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Course Pack Hist10101.

History in Practice Contents

Course Pack Hist10101. History in Practice............................................................................................1 Contents......................................................................................................................................................1 Hist10101-History in Practice Course: A Guide for 2011-12......................................................................3 Or How to Get t e !arks "ou #ant$ for t e %ffort "ou&'e Put (n).....................................................3 *ecture +o,ics: Or$ ow to -et . /arks eac week t is ter/$ and 00 /arks e'ery essay for t e rest of your ti/e ere.....................................................................................................................................3 Assess/ent 1tructures: + ree +asks.........................................................................................................0 1u2/ittin- #ork and 3eturnin- 4eed2ack.............................................................................................. #eek 2: 3eferencin- # y 5ot er6.......................................................................................................... + e *aw:.................................................................................................................................................7 +asks......................................................................................................................................................8 #eek 3: 5ui9din- "our 3eadin-: :ifferent 1trate-ies...............................................................................10 1. 5ui9din- your ;-enera9& readin-:....................................................................................................10 2. 4indin- ;!ono-ra, s&: :etai9ed 5ook-*en-t 1tudies.................................................................11 3. 4indin- Artic9es in *earned <ourna9s............................................................................................12 *ocatin- artic9es...............................................................................................................................13 1earc %n-ines for A99ied :isci,9ines: +o, +i,s for A/2itious 1tudents........................................13 0. Puttin- to-et er your 2i29io-ra, y...............................................................................................13 4or/attin- and *ayout of #ritten #ork....................................................................................................10 #eek 0: (ntroductions to %ssays$ *on- %ssays and :issertations..........................................................1. #eek .: 1tartin- ,oints for ,ro29e/atics..................................................................................................1= #eek =: *earnin- to read. A-ain..............................................................................................................18 3eadin- as a Process..........................................................................................................................1> O,enin- u, t e readin- ,rocess: 1tartin- Out.....................................................................................20 %yes on Pa-es: :oin- t e 3eadin-.....................................................................................................21 Concise Critica9 ?otes: 5ooks and Artic9es .........................................................................................21 Critica9 ?otes 4ro/ 5ooks...............................................................................................................22 Concise Critica9 ?otes: Artic9es in <ourna9s and C a,ters in 5ooks...............................................23 #eek 8: P9annin- an %ssay$ Hand9in- %'idence$ !aintainin- Ar-u/ents..............................................20 + e C9assic !ode9: 5ut you do not need to wear -9o'es.................................................................20 @: How do you ,ick your t e/es inte99ectua99y6...................................................................................2. !aintainin- an Ar-u/ent......................................................................................................................27 Asefu9 tri,artite di'isions for ,9annin- essays:.....................................................................................27 Hand9in- %'idence................................................................................................................................2= #ritin- Conc9usions to #ritten #ork........................................................................................................28 # at is not in a conc9usion..............................................................................................................2> #eek >: !arkin- Ander-raduate %ssays: A Guide for 1tudents.............................................................2> How to su2/it work 'ia 59ack2oard-+urn(t(n............................................................................................32 1

Hist10101-History in Practice Course: A Guide for 2011-12

Or How to Get the Marks You Want, for the Effort Youve Put In!
+ e -oa9s of t is course are: +o /ana-e t e 9ea, 2etween sc oo9-9e'e9 work and uni'ersity 9e'e9 work. +o -et to know one of t e 9ecturers we99$ so you can understand w at t ey do and you can understand t eir a,,roac es. +o eB,erience 9ots of 'arieties of istory t at you ,ro2a29y won&t a'e eB,erienced so far. +o acCuire t e ,ractica9 ski99s you&99 need to succeed at !anc ester and -et a Do2. + is course is co/,rised of a series of > 9ectures$ and a series of 10 se/inars. + e 9ectures wi99 take ,9ace at 12.00 on !ondays t e 'enue wi99 2e announced s ort9y.

Lecture Top cs! Or, how to "et # $arks each week th s ter$, an% &' $arks ever( essa( for the rest of (our t $e here
+ e 9ecture to,ics are tied ti- t9y to t e acCuisition of t e ski99s w ic wi99 2e tested in t e assess/ents. ( can&t ,ro/ise t at eac Eor any)F of t ese 9ectures is -oin- to set your sou9 on fire$ or -i'e you a ,assion for istory. 5ut ( can ,ro/ise you t at eac wi99 ,resent so/e ski99s$ tec niCues and ti,s to do 2etter in your work. A -ood way to t ink a2out it is t at eac of t e to,ics co'ered in weeks 2-10 is wort a2out .G in our /arkin- sc e/es. # i9e t ey /i- t see/ ,retty ru9e-2ased and /ec anica9$ t ey do contain an inte99ectua9 ,ro29e/ at t eir coreH i-nore t at ,ro29e/$ you&re 9ookin- at a 3 rd c9ass de-ree or worseH c ur9is 9y acce,t t at you a'e to do t is$ and you&re eadin- for a 2.2H e/2race t at ,ro29e/$ and you&99 2e eadin- for a i- 2.1 or a first c9ass de-ree. #eek 1: (ntroduction: !o'in- to Ani'ersity *e'e9 #ork #eek 2: Peer 3e'iew$ P9a-iaris/ and 3eferencin- #ork: Or$ How ?ot to + row %asy !arks Away #eek 3: :e'e9o,in- a Con'incin- 3eadin- *ist for Ani'ersity #ork: How !uc 3eadin- is %nou- 6 #eek 0: (ntroducin- Ani'ersity #ritten #ork: How to Generate a Good 4irst (/,ression #eek .: :e'e9o,in- a Pro29e/atic: + inkin- Critica99y a2out @uestions #eek 7: ?o 9ecture 3eadin- #eek #eek =: 3eadin- Asefu99y$ 3eadin- @uick9y: Or$ # y 1c oo9 Ha2its #i99 1to, "ou :oin- Ani'ersity #ork #e99 #eek 8: P9annin- t e %ssay$ Hand9in- %'idence$ !aintainin- Ar-u/ents #eek >: !arkin- %ssays: A C eck9ist for Hi- er !arks

Assessment Structures: Three Tasks

First Assessment: 2 x bibliographies for two essays taken from your essay list. 1. Ia9ue: 2.G of /arks for t e course 2. Deadline: 12pm, Thursday eek ! " 2# $%t. +o 2e returned to students 2y 4riday 28 Octo2er. 1u2/ission wi99 2e 'ia 59ack5oard. 59ack5oard wi99 /ark any work su2/itted after 12.00 as ;9ate&$ and it wi99 recei'e ;Jero&. &ake sure you press 'upload( for your work, and print out the re%eipt page. #it out t is$ a99 your c9ai/s t at ;( rea99y$ rea99y did su2/it it& wi99 not 2e 9istened to 1ee t e instructions on ow to su2/it work 2y 59ack2oard at t e end of t is docu/ent. 3. %ac 2i29io-ra, y /ust identify : a. + e essay w ic it is intended to address. 2. 2-3 ;2ack-round& teBts$ t at wi99 -i'e you t e ;2i- ,icture& 2e ind t e issueEsF 2e ind t e Cuestion c. 2-3 teBts for eac of t e t e/ed areas of in'esti-ation t at you&d ,9an to inc9ude in t e essay t at wou9d a99ow you to de'e9o, an in-de,t awareness of a ,ro29e/ or to,ic. d. (dentify re9e'ant Dourna9 artic9es and /ono-ra, s so t at across t e 2i29io-ra, y as a w o9e t ey inc9ude so/e E2ut not a99F /aDor studies and de2ates$ so/e E2ut not a99F of t e /aDor sc o9ars workin- in t e fie9d$ and so/e E2ut not a99F of t e recent Dourna9 9iterature on a to,ic. + e trainin- for t is task wi99 2e -i'en in 9ectures 2 and 3. + is is a 2i- askH 2i--er t an you /i- t t ink$ and so we /ust a99ow for so/e -uessti/ation on your ,art. "ou /ay stru--9e wit t is task$ 2ut it is a way of ac ie'in- se'era9 o2Decti'es$ w ic need to 2e 2orne in /ind w en doin- t is work: 1. 3ef9ectin- on t e 'arieties of readin- t at need to 2e done$ and t e functions eac fu9fi9s in sc o9ars i,. 2. (dentifyin- and en-a-in- wit t e conce,tua9 fra/eworks of s,ecific essay Cuestions. 3. :e'e9o,in- an understandin- of t e siJe and ran-e of conce,tua9 Cuestions 2e ind essay Cuestions in -enera9 Erat er t an rus in- to answerF. 0. 5eco/in- aware of t e different Cua9ities of$ and fa/i9iar wit t e use of$ fi'e s,ecific searc en-ines and 9i2rary resources: <3A*! cata9o-ueH Historica9 A2stracts On9ineH <1+O3H ProDect !useH Goo-9e 1c o9ar. "ou /ay$ of course$ su,,9e/ent t is wit ot ers ,articu9ar9y re9e'ant to your su2-disci,9ine E9ike #e2 of Know9ed-e$ or %ar9y 5ooks On9ine$ for eBa/,9eF. (t wi99 2e i/,ortant t rou- out t is task to a99ow yourse9f to ;-et t e answer wron-$ 2ut t e /et od ri- t&. + ink 2ack to t e /at s teac ers at sc oo9 w o said$ ;A9ways s ow your workin-s$ 2ecause you can -et t e wron- nu/2er at t e end$ 2ut sti99 -et an A if you can s ow t at you fo99owed a 9o-ica9 ,at to -et t ere.& "ou /ay fee9 o'erw e9/ed 2y t is task$ and it&s i/,ortant to ta9k a2out any confusion and difficu9ties you /i- t fee9 wit your se/inar 9eader$ and e/2race wit t e fact t at t is is a nor/a9 ,art of 2eco/in- a de-ree-9e'e9 student$ and t e /o'e fro/ sc oo9 to uni'ersity and u9ti/ate9y$ t e 2i-$ 2ad wor9d. 0

)e%ond Assessment: 2 x *## word +max, introdu%tions to essays on your list. 1. Ia9ue: 2.G of /arks. 2. Deadline: 12pm Thursday eek - " 1# .o/ember . 4eed2ack to 2e returned on or 2efore 4riday 18 ?o'e/2er. +o 2e su2/itted and /arked 'ia 59ack5oard. 3. &ust be on different topi%s to bibliographies. 0. "ou wi99 2e asked to ac ie'e four t in-s in eac introduction$ and in t is order: a. (dentify t e /ain issueEsF or ,ro29e/EsF in t e Cuestion. 2. (ndicate ow and w y se9ect i/,ortant sc o9ars in t e fie9d a'e dea9t wit it. c. %B,9ain ow t ey ,9an to and9e t e Cuestion$ and w ic ideas$ tec niCues$ a,,roac es and 'arieties of e'idence t ey wi99 use. d. Offer a 2rief ,9an of t e essay$ notin- w ic ,ro29e/s wi99 2e discussed in w ic section usin- w ic e'idenceLcase study. + is wi99 2e 2ased on 9ectures 0 and ..

