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Inside Reading Answer Key Unit 1: The Birth of the Mall Reading 1

Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. F 2. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T

Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el A. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. politics, 6. work, business business 3. business 7. school 4. music 8. friendship 5. work . m!rri!"e $. 1. posed, uniform 2. re"ion!l 3. simul!te

1#. sports

4. enh!nced 5. concept, construction

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. T 2. T 4. F Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. !ppro!ch to, posed 2. enh!nced 3. select 4. concept &. 1. 2. '. 1. e brochur 2. 3. (ourn!ls c!t!lo" 4. 5. book booklet c e 3. 4. " b 5. 6. ! d 7. f 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T

5. 6. 7. 8.

couple simul!te r!n"e, functions construct





Unit &: Mega ities Reading 1

Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. T 2. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T

Reading Strategy: Identifying Main Ideas #s' S"pporting (etails %. &orrect* +!tions don,t spur "rowth !s much !s d-n!mic re"ions. The +ew /e"!s !re the re!l economic or"!ni)in" units of the world. The "lob!l econom- t!kes sh!pe !round perh!ps 2# "re!t /e"!s. B. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 0!r!"r!ph 2* /e"!s !re the re!l sources of we!lth but no one h!s collected inform!tion !bout this. 0!r!"r!ph 3* Therefore "eo"r!phers h!1e st!rted m!ppin" /e"!s. 0!r!"r!ph 4* /e"!s e2ert ! disproprotin!tel- l!r"e influence on "lob!l economic production. 0!r!"r!ph 5* 3h!t h!ppens when /e"!s "et too bi"4 0!r!"r!ph 6* /!(or /e"!s in the 5.6. 0!r!"r!ph 7* /!(or /e"!s in 7urope !nd %si!. 0!r!"r!ph 8* The import!nce of /e"!s in &hin!. 0!r!"r!ph * &ountries !ren,t !s import!nt !s /e"!s in underst!ndin" economic !cti1it-. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. c 3. h 2. ! 4. b &. 1. 2. 3. 4. communic!tions "lob!l define network 5. 6. 7. mi"r!te sur1i1!l rel- on

5. 6.

f "

7. 8.

d e

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el E. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. 6t!tus here refers to bio"r!phic!l d!t! t-pic!ll- re8uired for le"!l purposes.


6t!tus here refers to the presti"e or hi"h st!ndin" of people in ! soci!l hier!rch-. 3. 6t!tus here refers to the condition or pro"ress of ! thin", situ!tion, or process. F. 1. 2. 3. 4. relies on reli!ble reli!nce, rel-in" unreli!ble 5. 6. 7. relies on reli!blreli!bilit-

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. T 3. F 2. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F

Reading Strategy: )"tlining a Te*t Answers may vary. Possible answers: 0!r!"r!ph 1, /!in 9de!* Tok-o is now the bi""est cit- in the world. 6upportin" det!il* 9t h!s 34 million people. 6upportin" det!il* 9t,s much bi""er th!n :ondon, ! former ;1. 0!r!"r!ph 2, /!in 9de!* <ur!l to urb!n mi"r!tion is ! "lob!l trend. 6upportin" det!il* 9n 1 ##, 1#= of the popul!tion li1ed in cities. 6upportin" det!il* Tod!- more th!n 5#= of people li1e in cities. 0!r!"r!ph 3, /!in 9de!* /e"!cities cre!te en1ironment!l !nd soci!l problems. 6upportin" det!il* /e"!s occup- 2= of l!nd but use 75= of resources. 6upportin" det!il* >!rious pollution problems linked to sew!"e, w!ter !nd wood supplies, etc. 0!r!"r!ph 4, /!in 9de!* % return to rur!l li1in" is not re!ll- possible. 6upportin" det!il* 'i1idin" l!nd for indi1idu!l self?sufficienc- would cre!te new dis!sters. 6upportin" det!il* &ities !re !ctu!ll- more efficient for ener"production, rec-clin", !nd tr!nsport!tion. 0!r!"r!ph 5, /!in 9de!* @o1ernment pl!nners !re !w!re of the problems f!cin" me"!cities !nd !re pl!nnin" to fi2 them. 6upportin" det!il* Two m!in !ppro!ches* more rec-clin" !nd fewer c!rs. 6upportin" det!il* 0l!nners !re redesi"nin" cities to inte"r!te work

