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About the Professor

Mesgana Hawando earned her Master of Applied Mathematics from the Auburn University.

Table of Contents About the Professor P. 2 Contact Information P.2 Course Description P. 2 Textbook P.2 Course Compass P.2 Assistance P.2 Course Policies & Procedures P. 3-4 Course Competencies and Learning Outcomes P. 5 Survival Tips P. 6 Course Outline P. 7-8 Syllabus Contract P. 9 MAC 1105 Optional End of Term Project P. 10 11
Textbook Title: Class Hour: Location: Course: Reference Number: M 1:25 2:40 pm 9208 MAC 1105 759058 I was an adjunct instructor at Miami Dade College since 2008, before joining the college as a full time instructor in the Fall 2011. Before my teaching career at Miami Dade College, I worked as an independent contractor for Alabama State University Center for Leadership and Public Policy.

Contact Information:
Office: k-413 Office Hours: MWF: 8:00 9:00 am, MW: 3:50 4:10 pm, M: 11:30 12:00 pm, TR: 12:50 2:00 pm, 3:30 4:15 pm, F: 1:40 4:10 pm Telephone: (305) 237-2736 Email:

Course Description

This course introduces the student to the concept of functions and their graphs. Students will graph linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, radical, power, and absolute value functions and transformations; perform operations on and compositions of functions; find the inverse of a function; apply the laws of logarithms to simplify expressions and solve equations; graph non-linear inequalities; solve related applications and modeling problems. Prerequisite: MAT 1033 with a grade of C or better or satisfactory placement test scores.

College Algebra Author: Julie Miller Edition: 1st Publisher: McGraw Hill You will need to log into and register. The course name is MAC

Connect Math

1105 and the course code is WRF4C-D9AA4


Kendall Campus: Mathematics lab room 2141.

Classroom Etiquette

The instructor would like to welcome all students into an environment that creates a sense of community, pride, courtesy and respect; we are all here to work cooperatively and to learn together. In order to create a smooth and harmonious learning community, please: MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO COME TO ALL THE CLASS SESSIONS. Come to class on time and stay until the end of the class session unless you have informed your instructor that you must leave early. There may be a time when you are unavoidably late for class. In that case, please come into the room quietly (through the back door, if there is one) and choose a seat closest to the entrance. Once the class session has begun, please do not leave the room and then re-enter unless it is an emergency. If you miss a class meeting for any reason, you are responsible for all material discussed, for announcements made in your absence, and for acquiring any materials that may have been distributed in class. You are responsible for contacting the instructor for this information. Be ready to learn. This includes coming to class prepared with all materials necessary for class, including notebook, scientific calculator, pencil, pen, etc. Do not expect the instructor to repeat answers to questions you missed because you were late. It is important that we are all able to stay focused on the class discussion. For this reason only one person in the class at a time should be speaking. Side conversations are distracting for surrounding students and for the instructor. Professional behavior is expected at all times. You are encouraged to ask questions. Please refrain from bringing food or drinks into any classroom or lab. Please turn off any cellular phones and set pagers to vibrate. You are expected to arrive on time to class, depart when the class has concluded, and treat others respectfully. ABSOLUTLY NO TEXT MESSAGING OR INSTANT MESSAGING ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. COMPUTERS SHOULD BE TURNED OFF AND PUT AWAY UNLESS SPECIFICALLY USED FOR A COURSE ASSIGNMENT. Questions related to course material that benefit everybody are appropriate during class time. Personal questions related to your grade, when you are going to miss class, etc. should be asked before or after class.

If you feel that you will be unable to complete the requirements for passing a class, it is important that you drop the class by the colleges drop date as established by the registrars office. You should speak to your instructor prior to making the decision to drop. Remember that it is your responsibility to drop a class. If circumstances such as illness, accident, change in employment situation, etc., prevent you from continuing to attend your class BEFORE the drop date, speak to your instructor and see the Dean of Students for your options regarding an appeal. If such a situation occurs AFTER the drop date, you should contact the instructor for information as to how you can complete the requirements for passing the course. You MAY NOT leave the room once you have begun taking an exam. If a student leaves the room during an exam, the test will be collected and graded as a completed exam. The test will not be returned to the student for completion when they return to the room. CELL PHONES SHOULD BE PUT AWAY AND OUT OF SIGHT. It should not be on the desk, lap, or between legs. If a cell phone is seen at any of the above place, the test will be collected and receive a 0/100.

