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HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF CBI 1.1 The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was established vide Resolution No. 4/31/ 1!T" dated 1st #$ril" 1% 3 of the &inistr' of (o)e #ffairs" *overn)ent of India" whi+h reads as follows, -The *overn)ent of India have had under +onsideration the establish)ent of a Central Bureau of Investigation for the investigation of +ri)es at $resent handled b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent" in+luding s$e+iall' i)$ortant +ases under the .efen+e of India #+t and Rules $arti+ularl' of hoarding" bla+2)ar2eting and $rofiteering in essential +o))odities" whi+h )a' have re$er+ussions and ra)ifi+ations" in several /tates, the +olle+tion of intelligen+e relating to +ertain t'$es of +ri)es3 $arti+i$ation in the role of the National Central Bureau +onne+ted with the International Cri)inal 0oli+e 4rgani5ation3 the )aintenan+e of +ri)e statisti+s and disse)ination of infor)ation relating to +ri)e and +ri)inals3 the stud' of s$e+iali5ed +ri)e of $arti+ular interest to the *overn)ent of India or +ri)es having all!India or interstate ra)ifi+ations or of $arti+ular i)$ortan+e fro) the so+ial $oints of view3 the +ondu+t of 0oli+e resear+h3 and the +oordination of laws relating to +ri)e.

#s a first ste$ in that dire+tion" the *overn)ent of India have de+ided to set u$ with effe+t fro) Ist #$ril" 1% 3 Central Bureau of of Investigation at New .elhi with the following si6 .ivisions" na)el',7

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

IN81/TI*#TI4N #N. #NTI!C4RR90TI4N .I8I/I4N. (.1:(I /01CI#: 04:IC1 1/T#B:I/(&1NT) T1C(NIC#: .I8I/I4N. CRI&1 R1C4R./ #N. /T#TI/TIC/ .I8I/I4N. R1/1#RC( .I8I/I4N. :1*#: .I8I/I4N ; *1N1R#: .I8I/I4N. #.&INI/TR#TI4N .I8I/I4N.

The Charter of fun+tions of the above said .ivisions will be as given in #nne6ure 1!#. The assistan+e of the Central Bureau of Investigation will also be available to the /tate 0oli+e <or+es on re=uest for investigating and assisting in the investigation of interstate +ri)e and other diffi+ult +ri)inal +ases.> HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SPE 1.2 .uring the earl' stages of ?orld ?ar!II" the then *overn)ent of India reali5ed that the enor)ousl' e6$anded e6$enditure for $ur$oses +onne+ted with the war had brought about a situation in whi+h uns+ru$ulous and antiso+ial $ersons" both offi+ials and non!offi+ials" were enri+hing the)selves dishonestl' at the +ost of the $ubli+ and the *overn)ent. It was felt that the 0oli+e and other :aw 1nfor+e)ent #gen+ies" whi+h fun+tioned under the /tate *overn)ents" were not ade=uate to +o$e with the situation. It was under these +ir+u)stan+es" that the setting u$

of a se$arate organi5ation to investigate offen+es +onne+ted with these transa+tions be+a)e a dire ne+essit'. Conse=uentl'" the organi5ation 2nown as the Special Police Es a!lis"#e$ %S.P.E.& was +reated under a .e$ut' Ins$e+tor! *eneral of 0oli+e b' the *overn)ent of India" in 1%41" b' an e6e+utive order. 1.' The fun+tions of the /.0.1. were to investigate +ases of briber' and +orru$tion in transa+tions with whi+h the ?ar and /u$$l' .e$art)ent of the *overn)ent of India was +on+erned. The su$erintenden+e of the /.0.1. was vested in the then ?ar and /u$$l' .e$art)ent. Towards the end of 1%4@" the a+tivities of the /.0.1. were e6tended to in+lude +ases of +orru$tion in the Railwa's also" $resu)abl' be+ause the Railwa's were strategi+all' +on+erned with the )ove)ent and su$$l' of war )aterial. 1.( In 1%4@" the Aurisdi+tion of the ?ar .e$art)ent to e6er+ise the $owers of investigation was +hallenged before a (igh Court. This led to the $ro)ulgation of 4rdinan+e No. BBII of 1%43 +onferring the re=uisite legal san+tion and authorit' on the .e$art)ent. This 4rdinan+e" whi+h +learl' $la+ed the /$e+ial 1stablish)ent on a legal footing la$sed on 3Cth /e$te)ber" 1%4 and was re$la+ed b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent 4rdinan+e No. BBII of 1%4 . This was subse=uentl' re$la+ed b' the Del"i Special Police Es a!lis"#e$ Ac %))* o+ 1,(-& (#nne6ure 1!B) whi+h +a)e into for+e on 1%th Nove)ber" 1%4 . This #+t enabled the 1stablish)ent to fun+tion in the 0rovin+es (with the +on+urren+e of the 0rovin+ial *overn)ent) to the li)ited e6tent of investigating +ertain s$e+ified offen+es in whi+h Central *overn)ent e)$lo'ees were involved or .e$art)ents of the *overn)ent of India were +on+erned. 1.. #fter the $ro)ulgation of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t (./01 #+t" 1%4 )" the su$erintenden+e of the /.0.1. was transferred to the then (o)e .e$art)ent" now 2nown as &inistr' of (o)e #ffairs" and its fun+tions were enlarged to +over all .e$art)ents of the *overn)ent of India. The ./01 was then under the +harge of .ire+tor" Intelligen+e Bureau. :ater" in 1%4D" a $ost of Ins$e+tor!*eneral of 0oli+e" /01 was +reated and the organi5ation $la+ed under his +harge. In 1%E3" an 1nfor+e)ent ?ing was added to the ./01 to deal with offen+es relating to brea+h of I)$ort ; 16$ort Regulations. 1.#s +an be seen fro) above" CBI is a su++essor organi5ation to the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent (./01) with an enlarged Charter of fun+tions. In fa+t" with the establish)ent of CBI on 1st #$ril" 1% 3" the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent was )ade one of its .ivisions" vi5. FInvestigation and #nti!Corru$tion .ivisionG. The ./01 then had 14 Bran+hes" ea+h under the +harge of a /u$erintendent of 0oli+e. 16+e$t in the /tates of Ha))u ; Iash)ir and Ierala" there was an /.0.1. Bran+h in ever' /tate and the Aurisdi+tion of that Bran+h was +o!ter)inus with the /tate boundaries. Ierala was $la+ed within the Aurisdi+tion of &adras Bran+h and Ha))u and Iash)ir within that of #)bala Bran+h. There were also two other Bran+hes" +alled the Ce$ /al I$0es i1a i$1 A1e$c2 +o)$rising /=uads # and B and the <raud /=uad" situated at .elhi" both having Aurisdi+tion all over India. The two /=uads of the Central Investigating #gen+' were res$onsible for +olle+tion of infor)ation about serious and i)$ortant +ases of briber' and +orru$tion and for in=uiring into diffi+ult and intri+ate +ases or those whi+h had interstate ra)ifi+ations or whi+h re=uired s$e+iali5ed 2nowledge" e6$erien+e and +lose su$ervision at the highest level. The <raud /=uad $arti+ularl' dealt with +ases of fraud" +heating and the li2e and with serious offen+es under the Indian Co)$anies #+t in whi+h Hoint /to+2 Co)$anies were involved. #t the (ead 4ffi+e of the CBI" the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent .ivision was under the dire+t +harge of an #dditional Ins$e+tor *eneral of 0oli+e under the overall +ontrol of the Ins$e+tor *eneral of 0oli+e. The Bran+hes of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent were divided into two Jones ea+h under the +harge of a .e$ut' Ins$e+tor!*eneral of 0oli+e. LEGAL PO3ERS 1.4 The legal $owers of investigation of CBI are derived fro) the ./01 #+t" 1%4 . This #+t +onfers +on+urrent and +o!e6tensive $owers" duties" $rivileges and liabilities on the )e)bers of .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent (CBI) with 0oli+e 4ffi+ers of the 9nion Territories in relation to the investigation of offen+es notified b' the Central *overn)ent under /e+tion 3 of the #+t and arrest of $ersons +on+erned in su+h offen+es. ?hile e6er+ising su+h $owers" )e)bers of the CBI of or above the ran2 of /ub Ins$e+tor shall be dee)ed to be offi+ers!in!+harge of 0oli+e /tations of the res$e+tive Aurisdi+tions.

