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Preliminary Program
S A N D I E G O | N O V E M B E R 9 1 3

Plan to attend the Society for Neuroscience 43rd Annual Meeting

San Diego
no V e M be R 9 1 3
destinations, offering an enjoyable climate and great value for every budget. Attendees enjoy an array of neuroscience-related social activities, budget-friendly restaurant options, convenient transportation, attractions, and nightlife. Dont miss your chance to experience the latest scientic research and innovations, build and strengthen professional relationships, and discover state-of-the-art products and services.

Now more than ever is the time to join more than 30,000 colleagues from nearly 80 countries at Neuroscience 2013 the worlds largest marketplace of ideas and tools for global neuroscience.
This is the premier event in the eld the science and networking opportunities are unmatched with nearly 16,000 scientic

presentations, nearly 600 exhibiting companies, and dozens of career development opportunities. Neuroscience 2013 remains one of the best values in science. Attendees can register at 2012 rates these modest registration fees are even lower for members, students, attendees from developing countries, and advance registrants. Register early and save. This years meeting will be in San Diego, one of the top convention and meetings

Top Reasons to Attend Neuroscience 2013 in Challenging Times:

Discover the latest science and cutting-edge research Forge collaborations with peers Access to resources for funding and career development Explore new tools and technologies

Presidential Special Lectures

The Mind of a Worm: Learning From the C. elegans Connectome CME Scott W. Emmons, PhD Albert Einstein College of Medicine Saturday, Nov. 9, 5:156:25 p.m.
The connectome of the roundworm C. elegans reveals the neural pathways that underlie its motivated and purposeful behavior. New connectomics data suggest the topology of a neural network contributes to integration of multiple sensory inputs in a decisionmaking process that guides a multistep behavioral pathway. Our thoughts, memories, and behavior are emergent collective properties of a vast network of neurons. Determining the wiring diagram of the nervous system of a tiny animal is a rst step toward learning how patterns of connectivity contribute to the rapid, robust, and economic function of the brain.

A Molecular Geneticists Approach to Understanding the Fly Brain CME Gerald M. Rubin, PhD Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Sunday, Nov. 10, 5:156:25 p.m.
To probe the workings of the nervous system, we will need to be able to assay and manipulate the function of individual neuronal cell types. The intellectual framework for such an approach has been apparent for many years, but the available tools have been inadequate for the job. This lecture addresses efforts to develop and apply an advanced set of tools that will be required for a comprehensive analysis of the anatomy and function of the y brain at the level of individual cell types and circuits.

Connectomics: What, How, and Why CME Jeff W. Lichtman, MD, PhD Harvard University Monday, Nov. 11, 5:156:25 p.m.
Connectional maps of the brain have value in modeling how the brain works and fails when subsets of neurons or synapses are missing or misconnected. Such maps also provide information about how brain circuits develop and age. Efforts to obtain complete wiring diagrams of peripheral motor and autonomic axons provide insight into the way mammalian nervous systems mold in response to experience. Automated electron microscopy used to collect tapes of brain sections then imaged at high resolution will be discussed. This imaging pipeline will make large-scale connectomic analysis of brain circuits more routine.

Understanding Cortical Hierarchies: The SixPiece Puzzle of Face Perception CME Doris Y. Tsao, PhD California Institute of Technology Tuesday, Nov. 12, 5:156:25 p.m.
How the brain distills a representation of meaningful objects from retinal input is one of the central challenges of systems neuroscience. Functional imaging experiments in the macaque reveal that one ecologically important class of objects, faces, is represented by a system of six discrete, strongly interconnected regions. Electrophysiological recordings show that these face patches have unique functional proles. By understanding the distinct visual representations maintained in these six face patches, the sequence of information ow between them, and the role each plays in face perception, we can gain new insights into hierarchical information processing in the brain.


CME This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit . See page 5 and visit for details.

Featured Lectures

Understanding Circuit Dynamics: Variability, Modulation, and Homeostasis Eve E. Marder, PhD Brandeis University Support contributed by: The Gruber Foundation Sunday, Nov. 10, 2:303:40 p.m.
Circuit function arises from the interplay between the intrinsic properties of neurons and their synaptic connections. This lecture will present combined experimental and computational work suggesting that robust circuit performance can arise from highly variable circuit components. Animal-to-animal variability in circuit parameters raises interesting challenges for reliable neuromodulation and responses to environmental perturbation but allows important substrates for evolution. AlBERT AND EllEN GRASS LECTURE

Blaming the Brain: Behavioral Sciences in the Courtroom Nita Farahany, JD, PhD Duke University Support contributed by: David Kopf Instruments Monday, Nov. 11, 1011:10 a.m.
Recent scientic progress has dramatically advanced our understanding of biological, neurological, and environmental contributions to normal and deviant human behavior. This lecture will present the rst comprehensive empirical study on the use of biosciences in the United States and other legal systems. Focusing on criminal law and tort law, the lecture will cover the nature of claims being advanced, shifting attitudes toward scientic evidence in the legal system, and future implications for the relationship between law and neuroscience.


The Creative Culture

Ed Catmull, PhD President of Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios Support contributed by: Elsevier Saturday, Nov. 9, 11 a.m.1 p.m.
Many think creativity is the result of singular genius. However, the reality of creativity is far more complex and interesting. The central issues include removing hidden barriers to creativity and candor. We pay special attention to protecting barely formed ideas; the dynamic balance between technology and art; the necessity of structured processes to get the job done; and the random, unpredictable nature of what we do. In particular, we need to give thoughtful attention to the culture itself, for out of this culture arises new technology, new ideas, and artistic expression.

The Neural Circuitry of Sex and Violence CME David J. Anderson, PhD California Institute of Technology Support contributed by: The Grass Foundation Monday, Nov. 11, 3:154:25 p.m.
The 2013 Albert and Ellen Grass lecture will be delivered by David Anderson, investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Seymour Benzer Professor of Biology at California Technological University. Anderson uses both mice and Drosophila melanogaster to study molecular genetic techniques. He maps and probes neural circuits that underlie innate behaviors associated with emotional states, including defensive behaviors and inter-male aggression. These innate behaviors and associated internal states form the evolutionary basis of emotional behavior in more complex organisms.


Reward Circuitry in the Brain Roy A. Wise, PhD Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2:303:40 p.m.
The discovery that rats would work for brief electrical stimulation of the brain led to the notion of specialized brain circuitry for the stamping in of learning. Longer stimulation at the same brain sites induced drive states for feeding, predatory attack, and other motivated behaviors. Subsequent pharmacological and parametric studies implicated forebrain dopamine systems as the nal common path for these effects. These ndings formed the early basis for our current view and new optogenetic studies of the special role of dopamine in learning, motivation, and addiction.

