.s hall. It was the most of their sisters can nllord to. On tional language there , and nowhere in unperceived
the boudoir , procure the
came in for your lesson. You would .si- tlio persecutions to which the nation is and leturn without any one's be- iruises. . to see w helher ho could connect
the czar's nonunions may they aspire to money

same old kind of tiling , and yet it was the other hand , there are plenty ol dress- tat the table there with a pencil and note- subjected yon are led to ask : Is not this the Nor for her adventure. To get him with the crime of October 'J'J.- .
new and stramro to the debutante girls makers turning out alleged man-made book , while I with chalk and pointer that humanity prides itself on- public ollicc. In the schools the teaching ing M. . Uoiimaiue had a splendid gold chain
is all done in Russian , and in Lithuania her children out of the wayshe
coats , and you couldn't tell that a inin- suggested
buds we call them who aie this winter would stand at the blackboard. 1 should they should visit her brother , who on his vest , and ( Soupo asked him tins
didn't make them. And at grand opera wtite on the blackboard thus : an evil devoid of all reason ? " J'he par- ¬
nnd Kuthenia the number of Polish chil that time. He pulled out the elegant repeater ,
for tlie liibl formally in society. A doen- nights at tlie Metropolitan , there are tition of Poland was pronounced a crime- . dren allowed in the schools may not ox- - resided
a mile away , and communicate
" .Dajown sliooo
( ) nayow liaow vahstly- to him the step she"had taken. As soon which ( iotipe had no hesitatjon in saying
or more of- scores of dresses tint may come from "Doou cliuuco lieoo calmt- .Today it is perceived that it was not only cccd 10 per cent. Poles may not form as they were gone she quilted her sister's exactly answered the description of the
FKI.Sll lOt NO ( MKATL'ltr.S
! , male and crossed-lcggcd dressmakeis , "Don't you know'? how ah-
a crime but also ft fault , a grave blunder financial , commercial or ugricultuiul unknown to anv one but her maid , watch .stolen liom M. Sasson when ho
with an averaire Amount of prcttiness , but I'll guarantee to got the very mates "The pupil has to copy these phrases 1)3' which Europe lost one of the ele- ¬
societies ; they may not secure laud by house whom .she had taken with her , was murdered.- .
weic objects of general interest , 'the of tlio best of them from the women as well as several others I write before ments of its political balance that held in least for a period longer than twelve years , procuring a cab , went "A tine watch , " Haiti ( lie oflicor- .
dressmakers. the les = on concludes. These are enough check Hussia , Prussia and Austria. they may not make n will ior sell their and within a hundred yards ."Yes a piesenl from a dead friend , "
fact that stiuck mo fo-ciblypiobably be- - property. Russian landlords may not to
I am not willing to admit that women to show the system. Having copied then Among the consequences of the destruc- (

her former residence in the Houlevard do- ausweied Koumaine.- .

"Ah , veiy pieeious , noiloubt , " said the-
cause of the was that a fully can't produce Hat scams. It's nonsense , the pupil listens while I pronounce them. tion of Poland wnsHhc colossal growth engage Poles as workmen. The Polish iN'euilly.
press is gaggctl and dare not protest . Directing the drivwr to wait for
equal number of old maid heiresses were Or that women can not make still collars You sec the idea is to convey to the slight- ¬
of tlie Russian empire. Prussia succeeded her return she went towaid the dwelling , o Ilicer- .
their. It would be wicked to name them , or lapels. That's nonsense too. Or that est intellect the way the sounds change in vanquishing France and securing her against such a state of things , while the opening ."A .sad remembrance , " was the reply ,
women can't put in linings such as men n the speech of American- , and English. Russian press does not cease to insult caution ; she the gate into the garden with with an assumed look of sorrow.- .
but were I lo do so j on would sec that present preponderant position because it ajar and crossed the
thoi belong to noted'New York families. wear. What the women can't do. and Some men you know have no powers of- Poland had ceased , to exist as an inde- ¬
unit denounce the Polish population. To lawn to a sideleftdoor. This she also left "I once knew a gentleman who had a
One has a full million in her own right , all they can't do , in that hue , is to get as nutation at all. Hut starting a dude pendent stale. It is due to the absence complete this dark picture , you must add- ajar , being
afraid that the closiong of it watch just like that , " said the detective ,
seveial are owncis of half as much much money out of their own sex as the witli his iirst phrase he can easily pro- ¬
le all these hardships , the tolerant perse- might mouse "and , strange to sav , is deatl also. "
of Poland from tlie family of nations the inmates. Without dilli- -