Third Assessment: 0ssay of %. 2,1## words 234 1#5 1. + is wi99 count for .0G of t e /ark for t e course. 2. Deadline: 12pm Thursday eek 11 " 6 De%ember. +o 2e su2/itted 'ia 59ack5oard. 4eed2ack on or 2efore 4riday 17 :ece/2er. 3. %ssay /ay 2e on any of t e to,ics identified 2y your se/inar 9eaderH t ey wi99 -uide you on t is. 0. + e trainin- for t is task wi99 2e -i'en in 9ectures =$ 8 and >.

)u*$ tt n" Work an% +eturn n" ,ee%*ack

A99 work wi99 2e su2/itted 'ia 59ack2oard +urn(t(n. "ou wi99 find your feed2ack t ere too. + e instructions on ow to do t is are on ,. 2>.

eek 2: !eferencin"

hy #other$

1. # at t ree funda/enta9 Cua9ities wou9d you say distin-uis acade/ic writin- fro/ a99 ot er for/s of writin-6 # at are t e differences 2etween$ say$ an ;acade/ic& teBt and$ say$ a 55C docu/entary$ an artic9e in a news,a,er$ or a ,iece on a we2site 2y a 'ery re,uta29e or-anisation 9ike OBfa/$ or t e Anited ?ations6 2. # at ,rocedures$ ,rocesses or ,o9icies wou9d you -uess were in ,9ace to ensure t at t ose Cua9ities were ,reser'ed6

The Law!
BIBLIOGRAPHIES + e 2i29io-ra, y needs to 2e ,re,ared accordin- to t e fo99owin- ru9es. + ere are 'ariations to t ese ru9es w ic different istorians /ay a,,9y$ 2ut t e key t in- is for you to 2e consistent t rou- out your work. Pay attention to your co9ons$ co//as$ fu99 sto,s$ 2rackets and use of ita9ics. (n ter/s of secondary sources$ you wi99 use t ree /aDor ty,es in your work: 2ooks$ essays in 2ooks$ and artic9es in Dourna9s. Books 1urna/e$ 4orena/e. Full Title of Book in Italics: Including Subtitles and Dates After a Colon with Each Important ord ritten with a Capital EC(+" of Pu29ication ?earest to "ou$ :ate of Pu29icationF. M4u99 sto, at t e endN %Ba/,9e: Haine$ 1cott. The orld of the !aris Caf": Sociabilit# among the French orking Class$ %&'()%(%* E*ondon$ 1>>7F. Poo'ey$ !ary. +aking a Social Bod#: British Cultural Formation$ %',-)%'.* E*ondon Mnot C ica-oN$ 1>>.F. Essays in Books 1urna/e$ 4orena/e. ;4u99 +it9e of %ssay in 1in-9e (n'erted Co//as 2ut not (ta9ics: O:ou29e (n'erted Co//as are for @uotes #it in t e +it9eP&$ in 4irstna/e 1urna/e Eed. Mor eds. if t ere is /ore t an one editorNF$ Full Title of Book in Italics EC(+" of Pu29ication ?earest to "ou$ :ate of Pu29icationF$ ,,. 123-0.7 Mt e ,a-e nu/2ers of t e essay in t e 2ook /ust 2e inc9udedN. M4u99 sto, at t e endN %Ba/,9e: 4ris2y$ :a'id. ;+ e !etro,o9is as +eBt: Otto #a-ner and Iienna&s O1econd 3enaissanceP&$ in ?ei9 *eac Eed.F$ The /ierogl#phics of Space E*ondon$ 2002F$ ,,. 1.-30. <e9a'ic $ Peter. ;Perfor/in- Hi- and *ow: <ews in !odern + eater$ Ca2aret$ 3e'ue and 4i9/&$ in %/i9y 5i9ski Eed.F$ Berlin +etropolis: 0ews and the 1ew Culture$ %'(-)%(%' E*ondon$ 1>>>F$ ,,. 208-23.. Articles in Journals 1urna/e$ 4orena/e. ;4u99 +it9e of t e Artic9e in 1in-9e (n'erted Co//as 2ut not (ta9ics: O:ou29e (n'erted Co//as are for @uotes #it in t e +it9eP&$ Full Title of 0ournal in Italics 0 M?u/2er of Dourna9 in year or in seriesN E"ear in 5racketsF$ ,,. 123-0.7 Mt e ,a-e nu/2ers of t e artic9e in t e Dourna9 /ust 2e inc9udedN. M4u99 sto, at t e endN %Ba/,9e: Garside$ Pau9. ;OAn ea9t y AreasP: +own P9annin-$ %u-enics and t e 19u/s$ 18>0-1>0.&$ !lanning !erspecti2es 3 E1>88F$ ,,. 20-07. Gi99oc $ Grae/e. ;+ e Heroic Pedestrian or t e Pedestrian Hero6 #a9ter 5enDa/in and t e 49Qneur&$ Telos >1 E1>>2F$ ,,. 108-11=.

FOOTNOTES 4ootnotes are ,re,ared accordin- to si/i9ar ru9es to 2i29io-ra, ic references$ 2ut wit t ree i/,ortant differences: (n footnotes$ we 9ist t e forena/e 2efore t e surna/e: ;!ary 1/it &$ not ;1/it $ !ary&. An entry on9y a,,ears once in a 2i29io-ra, y$ 2ut you /ay a'e to refer to t e sa/e work se'era9 ti/es in footnotes. # en you /ention t e sa/e 2ook$ artic9e or essay /ore t an once in your footnotes$ you use t e fu99 citation t e first ti/e$ 2ut t ereafter you use w at is ca99ed ;s ort for/ citation.& #e no 9on-er use i2id. or o,. cit. or ot er de'ices. (n footnotes$ we a9ways need to indicate t e s,ecific ,a-e or ,a-es we a'e taken our infor/ation fro/. + is /eans t at we end eac footnote 2y s,ecifyin- t e eBact ,a-e Esi-nified 2y ,.F or ,a-es Esi-nified 2y ,,.F on w ic we found t at s,ecific ,iece of infor/ation or ar-u/ent. Books - First citation: !ary Poo'ey$ +aking a Social Bod#: British Cultural Formation$ %',-)%'.* EC ica-o$ 1>>.F$ ,,.1822. M4u99 sto, at t e endN Books ) Second and subse3uent citations: Poo'ey$ +aking a Social Bod#$ ,. 38. Essays in Books - First citation: :a'id 4ris2y$ ;+ e !etro,o9is as +eBt: Otto #a-ner and Iienna&s O1econd 3enaissanceP&$ in ?ei9 *eac Eed.F$ The /ierogl#phics of Space E*ondon$ 2002F$ ,,. 22-20. M+ e ,a-es on w ic t e infor/ation can 2e found.N M4u99 sto, at t e endN Essays in Books - Second and subsequent citations: 4ris2y$ ;+ e !etro,o9is as +eBt&$ ,. 28. Articles in Journals - First citation: Grae/e Gi99oc $ ;+ e Heroic Pedestrian or t e Pedestrian Hero6 #a9ter 5enDa/in and t e 49Qneur&$ Telos >1 E1>>2F$ ,. 117. M+ e ,a-e on w ic t e infor/ation can 2e found.N M4u99 sto, at t e endN Articles in Journals - Second and subsequent citations: Gi99oc $ ;+ e Heroic Pedestrian or t e Pedestrian Hero6&$ ,. 11=. 7eferen%ing other )our%es " ebpages, Films et%. 1o/eti/es you need to reference t in-s fro/ we2,a-es$ +I ,ro-ra//es and suc 9ike. Guidance on ow to do t is can 2e found ere: tt,'LresourcesL-uidesL2ut028.,df Howe'er we on9y fo99ow t ese -uide9ines for ite/s not inc9uded a2o'e. 8ow to 7eferen%e orks ithin orks Often$ you wi99 2e usin- /ateria9 w ic ot er sc o9ars a'e a9ready used. "ou do t is 2y first referencin- t e ori-ina9 /ateria9$ t en referencin- w ere you found it$ 9ike t is: =

Kar9 !arB$ Eighteenth Brumaire of 4ouis 1apoleon E*ondon$ 1>=2F in 1te, en 3i-2y$ /istor# and +ar5ism E!anc ester$ 1>>2F$ ,. =>. "ou can find out a2out t e ori-ina9 source 2y fo99owin- t e sc o9ar&s own footnotes t at&s w y we a'e t e/: so e'eryone can kee, track of w ere e'eryone e9se -ets t eir ideas fro/. 9n the bibliography, you list only your final sour%e for the referen%e " in this %ase, 7igby(s book. Tasks Asin- t e fo99owin- eBa/,9e$ offer t e fo99owin-$ c9ear9y and neat9y ,resented accordin- to t e ru9es$ w ere you under9ine t in-s t at s ou9d 2e in ita9ics: 1. A 2i29io-ra, ic entry$ in t e a,,ro,riate order. 2. A first footnote reference. 3. A ;s ort for/& reference.


eek %: #ui&din" 'our !eadin": (ifferent Strate"ies

*et&s say you start out a'in- to write an essay$ or ,re,are a se/inar ,resentation$ or desi-n a ,oster$ or write a re,ort on t e ro9e of t e /idd9e c9asses in %uro,ean ,o9itics in 2efore t e 4renc 3e'o9ution. Here are so/e ste,s to o,en t e to,ic u,$ startin- wit t e -enera9 and endin- wit t e ,articu9ar. A99 of t is uses t e a/aJin- resources of t e <o n 3y9ands Ani'ersity *i2rary w ic $ for a99 its fau9ts$ is t e 9ar-est ca/,us 9i2rary in %uro,e. 1. Building your general reading: 1. On your readin- 9ist$ you can see t at t e 9ecturer as reco//ended 1i/,son and <ones$ Europe: %&',)%(%* E*ondon$ 200>F. 1o ty,e t at into t e <3A* we2site$ and you&99 see to t e ri- t so/e ;su2Dect cate-ories&:

"ou can see t at t ere are so/e ;-enera9 cate-ories& t ere. C9ick on t e one t at 9ooks /ost re9e'ant to you in t is case$ ;%uro,e istory 1708-1=8>&. C9ick on it. 2. # at do you -et6 "ou -et a Du/29e of doJens of works so/e wi99 2e re9e'ant$ so/e not. 1o ow do you sort t e/6 "ou&'e -ot so/e rea99y out-of-date t in-s first t ese wou9d 2e -reat for s owin- w at ,eo,9e t ou- t in 1>08$ 2ut not 'ery -ood for s owin- t e conte/,orary de2ates. 5ut you&'e a9so -ot a ;sort& feature use t is to sort 2y date$ wit newest first. Caution: ;new& does not /ean ;2etter&. # i9e 1>08 is ,ro2a29y too o9d to 2e usefu9$ so/e c9assic$ inf9uentia9 works eBist in eac fie9d.
You can sort by date or by author using this drop down list