O++e$ces i$0es i1a!le !2 CBI 1.5 The CBI +an investigate onl' offen+es or +lasses of offen+es as are notified b' the Central *overn)ent under /e+tion 3 of the ./01 #+t. # list of su+h offen+es issued b' the Central *overn)ent under /e+tion 3 is +ir+ulated $eriodi+all' b' the :egal .ivision now 2nown as the .ire+torate of 0rose+ution (#nne6ure 1!C) E6 e$sio$ o+ po7e/s a$8 9:/is8ic io$ o+ SPE o a/eas o "e/ "a$ U$io$ Te//i o/ies 1., The Central *overn)ent )a'" b' order" e6tend to an' area (in+luding Railwa' areas)" besides 9nion Territories" the $owers and Aurisdi+tion of )e)bers of the CBI for the investigation of an' offen+es or +lasses of offen+es s$e+ified in a Notifi+ation under /e+tion 3 of the ./01 #+t subAe+t to the +onsent of the *overn)ent of the +on+erned /tate under /e+tion of the #+t. ;URISDICTION OF DSPE *IS<<*IS STATE POLICE 1.1= 1ven though the CBI/./01 is e)$owered to investigate all offen+es notified b' the Central *overn)ent under /e+tion 3 of the ./01 #+t" 1%4 " it does not ta2e u$ all su+h +ases 2ee$ing in view its li)ited resour+es and its $owers being +on+urrent and +oe6tensive with those of the /tate 0oli+e <or+es" whi+h if e6er+ised without +oordination with the /tate 0oli+e" )ight lead to +onfli+t and du$li+ation of efforts. To avoid su+h du$li+ation" an ad)inistrative arrange)ent has been arrived at b' CBI with the /tate 0oli+e <or+es" a++ording to whi+h, 1.1C.1 The +ases" whi+h are substantiall' and essentiall' against Central *overn)ent e)$lo'ees or +on+erning affairs of the Central *overn)ent" shall be investigated b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent (CBI) although +ertain e)$lo'ees of the /tate *overn)ent )a' also be involved. The /tate 0oli+e or /tate #nti!Corru$tion Bureau/8igilan+e set!u$" when infor)ed of su+h +ases involving their e)$lo'ees" will render ne+essar' assistan+e to the CBI" during investigation and $rose+ution of su+h +ases. The +ases" whi+h are essentiall' and substantiall' against /tate *overn)ent e)$lo'ees or are in res$e+t of )atters +on+erning the /tate *overn)ent shall be investigated b' the /tate 0oli+e irres$e+tive of the fa+t that +ertain e)$lo'ees of the Central *overn)ent are also involved as +o!a++used. In su+h +ases" the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent (CBI)" when infor)ed" will assist the /tate 0oli+e or /tate #nti!Corru$tion/8igilan+e set!u$" if ne+essar'" in +o)$leting the investigation. In addition to +ases involving Central *overn)ent e)$lo'ees" the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent (CBI) is authori5ed to investigate +ases of the following +ategories, (i) Cases in which the interests of the Central Government or of any Statutory Corporation or Body set up and financed by Government of India are involved particularly those in which public servants are concerned or very large amounts are involved. (ii) Cases relating to the breaches of Central Laws with the enforcement of which the Government of India is mainly concerned. (iii) Big cases of fraud cheating embe!!lement and the li"e relating to public #oint Stoc" Companies in which large funds are involved. Similar other cases when committed by organi!ed gangs or professional criminals having ramifications in several States. (iv) Cases having interstate and international ramifications and being investigated by several agencies and where it is considered necessary that a single investigating agency should be incharge of the investigation. 1.1C.4 ?hile above is the general arrange)ent" it )a' not be $ossible for the CBI to ta2e u$ all +ases falling under these +ategories be+ause of li)ited resour+es and need to +on+entrate on +ases having interstate or international ra)ifi+ations and those involving briber' and +orru$tion. It is" therefore" a )atter of dis+retion" whether the /tate 0oli+e or the CBI should investigate a $arti+ular



offen+e even though it )a' have been notified under /e+tion 3 of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 . 4rdinar' +ases of theft" )isa$$ro$riation" +heating et+. even if +o))itted b' Central *overn)ent e)$lo'ees have" therefore" to be dealt with b' the /tate 0oli+e. 1.11 It has also been agreed that the /tate 0oli+e or #nti!Corru$tion/8igilan+e set!u$ )a' ta2e i))ediate a+tion in res$e+t of the Central *overn)ent e)$lo'ees in the following +ir+u)stan+es,7 (a) $here there is complaint of demand of bribe by a Central Government employee and a %trap& has to be laid to catch such employee red'handed and there is no time to contact the Superintendent of (olice concerned of the CBI the trap may be laid by the State (olice)*nti'Corruption or +igilance set'up and thereafter the CBI should be informed immediately and it should be decided in consultation with CBI whether further investigation should be carried out and completed by the State (olice or by the CBI. $here there is li"elihood of destruction or suppression of evidence if immediate action is not ta"en the State (olice)*nti'Corruption or +igilance set'up may ta"e necessary steps to register the case secure the evidence and thereafter hand over the case to the CBI for further investigation. Information about cases involving Central Government employees who are being investigated by the State (olice)*nti'Corruption or +igilance set'up should be sent by them to the local CBI Branch ,ead of the -epartment and)or the office concerned as early as possible but in any event before a charge sheet or a final report is submitted. *ll cases against Central Government employees which are investigated by the State (olice)*nti'Corruption or +igilance set'up and in which it is necessary to obtain sanction for prosecution from a Competent *uthority of a Central Government -epartment shall be referred to the Competent *uthority directly under intimation to the C+C.




1.12 The CBI and the /tate 0oli+e/#nti!Corru$tion or 8igilan+e set!u$s su$$le)ent and +oordinate ea+h otherGs wor2 in +ertain s$heres" as )entioned above. There should be +lose +oo$eration between the) and the' should render )utual assistan+e to ea+h other. /u$erintendents of 0oli+e of CBI Bran+hes should )aintain +lose liaison with the offi+ers of the /tate 0oli+e/#nti!Corru$tion and 8igilan+e set!u$. The' are authori5ed to +orres$ond dire+tl' with the offi+ers of /tate 0oli+e/#nti!Corru$tion or 8igilan+e set!u$ in )atters relating to their wor2. 1.1' The servi+es of the CBI are available to the /tates in ta2ing u$ investigation of +ertain s$e+ified +ategories of serious offen+es having ra)ifi+ations in )ore than one /tate. &atters relating to su+h +ases re=uiring attention at the CBI (ead=uarters )a' be referred to the lo+al Bran+h of the CBI whi+h" in turn" will infor) the Hoint .ire+tor +on+erned or the /$e+ial/#dditional .ire+tor +on+erned or the .ire+tor" CBI" as the +ase )a' be. 1.1( <or su++ess in investigation of +ases" it is )ost essential that a de+ision as to whi+h agen+' is to investigate be ta2en ver' =ui+2l'. Referen+es about +ases to be entrusted to the CBI should be )ade as soon as $ossible b' the /tate authorities. /i)ilarl'" +ases whi+h the CBI feels should be handled b' the /tate 0oli+e/#nti!Corru$tion or 8igilan+e set!u$" )a' be entrusted to the) without dela'. In +ase of an' diffi+ult' or disagree)ent" the )atter should be settled at a higher level between the /tate .*0 and the .ire+tor" the /$e+ial/#dditional .ire+tor or the Hoint .ire+tor +on+erned in CBI. 1.1. ?hile )a2ing a re=uest to the CBI to ta2e u$ an' +ase for investigation" it has to be ensured that at least one of the offen+es alleged" $arti+ularl' the )ain offen+e" is in+luded in the list of offen+es notified under /e+tion 3 of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 . It is not ne+essar' that all the offen+es alleged should be notified. If one and $arti+ularl' the )ain offen+e is in+luded in the list" the +ase +an be ta2en u$ b' the CBI.

SUPERINTENDENCE AND AD>INISTRATION OF CBI 1.1- The su$erintenden+e of the CBI/./01 vests in the Central *overn)ent as $er /e+tion 4 of ./01 #+t" 1%4 e6+e$t insofar as it relates to the investigation of offen+es alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD for whi+h the su$erintenden+e vests in the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission. 1.14 The ad)inistration of the said 0oli+e establish)ent vests in the .ire+tor" Central Bureau of Investigation who e6er+ises su+h of the $owers e6er+isable b' an Ins$e+tor!*eneral of 0oli+e in a /tate" as the Central *overn)ent )a' s$e+if' in this behalf. The .ire+tor is assisted b' /$e+ial/#dditional .ire+tors and Hoint .ire+tors. The /$e+ial/ #dditional .ire+tors and the Hoint .ire+tors assisting hi) are designated as /$e+ial Ins$e+tors!*eneral of 0oli+e. The' are further assisted b' .e$ut' Ins$e+tors!*eneral of 0oli+e and /u$erintendents of 0oli+e in the dis+harge of their fun+tions and duties. DI*ISIONS OF CBI 1.15 The CBI now +o)$rises of the following .ivisions,7 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) *./I C0112(/I0. -I+ISI0. S(3CI*L C1I43S -I+ISI0. 3C0.04IC 0553.C3S -I+ISI0. -I13C/01*/3 05 (10S3C2/I0. (L3G*L -I+ISI0.) (0LIC6 *.- C001-I.*/I0. -I+ISI0. *-4I.IS/1*/I0. *.- /1*I.I.G -I+ISI0.

