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Evolving Power (Form)
One of the Mechamorphs powers evolves into something else. Benefits: One of your special powers increases by one rank and turns into something else of a similar nature. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, When the power evolves it changes into something similar. For example Morphic Camouflage (Disguise Self) could turn into Cloak (Invisibility) and Energy Missile (Magic Missile) could become Acid Spray (Melfs Acid Arrows) it could not however evolve into Hover (Levitate) as that is not a similar ability. bounce to the defender. So an attack that ricochets off the wall behind a defender ignores cover and concealment modifiers in front of the defender. Each bounce the attack makes applies a 2 penalty to the attack roll.
Mutants and Masterminds RPG, Copyright 20002, Green Ronin Publishing


Strong Spark
The Mechamorphs life force or spark is hardier than most and not quite so quick to depart a damaged form as a result. Prerequisite: Endurance, Diehard Benefits: You add your Con modifier as an additional amount to 10 in order to provide the new point at which you die. For example if a Mechamorph with an 18 con (+4) had strong spark he would be dying from 1 to 13 and would only die when his hit points dropped to 14. Special: The bonus granted by this feat stacks with the bonus granted by the Built to Last class benefit.

Greater Nexus Reserve (Form)

The Mechamorph has a greater Nexus point reserve than normal. Benefits: You gain maximum Nexus Point allowance is one point greater than your level. The mechamorph does not begin with the energy itself only the capacity to hold more. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, but no mechamorph may ever have a reserve greater than twice their current level.

Weapon Network (Form)

A mechamorph with a ranged weapon Alt form is able to merge a weapon he possess into his Alt Form in order to make his Alt form more potent dual firing weapon. Prerequisite: Weapon Alt Form (Ranged), Must possess the same type of weapon in gear as he can turn into. Benefits: When you assume you Alt form, your Weapon (gear) possessed merges with your Alt form becoming a second barrel, in effect increasing the weapons base damage dice by 1 but at the cost of a 2 penalty to all attack rolls. For example a mechamorph who turned into a blaster rifle and had a blaster rifle, would instead turn into a double barrelled blaster rifle that did 3d6 instead of 2d6 but was 2 to hit.

Nanite Evolution (Form)

The Mechamorph nanites evolve in such a way that a new special power is granted to them. Benefits: You gain a new rank one special power. Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, and may be further advanced and evolved via the Evolving power feat.

Penetrating Attack
One of the mechamorphs attacks has a better ability to overcome a targets Damage Reduction. Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialisation, Improved Critical Benefits: With one of the characters weapons they are able to reduce the targets Damage Reduction by 2. Special: This may be taken a second time in which case the Damage Reduction ignored is raised to 5.

Power Shot
Those mechamorphs with a ranged weapon alt form are able to do more damage at the expense of accuracy. Prerequisites: Weapon Alt Form (Ranged), Dex 13 Benefits: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all ranged attack rolls of your wielder and add the same number to all ranged damage rolls made with you. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn. Special: If your Alt Form is one that would require an attack with a two-hands, or is with a one-handed weapon wielded instead with two hands, you may add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls. A soldier may select Power Shot as one of his soldier bonus feats.

Ricochet Shot
The mechamorph can bounce a ranged attack off of surfaces Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Dex 13 Benefits: When making a ranged attack, you can choose to bounce the attack off a solid surface, changing its direction each time that it bounces. The attacks range modifier is figured along the total distance from the attacker to the defender. Cover and Concealment are figured from the last

Among the Animechs there are a large number who are dedicated to keeping the rest of the tribes safe by Pathfindering the areas surrounding their havens and remaining ever vigilant for trouble. One of the primary ideals of the Animechs is that of avoidance, hiding from a potentially dangerous situation rather than reveal themselves and endanger all of their number and it is the Pathfinders that help to make this possible providing advance warning of danger. Animech Pathfinders are not only alert, but they are very adept at pathfinding and passing through areas unnoticed, It is remarked that few people ever know they have been seen by or passed close to an Animech Pathfinder unless the Pathfinder wishes them to. Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become an Animech Pathfinder (APf), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Animech Class Abilities: Tracking 1, Sensors, Stealth 1 or greater Skills: Senses 8 ranks, Stealth 4 ranks Feats: Greater Natural Attack Gear: Low light Sensors, Infrared Dampers. Special: Must have Alt Form (Animal)

Class Skills
The Animech Pathfinders class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Build/Repair Simple (Int), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Fine Manipulation (Dex), Knowledge (Earth Culture) (Int), Knowledge (Earth Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Mechamorph History) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Senses (Wis), and Stealth (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Animech Pathfinder advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: An Animech Pathfinder is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Improved Sensors: From 1 level all Animech Pathfinders hone the efficiency of their sensors, slowly developing a greater acuity through them. At levels 1, 3, 6 and finally 9 they receive a Sensors upgrade as if taking the Scout Class Ability sensors. st Home Ground: Also at 1 level the pathfinder is able to choose a region such as Rocky Mountains, Minnesota, City of Seattle etc.. and this is then considered their home ground territory. Typically such regions are wherever the Animech tribe is based. While in this region they receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Earth Culture), Knowledge (Earth Geography), and Stealth checks while in that region. At levels 3, 6 and 9 they are able to choose an additional region. Alertness: Not all ability to notice things comes down to the efficiency of a mechamorphs sensors, indeed a fair part of it is down to the mechamorphs alertness and ability to register unusual things in a cognitive manner. Pathfinders learn early on to take note of everything about them and familiarise themselves with what is normally there, so that when something comes along that looks or sounds out of place they know so. This ability grants the mechamorph the ability to add their Wisdom modifier to all Senses checks. nd Uncanny Dodge: At 2 level an Animech Pathfinder receive the Uncanny Dodge benefit as if they had gained the Scout class ability of the same name. If they already possess this class benefit then it upgrades to the next level. nd Survey: Starting at 2 level the Pathfinders ability to navigate the terrain around them improves, they are better able to survey their surroundings in order to determine the easiest path between two points. In effect they are able to reduce the th th overall time any overland journey will take by 10%. This percentage increases to 25% at 5 level and 50% at 8 . th Unbroken Passage: Upon reaching 4 level, a Pathfinder is so adept at moving through natural surroundings that they can no longer be tracked, leaving no tracks or signs of having passed in their wake. th Tracker: When the Pathfinder reaches 5 level he gains the Tracking benefit as if he had gained the Tracking Scout class ability, if the Pathfinder already has Tracking then it upgrades to the next level. rd Movement Increase: When the Pathfinder reaches 3 level their movement rate increases in both primary and Alternate rd th th forms. At 3 level it increases by + 5ft., the bonus increases to + 10 ft. at 6 level and finally to + 15 ft. at 9 level. th Burst of Speed (Sp): At 7 level the Pathfinder is able to use a Burst of Speed once per day that works like Haste. th Keen Sensors: When the Pathfinder finally reaches 10 level he able to automatically make a Sense check whenever he passes within 5 ft. of something hidden or concealed.

The Animech Pathfinder
Level Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 Ref +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 Special Improved Sensors, Home Ground, Alertness Uncanny Dodge, Survey 10% Improved Sensors, +5 ft. Movement Unbroken Passage Survey 25%, Tracker Improved Sensors, +10 ft. Movement Burst of Speed 1/day Survey 50%, Stealth Improved Sensors, +15 ft. Movement Keen Sensors

MECHAMORPHOSIS Pathfinder Advanced Class

1 2 3


nd rd th th th th th th th

4 5 6 7 8 9


When the Animechs who reached Earth during the First Exodus aboard Prides vessel first emerged, their internal nanomechs scanned the surrounding areas fauna in order to find forms that would allow the fleeing mechamorphs to adapt to their new environment, and so it was the Primals were born. The primals all bore the Alt Forms of creatures that by todays standards are long extinct, dinosaurs, dire animals and the like. Among the Animechs of the present generation the Primals are the oldest and most feared of their number, many noted for their fighting prowess, but few are noted for their intelligence as a seeming flaw of embracing ones primal nature is an unavoidable reversion to a more beastial and impulse driven way of viewing the world and such mechamorphs become prone to fits of terrifying battle frenzy. The Animech Primal is representative of one of these animechs who has wholeheartedly embraced their primal nature. Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become an Animech Primal (APm), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Animech Class Abilities: Brawler, Built to Last 1 or more, Battle Frenzy Skills: Acrobatics 6 ranks, Senses 4 ranks, Stealth 6 ranks. Feats: Greater Natural Attack, Lumbering Gait, Power Attack BAB: +5. Special: Must have a Priority of 2 or more in Alt Form (Animal)

