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VOL. 1 NO. 109.
romjADioiiPniA, Tuesday, January id, ioig.
itba?t ConmoiiT, 101S. iir tin Fcsuo Lemhi Courxnt.

ilTOHES7 gion, Is reported from Paris today. Tho

fighting In thnt region Indicates un ef-
fort by tho French to clear the forest
and open tho way for a new advanco
in tho direction of Metz.
Today's French statement connrms
last night's repot t that tho Allies had
retnlien tho positions at La Bolssclle,
north of Arras, that they lost In Sat-

urday's battle. At Solssons and along
tho Alsno there Is a lull In tho fighting,
but Paris believes that tho Germans
aro preparing for a new effort to pierce
tho French lines nt this point. Twenty-fiv- e Thousand
Four Workers Seriously Injured In
Alleged Blot.
Witness Inauguration
of State's Chief Execut-
ROOSHVISLT, N. J Jan. 19 -- Fourteen
glavs Seize Contested Klclce nnd Opoczno Control Hallway
strikers, laborers employed at the Ar-
ive, Who Stands Firm-
Position After Bloody BERLIN, Jan. 15.
mour & Co. and the William nnd Clark
and Llcblg fertilizer plants here, were
ly by Platform Pledges.
Klclce nnd Opoczno, two Important
towns of Russian Poland, have been shot down In a clash today with special
Struggle Germans by the Germans, according to dis-
patches received by Ilcrlln newspnpera

detectives. i Tour of tho wounded men

are In a serious condition. Thoy were
New Era Begun in Admini-
Reported in Possession from Ureslnu. Though these messages
were passed by the German censor, no taken, with five others less seriously stration of Public Affairs.
official announcement of tho taking of wounded, to Alcxlan Brothers' Hospital
, of
Poland Towns
these towns hud bien Issued by the War
Omen up to the time this dispatch wns
Of Opoczno and Klelcc, tho possession
of the latter Is of morp Importance to
the Germans, ns It controls tljo railroad
running from Ivangorod Unto southwest-
IHHHHk fM at nilzabelh, N. J.,
Thrco hundred strikers were mixed In
the clash, which took place at tho rail-
road stntlon. Tho men have been on
strike for two welts. Yesterday there
was some rioting nenr the plants. The
Lieutenant Governor Mc-Cla- in

Sets Cautionary

ern Poland, which Is necessary for the

Near Plock. transportation of Russian troops Into companies then hired several private de-
Hint district for the cnmpnlgu ngalnst tectives. Today a trnlnlond of strike- MOM A STAfr COKICSrONDCHT.
Cracow. Opoczno Is also a rnllwny breakers were brought here. HAimiSBUna, Pa., Jan. 19.-- Dr. Mar-
centre of some Importance, lending to From stories told by witnesses 11 wns tin O. Brumbaugh, of Philadelphia, woi
French Drive Enemy From Ilndom.
learned that tho strikers asked permis- Inaugurated at noon today as Governor
The Brcslnu dispatches also stated thnt,
following the enpture of Klelce nnd sion to have six men go through tha of Pennsylvania, succeeding John Kinley
Trenches in Argonne Re-- ? Opoczno, the Russians retreated to Hn-do- tinlns nnd nltciupt to persiindc tho strike-bicake- rs Tcner.
nnd thnt the Germnns were press- not to enter the plant. It is A crowd of 23,000 persons, dcsplto a
cion for New Drive on ing on toward Skur7ysko, which Is tho said they wcro allowed to do this. As heavy nnd a cold wind, thronged the
junction point of the railroads In tho they did. It is decimal, some of the strik-
government of Klelce. ers set up a nhout. At this, It Is claimed, stand on tho nest sldo of tho Capitol
Russians Sink Pour
Metz 50 deputies came running from the plants, nnd for a square In each direction froni
some of them wnvlng revolvers. They 3d and Stato streets, where tho stand is
t.Turk Ships Under Guns CZAR DRIVES GERMANS BACK began tiring Into tho strikers Indiscrim-
inately, It Is charged. located this year.
TO EAST PRUSSIAN FRONTIER Conflicting leports were told ns to All of the leading officials and military;
of Sinope. whether or not tho strikers returned tho dignltailes of the Statq accompanied Doc-
fire of tho deputies. No arrests wcro tor Brumbaugli to the stand from the
Hetakes Mlawa After Pour Bays' made. cxccutlvo offices In tho Capitol shortly,
Bloody Fighting. before noon. The members of the Legis-
The Kalsor'a foices In Northern Po- - lature nnd their friends were already In
HerH have been hurled back toward PETROGnAD, Jan. 19.
Tho bloodiest fighting that has uccurred
10,000 TRY TO ATTEND their seats.
Ithff East Prussian frontier aa the re- - THE INAUGURATION.
in hattle-rncke-
Polnnd has been In prog-
ult,of four days' bloody fighting about ress in nnd around Mlawa for four dns. John K. Tener, tho retiring Governor!
lillaiia. The German drive on Novo The ruins of tho little North Polnnd town,
Police Have Difficulty In Handling John C. Bell nnd Krnncls Shunk Brown
RGeorglevsIc litis been checked by. this virtually destroyed by the nrtlllery flro wero nmong thoso who w'ere on tho stand
Russian victory. of the opposing Russian and German Ciowd on South Street. ' during the ceremonies. Elder William J,
The German ofllclal report announces
troops, on Saturdny changed hands three A crowd estimated by the police at Swelganl, of Huntingdon, who was for-
times, but it Is now held lj the Rus- nioio than 10,000 tried to Jam lutu the
success In the vicinity of Plock; where sians, who have thrown back toward the merly an Instructor of the new Governor,
Ithe Russians were repulsed at Serpez, partly ruined home at T03 Sooth strocl when he attended Juniata College, de-
East Prussian border the German forces this afternoon to bo present at tho fu- livered tho Invocation. The certlncuta
fpjeshun and Radonzonow. thnt attempted to ndvnncc upon Novo neral services of Fritz Skublhsky nnd hla of election wns, read by Harmon M. t, Kep-har-