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Special Lectures
THEME A: DEVElOpMENT on developing dendrites, but along mature dendrites synapses enlarge with compensatory elimination of small spines and shrink during concurrent LTD. Presynaptic vesicles decrease with LTP at young and mature ages illustrating structural plasticity has differential effects across synaptic compartments. as Alzheimers disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Yet, the role of BBB in the pathogenesis of these disorders is still not fully appreciated. This lecture will discuss the BBB mechanisms causing neurodegeneration including astrocyte-pericyte-endothelial faulty signal transduction, effects of AD-associated genes on BBB integrity (APOE4, CLU, PICALM), and effects of capillary micro-bleeds. THEME D: SENSORY AND MOTOR SYSTEMS

Adjusting Brain Circuits for Learning and Memory CME Pico Caroni, PhD Friedrich Miescher Institute
Brain systems face ever-changing demands for learning and memory throughout life. For example, skill learning depends rst on dynamic acquisition of potentially relevant information, followed by faithful execution; memories need to be both retained and prioritized as a function of circumstances. This lecture will cover how system plasticity is adjusted exibly to specic behavioral demands, how its regulation in juveniles and adults involves related circuit mechanisms, and how the plasticity can be harnessed for cognitive enhancement.

 lioma: A Neurocentric Look at Cancer CME G Harald Sontheimer, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham
Glioma research has traditionally been inspired by oncology, largely ignoring the tumors unique interactions with the brain. This lecture challenges us to take a more neurocentric viewpoint: many of the hallmarks of the disease, including vascular dysregulation, edema, gliosis, and progressive neuronal cell death by glutamate excitotoxicity, readily dene gliomas as a neurodegenerative disease. Research into how this cancer compromises normal brain physiology holds promise for a better understanding and ultimately more effective treatment of this devastating disorder. THEME C: DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM

 utting Sensory Back into Voluntary P Control CME Stephen H. Scott, PhD Queens University
Optimal feedback control can explain many features of biological movement, such as success with variability, motor synergies, and goal-directed behavior. This lecture will discuss the use of optimal control to interpret motor performance, highlighting the importance of sensory feedback in this process. The lecture also will describe how corrective responses to small visual or mechanical perturbations under a broad range of behavioral contexts provide an important window to probe voluntary control and its neural basis.

 lasticity in the Adult Brain: Neurogenesis P and Neuroepigenetics CME Hongjun Song, PhD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Adult mammalian brains exhibit much more plasticity and regenerative capacity than previously thought, including generation of functionally integrated new neurons via adult neurogenesis. This lecture summarizes recent work on understanding basic properties of adult neural stem cells and molecular, cellular, and circuitry mechanisms regulating the sequential adult neurogenesis process in vivo. Neuroepigenetics, in particularly novel active DNA modications in the nervous system, also will be highlighted. THEME B: NEURAl EXCITABIlITY, SYNApSES, AND GlIA: CEllUlAR MECHANISMS

 eurocircuitry of Addiction: N A Stress Surfeit Disorder CME George F. Koob, PhD The Scripps Research Institute
A key component of the pathophysiology of addiction is negative reinforcement set up by negative emotional states hypothesized to derive from dysregulation of key neurochemical elements involved in the brain stress systems within the frontal cortex, ventral striatum, and extended amygdala. Compelling evidence exists to argue that the brain stress systems play a key role in engaging the transition to addiction and maintaining dependence once initiated.

Sensory Processing in Drosophila : Synapses, Circuits, and Computations CME Rachel I. Wilson, PhD Harvard Medical School
Many of the basic computations involved in sensory processing are shared across sensory modalities and species. Understanding sensory processing requires identifying these canonical computations, why they might be useful to the organism, and how they are implemented at the level of cells, synapses, and circuits. The lecture will discuss recent work investigating these problems in the y Drosophila melanogaster, using in vivo whole-cell recordings from genetically identied neurons.

Age-Dependent Responses of Synapse Structure to Hippocampal Plasticity CME Kristen M. Harris, PhD University of Texas
This special lecture will discuss the regulation of spines, synapses, and subcellular components (polyribosomes, SER, and endosomes) by plasticity during maturation. For example, long-term potentiation (LTP) and dendritic spines rst occur at P12 in rat hippocampus. LTP induces small spines 4

Blood-Brain Barrier and Neurodegeneration CME Berislav V. Zlokovic, MD, PhD University of Southern California
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) prevents entry of toxic blood products into the CNS. The BBB is damaged in neurological disorders such

CME This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit . See sidebar and visit for details.


Continuing Medical Education (CME)


Transgenerational Epigenetics: Programming Behavior in a Dynamic Landscape CME Tracy L. Bale, PhD University of Pennsylvania
The epigenome has become a highly investigated and important area of neuroscience in connecting the environment with changes in neurodevelopment and behaviors. The complexity of mechanisms at play stem from points of vulnerability, including key developmental windows, and the involvement of maternal or paternal germ cell lifetime exposures. This lecture will discuss the latest knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms and transgenerational outcomes associated with reprogramming of the brain and behaviors, thus promoting disease risk or resiliency. THEME F: COgNITION AND BEHAVIOR

When Good Neurons Go Bad: Dopamine Neuron Regulation and Its Disruption in Psychiatric Disorders CME Anthony A. Grace, PhD University of Pittsburgh
Midbrain dopamine neurons have been implicated in a broad variety of psychiatric disorders, ranging from schizophrenia to drug abuse and depression. These disorders appear to result not from pathology within the dopamine neurons themselves, but from a disruption in their normal regulation. This lecture will describe how limbic and cortical afferents regulate baseline tonic activity and phasic activation of dopamine neurons to salient stimuli, and how disruption of these inputs may lead to pathological states. THEME G : NOVEl METHODS AND TECHNOlOgY DEVElOpMENT

Physicians: Improve Competencies While Earning CME Credit

The Society for Neuroscience annual meeting is a forum for the education of physicians in the eld of neuroscience. By attending lectures, symposia, and minisymposia, the physician will receive both a broad overview of the eld and information about the most recent, detailed research on the topic of the session. The abstract of each plenary session contains brief descriptions of the material to be presented. By attending any of the activities, the physician will better understand the basic science that underlies clinical practice.