Class Skills
The Name Animech Primals class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Athletics (Str), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (Earth Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Earth History) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Interaction (Cha), Senses (Wis), and Stealth (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Animech Primal advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: An Animech Primal is proficient with all simple and martial archaic weapons and simple firearms and Unarmed (as if Improved Unarmed were possessed). Alt Form (Primal): All Animechs must have an Alt Form suitable to the ancient period from which it originated determined by their size. Some examples as follows. Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal Cryptoclidus (MM1) Allosaurus (MM2) Dire Elephant (MM2) Seismosaurus (MM2) Deinonychus (MM1) Ankylosaurus (MM2) Spinosaurus (MM2) Dire Ape (MM1) Elasmosaurus (MM1) Dire Bat (MM1) Megaraptor (MM1) Dire Bear (MM1) Quetzalcoatlus (MM2) Dire Boar (MM1) Triceratops (MM1) Dire Horse (MM2) Tyrannosaurus Rex (MM1) Dire Lion (MM1) Dire Elk (MM2) Dire Tiger (MM1) Dire Shark (MM1) Dire Wolf (MM1) Dire Snake (MM2) Dire Wolverine (MM1) This primal form can be assumed as a Free Action as if the Quick Morph form feat were possessed, in addition all Animech Primals receive Damage Reduction 1/- while in this alt from, which stacks with any other damage reduction they may possess. st Battle Frenzy: At 1 level, all Animech Primals receive an additional use of Battle Frenzy per day. They gain a further use of battle frenzy at levels 3 and 7. nd Primal Self: Starting at 2 level an Animech Primal begins to truly embrace their primal nature slowly become more bestial and instinct driven and less rational and civilised. In effect the primal suffers a -2 point reduction in their Intelligence score, while receiving a +2 bonus to their Strength score. th In addition at 5 level their primal self begins to assert itself even more, this time their Intelligence is reduced a further 2, while their Constitution score is increased by +2. From this point on no Intelligence based skill except those granted by this class ever counts as a class skill and may only be improved as a cross class skill up to the cross class skill max rank. They also no longer register pain in quite the same way increasing their Damage Reduction bonus for their Alt Form (Primal) to 3/-, which stacks with any other damage reduction from other sources. th Finally at 8 level the Animech fully embraces its Primal Self, losing a further 2 Intelligence score, while gaining a further +2 to their Strength score. They now lose the ability to Read and Write and tend to speak only in gutteral terms, grunts and growls. In addition the damage reduction bonus due to their Alt Form (Primal) now increases to 5/-. At this point the Animech Primal may no longer increase any Intelligence based skills except those granted by this advanced class. nd Toughened Hide: Beginning at 2 level an Animech Primal receives a +1 Natural armour bonus to their Armour Class. th th This bonus increases to +2 at 5 level, and finally +3 at 8 level. th Extended Frenzy: From 4 level the Animech Primal gains the ability to extend their frenzy for a further round for each nexus energy point spent.

Primal Roar: Once an Animech Primal reaches 6 level they gain the ability to unleash a tremendous rage filled roar that requires all within a 30 ft long cone extending outwards from the Primal to make a Will save (DC 10 + Primals level) or be Panicked until it succeeds on the Will save. If cornered such panicked beings will begin cowering, even if the Will save succeeds all affected targets are shaken for one round. The Animech Primal may only use this ability once per day. th Unstoppable: By the time an Animech Primal reaches 9 level his rage in combat is so intense it will sustain him no matter how wounded he is. In effect a primal is able to continue fighting until his Battle Frenzy ends at, which point he will react according to his current hit point total (0 unconscious, -1 to 9 dying, -10 or more he is dead). th Power Primal: Finally upon reaching 10 level the Animech Primal receives its final benefit, so much a part of them has their primal nature and battle frenzy become that when they end they no longer suffer any form of fatigue.

MECHAMORPHOSIS Animech Primal Adv. Class

The Animech Primal

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

AC +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Special Alt Form(Primal), Battle Frenzy 2/day Primal Self 1, Toughened Hide +1 Battle Frenzy 3/day Extended Frenzy Primal Self 2, Toughened Hide +2 Primal Roar 1/day Battle Frenzy 4/day Primal Self 3, Toughened Hide +3 Unstoppable Power Primal

4 5 6 7 8 9


Among the Animechs there are a gifted few who through wisdom, patience and training learn to develop a near mystical ability to understand Nexus Energy. Such beings are attuned to its ebb and flow and even gain the ability to manipulate these invisible currents of energy in those within relatively close proximity to themselves. Among the Animechs such Savants are highly respected for their dedication and wisdom and many are legendary among their kind having apparently sustained long after many of their fellows have passed back into the void. Hit Die: d6

To qualify to become an Animech Savant (ASv), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Animech Class Abilities: Database Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Knowledge (Mechamorph History) 3 ranks, Feats: Dodge, Skill Focus (Concentration), Special Power Focus Gear: Nexus Sensors Special: Must have a Wisdom 13+, Must have Alt Form (Animal)

Class Skills
The Animech Savant class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Build/Repair - Simple (Int), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Knowledge (Earth Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Earth History) (Int), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Mechamorph History) (Int), Interaction (Cha), Programming (Wis or Dex), and Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Animech Savant advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: An Animech Savant is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Anticipate Foe: Beginning at 1 level an Animech Savant is able to read the flow of energy in an opponent, allowing them to pre-empt an attack by seeing which way the energy flows before the attack occurs. In effect this allows the Savant to add his Wisdom modifier to his Armour Class as a Dodge bonus against a single opponent. This bonus stacks with that given from the Dodge feat. Nexus Sense: As the Savant learns to better understand the flow of energy and the readings his Nexus sensors tell him, he becomes better able to understand what those readings are telling him. In effect his Nexus Sensors now allow him to extend an energy field that expands his consciousness, allowing him to see things as if Arcane Eye were used once per day. th When the Savant reaches 8 level his Nexus sense improves again now allowing him to see things as they truly are, in effect allowing him to use True Seeing once per day. nd Defensive Upgrade: Upon reaching 2 level, the Savant receives the Defensive 1 class ability as per the Scout class. If they already have Defensive then it upgrades to the next level (Defensive 2, 3 etc..). rd Power Flux (Sp): Upon reaching 3 level, the Savant is able to manipulate the energy of nearby Mechamorphs causing it to flux and interfering with their systems once per day. This ability works exactly as per Hold Person. th When the Savant reaches 6 level, the gain the ability to use this ability a second time per day but it now functions as per Mass Hold Person. rd Read Energy: At 3 level, a Savant is able to read the energy emissions of another mechmorph via their Nexus Sensors, in effect granting them Detect Thoughts at will. Only a single subject can be concentrated on at any particular time. th Energy Focus: From 4 level a Savant is able to expend a point of their available Nexus energy in order to stimulate their own Nanomechs in effect restoring 1d6 hit points +1 per level (+5 max). This ability is for personal benefit only they are unable to utilise the energy to stimulate nanomechs in other mechamorphs. th Nexus Portal (Sp): At 5 level a Savant is able to focus their own Nexus energy Generators power through their Nexus sensors in a way that allows them to open a temporary short distance portal as per Dimension Door. This ability may only be used once per day and is taxing, costing the savant a point of nexus energy for every round they sustain the portal beyond the first round. th Infuse Attack: From 7 level the Savant is able to expend a single nexus point of energy in order to infuse a single melee attack with enough nexus energy for it to add the Savants Wisdom bonus to damage and count as a nexus attack for purposes of ignoring damage reduction. th Nexus Rift (Sp): At 9 level the Savant is able to generate an intensely powerful and focused energy field around themselves in the form of a very temporary wormhole, working in all ways as per the Teleport ability. Using this ability is extremely draining costing 10 nexus points and a further +1 for each other individual beyond themselves they take with them. This ability may only be used once per day. th Residual Spark: At 10 level the Savants mastery of Nexus energy is so strong that should they die they are able to sustain their spark for a limited time after death. In effect their spark exists in an incorporeal energy form able to move but unable to interact. In this form they are able to seek out a vacant mechamorph body, which if found they can then inhabit. In this energy state a Savant is able to exist for one day for each remaining nexus point they have after that time their energy state becomes unstable, losing coherence and the savant and their programming is gone forever.

The Animech Savant
Level Attack +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 Ref +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 Will +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 Special Anticipate Foe, Nexus Sense Defensive Upgrade, Power Flux 1/day Read Energy Energy Focus Nexus Portal 1/day Power Flux 2/day (Mass) Infuse Attack Improved Nexus Sense Nexus Rift 1/day Residual Spark

MECHAMORPHOSIS Animech Savant Adv. Class

1 2 3


nd rd th th th th th th th

4 5 6 7 8 9


It is a commonly made misconception that the mechamorphs are only able to assume vehicular and bestial forms, however this is not strictly true. In fact humanoids being just another mammalian species are just as viable an alternate form as any other creature on earth and indeed a handful of mechamorphs have indeed learned to assume a biological cocoon that hides their robotic frames. This is much more than just appearing as a humanoid robot however, for all intent and purpose a biomorph appears biological! With the help of a soft polymorphic techno organic cocoon, that with the help of nanotechnology acts like an smart liquid metal they are able to create the illusion of actual skin and hair. These biomorphs as they are known are able to infiltrate and integrate with human (or humanoid) societies in a much more direct way than other mechamorphs making them unsurpassable intelligence gatherers. To many mechamorphs the biomorphs are more like biologicals than not picking up their mannerisms and customs. Hit Die: d6

To qualify to become a Biomorph (Bio), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Class Abilities: Deceptive 1, Deceptive 2 Skills: Disguise 6 ranks, Knowledge (Earth Biology) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Earth Culture) 4 ranks Special Powers: Must possess the Multiform special power Special: Charisma of 13+ and cannot have a size greater than large in any form.

