Tanking System

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As a part of my initial vetting of your project, I note that the following information is missing.

Please provide this as soon as possible so that the assessment can commence: Please complete a trade waste application form Please provide a tanking system for the basement that meets building code re uirements Please provide pipe penetration details in the block wall that meets building code re uirements Please clarify if all site works and drainage will be done in !tage " Please complete any !pecialist re uests for further information #i $ryan, Please find attached the trade waste application form and supporting calculations from %osgroves. All site works and drainage will be completed in stage ".

$elow is the response in regards to &anking and pipe penetrations from 'uamoko, civil engineers for this project. Stage 1 ". Tanking System ( the tanking system for the basement and foundation comprises of )P* +,-. micron polythene joined and taped in accordance with spec +see ,./00, and !ika $lackseal Plus for the basement retaining walls +see spec -.".0. Please note that the water table was measured at a depth of 1.2m and is -3 1m below ground level in the area. 4ith the low water table, the carpark use and the fact that the basement has openings to the weather, a full waterproof tanking solution was not deemed necessary, and a damp3proof membrane specified. Please see attached information for the product being specified for the basement walls. As indicated, it

e5ceeds the vapour flow re uirements for a water vapour barrier as per 6,7A!", and is specifically used as a waterproof membrane behind retaining walls and as a )P* for buried faces of basement walls. 8ur drawings indicate that the slab )P* and $lackseal should be lapped in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. In more detail, this will mean that the under3slab )P* should e5tend beyond and be lapped and taped up the face of the wall by 9..mm after application of the !ika $lackseal Plus with !ika *ulti!eal sealing tape. &he )P* then is protected by a !ika $lackseal Protection !heet before backfilling. ,. Pipe Penetration Details ( there is a single "..mm uP:% stormwater pipe penetration through the block retaining wall in the basement. As described above, this will run through the )P* but because of the low water table and fact that the basement is

open to the weather immediately above the pipe opening, both the risks and conse uences of water ingress through the penetration is low.

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