You can sort by further subject areas like politics


3. ?ow t at you a'e sorted 2y date$ we start to see so/e usefu9 t e/es e/er-in-. "ou cou9d use t ese to su,,9e/ent t e -enera9 readin-. + ese wi99 2e sur'eys$ 2ut /ore c a99en-in- and detai9ed t an t e teBt2ooks you are used to usin-:

1o do you read a99 t ese 2ooks6 ?o. "ou 2rowse t e/$ and se9ect t e one or two or t ree t at see/ to 2e /ost usefu9 for t e essay t at you&'e -ot in /ind. 0xer%ise your :udgement. 2. Finding Monographs: Detailed Book-Length Studies 1. Asin- your readin- 9ists$ t e c9ues in t e footnotesL2i29io-ra, iesLindeBes fro/ your ;-enera9& readin-$ t e t in-s t at a'e cro,,ed u, in 9ectures and se/inars$ draw u, a 9ist of aut ors workin- in t e fie9d$ and of to,ic words. 1o$ for our eBa/,9e of t e ro9e of t e /idd9e-c9asses in %uro,ean ,o9itics in t e 1=70s$ 1==0s and 1=80s$ so/e of t e to,ic words /i- t 2e ;%n9i- ten/ent&$ ;c9ass&$ ;#i99ia/ Pitt&$ ;3ousseau&$ ;4rederick t e Great&$ ;/idd9e c9ass&. "our 9ist wi99 2e much 9on-er t an t is. And you&99 a'e to Di--9e t e co/2inations of t e/. 2. "ou now need to searc for t ese words in t e <3A* cata9o-ue. 5y co/2inin- ;%n9i- ten/ent& and ;/idd9e c9ass&$ we -et:


Potentia99y$ t is 2ook 9ooks interestin-. + at does not /ean you a'e to read itH it /eans you s ou9d ,ut it on your 9ist of t in-s t at cou9d e9, answer t e Cuestion in detai9. :oes ;Goo-9e 5ooks& 9et you see t e introduction6 (s t ere a re'iew of it on <1+O36 :oes it 9ook usefu96 #i99 it 2e a 'a9ua29e assistance in writin- t e essay6 Can you 2rowse it on t e s e9f and c eck out its ta29e of contents6 7emember: exer%ise your :udgement. 3. Finding rti!les in Learned "ournals 5ooks tend to contain 'ery 9ar-e a/ounts of infor/ation$ and carefu99y ar-ued ,ositions and ,ers,ecti'es de'e9o,ed o'er a undreds of ,a-es. + at&s w y t ey&re so 'a9ua29e: t ey are a /easure of t e t orou- ness of t e sc o9ar and t e student. 5ut t ey are not so -ood for conductin- de2ates and -ettin- into t e cut and t rust of an issueH t ey&re a9so 'ery eB,ensi'e to 2uyH fina99y$ t ey take years and 9ots of /oney to ,roduce. 4or t ese t ree reasons$ sc o9ars a9so en-a-e in writin- artic9es. Here$ ,ositions can 2e c9arified and de'e9o,ed /ore ra,id9yH sc o9ars can res,ond /ore easi9yH and 2ecause t e Dourna9s are e9d in /ost of t e -reat uni'ersities of t e wor9d t ey&re a /uc Cuicker way of -ettin- ideas out t ere and wide9y read. 5ut t ey are 9ess t orou- t an /ono-ra, s. 3efer 2ack to your 9ist of key aut ors$ key to,ics and key words de'e9o,ed for your /ono-ra, searc : now t at you&'e co/,9eted your /ono-ra, searc $ you s ou9d a'e e2en more key words$ to,ics and aut ors in t e fie9d. (n fact$ you&99 2e 2eco/in- Cuite an eB,ert in t e 9ay of t e 9and fro/ a researc er&s ,ers,ecti'e$ e'en t ou- you a'en&t read a99 t e works yet. "ou /i- t 2e fee9in- o'erw e9/ed wit infor/ation at t is sta-e t at&s unfortunate$ 2ut ine'ita29e. + ere are a ran-e of usefu9 data2ases to searc for artic9es /ost of t ese costin- tens of t ousands of ,ounds a year for t e uni'ersity to 2uy and /aintain. + ey are 9isted ere in order of i/,ortance: 1. Historica9 A2stracts On9ine t is ser'ice ,ays ,rofessiona9 istorians to su//arise t e /ain ar-u/ents and e'idence found in an artic9e$ so you can see ear9y on if it wi99 2e re9e'ant to you. + is on9y searc es istory Dourna9s. Access t is t rou- t e <3A* we2siteH c9ick on t e ;e9ectronic resources& ta2H c9ick on ;data2ases& in t e 9eft and co9u/n. 4o99ow t e 9inks t rou- . 2. <1+O3 t is doesn&t offer a2stracts 5A+ it searc es in t e teBt of t e artic9es t e/se9'es$ and offers searc es across a ran-e of su2Dects t at so/eti/es dea9 wit istorica9 to,ics at t e sa/e ti/e E,o9itics$ econo/ics$ istory of art$ socio9o-y$ etc.F. Go to www.Dstor.or-. 3. Goo-9e 1c o9ar Ere/e/2er to fo99ow u, ;cited 2y& and ;re9ated artic9es&F t is contains a 9ot of Dunk$ 2ut offers a -reat way of 2roadenin- your key aut ors$ to,ic words and t e/es. A9so$ 2ecause of t e ;cited 2y& faci9ity$ you can see w o&s 2een rea99y inf9uentia9 in t e fie9d. 5e carefu9 t ou- : 'ery recent work wi99 not a'e 2een around 9on- enou- to a'e 2een wide9y cited. (t a9so as 9inks to re9ated researc t at wi99 e9, you. 0. ProDect !use -o to tt,:LL/use.D u.eduL. .. 5i29io-ra, y of 5ritis and (ris History. Go to tt,:LLa,,s.2re,o9is.netL5re,,B 7. A/erican History and *ife Efor A1AF find as Historica9 A2stracts On9ine A99 of t ese data2ases s ou9d -i'e you auto/atic access fro/ a co/,uter on ca/,us or in a99s. (f you&re usin- t e/ fro/ o/e$ or away fro/ ca/,us$ you&99 need to 9o- into t e/. *ook for ;(nstitution *o-in& or ;1 i22o9et *o-in&$ and si-n in usin- your nor/a9 uni'ersity user na/e and ,assword. 1earc in t e/ usin-: t e fu99 ran-e and /u9ti,9e co/2inations of key words$ to,ics and sc o9ars& na/es t at you de'e9o,ed a2o'e. t e ;su2Dect& ter/s offered Eif anyF$ in a si/i9ar way to t e <o n 3y9ands Ani'ersity *i2rary. 12

Lo!ating arti!les (f t ere is not a direct 9ink to t e artic9e you&re searc in- for$ t en you s ou9d -o to t e <o n 3y9ands *i2rary we2site$ c9ick on t e ;e9ectronic resources& ta2$ t en c9ick on ;e9ectronic Dourna9s&.

Sear!h #ngines $or llied Dis!iplines: %op %ips $or &'itious Students History is not t e on9y disci,9ine w ic ref9ects on t e ,astH c9assics$ 9iterature$ econo/ics$ socio9o-y$ ,o9itics and /any /ore do so to. "ou can find t e ,aid-for data2ases of artic9es and researc in t ese a99ied areas 2y -oin- to t e <3A* we2siteH c9ickin- on t e ;su2Dects& ta2H identifyin- t e su2DectH t en c9ickin- ;data2ases& in t e co9u/n on t e 9eft- and side. "ou wi99 do t is /ore in *2 and *3 es,ecia99y if you ,ick /ore c a99en-in- to,ics$ and want to -et /arks in t e ran-e R7.G - i.e.$ t e /ark ran-e w ere e/,9oyers 2eco/e interested.
4. (utting

together your 'i'liography

+ e readin- for an essay is a /iBture of teBtsH eac teBt wi99 ,ro2a29y 2e used /ore t an once in an essay$ as different t e/es and to,ics e/er-e. +y,ica99y$ eac ,iece of su2stantia9 work you do at uni'ersity wi99 a'e 3 or so Eoccasiona99y 0$ ne'er 2F t e/ed areas of in'esti-ation you need to /ake sure t at your readin- co'ers eac of t ese areas rou- 9y E'ery rou- 9yF eCua99y: you can&t a'e 8 2ooks on section 1$ and one 2ook on section 3. Here&s a c eck9ist of ;/ini/u/s& you /i- t wis to -o 2eyond t is$ 2ut 2eware of f9oodin- your work wit data$ and o'erw e9/in- your /ind wit detai9. 1uccessfu9 istorians ne'er -et to a situation w ere ;t ey can&t see t e wood Mt e 2i-$ i/,ortant ,ictureN for t e trees Mt e detai9 to fi99 in t e ,ictureN.& %Cua99y$ a -ood istorian ne'er for-ets t at ;?o trees S no wood&. "ou&re 2ein- Dud-ed on your a2i9ity to strike a 2a9ance 2etween t e 2i- ,icture Ewit a99 of t e i/,ortant de2ates and t e/esF$ and t e detai9 Et e e'idence w ic actua99y de/onstrates t at t e 2i- ,icture is t e ri- t oneF. 1. ;uantity. 5asica99y$ to f9ouris in your first year you&re 9ookin- at CO!!A?:(?G K?O#*%:G% O4 c. 3 ,ieces of serious sc o9ar9y work E/ono-ra, s$ -enera9 works$ acade/ic artic9esF ,er t ousand words Eor ,art t ereofF for a 2.2$ c. 0 ,iecesL1000 words Eor ,artF for a 2.1 and c. . ,iecesL1000 words Eor ,artF for a first. + is is not set in stone and it rises 2y one eac year. ;Co//andin- know9ed-e& /eans t at you cou9d eB,9ain$ wit out reference to notes$ w o t e aut ors were$ and w at t e work was ar-uin-La2out. 2. <omposition: a. Genera9 works: in a 2i29io-ra, y of 12-1. t in-s for a 2$.00 word essay Ede,endin- on w et er you want a 2.1 or a 1stF$ you want 3 or so ;-enera9 works&$ so you can 2e sure t at you&'e -ot t e 2i- ,icture$ t e /aDor de2ates$ t e conteBt$ t e surroundin-s etc. 2. !ono-ra, s: you /i- t consu9t$ in su2stantia9 detai9 Ereadin- t e intro$ t e conc9usion and one or two re9e'ant c a,ters in 2etweenF 3-. /ono-ra, s: rea99y detai9ed studies of to,ics. c. Artic9esLessays: you /i- t consu9t$ in su2stantia9 detai9 Ereadin- t e w o9e t in-$ Dottindown t e ar-u/ent and t e /aDor ,oints of a-ree/ent and de2ateF 3-. re9e'ant artic9es in Dourna9s. d. C9assic works so/eti/es$ a ,iece of work /i- t 9ook ;o9d&$ 2ut is in fact a c9assic work w ic defines t e ,ara/eters of de2ate in t e fie9d. 1o for our essay ere$ #i99ia/ :oy9e$ 6rigins of the French 7e2olution EOBford$ 1>80F$ is 30 years o9d$ 2ut as ad an enor/ous inf9uence on t e study of %uro,ean ,o9itics in t e 1=70s and =0s. + ese ,ieces s ou9d cro, u, in 2.2 and 2.c. 13