Class Skills
The Biomorph's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatice (Dex), Athletics (Str), Build/Repair (Simple) (Int), Fine Manipulation (DeX), Interaction (Cha), Knowledge (Earth Biology) (Int), Knowledge (Earth Culture) (Int), Knowledge (Earth Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Earth History) (Int), Senses (Wis) and Stealth (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Biomorph advanced class : Weapon Proficiency: A Biomorph is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Alt Form - Biomorph: The. Biomorph is any mechamorph who gains a medium sized humanoid form that allows them to pass as human or humanoid. These biomorphic shells consist of a soft polymorphic techno organic cocoon that covers the compact metallic endo skeletal structure that usually makes up a mechamorphs frame. In this form they are almost indistinguishable from other organic humanoids, appearing biological. However while in the biomorph alt form a mechamorph loses its damage resistance and energy resistances typically granted for its type, regaining them only when they revert to their base robotic primary form of other alt forms. Zero Signature: While a biomorph is in their techno organic alternate form they register just as any other biological entity would. In effect this means the mechamorph while in the biomorph form no longer registers to nexus type radars and sensors of any sort. However any biomorph who has suffered 50% or greater hit point loss is damaged to such an extent that the biomorphic cocoon no longer disguises their nexus emissions and they can once again be detected by such sensors until they are repaired enough to disguise them once more. Disguise Mastery: All biomorphs learn pretty quickly to become adept at passing for biological, looking the part is rarely enough alone, instead they need to learn the nuances of being biological such as mimicking breathing and blinking, ways of talking and acting and generally presenting themselves as biological in every regard. By learning to pass themselves off st as being biological they learn to fool all but the most diligent or suspicious of onlookers. Starting at 1 level a biomorph th gains a +2 competence bonus to disguise checks, this bonus increases a further +2 at levels 3, 5, 7, and finally at 9 . Improved Natural Attack: The biomorphs are frequently assumed to be weak because they appear biological, however thanks to the flexibility and more efficient distribution of power granted by their techno organic cocoons provides backed up by the power of their robotic frames underneath they are in truth actually more able to cause physical harm. In effect a biomorphs unarmed attack damage counts as if they were one size category larger while in their biomorph form. Regenerative Cacoon: while it is true structurally a biomorphs form is more susceptible to harm, lacking the resistance to damage and energies their robotic forms provide the biomorphs techno organic cocoon is actually far easier to repair. With nd the help of nanites that are automatically flooding to damaged areas, the biomorph beginning at 2 level gains the capacity to heal damage rapidly as if they had Fast Heal 2. this regenerative capacity increases in efficiency at level 6 acting as if th Fast Heal 4, and finally at 10 level it acts as if Fast Heal 6 were possessed. Note only damage caused in the biomorph form can be regenerated in this way, damage caused in the primary form or other for example vehicular form is not regenerated if the mechamorph assumes its biomorph form. Mutable Form: As the biomorph develop in ability it learns to extend a greater degree of control over its polymorphic techno organic cacoon, in effect allowing it to alter its biological appearance. Such changes as appearing a foot taller or shorter, thin, fat or somewhere in between, changing gender, or pigmentation, appearing human or humanoid are all possible changes. The alterations last until the biomorph wills them to revert, or 1 hour per level has passed or until they change to another alt form, whichever happens first. Using the Mutable Form ability costs the biomorph 1 nexus point per use, they can extend a mutable forms duration each time it is due to run out by paying another nexus point, so in effect a new form could be kept as long as the biomorph has energy to sustain it. th Quick Morph: At 8 level all biomorphs gain the quick Morph feat as a bonus feat.

The Biomorph
Level Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 Ref +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 Will +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 AC +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 Special Alt Form-Biomorph, Zero Signature, Disguise Mastery +2 Improved Natural Attack, Regenerative Cacoon 2 Disguise Mastery +4 Mutable Form Disguise Mastery +6 Regenerative Cacoon 4 Disguise Mastery +8 Quick Morph Disguise Mastery +10 Regenerative Cacoon 6

MECHAMORPHOSIS Biomorph Advanced Class

1 2 3


nd rd th th th th th th th

4 5 6 7 8 9


Among the Exiles there are a select few, a reluctant few whose bravery, sacrifice and nobility comes to the attention of others. The heroes are forged in the fires of conflict and the age old conflict between Exiles and Tyrants has led to the creation of more than a few. Among the Exiles these Champions for lack of a better word are renowned and respected for their willingness to do what is required for the greater good, and many become the role models for the younger generations. Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become an Exile Champion (ExC), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Exiles Class Abilities: Built to Last 1 or more, Defender 1 or more, Marksmech 1 or more Skills: Knowledge (Warfare) 6 ranks, Pilot 2 ranks Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus BAB: +5

Class Skills
The Exile Champions class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Athletics (Str), Build/RepairSimple (Int), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Knowledge (Mechamorph History) (Int), Pilot (Dex), Programming (Dex or Wis), & Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Exile Champion advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: An Exile Champion is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Ancient Foe: Starting from 1 level the Champion receives a +2 bonus to all Attack and Damage rolls against any Tyrant th th th Mechamorph. This bonus increases to +4 at 4 level, +6 at 7 level and finally +8 at 10 level. Fearless: All Champions are immune to any form of Fear or Moral affecting abilities or special powers. Their resolve is unshakable and when others falter they persevere. st Renowned: Also at 1 level a Champions is such that they receive a +2 bonus to all interaction check with other exiles, but suffer a 2 penalty to the same where Tyrants are concerned. nd Defender: At 2 level a Champion receives the Defender ability that functions as per the Soldier class ability of the same name, upgrading it to the next level. Symbol of Hope: The Champions are a symbol of everything the Exiles hold dear, bravery, justice, the will to overcome and persevere against overwhelming odds. It is because they are so symbolic that to all exiles within 30 feet of a Champion they imbue a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 bonus on saves against Fear or Control. The Champion itself cannot benefit from its own symbolic nature however. rd th th Bonus Feat: At 3 , 6 , and 9 level the Champion receives a bonus feat chosen from the Soldiers list for bonus feat. th Built to Last: At 5 level a Champion receives the Built to Last ability upgrade that functions as per the Soldier class ability of the same name, upgrading it to the next level. th Call on Reserves: From 6 level the Champion is able to find that little bit of extra energy, in a short lived burst of will that allows them to call upon hidden reserves. In effect they can once per day call upon a number of free nexus points equal to their Charisma modifier. These bonus points are lost at a rate of one per round however, so must be used quickly. Calling on reserves in this way is similar to using energy when none remains and so costs the Mechamorph one point of temporary constitution damage. th Never Surrender: When the Champion finally reaches 10 level they are able through sheer refusal to go down, to persevere where others would accept their fate and lay down and die. In effect a Champion who is reduced to 0 or below in hit points is able to continue to function for an additional number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier. During this time they may only take a partial action each round however. After these rounds have passed their will gives out and whatever fate their current hit points dictates befalls them.

The Exile Champion

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

AC +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Special Ancient Foe +2, Fearless, Renowned Defender, Symbol of Hope Bonus Feat Ancient Foe +4 Built to Last Bonus Feat, Call on Reserves Ancient Foe +6 Defender Bonus Feat Ancient Foe +8, Never Surrender

4 5 6 7 8 9


The Omega is the title for those Exiles who are destined to lead, they are fearless and tough and inspire caution and respect in all, even their enemies. The mantle of Omega is not for everyone and only those who are truly worthy of the role ever find themselves placed firmly within it. There has been a legacy of great heroes and near legendary beings to fill the role of Omega among the exiles and all are remembered for their greet deeds and sacrifices. All who become Omegas add the word Omega to their name as either a prefix or a suffix, e.g. The exile Maximus would become either Omega Maximus or Maximus Omega. Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become an Exile OMEGA (Omg), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Exiles Class Abilities: Provide Aid, Provide Aid 2 Skills: Interaction 10 ranks, Special: Must be an Exile and have a Charisma of 13+