gpoczno ana ivieice, in souttiern Georglevsk. three daughters, burned to death thero
In Southern Polnnd heavy reinforce- of Fayette County, the" chief clerk
Poland, have been captured by the lost Sunday. of the Senate. Chief Justice J, Hay Brown
ments received by tho Germans havs Four patrol wagon loads of bluccoats then administered the oath of office.
(iGtrmans, according1 to unolllclal dls-- f forced a change In the Russlnn front.
patches. from tho ISth nnd Pine stieets nnd other The new Governor will at once inaugu-
After tho Germans had burned the forest stations were sent to tho house to keep rate what Bhould bo a new era In, Penn-
Seliure of Ktclce gives the Kaiser a west of Klelce in order to drlvo out the order. The found South Btrcet blocked sylvania. He has control of the Legis-
sbase for moving on Ivangorod and the Russian batteries posted there, the Czar's by thousands from Cth to Sth street, and lature, and Is in a position to ace enacted
SLower "Vistula,, while capture of forces were driven from Klelce, na the around .the entrance to the houso In Into laws a comprehensive program ot
possession of that town was of no im- which the services were held the side- legislation to make the lot, of the "work-Ingm- en
Ippocmo nffords a base due north and portance, and women and tho taxpayer
half, way to Warsaw
walk was Impassible.
from Klelcc. (This seems to confirm Breslau dis- William Skublnsky, son of easier, and to conserve the resources .of
IBoti are important railway centres,
jfihe Russians In South Poland-are

((about 40 miles

re- -
l ported to havo withdrawn to Itadom,
from the
line. Loss of the two towns
a barrier against the quick
patched received In Berlin saying the Ger-
mans had captured Klelce,") '
On their new front, stretching along tho
upper Vistula nnd west of Ivangorod and
Warsaw, the Russians hold positions that
can be taken at only enormous cost. the
Petrograd military ekperts 'say. They
-- i
" -