!nd li1in" !nd thereb- incre!se use of public tr!nsport. 0!r!"r!ph 6, /!in 9de!* /!n- cities !lre!d- h!1e impressi1e eco?pro(ects. 6upportin" det!il* /elbourne 6upportin" det!il* $erlin 0!r!"r!ph 7, /!in 9de!* Top pl!nnin" priorit- is cut c!r use. 6upportin" det!il* &!rs re8uire m!ssi1e networks. 6upportin" det!il* 0eople should be !ble to li1e close to work !nd public tr!nsport!tion. 0!r!"r!ph 8, /!in 9de!* 6h!nt- towns !re ! possible ecolo"ic!l model for future cities. 6upportin" det!il* The-,re hi"h?densit- !nd pedestri!ni)ed. 6upportin" det!il* Their residents rec-cle thin"s from bi" cities. 0!r!"r!ph , /!in 9de!* 0erh!ps we c!n combine the spont!neousl-?cre!ted sh!nt- town model with ! c!refull- pl!nned infr!structure. 6upportin" det!il* &ities could ret!in their !d1!nt!"eous econom- of sc!le. 6upportin" det!il* &ities could rec-cle more efficientl- !nd be more fle2ible for people to li1e in. 7ntire !rticle* :!r"e cities cre!te 1!rious ecolo"ic!l problems !nd ch!llen"es, but the- !lso present ecolo"ic!l !d1!nt!"es !nd possible solutions. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. communic!ti1e 2. communic!tor 3. communic!tion $. 1. 2. 3. 4. defined st!tus communic!tions rel-, sources 5. 6. 7. 8. sur1i1ed e2tr!ctin" network 'espite, m!(or, "lobe

4. 5. 6.

communic!tions communic!te communic!ble

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el F. 1. b 2. !


Unit +: In the ,"!li -ye Reading 1

Reading Strategy: S.imming and ,redi tions Answers may vary. Possible answers: 9 think this !rticle will be !bout cows runnin" !round 6cotl!nd. 9 think this !rticle will be !bout st!tues of cows on displ!- on 6cotl!nd. Ae!din" 1* $enefits for businesses !nd ch!rities Buestion 1b* 3h!t !re the benefits for ch!rities4 Ae!din" 2* %rtists !nd sponsors Buestion 2!* 3ho !re the !rtists !nd sponsors4 Buestion 2b* 3h- do people w!nt to sponsor ! &ow 0!r!de4 Ae!din" 3* 6ense of humor brin"s success Buestion 3!* Aow does humor help the &ow 0!r!de succeed4 Buestion 3b* 3h!t is funn- !bout the &ow 0!r!de4 /!in ide!* The &ow 0!r!de, which is ! 1er- successful t-pe of public !rt th!t benefits m!n- people, is comin" to 7dinbur"h. Reading Comprehension %. 1. c 2.



Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. e 3. " 2. c 4. d $. 1. 2. 3. 4. &. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "o!ls criteri! polic"uidelines topic moment!rlimit st-les resources

5. 6. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6. 7. 8. . 1#.

! f

7. 8.

h b

problem, rep!ir on"oin" co1ers up selfish ethnic on"oin" funded commented mutu!l

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el E. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. The displ!- fe!turin" life?si)e %r!bi!n horse sculptures in hi"h? profile loc!tions in 'ub!i sh!re ! mutu!l focus with the on"oin" show C0ride of %r!bi!,, which includes 21 sm!ll %r!bi!n horse sculptures !t ! loc!l "!ller-. 3. @odolphin h!s funded se1er!l intern!tion!l !rtists from different ethnic b!ck"rounds to cre!te their own interpret!tions of the topic of %r!bi!n horses, for displ!- in 'ub!i,s public !re!s. 4. 0!trici! /c@ourt- 0!lmer, 'irector of 'ub!i?b!sed %rt3orks !nd founder of the pro(ect, commented th!t e!ch !rtist brou"ht ! uni8ue !nd cre!ti1e interpret!tion to the im!"e of the %r!bi!n Aorse. F. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. % new public !rt displ!- in 6h!n"h!i is funded b- the 6h!n"h!i &ultur!l 'e1elopment Found!tion !nd 6h!n"h!i 5rb!n 6culpture &ommittee Dffice. The e2hibit includes o1er 2## sculptures b- 7# !rtists from !round the world. 2. 71en people who don,t h!1e !n- funds for !rtistic entert!inment c!n see the displ!- bec!use it is free. 3. :iu Ei!nhu!, ! sculpture professor !t 6h!n"h!i 5ni1ersit-, is ple!sed to see th!t the "o1ernment is now pro1idin" fundin" for public !rt. 4. 9n the p!st, :iu commented th!t there h!1e not been m!nsculpture displ!-s in town due to insufficient sp!ce !nd funds. 5. 9f this show is successful, perh!ps the "o1ernment will cre!te !n !ccount to "ener!te funds for public !rt. 6. @o1ernment fundin" would cert!inl- help the cit- to impro1e the 8u!lit- of its public !rt.