Class Skills
The Exile Omega's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Build/Repair (Simple) (Int), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Interaction (Cha), Knowledge (Earth Culture) (Int), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Mechamorph History) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Exile Omega advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: An Exile Omega is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Symbol of Hope: The.Omega are a symbol of everything the Exiles hold dear, bravery, justice, the will to overcome and persevere against overwhelming odds. It is because they are so symbolic that to all exiles within 30 feet of an Omega they imbue a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 bonus on saves against Fear or Control. The Omega itself cannot benefit from its own symbolic nature however. Tactics: An Omega is a competent leader and tactician able to direct his subordinates in combat in an effective way improving their chances of a successful outcome. If an Omega spends a Full round action directing his allies in combat, he can provide them a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls for that round. Commanding Presence: The mere presence of an Omega among a group of exiles can give their enemies cause for concern and make them hesitate. Such hesitation in a fire-fight can be fatal. In the first round of combat and only then an Omega can choose to make a Commanding Presence check, requiring all enemies who have a clear unobstructed view of him to make a Will saving throw DC 15 + Omegas HD. failure on this save means they are Shaken. Any mechamorph who makes this save, cannot be thus affected by Commanding Presence again for at least 24 hours. Increased Toughness: All Omega are renowned for their toughness and durability, whether this is a representation of their strength of will and refusal to go down without a fight or an actual physical increase in toughness is unknown. All that rd is known is that any Omega will not go down easily. Starting at 3 level the normal Damage resistance of the mechamorph improves, initially they gain Damage resistance 5/- meaning they can reduce damage by their normal 10 versus all attacks th forms except those powered by Nexus energy, but now they can reduce even Nexus based attacks by 5. From 7 level their full damage resistance becomes nexus resistant giving them Damage Resistance 10/- applying to all forms of damage. th Increased Nexus Reserves: An Omega of 5 level is able to store more nexus energy reserves than the average mechamorph and these reserves are more efficient than usual. Effectively an Omega receives a bonus number of Nexus points equal to their Charisma modifier. Unlike normal nexus points these bonus points can be converted to Energy Cells on a 1-1 basis as opposed to the usual 2-1. th Nexus Boost: Upon reaching 9 level and Omega can grant any of his allies within 30 feet a bonus 3d10 temporary hit points. Each creature affected costs the Omega 1 nexus point as a ball of nexus energy floats over and is absorbed by them. The Omega can boost a number of allies equal to his level and the boost lasts for an equal number of rounds. This ability can be used as often as the Omega has nexus points to power it. Legacy Spark: No Omega ever really dies, not in the obvious sense anyway as the mantle of omega always passes to another and in doing so carries something of the previous omega with it. In effect a part of each Omega is passed to the next, most often this is in the form of some specific knowledge or memories but it is never complete or consuming. When an Omega reaches 10 Hit points they have a partial action on the round following to attempt to touch someone within range, if they are able too the legacy of their spark passes to that mechamorph where it will lie dormant hidden within them occasionally providing glimpses or visions of things that Omega did or knew, until the recipient either gains a level in the Omega advanced class or comes into physical contact with someone who does. At this time the legacy spark passes to them and merges with their own providing the tangible benefit such legacy sparks carry the portion of the previous omegas persona, this can take numerous forms chosen by the original Omega at the time of their demise and chosen from the following:A Feat (the original Omega must have possessed it) 1 rank of Special Power (as above) +1 Bonus to a Saving Throw +3 Skill points (in a skill the original omega possessed)

+1 Competence bonus to Attack rolls +1 Competence bonus to Armour Class +3 Hit Points

The Exile Omega

MECHAMORPHOSIS Omega Advanced Class

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

Special Symbol of Hope, Tactics Commanding Presence 1/day Increased Toughness 5/Commanding Presence 2/day Increased Nexus Reserves Commanding Presence 3/day Increased Toughness 10/Commanding Presence 4/day Nexus Boost Legacy Spark

4 5 6 7 8 9


Among the Exiles, those with technical or scientific skills are highly valued, they are relied upon to provide technological solutions and aid in situations where resources, facilities and time are a very limited commodity indeed. An Exile Tech Head is a weaponsmith, a doctor, an engineer and a mechanic all rolled into one. Hit Die: d6

To qualify to become a Tech Head (TcH), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Exile Class Abilities: Database, Improviser 1 or more, Medic 1 or more, Skills: Build/Repair (Simple) 8 ranks, Build/Repair (Complex) 8 ranks, any Knowledge skill 6 ranks Feats: Skill Focus (either Build/Repair or Knowledge), Mini Digits and Repair Tools Gear: Lab Tools, Repair Tools and Repair Bay.

Class Skills
The Tech Heads class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Build/Repair Complex (Int), Build/Repair Simple (Int), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Fine Manipulation (Dex), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Pilot (Dex), Programming (Dex or Wis) and Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Tech Head advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Tech Head is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Improviser: All Tech Heads are always able to find something they can use as a tool, and as such are always considered to have Repair Tools 1. If they gain repair tools from other gear then it is always an upgrade on this level. st Tech Head: At 1 level a Tech Head is so competent at producing gear on the fly and with little in the way of available resources that they now pay 25% less on all related XP costs for producing gear. Upgrade: A Tech Head at levels 2, 4, 6 and 8 is able to choose any Scientist class ability benefit. rd Energy Transfer: When the Tech Head reaches 3 level they are able to use their Nexus points in order to provide a short term acceleration to the functionality of the injured mechamorphs nanomechs, in effect restoring 1d6 +1 per 2/levels (+5 max) points of damage to a damaged mechamorph. In addition they can spend a nexus point to temporarily power an inactive machine or device for 1 min/level, or recharge and energy weapons power cell for 10 shots. th Energy Conversion: Upon reaching 5 level, the Tech Head has refined their Nexus Generators such that during four hours of stasis they are able to convert some available raw resource into a single nexus point, during the conversion process the Tech Head is very vulnerable however and unable to wake until the conversion process completes unless they succeed on a Will save DC 20, even if they succeed they are fatigues until they can complete the conversion process. th Power Transfer: When the Tech Head reaches 7 level he gains the ability to create items known as Nexus Pods, these pods can be charged with up to the Tech Heads Constitution modifier of Nexus points drawn from their reserve and cost 50 xp per point contained. These pods contain a stable charge that unlike a cell does not dissipate after 24 hours unless used, instead it stays contained in the pod until the pods owner makes use of it. Such nexus pods can be given to others, and using a pod is a move equivalent action. th Tech Mastery: At 9 level the Tech Head has gained such skill at working in hurried or stressful conditions that they are able to perform all Build/Repair check in half the normal time. th Revive Spark (Sp): Upon reaching 10 level, a Tech Head who is able to reach a deceased mechamoprh within a round of its demise may as a Full Round action make a Buil/Repair (Complex Chaeck) DC 10 + HD of subject + 1 for each HP below 10. If successful the subjects core programming or spark as it is known is saved and the subject in stead is considered stabilised at 9.

The Tech Head

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

Special Improviser, Tech Head Upgrade Energy Transfer Upgrade Energy Conversion Upgrade Power Transfer Upgrade Tech Mastery Revive Spark 1/day

4 5 6 7 8 9


A Jaegger is a mechamorph dedicated to the pursuit and apprehension of other mechamorphs be they enemies or criminals. A Jaegger can be a law enforcer, a bounty hunter or an assassin but whatever the exact nature and design of their intents their aim is the same to pursue and capture by whatever means necessary. Hit Die: d10

To qualify to become a Jaegger (Jgr), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Class Abilities: Tracking 1, Tracking 2, Sensors Skills: Senses 6 ranks, Feats: Improved Unarmed Gear: Nexus Sensors, Nexus Radar.

Class Skills
The Jaegger's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Athletics (Str), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Knowledge (Earth Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Interaction (Cha), Senses (Wis), and Stealth (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Jaegger advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Jaegger is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Disable, Not Destroy: A Jaegger can choose to deal non lethal damage with an attack instead of lethal damage with no penalty to the attack roll. Normally such actions would be limited to melee attacks and incur a 4 penalty on attack rolls. st Power Surge: Beginning at 1 level, the Jaegger can add +1d6 non lethal damage to an attack using Disable, Not Destroy whenever the target would normally be denied its Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Each use of power surge costs the Jaegger on nexus point to use as some of their power is expended. The bonus dice of damage increases as the th th th Jaegger gains experience raising to +2d6 at 4 , +3d6 at 7 and finally to +4d6 at 10 level. nd Improved Grapple: A Jaegger of 2 level gains the Improved Grapple feat as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. nd Energy Drain: From 2 level when a Jaegger uses power surge they also deal one point of temporary strength drain to the target in addition to any other damage. Hunter: The Jaeggers are skilled hunters and are capable at tracking and finding a prey wherever they may hide. To this end they gain a bonus to all Interaction and Senses checks made in the pursuit of their prey. Nexus Sense: The Jaegger have developed a knack for sensing the emissions from any nexus generators (mechamorphs) in their vicinity. The Jaegger has a range of sense equal to that of their Nexus Radars and can determine the presence and general direction of the emissions but not the specific distance, location or identity of the targets. From th 10 level the Jaegger gains such sensitivity to these emission that it can now identify specific signatures, allowing it to recognise any mechamorph they have previously encountered and use the track feat to follow the signature unerringly to its source via a Sense skill check DC 15 + targets HD. Strength Boost (Sp): The Jaeggers systems develop the capacity to temporarily increase the mechamorphs strength, raising it 1d4+1 points for 1 minute per level. Using this ability costs the Jaegger a nexus point to activate it. Power Boost (Sp): The Jaegger through surging power to certain systems can provide itself a temporary boost to its speed. Using this ability costs the Jaegger two nexus point to activate it and for 1 round per level grants it the following benefits. When making a full attack action it can make one extra attack with any weapon it holds at full base attack bonus. It gains +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves, its movement increases 30 feet to a maximum of double its normal speed.