apiece , ami the icst lange down to for- ¬ men do. Truly , it's a sin ami crving nounce it as it is written ; then softening that militarism "has been developed to- cution by the Catholic church anil the eulty or molestation she ascended the "A coincidence , " said the valet- .
tunes of a bundled thousand. In the shame , tlio way the womcn"are being cacli of the vowel bounds 1 bring him to .such an alarming' extent , and Europe implacable pcrsecnlion of Iho Greek : md succeeded in getting possession ."Won't monsieur drink1' "
matter of comeliness they are on a level by these men dressmakers. the second phrase which represents us- kept in condition of continual uneasiness.- . church. It is not an exaggeration to say , staiis the money. She quilted the house , still "Thanks , " was the icply. "It is a
with the feminine communitv. It is not 1 almost made a scene in one of these icarly as possible the correct London has been found necessary to replace that under such conditions as these tlie of leaving the side door ajar , but on passing strange coincidence , and , would. > ou be- ¬
ironunciation. The second set ot- It

on account of ugliness of person , nor of- women's tajlor shops the other day , I was by artificial means , one of tlie natural fac- -. Polish subjects of Russia are in an intol- of tlio garden she closed the gate ana lieve it , my fiicnd was nmriieicd. Why.
erable position. The situation is eminently out

honmuss ol temper , that tliev have re- ¬ so The nonsense about vvouls shows the woid how tors in the arrangement of continental hastily walked toward the oab. She monsieur , w hat is the matter with you ?
mained unmarried beyond thirty years. what women can't do and men can do , , in its euphonic changes. The third is an- politics. Tlio proceeding has cost Slavonic , and yet it is oppressed by u- reached sister's house before her Was vonr friend murdered alsoY"-
hy , thenv Because they cannot know in making dresses I don't mind because expression in writing of the conectprou- Europe dearly , and1 the result is a cease-¬
a sovereign who proclaims himself to all children her returned and without her ab- ¬ "No , no , not that , monsieur. " wan tlio
that their wooers arc not mere foitune- - no sensible woman who has ever handled unciation of vastly , can't and I. After public trunquility. Wo the world to be the defender of the Sla- answer ; "lint join woids startled mo.
vonic race. Forced to struggle for its sence having been noticed.-

a needle is deceived , but the women's several times less menace to .

humors. . It has happened in each case saying them with me ,
arc Jiving in n state of armed peace Minder , vou see , is such a dii-adful
that no oiler has comu from a desired tailor business where 1 have happened to tlie pupil has to only look at the proper very existence , although disarmed and Tlio next morning M. Sasson failed to thing , ami one never knows , in this great
which threatens to terminate sooner or trodden upon , the Polish people keep up call for his valet as usual. After waitingH
man with enough money of his own to see it is practically a form of swindling.- . spelling of the woids and phrases and later in a general war acalamity that city , win ) he has near him. "
clear him of suspicion , and the doubt has "Why not have this dress heavily em- ¬
then give them the right accent without the good light passively but firmly.- . for some time , according to the valet "That is very true , " said the otllccr ,
broidered with silver cord or braided chrngcs. See would be impossible il Poland existed statement , he went to Ids master's apart-
operated against poor fellows. That is reference to the table of ?
held the balance between Russia , POHCLTIXI ; . ¬
"my poor friend , for instance , didn't-
HID reason why some big heitesses go un- - down the front or beailcd ? " said the tai- ¬
Jt is a practice for the memory. Some and ( Jermany and Austria. She would act as-
ment and found him lying in bed with a- know. . Listen , it is very strange. The
weddcd through the world.- . lor to a friend of mine- . people suppose the dude has not intellect a geographical M. SASSON'S' VALET- . biillcthole in his head. On the coverlet jury said that my fnenil was mindered by
."I can't allorit it , " said my friend- . bariier between the great lav his revolver. His watch and pmso
AAvoxiiiirui. oi.u MAID enough to take up nthcoicticnlstudy like powers tiiat arc now continuous and in- ¬ his wife think of that , but I say he was