3. )our%es for <omposing 7eading =ists w ere you s ou9d -et your readin-s fro/: a. 3eadin- 9ists t ese s ou9d 2e your startin- ,oint. "ou s ou9d at 9east /ake sure you&'e ;2roken t e 2ack& of t e readin- t e course director as -i'en a2out a ,articu9ar to,ic. Per a,s$ t ou- $ you don&t t ink t at&s enou- you want to eBtend it. "ou s ou9d certain9y reco-nise$ t ou- $ t at t e course director knows w at sL e is ta9kina2out$ and t at t e readin- is t ere for a reason. 2. "our own researc $ usin- t e /et ods a2o'e. + is wi99 2e a99 t e /ore i/,ortant if you&re researc in- /ore inde,endent9y. + e 2a9ance 2etween t ese two sources is a /atter for your Dud-e/ent 9ea'in- a -reat work out fro/ your readin- 9ist$ 2ut ,uttinin a ,iece of Dunk you found$ written in 1>38 2y a 'a-ue9y racist i/,eria9ist S disaster. 3ea9isin- t at your readin- 9ist is a 2it out of date$ and can 2e i/,ro'ed 2y so/e 2ri99iant work done in t e 9ast 20 years S ,at to -enius. "our 9ecturers are not -odsH t ey know a 9ot of stuff$ 2ut not e'eryt in-$ and you can e9, t e/ -row t eir know9ed-e. 7emember: at e'ery sta-e and at a99 ti/es$ you are 2ein- tested on your ca,acity to eBercise Dud-e/ent in identifyin- i- -Cua9ity andLor inf9uentia9 data$ not to 2e co/,re ensi'e. #e know you cannot read e'eryt in- 2ut t at is a9so w y we set essays t at you cou9d researc for t e rest of your 9ife and sti99 not co/,9ete. #e don&t want you to read e'eryt in-. #e want you$ usin- your wits$ to work out w at is definite9y wort readin-$ w at is wort readin- if you a'e t e ti/e$ and w at can ,ro2a29y 2e 9eft to one side. "our Dud-e/ent is e'eryt in-. + is ,rocess is intended to fee9 unco/forta29e$ eB i9aratin-$ risky$ stran-e$ at ti/es o'erw e9/in-$ 2ut u9ti/ate9y rewardin-. As suc $ it is an ana9o-ue for 9ife in -enera9.

)ormattin" and *ayout of



(n order for your work to 2e easi9y 9e-i29e$ and so t at tutors can write co//ents on it$ t ere are ru9es a2out ow t e work /ust 2e ,resented. Here is a si/,9e c eck9ist for you to work t rou- : 1. 2. 3. 0. .. 7. =. 8. >. 10. A99 work /ust 2e dou29e-9ine-s,aced. *ea'e a 29ank 9ine 2etween eac ,ara-ra, . *on-er Cuotes and citations E/ore t an two 9inesF need to 2e sin-9e-9ine-s,aced and indented. (ndented citations M3N do note a'e ;Cuotation /arks&. Pa-es s ou9d 2e nu/2ered in t e 2otto/ ri- t- and corner. "ou s ou9d use +i/es ?ew 3o/an font$ siJe 12,t$ for t e /ain ,art of your essay and 2i29io-ra, y. "ou /ay use 10,t for footnotes. *ea'e a 9ar-e /ar-in Eat 9east one inc $ or 2.. c/F around a99 work. 3eferences /ay on9y 2e inserted after ,unctuationH idea99y$ a fu99 sto,. 4orei-n words are in italics eBce,t for ,ro,er nouns. 1o :u/a$ 2ut apparatchik8 3eic sta-$ 2ut SchadenfreudeH :o-e$ 2ut 3uattro cento. A99 Dourna9$ news,a,er and 2ook tit9es are in ita9ics.

!any of t ese settin-s wi99 2e auto/atic on uni'ersity co/,uters$ 2ut so/e for/attin- wi99 a'e to 2e done 2y you. 4or anyt in- w ic you are unsure of$ c9ick on ;He9,& in !icrosoft #ord$ and fo99ow t e instructions t ere.


eek !: 9ntrodu%tions to 0ssays, =ong 0ssays and Dissertations

+ e introduction to your work is t e 2it w ic can /ake or 2reak t e reader&s i/,ression of your work. 1tartin- a ,iece wit a 9ousy introduction$ owe'er -reat t e 2ody of t e work is$ wou9d 2e 9ike C urc i99 startin- a s,eec wit a 2ur,. 5ut t inkin- a2out t e introduction can a9so e9, you work t rou- t e ,iece of work$ e'en t ou- you wi99 not actua99y write t e introduction unti9 t e end of t e ,roDect. 4or a99 essays$ no /atter ow 9on- or s ort$ you need to do a 'ariation on t e four tasks set out 2e9ow in e2er# introduction. C9ear9y$ for an essay of 2$000 words$ t is wi99 2e co/,ressedH and for a dissertation of 13$000 words$ t is wi99 2e fu99er. %Cua99y$ for work at first-year 9e'e9$ t e introduction /i- t 2e eB,9oratory and use foundationa9 ideas and /et ods$ w i9e at t ird-year 9e'e9$ it wi99 need to 2e 'ery so, isticated and c a99en-in-. O'er ti/e$ w en you a'e /astered t ese ru9es$ you can add in /ore of your own ,ersona9 sty9e and inte99ectua9 s9ant. 5ut you must co'er t ese four 2ases so/ew ere in e'ery introduction. "ou s ou9d eB,eri/ent to find different e9e-ant ways of eB,ressin- t e tasks 2e9owH do not co,y t e su--estions fro/ ere 'er2ati/$ 2ut try to say t e/ in your own words. Task 1: The 0arly )tages. # en startin- to esta29is a ,roDect and t e 9ines of enCuiry you&re -oin- to take$ /ake sure you address eac of t e four areas raised 2e9ow in your ,9ans$ 9iterature searc es$ ref9ections$ discussions wit your tutor. %'en if you su2seCuent9y reDect t e ideasL,at ways$ it e9,s to start Dud-in- and e'a9uatin- t e/ fro/ t e 2e-innin-. 3e/e/2er: t is work is supposed to 2e difficu9tH it is supposed to /ake you t ink$ encounter ,ro29e/s$ worry$ stru--9e$ etc. 5ut fo99owin- t e ste,-2y-ste, a,,roac ere wi99 e9, you to sort w at you know$ ,ut it in an order$ and critiCue it effecti'e9y. Task 2: The Final )tages. # en you co/e to ,9an t e actua9 writin- of t e ,roDect$ draw u, a fir/er$ /ore co/,9ete ;introduction&$ di'ided into t e four ,arts. (t doesn&t need to 2e in fu99 sentences it can 2e in 2u99et ,oints. (f it is a 9on- essay$ inde,endent ,roDect$ or dissertation$ discuss it wit your tutor. + is wi99 force you to t ink a2out difficu9t issues$ acknow9ed-e -a,s and ,ro29e/s$ and ,9an a structure t at is c9ear to t e reader. 5efore ( -o on to eB,9ain w at an introduction /ust inc9ude$ 9et /e start 2y sayin- w at an introduction is not: it is not ;settin- t e scene&. One of t e worst ways to start an introduction is t e istorian&s 'ersion of ;Once u,on a ti/e.&. ;Paris in t e 9ate nineteent century was a tee/in- /ass of re'o9utionary fer'our& ;Cine/a--oin- was t e new craJe of t e 1>30s& etc. + is ty,e of o,eninannounces to t e reader t at you a'en&t -ot anyt in- t ou- tfu9$ inte99ectua9 or contro'ersia9 to say$ and it&s difficu9t to reco'er fro/ a 2e-innin- 9ike t is. Here is a c eck9ist of w at an introduction /ust do$ and in t e order t at it /ust 2e done: 1. 0xplain what are problems to be in/estigated, and why. :ecide w ic of t e fo99owin- need to 2e done and set a2out doin- t e/) 1et u, t e Cuestion to 2e answeredH t e ,ro29e/ to 2e so9'edH t e issue at stakeH t e /isunderstandin- t at needs to 2e correctedH t e -a, in t e sc o9ars i, t at needs to 2e fi99edH t e i/,ortance of understandin- t e s/a99 t in- you&'e studied to understandin- a 2i--er issueH t e co/,etin- istorica9 t eses w ic need to 2e 1.