(vii) C3./1*L 5013.SIC SCI3.C3 L*B01*/016 RELATIONS 3ITH CENTRAL *IGILANCE CO>>ISSION 1.1, In $ursuan+e of dire+tions of the (onGble /u$re)e Court in the +ineet .arain case" the *overn)ent has a++orded statutor' status to the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission (C8C) b' ena+ting Central 8igilan+e Co))ission #+t" @CC3. #s )entioned above" the Co))ission has been vested with su$erintenden+e over /01" in ter)s of /e+tion 4 of ./01 #+t and /e+tion D of C8C #+t as far as it relates to investigation of +ases under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD. The Co))ission )a' give dire+tions to ./01 for $ur$ose of dis+harging the res$onsibilities as $rovided in /e+tion 4(1) of ./01 #+t. (owever" the Co))ission shall not re=uire the ./01 to investigate or dis$ose of an' +ase in a $arti+ular )anner. The Co))ission )a' review the $rogress of investigation +ondu+ted b' ./01 into offen+es alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t. The C8C )a' review the a$$li+ations $ending with the +o)$etent authorities for san+tion of $rose+ution under the said 0.C. #+t. The C8C #+t" @CC3 is at 55#nne6ure 1!.. 1.2= The Central 8igilan+e Co))ission )a' +ause an en=uir' or investigation to be )ade into an' +o)$laint on a referen+e )ade b' Central *overn)ent or otherwise against )e)bers of all India /ervi+es serving in +onne+tion with the affairs of the 9nion and *rou$ F#G offi+ers of the Central *overn)ent and su+h level of offi+ers of the +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent Co)$anies" so+ieties and other lo+al authorities" owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent" as that *overn)ent )a'" b' notifi+ation in the 4ffi+ial *a5ette" s$e+if' in this behalf. LIAISON BET3EEN THE CBI AND THE >INISTRIES?DEPART>ENTS OF GO*ERN>ENT OF INDIA 1.21 In +onne+tion with its wor2" the CBI is authori5ed to +onta+t and +orres$ond dire+tl' with the &inistries and .e$art)ents of the *overn)ent of India. 8arious Bran+hes/9nits of CBI +an also +orres$ond dire+tl' with Central *overn)ent .e$art)ents but +orres$onden+e with the &inistries should be addressed b' the) through the (ead 4ffi+e e6+e$t in e)ergent +ases when the' )a'

send the +o))uni+ations dire+t to the &inistries. In the latter +ase" however" the' should endorse +o$ies of their +o))uni+ations to the (ead 4ffi+e of the CBI at New .elhi. The &inistries and .e$art)ents of the *overn)ent of India )ight refer to the CBI )atters in whi+h its hel$ is re=uired. 1.22 /u+h dire+t referen+e fro) the CBI to the &inistries )a' be in regard to , (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) collection of information in connection with registration of new cases7 obtaining records and documents in connection with en8uiries and investigation7 obtaining sanction of the Competent *uthority for prosecution of accused person7 /ransfers of suspects or accused persons7 Suspension of public servants7 -epartmental action.

(owever" no su+h +orres$onden+e )a' be )ade with regard to transfer of sus$e+ts or a++used $ersons or sus$ension of $ubli+ servants b' the CBI Bran+hes without the a$$roval of (ead 4ffi+e. ZONES" REGIONS AND BRANCHES?UNITS OF CBI 1.2' The Jones" Regions" Bran+hes and 9nits of CBI have been divided on fun+tional as sell as territorial basis. ?hile so)e of the Bran+hes/9nits are of s$e+iali5ed nature with all!India Aurisdi+tion" others +over a $arti+ular area. /o)e of the territorial Bran+hes of CBI have one or )ore than one 9nit fun+tioning under the). The Central Bran+hes/9nits" having all!India Aurisdi+tion are entrusted with i)$ortant +ases" whi+h often have interstate or international ra)ifi+ations. These Bran+hes/9nits )a' also be entrusted +ases" whi+h are not +onsidered $ro$er to be entrusted to the territorial Bran+hes. ?hile +ases are entrusted to Central Bran+hes/9nits b' .ire+tor" CBI or with his a$$roval on s$e+ifi+ $ro$osal re+eived fro) Hoint .ire+tor/.I*" the territorial Bran+hes/9nits ta2e u$ investigations/ en=uiries in their res$e+tive areas of Aurisdi+tion under the orders of the Co)$etent #uthorit' as $res+ribed fro) ti)e to ti)e. The Bran+hes/9nits are headed b' offi+ers of the ran2 of /enior /u$erintendent of 0oli+e//u$erintendent of 0oli+e. The'" in turn" are su$ervised b' .e$ut' Ins$e+tors!*eneral of 0oli+e" who )a' have two or three Bran+hes/9nits wor2ing under the). The .Is* re$ort to Hoint .ire+tors and /$e+ial Ins$e+tors!*eneral of 0oli+e. The details of various Jones" Regions" Bran+hes/9nits along with their Aurisdi+tion are given in #nne6ure 1!1. SPECIAL UNITS 1.2( #$art fro) the regular Bran+hes" +ertain /$e+iali5ed 9nits" +alled /$e+ial 9nits are +onstituted to $rovide su$$ort to the regular Bran+hes/9nits es$e+iall' in the field of +olle+tion of intelligen+e relating to in+idents of +orru$tion in the higher e+helons of Central *overn)ent and 0ubli+ /e+tor 9nderta2ings. These 9nits also $rovide intelligen+e related su$$ort to investigating Bran+hes in investigation of +ases. The' also +arr' out internal vigilan+e wor2 for the organi5ation. These 9nits are $resentl' lo+ated at .elhi" &u)bai" Iol2ata and Chennai. The' have all!India Aurisdi+tion and wor2 under .Is*//9 and are su$ervised b' Hoint .ire+tor (0oli+') and the .CBI. The /u$erintendents of 0oli+e of different Bran+hes" .Is* and H.s should regularl' intera+t with the +on+erned /$e+ial 9nits so that =ualit' +ases relating to high!level +orru$tion and sensitive )atters are ta2en u$ for en=uir' and investigation b' CBI.


No. (?'1?-1<T

*481RN&1NT 4< IN.I#

&INI/TRL 4< (4&1 #<<#IR/

.ew -elhi the 9st *pril 9:;<

RESOLUTION The *overn)ent of India have had under +onsideration the establish)ent of a Central Bureau of Investigation for the investigation of +ri)es at $resent handled b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent" in+luding s$e+iall' i)$ortant +ases under the .efen+e of India #+t and Rules $arti+ularl' of hoarding" bla+2)ar2eting and $rofiteering in essential +o))odities" whi+h )a' have re$er+ussions and ra)ifi+ations in several /tates3 the +olle+tion of intelligen+e relating to +ertain t'$es of +ri)es" $arti+i$ation in the wor2 of the National Central Bureau +onne+ted with the International Cri)inal 0oli+e 4rgani5ation3 the )aintenan+e of +ri)e statisti+s and disse)ination of infor)ation relating to +ri)e and +ri)inals" the stud' of s$e+iali5ed +ri)e of $arti+ular interest to the *overn)ent of India or +ri)es having all!India or interstate ra)ifi+ations or of $arti+ular interest to the *overn)ent of India or +ri)es having all India or interstate ra)ifi+ations or of $arti+ular i)$ortan+e fro) the so+ial $oint of view3 the +ondu+t of 0oli+e resear+h" and the +oordination of laws relating to +ri)e. #s a first ste$ in that dire+tion" the *overn)ent 4f India have de+ided to set u$ with effe+t fro) 1st #$ril" 1% 3 a Central Bureau of Investigation at .elhi with the following si6 .ivisions" na)el' ,!

(I) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

IN81/TI*#TI4N #N. #NTI!C4RR90TI4N .I8I/I4N (.1:(I /01CI#: 04:IC1 1/T#B:I/(&1NT). T1C(NIC#: .I8I/I4N. CRI&1 R1C4R./ #N. /T#TI/TIC/ .I8I/I4N. R1/1#RC( .I8I/I4N. :1*#: .I8I/I4N ; *1N1R#: .I8I/I4N. #.&INI/TR#TI4N .I8I/I4N.

The Charter of fun+tion of the above said .ivisions will be as given in the #nne6ure. The assistan+e of the Central Bureau of Investigation will also be available to the /tate 0oli+e <or+es on re=uest for investigating and assisting in the investigation of interstate +ri)e and other diffi+ult +ri)inal +ases.

/d/! (8. 8I/(?#N#T(#N) Secretary to the Government of India


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No. (?'1?-1?T@ 8a e8 1<(<1,-' 4R.1R 4R.1R1. that a +o$' of the Resolution be +o))uni+ated to all /tate *overn)ents/9nion Territories #d)inistrations" .ire+tor" Intelligen+e Bureau" Ins$e+tor!*eneral" /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent" .elhi" all &inistries/.e$art)ents of the *overn)ent of India. 4R.1R1. infor)ation.

that the Resolution be $ublished in the *a5ette of India for general /d/! (8.8I/(?#N#T(#N) Secretary to the Government of India


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I. INVESTIGATION AND ANTI-CORRUPTION DIVISION (DELHI SPECIAL POLICE ESTABLISHMENT) (9) (=) Cases in which public servants under the control of the Central Government are involved either themselves or along with State Government servants and)or other persons. Cases in which the interests of the Central Government or of any public sector pro>ect or underta"ing or any statutory corporation or body set up and financed by the Government of India are involved. Cases relating to breaches of Central Laws with the enforcement of which the Government of India is particularly concerned e.g ?' (a) Breaches of Import and 3@port Control 0rders7 (b) Serious breaches of 5oreign 3@change 1egulation *ct7 (c) (assport frauds7 (d) Cases under the 0fficial Secrets *ct pertaining to the affairs of the Central Government7 (e) Cases of certain specified categories under the -efence of India *ct or 1ules with which the Central Government is particularly concerned. (A) (C) (;) (D) (E) (:) Serious cases of cheating or fraud relating to the 1ailways or (ost B /elegraphs -epartment particularly those involving professional criminals operating in several States. Crime on ,igh Seas. Crime on the *irlines. Important and serious cases in 2nion /erritories particularly those by professional criminals. Serious cases of fraud cheating and embe!!lement relating to public >oint stoc" companies. 0ther cases of a serious nature when committed by organi!ed gangs or professional criminals or cases having ramifications in several States including 2nion /erritories serious cases of spurious drugs important cases of "idnapping of children by professional interstate gangs etc. /hose cases will be ta"en up only at the re8uest of or with the concurrence of the State Governments)2nion /erritories *dministrations concerned.