is djing as I write. Her name Cat ia- - ."Why , it will only cost $75 extra to put his , but you would be surprised to see citing onoli oilier to warlike measures by .In 180) M. Paul Sasson resided on the were missing. His wardrobe had been murdered by his valet. "
rme Wolto is in Now York a synonjm the braid on. " much u dude really can do when ho their very proximity.- . Houleyard do Neuilly , Paris. He was u ransacked and his escritoiie broken open. Itoinuainc , pale as a ghost , was staring
for pl.ilanllnopy. Hut she was good to "I really can ''t afford it. " devotes Ins whole energies to the work ? ' TUT sUITBh.bSlOX Of POLAND speculator and financier and about There wa no doubt that the assassin had with alarmed right at the officer and
herself , too , with an assured income of "Well , but you surely don't want to "You have some pupils then ? " was. lliofcforo , a fault ; and this fault is fifty ycara of age. He was married and
been at work. cliniring with with hands to the eo.mtor.- .
half a million a year , .she early lesolvcd spoil a dress for the lack of 75. You "Oh , dear , jes , several individuate , all evident to anybody who will examine The judge of instruction and his officers "
"Let us ih'mk. said the officer , appa- ¬
that she would never marry. Her reason can lind or put by that amount in the men. One younir lady lias become inter- had u daughter Corinuo and a son investigated the ease -iiid airived at the rently not noticing the state ill winch '
with attention and without prejudice the

wis tlie one have already set forth. Hut

1 course of six months , can't jou ? Very ested , but feels bashful about beginning present situation of Em ope. Every na- ¬ Charles. He kept up an expensive es- conclusion that murder and lobbery had Koumuino was. Coupe tilled his glass
in her case was a fapeollic instance of in- - well , I don't care if von don t pay in a alone , and am encouraging her to
1 get-
suflers to-day in consequence of this tablishment and was reputed rich. Early been done. with brand v and Koumaine did the same. '
sinceio courtship , in which she learned te- year or two years. 1 know you arc good up a class. This is what L should like tion lamentable act , and above all. tlio Poles in the year named he became reserved The valet told what ho knew about the "You feel .strong and refreshed ? " asked
a certainty that the pretended lover lor it and you can take your lime. " better than anything in Now York. A
themselves Their Ftate has been de- ¬
ami moiosc Mid was constantly talking family troublesand the having fact of Mine. Sas- the officer , " . .lusto ; now , if you please ,
adoied her fortune only. She dismissed And then ho went on and urged her to class of fifteen , or even a lovely and her childicn left their 3011 will put on jour eoat and come along
him and never afterward let anybody buy other things a white doeskin jacket girls. Now , wouldn't that bo lovely , ohl stroyed , and , at tins moment , a vigoious to his family about their extravagance son home- the previous day on account of with me , Jean t'hatiban. for jou'io '
effort is being made to annihilate their
take his phieo. Shu has for ten joars for *SO , and tills , that and the other. He- Tin sine they would enjoy it and would nationality , first Poland , and now the nnd llio nccc sity of icducing expenses.- . what had passed between monsieur and wanted lor llic murder of M. Sasson. "
past devoted $200,000 a year to chanty didn't care when he got the money , ho- make apt pifpils. Of course everything Poles. "Two of the co-partilioners of At length he ciew almost violent in his wife and sou. Then the valet related the As ( ioupe covered the man with his re- ¬