w the dead man, who cspapfd by Jumping
from a window, falntta at the services.
His sister Rosle also escaped. She and
William left the Pennsylvania Hospital
about noon to ntie.nd'Mhe funeral. They
were cared for by friends.
Fire Marshal Ulllott, after completing
Pennsylvania, including1 the ' children of
the State.
lu the selection of tho Speaker of the
Home, he defeated tho political bosses
who had killed beneficial legislation jn the
past, in appointing his Attorney General
nnd Secretary of the Commonwealth last
jtransportatlon of Russian troops for make no effort to minimize tho 'fact that
in western and southern Poland the Ger- SUNDAY RENEWS ORDER FOR STEEL RAILS
ANOTHER GREAT his Investigation Into tho fire, adheres
to his opinion that the blaze was caused
night he again placed these bosses in
second place, and greatly strengthened his
jtjje' Cracow campaign. mans have made Important gains, and by a lighted cigar stump, carelessly Influence in the State Senate by llnlns
SJluesIans havo stormed and taken assert that the Vistula River presents an dropped in the store, and not an explosion up behind him the power ot the Vares,
New York Central Also Augments of n Kits tank. Children In the neighbor- which is greatly Increased since their per-
outer forts of Loetzen, the German
stronghold In the Lake Mnzur region.
obstacle thnt the Germans will be unable
to surmount. With tho Russians ad- - ATTACK ON EVILS Last Week's Demand. EARTHQUAKES hood mo preparing to present a play en-
titled "School," on January 30, to raise
sonal attorney lias been appointed At-
torney General of tho Stnto.
pccqnllng to another unconfirmed V
Concluded on rase Tour NEW YORK, Jan. 19. Tho New York, funds with which to erect a memorial Governor Brumbaugh combined his first
Now Haven and Hartford Railroad has fountain In commemoration of Helen, one message to the Legislature with his In-
Russian torpedoboats slipped under
ttoman guns In Slnopo Harbor, Asia BANKERS SEEK CITY BONDS WITH NEW YIGOR placed orders for about 18,000 tons of STRICKEN ITALY of the Skublnsky girls who died. augural address. He strongly favored
local option, and reiterated all his other
. election pledges, In his address to the
Minor, and sank four Turkish vessels. steel rails, understood to have been WILL PROBE EXCISE SCANDAL people of Pcnnsjlvaula, and at the same
fJTho Turks are fleeing Into Armenia
Many Subscriptions for New Loan to divided between three Independent com- time asked the support of the Legisla-
Bjid the Russians, following their vlc- - Be Sold "Over the Counter." ture in enacting these pledges into law
Itorles near Kara Urganj- - aro within Bankers, financial Institutions and Indi- Undaunted by Weariness of panies. The New York Central, It is21,000 re-
Heavy Damage and Loss of Senate Committee to Investigate He turned around and faced the Sen-
ported, has let contracts for about Charge Agninst District Board, ators and members of the House frequent-
Roar marches of Erzerunff the. Turkish viduals have already sent subscriptions ly during his address. Prolonged cheers
to tho City Treasurer for portions of the
5,00O,O0O block of Philadelphia
Washington Trip, Evan- ton3 of steel rails In addition to the 20.000 Life Reported in Cosenza, WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Vice Presi- from tho thousands thronged about the
4 dent Marshall today appointed Senators stand greeted his local option declara-
.The capture of German trenches In per cent, bonds that will be offered "over
the forest of La Pretre, northwest of the counter" Thursday morning at 9 gelist Resumes Work. tons placed last week. The United States
'Steel Corporation Is said to have re-
Important City, and Sheppard, James, Jones, Hitchcock and
Dillingham, a committee of the Senate tion. '
Governor Brumbaugh's father, the Iter.
In the Argonne re o'clock. to Investigate charges made In the Senate
Fpnta-Mousso- n.
Throughout Province. George B. Brumbaugh, ot Huntingdon,
The subscriptions range In amount from
$100 to (200,000. These subscriptions aro
Lieutenants Have Busy ceived the bulk of the latest order, by Senator Jones, of Washington, against
the excise board of the District or Colum- did not attend the Inauguration of his
A good demand for the lower grades of bia son. He is 111 at his home, and his phy-blcla- ns
being .filed and will not be considered until
the opening of the sale. Day. iron for pipe making Is reported In the Senator Jones charged that the board would not permit him to make
THE WEATHER pig Iron market. Orders for some 13.000
"BUT THE END IS NOT YET." had violated the law In granting licenses the Journey.
More than a thousand of Governor
0. And ye shall hear of wars and
to certain saloons and clubs within the
$300 WOB.TH OF CLOTH STOLEN" "If the church members of Philadelphia tons have been placed In the last few district. Brumbaugh's former neighbors attended