(9F) Collection of intelligence about corruption in the public services and the pro>ects and underta"ings in the public sector. (99) (rosecution of cases investigated by this -ivision. (9=) (resentation of cases before 3n8uiry 0fficers in which department proceedings are instituted on the recommendations of this -ivision. II. TECHNICAL DIVISION (9) /echnical assistance in investigation of cases involving accounts. (=) Speciali!ed assistance in cases involving 1ailways and (ostal *ccounts. (<) *ssistance in cases involving assessment of Income'/a@ 3state -uty etc. (A) 3@amination of accounts and assets etc. in cases relating to allegations of disproportionate assets. (C) 3@amination of cases investigated by the Bureau which have an income'ta@ aspect and communication of information with a view to enabling the Income' /a@ -epartment to recover the evaded ta@. III. CRIME RECORDS & STATISTICS DIVISION (9) 4aintenance of all India statistics of crime (=) Study of all India trends in thefts and losses and recoveries of firearms and ammunition and note forgery and counterfeit coining.

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(<) Collection and dissemination of information about important interstate criminals. (A) (reparation and circulation of reports and reviews relating to crime in India. (C) (articipation in the wor" of the IC(0 .CB 2.0 1eporter for Crime. IV. RESEARCH DIVISION (9) *nalysis and study of speciali!ed crimes and of problems of a general nature affecting the (olice e.g?G (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (i@) (@) (@i) /rends and causes of serious crimes in different areas7 (reventive measures their effectiveness and relationship with crime. Improvement in methods of investigation utility and results of introducing scientific aids and e8uipment. Inade8uacy of laws coordination of laws relating to crime in various States. Criminal gangs operating in more than one StateGwandering gangsG e@'criminal tribesG habitual offenders. Crimes amongst the tribal people. Interstate note forgery and counterfeiting. Industriali!ation and crime7 #uvenile delin8uency. Hidnapping of women and children

(viii) Social factors in crime.

(=) (articipation in the wor" of the Central 5orensic Science *dvisory Committee and the Central 4edico'Legal *dvisory Committee. V. LEGAL DIVISION & GENERAL DIVISION (a) Legal Sec !"# (i) Legal *dvice in cases investigated by the investigation and *nti' Corruption -ivision. (ii) Conducting prosecution in important cases. (iii) 1eview of >udicial decisions relating to criminal law and procedure for publication in the CBI Ga!ette. (iv) Compilation and circulation of Law -igest. (v) Inade8uacy of and amendments to laws. (vi) Coordination of laws relating to crime in various States. ($) Ge#e%al Sec !"# (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) VI. 4atters relating to organi!ation policy and procedure. Interstate conference relating to crime and anti' corruption wor". *ppreciation reports regarding modes of corruption in various Government -epartments and (ublic Sector 2nderta"ings. Correspondence with 4inistries and States on general 8uestions relating to policy procedure etc. /raining courses in anti' corruption wor". CBI Ga!ette. (hotographic section.


*ll establishment and accounts matters

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#N #CT to )a2e $rovision for the +onstitution of /$e+ial 0oli+e <or+e in .elhi for the investigation of +ertain offen+es in the 9nion Territories for the su$erintenden+e and ad)inistration of the said for+e and for the e6tension to other areas of the $owers and Aurisdi+tion of )e)bers of the said for+e in regard to the investigation of the said offen+es. (9:th .ovember 9:A;) ?(1R1#/ it is ne+essar' to +onstitute a /$e+ial 0oli+e <or+e in .elhi for the investigation of +ertain offen+es in the 9nion Territories and to )a2e $rovision for the su$erintenden+e and ad)inistration of the said for+e and for the e6tension to other areas of the $owers and Aurisdi+tion of the )e)bers of the said for+e in regard to the investigation of the said offen+es, S"o/ i le a$8 e6 e$ 1. (1) 2. (@) This #+t )a' +alled the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 . It e6tends to the whole of India.

Co$s i : io$ A Po7e/s o+ Special Police Es a!lis"#e$ 2. (1) Notwithstanding an'thing in the 0oli+e #+t" 1D 1" the Central *overn)ent )a' +onstitute a /$e+ial 0oli+e <or+e to be +alled the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent for the investigation in an' 9nion Territor' of offen+es notified under /e+tion 3. (@) /ubAe+t to an' orders whi+h the Central *overn)ent )a' )a2e in this behalf" )e)bers of the said 0oli+e establish)ent shall have throughout an' 9nion Territor' in relation to the investigation of su+h offen+es and arrest of $ersons +on+erned in su+h offen+es" all the $owers" duties" $rivileges and liabilities whi+h 0oli+e 4ffi+ers of that 9nion Territor' have in +onne+tion with the investigation of offen+es +o))itted therein. (3) #n' )e)ber of the said 0oli+e establish)ent of or above the ran2 of /ub! Ins$e+tor )a'" subAe+t to an' orders" whi+h the Central *overn)ent )a' )a2e in this behalf" e6er+ise in an' 9nion Territor' an' of the $owers of the offi+er!in!+harge of a 0oli+e /tation in the area in whi+h he is for the ti)e being and when so e6er+ising su+h $owers shall" subAe+t to an' su+h orders as aforesaid" be dee)ed to be an offi+er!in!+harge of the 0oli+e /tation dis+harging the fun+tions of su+h an offi+er within the li)its of his station.

O++e$ces o !e i$0es i1a e8 !2 S.P.E '. The Central *overn)ent )a'" b' notifi+ation in the 4ffi+ial *a5ette" s$e+if' the offen+es or +lasses of offen+es whi+h are to be investigated b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent S:pe/i$ e$8e$ce A A8#i$is /a io$ o+ S.P.E. (. (1) The su$erintenden+e of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent shall vest in the Central *overn)ent. (@) The ad)inistration of the said 0oli+e establish)ent shall vest in an offi+er a$$ointed in this behalf b' the Central *overn)ent who shall e6er+ise in res$e+t of that 0oli+e establishe)t su+h of the $owers e6er+isable b' an Ins$e+tor!*eneral of 0oli+e in res$e+t of the 0oli+e <or+e in a /tate" as the Central *overn)ent )a' s$e+if' in this behalf. E6 e$sio$ o+ Po7e/s a$8 ;:/is8ic io$ o+ S.P.E. o o "e/ a/eas .. (1) The Central *overn)ent )a' b' order e6tend to an' area in+luding Railwa' areas in a /tate" not being 9nion Territor' the $owers and Aurisdi+tion of )e)bers of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent for the investigation of an' offen+es or +lasses of offen+es s$e+ified in a notifi+ation under /e+tion 3. (@) Then b' an order under sub!se+tion (1) the $owers and Aurisdi+tion of )e)bers of the said 0oli+e establish)ent are e6tended to an' su+h area" a )e)ber thereof )a'" subAe+t to an' orders whi+h the Central *overn)ent )a' )a2e in this behalf" dis+harge the fun+tions of a 0oli+e 4ffi+er in that area and

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shall" while so dis+harging su+h fun+tions" be dee)ed to be a )e)ber of the 0oli+e <or+e of that area and be vested with the $owers" fun+tions and $rivileges and be subAe+t to the liabilities of a 0oli+e 4ffi+er belonging to that 0oli+e <or+e. (3) ?here an' su+h order under sub!se+tion (1) is )ade in relation to an' area" then" without $reAudi+e to the $rovisions of sub!se+tion (@)" an' )e)ber of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent of or above the ran2 of /ub!Ins$e+tor )a'" subAe+t to an' orders whi+h the Central *overn)ent )a' )a2e in this behalf" e6er+ise the $owers of an offi+er in +harge of a 0oli+e /tation in that area and when so e6er+ising su+h $owers" shall be dee)ed to be an 4ffi+er!in!+harge of a 0oli+e /tation dis+harging the fun+tions of su+h an offi+er within the li)its of his station Minserted vide /e+tion E of the #nti!Corru$tion :aws (#)end)ent) #+t" 1% 4N. Co$se$ o+ S a e Go0e/$#e$ o e6e/cise o+ Po7e/s A ;:/is8ic io$ -. Nothing +ontained in /e+tion E shall be dee)ed to enable an' )e)ber of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent to e6er+ise $owers and Aurisdi+tion in an' area in a /tate" not being a 9nion Territor' or Railwa' area" without the +onsent of the *overn)ent of that /tate. 4 Re$eal of 4rdinan+e @@ of 1%4 MRe$. b' the Re$ealing and #)ending #+t" 1%EC (3E of 1%EC)" /.@ and /+h.1N.