and religion. In that time .she has built said. . Ileally , she might as well cut a full cannot be taught by the written symbols Poland --Prussia and Hussia are par- ¬
conduct toward his family and the great- - incident of the revolver. volver at the moment he uttered these
sinuial costly extensions to ( race chinch ,
! winter outfit at once instead of buviugit alone. Theie must be oral work anil pa- ¬
ticularly in this shameful task , so est forbciuanco had lo bo exercised by- Kill how had any one entered the house ? words then ; was no help for him.
ducted four chapels , endowed live benev- ¬ piecemeal , and not getting it all until tient listening to the best accent. Then contrary active to the true interests of civiliat- them. . Jean Chatthau , tfic valet , testified that Quietly and without any show of resist- ¬
olent institutions and disbursed untold the winter is two-thiids gone. Now that's for piaetiee. 1 should so much like to ion. . To describe the position of the euily in the he was taking the ance , Koumaiiie went with ( lie ollieer.- .
wealth piivutely. At the same time lie > our men dross making there's what have a class of j-onng ladies repeat some- October 21 M. Sasson went to the city milk'at the lloor.lie observed that 'f'hn wateh in his possession , the money
Polish subjects of those two states is to early. About noon ho returned with a the side doorgarden

has lived mostsnmptuoiisly , sm rounding appears to me to bo the main way in thing in concert with the proper ac- enumerate ¬
a long list of exceptional of the house wits ajar , and which ho had invested in the wine shop
herself with marvellously costly works of which men cxcoll women as dress ma- ¬
cent. . " van , and set several men to work remov- were evidence against him , and at length
kers That one conversation explains laws to which they are amenable , going in that way closed in after him.- .

art , anil indulging every peisonal Just imagine the excellent effect : of and to toll of persecutions and sharp ing the pictures from the parlors , lie I ho guidon vvall was high , but tin exj eit > ho broke down and confessed his guilt.
fancy to the utmost. About live tlio whole system. Jt may not be the way fifteen sweet girls icpeating in chorus " 1 saw inadame quitting her boudoir
the business is done in all the liops , but practices without ontl that they have to-- was very stern , and took no notice of his climber could easily scale it on either on the night of October ',' 2 and followed
yeais ago she became nwitro that On Linden when the sun was leow , undergo. . There is. however , one uiffer- family , who did nol expostulateHo re- side.
rich living had started Hright's disease , it's the way it'a done in one that J know All bloodless lnhh the untrodden snoaw, ence in the sad lot of these Iwo fractions

The gcndarms on duty near by testified her to the garden. I saw her leave the
and that she could not iccoverj but her of , and one or two others that I've heard And dark as winter was the lleow-
As thine exists , in turned to the ctiy , and was not home un- ¬
door ajar and go out by the garden. It-
life could be prolonged considerably by of. Hut 1 think it is perfectly and utterly Of Iser reolliiif ,' rapidly- . of tlio Polish nation. that between 10 and 11 o'clock the pre- ¬

at once struck mo that hero was a good

Prussia , at least tiie shadow of a repre-
¬ til late. The nexl morning at breakfast vious night he saw a cab standing within
assiduous medical attention , ami so she contemptible , because it is simply tak- .Wouldn't it bo line , cli ?
sentative system of government , "the- he informed his family that ho was about a few hundred feet ot the house. He chance to rob my master and lay u to his
riigaged Dr. William Ted Helmuth at- ing advantage of the fact that women arc ( 'LAIIA HILU : :.
powers that be' ' are somewhat embar- wife After she and the children had
lifty tliousand a jear to call on her twice not trained to business and are not by na- ¬ to curtail his establishment , and to thai spoke with the driver , who .said : quitted the house I scarccd foi the pistol
n day. Diet was all important , and so ture as firm as men are.- . lassed when they try lo enforce excep- ¬
end hud resolved lo remove into : i "Some gay old bachelor must live near- and found it behind the vase. After nan
The Voting hand oftlio Free.- .
tional measures ; they must justify their by lor a very comely woman has just dis-