Statement of Need
It is important that physicians comprehend the basic science that underlies clinical medicine. The SfN annual meeting is the premier venue for this educational opportunity. Physicians learn about the most up-to-date, cutting-edge discoveries regarding the brain and nervous system.

Free Energy and Active Inference CME Karl J. Friston, FRS University College London
This lecture provides an overview of theoretical approaches to functional brain architectures using the free energy formulation of active inference and predictive coding. Its focus is on basic concepts and how they can be used to understand functional anatomy and the intimate relationship between action and perception. The underlying ideas will be described heuristically and their application will be illustrated using simulations of perceptual synthesis, action observation, and visual searches.

How Synthetic and Chemical Biology Will Transform Neuroscience CME Bryan L. Roth, MD, PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
One of the grand challenges for neuroscience research is to understand how biologically active small molecules (e.g., neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and drugs) exert their actions at successive levels ranging from the atomic to ensembles of neuronal networks. This lecture will demonstrate how recent advances in chemical and synthetic biology technology have catalyzed new insights into bioactive small molecule actions. This lecture will show how atomic-level discoveries have ultimately led to transformative insights at the level of neuronal systems.

Global Learning Objective

Given a patient with a neurological or psychiatric condition, physicians will integrate the most up-todate information and research on the mechanism, treatment, and diagnosis of conditions related to neurological and psychiatric disorders into their diagnostic and therapeutic modalities of practice in order to determine the best course of action in treating the patient.

SfN is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

CME Registration
CME registration must be completed before or during the annual meeting. Those who do not register at these times will not receive the necessary documentation, and it cannot be provided after the meeting. CME registrants will receive, via email two weeks before the meeting, the CME Supplemental Program, which contains important information regarding the CME program, including disclosure information and instructions for obtaining CME credits.

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Fred Kavli Public Symposium on Creativity Chair: Antonio Damasio, PhD Support contributed by: The Kavli Foundation Saturday, Nov. 9, 1:304 p.m.

Gender Bias: Facing the Facts for the Future of Neuroscience Chair: Jennifer L. Raymond, PhD Sunday, Nov. 10, 8:3011 a.m.

Eph Receptors and Ephrins: Therapeutic Targets for Neural Injury and Neurodegenerative Diseases CME

Chair: Ann Turnley, PhD


All for One and One for All: Progress in Single Cell Neurobiology CME

The Emotion Triad: The Role of Interactions Between the Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Mood and Anxiety CME


Multilevel Analysis of Pattern Separation and Completion: A Role for Subregions of the Hippocampus CME

Chair: James Eberwine, PhD Co-chair: Andrea C. Beckel-Mitchener, PhD


Chair: Joshua A. Gordon, MD, PhD

The Role of Transposable Elements in Health and Diseases of the Central Nervous System CME

How the Lateral Hypothalamus Links Energy Status with Motivated Behaviors CME

Chair: Craig Stark, PhD

Novel Advances in Understanding Mechanisms of Habituation CME

Chair: Alan G. Watts, DPhil

Why So Many Layers and Cell Types? CME

Epigenetics in Epilepsy: Epiphany or Epiphenomenon? CME

Chair: Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhD

How Do Immune Cells Shape the Brain in Health, Disease, and Aging? CME

Chair: Matthew Reilly, PhD Co-chair: Fred H. Gage, PhD


Chair: Randy M. Bruno, PhD Co-chair: Jackie Schiller, PhD


Chair: Catharine Rankin, PhD

The Human Connectome in Health and Disease CME

Chair: Michal Schwartz, PhD Co-chair: Serge Rivest, PhD

Mechanisms of Deep Brain Stimulation: Efcacy in Neuropsychiatric Disorders CME

Maps and Meters for Sound Location CME

5-Hydroxymethylcytosine and Active DNA Demethylation in Experience-Dependent Neural Function and Psychiatric Disorders CME

Chair: Andrew Zalesky, PhD Co-chair: Martijn van den Heuvel, MS


Chair: Jennifer M. Groh, PhD Co-chair: Catherine Carr, PhD

Sensory End Organs: Signal Processing in the Periphery CME

Chair: Timothy Bredy, PhD

Brain, Cognition, and Genetics in Healthy Aging CME

Law and Neuroscience

Chair: Dennis L. Glanzman, PhD Co-chair: Helen S. Mayberg, MD

Neuro-Epigenetics in Neural Development, Plasticity, and Brain Disorders CME

Chair: Owen Jones, JD

Chair: Stephen D. Roper, PhD

The Neuronal Code(s) of the Cerebellum CME

Chair: Apostolos P. Georgopoulos, MD, PhD

Chair: Detlef H. Heck, PhD

Chair: Hongjun Song, PhD Co-chair: J. David Sweatt, PhD

Neuropeptide Signaling in Cellular Interactions CME

Chair: Illana Gozes, PhD

The Brain-Blood Connection: Brain Control Over Its Own Blood Flow in Normal and Dysfunctional States CME

Chair: Ron D. Frostig, PhD


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Perceptual Spaces: Mathematical Structures to Neural Mechanisms CME

Neurotransmitter Receptors for Visual Cognition in Primates CME

Dynamic Signaling Mechanisms of Morphogenetic Proteins in the Developing and Adult Nervous System CME

Genes, Environment, and Cognitive Function CME

Chair: Orly Lazarov, PhD Co-chair: Giuseppina Tesco, MD, PhD

How Do Cellular-Stress Response Pathways Control Brain Resistance During Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease? CME

Chair: Qasim Zaidi, PhD Co-chair: Jonathan D. Victor, MD, PhD

Sensory Deprivation and Brain Plasticity: Insights From Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies of Deaf and Blind Individuals CME

Chair: Stefan Everling, PhD Co-chair: Pieter R. Roelfsema, MD, PhD

Pathological Choice: The Neuroscience of Gambling and Gambling Addiction CME

Chair: Laura N. Borodinsky, PhD Co-chair: Fred Charron, PhD

Midbrain Morphogenesis, Fate Specication, and Regeneration CME

Chair: Luke Clark, PhD

Teaching Signals: Understanding the Neural Systems That Trigger Learning and Change Behavior CME

Chair: Raj Awatramani, PhD

The Choroid Plexus and Cerebrospinal Fluid: Emerging Roles in Development, Disease, and Therapy CME

Chair: Christian Neri, PhD Co-chair: Richard I. Morimoto, PhD

Neurological Consequences of Microglia Priming: Aging, Disease, and Trauma CME

Chair: Rain G. Bosworth, PhD Co-chair: Matthew Dye, PhD


Chair: Edwin S. Monuki, MD, PhD Co-chair: Maria Lehtinen, PhD


Chair: John C. Gensel, PhD Co-chair: Jonathan P. Godbout, PhD

New Insights Into the Specicity and Plasticity of Reward and Aversion Encoding in the Mesolimbic System CME

