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Kindergarten Weekly Newsletter

Week in Review: January 20-24

Forms that went home this week: o L Sound Connections sheets (white) o Centre 64 Art Programs Info sheet (white) o Simplified Kindergarten Schedule (pale yellow) The letter 'L' was introduced in Sound Connections this week. When practicing this sound at home with your child, remember it makes the long, deep 'lllll' sound not 'luh.' We finished up the Howard B Wigglebottom sequence this week. The kids learned that it is important to be themselves and be happy in order to be 'cool.' Check out the blog for their 'Ways to be Cool' predictions. They're pretty cute! After all of our hard work learning about the five senses, our students will be bringing home a My Five Senses booklet in their green poem duotang. Have your child read these to you and then put them back in their poem duotang to be read with their Buddy Reader. All of our patterning work has paid off! The Blue Group were able to show off their skills to their Senior Friends at Garden View Village and are spotting patterns wherever we go! The Blue Group also did a Directed Drawing activity at Garden View Village, creating a picture with 3 cute snowmen! They brought their art down to coffee time and all of our Senior Friends loved hearing about how they were created. The Red Group created the same art back at school. Thursday is still the favourite day of the week, now known as Swimming Day! ! Thanks again to the parents that are able to help us out at the pool. It makes a huge difference!

Green Games-Polar Bear Project Our school will be participating in this years BC Green Games. Our project is based on saving the polar bears, with a focus on educating students on ways that they can help, right here at home and school. We will be working on environmental acts of kindness: turning off the lights, composting, recycling, reducing paper waste, turning off the water, etc. Our Home-School connection for this project is having students take part in Trash Free Tuesdays: Jan 28, Feb 4, 11 and 18. Please try not to send any plastic/packaged foods these days. Thank you for your support!

Upcoming Week: January 27 - 31

Bring back Green poetry duotangs (these are used for Buddy Reading all week, so its important that they come back each Monday) Tuesday: POPS night 6:15-7:15. We hope to see many of you here! Meet in the gym at 6:15. Wednesday: Red Group goes to Garden View Village 9:30 to 11:35 am; Bring a C item Thursday: Swimming 9-10 am for Red Group and 10-11 am for Blue Group Friday: Library; exchange Home Reading books; Green Poetry duotangs go home

Looking for Volunteers

We are still looking for volunteers for our visits to Garden View Village. If you are able to volunteer for a Wednesday morning (9:30-11:30), please let us know via email. Thank you! Ms. Scott and Mrs. Burgess

A copy of the following schedule was sent home on Friday, but we thought it would be helpful to have via email as well.

Bring: Monday green Poetry duotang

Tuesday litterless lunch until Feb 18

Wednesday Thursday Sound item swim suit and February 27th

Friday Library and Home Reading books Take green Poetry duotang home and put any new poems in

Connections towel until

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