The Jaegger
Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

Special Disable, not Destroy, Power Surge +1d6 Improved Grapple, Energy Drain Hunter +2, Nexus Sense Power Surge +2d6 Strength Boost Hunter +4 Power Surge +3d6 Power Boost Hunter +6 Improved Nexus Sense, Power Surge +4d6

4 5 6 7 8 9


There are rumoured to be a few among the mechamorph populace who create and download their consciousness into new forms that allow them to assume the alternate forms of mythical beasts of legends like Dragons, Griffins, Chimera and the like. Such beings are very rare and often exhibit very unusual and unique characteristics. Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become a Mythic Formed (Myt), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Class Abilities: Medic 5 or more Skills: Build/Repair (Complex) 12 ranks, Knowledge (Earth History) 10 ranks, Feats: Iron Will, Improved Unarmed BAB: +6 Special: Must create a new body with the mythic alt form prior to taking first level in this advanced class and successfully have programming downloaded into it, see building a new form page 27 mechamorphosis rulebook.

Class Skills
The Mythic Formeds class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Athletics (Str), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Knowledge (Earth Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Interaction (Cha), Senses (Wis), and Stealth (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Mythic Formed advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Mythic Formed is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Alt Form (Mythic): At 1 level all Mythic formed characters have their normal Alt Form replaced with a Mythic form of comparable size as determined by the normal Animal Alt Form (Table 2-1 in the Mechamorphosis book). A Mythic form may be chosen from any Magical Beast, Aberration, or Dragon and works in all ways as per normal Animal forms, the mechamorph receives the Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores of the form assumed, along with any feats, and extraordinary abilities (though any that count as attacks are only usable once per day). However no special attacks are qualities from the form are gained as these are obtained via the Mythic Upgrades (See below). The mechamorph also retains any feats, special powers and useful abilities from its primary form, assuming they are usable in the Alt form. The characters Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores remain the same. A mechamorph retains its mechamorph traits when morphed. Mythic Upgrades: At levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 the Mythic formed character is able to choose one of the forms Extraordinary, Supernatural or Spell like Special attacks or Defences and gain it a s a special power usable once per day. Abilities chosen may be taken more than once and in doing so an additional use per day is granted. Bonus Feats: At levels 3, 5, 7 and 9 the Mythic Formed mechamorph receives a bonus feat chosen from the Soldiers list.

The Mythic Formed

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Ref +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

AC +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Special Alt Form (Mythic) Mythic Upgrade 1 Bonus Feat Mythic Upgrade 2 Bonus Feat Mythic Upgrade 3 Bonus Feat Mythic Upgrade 4 Bonus Feat Mythic Upgrade 5

4 5 6 7 8 9


Sample Mythic Forms

Ankheg Large Mythical Beast Speed: 30 ft, burrow 20 ft. Attacks: bite 2d6+7 plus 1d4 acid Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Spit Acid 1/day Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision, tremorsense 60 ft. Mythic Upgrades: Additional uses of Spit Acid Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17 Feats: Alertness, Toughness Reference: Monster Manual page 14

MECHAMORPHOSIS Mythic Formed Adv. Class
Basilisk Medium Mythical Beast Speed: 20 ft. Attacks: bite 1d8+3 Special Attacks: none Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision Mythic Upgrades: Petrifying Gaze 1/day plus additional uses Str 15, Dex 8, Con 15 Feats: Alertness, Blind fight, Great Fortitude Reference: Monster Manual page 24 Behir Huge Mythical Beast Speed: 40 ft., climb 15 ft. Attacks: bite 2d4+12 Special Attacks: constrict 2d8+8, improved grab, rake 1d4+4, swallow whole 1/day Special Qualities: Cant be tripped, Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision, scent Mythic Upgrades: Immunity to Electricity or Breath weapon 1/day and additional uses, or additional swallow whole uses. Str 26, Dex 13, Con 21 Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Power Attack, Track Reference: Monster Manual page 25 Beholder Large Mythical Aberration Speed: 5 ft., fly 20 ft. Attacks: bite 2d4 Special Attacks: none Special Qualities: All Around Vision, Darkvision 60 ft., flight Mythic Upgrades: Eye Rays (any one of the effects usable 1/day) and additional effects/uses, Anti-power cone 1/day and additional uses. Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18 Feats: Alertness, Blind fight, Great Fortitude Reference: Monster Manual page 26 Chimera Large Mythical Beast Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. Attacks: bite 2d6+4, Gore 1d8+4, 2 claws 1d6+2 Special Attacks: none Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision, scent Mythic Upgrades: Breath weapon 1/day plus additional uses Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17 Feats: Alertness, Hover, Iron Will, Multiattack Reference: Monster Manual page 34 Displacer Beast Large Mythical Beast Speed: 40 ft. Attacks: bite 1d8+2, 2 tentacles 1d6+4 Special Attacks: none Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision Mythic Upgrades: Resistance to Ranged attacks or Displacement 1/day plus additional uses Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16 Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Stealthy Reference: Monster Manual page 66 Dragon Varies Mythical Dragon Speed: Medium: 40 ft, fly 150 ft. Large: 40 ft., fly 150 ft. Huge: 40 ft, fly 150 ft. Gargantuan: 40 ft., fly 200 ft. Colossal: 40 ft., fly 200 ft. Attacks: Medium: Bite 1d8+str, 2 claws 1d6+.5 str, 2 wings 1d4+.5 str Large: Bite 2d6+str, 2 claws 1d8+.5 str, 2 wings 1d6+.5 str, tail slap 1d8+1.5 str Huge: Bite 2d8+str, 2 claws 2d6+.5 str, 2 wings 1d8+.5 str, tail slap 2d6+1.5 str, crush 2d8+1.5 str Gargantuan: Bite 4d6+str, 2 claws 2d8+.5 str, 2 wings 2d6+.5 str, tail slap 2d8+1.5 str, crush 4d6+1.5 str, tail sweep 2d6+1.5 str Colossal: Bite 4d8+str, 2 claws 4d6+.5 str, 2 wings 2d8+.5 str, tail slap 4d6+1.5 str, crush 4d8+1.5 str, tail sweep 2d8+1.5 str Special Attacks: none at any size0 Special Qualities: Keen Senses Blind sense, Vulnerability to one form of energy (+50% damage taken, cannot be one you are immune to)

Mythic Upgrades: All sizes may choose Immunity to stasis (sleep) inducing effects, immunity to paralysis, immunity to one form of energy attack (fire, cold, electricity etc..) Medium: Breath Weapon - Fire (60 ft. cone, 1d10/level, DC 10 +1/2 level + Con modifier) 1/day and additional uses Large: Breath Weapon - Fire (60 ft. cone, 6d10, DC 10 +1/2 level + Con modifier) 1/day and additional uses Huge: Breath Weapon Fire (60 ft. cone, 1d10/level, DC 10 +1/2 level + Con modifier) 1/day and additional uses, Frightful Presence (Dc 10 + level + Cha mod) 1/day plus additional uses, Locate Object 1/day plus additional uses, DR 5/nexus Gargantuan: Breath Weapon Fire (60 ft. cone, 1d10/level, DC 10 +1/2 level + Con modifier) 1/day and additional uses, Frightful Presence (Dc 10 + level + Cha mod) 1/day plus additional uses, Locate Object 1/day plus additional uses, DR 10/nexus, Suggestion 1/day plus additional uses, Find the Path 1/day plus additional uses Colossal: Breath Weapon Fire (60 ft. cone, 1d10/level, DC 10 +1/2 level + Con modifier) 1/day and additional uses, Frightful Presence (Dc 10 + level + Cha mod) 1/day plus additional uses, Locate Object 1/day plus additional uses, DR 15/nexus, Suggestion 1/day plus additional uses, Find the Path 1/day plus additional uses, Discern Location 1/day plus additional uses. Str 17 (Medium), 25 (Large), 33 (Huge), 39 (Gargantuan), 45 (Colossal), Dex 10 (All Sizes), Con 15 (Medium), 17 (Large), 21 (Huge), 29 (Gargantuan), 31 (Colossal) Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover, Snatch, Wingover Reference: Monster Manual page 68 Dragonne Large Mythical Beast Speed: 40 ft., fly 30 ft. Attacks: bite 2d6+4, 2 claws 2d4+2 Special Attacks: pounce Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision, Scent Mythic Upgrades: Roar 1/day plus additional uses Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17 Feats: Blind Fight, combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Track Reference: Monster Manual page 89 Griffon Large Mythical Beast Speed: 30 ft., fly 80 ft. Attacks: bite 2d6+4, 2 claws 1d4+2 Special Attacks: pounce, rake 1d6+2 Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision, scent Mythic Upgrades: +1 natural bonus to Ac plus additional points. Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16 Feats: Iron Will, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (bite) Reference: Monster Manual page 139 Hydra Huge Mythical Beast Speed: 20 ft., swim 20 ft Attacks: 5 bites 1d10+3 Special Attacks: none Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision, scent Mythic Upgrades: Fast Heal (10+1 per head), or additional head (up to 5 more), Breath Weapon Fire or Cold 1/day plus additional uses (as per cryo and pyro hydra) Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20 Feats: Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Toughness Reference: Monster Manual page 156 Kraken Gargantuan Mythical Beast (Aquatic) Speed: Swim 20 ft. Attacks: bite 4d6+6, 2 tentacles 2d8+12/19-20, and 6 arms 1d6+6 Special Attacks: improved grab, constrict 2d8+12 or 1d6+6 Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision Mythic Upgrades: Ink Cloud 1/day plus additional uses, Jet 1/day plus additional uses, Control Weather plus additional uses, Control winds plus additional uses, dominate animal 1/day plus additional uses, resist energy 1/day plus additional uses. Str 34, Dex 10, Con 29 Feats: Alertness, Blind fight, Expertise, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improve dInitiative, Improved Trip, Iron Will Reference: Monster Manual page 66

