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Christopher Krotz Theo 11

January 1, 2013 Mr. McCarthy

This essay is about five impediments. The five impediments pic!ed are "uress, #abit, nadvertence, $ear, and %norance. have to &rite about ho& have made these impendent durin% my 'ife and ho& they have affected me. This to sho& the reader that can re'ate to the five impediments have done throu%hout my 'ife. "uress is &hen someone tries to force you to do somethin%. (ne time &ent to my friend)s house, it &as 'i!e another day but he had a ne& friend over that )ve never met before. #e &as a nice !id and &e both &ere %ettin% a'on% fine, ti'' he pu''ed out somethin% out of his *ac!et that &as une+pected. t &as ci%arettes, he as!ed my buddy and me if either of us had smo!ed them before, &e both said no. ,e &ent out side &ith him so he &asn)t a'one smo!in% them and as &as out side moved pretty far a&ay from him so &ou'dn)t breath in the smo!e. #e comes over to me a says, -.ive it a puff./ said, -no don)t do that !ind of stuff,/ so he say -dude *ust do it, it)s not %oin% to !i'' you./ !eep sta''in% by te''in% him no and 'oo!in% a&ay from him. Then he %rabs my hand a ye''s -try it0/ so to'd him a'' ri%ht i'' try it. #e hands over the ci%arette and 'oo! at it for a %ood 1 seconds and as put it up to my mouth and f'ic!ed the ci%arette ri%ht pasted his head and 'oo!ed at him &ith an%er. That)s the 'ast time he ever as!ed me to try somethin% that can harm my body. #abit, is &hen you repeat somethin% over and over. ,hen &as youn%er had a habit of bitin% my nai's &henever had a chance to. My parents &ou'd ye'' at me because every time bit them id have to spit them on the f'oor and because there are 'ots of %erms under the nai'. had to brea! this habit so my parents had me cut my nai's a' most every day so cou'dn)t bite them. 2ince they &ere cut so short, if tried to bite it &ou'd bite my nai' too short it &ou'd her my fin%er &henever &ou'd touch somethin%. 3 &hi'e &ent by and didn)t have to have the need to bite them anymore. nadvertence is not bein% a&are of your surroundin%s or &hat is happenin%. 3nd e+amp'e of &hen &as bein% inadvertent is &hen fe'' do&n my stairs because &as te+tin% and &a'!in% at the same time. 4y te+tin% &asn)t payin% attention to &here ii &as steppin%. The conse5uences of this si''y action are that hurt my bac! and my shou'der durin% the act. $ear is &hen you are scared or frei%hted, panic or dan%er. &as feared &hen had to te'' my parents that %ot a 23 on a test. feared them because didn)t &ant to hear them ye'' at me. 3'so don)t &ant to fee' disappointed in myse'f even more if te'' them. (nce to'd them they ye''ed at me ri%ht in my face. 4ut !ne& sooner or 'ater &ou'd have to te'' them. t &as my entire fau't that fai'ed. ,hen they ye'' at me it ma!es me &or! harder to do %ood on the ne+t

test. %norance is &hat &e shou'd do or &hat &e shou'd not do. &as i%norant &hen my brother had a bri''iant idea to he'p &ith my science pro*ect. 4ut !ept denyin% his offer. fe't that &hat &as doin% &as better and that no one can have a better idea then &hat had in my mind. had no second thou%hts about &hat he had said because my idea &as *ust to %ood to be messed &ith. t *ust so turned out that his idea &as better then mine once %ot my %rade bac!. f had done &hat my brother and to'd me to do &ou'd have %ot a 100 instead %ot a 67. &as i%norant and shou'd of 'istened to his ideas to he'p me, or at 'east ta!e it into consideration.

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