Food for Thought: Experiential, Hormonal, and Neural Antecedents of Obesity CME

Chair: Joshua P. Johansen, PhD Co-chair: Jennifer L. Raymond, PhD

What Just Happened and Do I Care? The Interaction Between Rewards and Memory in Cortical and Subcortical Structures CME

Chair: Ilia N. Karatsoreos, PhD Co-chair: Matthew N. Hill, PhD

Rethinking Estrogen Action in the Brain CME

Emerging Roles of Resurgent Sodium Currents in Neuronal Excitability and Pathophysiology CME

Chair: Barry Richmond, MD Co-chair: Andrew Clark, PhD


Chair: Susan F. Volman, PhD

Tau in Dendrites: Function and Dysfunction CME

Chair: Theodore R. Cummins, PhD Co-chair: Angelika Lampert, MD

New Approaches for Studying Synaptic Development, Function, and Plasticity Using Drosophila as a Model System CME

Chair: Gregory F. Ball, PhD Co-chair: Jacques Balthazart, PhD


Imaging Neuronal Populations in Behaving Rodents: Paradigms for Studying Neural Circuits of Behavior in the Mammalian Cortex CME Neural Encoding of Fear Hypothalamic and

Chair: Erik D. Roberson, MD, PhD

The Ventral Pallidum: Roles in Reward and Addiction CME

Brainstem Networks CME

Chair: Dion Dickman, PhD

Structural Synaptic Plasticity: Emerging Breakthroughs and Relationship to Disease CME

Chair: Cornelius T. Gross, PhD

Neuroimaging Guided Cognitive Regulation of Food Stimuli: Implications for Obesity CME

Chair: Jerry L. Chen, PhD Co-chair: Tara Keck, PhD

Manipulating and Characterizing Neuronal Ensembles Mediating Cue-Specic Behaviors CME

Chair: Yonatan M. Kupchik, PhD Co-chair: Stephen V. Mahler, PhD

Therapeutic Neuromodulation With Transcranial Current Stimulation: Ready for Rational Design? CME

Chair: Thomas F. Franke, MD, PhD Co-chair: Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD
Synaptic Properties and Functional Consequences of Cholinergic Transmission in the CNS CME

Chair: Eric Stice, PhD

Neuroscience of Self-Control CME

Chair: Bruce T. Hope, PhD Co-chair: Fbio C. Cruz, PhD

Rat Genetics: Focus on Reward-Related Behavior CME

Chair: Flavio Frohlich, PhD Co-chair: Michael A. Nitsche, MD


Chair: Benjamin Hayden, PhD Co-chair: Joseph Kable, PhD

Chair: Michael Beierlein, PhD Co-chair: Jerrel L. Yakel, PhD

Electrical Coupling and Microcircuits: Network Operation and Plasticity CME

Chair: Judith Homberg, PhD Co-chair: Bart Ellenbroek, PhD

Chair: Jian Jing, PhD

CME This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit . See page 5 and visit for details.

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Program at a Glance
Friday, Nov. 8
8 a.m.5 p.m. Neurobiology of Disease Workshop: Human Brain Disorders in a Dish: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Disease Short Course #1: Chemo and Optogenetics: Light and Chemical Control of Neuronal Circuits Short Course #2: The Science of Large Data Sets: Spikes, Fields, and Voxels 8:3010 a.m. 8:3011 a.m. 8:3011 a.m. 9:30 a.m.5 p.m. Meet-the-Expert Series: Session 1 Careers Beyond the Bench Success in Academia Meet-the-Expert Series: Session 2 Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society Getting the Most Out of SfN: The Annual Meeting and Beyond Research Careers in Industry and the Private Sector Posters/Nanosymposia Fred Kavli Public Symposium Symposia/Minisymposia CME Challenges in Neuroscience Training Actively Managing Your Career and Life: What They Didnt Teach You in School Brain Awareness Campaign Event: Igniting Brain Awareness Around the World NIH Funding and You: A Practical Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Your Research Career Presidential Special Lecture CME Diversity Fellows Poster Session International Fellows Poster Session Travel Award Recipients Poster Session Career Development Topics: A Mentoring and Networking Event 11:30 a.m.1 p.m. noon2 p.m. 13 p.m. 15 p.m. 1:304 p.m. 24 p.m. 25 p.m. 2:303:40 p.m. 5:156:25 p.m. 6:308:30 p.m. 6:458:45 p.m. 10:30 a.m.noon

Sunday, Nov. 10
8 a.m.noon Posters/Nanosymposia The NIH Grants System and Peer Review: Practical Advice for Research: Session 1 Symposia/Minisymposia CME Empirical Approaches to Neuroscience and Society Symposium Exhibits The NIH Grants System and Peer Review: Practical Advice for Research: Session 2 Chapters Workshop: Leading by Example: Insight into Successful Funding and Program Strategies Graduate School Fair Social Issues Roundtable: Managing Incidental Findings in Research: Rening Methods of the Past, Mapping the Future Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME NSF News You Can Use: Exploring Funding Opportunities for Research and Training Making the Most of Your International Training Peter and Patricia Gruber Lecture Presidential Special Lecture CME Neuroscience Departments and Programs Reception SfN-Sponsored Socials

8 a.m.6 p.m. 8:30 a.m.6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 9
89:15 a.m. 911 a.m. 911 a.m. 9:3010:45 a.m. 11 a.m.1 p.m. 12 p.m. 13 p.m. 15 p.m. 1:304 p.m. 1:304 p.m. 25 p.m. 2:305 p.m. 34:30 p.m. 3:305 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 11
8 a.m.noon 8:3011 a.m. 911 a.m. 9 a.m.noon 9:30 a.m.5 p.m. 1011:10 a.m. Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME Teaching Neuroscience: Is the Printed Textbook Obsolete? A Guide to Journal Publishing Exhibits David Kopf Lecture on Neuroethics

5:156:25 p.m. 6:308:30 p.m. 6:308:30 p.m. 6:308:30 p.m. 7:3010 p.m.

CME This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit . See page 5 and visit for details.


noon2 p.m. 1:304 p.m. 15 p.m. 1:304 p.m. 35 p.m. 3:154:25 p.m. 5:156:25 p.m. 6:458:45 p.m.