MECHAMORPHOSIS Mythic Formed Adv. Class

Among the Tyrants the Generals are known as Alphas, powerful warriors who through strength, guile and force of arms have taken power for themselves amongst the forces of the Tyrants. An Alpha is an object of fear and respect who rules with an iron fist and tolerates no failure without consequences. The Tyrant Alphas are renowned for their devastating strikes in combat often wielding very powerful weapons or potent Alt Forms, and perhaps as much renowned is their sheer tenacity and grip on life, perhaps driven by their lust for conflict or desire to conquer all around them that they are extremely difficult to defeat. Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become a Tyrant Alpha (Alp), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Tyrant Class Abilities: Marksmech 1 or more Built to Last 1 or more Skills: Interaction 8 ranks, Knowledge (Warfare) 6 ranks Feats: Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus Gear: Any one weapon. BAB: +6 Special: Must have a Charisma of 13+

Class Skills
The Tyrant Alphas class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Build/Repair (Simple) (Int), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Interaction (Cha), Knowledge (Earth Culture) (Int), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Mechamorph History) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Tyrant Alpha advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Tyrant Alpha is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Symbol of Terror: The.Alpha are a symbol of everything the Tyrant represent, power, mercilessness, cunning, and an unrelenting desire to control everything. It is because they are so symbolic that to all tyrants who fear reprisals from failure or disobedience within 30 feet of an Alpha are imbued with a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 bonus on saves against Fear or Control. The Alpha itself cannot benefit from its own symbolic nature however. Tactics: An Alpha is a feared leader and master strategist able to direct his subordinates in combat in an effective way improving their chances of a successful outcome. If an Alpha spends a Full round action directing his minions in combat, he can provide them a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls for that round. Frightful Presence: The Alpha is such an imposing figure that they know exactly how to act in order to demoralise their nd opponents. 1/day at 2 level they can cause all enemies within 30 feet of them to make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 level + Cha modifier) or become frightened for 1d4 rounds. Anyone who succeeds at the save cannot be affected by the Alphas frightful presence again for 24 hours. In addition this ability only has an effect against those of lower levels than the Alpha. th Upon reaching 7 level the Alpha may use it a second time per day. rd Weapon of Power: When an Alpha reaches 3 level he must choose one of his weapons, which thereafter is referred to as his chosen weapon. With this weapon he is able to deliver devastating blows on a full attack action adding the listed rd th th bonus damage dice to the weapons normal damage, +1d8 at 3 , +2d8 at 6 and finally +3d8 at 9 level. Should his chosen weapon ever be lost, destroyed or stolen he must do everything in his power to retrieve it, if however that is not possible he can readjust to another weapon but this takes a full week at the end of which the new weapon becomes the chosen weapon of choice. The damage bonus from this benefit can stack with that granted from the Marksmech class benefit. Increased Toughness: All Alphas much like the Exile Omegas are renowned for their toughness and durability, whether this is a representation of their strength of will and refusal to go down without a fight or an actual physical increase in th toughness is unknown. All that is known is that any Alpha will not go down easily. Starting at 4 level the normal Damage resistance of the mechamorph improves, initially they gain Damage resistance 5/- meaning they can reduce damage by their normal 10 versus all attacks forms except those powered by Nexus energy, but now they can reduce even Nexus th based attacks by 5. From 8 level their full damage resistance becomes nexus resistant giving them Damage Resistance 10/- applying to all forms of damage. th Star Strike: When the Alpha reaches 5 level he gains the ability to automatically score a threat against on opponent with his chosen weapon. The Alpha must still hit the target again in order to confirm the critical otherwise it just scores a normal hit and deals normal damage. This ability may only be used once per day. th Evil Never Dies: Upon finally reaching 10 level, the Alphas power is such that nothing short of complete disintegration can kill him, so long as even a small fragment of his form remains it will contain enough remnants of his programming that should his form be repaired or a new form be provided he will be able to return from the dead. However such trauma is slow to recover from and it takes a number of weeks equal to his level before he recalls enough of his memories and knowledge to recall entirely who he is. In the past the shattered forms of fallen Alphas have laid rusting and dormant for centuries before finally being revived.

The Tyrant Alpha
Level 1 2
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

Special Symbol of Terror, Tactics Frightful Presence 1/day Weapon of Power +1d8 Increased Toughness 5/Star Strike 1/day Weapon of Power +2d8 Frightful Presence 2/day Increased Toughness 10/Weapon of Power +3d8 Evil Never Dies

MECHAMORPHOSIS Tyrant Alpha Adv. Class

4 5 6 7 8 9


The Tyrants although strong and numerous preferring more often than not to rely on overwhelming firepower and numbers to win the day also have a small yet dedicated group of individuals who specialise in all things shadowy. These Infiltrators are masters of infiltration, sabotage and espionage in all its forms. The tyrant infiltrators tend to work alone and are trusted by noone including the Tyrant masters they work for, more often than not they are viewed as wild cards. The reputation of Tyrant Infiltrators among the Exiles is near legendary, and even the slightest hint of evidence indicating an Infiltrator is in their midst is frequently enough to send them fleeing in paranoia. Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become a Tyrant Infiltrator (TIn), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Tyrant Class Abilities: Deceptive 1 or greater, Stealth 1 or greater, Sensors. Skills: Acrobatics 6 ranks, Senses 4 ranks, Stealth 6 ranks. Feats: Concealed Weapon, Improved Initiative Gear: Low Light Sensors, Motion Sensors.

Class Skills
The Tyrant Infiltrators class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Build/Repair Simple (Int), Computer Use (Int), Disguise (Cha), Fine Manipulation (Dex), Interaction (Cha), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Pilot (Dex), Senses (Wis), and Stealth (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Tyrant Infiltrator advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Tyrant Infiltrator is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Indistinguishable: Beginning at 1 level the Infiltrator receives the stated bonus to all Disguise checks. This bonus rd th th th increases to +4 at 3 , +6 at 5 , +8 at 7 , and finally +10 at 9 level. Infiltrators are increasingly difficult to distinguish from whatever they are passing for even to other Mechamorphs. st nd th Upgrade: Beginning at 1 level, then again at 2 and 6 level the Infiltrator is allowed to choose a Special Ability from the following: Stealth, Deceptive, Sensors, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion or Trapspringer. st Untraceable: From 1 level the Infiltrator is able to shield his own Nexus emissions so much so that he does not show up to Infrared Sensors, Nexus Sensors or Nexus Radars or any other form of technological device that picks up on Nexus energy emissions. However any special power that is capable of detecting such things works normally. nd Sabotage: From 2 level the Infiltrators skill in sabotage is such that they are able to perform acts of sabotage via the Build/Repair (Simple) skill in half the usual time. In addition when attacking an inanimate object they are able to ignore 1pt of hardness for each level in this advanced class they possess, representing their ability to find the weak spots in the objects structure in order to cause the most damage. rd Sneak Attack: Starting at 3 level the Infiltrator gains the Sneak Attack special ability (see Scout Class), if he already possesses this special ability then his sneak attack damage is increased by +1d6. The infiltrators sneak attack damage increases by +1d6 at level 6 and again at level 9. th Cloaking Field (Sp): At 4 level the Infiltrator gains the ability to surround himself with a cloaking field that works exactly like Invisibility. This cloaking field may be engaged once per day and any offensive action will end it immediately. th When the Infiltrator reach 8 level his cloaking field becomes usable a second time per day and becomes more effective, working as per Improved Invisibility. th Sensor Sweep: Upon reaching 5 level, the Infiltrator is able to widen the focus of his sensors in order to sweep an area constantly, in effect providing him a +4 bonus on all stealth checks to avoid any enemies nearby, and a +4 to senses checks to detect any enemies nearby. The infiltrators sensors are actively sweeping all the time and so it does not require any action on the mechamorphs part. th Sensor Focus: From 7 level, the Infiltrator is able to focus his sensors on a single target, focusing on them to such a degree that they receive a +3 bonus on all attack rolls against that target with any ranged weapon and receive a +1 step increase in their weapons threat range (20 becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 17-20, 17-20 becomes 15-20 and so forth). Using a sensor focus is a Full Round action. th Shoot to Kill: Finally upon reaching 10 level, an Infiltrator is able through the use of their Sensor Focus ability to home in on a targets vital spots and increase the critical multiplier x1. At this stage when an Infiltrator uses their sensor focus to home in on a target who is unaware of them and therefore flat footed then the target is in serious trouble indeed.