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. c 2. d Vo a!"lary A ti#ities %. 1. le"isl!tu re 3. b 4. c

2. -


3. )e


4. l 5. $. 1.

irr!tion! 6. ethnic!l

linspecti on



:ike other kinds of !rt, public !rt pro(ects come in m!n- forms, !nd the result!nt "o!l c!n be on"oin" or tempor!r- !rt displ!-s. 2. 0ublic !rt c!n h!1e ! sole !uthor with ! uni8ue 1oice, or m!np!rticip!nts with multiple interpret!tions. 3. % "ood public !rt pro(ect re8uires the or"!ni)ers to est!blish ! polic- th!t includes cle!rl- defined criteri! for re1iewin" propos!ls !nd selectin" the pro(ect. 4. % r!tion!l e1!lu!tion process should be used e1en if funds !re bein" used to cre!te ! communit-?b!sed !rt pro(ect, r!ther th!n one done b- ! p!id !rtist.

Unit /: Staying Ali#e Reading 1

Reading Comprehension Answers may vary. Possible answers. 1. :ife e2pect!nc- h!s incre!sed. 2. &hildren were the most !ffected bec!use of the drop in de!ths from infectious dise!ses. 3. mid?18th to mid?1 th centur-* 9mpro1ed nutrition, economic "rowth, !nd emer"in" public he!lth me!sures pl!-ed ! l!r"e role. end of 1 th to e!rl- 2#th centur-* cle!n w!ter, w!ste remo1!l, !nd person!l he!lth educ!tion led to ! reduction in w!ter? !nd food?borne dise!ses. mid?2#th centur- to now* From the 1 3#s to now is the time of bi" medicine. 9t st!ted with 1!ccin!tion !nd !ntibiotics !nd h!s mo1ed on to ! 1!riet- of e2pensi1e !nd intensi1e tre!tments !nd procedures. 4. &orrect* better nutrition, cle!n w!ter, intense medic!l tre!tments, !ntibiotics 5. %n incre!se in the production of new knowled"e !nd tre!tments is likel- to incre!se ine8u!lit- in he!lth outcomes in the short term, but help is on the w!-, not onl- for those who recei1e it first, but e1entu!ll- for e1er-one. Reading Strategy: Reading and Interpreting Charts0 1raphs0 and Ta!les %.




B. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. 9nf!nt mort!lit- is decre!sin" !nd would be e2pected to continue decre!sin", but !t !n e1er slower r!te. 2. 74=. cle!n w!ter helps to reduce mort!lit-. 3. :owest* sub?6!h!r!n %fric!. Ai"hest* industri!li)ed countries Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. c 3. e 2. " 4. ! $. 1. 2. 3. r!dic!l r!dic!llr!dic!l 4. 5. r!dic!llr!dic!l

5. 6.

h b

7. 8.

d f

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el 7. 2. The introduction of w!ter filtr!tion !nd chlorin!tion in m!(or 5.6. cities !ccounted for !ppro2im!tel- h!lf of the 3# percent decline in urb!n de!th r!tes durin" 1 ##?1 4#. 3. &le!n w!ter w!s definitel- one of the most si"nific!nt c!uses of r!pid he!lth impro1ements in the n!tion,s histor-. 4. <ese!rchers be"!n focusin" on the isol!ted role of cle!n w!ter, !fter the- disco1ered th!t de!ths dropped sh!rpl- in cities th!t filtered their drinkin" w!ter. F. 1. &le!n w!ter w!s responsible for the !ppro2im!te reduction of three?8u!rters of de!ths !nd two?thirds of child mort!lit- in the 5nited 6t!tes in the first 4# -e!rs of the 2#th centur-. 2. &le!n w!ter w!s responsible for cuttin" !ppro2im!tel- three? 8u!rters of de!ths !nd two?thirds of child mort!lit- in the 5nited 6t!tes in the first 4# -e!rs of the 2#th centur-.

Reading &
Reading Comprehension %. 1. T 3. F 2. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F

$. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1### -ellow fe1er 0neumococc!l dise!se Aep!titis $, menin"itis %&, !nd pneumococc!l dise!se 26,### under 5

Reading Strategy %. 1. 27=





Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. l!-ers 2. !ppro2im!tel3. isol!ted 4. reco1ered, resol1ed

5. 6. 7. 8.

outcome !ssured definite r!dic!l

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el C. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. 9mmuni)!tion helps n!tion!l "o1ernments resol1e the e2pense of tre!tin" m!(or outbre!ks of dise!se !s well !s loss of producti1it-. 3. 9mmuni)!tion !lso incre!ses producti1it- b- !llowin" p!rents to work inste!d of resol1in" to st!- home to c!re for sick children. 4. 6i2 dise!sesFpolio, diphtheri!, pertussis, me!sles, tet!nus, !nd tuberculosisFc!n be resol1ed b- 1!ccines for onl- G17 per child. 5. The cost of immuni)!tion is ine2pensi1e, so "o1ernments should resol1e to immuni)e !ll their citi)ens. '. 1. 2. 3. 4. Answers may vary. Possible answers: >!ccines !ssure immunit- from dise!se. Thus, the 3AD is resol1ed to use them to er!dic!te cert!in illnesses. There h!s been ! definite incre!se in "lob!l immuni)!tion co1er!"e. Aowe1er, m!n- children still h!1e not been re!ched b1!ccines. >!ccines currentl- under de1elopment will s!1e m!n- li1es in the future. Dne 1!ccine is bein" de1eloped !"!inst rot!1irus, which kills !ppro2im!tel- 3##,###?6##,### children e!ch -e!r. >!ccin!tion be"!n in the 1#th or 11th centur- with ! process c!lled