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SECTION ' -O++e$ces o !e i$0es i1a e8 !2 Special Police Es a!lis"#e$ T"e Ce$ /al Go0e/$#e$ #a2@ !2 $o i+ica io$ i$ "e o++icial GaBe e@ speci+2 "e o++e$ces o/ classes o+ o++e$ces 7"ic" a/e o !e i$0es i1a e8 !2 "e Del"i Special Police Es a!lis"#e$ .C Notifi+ations issued b' the Central *overn)ent s$e+if' the following offen+es" whi+h are to be investigated b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent under /e+tion 3 of the ./01 #+t, A. I0C offen+es $unishable under /e+tion 34" 114" 1@C!B" 1@1" 1@1!#" 1@@" 1@3" 1@4" 1@4!#" 1@D" 1@%" 13C" 131" 13@" 133" 134" 13E" 13 " 13D" 14C" 143" 14O" 14D" 14%" 1E3!#" 1E3!B" 1 1" 1 @" 1 3" 1 4" 1 E" 1 E!#" 1 " 1 O" 1 D" 1 %" 1OC" 1O1!1" 1O1!<" 1D@" 1D " 1DD" 1D%" 1%C" 1%3" 1% " 1%O" 1%D" 1%%" @CC" @C1" @C4" @11" @1@" @14" @1 " @1 !#" @1D" @@C" @@@" @@3" @@4" @@E" @@E!B" @31" @3@" @33" @34" @3E" @3 " @3O" @3D" @3%" @4C" @41" @4@" @43" @44" @4E" @4 " @4O" @4D" @4%" @EC" @E1" @E@" @E3" @E4" @EE" @E " @EO" @ED" @E%" @ C" @ 1" @ @" @ 3" @ 3!#" @OE" @OO" @O%" @D3" @D4" @DE" @D " @%@" @%E" @%E!#" 3C@" 3C3" 3C4" 3C4!#" 3C4!B" 3C " 3CO" 3CD" 3C%" 3@3" 3@4" 3@E" 3@ " 3@D" 33C" 331" 33@" 333" 33 " 33O" 33D" 341" 34@" 343" 344" 34 " 34O" 3E@" 3E3" 3E4" 3EE" 3 3" 3 3!#" 3 4" 3 4!#" 3 E" 3 " 3 O" 3 D" 3O " 3O !#" 3O !B" 3O !C" 3O !." 3O%" 3DC" 3D1" 3D@" 3D4" 3DE" 3D " 3DO" 3DD" 3D%" 3%@" 3%3" 3%4" 3%E" 3% " 3%O" 3%D" 3%%" 4C1" 4C@" 4C3" 4C " 4CO" 4CD" 4C%" 411" 41@" 413" 414" 41O" 41D" 41%" 4@C" 4@1" 4@ " 4@O" 4@%" 431" 43E" 43 " 44C" 44O" 44D" 4E@" 4E4" 4E " 4EO" 4 C" 4 1" 4 E" 4 " 4 O" 4 D" 4 %" 4O1" 4O@" 4O3" 4O4" 4OE" 4O " 4OO" 4OO!#" 4D%" 4D%!#" 4D%!B" 4D%!C" 4D%!." 4D%!1" 4%E" 4%D!#" 4%%" ECC" EC1" EC@" EC4" ECE" EC " ECO" EC% of Indian 0enal Code" 1D C (#+t No.4E of 1D C). B. CENTRAL ACTS 4ffen+es $unishable under, 1. #ir+raft #+t" 1%34 (#+t No. @@ of 1%34) and rules )ade under the said #+t. @. #nti!(iAa+2ing #+t" 1%D@ (#+t No. E of 1%D@). 3. #nti=uities and #rt Treasures #+t" 1%O@ (#+t No. E@ of 1%O@). 4. #r)s #+t" 1%E% (#+t No. E4 of 1%E%). E. #to)i+ 1nerg' #+t" 1% @ (#+t No. 33 of 1% @). . /e+tion 3 of Bena)i Transa+tion (0rohibition) #+t" 1%DD (#+t No. 4E of 1%DD). O. Central 16+ises and /alt #+t" 1%44 (#+t No. 1 of 1%44). D. Co)$anies #+t" 1%E (#+t No. 1 of 1%E ). %. /e+tions 3" 3!#" 3!B" E" O" D" D!# and % of Co$'rights #+t" 1%EO (#+t No. 14 of 1%EO). 1C. Cri)inal :aw (#)end)ent) #+t" 1% 1 (#+t No. @3 of 1% 1). 11. Custo)s #+t" 1% @ (#+t No. E@ of 1% @). 1@. .rugs and Cos)eti+s #+t" 1%4C (#+t No. @3 of 1%4C). 13. /e+tion @4 of 1)igration #+t" 1%D3 (#+t No. 31 of 1%D3). 14. 1)ergen+' 0rovisions (Continuan+e) 4rdinan+e 1%4 (4rdinan+e No. @C of 1%4 ) if +o))itted b' the 1)$lo'ees of the Central *overn)ent or +ontra+tors or sub!+ontra+tors or their re$resentatives b' +ontravening an' order issued b' the Central *overn)ent. 1E. 1ssential Co))odities #+t" 1%EE (#+t No. 1C of 1%EE). 1 . 16$losives #+t" 1DD4 (#+t No. 4 of 1DD4).

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1O. 16$losive /ubstan+es #+t" 1%CD (#+t No. 1D. 1le+tri+it' #+t" 1%1C (#+t No. % of 1%1C).

of 1%CD).

1%. <oreign Contribution (Regulation) #+t" 1%O (#+t No. 4% of 1%O ). @C. <oreigners #+t" (#+t No. 31 of 1%4 ). @1. <oreign 16+hange Regulation #+t" 1%O3 (#+t No. 4 of 1%O3). @@. *eneral Insuran+e Business (Nationalisation) #+t" 1%@@ (#+t No. EO of 1%@@). @3. *ift Ta6 #+t" 1%ED (#+t No.1D of 1%ED). @4. *old Control #+t" 1% D (#+t No.4E of 1% D). @E. In+o)e Ta6 #+t" 1% 1 (#+t No. 43 of 1% 1). @ . I)$ort and 16$ort (Control) #+t" 1%4O (#+t No. 1D of 1%4O). @O. /e+tion 3" 4" E" D" % and 1E of the I))oral Traffi+ (0revention) #+t" 1%E (#+t No. 1C4 of 1%E ). @D. Insuran+e #+t" 1%3D (#+t No. 4 of 1%3D). @%. Industries (.evelo$)ent and Regulation) #+t" 1%E1 (#+t No. E of 1%E1). 3C. Infor)ation Te+hnolog' #+t" @CCC (#+t No. @1 of @CCC). 31. Indian /ta)$ #+t" 1D%%. 3@. &ines and &inerals (Regulation ; .evelo$)ent) #+t" 1%EO (#+t No. O of 1%EO). 33. &otor 8ehi+les #+t" 1%3% (#+t No. 4 of 1%3%). 34. Nar+oti+ .rugs and 0s'+hotro$i+ /ubstan+e #+t" 1%DE (#+t No. 1 of 1%DE). 3E. /e+tion 13D of the Negotiable Instru)ents #+t" 1DD1 (#+t No. @ of 1DD1). 3 . 4ffi+ial /e+rets #+t" 1%@3 (#+t No. 1% of 1%@3). 3O. 0ass$ort #+t" 1%@C (#+t No. @4 of 1%@C) and rule of 0ass$ort Rules 1%EC. 1%@C" (#+t No. 3D. The 0ass$ort (1ntr' into India) Rules 1%EC r/w 0ass$ort (1ntr' into India) #+t 34 of 1%@C). 3%. 0ass$ort #+t" 1% O (#+t No. 1E of 1% O). 4C. 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%4O (#+t No. @ of 1%4O). 41. 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD (#+t No. 4% of 1%DD). 4@. 0revention of <ood #dulteration #+t" 1%E4 (#+t No. 3O of 1%E4). 43. 0revention of .a)age to 0ubli+ 0ro$ert' #+t" 1%D4 (#+t No. 3 of 1%D4). 44. The 0revention of Illi+it Traffi+ in Nar+oti+ .rugs and 0s'+hotro$i+ /ubstan+e #+t" 1%DD (#+t No. 4 of 1%DD). 4E. 0revention of Insults to National (onour #+t" 1%O1 (#+t No. % of 1%O1). 4 . 0revention of Terroris) 4rdinan+e" @CC1 ( No. % of @CC1). 4O. 0revention of Terroris) #+t" @CC@ (#+t No. 1E of @CC@). 4D. The 0ress and Registration of Boo2s #+t" 1D O (#+t No. @E of 1D O). 4%. /e+tion 4 and E of the 0ri5e Chits and &one' Cir+ulation /+he)e (Banning) #+t" 1%OD (#+t No. 43 of 1%OD). EC. 0ost 4ffi+e #+t" 1D%D (#+t No. of 1D%D). E1. Railwa's #+t" 1D%C (#+t No. % of 1D%C). E@. Railwa's /tores (9nlawful 0ossession) #+t" 1%EE (#+t No. E1 of 1%EE). E3. Railwa's #+t" 1%D% (#+t No. @4 of 1%D%). E4. Re$resentation of the 0eo$le #+t" 1%EC (#+t No. 43 of 1%EC). EE. Re$resentation of the 0eo$le #+t" 1%E1 (#+t no. 43 of 1%E1). E . Registration of <oreigners #+t" 1%3% (#+t No. 1 of 1%3%).

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EO. /e+tion @4 of the /e+urit' 16+hange Board of Binders #+t" 1%4@. ED. /u$$ression of 9nlawful #+t against /afet' of Civil #viation #+t" 1%D@ (#+t No. of 1%D@).