The Tyrant Infiltrator
Level Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 Ref +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 Special Indistinguishable +2, Upgrade, Untraceable Upgrade, Sabotage Indistinguishable +4, Sneak Attack +1d6 Cloaking Field 1/day Indistinguishable +6, Sensor Sweep Sneak Attack +2d6, Upgrade Indistinguishable +8, Sensor Focus Cloaking Field 2/day (Improved) Indistinguishable +10, Sneak Attack +3d6 Shoot to Kill

MECHAMORPHOSIS Infiltrator Advanced Class

1 2 3


nd rd th th th th th th th

4 5 6 7 8 9


Among the Tyrants the need for technology is generally based largely around the development for more advanced tools of war and it is typically in this role the Sinisters are found. Gifted in invention and often cunning and deceptive, the Sinisters spend most of their time inventing new and terrifying devices, which can be used to subvert, destroy or remove any opposition their Tyrant masters may face. It is fairly common for Tyrant sinisters to have their own agendas however and their aid is typically only given as a front to gain the resources needed to fulfil their own goals. Among the Tyrants these Sinisters are viewed as dangerous and creepy, often secreted away in some secure lab somewhere only venturing forth to obtain more raw materials or to field test some device.. Hit Die: d6

To qualify to become a Tyrant Sinister (TSr), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Tyrant Class Abilities: Database, Medic 1 or more, Savvy Tech 1 or more Skills: Build/Repair (Simple) 8 ranks, Build/Repair (Complex) 8 ranks, any Knowledge skill 6 ranks Feats: Skill Focus (either Build/Repair or Knowledge), Mini Digits and either Lab Tools or Repair Tools Gear: Lab Tools, Repair Tools and either a Lab Bay or Repair Bay.

Class Skills
The Tyrant Sinisters class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Build/Repair Complex (Int), Build/Repair Simple (Int), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Fine Manipulation (Dex), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Pilot (Dex), Programming (Dex or Wis) and Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Tyrant Sinister advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Tyrant Sinister is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Sinister: Beginning at 1 level the Tyrant Sinister gains a reputation for being creepy, and well sinister as such they receive a +4 bonus on all Interaction checks for the purpose of Bluff or Intimidation. Evil Genius: The Sinister is the master of invention always coming up with some new device or weapon, as such all Build/Repair Dcs are 5 lower than normal. Upgrade: The Tyrant sinister at levels 2, 4, 6 and 8 is able to choose any Scientist class ability benefit. nd Trapmaker: From 2 level all Sinisters gain an in-depth understanding of traps and become adept at creating traps that are extremely difficult to detect and disable. Indeed all such attempts to locate or disarm a trap created by a sinister has an increased DC of 5. rd Nexus Leech (Sp): Starting when a Sinister reaches 3 level he is able to leech 1d4 nexus energy from any opponent with whom they make a successful melee touch attack once per day, these drained points are added to the Sinisters own th reserves. When the Sinister reaches 7 level he gains an additional use per day and the number drained increases to 1d6. th Finally when the Sinister reaches 9 level he gains a third use per day and the amount increases to 1d8. th Nexus Taint (Sp): Upon reaching 5 level the Sinister is able to attack an enemy mechamorph with specially programmed nanomechs once per day that carry a virus into the targets systems, working in all ways as per Poison. This ability is usable 1/day. In order for these virus laden nanomechs to be delivered the Sinister must succeed on a melee touch attack. th Subvert Programming (Sp): When the Sinister reaches 10 level he is able to transmit a hidden program hidden amidst a transmission to an opponent mechmorph that if successful subverts their programming and allows the Sinister to control them as per Dominate Person. This ability is usable only 1/day.

The Tyrant Sinister

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Ref +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Will +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

AC +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5

Special Sinister, Evil Genius Upgrade, Trapmaker Nexus Leech (1d4) 1/day Upgrade Nexus Taint 1/day Upgrade Nexus Leech (1d6) 2/day Upgrade Nexus Leech (1d8) 3/day Subvert Programming 1/day

4 5 6 7 8 9


With the Exiles war is not a choice it is something thrust upon them and those that become known for their fighting skills are only renowned for the bravery and courage under fire, whereas with the Tyrants war is something they chose and for a gifted few revel in. The Warmaster is one such individual, war is his craft, carnage is his weapon and devastation is what he leaves in his wake. A warmaster is typically trained in many forms of combat but prefers where possible to close with a foe and go hand to hand, they enjoy nothing more than crushing the lspark out of a foe with their bare hands or some savage melee weapon. Warmasters are currently found serving as lieutenants among the Tyrant forces and are feared and respected by their subordinates and superiors alike, though noone with any sense would trust one as far as they could throw one as a Warmaster will wherever possible seize power and have no tolerance for the weak or those incapable of holding such power themselves. Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become a Tyrant Warmaster (TWm), a character must fulfil all of the following criteria: Faction: Tyrants Class Abilities: Tbrawler, Built to Last 2 or more Skills: Knowledge (Warfare) 8 ranks, Feats: Improved Unarmed, Power Attack, Cleave BAB: +5

Class Skills
The Tyrant Warmasters class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Athletics (Str), Build/RepairSimple (Int), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (Galaxy) (Int), Knowledge (Warfare) (Int), Pilot (Dex), Programming (Dex or Wis), & Senses (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the Tyrant Warmaster advanced class: Weapon Proficiency: A Name Me is proficient with no additional weapon proficiencies. Powerful: Beginning at 1 level, the Warmaster may add +1d6 damage to any melee attack 1/day, however doing so th counts as a full attack action. At 5 level the bonus damage increases to +2d6 and this power may now be used 2/day. th When the Warmaster reaches 9 level the bonus damage increases to +3d6 and this ability may now be used 3/day. Tactics: A Warmaster revels in warfare, it is his symphony and he is a capable conductor able to direct his subordinates in combat in an effective way improving their chances of a successful outcome. If a Warmaster spends a Full round action directing his allies in combat, he can provide them a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls for that round. nd th th th Bonus Feat: At 2 , 4 , 6 , and 8 level the Warmaster receives a bonus feat chosen from the Soldiers list for bonus feat. Intimidating Presence: Warmaster are feared by their subordinates and respected for their skills by their superiors their reputation for carnage is well known and when confronting anyone in combat on the first round all opponents within visual range of the Warmaster must make a Will save (DC 10 + Warmasters level) or be shaken for the first round. th Built to Last: A Warmaster of 5 level receives the Built to Last ability upgrade, which functions as per the Soldier class th ability of the same name, upgrading it to the next level. This is upgraded once again at 9 level. th Dont Hold Back: When the Warmaster reaches 7 level they learn how to inflict incredible damage when using their powerful ability, allowing them to ignore any damage reduction the target may have for the duration of that melee attack. th Wrathful Strike: As a final benefit when the Warmaster reaches 10 level when he uses his powerful ability he is able to strike with such devastation that the wounds caused are difficult even for the naonmechs to repair. On any such strike one point of the damage inflicted is unable to be repaired except through four hours of stasis and the expenditure of a point of nexus energy, once this is done the point is cured. The wrathful damage caused in this way is cumulative if multiple powerful strikes are made against a target, so someone hit by two wrathful strikes (using two uses of powerful) would need eight hours of stasis and the expenditure of two nexus energy points before the damage is restored.

The Tyrant Warmaster

Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th

Attack +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8

Fort +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Ref +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

Will +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4

AC +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6

Special Tactics, Powerful +1d6 Bonus Feat Intimidatng Presence Bonus Feat Built to Last, Powerful 2d6 Bonus Feat Dont Hold Back Bonus Feat Built to Last, Powerful 3d6 Wrathful Strike

4 5 6 7 8 9


HUMANS MECHAMORPHOSIS Humans Priorities & Class
Born on the planet Earth Humans (Homo Sapiens) are the dominant species of their world, they are numerous and split into many kinds of faction from country, religion, belief, down to families. Humans are a rather self destructive people as a species reproducing quickly and using up their worlds resources with little view to the future well being of their homeworld. Humans are also prone to warring with each other and have a long history of conflicts mostly over land and the acquisition of wealth or power. When the mechamorphs came to Earth it was decided quite quickly that they would keep their presence a secret from the general populace to prevent them getting stuck in the middle of a conflict that they would be largely unable to hold their own in. However as things developed small numbers of humans and certain organisations soon learned of the mechamorphs existence and have taken various standpoints and approaches to this robotic species some see them as friends others as invaders. For those who have decided to play a human in Mechamorphosis they are considered to be one of the few who have discovered the existence of mechamorphs.

Human Traits
Medium size: Humans have no benefits or penalties due to their size. Base speed 30 feet. st All humans receive a bonus feat at 1 level. st At 1 level all humans receive 4 bonus skill points st For every level after 1 a human receive one bonus skill point. All Humans Speak the native language of their country.