1!riol!tion, in which sm!ll !mounts of sm!llpo2 were introduced throu"h prickin" holes in l!-ers of skin. 5. >!ccines use ! h!rmless cop- of !nti"ens, 1irus or b!cterium p!rts th!t the bod- c!n reco"ni)e, to cre!te immunit-. The !nti"en tri""ers the bod-,s immune s-stem to HrememberI the !nti"en, in the s!me w!- it would for ! person who suffered from the illness !nd then reco1ered. 6. Dne !spect of he!lthc!re th!t is import!nt to consider is s!fet-. 9n this !re!, 1!ccines !re impressi1e, with few side effects. 7. 6ociet- is well compens!ted for the cost of producin" !nd dispensin" 1!ccines bec!use the- !re rel!ti1el- che!p to !dminister !nd h!1e ! hi"h success r!te.

Unit 2: Motion Magi Reading 1

Reading Comprehension 1. T 3. T 2. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F

Reading Strategy: S"mmari3e a Te*t0 In l"ding 4onte*t -lements Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Dl-mpi!n !thletes use 6tro/otion to impro1e their perform!nce. 6tro/otion h!s c!used some contro1ers- when used in competition (ud"in". 2. 3ith 6tro/otion, T> sports 1iewers c!n see thin"s the- couldn,t see before. 6tro/otion is p!rticul!rl- re1e!lin" in sports with !eri!l m!neu1ers. 3. The photos illustr!te the w!- !n- motion c!n be 1isu!ll- stopped !nd displ!-ed in 1iew!ble st!"es. 4. 6tro/otion is ! 1!lu!ble im!"e enh!ncement techni8ue th!t en!bles performers, spect!tors, !nd (ud"es to see more th!n the- c!n with the un!ided e-e. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. !1!il!ble* !ccessible, obt!in!ble, us!ble displ!-* !d1ertise, show, e2hibit !ppreci!te* 1!lue, underst!nd, tre!sure $.

1. 2. 3.

!ppreci!tion !ppreci!ti1e !ppreci!ted

4. 5.

!ppreci!ted !ppreci!ted

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el 7. 1. c 2. ! 3.


F. New sentences will vary. Possible answers: 2. f. %n upd!ted 1ersion of this m!nu!l is needed bec!use the inform!tion in it is old. 3. b. 9 need to see the l!test 1ersion of the propos!l. 4. d. &orrections were m!de in the re1ised 1ersion of the book. 5. !. /!n- newsp!pers offer electronic 1ersions online. 6. c. The ori"in!l 1ersion of the mo1ie is much better th!n the rem!ke.

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. T 2. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T

Reading Strategy Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Two photo"r!phers, /u-brid"e !nd 7d"erton, p!1ed the w!- for 6tro/otion. /otion se8uence !nd stroboscope photo"r!ph- h!1e been 1er- useful. 2. The photos illustr!te the w!- !n- motion c!n be 1isu!ll- stopped !nd used to see thin"s otherwise unseen b- the un!ided e-e. %s ! "roup, the photos show ! 1!riet- of e2!mples of this. 3. 6tromotion is the product of o1er ! centur- of e2periment!tion !nd technolo"ic!l de1elopment. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. dr!m!ti 4. 1isibilit st 2. tr!nsitio 5. dr!m!ti n c 3. !bstr!ct 6. in1isibl

e 7. n!l tr!nsitio

8. . 1#. $. 1. 2.

e2pose* re1e!l, show, unco1er hence* therefore, conse8uentl-, thus restore* brin" b!ck, reno1!te, re1i1e 6 B 3. 4. B 6 5. 6. 6 B

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el E. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. he "!ined ! lot of wei"ht 2. the te!m lost the "!me 3. she w!s !fr!id of bees fore1er !fter 4. he "ot ! lot of music tr!inin" !nd encour!"ement !t !n e!rl- !"e 5. %J& F. 2. $efore comin" to the cit- for school, she ne1er h!d !n- e2posure to the !rts. 3. The politici!n h!d to resi"n !fter the newsp!per published !n e2posK !bout his 8uestion!ble fin!nci!l de!ls. 4. 0!rents sometimes !llow their children to be e2posed to cont!"ious dise!ses, like me!sles or chicken po2, so th!t the- will be immune to the dise!se !s !dults. 5. The hikers who "ot lost in the mount!ins died of e2posure to the se1ere we!ther. 6. $e sure to put sunscreen on !n- e2posed !re!s so th!t -our skin doesn,t burn. 7. %t ! home desi"n e2po, -ou c!n "et "re!t ide!s for decor!tin" -our !p!rtment. 8. Ais clients e2posed him !s ! fr!ud !nd told the police th!t he sold them none2istent propert-.