Graduate School Fair Tackling Bias: Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Faculty Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME Enhancing Global Cooporation on Advocacy Albert and Ellen Grass Lecture CME Presidential Special Lecture CME SfN-Sponsored Socials

Tuesday, Nov. 12
8 a.m.noon 8:3011 a.m. 9:30 a.m.5 p.m. noon2 p.m. noon2 p.m. 15 p.m. 1:304 p.m. 2:303:40 p.m. 35 p.m. 5:156:25 p.m. 6:457:30 p.m. 6:458:45 p.m. 9 p.m.midnight Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME Exhibits Animals in Research Panel: Facing Challenges on Animal Research: Finding Guidance in Your Institution Celebration of Women in Neuroscience Luncheon Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME History of Neuroscience Lecture Public Advocacy Forum: Policy Implications for the Science of Aging and End of Life Presidential Special Lecture CME SfN Members Business Meeting SfN-Sponsored Socials Graduate Student Reception

Wednesday, Nov. 13
8 a.m.noon 8:3011 a.m. 9:30 a.m.5 p.m. 15 p.m. 1:304 p.m. Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME Exhibits Posters/Nanosymposia Symposia/Minisymposia CME

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Workshops, Meetings, & Events

Professional Development, Advocacy, and Networking Resources

Preregistration Required$ Course Fee Professional Development` Networking Public Outreach

Friday, Nov. 8

Saturday, Nov. 9
Meet-the-Expert Series 89:15 a.m., 9:3010:45 a.m. Contact: Session 1, 89:15 a.m. Fred H. Gage, PhD Neuronal Plasticity and Neural Diversity Erik Herzog, PhD Coordinated Circadian Clocks in the Lab, Classroom, and Clinic George Koob, PhD The Neurocircuitry of Addiction: From Motivation to Allostasis Steve Scott, PhD Making and Using Robots to Study Sensorimotor Function and Quantify Neurological Impairments Michael Schwartz, PhD How Do Immune Cells Shape the Brain in Health, Disease, and Aging? Support contributed by: Emory University/ Yerkes National Primate Research Center

Careers Beyond the Bench 911 a.m. Organizer: Elisabeth Van Bockstaele, PhD Contact: Success in Academia 911 a.m. Organizer: Patsy Dickinson, PhD Contact: Getting the Most Out of SfN: The Annual Meeting and Beyond 12 p.m. Organizers: David Riddle, PhD; Noah Sandstrom, PhD Contact: Research Careers in Industry and the Private Sector 13 p.m. Organizer: Gretchen Snyder, PhD Contact: Challenges in Neuroscience Training 25 p.m. Organizers: Michael Levine, PhD; Barbara Lom, PhD; Konrad Zinsmaier, PhD Contact: Actively Managing Your Career and Life: What They Didnt Teach You in School 2:305 p.m. Organizers: Marty Nemko, PhD Contact:

NIH Funding and You: A Practical Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Your Research Career 3:305 p.m. Organizer: Stephen Korn, PhD Contact: Diversity Fellows Poster Session ` 6:308:30 p.m. Contact: International Fellows Poster Session ` 6:308:30 p.m. Contact: Travel Award Recipients Poster Session

Human Brain Disorders in a Dish: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Disease $ 8 a.m.5 p.m. Organizers: Ricardo Dolmetsch, PhD; Arnold R. Kriegstein, MD, PhD Contact: Support contributed by: National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke

Chemo and Optogenetics: Light and Chemical Control of Neuronal Circuits $ 8 a.m.6 p.m. Organizer: Luis de Lecea, PhD Contact:

6:308:30 p.m. Contact: Career Development Topics: A Mentoring and Networking Event ` 7:3010 p.m. Contact:

The Science of Large Data Sets: Spikes, Fields, and Voxels $ 8:30 a.m.6:30 p.m. Organizer: Uri Eden, PhD Contact:

Session 2, 9:3010:45 a.m. Christine Gall, PhD Building a Substrate Map for Memory Encoding at Single Synapses Paul Glimcher, PhD Learning To Be an Interdisciplinary Scientist at the Border of the Natural and Social Sciences Bryan Roth, MD, PhD Translating Basic Discoveries into Neurotherapeutics

Sunday, Nov. 10
The NIH Grants System and Peer Review: Practical Advice for Researchers Session One: Early-Career Investigators 8:3010 a.m. Session Two: Mid-Career Investigators 10:30 a.m.noon

Workshop Fees
Short Course (includes lunch and syllabus book)
Student Member..................................... $135 Student Nonmember.............................. $165 Postdoctoral Member.............................$200 Postdoctoral Nonmember......................$245 Faculty Member......................................$265 Faculty Nonmember...............................$325

Organizer: Rene Etcheberrigaray, PhD Contact:

Igniting Brain Awareness Around the World 34:30 p.m. Contact:

Neurobiology of Disease Workshop..........................$35

(includes breakfast, lunch, and reception) Note: Preregistration is required for Short Courses and the Neurobiology of Disease Workshop. To register, visit 10 P R E L I M I N A R Y P R O G R A M

Hongjun Song, PhD Understanding Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis : One Cell at a Time Rachel I. Wilson, PhD Small Brain, Big Problems

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Leading by Example: Insight Into Successful Funding and Program Strategies ` 11:30 a.m.1 p.m. Organizer: James Geddes, PhD Contact: Graduate School Fair ` noon2 p.m. Contact:

Neuroscience Departments and Programs Reception 6:308 p.m. Contact:

Enhancing Global Cooperation on Advocacy 35 p.m. Organizers: Sten Grillner, PhD; Larry Swanson, PhD Contact:

Child Care and Youth Programs

On-site child care and youth programs will be available for children ages 6 months to 12 years. KiddieCorp, a national rm with more than 20 years of experience in conference child care, provides attendees with a trustworthy option during the annual meeting. Space is limited reserve early!