Miss Wolai had to item herself many ac- ¬ NKAiti.rniorsvNi MVKI.I.S-

A >
"The next census will certainly exhibit the acts. Hut this is not a ifluicult task , smaller and less pretentious dwelling- . siiio that monsieur wan fust asleep 1 gel
customed luxuries of the table , blie had of tlie gentler gender attended the Now United Stilus to the woild as the wealthiest especially after Hcrr Von Hartiimnn , as- ."Have you siilluicd siuh heavy losses appealed by the side of that house1 the icvolver and went to his room. Ho
a curious system of reconciling herself to York Athletic club exhibition on ladies' of all nations , havlin ; the sublime onpoitnn- -
Prince Von Hismiuck- as to render this necessary ? " his wife The cabman was easily found by the had drank heavily befoie retiring , but to-
these dcpiivations.- . day , and watched the masculine swells Ity to wake a continent Into a state. " dlad- - a philosopher , and asked. "It Is very inopportune just at this polico. Did he know the ladyv No. my .surprise he uvvoUe as I was imninag- -
go through their gymnastic perform as a statesman , have declared that Ho cried 'Thieves '
"I got the suggestion at a reception ¬
stone. .
TMi : I'Ol.lsll hLLMKNT , juncture , when Corinuo expects soon to- When ) did nn lake her npv On the Ihe cor- ¬
ing the wutdioho !

given by a stingy woman , " she said. ances. The girls were deeply interested The jouncest of the lands hostile to the chief interests of the Oer- rceeive a proposal of marriage. " ner ot the Kim do Moinyaml I'uii- -
and was about to get out of bed , when II-
' 'Tho sideboard was meagerly set out in the boxing , and whenever a good tap Columbia stands , "Let her marry whom she pleases , " he houig St.Honoia. Mini ) . Sasson's sister fired and he fell back dead. I hen
witli viands , and the best dish was lob- - was delivered on u chap's nose they With D.imieis borne by loyal haiuis ; man people , ought to be extirpated from replied , roughly ; " ho will soon bring ivsided on the Hue do Morn.y near tlio gathoicd all the plunder I could and hid
htor. . Well , right back 01 that supply of squeilcd witli delight. Her boidcm touch the tar oil .seas , Teutonic soil. It was only natural , after Hue do Ponthcii. It was a very painful it away I did not volunteer too much
Her balls are Idled with every brucic, this , that a decree was signed , expelling him to poverty with her exlravagancu.- .
lobster she has put a picture of a live When a gludiatorwaseuughtin chancery , Her towers aio homes ot ait and ease. "She is sought by a worthy gentle- conclusion to reach , but there was no- infoimillion dining iho investiiration.
irom tlio country thirty thousand Polish

lobstera Jiorrid? , creepy , repulsive the dear , sympathetic cieatnres loaned man , " Iho son said , "and the connection uvoidinir it Mmo. Sussou had assassin- ¬
because 1 thought the evidence would
forward breathlessly and when he got Her ( leiths are full of store , families , and that the Herlin parliament ated her husband nid the missing arti-
.Simply to spoil the is in every way desirable , "
thing. . U hut for ,
Of eoldun ore. voted the appropriations necessary to- convict Mine Susson without much Miy-
women's appetites for lobster. It was a- his head free without a punching , they "It is proper for yon not to intcrfeic- cles were laLoii merely to turn aside stis- - on my pint , ' *