E%. The Religious Institutions (0revention of &isuse) #+t" 1%DD (#+t No.41 of 1%DD). C. /e+tion 3 and 4 of the /+heduled Castes and /+heduled Tribes (0revention of #tro+ities) #+t" 1%D%. 1. /e+tions 11 and 1@ of the Territorial ?aters Continental /helf" 16+lusive and other &ariti)e Jones #+t" 1%O (#+t No.DC of 1%O ). @. Telegra$h #+t" 1DDE (#+t No. 13 of 1DDE). 3. Telegra$h ?ires (9nlawful 0ossession) #+t" 1%EC (#+t No.O4 of 1%EC). 4. Terrorist and .isru$tive #+tivities (0revention) #+t" 1%DE (#+t No. 31 of )ade thereunder. 1%DE) and Rules 1+ono)i+ Jone

65.Terrorist and .isru$tive #+tivities (0revention) #+t" 1%DO (#+t No. @D of 1%DO) and Rules )ade thereunder. . 9nlawful #+tivities (0revention) #+t" 1% O (#+t No. 3O of 1% O). O. ?ireless and Telegra$h' #+t" 1%33 (#+t No. 1O of 1%33). D. ?ealth Ta6 #+t" 1%EO (#+t No. @O of 1%EO). %. /e+tion E1 of ?ildlife 0rote+tion #+t" 1%O@ (#+t No. E3 of 1%O@). C. STATE ACTS 4ffen+es $unishable under, 1. #ssa) 4$iu) 0rohibition #+t" 1%4O. @. #ndhra 0radesh Control of 4rgani5ed Cri)e #+t" @CC1. 3. Bo)ba' /ta)$ #+t" 1%ED. 4. Bihar and 4rissa 16+ise #+t" 1%1E Bihar and 4rissa #+t" No. @ of 1%1E. E. (a) /e+tion 1@1" 14O" 1 1" 1 @" 1 3" 1 4" 1 E" 1 " 1 O" 1 D" 1 %" 1D@" 1%3" 1%O" 1%D" @C1" @C4" @11" @1D" @@3" @@4" @31" @3@" @33" @34" @3E" @3 " @3O" @3D" @3%" @4C" @41" @4@" @43" @4 " @4O" @4D" @4%" @EC" @E1" @E@" @E3" @E4" @ED" @E%" @ C" @ 1" @ @" @ 3" @ 3!#" 3C@" 3C4" 3C4!#" 3C " 3CO" 3CD" 3C%" 3@3" 3@4" 3@E" 3@ " 3@D" 33C" 33@" 333" 33 " 33O" 33D" 341" 34@" 343" 344" 34 " 34O" 3E@" 3E3" 3E4" 3EE" 3 3" 3 3!#" 3 4" 3 E" 3 " 3 O" 3 D" 3O " 3O%" 3DC" 3D1" 3D@" 3D4" 3DE" 3D " 3DO" 3DD" 3D%" 3%@" 3%E" 4C3" 4C " 4CO" 4CD" 4C%" 411" 41@" 413" 414" 41O" 41D" 41%" 4@C" 4@O" 4E@" 4 E" 4 " 4 O" 4 D" 4O1" 4O@" 4O3" 4O4" 4OE" 4O " 4OO!#" 4D%!#" 4D%!B" 4D%!C" 4D%!." E11 of Ha))u and Iash)ir /tate Ranbir 0enal Code /a)bat ; Ha))u and Iash)ir #+t No. 1@ of /a)bat 1%D%). (b) Ha))u and Iash)ir /tate 0revention of Corru$tion #+t /a)bat @CC (H;I #+t No. 13 of /a)bat @CC ). (+) /e+tion 13@" 133" 13E" 13 of the Custo) #+t" 1% @ (Ha))u and Iash)ir #+t No. E@ of 1% @). (d) 1nerg' #gents ordinan+e of /a)bat @CCE issued b' *overn)ent of Ha))u and Iash)ir. . The Iarnata2a Control of 4rgani5ed Cri)e #+t" @CCC. O. The Iarnata2a /ta)$ #+t" 1%EO. D. &aharashtra Control of 4rgani5ed Cri)e #+t" 1%%%. %. /e+tion O of the Nagaland /e+urit' Regulation 1% @ (Regulation E of 1% @). 1C. 0unAab /$e+ial 0owers (0ress) #+t" 1%E (0unAab #+t No. 3D of 1%E ). 11. /e+tion 1@4 of the 0unAab /tate 1le+tion Co))ission #+t" 1%%4 (0unAab #+t No. 1% of 1%%4).

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1@. 9ttar 0radesh Indian &edi+ines #+t" 1%3% (9.0. #+t No. 1C of 1%3%). 13. 9ttar 0radesh *angsters and #nti!/o+ial #+tivities (0revention) #+t" 1%D (9ttar 0radesh #+t No.O of 1%D ). 14. ?est Bengal /e+urit' #+t"s 1%EC (?est Bengal #+t No. 1% of 1%EC) as re!ena+ted b' the ?est Bengal /e+urit' (re!ena+ted and validation) 4rdinan+e" 1% . #tte)$ts" abet)ents and +ons$ira+ies in relation to or in +onne+tion with the offen+es )entioned at #"B"C and an' other offen+es +o))itted in the +ourse of the sa)e transa+tion arising out of the sa)e fa+ts.


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ANNEXURE 1-D THE CENTRAL *IGILANCE CO>>ISSION ACT@ 2==' %ACT NO. (. OF 2=='& (99th September =FF<)
#N #CT to $rovide for the +onstitution of a Central 8igilan+e Co))ission to in=uire or +ause in=uiries to be +ondu+ted into offen+es alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD b' +ertain +ategories of $ubli+ servants of the Central *overn)ent" +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent" +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent and for )atters +onne+ted therewith or in+idental thereto. B1 it ena+ted b' 0arlia)ent in the <ift'!fourth Lear of the Re$ubli+ of India as follows,


PRELI>INARD 1. This #+t )a' be +alled the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission #+t" @CC3. 2. In this #+t" unless the +onte6t otherwise re=uires" (a) (b) (+) >Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner> )eans the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission a$$ointed under sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 43 -Co))ission> )eans the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission +onstituted under sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 33 -.elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent> )eans the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent +onstituted under sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion @ of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 3 -*overn)ent +o)$an'> )eans a *overn)ent +o)$an' within the )eaning of the Co)$anies #+t" 1%E 3 -$res+ribed> )eans $res+ribed b' rules )ade under this #+t3

(d) (e)

(f) Vigilance Commissioner means a Vigilance Commissioner appointed under sub-section (1) of Section 4.


THE CENTRAL *IGILANCE CO>>ISSION '. (1) There shall be +onstituted a bod' to be 2nown as the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission to e6er+ise the $owers +onferred u$on" and to $erfor) the fun+tions assigned to it under this #+t and the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission +onstituted under sub!se+tion (1) of se+tion 3 of the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission 4rdinan+e" 1%%% whi+h +eased to o$erate" and +ontinued under the *overn)ent of India in the &inistr' of 0ersonnel" 0ubli+ *rievan+es 17and 170ensions 17(.e$art)ent 17of 0ersonnel and Training) 17Resolution No.3O1/@C/ %%!#8.. III" 17dated the 4th #$ril" 1%%% 17as 17a)ended 17vide Resolution 17of 17even nu)ber" dated the 13th #ugust" @CC@ shall be dee)ed to be the Co))ission +onstituted under this #+t. (@) The Co))ission shall +onsist ofP (a) a Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner (b) not )ore than two 8igilan+e Co))issioners P Chair$erson3 P &e)bers.

(3) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner and the 8igilan+e Co))issioners shall be a$$ointed fro) a)ongst $ersonsP

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(a) who have been or are in an #ll!India /ervi+e or in an' Civil /ervi+e of the 9nion or in a Civil $ost under the 9nion having 2nowledge and e6$erien+e in the )atters relating to vigilan+e" $oli+' )a2ing and ad)inistration" in+luding 0oli+e #d)inistration3 or (b) who have held offi+e or are holding offi+e in a +or$oration established b' or under an' Central #+t or a *overn)ent +o)$an' owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent and $ersons who have e6$ertise and e6$erien+e in finan+e in+luding insuran+e and ban2ing" law" vigilan+e and investigations, 0rovided that" fro) a)ongst the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner and the 8igilan+e Co))issioners" not )ore than two $ersons shall belong to the +ategor' of $ersons referred to either in +lause (a) or +lause (b), (4) The Central *overn)ent shall a$$oint a /e+retar' to the Co))ission on su+h ter)s and +onditions as it dee)s fit to e6er+ise su+h $owers and dis+harge su+h duties as the Co))ission )a' b' regulations s$e+if' in this behalf. (E) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" the other 8igilan+e Co))issioners and the /e+retar' to the Co))ission a$$ointed under the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission 4rdinan+e" 1%%% or the Resolution of the *overn)ent of India in the &inistr' of 0ersonnel" 0ubli+ *rievan+es and 0ensions (.e$art)ent of 0ersonnel and Training) Resolution No. 3O1/@C/%%!#8.. III" dated the 4th #$ril" 1%%% as a)ended vide Resolution of even nu)ber" dated the 13th #ugust" @CC@ shall be dee)ed to have been a$$ointed under this #+t on the sa)e ter)s and +onditions in+luding the ter) of offi+e subAe+t to whi+h the' were so a$$ointed under the said 4rdinan+e or the Resolution" as the +ase )a' be E&'la#a !"#P<or the $ur$oses of this sub!se+tion" the e6$ression -ter) of offi+e> shall be +onstrued as the ter) of offi+e with effe+t fro) the date the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner has entered u$on his offi+e and +ontinued as su+h under this #+t. ( ) The head=uarters of the Co))ission shall be at New .elhi.

(. (1) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner and the 8igilan+e Co))issioners shall be a$$ointed b' the 0resident b' warrant under his hand and seal, 0rovided that ever' a$$oint)ent under this sub!se+tion shall be )ade after obtaining the re+o))endation of a Co))ittee +onsisting ofP (a) (b) (+) the 0ri)e &inister the &inister of (o)e #ffairs the :eader of the 4$$osition in the (ouse of the 0eo$le P Chair$erson3 P &e)ber3 P &e)ber.