Monday, Nov. 11
Teaching Neuroscience: Is the Printed Textbook Obsolete? 911 a.m. Organizer: Richard Olivo, PhD Contact: A Guide to Journal Publishing 9 a.m.noon Organizers: Verity Brown, PhD; Shamus OReilly, PhD Contact: Graduate School Fair ` noon2 p.m. Contact: Tackling Bias: Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Faculty 1:304 p.m. Organizers: Jill Becker, PhD; Ann Etgen, PhD; Kathie Olsen, PhD Contact:

Tuesday, Nov. 12

Managing Incidental Findings in Research: Rening Methods of the Past, Mapping the Future 13 p.m. Organizer: Emmeline Edwards, PhD Contact: NSF News You Can Use: Exploring Funding Opportunities for Research and Training 24 p.m. Organizer: Diane Witt, PhD Contact: Making the Most of Your International Training 25 p.m. Organizer: Michael Zigmond, PhD Contact:
N euroscience 2 0 13

Facing Challenges on Animal Research: Finding Guidance in Your Institution noon2 p.m. Organizer: Michael Goldberg, MD Contact: Celebration of Women in Neuroscience Luncheon ` noon2 p.m. Contact:


NeuroJobs Career Center Saturday, Nov. 9Tuesday, Nov 12, 8 a.m.5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 13, 8 a.m.3 p.m.
The on-site career center offers access to tools necessary for posting jobs, searching resumes, scheduling interviews, and accessing the message service.

Policy Implications for the Science of Aging and End of Life 35 p.m. Organizer: Anne Young, MD, PhD Contact: SfN Members Business Meeting ` 6:457:30 p.m. Contact: Graduate Student Reception 9 p.m.midnight Contact:

SfN-Sponsored Socials
Sunday, Nov. 10, 6:458:45 p.m.
Cajal Club Social Cell Death Social Clinical Neuroscience Social Psychopharmacology Social Genetic Models Social Vision Social Hearing and Balance Social Neuroethology/Invertebrate Neurobiology Social Spinal Cord Injury Social Synapses and Excitatory Amino Acids Social Music Social Neural Control of Autonomic and Respiratory Function Social Pavlovian Society Social 23rd Neuropharmacology Conference The Synaptic Basis of Neurodegenerative Disorders Nov. 7 and 8 9 a.m.7 p.m. Barrels XXVI Nov. 7 Nov. 8 8 a.m.5 p.m. 8 a.m.4:30 p.m. Tucker-Davis Symposium on Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neurophysiology Nov. 8 7 a.m.7 p.m. Society for Social Neuroscience Nov. 8 7:30 a.m.8 p.m.

Cell Symposia The Networked Brain Nov. 7 Nov. 8 9 a.m.7 p.m. 9 a.m.9 p.m.

Using NEURON to Model Cells and Networks Nov. 8 9 a.m.5 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 6:458:45 p.m.

Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Social Computational Neuroscience Social Epilepsy Social Eye Movements and Vestibular System Social Neuroendocrinology Social Neuroethics Social Optogenetics Social Sensorimotor Integration and Motor Control Social Songbird Social

Saturday, Nov. 9
Autism Research Social/Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Nov. 9 6:308:30 p.m.

Galanin SfN Pre-Meeting 2013 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 8:30 a.m.5 p.m. 8:3010:30 a.m.

Monday, Nov. 11, 6:458:45 p.m.

Alzheimer's Disease Social Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Social Developmental Neurobiology Social Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Social Hippocampus Social Ingestive Behavior Social

International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting Nov. 7 Nov. 8 58 p.m. 8 a.m.7:30 p.m. g.tecs Brain-Computer Interface Workshop Nov. 9 6:309:30 p.m.

J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience Nov. 7 Nov. 8 8 a.m.7 p.m. 8 a.m.9 p.m.

Using the Neuroscience Gateway Portal for Parallel Simulations Nov. 9 8:3010:30 a.m.

Translational and Computational Motor Control: From Theory to Neurorehabilitation Nov. 7 and 8 8 a.m.5 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 10
10th Annual Christopher Reeve Hot Topics in Stem Cell Biology Nov. 10 6:309:30 p.m.

Find the latest SfN-sponsored social information

Friday, Nov. 8
Brain Pathways to Recovery from Alcohol Dependence Nov. 8 8:30 a.m.5:30 p.m.

Arab Neuroscientists Social Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Satellite Events
Multi-Day Events
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor-Based Therapeutics: Emerging Frontiers in Basic Research and Clinical Science Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 38 p.m. 8:30 a.m.8 p.m. 8:30 a.m.6 p.m. 5th International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography Nov. 7 and 8 8:30 a.m.5:30 p.m. 8th Brain Research Conference RNA Metabolism in Neurological Disease Nov. 7 and 8 9 a.m.7 p.m. 12th Annual Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society Meeting Nov. 7 Nov. 8 6 p.m.9 p.m. 9 a.m.5 p.m.

Cognitive and Neurobiological Aging in the Dog Nov. 8 9 a.m.5 p.m.

ASPETs Neuropharmacology Division Social Nov. 10 6:308 p.m.

Mechanisms of Communication: Critical Periods and Social Learning Nov. 8 8 a.m.7:30 p.m.

Chinese Neuroscientist Social Nov. 10 6:309:30 p.m.

Mechanisms of Misfolded Protein Propagation in Neurodegenerative Diseases Nov. 8 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m.

Decision-Making Social Society for Neuroeconomics Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Society for the Neurobiology of Language Nov. 6 17 p.m. Nov. 7 and 8 8:30 a.m.7 p.m.

National Institute on Drug Abuse Frontiers in Addiction Research Mini-Convention Nov. 8 8 a.m.6 p.m.

Drexel University College of Medicine Alumni Reception Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.



Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Research Foundation Poster Reception Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Association of Korean Neuroscientists: Annual Meeting and Social Nov. 11 6:309:30 p.m.

Funding Approaches to Increase Collaborations and Mentoring Circles to Strengthen our Networks Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Behavioral Optogenetics: How Neuronal Activity Relates to Behavior Nov. 11 6:309 p.m.

g.tecs Functional Mapping with the ECoG Workshop Nov. 10 6:307:30 p.m.

Club Hypnos Nov. 11 6:308 p.m.

IBRO Alumni Symposium Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Deciphering the Neural Circuit Basis of Brain Disease via In Vivo Imaging and Optogenetics Nov. 11 6:309:30 p.m.

International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS) Reception Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Friends of Ohio State University Social Nov. 11 6:308:30 p.m.

Illinois Neuroscience Reception Nov. 10 6:308 p.m.

Fluorescence Immunocytochemistry: Are the Brightest Fluorophores Enough? Nov. 11 6:308 p.m.

Neuroimmunology Social Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

Getting the Most Out of pCLAMP Software Nov. 11 6:308:30 p.m.

Neuroscience in Germany XX Social Nov. 11 7:3010 p.m.

Transitioning Beyond the Postdoc: Workshop for Early Career Investigators Nov. 11 6:309 p.m.

Neuroscience Opportunities in India Nov. 10 6:308:30 p.m.

HEKA Electrophysiology Update Nov. 11 6:308 p.m.

