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Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning during the 2007 season.

No 18. Indianapolis Colts Quarterback Personal information Date of birth: March 24, 197 !197 "#$"24% !a&e $4% Place of birth: Ne' (rleans, )ouisiana Height: *t + in !1.9 ,% Weight: 2$1 lb !1#4 k&% Career information College: -ennessee NFL Draft: 1998 / .ound: 1 / /ick: 1 0ebuted in 1998 *or the Indianapolis Colts Career history Indianapolis Colts !19981present% Career highlights and awards 1#2 /ro 3o'l selection !1999, 2###, 2##2, 2##$, 2##4, 2##+, 2## , 2##7, 2##8, 2##9%

+2 4irst"tea, 5ll"/ro selection !2##$, 2##4, 2##+, 2##8, 2##9% $2 6econd"tea, 5ll"/ro selection !1999, 2###, 2## % 42 5/ N4) M7/ !2##$, 2##4, 2##8, 2##9% Indianapolis Colts 5ll"ti,e leader !Career 8ins, /assin& -ouchdo'ns , /ass 5tte,pts, /ass Co,pletions and /assin& 9ards% /ro 3o'l M7/ !2##+% 6uper 3o'l Cha,pion !:)I% 6uper 3o'l M7/ !:)I% 4astest e;er to reach +#,### <ards passin& 4astest to 1,### co,pletions 4astest to 2,### co,pletions 4astest to $,### co,pletions 4astest to 4,### co,pletions N4) 2###s 5ll"0ecade -ea, (ther a'ards and honors Career NFL statistics as of Week 6 !"#" Pass attem$ts ,78+ Pass com$letions 4,4#$ Percentage 4.9 %D&'N% $79118$ Passing yards +2,#44 () *ating 9+.+
+tats at NFL,com

Peyton Williams -anning !born March 24, 197 % is an 5,erican *ootball =uarterback *or the Indianapolis Colts o* the National 4ootball )ea&ue !N4)%. Considered one o* the best =uarterbacks o* all ti,e, Mannin& holds the record *or ,ost N4) M7/ a'ards 'ith *our.>1? @e 'as dra*ted b< the Colts as the *irst o;erall pick in 1998>2? a*ter a standout colle&e *ootball career 'ith the -ennessee 7olunteers. @e is the son o* *or,er N4) =uarterback 5rchie Mannin& and the older brother o* current Ne' 9ork Aiants =uarterback Bli Mannin&. Mannin& holds N4) records *or consecuti;e seasons 'ith o;er 4,### <ards passin& and the ,ost total seasons 'ith 4,### or ,ore <ards passin& in a career.>$?>4? Mannin& holds the third"hi&hest career passer ratin& !9+.+% behind onl< 6te;e 9oun& !9 .8% and /hilip .i;ers !9 .$%. @e is the all"ti,e Colts *ranchise leader in career 'ins, career passin& <ards, pass atte,pts, pass co,pletions, and passin& touchdo'ns.>+? In 2##9, he 'as listed b< The Sporting News as the No. 1 pla<er in the N4) toda<.> ? 5lso in 2##9, Fox Sports na,ed hi, pla<er o* the decade. 6ince the Colts dra*ted Mannin& in 1998, the tea, has the hi&hest con;ersion rate on $rd do'n !44. C% and 4th do'n ! 1.1C% pla<s in the N4). 8hile leadin& the Colts to their 6uper 3o'l :)I ;ictor< in 2##7, Mannin& helped the tea, to an N4) record b< con;ertin& + .1C o* its $rd do'ns.>7? 5n eDtre,el< ,arketable pla<er outside o* *ootball, Mannin& has appeared in nu,erous co,,ercials, 'as *eatured on the co;ers o* the N4) 4e;er &a,es *or the :boD, hosted an episode o* Saturday Night Live, and &uest";oiced on The Simpsons, alon& 'ith his brothers, Bli and Cooper.>8?>9?>1#?

Mannin&Es pre"snap routine has beco,e one o* the ,ost reco&niFable scenes in the N4).>11? /rior to each pla< in a *ootball &a,e, the o**ensi;e tea, &enerall< huddlesG ho'e;er, Mannin& and the Colts al,ost al'a<s skip the huddle, instead usin& a hurr<"up o**ense 'ith nu,erous audibles at the line o* scri,,a&e.>11?>12?

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