Test Administration

Instructor Drops

Approximately 2 3 weeks into the term, your professor will purge her class roll of non-attending students. This is a college requirement. No-shows or students with three (3) consecutive unexcused absences will be dropped from the course. This may jeopardize your full time, scholarship, financial aid status. You are advised not to count on this process if you wish to drop a course. It is the students responsibility to drop a course before the drop deadline if s/he wishes to receive a grade of W. Your professor urges you to avail yourself of her individual instruction during office hours. Do not wait until you are in trouble. If you have been absent or late to class, please read the lesson you missed and come to the office prepared with questions. The number one key to educational success is to attend class and engagement in the lesson. Class attendance will be recorded daily. Students are responsible for any work missed when absent. You should make it an effort to be in class, and on time. Students are required to activate and use their MDC email account. The MDC account allows students to receive email from their instructors and get notification/announcements or other pertinent information from the College. The MDC Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook describes students appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, along with their consequences. Additionally, please be aware that cheating, plagiarism, and disruptive behavior are not tolerated and can result in serious consequences such as failure of a course or dismissal from the college. Any instance of academic dishonesty (refer to the Handbook of Students Rights and Responsibilities, Proc. 4035) will result in a grade of F for the course and can carry even more severe penalty such as suspension or expulsion. Take pride in your own achievements, an unearned passing grade is not worth the paper it is written on. August 26, 2013 First day of classes August 30, 2013 Last day to drop the class and receive a refund November 6, 2013 Last day to withdraw from course and receive a W. December 13, 2013 Last day of classes September 2, November 11, November 29, 2013 Holidays

Office Hours


MDC Email Account

Professional Student Behavior

Academic Dishonesty



Homework may be accessed at The course name is

MAC 1105 and the course code is WRF4C-D9AA4

Grading policy There will be 4 test including the final. Make up test is not given. If you miss a test the final exam will count as two grades. Each test is worth 25% of your final grade. Scientific calculator is required. Graphing calculators can be used in class, but are not permitted in the exams. Smartphones and calculators with a built-in Computer Algebra System (CAS) such as TI-89, TI-92, and HP49g, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and other portable computers, such as PalmOS and Windows CE devices are not permitted in exams.

Calculator Policy

5 Students are encouraged to approach the instructor regarding any and all conditions that may affect their equal opportunity to learn.

Accessibility: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. To provide proper documentation, please visit the ACCESS Center. ACCESS Disability Services and the ALC are located in Room 2121 and are open Monday-Thursday from 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The following is the link to the course competencies:
MIAMI DADE COLLEGE LEARNING OUTCOMES As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment.

Each course taken at the college addresses some of these Learning Outcomes. Pre-Calculus, MAC 1147 addresses outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course requires reading and understanding the material covered in the textbook. Students will need to pay attention in class and may periodically be asked to explain a concept discussed in class. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. The student will have the opportunity to develop these skills in solving applications of physical sciences. They will also develop the ability to draw and interpret graphs of functions. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. Business applications of compound interest, applications in sciences such as growth rate and decay rate, physical science applications of conic sections, and many other theoretical topics covered in this course will require the use of critical thinking and creative thinking. The problem solving approach they will use in this course constitutes an important contribution to the development of their scientific reasoning ability. Formulate strategies locate, evaluate, and apply information. There are many areas in this course that address this learning outcome. One such area is solving algebraic and trigonometric equations which require the ability to apply the basic rules and laws in solving these equations. Another such area is the ability to solve application problems that requires the ability to locate, evaluate and apply information. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. Homework assignments will be posted on line at, course notes will be posted on ANGEL immediately after each lecture, students will be allowed to use their cell phones or personal computer during in class problem solving sessions to access online learning resources, students will use scientific calculator, instructor will use online text book, learning resources for instructional uses as needed during class session. Students will be allowed to use the above said emerging technologies to develop the ability to use and integrate these resources into their education, to monitor their progress, and to help them reach a better understanding of the concept, ideas, and applications discussed in the course.