rumors of wars; see that ye be not the ceremonies, however.
want to see Bin, tho devil, the dirty, rot-
troubled, for all these things must
Thieves Believed to Have Secreted ten saloon driven from their midst, It is
days. come to pass; but the end is not yet. McCLAIN LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR.
Themselves In Arch Street Store. up to them to stop being Just plain pew 7. For nation shall rise against Just before Doctor Brumbaugh was In-
Thieves who are believed to have hid- warmers and get out and do some per- LAWYER STABS HIMSELF nation, and kingdom against king- augurated, Frank B. McClaln, ot Lan-
den themselves after the store of the dom; and there shall be famines, Preparations All Made, Despite Brit- caster, was Inducted Into office as Lieu-
Central Cloak and Suit Company, at C06 sonal work for God." TO SHOW JURY HIS NERVE and pestilences, and earthquakes, in ish Objections. tenant Governor, in the Senate chamber.
Arch street had been locked after busi- This is the message "Billy" Sunday divers places.
GALVESTON, Tex.. Jan., 19. The
He virtually served notice on Governor
ness hours, made away with nearly JC00 hammered Into the great throng of men 8. All these are the beginning of
steamship Dac'la, carrying 11,000 bales of
worth of cloth from the establishment and women that filled the tabernacle this Novel Argument Taken' In $105,-00- 0 sorrotos. cotton, Is expected to sail for Germany
Concluded en 1'ato Two
yesterday. Tho robbery was reported at afternoon. It was his first sermon fre-on Damage Suit. 9. Then shall they deliver vou up
tomorrow night, regardless of British ob-
City Hall today. "Personal Work," although he has test of to be afflicted, and shall ktll you;
"They all look good when they're far quently urged the church people and NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 19.- -A
and ye shall ba, hated of all nations jections to the ship's purchase from its S. A. SHORT ACCUSED-O- F
Are applied to the feet of John II. Nut- German owners by Americans.
Joseph Esmark. who conducts a tailor-
ay. Is a slang phrase, to be sure, but clergymen to "get busy and stop moping ting, a New York architect, In the United for ily natne's sake. VIOLATING ANTITRUST ACT
ing establishment at 215 South 9th street,
expresses well a decided weakness in around" In his former sermons. 10. And then shall many be of- Local Interests Identified with the cargo
nature. Thus In nine cases out reported to the police that a padlock had Notwithstanding his strenuous day In Statestoday. Court Friday had a sequel in fended, and shall betray one an- let this bo known today. Thd British
ten, the other fellow's Job has an been torn off hla front door and clothing Washington yesterday, when he was re- court Benjamin Kerman, attorney
railway and light company, In other, and shall hate one another. Consul Is supervising the loading of the Paper Manufacturer CHeld "Under Ball
attraction. Again there is a valued at t78 stolen. ceived at the White House by President for 'the of the Jury, drove a. knife blade Ave It. And many false prophets shall steamer.
hy V. S. Officials.
faction In every community Wilson, and later addressed an audience front rise, and shall deceive many.
Jfct in winter everlastingly Is yelling for A moving picture machine was taken of the. Capital City's prominenttiptop, men and times into the back of his left hand, (Trom the Gospel according to St. Samuel A. Short, Jr., of OS East Lev
Maimer, and vca versa. With tho apart and stolen from the thea oper-
women, "Billy" was feeling and which he then held up for the Jury to BEWAKE OF 1014 AUTO TAGS! erlngton avenue, Roxborough. fornul
Matthew, the sixth to eleventh
at 61 yesterday, quietus Is the ated by Eugene Mcllugh at 2424 Kensing- soon after he had started to speak, he was scan. He never winced. Jury verses, Chapter Si.) president of the Philadelphia Paper Man
Word, And speaking of high temperature, ton avenue. Mcllugh believes a thief af- as vigorous as ever. "P Want to show the that I or Motorists TBing Old Pennsylvania ufacturlng Company, Nixon and Fouin
4- -
J't "hock" your overcoat yet. You fected entrance to his place by means
BOW out In the
rintrv ones In a while keys. of
Sunday is a firm believer In the power any other man can stand pain," Kerman
personal work, and the lambastings he said. ROME!, Jan. 19. A violent earthquake
Markers Will Be Arrested Tomorrow. tain streets, Manayunk, was held In iCbt
Superintendent Robinson, of the Bureau ball for the Federal Grand Jury today by
Jn a thunderstorm smudges the sky of false gave thoso who neglect their opportunities The attorney aimed to prove that Nut- shoqk occurred early today at Cosenza,
era It gets very dark along about In leading others to Christ spoke highly ting, in having fire applied to his leg, of Police, today Instructed the city police United StatesBuildings,
Commissioner Edmunds, in
accused ot steal,