Unit 5: The ,hysi s of 6"n Reading 1

Reading Comprehension 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

Reading Strategy: Inferen e Evidence may vary Possible answers: 2. !. Ae st!rted to p!nic !s the wheel rot!ted upw!rds, me!nin" th!t he w!s bein" lifted further !nd further from the "round. 3. c. $urnh!m belie1ed th!t the wheel must 1iol!te the l!ws of ph-sics. 4. b. Ferris fin!ll- obt!ined !ppro1!l from $urnh!m !fter other en"ineers confirmed the soundness of his pl!ns. 5. d. % news report w!s written !bout the wheel, indic!tin" th!t there w!s public interest in it. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. prior to 6. 2. re1ised 7. 3. obt!in 8. 4. input . 5. dr!fted 1#.

re"ul!te credit re"ul!tions 1iol!te re1ise

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el '. 1. obt!ined b4. input on 2. credited with 5. p!r!"r!phs of 3. re"ul!tions on E. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. 9t is not descended from ! loc!l tr!dition, but ori"in!ted in &entr!l %meric! in the 1 7#s, when it w!s de1eloped b- scientists to rese!rch loc!l pl!nts !nd wildlife th!t h!d been in!ccessible prior to th!t time. 3. %s &!nop- Tours h!1e de1eloped into tourist !ttr!ctions in ! 1!riet- of tropic!l loc!les, m!n- businesses h!1e obt!ined permission to oper!te them. 4. %s the tours incre!se in popul!rit-, different countries h!1e de1eloped ! 1!riet- of re"ul!tions for s!fet-Fsome stricter th!n othersF!nd the %ssoci!tion for &h!llen"e &ourse Technolo"- in the 5.6. helps inform consumers !bout which tour pro"r!ms 1iol!te these rules. 5. 9n !ddition, "roups of tour pro1iders h!1e dr!fted 1olunt!r"uidelines with p!r!"r!phs det!ilin" re"ul!tions for "uide tr!inin",

e8uipment st!nd!rds, !nd s!fet- inspections. F. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. 3ith m!ps th!t use the /erc!tor 0ro(ection, the north?south !nd e!st?west !n"les h!1e the s!me !mount of distortion, which m!kes l!nd m!sses f!r from the e8u!tor !ppe!r unusu!ll- l!r"e. 3. %lthou"h use of the /erc!tor 0ro(ection h!s been critici)ed !s distortin" sh!pes, it h!s been used for m!n- -e!rs !nd is still 1erpopul!r. 4. <ecentl-, de1elopers in 'ub!i used the /erc!tor 0ro(ection ot distort the sh!pe of the co!stline, cre!tin" HThe 3orld,I ! "roup of m!n?m!de isl!nds th!t look like l!nd m!sses on ! m!p of the world. 5. 9sl!nds representin" different countries c!n be bou"ht b- pri1!te owners, who c!n then distort their sh!pes, cre!tin" tourist !ttr!ctions !nd !musements.

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

Reading Strategy Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. $ec!use the speed of he!d !cceler!tion on roller co!sters is below the threshold speed for he!d in(ur- in other situ!tions, it does not seem th!t he!ds !re "oin" f!st enou"h on roller co!sters to be in(ured. 2. &06& shows th!t rider in(ur- is due to misuse !nd horsepl!-. this implies th!t the rides !re not to bl!me !s much !s the riders. 6imil!rl-, &06&,s d!t! shows th!t there were more emer"enc- room 1isits for other t-pes of entert!inment, which implies th!t tit is more d!n"erous to en"!"e in other t-pes of entert!inment th!n roller co!sters. 3. +o, the- !re not necess!r-, bec!use there h!s been no interest in cre!tin" roller co!sters th!t e2ceed the rules !lre!d- in pl!ce. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. cle!rl3. 2. !ccepted, structures, 4. serious

d!n"erous re1iew

'. 1. input 2. p!r!"r!ph 3. brief 4. prior to 5. 1iol!ted 6. re1ise 7. credit

Unit 7: Mind $ide )pen Reading 1

Reading Comprehension 1. T 3. T 2. T 4. F Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. d 2. ! $. ob1ious* !pp!rent, cle!r, conspicuous, pl!in tri""er* !cti1!te, c!use, sp!rk, st!rt !tt!ch* !dd, !dhere, connect, f!sten distincti1e* different, distin"uishin", speci!l, uni8ue Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el D. Answers will vary. Possible questions: 2. 3h!t insi"hts mi"ht ! ps-cholo"- book h!1e into unh!ppiness4 3. 3h!t insi"hts mi"ht best friends h!1e into e!ch other4 4. 3h!t insi"hts mi"ht ! 1eterin!ri!n h!1e into !nim!l beh!1ior4 5. 3h!t insi"hts mi"ht ! b!b-sitter h!1e into f!mil- problems4 6. 3h!t insi"hts mi"ht !n !nthropolo"ist h!1e into workpl!ce politics4 5. F 6. T 7. T

3. b

4. c

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. T 3. T 2. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T

Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. initi!l 2. induce 3. 1isu!l, !tt!ched $.