SAGE Labs Symposia Nov. 11 6:309 p.m. UAB Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Social Nov. 11 6:308:30 p.m.

OIST Developmental Neurobiology Course Alumni Nov. 10 810 p.m. Internal Sensations, Articial Intelligence and Semblance Hypothesis Nov. 11 78 a.m. Sleep and Circadian Biology DataBlitz In vitro Microelectrode Array Recording Techniques Nov. 11 6:308:30 p.m. Nov. 11 810 p.m. Schizophrenia Social Nov. 11 6:308:30 p.m.

Stanford Neuroscience Program Alumni Reception Nov. 10 6:307:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 12
Alumni and Friends of the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, UC Irvine Nov. 12 79 p.m.

University of Chicago Reception Nov. 10 6:308 p.m.

Taiwan Night Nov. 11 6:309:30 p.m.

Iranian Neuroscientists Social Nov. 12 6:308:30 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 11
Advances in Single Neuron and Network Electrical Recording Techniques Nov. 11 6:308 p.m.

Leibniz Lecture: NIELS BIRBAUMER on Clinical Application of BrainComputer Interfaces Nov. 11 6:307:30 p.m.

The International Society for Serotonin Research Mixer Nov. 11 6:308:30 p.m.


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Find the latest session information

Bonus Day Advance

Attend Neuroscience 2013

Register Early and Save

No Increase Over Last Year Online Discount $335 $130 $175 $260 $95 $140 $115 $30 $60 $80 $20 $40 $600 $185 $45 $90 In Line On-Site $405 $160 $205 $305 $125 $160 $145 $40 $75 $100 $25 $50 $720 $215 $55 $90

Opens July 16, noon EDT, for members who renewed their membership by January 31, 2013

Advance $290 $105 $155 $220 $80 $110 $100 $25 $50 $70 $18 $35 $515 $170 $40 $75

Opens July 17, noon EDT, for members; July 23, noon EDT, for nonmembers

Member, Category II Member, Category III

Online Discount On-Site In Line

Opens September 19, midnight EDT, and continues through the annual meeting

Postdoctoral Member Postdoctoral Member, Category II Postdoctoral Member, Category III

Opens November 9, 7:30 a.m. PST, and continues through the annual meeting

Student Member Student Member, Category II

All members must be in good standing at the time of registering for the annual meeting in order to receive member rates. Membership status will be veried at the time of registration. Fees vary based on registration categories and registration options. Refunds are not issued for incorrect registration category. If uncertain about your membership status, contact or call (202) 962-4000.

Accepted Forms of Payment

MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Card, checks or money orders in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank made payable to the Society for Neuroscience, and cash (on-site only).

Student Member, Category III Student Member, Undergraduate Student Member, Undergraduate Category II Student Member, Undergraduate Category III Nonmember Student Nonmember Guest Non-Scientic CME Accreditation Note: Single day registration is not available.

Contact Information
Email: Phone: 9 a.m.5 p.m. EDT (888) 736-6690 (U.S. and Canada) +1 (508) 743-8563 (International)

Travel Resources
San Diego International Airport Phone: (619) 400-2400 Located 3 miles (5 km) from downtown San Diego.

Hotel Information
Housing for advance registered members who renewed by Friday, Jan. 31, 2013, opens on Tuesday, July 16, noon EDT; for all other members on Wednesday, July 17, noon EDT; and for advance nonmembers on Tuesday, July 23, noon EDT, through Friday, October 11.

n Upon registering, each attendee will receive 

Contact Information
E-mail: Phone: 9 a.m.9 p.m. EDT (866) 999-3093 (U.S. and Canada) +1 (415) 268-2091 (International)

a unique registration conrmation number that is required to make a hotel reservation. Reservations must be guaranteed with a valid credit card or check deposit.

SfN Housing will make your reservation based on your requests; however, special requests cannot be guaranteed. It is the attendees responsibility to reconrm requests directly with the assigned hotel prior to arrival.

Shuttle Service
The Society for Neuroscience will provide complimentary shuttle service to and from the San Diego Convention Center and most SfNcontracted hotels, Saturday through Wednesday. Shuttle routes and intervals of service will be available online this summer.

International Attendees Visa Information

If you are from a nation participating in the Visa Waiver Program, review U.S. travel regulations early to ensure compliance. For more information and to request an ofcial invitation letter, visit

Reservations can be made online, by phone, fax, or mail. Online hotel reservations are encouraged and will be given priority. Reservations are not accepted directly by participating hotels or SfN headquarters.

A limited number of lower-priced hotel rooms have been set aside through September 30 for students and member category I, II, and III registrants.

The Hilton Bayfront, Manchester Grand Hyatt and the San Diego Marriott Marquis and Marina are the ofcial co-headquarters hotels.

Reservation Policies and Procedures


Housing for exhibitors opens on July 30. For exhibitor hotel reservation information, visit

To make a hotel reservation through SfN Housing, you must be registered for Neuroscience 2013. Only one hotel room may be reserved per each paid registrant until September 3.

You may change or cancel hotel reservations until Friday, October 11.



Annual Meeting Contributors

The Society for Neuroscience gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following event contributors:

20122013 Society for Neuroscience Council and Program Committee

Larry W. Swanson, President Carol Ann Mason, President-Elect Moses V. Chao, Past President Brenda J. Claiborne, Treasurer Stephen G. Lisberger, Treasurer-Elect Darwin K. Berg, Past Treasurer Hollis T. Cline, Secretary Tatiana Pasternak, Secretary-Elect

Carol A. Tamminga, Chair Serena Dudek, Incoming Chair

Michael Sendtner, Theme A Michael S. Gold, Theme B John R. Huguenard, Theme C Douglas P. Munoz, Theme D Margaret McCarthy, Theme E Jeff Dalley, Theme F Lori L. McMahon, Theme G Barry Everitt, Theme H

AstraZeneca Young Investigator Award

Janssen Presidential Special Lecture

The Gruber Foundation P eter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award in Neuroscience Peter and Patricia Gruber Lecture

M. Catherine Bushnell Michael E. Greenberg Nancy Y. Ip John H. Morrison Edvard I. Moser Sacha B. Nelson Marina R. Picciotto Li-Huei Tsai

Bristol-Myers Squibb Short Course (Partial Support) The Kavli Foundation F red Kavli Public Symposium SfN Memorial Fund and Friends of SfN Fund C hapter Travel Awards David Kopf Instruments David Kopf Lecture on Neuroethics

Alison Barth Michele A. Basso Kristin Baldwin Diane Bautista Marlene Behrmann Hans-Rudolf Berthoud Richard T. Born Heather Broihier Elizabeth Cropper Kathleen Cullen