;refereed&H t e y,ot esis t at needs to 2e ,ro'ed accurate and w ic you a-ree wit H t e y,ot esis t at needs to 2e ,ro'ed ,ro29e/atic or unre9ia29e$ and w ic needs to 2e re'ised or discardedH t e difficu9ties wit t e e'idence t at reCuire furt er co//entH t e different conc9usions t at istorians a'e reac ed at different ti/esH t e different a,,roac es t at ot er disci,9ines E9ike econo/ics or ant ro,o9o-yF /i- t offer to t e ana9ysisH t e ,ersona9 reasons you a'e for tack9in- t isH your own ar-u/ent =e/el 1 0xample: ;+ is essay eB,9ores t e issue of ei- teent -century t eories of a2so9utis/$ in order to identif# the ma9or factors in the formation of the modern state::: to e5plore the changing features of contemporar# political theor#; to 3uestion Ingrao<s theor# of the modern state::: to contrast the role of religion in the formation of the modern state with::: to de2elop a model for understanding political modernisation; =e/el * 0xample: ;+ is essay eBa/ines t e increasin- tec no9o-ica9 inter'entions in darkness in ear9y nineteent century %uro,e in order to;so that;to interrogate;to re2ise;to compare;to challenge;to refine;to confirm;to reconcile; to e2aluate; to de2elop; to resol2e; to e5plore; to contrast; 2. 0xplain how influential or inno/ati/e s%holars ha/e tried to do what you are doing $ and where they(/e su%%eeded and where they(/e failed. :o t is t e/atica99y$ rat er t an as a 9ist. 1o don&t say$ ;Tacek said <ones did not sayG os ar-ued 5arker ne-9ected. Hi- a/ su--ested&. :on&t /ake t e /istake of assu/in- t at you&re t e first to a'e t ou- t of t e ,ro29e/s you&re addressin-. 5ut eCua99y$ it&s 9e-iti/ate to confir/ or c a99en-e so/eone e9se&s ,osition you don&t a'e to re-in'ent t e w ee9. "ou do a'e to in'esti-ate a ,ro29e/ critica99y and syste/atica99y and t ere are ,9enty of critics and syste/s out t ere for you to re9y on. "ou can -et a first c9ass /ark 2y usin- other people<s ideas effecti'e9y and critica99y. =e/el 1 0xample: + e ro9e of t e 2our-eoisie in /odern state for/ation as 2een t e focus of a 9ot of istorica9 researc . + e et no-nationa9ists$ 9ike <o nson and + o/,son$ a'e used t e eBa/,9es of 5 and # to ar-ue t at a and b. Howe'er$ functiona9ist istorians$ 9ike #i99ia/son and <a/eson$ a'e s own t at... =e/el * 0xample: 1o/e researc as a9ready 2een carried out on t e issue of 5$ 2ut it as se'era9 ,ro29e/s. 4irst of a99$ it asn&t addressed 5 direct9y$ so <erra/ o'er-e/, asises do/estic s,ace at t e eB,ense of 5 itse9f$ and 1tran-e fai9s to /ention 5 at a99. 1econd9y$ /ost researc as Dust 2een a2out 4rance$ and so si/i9ar Cuestions wit re-ard to 3ussia a'e not 2een asked. 4or eBa/,9e$ Gatre99&s recent study of 3ussia touc es on9y 9i- t9y on 5. 3. 0xplain in general terms how you plan to sol/e these problems, by using the %ase4 studies and theoreti%al models whi%h you ha/e %hosen to use. %B,9ain w at$ if any$ t eoretica9 a,,aratus you&re -oin- to use. + is is your /et odo9o-y. Per a,s you&'e 2orrowed fro/ 4oucau9t. !ay2e you t ink !arB is key ere. "ou /i- t want to 2orrow fro/ fe/inist t eory or ant ro,o9o-y or socio9o-y. !ay2e you want to so9'e a ,ro29e/ wit e'idence fro/ art t at as usua99y 2een so9'ed wit e'idence fro/ c arters. Per a,s you want to use a /i9itary istory eB,9anation for a ,ro29e/ t at&s usua99y 2een tack9ed wit socia9 istory. %B,9ain ow your case studies and your a,,roac wi99 aF so9'e t e ,ro29e/s set out in 1H and 2F dea9 wit t e issues raised in 2. %B,9ain w at your t esis is$ and w y your case study is ,articu9ar9y suita29e or re9e'ant. %B,9ain w at you are 9ea'in- out$ and w y. =e/el 1 0xample: (n order to esta29is w y nationa9is/ c an-ed so radica99y in t e nineteent century$ ( wi99 focus on warfare to de/onstrate ow nationa9is/ ca/e to focus on territoria9 eB,ansion instead of c9ass conf9ict. <o nson&s ideas a2out t e /odern state$ de'e9o,ed in t e 1>80s and 1>>0s$ wi99 2e ,articu9ar9y usefu9$ 2ecause of is focus on warfare. =e/el * 0xample: + e issue of w et er cine/a--oin- in'ented a new 'oca2u9ary of ur2an discourse wit re-ard to cri/e in t e city$ or /ere9y ,er,etuated an o9der one$ wi99 2e 17

addressed 2y 9ookin- at ear9y 4renc cine/a$ and its ,ortraya9s of Paris. !ost sc o9ars i, is dedicated to Ger/an and A/erican fi9/s$ so t is work wi99 not address t e/. Howe'er$ ( wi99 2orrow t e a,,roac w ic <a/es :ona9d as taken to A/erican fi9/ noir$ and a,,9y it to 4renc si9ent fi9/s$ as t is wi99 e9, s ow t at far fro/ 2ein- /ar-ina9$ t e 4renc fi9/--oin,u29ic used an inno'ati'e cine/atic 'oca2u9ary to eB,9ain ur2an cri/e ri- t fro/ t e 2e-inninof t e cine/a era. 0. >i/e a brief outline of ea%h se%tion, explaining quickly and clearly what ea%h will do$ and ow eac wi99 address 1 and 2. "ou /ust /ake c9ear t e point of eac section$ w y it&s t ere at a99$ and ow it e9,s dea9 wit eac issue. 1ketc out w at s,ecific e'idence you wi99 use$ and w at s,ecific ,oint you wi99 ,ro'e wit it. =e/el 1 0xample: + e first section wi99 eB,9ore t e Ger/an To99'erein$ to s ow ow c an-inecono/ic ,riorities cou9d i/,act on nationa9ist ideas in t e /id-nineteent century. + e second section wi99 eB,9ore t e court9y ,o9itics of Pied/ont$ 2ecause t is case study under/ines t e idea of t e i/,ortance of ca,ita9is/ to nationa9 ,roDects... =e/el * 0xample: ;C a,ter two wi99 eB,9ain ow doctors 'iewed t e effects of ur2anisation on wo/en&s /enta9 ea9t usin- 2ot /edica9 re,orts in The 4ancet$ and an ana9ysis of t e *ancas ire County Coroner&s records for suicides for t e ,eriod. + us it wi99 -o furt er t an #a9kowitJ&s study$ w ic focuses on9y on *ondon and news,a,er re,resentations. + is wi99 s ow w et er conte/,orary anBieties a2out ur2an ano/ie and des,air were confined to ,o,u9ar cu9ture and *ondon$ or w et er t e /edica9 ,rofession across ur2an 5ritain co99uded in t e 'iew t at /odernity and t e city /ade one i99. C a,ter t ree wi99 -o on to t e ,ractice of <a/es 1turton of ?ewcast9e$ to eB,9ain& =astly, the introdu%tion should take up no more than about 1#4115 of the main body of the essay " i.e., the total word %ount in%luding footnotes and ex%luding bibliography.

eek +: Startin" ,oints for ,ro-&ematics

A99 data$ a99 e'idence$ a99 facts$ a99 Cuotes are t ere to eB,9ain so/et in- and to so9'e a ,ro29e/. + erefore: 1. %B,9ore t e ran-e of fra/eworks$ ,atterns$ a,,roac es$ con'entions and ,ro29e/s in w ic t e data can 2e inter,reted 4(31+. 2. %B,9ore t e data in the light of those frameworks$ and use t e data to see w ic of t e inter,retations as t e 2estLworst e/,irica9 su,,ort. :ata /ust a'e a use. (deas firstH data secondH your assu/,tions ne'er. + e ideas wi99 te99 you w ic data to 9ook for. + e data wi99 te99 you w ic ideas are stron-est. This list is far from exhausti/e$ 2ut -i'es you an idea of t e ran-e you wi99 often 2e co/2inint ese. One$ in its ,ure for/$ wi99 rare9y 2e enou- : 1. t e historiographi%al ,ro29e/ to 2e so9'ed: a'e different -enerations of istorians a,,roac ed t in-s different9y6 E#as t e 'iew in t e 70s different to t at in t e 80s6 # y6F Ha'e different /et odo9o-ies a,,roac ed t in-s different9y6 4or eBa/,9e$ w y do /odernistfunctiona9ist a,,roac es to nationa9is/ differ so /uc fro/ et no-nationa9ist a,,roac es6 Or do t ey differ is t e -a, eBa--erated for so/e reason6 1=

2. 9nterdis%iplinarity - an idea de'e9o,ed in one area of study E,o9itics$ socio9o-y$ art istory$ screen studies$ , i9oso, y$ econo/ics$ science studies$ t eo9o-y etc.F 2ut w ic cou9d 2e used in istoryH 3. 0/iden%e - an a,,roac de'e9o,ed wit one ty,e of e'idence Esay$ docu/entaryF t at needs to 2e re'ised 2ecause now we a'e anot er ty,e of e'idence Esay$ arc aeo9o-ica9FH 0. )ub4dis%iplines - a set of conc9usions de'e9o,ed wit one set of /et odo9o-ica9 assu/,tions Esay$ econo/ic istoryF t at needs to 2e contrasted wit one /ade wit anot er set of /et odo9o-ica9 assu/,tions Esay$ -ender istoryF 5rainstor/ as /any su2-disci,9ines in istory as you can: start wit ,o9itica9 istory$ -ender$ /i9itary$ ur2an$ cu9tura9$ socia9$ econo/ic$ inte99ectua9$ seBua9ity$ re9i-ious... .. 0pistemology - t e inte99ectua9L, i9oso, ica9Le,iste/o9o-ica9 issue at stake 9ike w et er ,eo,9e&s words are of any 'a9ue at a99 in understandin- t eir /oti'esH 7. t e misunderstanding t at needs to 2e correctedH =. t e gap in t e sc o9ars i, t at needs to 2e fi99ed or co//ented u,onH t e furt er researc t at needs to 2e doneH 8. t e importan%e of understandin- t e s/a99 t in- you&'e studied to understandin- a 2i--er issue so$ w y does studyin- counci9 ouses in Ger/any in t e 1>20s e9, us understand t e w o9e istory of t e /odern state6 >. a new a,,roac t at needs to 2e 2etter understoodH 10. an old a,,roac t at cou9d do wit 2ein- resurrectedH 11. t e %ompeting histori%al theses w ic need to 2e ;refereed&H 12. t e tentati/e hypothesis t at needs to 2e ,ro'ed accurate and w ic you a-ree wit H 13. t e y,ot esis t at needs to 2e ,ro'ed ,ro29e/atic or unre9ia29e$ and w ic needs to 2e re'ised or discardedH 10. t e link 2etween B and y t at needs to 2e esta29is ed or CuestionedH 1.. t e personal reasons you a'e for tack9in- t isH 17. your own argumentH 1=. t e new e/iden%e t at needs to 2e introduced to an o9d ,ro29e/H 18. t e new theory t at cou9d 2e a,,9ied to an esta29is ed cor,us of e'idenceH 1>. an old theory w ic cou9d 2e a,,9ied to a new cor,us of e'idenceH +o, ti,: 9ook at t e introductions of so/e Dourna9 artic9es t at you a'e ad/ired. How do t ey do t is6 4ina99y: t is needs to 2e ref9ected$ su2t9y or eB,9icit9y$ in eac of t e 0 ,arts of your intro. 9f in doubt, go to one of your tutor(s offi%e hours, and ask.

eek .: *earnin" to read. A"ain.

+ e Cuantity of stuff you a'e to read at uni'ersity$ and in 9ife t ereafter$ wi99 a9ways 2e o'erw e9/in-. "ou need a strate-y to /ana-e t is. Hours a9one won&t e9, you Enote: alone you sti99 a'e to do ours of readin-F. !any 2:2 and 9ow 2:1 students do u-e a/ounts of readin-H /any 1 st c9ass students do /uc 9ess. #e need to un9ock t e secrets /ost ,eo,9e i-nore t e fo99owin-. !ost ,eo,9e -raduate wit an a'era-e 2e9ow 7.G. + is is not a coincidence + e c oice is yours.


