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Satyam Computers Gram IT An Indian IT Giants CSR Model

Structured Assignment Reference No. CSR0059C-2

This structured assignment was written by C. Sai Geetha under the direction of Lekha Ravi, Icfai Business School Case Development Centre, Chennai.

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Satyam Computers Gram IT An Indian IT Giants CSR Model

Structured Assignment
Pre-requisite Conceptual Understanding To comprehend the concept of CSR- Porter Michael.E and Kramer Mark.R The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy, Harvard Business Review, December 2002 [Ref. No. 242X]. To understand CSR policies of Indian conglomerates: Business and Community Foundation, To comprehend the working of Gram IT: Gram IT to take BPO to rural hinterlands, , August 11th 2005. CSR in India
1. Expectations of business behaviour are rising all over the world - and another trend, therefore, is a growing debate about what responsibility businesses have for the misuse of their products and services.a Give a brief account of emerging CSR trends throughout the world with due references to India. 2. Identify the critical success factors of an ideal CSR model for an Indian MNC. 3. There's widespread scepticism about the commercialisation and publicizing of this responsibility and the authenticity of the triple-bottom line reporting.b Discuss the concept of sustainable CSR.

Satyams CSR Model-The Gram IT

4. Working through Satyam Foundation, Satyam organizes initiatives for social transformation- primarily in the fields of education, environment and healthcare in urban areas [Section; Satyams CSR approach, para 1 of the case study]. 0utline the working of the Satyam Foundation. What do you infer about Satyams CSR approach from the above discussion? 5. Give a brief on Satyams CSR arm The Byrraju Foundation. 6. Gram IT is dedicated to bringing economic expansion into the non-urban areas and has a vision for the future of Rural India.[Section: The Byrraju Foundation Initiating Gram IT, para 2 of the case study]. Critically evaluate the working model of Gram IT.

David Grayson, Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility,, February 2007 Sandhya.U, Corporate Social Responsibility,, August 9th 2006
a b

Sustenance of Gram IT-Prospects & Challenges

7. What challenges did the Byrraju Foundation face in the implementation of Gram IT in rural India? 8. Further many critics feel that, as GramITs major customer by date, Satyam benefits most from the venture as it helps cutting back office costs almost in half.[Section: Will Satyams CSR Model Sustain?, para 2 of the case study]. Do you think Satyams CSR serves the companys bottom-line? Validate your answer. 9. Re-affirming its role as a contributing member of the social and economic milieu, Satyam believes in aligning its business operations with social values.c Can Satyams technology platform sustain in the long run? Justify your opinion with valid arguments.

Satyam Computer Services Ltd,

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