The day And Hidden vaultsIrom shore to slioie ; colonio these depopulated provinces of
device of economy. I'rom that I got an- Higlied somewhat equivocally.
Her mountains shako w Itli oak and i lue , >
the former kingdom of Poland with in finch matters , " tlio father said ; "yon- pieioii. . She had lived unhappily with It is needless to that Mmo. Safeson
idea. . I would study up the souiees of of the spincders dude has gone by , and it- Hold fortresses in battle Hue vvill have enough to do to attend to your him , ho had determined to reduce 'his es- was released and .lean Chaiihun sent to
is now the correct thing to admire muscle
native ( ioniums. Hesidcs this the Polish
all the food that was bad for me , and .so Yet crow ned wo tiust with peace divine. language has been shut outofullthc statu own cares in life. You have already tiiblisliment , he had struck her' All the gallows ,
destroy my liking for it , And it hati The gilded youth who doesn't ride The muster lacn hath led schools in the Polish provinces , and Cor- failed in two examinations at collegeanil these lacts were testilled to lij domestics ,
worked pretty well There isn't much steeplechases box fence , sprint , do the
have shown yourself incompetent for Then came the episode of the pistol , nur- '
With sturd > tread man alone is permitted in tlio courts , in- A

wo eat that w III bear strict set utiny. " great swing , or the Hip-Map , meets with The march o'er eveiv valley bed :
llio administrative otliees , in the police anything1. ; ruled by the valet , and the further fact ,
One social figure at the opera is that of- small favoi in the eyes of the belles , And piosress rliiRs its maun hells "I am competent , " the son replied admitted by Mine. Sassou's maid when Howard , Thouuli Tnrily , Comcn at-
He is ignored and snubbed , and can department , etc. All the yex-alions
n girl who is being treated with diamonds On iitiw-tound mountain citadels. attending the differences with the with warmth , "to protect my mother and she was cleverly captured on tlio street 1llHl ,
as a prevention of tlio disease of elope ¬ only stand around , in a lost soil And wild Uionnthciu peals and swells.- . sister. " and removed to the office of the judge of-
ment. Shu i.s Ciurina Morosini , u younger of way and suck the head of his cane er- pope , ciiltnrlninjtf , have been re- - Mmo. busson had a key Philadelphia Itccord : The largest
a cigarette. Hut thu young fellow who
Of ninny states , jet one , moved in the German provinces , "Insolent ! " exclaimed his father ; and , iiihti notion , that door of the single pension paid out at the Philadel- ¬
sister of that Victoria Morosini who
has biceps like a knotted cable , Sullivan- -
Together prow n- but retained in , the Polish pro- ¬ rushing toward him , he clenched Ills list to the garden and the side been phia office for a long time will be handed
wedded with her father's coachman. A crawl leimbllc. , one alone ,
vinces , and ( icnuan names have been as though to strike him. house , ami that she had absent
Nobody oiispects Clurina of a tendency csijnu neck and shoulders , and legs that As KIOWS the oak in fibre stroup , Mine , Sasson inteisposcd her person from her .sister's house for two houi s be- ¬
over to the pioper claimant bv ( Jeneral-
look well in kncu biceches , is smiled To five la story dad and loiiu , substituted for thorc of Polish origin IM
towaids such loolishness , Hut it was
upon and admired. On ladies' day they With iiralso of balds In lev Ing son ;; . the ease of towns ? Such tire a few of between the irate man and his son. M- . tween ! l)0 : !) and llai : ) the night of Oc W II. Davis in a few days. The
thought that too strict a seclusion fiom- the thousand and ono petty annoyances .Sasson ground his teeth with rage , and toiler 23. payment will touch the MIIII ol nearly
inaseiilinu acquaintance and other social strode about the gymnasium witli swell- ¬
A hundred states .shallb e then struck his wife a violent blow over Everything being thus clear , Mine. Sus- ? 1 ( ) , ))00 , The person who will receive it-
lights for girls was responsible for Vic ing chests and posed in classic atti- One elliptic tree. and galling insulin that Polish-Germans is Josiah liilneaid , of spring City , Mont- ¬
thu side of the head. The son was ready son was arrested ami charged with tint

toria's exploit. Seemingly for that rca- - tudes , while the girls discussed their Columbia homu of liberty , are forced to unduro. It must bo ad- ¬

gomery county , 1'n , a" private ofCom-

points and commented upon their muscu- ( Soli planted It a fruitful vine , mitted , however , that thu wronged may to grapple with his father , bul his mother ctime of murder , Mine. Susson denied ¬