+ea% n" as a Process

+oo often$ we focus on an idea of readin- w ic is a99 a2out ;eyes on ,a-es&. 5ut t ere are 9ots of ,arts of t e tasks in'o9'ed in readin-$ and we need to 2rin- t ese into consciousness e2er# time we read: + ink a2out t e work you&'e done so far at uni'ersity: 2rainstor/ as /any ,arts of t e readin- ,rocess. Offer a 'iew on wh# t at ,art of t e readin- ,rocess is i/,ortant w at functionEsF does it ser'e6 + ink a2out ow and w y you read$ fro/ t e /o/ent you are -i'en a task to w en you wa9k out of t e course&s 9ast eBa/s. # at different -oa9s and ,arts of t e ,rocess can you 2rainstor/6 # ere do you -o6 # at do you do6 Part of t e readin- ,rocess # at resu9ts does t is ,art of t e ,rocess de9i'er6


Open n" up the rea% n" process! )tart n" OutKey idea: if you&re not t inkin-$ you&re wastin- your ti/e. 1te, 1: Gi'e u, 2ein- an encyc9o,aedia. "ou don&t e2er need to know e'eryt in-. + e 9i2rary wi99 a9ways 2e t ere$ and t e resources of t e Hi- :e/and Co99ection and %9ectronic Co99ections wi99 a9ways 2e readi9y a'ai9a29e. "ou do not need any resources to do t is. + ink. .o brain, no gain. 1te, 2: + e 1ca9e of t e +ask. 1tart out e'ery readin- task 2y /akin- a 9ist$ 2ased on w at you a9ready know and w at #ou remember of w at&s 2een discussed in se/inars and 9ectures$ of w at issues you t ink you /i- t need to tack9e$ and w at -a,s in t e data you t ink you ,ro2a29y need to ,9u-. Guess. %sti/ate. + ink. .o brain, no gain. 1te, 3: 3un your 9iterature searc es 2ased on w at we&'e a9ready studied. + ink. .o brain, no gain. Pause. C i99 out. Go runnin-. Or-anise your 2and. *i2erate Pa9estine. :o w ate'er it is t at you do. 1to, t inkin-. 1witc off your 2rain for a day .

1te, 0: 3erun ste, 2. 1a/e or different6 # at a'e you c an-ed6 ?ote: no 2ooks. + ink. .o brain, no gain. 1te, .: 1can t e ta29es of contents$ introductions and conc9usions of t e stuff you found in ste, t ree. ?ote: no ,ens. "ou cannot read$ write and t ink at t e sa/e ti/e. Atter9y i/,ossi29e. 3erun ste, 2. + ink. .o brain, no gain. 1te, 7: 1ift t rou- w at you found in ste, 3 w at do you reall# need to read now6 + ink. .o brain, no gain. 7eading and thinking are not two separate tasks. 9f you(re not problem sol/ing while you(re reading, if you(re not e/aluating and de%iding and prioritising, then you(re wasting your time and you should stop, and go and do something else for a while.


E(es on Pa"es! .o n" the +ea% n"

A, to t is ,oint$ t e readin- ,rocess as 2een a2out scannin-$ t inkin-$ ,atterns$ concerns$ issues$ t e/es. 5ut now you&'e -ot a /ore concrete idea of w at you&re readin-$ we need to t ink a2out w at a,,ens w en you ,ut your eyes on ,a-es. #it a cou,9e of your co99ea-ues$ work out so/e -uide9ines for t e fo99owin-: 1. # en s ou9d you reDect a ,articu9ar ,iece of readin-$ and sto, doin- it6

2. # at s ou9d you 2e 9ookin- to eBtract fro/ t e teBt6

3. # en s ou9d you take notes6

0. # at s ou9d you inc9ude in notes6

/onc se /r t ca0 1otes! 2ooks an% 3rt c0es

+ e fo99owin- two docu/ents are desi-ned to /ake you t ink a2out your readin-$ so t at you s ift away fro/ 2ein- a oo'er$ and start to 2eco/e a fi9ter. :oin- t is wi99 fee9 awkward at first$ 2ut wi99 a'e two effects: it&99 /ake you t ink a2out your readin- a 9ot /ore$ and it&99 sa'e you a 9ot of ti/e w ic you can s,end eit er a'in- fun$ or doin- /ore work to -et a 2etter de-ree. # en takin- notes$ 9ess is /ore$ and t is docu/ent is intended to /ake you think a2out w at you write down. + e de-ree is for t inkin-$ discri/inatin-$ decidin-$ Dud-in- and e'a9uatin- a2o'e a99. Ada,ted fro/ Cottre99$ Critical Thinking Skills E*ondon$ 200.F$ 1.7-8.


)riti!al *otes Fro& Books

?a/e of aut orEsF 4u99 tit9e of 2ook "ear ,u29is ed P9ace of ,u29ication 1. + eoretica9 ,ositionEsF$ ty,eEsF of t eory$ t eoretica9 a,,roac EesF$ /et odo9o-y6 1. 2. 3.

2. %ssentia9 2ack-round infor/ation t e ,ro29e/s t e aut or is tryinto so9'e or address

1. 2. 3.

3. !ost i/,ortant Enot a99F ar-u/ents in t e teBt a2out 1 U 2

1. 2. 3.

0. !ost Enot a99F i/,ortant reasons and e'idence Ety,es ofF to su,,ort 3.

1. 2. 3.

.. Assess/ent of t e ma9or stren-t s and weaknesses of 3 and 0.

1. 2. 3.

7. !ost Enot a99F i/,ortant 3e9ations i,s to ot er sources in t is fie9d co/,9ete9y different issuesLa,,roac es6 A-ree/ents6 Contrasts6 :isa-ree/ents6

1. 2. 3.


)on!ise )riti!al *otes: rti!les in "ournals and )hapters in Books

?a/e of aut orEsF 4u99 tit9e of artic9eLc a,ter "ear ,u29is ed <ourna9L2ook tit9e Io9u/e and Pa-e nu/2ers P9ace of ,u29ication Efor 2ooks on9yF 1. Hy,ot eses. # at is t e ,a,er settin- out to ,ro'e or de/onstrate6

1. 2. 3.

2. # at is t e t eoretica9 ,osition under9yin- t e researc 6 3. # at researc /et ods or a,,roac es are used6 0. # at ty,es of e'idence are used$ and w at does it tend to s ow$ i/,9y or su--est6 1. 2. 3. .. # at are t e i/,ortant resu9ts$ conc9usions or reco//endations6 1. 2. 3. 7. # at are your e'a9uations of its stren-t s and weaknesses6 1. 2. 3. 7. (/,ortant 3e9ations i,s to ot er sources in t is fie9d co/,9ete9y different issuesLa,,roac es6 A-ree/ents6 Contrasts6 :isa-ree/ents6 1. 2. 3.


eek /: P&annin" an 0ssay1 Hand&in" 02idence1 3aintainin" Ar"uments

1te, 1: (dentify a ran-e of usefu9 readin- accordin- to t e instructions for t e ;identifyin- readin-& tasks. 1te, 2: (dentify a ran-e of usefu9 andLor i/,ortant ,ro29e/atics$ accordin- to t e ;introductions& and ;,ro29e/atics& tasks. 1te, 3: 4o99ow t e ;new& readin- strate-y for uni'ersity-9e'e9 work Eand 9ife t ereafterF so t at you&'e -ot your 12-17 ;concise critica9 notes& s eets. "ou are now ready to start ,9annin- your essay.

The /0ass c Mo%e0! 2ut (ou %o not nee% to wear "0oves

+ e/ed area of in'esti-ation 2 E1L3 of re/ainin- wordsF + e/ed area of in'esti-ation 3 E1L3 of re/ainin- wordsF

+ e/ed area of in'esti-ation 1 E1L3 of re/ainin- wordsF

(ntroduction Ec. 10-1.G of word countF

Conc9usion Ec. .-10G of word countF

"ou don&t a'e to fo99ow t is /ode9$ 2ut it&s a -ood one. (t -uarantees you a'e 2readt $ 2ut not so /uc t at your work is s a99ow. (t -uarantees t at you a'e de,t $ 2ut not so /uc t at your work i-nores t e 2i--er ,icture. 20

(t /akes you decide to lea2e things out. An essay is not an encyc9o,aedia. (t /akes you or-anise your ideas and data across w at you&'e read E/iBin- s/a99 a/ounts fro/ different readin-s in eac sectionF$ and not according to w at you&'e read E2ook 1 for section 1H 2ook 2 for section 2 etc.F

4! How %o (ou p ck (our the$es nte00ectua00(5

A: wit -reat difficu9ty t at&s t e ,oint. (t is eBce,tiona99y ard to take a99 t e co/,etin- ideas$ and a99 t e different ty,es of e'idence$ and co/e u, wit a t e/atic way of ana9ysin- t e/$ 2ut t ere is a ierarc y. A** of t ese wi99 ,ass$ and you s ou9d ai/ for t e one neBt u, fro/ w ere you fee9 co/forta29e now. # ic do you t ink is at t e to, of t is ierarc y$ and w ic at t e 2otto/6 # y6 # at Cua9ities does eac ,ossess6

1. +o reso9'e t is Cuestion$ t is essay wi99 9ook at Protestant t eo9o-y in t e *ow Countries$ Counter-3efor/ation strate-ies ado,ted 2y t e Pa,acy as a res,onse$ and t e ways ,rinces in t e Ho9y 3o/an %/,ire ,icked ideas fro/ eac $ in order to 2. +o reso9'e t is contradiction$ ( wi99 critiCue Hutc inson&s assertions 2y usin- e'idence fro/ t ree areas. 4irst$ ( wi99 discuss t e i/,ortance of re9i-ious tradition in o,,osin- nation-state for/ation in 4rance and Austria-Hun-ary. 1econd9y$ ( wi99 eB,9ore t e ro9e ,9ayed 2y t e 2our-eoisie in t ose two countries. 4ina99y$ ( wi99 use t e eB,erience of conscri,tion in 2ot states to ana9yse 3. +o reso9'e t is ,ro29e/$ t is essay wi99 9ook at 4rance$ Ger/any and (ta9y$ in order to 0. +o reso9'e t is Cuestion$ t is essay wi99 9ook at wo/en in 4rance$ a-ricu9ture in Ger/any and industry in (ta9y$ in order to .. +o reso9'e t is ,ro29e/$ t is essay wi99 9ook at econo/ic conseCuences$ cu9tura9 conseCuences and /i9itary conseCuences in order to 7. +o reso9'e t is contradiction$ t is essay wi99 use <o nson&s ideas a2out t e sy/2o9ic 'a9ue of 9and in /ediae'a9 nort ern %uro,ean cu9ture$ a9on-side + o/,son&s /ore structura9ist e/, asis on its ,roducti'e 'a9ue$ in t ree s,ecific conteBts: first9y$ ( wi99 ana9yse t e ro9e of 9and in esta29is in- re9i-ious aut ority across nort ern %uro,e. 1econd9y$ ( wi99 discuss t e ways in w ic /onarc s cou9d use 9and to esta29is a c9ient syste/ across nort ern %uro,e. 4ina99y$ ( wi99 s ow ow contests a2out 9and across nort ern %uro,e cou9d 2e used 2y t ose wit 9ess ,ower and wea9t to transfor/ t eir status$ in order to