E&'la#a !"#P<or the $ur$oses of this sub!se+tion" -the :eader of the 4$$osition in the (ouse of the 0eo$le> shall" when no su+h :eader has been so re+ognised" in+lude the :eader of the single largest grou$ in o$$osition of the *overn)ent in the (ouse of the 0eo$le. (@) No a$$oint)ent of a Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or a 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be invalid )erel' b' reason of an' va+an+' in the Co))ittee. .. (1) /ubAe+t to the $rovisions of sub!se+tions (3) and (4)" the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall hold offi+e for a ter) of four 'ears fro) the date on whi+h he enters u$on his offi+e or till he attains the age of si6t'!five 'ears" whi+hever is earlier. The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" on +easing to hold the offi+e" shall be ineligible for rea$$oint)ent in the Co))ission. (@) /ubAe+t to the $rovisions of sub!se+tions (3) and (4)" ever' 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall hold offi+e for a ter) of four 'ears fro) the date on whi+h he enters u$on his offi+e or till he attains the age of si6t'!five 'ears" whi+hever is earlier, 0rovided that ever' 8igilan+e Co))issioner" on +easing to hold the offi+e" shall be eligible for a$$oint)ent as the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner in the )anner s$e+ified in sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 4, 0rovided further that the ter) of the 8igilan+e Co))issioner" if a$$ointed as the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" shall not be )ore than four 'ears in aggregate as the 8igilan+e Co))issioner and the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner. (3) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or a 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall" before he enters u$on his offi+e" )a2e and subs+ribe before the 0resident" or so)e other $erson a$$ointed in that behalf b' hi)" an oath or affir)ation a++ording to the for) set out for the $ur$ose in /+hedule to this #+t.

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(4) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or a 8igilan+e Co))issioner )a'" b' writing under his hand addressed to the 0resident" resign his offi+e. (E) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or a 8igilan+e Co))issioner )a' be re)oved fro) his offi+e in the )anner $rovided in /e+tion . ( ) 4n +easing to hold offi+e" the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner and ever' other 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be ineligible for P (a) an' di$lo)ati+ assign)ent" a$$oint)ent as ad)inistrator of a 9nion territor' and su+h other assign)ent or a$$oint)ent whi+h is re=uired b' law to be )ade b' the 0resident b' warrant under his hand and seal. (b) (O) further e)$lo')ent to an' offi+e of $rofit under the *overn)ent of India or the *overn)ent of a /tate.

The salar' and allowan+es $a'able to and the other +onditions of servi+e of, (a) the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be the sa)e as those of the Chair)an of the 9nion 0ubli+ /ervi+e Co))ission3 (b) the 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be the sa)e as those of a &e)ber of the 9nion 0ubli+ /ervi+e Co))ission,

0rovided that if the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner is" at the ti)e of his a$$oint)ent" in re+ei$t of a $ension (other than a disabilit' or wound $ension) in res$e+t of an' $revious servi+e under the *overn)ent of India or under the *overn)ent of a /tate" his salar' in res$e+t of the servi+e as the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be redu+ed b' the a)ount of that $ension" in+luding an' $ortion of $ension whi+h was +o))uted and $ension e=uivalent of other for)s of retire)ent benefits e6+luding $ension e=uivalent of retire)ent gratuit', 0rovided further that if the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner is" at the ti)e of his a$$oint)ent" in re+ei$t of retire)ent benefits in res$e+t of an' $revious servi+e rendered in a +or$oration established b' or under an' Central #+t or a *overn)ent +o)$an' owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent" his salar' in res$e+t of the servi+e as the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or" as the +ase )a' be" the 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be redu+ed b' the a)ount of $ension e=uivalent to the retire)ent benefits, 0rovided also that the salar'" allowan+es and $ension $a'able to" and the other +onditions of servi+e of" the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his a$$oint)ent. -. (1) /ubAe+t to the $rovisions of sub!se+tion (3)" the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner shall be re)oved fro) his offi+e onl' b' order of the 0resident on the ground of $roved )isbehaviour or in+a$a+it' after the /u$re)e Court" on a referen+e )ade to it b' the 0resident" has" on in=uir'" re$orted that the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner" as the +ase )a' be" ought on su+h ground be re)oved. (@) The 0resident )a' sus$end fro) offi+e" and if dee) ne+essar' $rohibit also fro) attending the offi+e during in=uir'" the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner in res$e+t of who) a referen+e has been )ade to the /u$re)e Court under sub!se+tion (1) until the 0resident has $assed orders on re+ei$t of the re$ort of the /u$re)e Court on su+h referen+e. (3) Notwithstanding an'thing +ontained in sub!se+tion (1)" the 0resident )a' b' order re)ove fro) offi+e the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner if the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or su+h 8igilan+e Co))issioner" as the +ase )a' be"P

(a) (b)

is adAudged an insolvent3 or has been +onvi+ted of an offen+e whi+h" in the o$inion of the Central *overn)ent" involves )oral tur$itude3 or

(+) engages during his ter) of offi+e in an' $aid e)$lo')ent outside the duties of his offi+e3 or

(d) is" in the o$inion of the 0resident" unfit to +ontinue in offi+e b' reason of infir)it' of )ind
or bod'3 or

Page 19 of 32

(e) has a+=uired su+h finan+ial or other interest as is li2el' to affe+t $reAudi+iall' his fun+tions as a Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or a 8igilan+e Co))issioner. (4) If the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner is or be+o)es in an' wa'" +on+erned or interested in an' +ontra+t or agree)ent )ade b' or on behalf of the *overn)ent of India or $arti+i$ates in an' wa' in the $rofit thereof or in an' benefit or e)olu)ent arising therefro) otherwise than as a )e)ber and in +o))on with the other )e)bers of an in+or$orated +o)$an'" he shall" for the $ur$oses of sub!se+tion (1)" be dee)ed to be guilt' of )isbehaviour. 4. The Central *overn)ent )a'" in +onsultation with the Co))ission" )a2e rules with res$e+t to the nu)ber of )e)bers of the staff of the Co))ission and their +onditions of servi+e.


FUNCTIONS AND PO3ERS OF THE CENTRAL *IGILANCE CO>>ISSION 5. (1) The fun+tions and $owers of the Co))ission shall be toP (a) e6er+ise su$erintenden+e over the fun+tioning of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent in so far as it relates to the investigation of offen+es alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD or an offen+e with whi+h a $ubli+ servant s$e+ified in sub!se+tion (@) )a'" under the Code of Cri)inal 0ro+edure" 1%O3" be +harged at the sa)e trial3 (b) give dire+tions to the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent for the $ur$ose of dis+harging the res$onsibilit' entrusted to it under sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 4 of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 , 0rovided that while e6er+ising the $owers of su$erintenden+e under +lause (a) or giving dire+tions under this +lause" the Co))ission shall not e6er+ise $owers in su+h a )anner so as to re=uire the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent to investigate or dis$ose of an' +ase in a $arti+ular )anner3 (+) in=uire or +ause an in=uir' or investigation to be )ade on a referen+e )ade b' the Central *overn)ent wherein it is alleged that a $ubli+ servant being an e)$lo'ee of the Central *overn)ent or a +or$oration established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$an'" so+iet' and an' lo+al authorit' owned or +ontrolled b' that *overn)ent" has +o))itted an offen+e under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD or an offen+e with whi+h a $ubli+ servant )a'" under the Code of Cri)inal 0ro+edure" 1%O3" be +harged at the sa)e trial3 (d) in=uire or +ause an in=uir' or investigation to be )ade into an' +o)$laint against an' offi+ial belonging to su+h +ategor' of offi+ials s$e+ified in sub!se+tion (@) wherein it is alleged that he has +o))itted an offen+e under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD and an offen+e with whi+h a $ubli+ servant s$e+ified in sub!se+tion (@) )a'" under the Code of Cri)inal 0ro+edure" 1%O3" be +harged at the sa)e trial3 (e) review the $rogress of investigations +ondu+ted b' the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent into offen+es alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD or the $ubli+ servant )a'" under the Code of Cri)inal 0ro+edure" 1%O3" be +harged at the sa)e trial3 (f) review the $rogress of a$$li+ations $ending with the +o)$etent authorities for san+tion of $rose+ution under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD3 (g) tender advi+e to the Central *overn)ent" +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent on su+h )atters as )a' be referred to it b' that *overn)ent" said *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent or otherwise3 (h) e6er+ise su$erintenden+e over the vigilan+e ad)inistration of the various &inistries of the Central *overn)ent or +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' that *overn)ent 0rovided that nothing +ontained in this +lause shall be dee)ed to authorise the Co))ission to e6er+ise su$erintenden+e over the 8igilan+e ad)inistration in a )anner not +onsistent with the dire+tions

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relating to vigilan+e )atters issued b' the *overn)ent and to +onfer $ower u$on the Co))ission to issue dire+tions relating to an' $oli+' )atters3 (@) The $ersons referred to in +lause (d) of sub!se+tion (1) are as follows, (a) )e)bers of #ll!India /ervi+es serving in +onne+tion with the affairs of *rou$ F#G offi+ers of the Central *overn)ent3 the 9nion and