4. distincti1e 5. insi"ht 6. minor, ch!pter

round* b!ll, circle, "lobe, pl!net !re! of interest or !cti1it-* dom!in, field, )one, circle &. 1. spheric!l ob(ects 2. sphere of influence 3. hemispheres 4. !c!demic sphere 5. wider sphere

Unit 8: Child ,rodigies Reading 1

Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. F 2. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F . T

Reading Strategy: Re ogni3ing Comparison and Contrast %. 6 Lcomp!risonM* both, in the s!me w!-, likewise, moreo1er, simil!rl' Lcontr!stM* but, despite, howe1er, inste!d of, on the contr!r-, on the other h!nd, unlike $. 2. likewise, comp!rison, +"u-en +"oc Truon" 6on N E!- @reenber" 3. on the other hand, contr!st, pr!ise !nd !ttention N criticism 4. similarly, comp!rison, pr!cticed pi!no for 25 hours ! week N pl!chess for hours !t ! time 5. unli e, contr!st, prodi"- N children with !1er!"e intelli"ence 6. instead o!, contr!st, en1ironment N biolo"7. on the contrary, contr!st, deli"hted N not supporti1e

Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el %. 1. displ!4. ! 2. e2pert feelin" 3. utili)e 5. isol!tio B. Answers may vary. Possible answers: &orrect* books, ! computer, ! microscope, ! telephone

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el E. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 2. 9t w!s 1er- ch!llen"in" for $ill- 6idis to soci!li)e with others. 3. Dne of the ch!llen"es for rese!rchers !nd e2perts is th!t it is h!rd to stud- child prodi"ies without isol!tin" them from societ-. 4. &hild prodi"ies ch!llen"e societ- to resist the impulse to re(ect those who !re different. 5. &hild prodi"ies Hch!llen"e the worldI bec!use it is h!rd to !ccept those who !re different. F. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 2. &h!ndr!,s f!ther encour!"ed his skill with technolo"-. 3. Ae hoped th!t &h!ndr! would de1elop e2pertise in computers. 4. Ais f!ther w!s poor, but he found w!-s to !c8uire resources like ! computer for his son when he w!s onl- four -e!rs old. 5. % 1er- resourceful child, &h!ndr! found ! w!- to te!ch himself to use /6?'D6, :DT56, !nd /6?3ord. 6. Ae w!s consider!bl- -oun"er th!n the t-pic!l !"e of thirt- when he bec!me the world,s -oun"est /icrosoft &ertified s-stems 7n"ineer. 7. 3hen he w!s ele1en !nd ! student !t ! uni1ersit- in /!dr!s, the "o1ernment of 9ndi! honored &h!ndr! bec!use he w!s !n e2pert on the technolo"- rel!ted to computer network securit-. ". Answers will vary. Possible answers: 2. 3hich f!ctors were most import!nt in -our success4 3. 3h!t ch!llen"es did -ou f!ce4 4. 3hen did -ou disco1er th!t -ou were more intelli"ent th!n most people4 5. Aow do -ou think -ou !re different from norm!l people4 6. 3h- did -ou decide to concentr!te on technolo"-4

7. 8. .

3here h!1e -ou used -our e2pertise4 3h!t resources did -ou h!1e for de1elopin" -our skills4 3ho h!d the bi""est influence on -ou4

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. T 2. F 4. F Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. !. enormous, intelli"ence b. concentr!ted c. re1e!led d. norm!l, consider!blB. Answers may vary. Possible order: 1. ! 3. b 5. " 2. d 4. e 6. c &. 1. intelli"ent 2. utili)e 3. enormous '. 2. technolo"-, e2!mples 3. pursue, s-non-ms 4. resource, e2!mples 5. utili)e, !nton-ms 6. intelli"ence, 1erb N ob(ect 4. re1e!l 5. ch!llen"e 6. e2pertise 7. pursuits 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T

e. !n en1ironment f. e2pertise ". f!ctor, pursued

7. f

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el A. 1. 7 2. A 3. A

4. 7

Unit 9: The Competiti#e Instin t Reading 1

Reading Strategy: Understanding Timelines %. 1. 2###* 3ho 6ur1i1es4

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1 #s* The :e"!c- of E!ck 3elch 1 86* H@reed 9s @oodI 1 8#* $ill @!tes 1. @!r- Oild!ll 1 57* The 6p!ce <!ce 1867* Fi"ht of the H<obber $!ronsI 1651* T!min" the $e!st %ncient Aistor-* 6iblin" <i1!lr-