Ma nta n n" an 3r"u$ent

+ rou- out t e essay$ you need to /aintain an ar-u/ent. + is does not /ean ar-uin- t e sa/e ,oint o'er and o'erH so/eti/es$ your ;ar-u/ent& wi99 2e a2out contradictions$ -a,s in t e e'idence$ a9ternati'e inter,retations etc. "ou wi99 2e ar-uin- wit yourse9f. 5ut a key /et od of /aintainin- an ar-u/ent is to co//ent re-u9ar9y on ow w at you&re ta9kin- a2out re9ates to your ,ro29e/atic. + e key ,arts of your essay for doin- t is are: + e o,enin- and c9osin- co//ents in eac of your 3 or so sections$ w ic /ust alwa#s return to t e 2i- ,ro29e/atics you raised in your intro. t e first and 9ast sentences of eac ,ara-ra, . t e co//entaries you offer on e'idence. + ese are suggestions on9y please, please de/elop your own styles and alternati/es) $pening paragraph senten%es: An a9ternati'e way of de/onstratin- t is is Howe'er$ istorians takin- an et no-nationa9ist a,,roac $ 9ike Hutc inson$ a'e + is does$ t ou- $ ,resent a ,aradoB$ 2ecause %'idence fro/ s9a'e- o9din- cu9tures$ owe'er$ c a99en-es t is sort of conc9usion. + is a,,roac is 'a9idated furt er 2y an eB,9oration of re9i-ious icono-ra, y As discussed a2o'eLear9ier$ t is ,ro29e/ is sti99 a contentious one

<losing paragraph senten%es: 1o w i9e t e e'idence fro/ re9i-ious icono-ra, y see/s to confir/ t is idea$ an eB,9oration of e'idence fro/ t e econo/y wou9d see/ to under/ine it. Mnew ,ara on econo/ic e'idenceN + is conc9usion can 2e furt er reinforced 2y turnin- to t e case study of /edica9 ,ractice. Mnew ,ara on /edica9 ,racticesN <o nson&s t esis is$ owe'er$ not wit out it&s critics. Mnew ,ara on <o nson&s criticsN + is e'idence is$ owe'er$ Cuite tentati'e$ so to eB,9ore it furt er ( wi99 use si/i9ar e'idence fro/ t e siBteent century. Mnew ,ara on si/i9ar e'idence fro/ siBteent centuryN

6sefu0 tr part te % v s ons for p0ann n" essa(s!

Here are so/e usefu9 ways to t ink a2out di'idin- u, t e t e/atic areas of in'esti-ation for eBa/ and coursework essays. c rono9o-ica9 di'isions e.-. 9ate 10t century$ ear9y 1.t century and 10>0s. 27

-eo-ra, ica9 di'isions nort ern industria9 towns$ s,a towns and ,ortsH Ger/any$ 4rance and (ta9yH 9akes$ fie9ds$ 'a99eys. 1u2disci,9inary a,,roac es econo/ic istory$ co9onia9 istory$ -ender istoryH re9i-ious istory$ /i9itary istory$ cu9tura9 istory. + eoretica9 di'isions *acan$ Guattari$ :e9euJeH ;new criticis/&$ structura9is/$ ,ost-co9onia9is/H functiona9is/$ ,ost-structura9is/ and naV'e e/,iricis/H <o nson$ + o/,son$ #i99ia/son. Historio-ra, ies t e !arBist a,,roac es of t e 1>70s$ t e ,ost-/odernist c a99en-es of t e 1>80s->0s$ t e ant ro,o9o-ica9 a,,roac . Persona9ities$ ,eo,9es or indi'idua9s <an 1tandonck$ %ras/us and !oreH + o/as ACuinas$ #i99ia/ of Ock a/$ 4rancis of Assisi. !o'e/ents or socia9 sectors 1unni$ 1 ia$ 1ufiH <ews$ Protestants$ Cat o9icsH /i9itary 9eaders$ industria9 workers$ a-ricu9tura9 workers. %n'iron/ents factory$ o/e$ streetH cast9e$ c9oister$ fie9d. 1ocia9 science cate-ories cu9tura9 i/,act$ ,o9itica9 i/,act$ econo/ic i/,actH ant ro,o9o-ica9 a,,roac es$ socio9o-ica9 a,,roac es$ de'e9o,/ent studies a,,roac es. %'identia9 cate-ories i/a-ery in c urc es$ re,orts in tria9s$ i/a-es in ,o,u9ar woodcutsH statistica9 data$ diary ref9ections$ do/estic s,aceH coina-e$ te/,9e car'in-s$ to/2stone inscri,tions.

"ou wi99 need to /iB t ese u,. 5asica99y$ t e /arkin- -oes so/et in- 9ike t is: 1. ?o rea9 t e/atisation to t e essay a a, aJard or narrati'e a,,roac . 0-3>G 2. =$ # and >: t ree areas$ ,retty si/,9e$ not t at co/,9eB$ Cuite easy di'isions. 00-..G 3. (nte99ectua9 idea a as a,,9ied to 5$ # and >: /ore co/,9eB a syste/atic and inte99ectua9 a,,roac $ 2ut 5)#)> are sti99 2asica99y t e sa/e si/,9e cate-ories as M2N. ..-7.G 0. (nte99ectua9 ideas a and b refereed t rou- case studies 5$ # and >$ w ere 5)#)> cut across t e ,ro29e/ 2ein- studied. 7.-8.G

Han%0 n" Ev %ence

(f you cou9d tattoo one , rase to t e 2ack of your 9eft eye9id w i9e at uni'ersity$ it s ou9d 2e t is: This e/iden%e shows that? And if you cou9d tattoo one , rase to t e 2ack of your ri- t eye9id it wou9d 2e 8istorians( words offer opinions about how to analyse e/iden%e, not e/iden%e itself. #ink your way to success.


@rimary e/iden%e "ou /ust a9ways ana9yse and a,,raise a99 t e e'idence t at you use. 1o w en you use ,ri/ary e'idence or case studies fro/ t e ti/e you are studyin-$ you /ust a9ways fo99ow it wit ana9ysis$ 9ike: + is e'idence s ows t at W w o9e or ,artia9 answer to t e issues raised in your intro. + is i/a-e su--ests t at W w o9e or ,artia9 answer to t e issues raised in your intro. + is data reinforces t e ar-u/ent t at W w o9e or ,artia9 answer to t e issues raised in your intro. + is s,eec under/ines <o nson&s ,osition t atW w o9e or ,artia9 reDection of anot er sc o9ar&s ar-u/ent. ?%I%3 ;+H(1 @AO+%&. @AO+%1 :O ?O+ %X(1+. +H%3% A3% 1P%%CH%1$ :(A3" %?+3(%1$ %CO?O!(C :A+A$ (!AG%1$ !A+%3(A* A3+%4AC+1 ?O ;@AO+%1&. )e%ondary e/iden%e + is is istorians& words t eir o,inions on ow t ey a'e inter,reted t e e'idence t ey&'e seen$ and t eir ar-u/ents a2out w at t ey t ink is /ost i/,ortant and w y. "ou need to use t is Dudicious9y it is ne'er a re,9ace/ent to your own t ou- t or to t e ,ri/ary e'idence t at t ey$ and ot er istorians$ a'e used. <o nson as ar-ued stron-9y t at$ and as used e'idence of to 2ack u, er ,osition. + is is usefu9 2ecause + o/,son as used a different ty,e of e'idence$ so is researc offers s9i- t9y different conc9usions. #i99ia/son&s a,,roac as 2een 'ery inf9uenced 2y art istory$ and so e ar-ues t at 5ut + o/,son as c a99en-ed t is$ 2ecause <o nson&s a,,roac as 2een wide9y acce,ted in t e 9iterature on t is to,ic$ 2ut it does focus 'ery /uc on .. 5y focusin- on ( wi99 ?%I%3 ;+H(1 @AO+%&. @AO+%1 :O ?O+ %X(1+. +H%3% A3% A3GA!%?+1$ PO1(+(O?1$ 1A!!A3(%1$ APP3OACH%1$ 1+A+%!%?+1 ?O ;@AO+%1&.

ritin" Conc&usions to



4o99owin- on fro/ t e -uidance a2out introductions t at we&'e used$ your conc9usions a9so need to fu9fi9 certain criteria. + ey a,,9y to all work eBa/ essays$ ,osters$ ter/-ti/e essays$ dissertations$ w ate'er. 1. <on%lusions are short. A2out .-10G of word count idea99y$ .-=..G. (f you need /ore t an t at$ t en -o 2ack to your 2ody ,ara-ra, s and re-e/, asise t e /ini-conc9usions in t e/. (f you a'e to do 9ots of work in your fina9 conc9usion$ t en you a'en&t done enou- work in your 2ody /akin- c9ear w at conc9usions your readers s ou9d draw as t ey -o a9on-.


2. <on%lusions remind. + ey re/ind readers ow eac section of t e essay reso9'ed or dea9t wit w ic of t e key ,ro29e/s t at you identified in your introduction. + e conc9usion reinforces t e 9inks 2etween your introduction to t e ,ro29e/atic$ and t e e'idence and ar-u/ents you /ade in t e 2ody of your work. 3. <on%lusions %omment on limitations. (t&s un9ike9y t at in 2$.00 words$ a one- our eBa/ essay$ or e'en a 12$000 word dissertation t at you&re -oin- to so9'e all t e ,ro29e/s in t e fie9d entirel# satisfactori9y$ so you /ay wis to indicate w ere: a. 4urt er researc wou9d need to 2e done. 2. + e 9i/itations of your conc9usions Eso$ under w ic circu/stances$ w ere and w en t ey are 'a9id and not 'a9idF. 0. <on%lusions answer. Asin- M2N$ and ,u99in- t e/ to-et er into a w o9e$ conc9usions eB,9ain ow on balance an answer to t e /ain issue$ Cuestion$ de2ate or to,ic t at t e work as addressed$ notwit standin- M3N. 1o to su/ u,: Arief 7emind =imitations Answer +hat is not in a !on!lusion Anyt in- new: no new ideas$ no new e'idence$ no new t eories. (f you find yourse9f needint ese$ you need to -o 2ack to t e 2ody of your work and ,ut t e/ in t ere. Any narrati/es t en t is a,,ened$ t en t is ot er t in- a,,ened. Any a/oidan%e strategies a9ways a'oid t e istorians& eCui'a9ent of$ ;we99 t ere&s a 9ot of istory out t ere$ and it ,u99s in 2ot ways$ so a 2it of 2ot .& "ou must /ake a decision t at answers t e Cuestion you&'e 2een set$ and w ic reso9'es t e issues you raised in your introduction a9t ou- ,ay attention to M3N a2o'e.