All humans must assign priorities just as Mechamorphs do, and these along with their base class Terran determine many of the aspect of their development. As can be seen by the table below all humans must place their Priority 5 in race. Ability Scores 20 24 28 32 N/a BAB Progression Poor Poor Good Good N/a Save Progression All Poor 2 Poor 1 Poor All Good N/a

Priority 1 2 3 4 5

Form Human

Gear 4 8 12 16 N/a

THE TERRAN (Base Class) MECHAMORPHOSIS Humans Priorities & Class
The Terran base class is representative of almost any type of human from a scientist, soldier to a corporate businessman or grease monkey. Humans fill a multitude of rolls and through the careful selection of class abilities and skills can do so effectively in the world of mechamorphs. Level 1 2 3
st nd rd th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th

Attack Special --------------------

Fort Special --------------------

Ref Special --------------------

Will Special --------------------

AC Special +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +8 +9 +9 Bonus Feat, Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat Class Ability Bonus Feat

4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

+10 Class Ability +10 Bonus Feat +10 Class Ability +11 Bonus Feat

Base Hit Dice: d4 Class Skills: A Terran chooses any 8 skills, these skills become their class skills. st Skill points at 1 level = 4 + Int x 4 Skills points per level = 4 + Int

Class Abilities:
Advance Humanoid: Your mechamorph companion gains a class level in scientist, scout, or soldier. It does not advance in levels normally. You may select this ability multiple times. Each time you do, your companion gains a level in a class of your choice. Humanoid companions may never multiclass, and do not gain special powers or gear, but otherwise gain hit points, feats, skill points, and class abilities as normal for each level. Defensive 1: If you choose to fight defensively or use total defence, you gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC for every two level of Terran you have. Defensive 2: By readying an action to do so, you can dodge one attack of which you are aware. If the attack occurs, you may immediately roll an Acrobatics check opposed by the attack roll. If you succeed, the attack misses you, even if the attack would normally hit your AC. Defensive 3: You can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than you otherwise would. Once per day, when you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a special power), you can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, you must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, you take only half damage from the blow; if it fails, you take full damage. You must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute your defensive roll if you are denied your Dexterity bonus to AC, you cant use this ability. The evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll. You may select this multiple times each time gaining an additional use per day. Evasion 1: If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you instead take no damage. A helpless Terran does not gain the benefit of evasion. Evasion 2: This ability works like evasion, except that while you take no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against certain attacks, you now take only half damage on a failed save. Improved Form 1: You may choose a new alt form for your mechamorph companion. They may have priority 1 weapon alt forms. Improved Form 2: You may choose a new alt form for your mechamorph companion. They may have priority 2 weapon alt forms. Improved Form 3: You may choose a new alt form for your mechamorph companion. They may have priority 3 weapon alt forms. Improviser 1: Whenever using the Build/Repair skill, you may treat your repair tools as if they were one tech score higher.

Increased Toughness: The Terrans base hit dice is increased to d6 instead of a d4 from the point this bonus is taken and thereafter. It does not however allow extra hit points or rerolls of hit dice up to that point. Knack: Select a class skill. You add a bonus equal to your Terran level when making checks with that skill. This special ability may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a different class skill. Marksman 1: Using a full round action, you may make a single ranged attack that deals an extra 1d8 points of damage (1d4 against Mechamorphs). This damage is not multiplied on critical hits. Marksman 2: You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when you make a ranged attack. Marksman 3: You may deal an additional 1d8 points of damage (1d4 against Mechamorphs) if you make a single ranged attack as a full round action. This damage stacks with that granted by the Marksman 1ability Marksman 4: As a full round action, you may cover an area that includes a 60-ft. radius surrounding you. Until the beginning of your next action, you threaten that area with a single ranged weapon of your choice. Any actions in that area that would normally provoke attacks of opportunity from an adjacent opponent, provoke attacks of opportunity from you. Marksman 5: You may now apply Marksman bonus damage when making a single ranged attack as a standard action (though you may only make one attack as part of that action), instead of as a full round action. You also deal an additional 1d8 damage (1d4 against mechamorphs) when doing so, which stacks with the bonus damage from the Marksman 1 and Marksman 2 abilities. Marksman 6: Once per day, you may declare a successful ranged attack roll as a critical threat; if the roll to confirm hit, the attack is a critical hit. This ability does not function against mechamorphs. Marksman 7: You may now apply the bonus damage from Marksman abilities to one ranged attack per round, regardless of the type of attack action used. In addition your ability to declare a successful attack a threat now applies to any species including mechamorphs. Mechamorph Companion: the Terran has befriended and travels with a mechamorph companion who can act independently but is predisposed towards travelling with and helping the character. Such mechamorph companions are always Medium in size and frequently have an alternate form that aids the character such as a weapon, armour or a small vehicle like a hover board, motorcycle or similar or some kind of animal. Unlike the Mechamorphs controller class a Terran does not share a link or any other companion special benefits. Otherwise for purposes of determining the stats and hit dice etc. of the companion the rules are exactly as described for the Controller. On the Move: Your penalties for firing while travelling at high speeds are reduced by 2. You may select this ability multiple times. Each time you do, your penalties for firing while travelling at high speeds are reduced by an additional 2. Savvy Tech 1: You may use the Build/Repair skill to create gear with a priority cost of up to 4. Savvy Tech 2: You may use the Build/Repair skill to create gear with a priority cost of up to 6. Savvy Tech 3: You may use the Build/Repair skill to create gear with a priority cost of up to 8. Sense Nexus Energy: You are one of the fortunate few who have a natural ability to sense nexus energy. With this sense you are able to sense any source of nexus energy with 1 mile including mechamorphs, such sense is not hindered by intervening terrain in any way. This ability can be taken multiple times each time increasing the range by 1 mile. Sneak Attack: If you catch an opponent when it is unable to defend itself effectively from your attack (whenever it is denied a Dexterity bonus to AC or is flanked), you can strike a vital spot for an extra 1d6 points of damage. For Terrans this ability can only be used against other humans not mechamorphs due to the completely different anatomy of the two species. You may select this ability multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another +1d6 to you sneak attack damage. Steady Fixer 1: You may perform battlefield repairs, gear repairs, and jury riggings in one round, and may perform all other Build/Repair skills in half the normal time. Stealth 1: You may move at full speed while using the Stealth skill without suffering the normal 5 penalty. Stealth 2: When using the Stealth skill while attacking, running, or charging, you suffer a 10 penalty instead of the normal 20 penalty. Tracker 1: You gain the Track feat as a bonus feat. Tracker 2: You may move at your normal speed while following tracks, without taking the normal 5 penalty. You take only a 10 penalty (instead of the normal 20) when moving at up to twice the normal speed while tracking. Trapspringer: You can uses the Senses skill to find traps with DCs higher than 20. You can also use the Build/Repair skill to disarm traps. Uncanny Dodge 1: You retain your Dexterity bonus to Ac regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden attack. Uncanny Dodge 2: You can no longer be flanked.

MECHAMORPHOSIS Humans Priorities & Class

The Nucleon Infused is representative of any Mechamorph who becomes infused with the rogue nucleon energy, which fuses the Mechamorphs ability to morph between forms, effectively locking them into their primary form. The pay off however is increased strength, speed and endurance This template may be lost if a mechamorphs systems are purged of the Nucleonic energy, requiring a Build/Repair (Complex) DC 30 check and 24 hours in full stasis mode. CREATING A NUCLEON INFUSED Nucleon Infused is an acquired template that can be added to any mechamorph (referred to hereafter as the base creature). Size and Type: As base mechamorph Hit Dice: As base mechamorph Speed: The Mechamorphs base speed is increased by +20 ft. Armour Class: As base mechamorph Base Attack: As base mechamorph Attacks: A Nucleon Infused mechamorph retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base mechamorph. Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally. Special Attacks: As base mechamorph. Special Qualities: Locked Form (Ex): A Nucleon Infused mechamorph may not morph out of its primary form. Hyper Mode (Ex): A Nucleon Infused mechamorph may at the cost a nexus point of energy use Haste for one round. Saves: As base mechamorph. Abilities: A Nucleon Infused mechamorphs Strength increases by +4, Dexterity increases by +2, and its Constitution by +2 Skills: As base mechamorph.. Feats: As base mechamorph, and gains Diehard. Advancement: As base mechamorph. Level Adjustment: .



















d6 d8 d10




= +













= +




























RANKS + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ABILITY MODIFIER + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CLASS: DESCRIPTION MISC MODIFIER = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SKILL MODIFIER SKILLS KEY ABILITY DEX STR INT INT INT CON CHA DEX CHA INT INT INT INT INT INT INT

Acrobatics Athletics Build/Repair (Complex) Build/Repair (Simple) Computer Use Concentration Disguise Fine Manipulation Interaction Knowledge (Earth Biology) Knowledge (Earth Culture) Knowledge (Earth Geography) Knowledge (Earth History) Knowledge (Galaxy) Knowledge (Mechamorph History) Knowledge (Warfare) Knowledge ( Knowledge ( Pilot Programming Senses Stealth


) )










Mecha Terran Earth English

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

Yes Yes Yes

No No No





Improved Aid Another (Ex): Can make an aid another action as an attack rather than a standard action, can use it in ranged combat also as well as melee, and if ally and enemy are within structure can use it as a free action. Share Tech Gear (Ex): As a move action may share the benefit of any of his sensor tech gear with those claiming cover from him. The structure must use a move action each round to continue sharing benefits. Assist Gunners (Ex): If structures weapons are manned he may turn control of his weapons over to gunners, who then act on their own initiatives. He may divide his BAB among the gunners attacks adding portions to thiers.




Lend Feat (Ex): Can lend one of its weapon based feats to its wielder even if they do not meer pre-reqs. Assist Wielder (Ex): In weapon form can lend wielder any amount of its BAB dividing it among attacks as suits.



SIZE (Alternate)


Function (Ex): All Devices serve some function and to that end they provide a +10 circumstance bonus to skill checks for which that function may be useful.

















Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate WEAPON: WEAPON: WEAPON:

Animech Exile Tyrant Other ASSUMED GENDER: Male Female None



























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