B. Answers may vary. Possible answers: %ncient histor-* &l!ssic!l te2ts chronicle siblin" ri1!lr- for p!rent!l !ttention. 476 $.&.7.* Dl-mpic winner Aiero commissions poem !bout self J 1st sports m!rketin". 12#6* @en"his Oh!n, /on"oli!n ruler, introduces inno1!tions in !rm-, rew!rds competition, fle2ible comm!nd. 1651* Aobbes s!-s people !re b!sic!ll- self?interested. 178 * 6!muel 6l!ter st!rts m!nuf!cturin" in %meric!Ffirst cotton mill. 1867* @ould !nd >!nderbilt fi"ht for control of 7rie <!ilro!d. 1 #1* 6t!nd!rdi)ed tests introduced for colle"e !dmission. 1 57* 6o1iet 5nion l!unches first sp!ceship, 6putnik. 5.6. !nd 6o1iet 5nion compete to re!ch the moon first. 1 6#s* 'r. 6pockFbooks !bout r!isin" kids, su""ests comp. is b!d. bi" influenceFtod!- some kids, "!mes h!1e no winners, schools don,t "i1e letter "r!des. 1 8#* $ill @!tesFsoftw!re licensed b- 9$/. L$ossN@!r- supposed to meet with 9$/, didn,t show bec!use he went fl-in", 9$/ met wN @!tes inste!dM 1 86* 91!n $oesk- s!-s "reed is "ood, then (!iled for ille"!l tr!din". 1 #s* @7 &7D fires bottom 1#= of m!n!"ement e1er- -e!r. 2###* 6ur1i1or T> showFpeople compete, 1ote to remo1e e!ch other, one winner. Step 1 Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el $. 1. inno1!ti1e 2. consumers 3. dem!ndin", m!(orit4. helpful 5. !ttr!ction 6. is "re!ter th!n

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el '. 1. Bu!ntit!ti1e 4. Bu!ntit!ti1e 2. Bu!lit!ti1e 5. Bu!lit!ti1e 3. Bu!ntit!ti1e Step II E. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. Phu si"ned ! contr!ct with @ener!l 7lectric L@7M, !lthou"h she could h!1e commenced her c!reer with !lmost !n- comp!n-. 3. &omp!nies in &hin! !re so desper!te to find well?tr!ined emplo-ees th!t the- offer m!n- incenti1es, includin" fle2ible workin" hours !nd educ!tion pro"r!ms th!t help emplo-ees "et profession!l licenses. 4. &omp!nies don,t offer these benefits bec!use of ! principle th!t workers should be well tre!ted. 5. <!ther, the- hope th!t emplo-ees will rew!rd them with de1otion !nd st!- with the comp!n- for ! lon" time. 6. &hinese comp!nies h!1e de1eloped mech!nisms throu"h which -oun"er workers often rise more 8uickl- into le!dership positions th!n -oun" people on p!r!llel tr!cks in the west. 7. @7 !nd other comp!nies !lso offer different !mounts of currenc!s ! rew!rd for work of correspondin" 1!lue. For e2!mple, themi"ht !w!rd !n emplo-ee G1## !fter completin" ! pro(ect. 8. % portion of @7,s success in !ttr!ctin" !nd keepin" emplo-ees is due to 8u!lit!ti1e benefits. 9t works h!rd to m!ke emplo-ees feel reco"ni)ed !nd !ppreci!ted.

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. F 3. T 2. T 4. T Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. p!r!llels 2. commences 3. corresponds 4. mech!nism 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T

5. 6. 7. 8.