Everybody comes into the first day of class wanting to get an A. However, not everybody is able to achieve that goal by the end of the semester. What separates the A students from the others? Here are some tips that will help you along the way.
Understand an A is earned, not granted. In a class of 30 students, approximately 4 should be able to achieve an A to avoid what is called grade inflation. Be realistic in your expectations. Are you one of the top 4 students in your class? The A student accomplishes four things: They do what is asked of them in course assignments (follow instructions), they turn their work in on time every time, they give something extra (extra depth of thought, extra effort, etc.), and they do it all well. B students do the minimum that is asked of them and they do it well. C students do most or all that is asked of them, and do it mostly well. Set aside 13 hours each week to work on this class. Take quality notes. Lecture Notes are provided on ANGEL. If you did not understand something I said in class, go over the lecture notes. Start assignments early. Finish them before they are due. Form study groups. Work with each other to learn the material. Ask questions. Visit the professor during office hours. Show the professor you are making an effort to learn the material. Read the textbook. Take advantage of MDC resources such as the tutoring lab, and the online resources provided in the syllabus.

MAC 1105
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8/26 8/28 8/30 9/2 9/4 9/6 9/9 9/11 9/13 9/16 9/18 9/20 9/23 9/25 9/27 9/30 10/2 10/4 10/7 10/9 10/11 10/14 10/16 10/18 10/21 Intro., 1.3 1.3 1.4 HOLIDAY 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 TEST 1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.1 TEST 2 Complex Numbers Complex Numbers Quadratic Equations Labor day Quadratic Equations More Equations and applications More Equations and applications Absolute value Equations and inequalities Absolute value Equations and inequalities 1.3 1.8 The rectangular coordinate system The rectangular coordinate system Circle Circle Functions and relations Functions and relations Transformation of graphs Transformation of graphs Analyzing graphs of functions and piece wise defined functions Analyzing graphs of functions and piece wise defined functions Algebra of functions and function composition Algebra of functions and function composition Quadratic functions and applications Quadratic functions and applications 2.1 2.8

Fall 2013

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

10/23 10/25 10/28 10/30 11/1 11/4 11/6 11/8 11/11 11/13 11/15 11/18 11/20 11/22 11/25 11/27 11/29 12/2 12/4 12/6 12/9 12/11 12/13 12/18

3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 5.2 5.2 6.5 6.5 HOLIDAY 4.1 4.1 TEST 3 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 HOLIDAY 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 Final Exam (1:25 2:55 Pm)

Rational functions Rational functions Polynomial and rational inequalities Polynomial and rational inequalities Systems of linear equations in three variables and applications Systems of linear equations in three variables and applications Determinants and Cramers rule Determinants and Cramers rule Veterans day Inverse functions Inverse functions 3.1 6.5 Exponential Functions Exponential Functions Logarithmic functions Logarithmic functions Thanksgiving Properties of Logarithms Properties of Logarithms Exponential and Logarithmic equations Exponential and Logarithmic equations Modeling with exponential and Logarithmic Functions Modeling with exponential and Logarithmic Functions 4.4 4.6


Note: These dates are given for the student convenience. I reserve the right to make any changes to the sections or dates due to unseen circumstances. Any Change will be announced in class.


I, _________________________________________________, Student ID ___________________________________________, understand and acknowledge that: 1. I read and understand the syllabus. 2. 3. I may obtain assistance from my instructor and from on campus tutoring Lab. If applicable, I will turn off my cell phone and put it away so that it is not visible to me or to the instructor. I also understand that no text messaging is allowed in class. I MAY NOT use my cell phone calculator capabilities in class or in exams. There are NO MAKE UP tests should I miss an exam. NO EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE CONSIDERED. I may not leave the classroom once the test begins. If I leave the classroom, my test will be collected and all unanswered questions will be marked wrong. Cheating and disruptive behavior may result in serious consequences such as course failure or dismissal from the college. The course schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

_________________________________________ Students Name

__Mesgana Hawando_______________ Instructors Name

___________________________________________ Students Signature

__________________________________ Instructors Signature



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