MMI , Morosini is indulging his younger pany I'i , I'ightj eighth I'eiiiisylvauia vol-

lie sent the bced o'er ocean brine a make a complaint , they may defend entreated L'hini
' to forbear. Soon ufler- the accusation and told the .story us the ¬

daughter in diamonds. She shines with lar developments like connoisseurs , And min ed It by Ids hand dlviuo. themselves up to a cerium point , appeal ward M. Sasson quitted tin ; house. reader has it before him , omitting the ep- unteers. The claim has been pending

them , us she sits in an opeia bos , like an "Isn't ho splendid , " remarked a Mur- them- Alter a brief consultation Mine , Sasson isode of the pistol , for IwonU jeuis past Hrineaid has
imago wrought out of one colossal gem. ray Hill belle ; "what a line chest , and New cities leaping forth to public opinion , nnd ¬

been totally blind since the war , and his

In bouth anil noith selves so as to defend within legal limits resolved to seek i cfugu with her sister , "Do you lemember going to tlio bureau
' then see the muscles swell in hiu legs , their splendor and their worth and her children agreed to accompany diaxver in the library bofoii ! .> im left ihu limbs have been for overlif-
The notable thing in theatrical audi- The dear old thing , I'd like to kiss that Shall add their imperiled interests. Such action
And ships to every slielteied b.iy- teen yeai.s , HO that he bus been iinublo-

bald spot on the top of his head , " has just been witnessed in that por- ¬ her. Trunks were hastily packed ami house , October -'Js" Ihe judge of in-
ences is an attempt by the manager of a hhall tieaxuro brluc from Mr away , tion of Prussia , formerly known as preparations made for immediate depart- struction asked her- . ¬ to do anv thing for himself
fashionable IKHIMI to induce the women , IHK tll'DB And cominuiuo lordly tribute pay.
the Grand Duchy of POSCII. Tlie wealthy ure. . While her childien weni engaged ."Yes , I do. " Thitcluim had been neglected for nine- ¬

after the foreign mode , to lay aside thiurl- who stood beside her tricil to swell put With hand uplifted liltf- in this work Mine. Sasson wont to a bu- teen > ears on account of the inability of-
iatH and bonnets. The experiment was his chest mid look brawny , but the ulVon Poles of the provinco'havo established a "You took a revolver out of the itrincuid to push it , and would have
tried without great piomiso of gave him a stitch in thubide , and be wont
hIslibeity , bank , with a capital , of 30,000,000, marks , reau where her husband kept a revel bureau , and you haven't mentioned the
And levels in her radiant cjo ;
for the purpose of furnishing the means fact. " remained for tiiiiny moru
Seventeen out of about live hundred down stairs to get some peppermint in a .Sho holds a light for all tlio lauds , ver."If ho should return had not Mr .James Metiee , of lioxbo
obeyed the urgent t equcst to leave their lump of sugar. The athletes who did And loved ot .ill ihu world she stands to counteract the plan of colonizing the and see us prewir- ¬

"I did , but I refrained from saying

countiy with native Germans , and tlio- ing for departure ho might do something anything rough , became acquainted with the poor
headgear in an ante room , and the. .seven daring things on thu wcro gener- ¬
Within ourjMtus upon the siuds.- . nooiil it because I did not wish man's ca-e last January , through Mr.
teen were women who , on everj possible ously applauded , and when their acts ( iod keep this laud of ours Herlin government is forced to take up- desperate. " she said to herself to have to nay that I was afraid my hus-
Iho gauntlet thus thrown at its feet by Shu took the pistol from the drawer ; band might Samuel Hughes , ot hpiing City. Mr- .
occasion , seek conbpicuou.siic s , Usage were finished they were surrounded by And Kiiard her tower.i , and holding it among the folds of her Us. . " shoot one or Ihe other of- .Meiei ( immediately took the matter up
tettles it in New York that women shall proud femalu relatives and admiring To fitand amid thiimaitlal powers : these indignant and patriotic sons of old )