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Awards

Bruce Cumming Valina L. Dawson Mariella De Biasi Ralph J. DiLeone Amelia J. Eisch Candace Floyd Leslie C. Grifth Gabriel G. Haddad Michael Hastings Patricia H. Janak Sheena Josselyn Paul J. Kenny Frank M. LaFerla Andreas Luthi David A. McCormick Guo-li Ming Lisa Monteggia John P. ODoherty Patricio ODonnell C. Daniel Salzman Geoffrey Schoenbaum Leslie Thompson Robert Vassar Karen Wilcox Ling-Gang Wu

eLife Sciences Publications Ltd International Travel Award Lilly USA LLC and Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Julius Axelrod Prize Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience Emory/Yerkes National Primate Research Center Meet The Experts

The Swartz Foundation S wartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

Note: The content of Society for Neuroscience scientic programs, events, and services is developed by scientists, either individually or in their capacity as members of SfN committees or other governing bodies. Content is not developed in consultation with commercial advertisers or supporters. Supporters have no inuence over the selection of topics or speakers. Where applicable, disclosure of grant or commercial support received by ofcial speakers at SfN-sponsored events will be indicated within event information. The commercial support of courses or workshops does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of quality or value of the supporting entitys product or claims. Private support contributes signicantly to SfNs mission, and the Society thanks contributors for their support.

glutamatergic (blue) excitatory cell classes, including bipolar cells and ganglion cells. Courtesy, with permission: Damian C. Lee, Felix R. Vazquez-Chona, W. Drew Ferrell, Beatrice M. Tam, Bryan W. Jones, Robert E. Marc, and Orson L. Moritz, 2012, The Journal of Neuroscience 32: 2121-2128 Page 3: Release of ATP from retinal glial cells. This pseudocolor image of luciferin-luciferase chemiluminescence shows the release of ATP after stimulation of glial cells on the surface of the rat retina. ATP released from glial cells in the retina is metabolized to adenosine, which, in turn, activates neuronal A1 adenosine receptors and inhibits retinal neurons. The image was taken 12 sec after glial cells were stimulated and shows a region of the retinal surface 480 m wide. Courtesy, with permission: Eric A. Newman, 2003, The Journal of Neuroscience 23: 1659-1666 Page 4: An example of a two-dimensional crosscorrelogram. This matrix shows the variation in time of the strength of correlated activity of two neurons. The diagonal of the matrix represents the correlation strength at zero time lag. The points above and below this diagonal represent positive and negative time delays between the two neurons. Neurons in the primary visual cortex start to synchronize their activity (red part of the diagonal) before the onset of the stimulus in a gure-ground detection task. Such a switch in the internal state of the primary visual cortex is necessary for the detection of the stimulus. Courtesy, with permission: Hans Supr, Chris van der Togt, Henk Spekreijse, and Victor A. F. Lamme, 2003, The Journal of Neuroscience 23: 3407-3414 Page 6: Reconstructions of cortical nonpyramidal cells used for quantitative investigation of local axon phenotypes. The somata and dendrites are drawn in yellow, and the axons are drawn in red.

Courtesy with permission: Fuyuki Karube, Yoshiyuki Kubota, and Yasuo Kawaguchi, 2004, The Journal of Neuroscience 24: 2853-2865 Page 9: Illustration of a cross section of the mammalian retina with ganglion cells at the top and rod outer segments at the bottom. Highlighted is the circuitry onto a single ganglion cell, where convergence, amplication, and saturation inuence gain controls are located within the retinal network. Depicted in the details is the rod bipolar pathway specied for carrying rod signals in the mammalian retina: rodrod bipolarAII amacrinecone bipolarganglion cell. We studied this pathway to nd that a key site of gain control at the lowest mean light levels is at the rod bipolar-to-AII amacrine synapse, and at brighter light levels gain controls at earlier sites take over. (Media: water color, pencil, Photoshop by F. A. Dunn with help by Paul Newman.) Courtesy with permission: Felice A. Dunn, Thuy Doan, Alapakkam P. Sampath, and Fred Rieke, The Journal of Neuroscience 26: 3959-3970 Back Cover: A coronal slice of mouse hippocampus that was cultured in vitro for 14 d. GFP (green) marks all interneurons expressing glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67). Staining against parvalbumin is red and nuclei are labeled with DAPI (blue). Activity deprivation for 2 d with tetrodotoxin reduces the expression of GAD67 and GFP reporter. Courtesy, with permission: C. Geoffrey Lau and Venkatesh N. Murthy, 2012, The Journal of Neuroscience 32: 8521-8531 Cover, page 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, and 13: 2012, Society for Neuroscience. All rights reserved. Photos by Joe Shymanski, and Jeff Nyveen. Cover, page 3, 9, back cover. Copyright 2013, San Diego Tourism Authority. All rights reserved. Photographer unknown.

The Trubatch Family J anett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Development Award

Elsevier D ialogues Between Neuroscience and Society Lecture

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Neurobiology of Disease Workshop Neuroscience Scholars Program

The Waletzky Family Jacob P. Waletzky Award

All presentations reect the views of individual speakers and do not necessarily represent those of the Society for Neuroscience or any of its supporters. Design: 2013 Society for Neuroscience Photo Credits Cover: Scanning electron microscope image shows the ciliated endings of olfactory sensory neurons, which cover the turbinates of the nasal passage and are directly exposed to the external environment. Proper protein trafcking into these distinct subcellular compartments is essential since cilia serve as the site for odorant detection. Courtesy, with permission: Paul M. Jenkins, Lian Zhang, Gary Thomas, and Jeffrey R. Martens, 2009, The Journal of Neuroscience 29: 10541-10551 Page 2: Ultrastructural transmission electron microscope image of Xenopus laevis retina, with colors overlain to reveal GABAergic (red) and glycinergic (green) amacrine cells with their processes in the inner plexiform layer, as well as

The Nemko Family

The Nemko Family Nemko Prize in Cellular or Molecular Neuroscience The Grass Foundation Albert and Ellen Grass Lecture D onald B. Lindsley Prize in Behavioral Neuroscience Carl Zeiss Microimaging LLC Neuroscience Extra!

List current as of Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Find the more information, visit


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Attend SfNs 43rd Annual Meeting

n n n

Bonus Day Registration and Housing Opens July 16 Advance Member Registration and Housing Opens July 17 Advance Nonmember Registration and Housing Opens July 23

Details and Registration Information:

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