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1) You are not allowed to ask anybody for votes.

2) If you dont hand in twice and you dont have a good reason, you will be eliminated. 3) We can change the rules whenever the heck we feel like doing so, but we will announce it to everybody at the begin of the task. These rule changes will only count for one task and one task only, unless we say otherwise. 4) If you are sponsored, you will be sponsored for the entire Games. You will be able to count on your sponsor to be available for advice, and the sponsor will serve as a kind of Mentor. Ash and Ellie will sponsor three Tributes each, and in no way will they be biased when for example counting kills. If you are given a sponsor bonus, you will get the bonus of that specific task for that specific task only. 5) Whatever happens, we are always right. Joining this games means agreeing to that. When we make a mistake we will make it right. But whatever Ash/Selene or Ellie/Kieli says is true and whatever Ash/Selene or Ellie/Kieli says will happen. 6) These games will be score based. The people with the lowest scores will go up for votes. We will not, however, release any of the scores outside of the Tribute score right at the beginning and the totals of the people up for votes. This means that you will only know the totals of the people up for votes and you will not know who is in the lead. This means that you will NOT be able to kill the people with a higher score than you to get to the next round yourself. 7) The characters MUST be the characters from the book. If you are Katniss, she will have volunteered and she will be her grumpy self. If you are Clove, she will be a Career throwing knifes everywhere. If you are Glomer you will know everything about mines. The Tributes (and the names, if given) must be the exact same. What they do in the arena (and before that), however, is ENTIRELY up to you. 8) We dont want Mary Sues. This means that when you make a Tribute, its fine that he/she is strong, beautiful, smart and fast. As long as he/she doesnt have survival skills, cant make allies, has a bad heart, etc. 9) Ballot deaths are ONLY to be sent to me in a private message and CANT be in the entry. 10) During voting, vote for no more and no less than the said amount. Do so and your voting wont count. 11) Please vote based upon the quality of entries. 12) Deadlines will be in British time, so +0:00 and -0:00. This means that every deadline that is kind of late means that it is even later for Ellie. We also have to read all the entries, including the last minute ones that we KNOW will be there. So please, bare with us if we dont put them on immediately. 13) Everybody has 48 hours to submit a Tribute. Dont hand in on time and your spot will be open again. 14) Hand in everything by PM. Your Tribute/entry wont count otherwise. 15) If you try to manipulate/intimidate/blackmail us, you will be eliminated immediately. 16) If you get in, get a high Training score or get sponsored, this is because we like your writing and not because you are one of our friends. And if you dont get a high score and no extra sponsor, this isnt because we dont like you. 17) If someone who hasnt been in the games at all and has no connection to the games votes for Tributes, we am required to investigate this persons motivation.

18) If you have a question, you can either ask Ellie or Ash. We are both Gamemakers. Dont think that you can send it to the one of us who is the best friend of yours, we will discuss everything and make sure everything is fair TOGETHER. 19) If you cannot hand in for whatever reason, you must communicate this 24 hours in advance of the deadline. If you come in later, your entry will just be seen as not handed in. 20) Thanks to the Inconvenient behavior of her in the past, we will not allow Lauren/ChangingDepths/Whatever account she will become to join. She has left Ellies Games in a very rude way, causing her to be very sad, she has dropped out of another Games in a similar kind of way, AND she sent at least one weird, rude message to Ash. If you know that Lauren is in the Games, somehow, and we arent aware, tell us. If you dont, that will make you an accessory, meaning you will be eliminated too. Thank you for reading the rules. Signing up for the auditions means agreeing to all of them. For any questions, contact us: Selene Flint A.K.A. Ash A.K.A TheHyperactiveShadow Kieli Steel A.K.A. Ellie A.K.A. RedTears

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