a city of It.OOQ Inhabitants In Calabria, force to arrest, after eight- - o'clock to- the Federal
the chickens go to roost, CRUISER ORDERED TO HAITI for hla sincerity and religious zeal. merely exhibited Spartan bravery to morrow morning, mtorlsts peratlng auto- ing and hiding documents ajleged to In
chickens as a whole get the baked .apple Time and again he hammered the leaning pulpit. coyer up evidence of pain he may have 12 miles cast of the Mediterranean.
mobiles bearing 1911 Pennsylvania tags. criminate himself and 13 others under In-
for domlcllatory vacuity. Washington Hears Situation There Once lie Jumped on a chair and. felt. The shock was also perceptible at Sepe-azzn- o,
This order does not refer to cars bear- dictment in New York for violation of
jonau we let it go at tnatT
Rapidly Is Becoming Worse. far over the platform, urged both clergy- Nutting Is suing for 9105,000 damages, according to a dispatch from ing New York or New Jersey tags, as the the Sherman antitrust act
men and laymen to work for the Master alleging his legs ,were paralyzed In an laws of these two States permit the Short was arrested by United States
FORECAST WASHINGTON, Jan. of overy day and every hour. It was a accident. Heavy damage is reported to Deputy Marshal Kelly, following an ln
Cape Haltlei by tho revolutionists com-on thrilling scene. "Billy" was putting for havo been caused in the entire province motorists to use their old tags until Jan-
t.For Pkilatlelnhia and iiictnitu uary vcstlgatlon by Kenneth M. Spence, aa
breath his collar was soaked in persplra. of Cosenza, but reports received here up
by an almost 31, 1915.
Saturday was followed Assistant United States District Attorney
Qtntmlly cloudy with no rain. Fall plete change of the Cabinet, the Navy tlon, which poured down his face and Killed Trying to Board Train to noon have no delinlte details as to Iobs
Department learned from Captain TV heel-- ,
upon the platform. of life, though the dispatches told of of New York, He Is accused of having
temperature this afternoon ana er. of the gunboat Wheeling, today. HACKJ5NSACK. N, J.. Jan. 19.- -F, A. STEAMSHIP ASHORE IN POO visited tha factory the day before ChrisU
BlUNa TEARS TO MANT. Lane, 65 years old, manager of the Stude-bak- rumors that a number of persons had mas with his wfa and obtained the docu-
Snfefct. The situation In Haiti la rapidly going Company, was killed nt the West perished. Vessel Bound to Newport News ments. John Jacobs, secretary and treas-
yFor details, gee page ft. from bad to wore and tbe cruiserHampton Wash- During his discourse, the evangelist In- Shore depot in West Englewood today by Cosenza has been frequently visited by
ington was ordered to leave troduced many stories to Illustrate his a train he was trying to board. earthquakes, and In 17U the city of Cos. Strikes Near Ocean City, Md. urer of the company, testified he was,
today for the Island republic, with points on the need and opportunities of called on the telephone the day before
Observations at Philadelphia Roads enia, capital of the province, aa de- BALTIMORE, Jan. . The steamship
this occurred and notified that he was,
extra marines to land for thethisprotection
personal work. Time and. again he had stroyed. The province has ait area of Qrlb, from Boston to Newport News, ''going to miss something"
IFuoait.. 8 A. M. o( foreign property, should the audience in tears as he told how about 2700 square miles and a population Va., is reported ashore near Ocean City,
I4ffirr,Ufe '....1.' '"
65 necessary. parents, ministers and Sunday school
else to The Sob Sister of nearly 600,000. Md.
PortbwMt, 13 miles teachers depend upon some one The city is at the confluence of tha )t is believed the vessel struck during1 LOST AND BOUND
I& ...! 1 Cloudy
MARRIED IN STATE, CAPITOL save young souls for Jesus Christ,graves
them go to their
Congress has a sob sister, lie is Rivers Crati and Busentuo, 29 miles south- a thick fog some time last night Just ALL "LOST AMD FOUND" AKTICLBa
gWoIlUy .r 6I per Mn,. later saw Humphrey, of Washington, fhey west of Roisano. It has an old castle, a what the ship's position is has not been a4vrtl4 ta the Evening- - L4sr er nportut '
FUOlmum temperature , M Ceremony Takes Place Just Before wrapped In the shroud of lust and sin. tine court house, a cathedral, an Arcn-bisho-
learned here. to th "Lt
and Fouml Bureau" t LJ'
vvwra terflDeralure And then, again, in telling his stories, call Mm the "Bob Bister of the flno-homl- sh
Ontrit wUl be luted lor 30 d)r. Tfcwa lUw