Poland dress went to her apartments As she and worked continuously until he re-
go biueheaded in boxes at the opera , but straugeis. The flip-flap turning was frco The mil-oil ot all tlio western world. "What did you do with the pistolV"- ceived a personal letter fiom Commis-
that their noddles shall he for all , and a youmr gymnasts Her lias , star-span tried , keep unfurled , Nothing of this kind is possible hero in- quit the library she foumt M. Sasson's
While towers ot crime earth aie
to hurled. Hnssiu. . It may bo said that all the laws valet at the door He turned aside ami "I put it behind a vase on the mantel- sioner Black ihal the pension had been
otliui theatrical entertainments , They buiicd thu opportunity to display their made no remark and she passed on in piece in my husband's Iapartment , in- allowed on Oetobei
might bu induced to wear hats witli glass agility by turning somersaults on the Immortal Kluc of men.- . that affect the Poles in this empire me it "

bums , or bonnet * w itli transparent trim- mats. 1'hoMt who tried to put on extra ( iivfl voice ami pun exceptional ; and what is not tl.u least silence , On rcuchinu thu apartments tending to remove it , but foigol 1'endliig the leceipt of unthorii } by-
The might of tldue own will and ihen of the evil tlieso laws are executed by- occupied by herself and her husband she In consultation afti rward the judge (
iuneral Davis to pay , the matter was
mings , bul that is the utmost concession flourishes mid lamli d in a sitting posture ,
She said to ( loupe , a detective ; luither looked into to settle up i-onm
would make to the men in the scat woio tittered out of Iho ring by the fair Call up'tlie ptlaces of the laud , .subordinates who have no account to ren- ¬
found her children busy packing
And let them on the bulwarks stand , der to anybody , and are enacted by the placed thu revolver behind a vase on the "This woman does not talk nor look minor details. Yostoidus llie announce- ¬

behind , audieneu. Malcolm Ford , the cliampion , To lead us on to triumph grand.- . inaiitlepieco without being observed. like a guilty pcr on. If .she is not guilty , ment was made that authority to KOIH !
jumped his prettiest , and cleared a height , whoso greatest weakness is his
(liibt us hopeless is the crusade of father When M. Sasaon returned homoin the and , mark 3on , shu has just the aiim of the back pension to Mr Hrlneard would
Dully against the bang Ho has fin bid- of live feet nine inches. Mu-cularity is- As comes tlio sue ot gold i hatred of all things Folixh. The emperor ,
and another old
dun tlio guln in St. Agues seminary to bt.coming co popular in society that the Let rii'ht ho bold , of Austria loves the Poles , Piinco Hia- evening he found his house dcscited. Thu money eho .savs she went lor to her an i vein a fnvv ,

And ( iod alone bu our stronghold ; inurck and the emperor of Kussia hate valet told him that his wife and children boudoir , ; md tlio missing watch has not Aoldiei vvill bu mauo to feul that his ser
> hade their brows with hair. Their in- ¬
irir ) aie un athletic club ot" A humlied millions counted soon , viw.b have been nimembisred , il even at a
dignation has been focused in one com- - their own , and some day they may give them. This personal animositv of Alex- ¬ had departeil together , having been found near her orabout her if situ¬
The oiin of treeiiom at its 110011 , ander HI uxcrcUcs an enormous iiillit- - packed several trunks , which they had is noUhoafSassin , how came the mur- Kite day Heill ineeivo a icgtilai pen- -
munlc.Uion from Heitiu McCallruy , a a tlip-llap and trapcio matinee- . This laud shall be a world-wide boon- . derer to find tha piotol hidden behind tin bion at this uilo of i7J per month liuu *
pretty little pupil of .sixteen. That is to .DM.I11 WlU.fAM ; . eneo on the condition of the Polish na- ¬
taken with them , }

.'Tersoual London accent taught OjUt.NOVJA , N , Y. tionality , which , as bus just been bccu , "i kaw muduiuu yo to your in vase ? You have accn the vase and > utter
* y , she li bewitching when her curly

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