eek 4: 3arkin" 5nder"raduate 0ssays: A Guide for Students

!arkin- is not an eBact science. 5ut as a -uide9ine$ 9ecturers and tutors a'e a set of Cueries and Cuestions in t eir ead a sort of ;/enta9 c eck9ist& of w at t ey&re 9ookin- for. + ese are inc9uded ere. :ro, Dust one Eor two ; a9'es&F fro/ eac section$ and you&99 -et a firstH :ro, 2 or so$ a 2.1H dro, 3 or so for a 2.2H dro, 0 or so for a 3rdH dro, /ore$ or dro, all of t e/ in Dust one section$ and you&99 fai9. + e 2ad news is$ 2ein- trut fu9 wit yourse9f a2out w at your work is actua99y 9ike can often 2e a ,retty de'astatin- eB,erience. (t wi99 in'o9'e co//ittin- yourse9f to 9ots of effort$ and$ e'en worse$ t inkin- in c a99en-in- and a,,arent9y ,oint9ess and ,retentious ways. 5ut on t e u,side$ you can 2ui9d your ski99s u, one by one fro/ t is 9ist if you c oose to$ and you wi99 2e enor/ous9y rewarded in 9ife if you co//it to /akin- t is a ,art of your ,ersona9 et os. 5e rea9istic: fo%us on :ust one thing in eac area to work on. 3e'o9utions a9ways disa,,oint re'o9utionaries one ste, at a ti/e. )tru%ture and Argument:


(n a courtroo/$ t is is w at t e Crown Prosecution 1er'ice and t e Dud-e do: i- 9i- t w at t e ,ro29e/ is in t e for/ of a c ar-e$ and or-anise a way of so9'in- it. 0stablishing the problem+s,: #as t ere a c9ear introduction w ic esta29is ed t e inte99ectua9 ,ro29e/s t e CuestionLessay was addressin-$ or Dust a 2it of 29a -29a /as ed wit a few dictionary definitions and ;scene settin-&6 <larity of organisation: #as t ere a c9ear$ rea9istic ,9an$ in w ic t e student eB,9ained to t e reader w ic inte99ectua9 ,ro29e/s wou9d 2e reso9'ed in w ic section usin- w at sort of e'idenceLcase studyLt eoretica9 a,,roac 6 7esol/ing the problem+s,: #as t ere a c9ear conc9usion w ic /ade co erent$ fir/ reso9utions to t e inte99ectua9 issues raised in t e introduction$ or did it Dust su--est t at ;t in-s are co/,9icated$ so it&s a 2it of 2ot &6 7ele/an%e: #as e2er# section of t e essay c9ear9y and cons,icuous9y re9e'ant to reso9'in- t e issues in t e CuestionLintroduction6 :id t ey use words to indicate t is re9e'ance$ or did t ey 9et t e reader -uess at it6 <oheren%e: #as e2er# section of t e essay eB,9icit9y 9inked to t e ideas in t e sections ,recedin- and fo99owin- it$ or was t e reader 9eft to /ake u, er own /ind6 #as it /ade c9ear w en t e aut or was reinforcin-Lofferin- an a9ternati'e to an ar-u/ent ,resented in anot er section6 Aalan%e: :id eac as,ect of t e ,ro29e/ recei'e rou- 9y eCua9 and ,ro,ortionate attention$ or was t ere ;9o,sidedness&6 <onsisten%y: #as t e student aware of areas w ere ,ossi29e contradictions or inconsistencies occurred$ or w ere a9ternati'e eB,9anations wou9d a9so 2e ,9ausi29e$ and did t ey /ake an effort to i- 9i- t and eB,9ain t ese6 Bnowledge and Cnderstanding: + is is usefu9: tt,,edia.or-LwikiLCritica9Yt inkin-. (n a courtroo/$ t is is w at t e <ury does: o2ser'e a99 t e co/,etin- inter,retations of t e e'idence$ and draw conc9usions on it 2ased on ow ,9ausi29e it was. <ritiDue of others: :id t e student i- 9i- t ,9ausi29e stren-t s andLor weaknesses of different a,,roac es in t e 9iterature$ or did t ey Dust treat a99 aut ors as ;aut orities&6 <ritiDue of self: :id t ey ref9ect on ,ro29e/sLad'anta-es of ,ositions w ic t ey took$ or w ic t ey 2orrowed fro/ ot ers6 E5ot are 9e-iti/ateF Assessment: # ere necessary$ did t ey eB,9ain w y so/e ,ro29e/s can&t 2eL a'en&t 2een reso9'ed$ andLor su--est ways of doin- so6 @re%ision: :id t ey ,ro'ide usefu9 ways of t inkin- a2out or definin- or crysta99isin- ,ro29e/s$ e'en if t ey cou9d not 2e reso9'ed6 <ritiDue of e/iden%e: :id t ey ,ro'ide an assess/ent of t e stren-t s and weaknesses of different sorts of e'idence or t eories$ w ere necessary or did t ey Dust re9y on si/,9istic t in-s 9ike ;2ias&6 Cse of )our%es: Good news: 1tudents don&t need to a'e read e2er#thing) (n a courtroo/$ t is is w at t e ,o9ice do: co99ect 9ar-e a/ounts of 2ot 2asic e'idence and eB,ert inter,retations of different ty,es c9ose9y focused on t e case at and.


Areadth: :id t ey researc and read wide9y$ usin- Historica9 A2stracts On9ine$ <3A*!$ Goo-9e 1c o9ar$ <1+O3$ ProDect !use$ and re9e'ant su2Dect-s,ecific searc en-ines fro/ areas suc as ,o9itics$ econo/ics$ istory of art Ew ere re9e'antF etc6 Or did t ey Dust stick to w at t ey were -i'en6 Dis%rimination: :id t ey discri/inate 2etween i- Cua9ity$ c a99en-in-$ usefu9 readin-$ and any o9d ru22is t ey found on Goo-9eL<1+O36 :id t ey wed-e e'eryt in- t ey&d read into t e essay$ or on9y inc9ude t e rea99y re9e'ant i/,actfu9 stuff6 E"ou can reference t e wider readinin t e footnotes if you /ustF @ersisten%e: :id t ey fo99ow u, 9eads to de'e9o, a 2roader ,rofi9e of i/,ortant aut ors$ t eories$ t e/es$ e'ents or to,ics so t ey cou9d sur'ey t e fie9d or did t ey Dust co99ect a few facts fro/ so/ew ere and stick t e/ in6 @roof: :id t ey ,ro'ide P3(!A3" e'idence for A** i/,ortant ,oints Ee'en if taken fro/ secondary readin-F$ or Dust descri2e situations fro/ 2ooks in a -enera9 way6 7ele/an%e: :id t ey ar-ue fro/ t e e'idenceLcase studies t ey used$ usin- , rases 9ike$ ;+ is e'idence indicates t ati/,9iessu--ests contradictsreinforces& or did t ey Dust ,9o, e'idence in$ and 9et t e reader work out w at it /eans6 )pe%ifi%ity: :id t ey na/e a99 t e ,eo,9eL-rou,s of ,eo,9e t ey re9ied on to /ake ar-u/ents$ or did t ey use -eneric ;say not in-& , rases 9ike ;1o/e istorians a'e ar-ued&$ or ;t is ,osition as 2een wide9y criticised&6

)tyle E @resentation: (n a courtroo/$ t is is w at t e ,rosecution and defence 2arristers do: ensure t e issue is and9ed in suc a way t at t e witnesses$ Dud-e$ steno-ra, er and Dury can /ake c9ear sense of it$ and t at fo99ows t e ru9es t e Dud-e sets out to ensure consistency. >ra%e: #as t e %n-9is c9ear$ f9uid$ dyna/ic$ ,recise$ we99-, rased6 C9ear and ref9ecti'e$ or c9unky and stran-e6 @re%ision: :id t e student use ,recise 9an-ua-e indicatin- ri-our$ 9ike ;fe/a9e a-ricu9tura9 9a2ourers&$ or Dourna9istic -enera9isations 9ike ;t e /asses& or ;t e ,eo,9e&$ indicatin- a casua9 attitude to /eanin-6 <li%hFs: #ere c9ic Zs a'oided$ or was t ere a re9iance on si/,9istic t in-s 9ike$ ;t e -o'ern/ent cracked down on&$ ;5ritain ,ursued socia99y refor/in- ,o9icies& E5ritain doesn&t do t in-s ,eo,9e doF$ ;t e -o'ern/ent was s9a//ed in t e ,ress&$ in order to eB,9ain co/,9eB ,rocesses6 <omplexity: #ere sentences of an a,,ro,riate 9en-t 6 ?ot too 9on-$ not too s ort6 :oes t e candidate understand t e 2enefits of ;su2Dect-'er2-o2Dect-conDunction-su2Dect-'er2-o2Dect-fu99 sto,&6 Details: #ere footnotes and 2i29io-ra, ies ri-id9y done accordin- to t e ru9es6 =egibility: #ere 9ayout -uide9ines fo99owed6 @aragraphing: were t ere ,ara-ra, s of 9ess t an 7 9ines$ or /ore t an 1L3 of a ,a-e6 Has t e student c9ear9y done a 2it of researc on w at a ,ara-ra, is for6 >rammar: Had t e student c9ear9y read t eir work out 9oud 2efore su2/ittin- it to c eck w ere ,unctuation was needed6 Ha'e t ey c ecked on9ine at sites 9ike tt, t/6 Appropriateness: #as t e 9an-ua-e asserti'e$ inf9eBi29e and confrontationa96 Ia-ue$ unco//itted and wis y was y6 Precise$ nuanced and f9eBi29e6


Ho6 to su-mit 6ork 2ia #&ack-oard-Turn7t7n

1. Go to tt,:LLwww.studentnet./anc *o- in. *ocate t e course you wis to su2/it work for$ and c9ick on it. (dentify t e fo9der for su2/ittin- work. (f t e syste/ is not workin- Eofficia99y not workin-$ as certified 2y 59ack2oard itse9fF$ t en -o to ,oint 7 2e9ow. 2. (dentify t e correct task to su2/it your work toH 2e carefu9 ere. Once you&'e su2/itted t e work$ you cannot c an-e anyt in-$ and if you su2/it it to t e wron- ,9ace$ t ere is no way of fiBin- t is.

3. 4i99 out t e for/ you&re ,resented wit you need to fi99 out e'ery section.

*ocate your na/e in t is dro,-down 9ist

5rowse for your work ere /ake sure it&s a !icrosoft #ord docu/ent


0. On t e u,9oad ,a-e$ /ake sure you c9ick ;su2/it& if you don&t do t is fina9 sta-e$ your work wi99 not 2e su2/itted.

# en you&re a,,y t at you&'e identified t e correct work$ you /ust c9ick t e ;su2/it& 2utton.

.. # en you c9ick on ;su2/it&$ if you are successfu9 you wi99 arri'e at t e ;recei,t& ,a-e$ wit a -reen tick in t e to, 9eft corner. P3(?+ +H(1 OA+: (+ (1 "OA3 O?*" P3OO4 +HA+ "OA HAI% :O?% +H% #O3K. (n t e e'ent of a ,ro29e/$ if you do not a'e t is ,iece of ,a,er$ it wi99 2e assu/ed t at you a'e not done t e work. Kee, t is safe.

Print t is ,a-e out. + e ;,a,er (:& no. is your on9y ,roof of su2/ission in t e e'ent of a ,ro29e/

7. (f t is doesn&t work$ you /ust e/ai9 your work on ti/e as an attac /ent fro/ your uni'ersity e/ai9 address sa c-assess/ent[/anc (f you don&t do t is$ your work wi99 2e /arked as 9ate$ and you wi99 recei'e 0 EJeroF.


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