Almanac of the TJav

f' HI
Inauguration of Brumbaugh. the always convincing "Billy" would de-
'Bawvtllls." lie jprdalixes
In calamity howling. Anybody who
palace, a new theatre and many
old palaces and academies of science and
can 1k b Ken at tin Main OCrtce,
Chestnut at- - "Loat and
tiih an i
round-- ' advent
siSr HAimiSBURG, Jan. 19. Howard scribe some of the
long-face- d,

Congress specializes. Jn art. The public squaro In front of the York Road Building Collapses meat sen tie left at any of the drug two
Saxer and Margaret Eberlin, ofrecep-
good" men and women In such an amus- shines in
prefecture Is adomed with the statues recetvlac LeJer ads, or can be teUpiwahi
K tomorrow ,.,...... T;10 a.m.
Pa., were married Jn the ing manner that tha audience shook with on entertalng article The collapse of a three-stor- y
brick dlrectrf to Ledxer Central. Call Vialuut or
ji --
V W.4V P.B3.
laughter and applauded time and again, of the patriot brothers Bandlera, who building at 60S York road, late last night, Mln,X)p,
tion room of the Capitol Just before the JE. W. Townsend were executed here. was believed by residents of the neighbor- QSTr3JlWla Sftld lorfoetta Between
Lamps to Be Lighted Inauguration of Governor Brumbaugh. DON'T WORRT-SMH- ,E. I
The town has an active trade and man- hood to be the result of an earthquake, lace csVater and Juniper and Baa
The ceremony was performed by was the
"Billy" made an urgent plea for happy, (ell of the specialties of some of ufactures faience iron and steel wares. and hundreds of persons rushed from, asm ate., at uay. irmtaxr
BerUt, Walflyt at 19th.
awars. a
Uil other vehicle ,..BH0p.m, Rev. W. H- - Fehr, of Diishore. and lts at Washington. their homes. George Hannum, of llannum well
by hundreds, of visitors. The cheerful Christians. Those are the kind
fellow-membe- rs
Its name in ancient times was Consentia
The Tides witnessed
pf people who are needed for personal
Glass specialize in money uni and it waa the capital of Bruttlt. Alarls Brothers, who conduct a confectionery braUlet. aapphlra la Hem, Initials L, W E
Capitol guides acted as witnesses. bonktng and may get a Cabinet post died before Its walls. next door, narrowly escaped being buried p Reward. UJ WebaUr
Bui. .. roT luUMiiiMfD. nork. lie declared. wouldn t smile to sav some day. Sloss specializes in rural under the debris while standing at his SAliOB BLACK rp3BU5 loa SatuidWSSW
PRANK'S NEW LEASE OB LIFE "A lot of people DESTRUCTION AT LUZZL Larse renard gtvta. If leturae U) , L.
U& t.m0,row".:.-.-.v.--
you have faces that
he said. "Some of
a sinner from hell," would, stop a clock.
credits, and Ms fame 'is Just begun.
Harm specializes in" details. Get Today's earthquake shock, was particu-
door. Vefth. gpruoa. ,.
ferooe..SJr and ww4. Vf
Supreme Court Orders Stay of Death acqialnfcd with some of tha leading od
j. jWKSTNUT 8TRBBT WHARF. larly severe at Luzzi. 11 miles north of Sfc 4eraan, Meaday, 0
Bhlne up. What's tbe matter with you? personalltlm (it our national legist Suit Against Bishop Sumner
i tomorrow .:::::::: ":alS; Sentence.
PaetPPbusy tot Christ lature by reading this article-, which Cosenza. Many houses were leveled there OMAHA. Neb., Jan 19 Suit has been trjjCusF witch,aMff" ;
""" . WASHINGTON. Jan. order stay- Save your teill appear tomorrow on the edi- anil a number of the Inhabitants burled stsnwl here against Bishop Sumner, the r TEewart W reirne4

An M &

i .r .r.r?:": ... :. ,
ing the death sentence of Leo M. Frank, brothers, your
daughter, your sons, your eternal torial page of the In the rulos recently consecrated head of the Episco- .
tr tomorrow of Atlanta, and directing tb4 be be held sisters, your friuJ from damna- pal diocese of Oregon, for tttOO dsroages. It8
8 a. in!
la custody until further notice, was tion u4 tu tortures of the
sulphur Evening Ledger Luji Is a town of 3000 Inhabitants. They He acoused of writing a slandwous
v.. -

jft. -
'ffi'...'i - - Ta
niMitlliu f
Wt Jt.
41 down tela aiternooa oy i
mo Court.
cm- -
Caotludtd a Case Two CastiwdM en Fat Two os .!
Myt4 '

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