commissions de1ote on beh!lf of principle

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el D. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 2. 9n /!r-l!nd, the co!ch of the Terr!pins, soccer te!m h!d been followin" ! cl!ssic model of te!m le!dership b- m!kin" his best pl!-ers into te!m c!pt!ins. 5nfortun!tel-, their le!dership !bilitdid not correspond to their sports skills. 3. The co!ch, 6!sho &iro1ski, s!w p!r!llels between wh!t he needed !nd his brother >!ncho,s work in hum!n resources. Ae decided to commence the ne2t pr!ctice with ! sur1e- th!t >!ncho used for or"!ni)!tion!l de1elopment. 4. The sur1e- !sked te!m members to !ssoci!te 8u!lit!ti1e ch!r!cteristics with indi1idu!ls on the te!m, for e2!mple, bidentif-in" those who helped them incre!se their de1otion to the te!m. 5. $!sed on the results of the sur1e-, &o!ch &iro1ski, disco1ered th!t ! pl!-er he h!d not seen !s ! le!der, 6cott $uete, h!d the respect of the te!m. &iro1ski decided th!t he should be more fle2ible in his selection of te!m le!ders. Ae si"ned ! contr!ct with $uete th!t he would become ! third te!m c!pt!in. 6. For the rem!inin" portion of the se!son, the te!m pl!-ed much better. 9t seemed th!t &iro1ski h!d fin!ll- found the ri"ht mech!nism for choosin" ! le!der. E. Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. $usinesses used to e2pect de1otion from their emplo-ees. 2. +ow!d!-s, emplo-ees !re r!rel- so de1oted to their comp!n- th!t the- st!- lon"er th!n ! few -e!rs. 3. /!n- emplo-ees le!1e comp!nies bec!use the- !re e2pected to de1ote ! lot of time on work?rel!ted pro(ects. 4. The- belie1e th!t comp!nies should not e2pect emplo-ees to be de1oted when the- !re !sked to do !n incre!sin" !mount of work. 5. %t first, some businesses spent more mone- to tr- to "et emplo-ees to de1ote themsel1es to the comp!n-. 6. +ow, howe1er, most businesses h!1e decided th!t the- c!n,t !fford to bu- the de1otion of their emplo-ees. 7. 9nste!d of e2pectin" de1otion to the comp!n-, the- now e2pect emplo-ees to le!1e !fter ! cert!in time !nd to "et ! re"ul!r number of new emplo-ees.

Unit 1:: 1etting There Reading 1

Reading Strategy A. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. % boiler room is the pl!ce on ! ship where the ste!m boilers th!t propel the ship !re loc!ted. The met!phor here refers to ! business th!t is propellin" !n industr- with producti1e ide!s !nd d!t!. 2. % bli))!rd is ! snowstorm with stron" winds. The met!phor here links the blindin" snow to !n o1er!bund!nce of the ro!d si"ns which could c!use ! dri1er to lose his w!-. 3. % th!tch is ! 1er- thick "rowth of pl!nts or foli!"e th!t is h!rd to p!ss throu"h. /!d here me!ns wild or cr!)-. The !uthor is impl-in" th!t to ! dri1er l!ckin" "ood directions, the +ew Qork ro!d s-stem c!n seem simil!rl- dense, wild, !nd impenetr!ble. 4. % thicket is 1er- simil!r to ! th!tch, !nd the description of si"n!"e here implies th!t it is so dense !nd o1er!bund!nt th!t it is h!rd to follow. To see throu"h someone else,s e-es me!ns to !dopt someone else,s perspecti1e on somethin". 5. %n orbit "ener!ll- refers to the p!th of ! pl!net !round the sun, or of ! s!tellite !round ! pl!net, or of !n electron !round !n !tom. 9n this conte2t the writer me!ns th!t he !nd the field rese!rchers m!de !nother trip !round the !irport. Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. !ttributed 2. w!s !ttributed

3. w!s !ttributed 4. !ttributed

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el &. 1. 9n the "ener!l popul!tion, the incidence of tr!ffic !ccidents decre!ses !s the !"e of the dri1er incre!ses. 2. The new 9mpress! h!s the hi"hest s!fet- r!tin" of !n- c!r in its cl!ss from three m!(or c!r?r!tin" or"!ni)!tionsFincident!ll-, it,s the c!r th!t ! lot of r!ppers dri1e. 3. The report on the r!dio s!id th!t there w!s ! minor incident !t the soccer "!me l!st ni"ht, which c!sed the "!me to st!rt ! few minutes l!te. 4. $efore the "uide st!rted the tour of the presidenti!l p!l!ce, she

"!1e us some incident!l inform!tion !bout the buildin"s in the nei"hborhood.

Reading &
Reading Comprehension 1. T 3. 2. T 4. T F 5. 6. T F 7. 8. T T

Step I Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: $ord %e#el %. 1. c 3. ! 2. b 4. d &. 1. 2. 3. 4. '. 1. !ttributes 2. e8ui1!lent, ch!rt, m!nu!l 3. !ttributes, si"nific!nt 1!r1!ri!ble 1!rious 1!ri!nce 5. 6. 7. 8.

5. f 6. e 1!riet1!riet-, 1!rious 1!riousl1!ri!ble

4. !ssemble, en!ble, prohibit 5. cruci!l, precisel-

Step II Vo a!"lary A ti#ities: Senten e %e#el ". Answers may vary. Possible answers: 1. 9t is cruci!l th!t -ou p!ss the test. 2. 9t is import!nt th!t -ou not "et !nother speedin" ticket. 3. 9t is essenti!l th!t -our friend pick up -our "r!ndmother. 4. 9t is 1it!l th!t -ou "i1e the owner the mone- tod!-. 5. 9t is necess!r- th!t -ou follow the instruction m!nu!l.

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