(b) su+h level of offi+ers of the +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and other lo+al authorities" owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent" as that *overn)ent )a'" b' notifi+ation in the 4ffi+ial *a5ette" s$e+if' in this behalf, 0rovided that till su+h ti)e a notifi+ation is issued under this +lause" all offi+ers of the said +or$orations" +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities shall be dee)ed to be the $ersons referred to in +lause (d) of sub!se+tion (1). ,. (1) The $ro+eedings of the Co))ission shall be +ondu+ted at its head=uarters. (@) The Co))ission )a'" b' unani)ous de+ision" regulate the $ro+edure for transa+tion of its business as also allo+ation of its business a)ongst the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner and other 8igilan+e Co))issioners. (3) /ave as $rovided in sub!se+tion (@)" all business of the Co))ission shall" as far as $ossible" be transa+ted unani)ousl'. (4) /ubAe+t to the $rovisions of sub!se+tion (3)" if the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner and other 8igilan+e Co))issioners differ in o$inion on an' )atter" su+h )atter shall be de+ided a++ording to the o$inion of the )aAorit'. (E) The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" or" if for an' reason he is unable to attend an' )eeting of the Co))ission" the senior!)ost 8igilan+e Co))issioner $resent at the )eeting" shall $reside at the )eeting. ( ) No a+t or $ro+eeding of the Co))ission shall be invalid )erel' b' reason ofP (a) an' va+an+' in" or an' defe+t in the +onstitution of" the Co))ission3 or (b) an' defe+t in the a$$oint)ent of a $erson a+ting as the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner or as a 8igilan+e Co))issioner3 or (+) an' irregularit' in the $ro+edure of the Co))ission not affe+ting the )erits of the +ase. 1=. (1) In the event of the o++urren+e of an' va+an+' in the offi+e of the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner b' reason of his death" resignation or otherwise" the 0resident )a'" b' notifi+ation" authorise one of the 8igilan+e Co))issioners to a+t as the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner until the a$$oint)ent of a new Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner to fill su+h va+an+'. (@) ?hen the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner is unable to dis+harge his fun+tions owing to absen+e on leave or otherwise" su+h one of the 8igilan+e Co))issioners as the 0resident )a'" b' notifi+ation" authorise in this behalf" shall dis+harge the fun+tions of the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner until the date on whi+h the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner resu)es his duties. 11. The Co))ission shall" while +ondu+ting an' in=uir' referred to in +lauses (b) and (+) of sub! se+tion (1) of se+tion D" have all the $owers of a Civil Court tr'ing a suit under the Code of Civil 0ro+edure" 1%CD and in $arti+ular" in res$e+t of the following )atters" na)el',P (a) su))oning and enfor+ing the attendan+e of an' $erson fro) an' $art of India and e6a)ining hi) on oath3 (b) re=uiring the dis+over' and $rodu+tion of an' do+u)ent3 (+) re+eiving eviden+e on affidavits3 (d) re=uisitioning an' $ubli+ re+ord or +o$' thereof fro) an' Court or offi+e3 (e) issuing +o))issions for the e6a)ination of witnesses or other do+u)ents3 and (f) an' other )atter whi+h )a' be $res+ribed. 12. The Co))ission shall be dee)ed to be a Civil Court for the $ur$oses of se+tion 1%E and Cha$ter BB8I of the Code of Cri)inal 0ro+edure" 1%O3 and ever' $ro+eeding before the Co))ission shall be dee)ed to be a Audi+ial $ro+eeding within the )eaning of /e+tions 1%3 and @@D and for the $ur$oses of /e+tion 1% of the Indian 0enal Code.

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E)PENSES AND ANNUAL REPORT 13.The e6$enses of the Co))ission" in+luding an' salaries" allowan+es and $ensions $a'able to or in res$e+t of the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" the 8igilan+e Co))issioners" /e+retar' and the staff of the Co))ission" shall be +harged on the Consolidated <und of India. 1(. (1) It shall be the dut' of the Co))ission to $resent annuall' to the 0resident a re$ort as to the wor2 done b' the Co))ission within si6 )onths of the +lose of the 'ear under re$ort. (@) The re$ort referred to in sub!se+tion (1) shall +ontain a se$arate $art on the 22fun+tioning of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent in so far as it relates to sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 4 of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 . (3) 4n re+ei$t of su+h re$ort" the 0resident shall +ause the sa)e to be laid before ea+h (ouse of 0arlia)ent.

>ISCELLANEOUS 1.. No suit" $rose+ution or other legal $ro+eeding shall lie against the Co))ission" the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" an' 8igilan+e Co))issioner" the /e+retar' or against an' staff of the Co))ission in res$e+t of an'thing whi+h is in good faith done or intended to be done under this #+t. 1-. The Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner" ever' 8igilan+e Co))issioner" the /e+retar' and ever' staff of the Co))ission shall be dee)ed to be a $ubli+ servant within the )eaning of /e+tion @1 of the Indian 0enal Code. 14. (1) The re$ort of the in=uir' underta2en b' an' agen+' on a referen+e )ade b' the Co))ission shall be forwarded to the Co))ission. (@) The Co))ission shall" on re+ei$t of su+h re$ort and after ta2ing into +onsideration an' other fa+tors relevant thereto" advise the Central *overn)ent and +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' that *overn)ent" as the +ase )a' be" as to the further +ourse of a+tion. . (3) The Central *overn)ent and the +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and other lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' that *overn)ent" as the +ase )a' be" shall +onsider the advi+e of the Co))ission and ta2e a$$ro$riate a+tion, 0rovided that where the Central *overn)ent" an' +or$oration established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$an'" so+iet' or lo+al authorit' owned or +ontrolled b' the Central *overn)ent" as the +ase )a' be" does not agree with the advi+e of the Co))ission" it shall" for reasons to be re+orded in writing" +o))uni+ate the sa)e to the Co))ission. 15. The Co))ission )a' +all for re$orts" returns and state)ents fro) the Central *overn)ent or +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and other lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' that *overn)ent so as to enable it to e6er+ise general su$ervision over the vigilan+e and anti!+orru$tion wor2 in that *overn)ent and in the said +or$orations" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities. 1,. The Central *overn)ent shall" in )a2ing an' rules or regulations governing the vigilan+e or dis+i$linar' )atters relating to $ersons a$$ointed to $ubli+ servi+es and $osts in +onne+tion with the affairs of the 9nion or to )e)bers of the #ll!India /ervi+es" +onsult the Co))ission. 2=. (1) The Central *overn)ent )a'" b' notifi+ation in the 4ffi+ial *a5ette" )a2e rules for the $ur$ose of +arr'ing out the $rovisions of this #+t. (@) In $arti+ular" and without $reAudi+e to the generalit' of the foregoing $ower" su+h rules )a' $rovide for all or an' of the following )atters" na)el',P

(a) the nu)ber of )e)bers of the staff and their +onditions of servi+e under /e+tion O3 (b) an' other $ower of the Civil Court to be $res+ribed under +lause (f) of /e+tion 113 and (+) an' other )atter whi+h is re=uired to be" or )a' be" $res+ribed.

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21. (1) The Co))ission )a'" with the $revious a$$roval of the Central *overn)ent" b' notifi+ation in the 4ffi+ial *a5ette" )a2e regulations not in+onsistent with this #+t and the rules )ade thereunder to $rovide for all )atters for whi+h $rovision is e6$edient for the $ur$oses of giving effe+t to the $rovisions of this #+t. (@) In $arti+ular" and without $reAudi+e to the generalit' of the foregoing $ower" su+h regulations )a' $rovide for all or an' of the following )atters" na)el',P (a) 33 and (b) the duties and the $owers of the /e+retar' under sub!se+tion (4) of /e+tion the $ro+edure to be followed b' the Co))ission under sub!se+tion (@) of /e+tion %.

22. 1ver' notifi+ation issued under +lause (b) of sub!se+tion (@) of se+tion D and ever' rule )ade b' the Central *overn)ent and ever' regulation )ade b' the Co))ission under this #+t shall be laid" as soon as )a' be after it is issued or )ade" before ea+h (ouse of 0arlia)ent" while it is in session" for a total $eriod of thirt' da's whi+h )a' be +o)$rised in one session or in two or )ore su++essive sessions" and if" before the e6$ir' of the session i))ediatel' following the session or the su++essive sessions aforesaid" both (ouses agree in )a2ing an' )odifi+ation in the notifi+ation or the rule or the regulation" or both (ouses agree that the notifi+ation or the rule or the regulation should not be )ade" the notifi+ation or the rule or the regulation shall thereafter have effe+t onl' in su+h )odified for) or be of no effe+t" as the +ase )a' be3 so" however" that an' su+h )odifi+ation or annul)ent shall be without $reAudi+e to the validit' of an'thing $reviousl' done under that notifi+ation or rule or regulation. 2'. (1) If an' diffi+ult' arises in giving effe+t to the $rovisions of this #+t" the Central *overn)ent )a'" b' order" not in+onsistent with the $rovisions of this #+t" re)ove the diffi+ult', 0rovided that no su+h order shall be )ade after the e6$ir' of a $eriod of two 'ears fro) the date of +o))en+e)ent of this #+t. (@) 1ver' order )ade under this se+tion shall" as soon as )a' be after it is )ade" be laid before ea+h (ouse of 0arlia)ent. 2(. ?ith effe+t fro) the +onstitution of the Co))ission under sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 3" the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission set u$ b' the Resolution of the *overn)ent of India in the &inistr' of (o)e #ffairs No. @4/O/ 4!#8." dated the 11th <ebruar'" 1% 4 (hereafter referred to in this se+tion as the e6isting 8igilan+e Co))ission) shall" in so far as its fun+tions are not in+onsistent with the $rovisions of this #+t" +ontinue to dis+harge the said fun+tions andP (a) all a+tions and de+isions ta2en b' the 8igilan+e Co))ission insofar as su+h a+tions and de+isions are relatable to the fun+tions of the Co))ission +onstituted under this #+t shall be dee)ed to have been ta2en b' the Co))ission3 (b) all $ro+eedings $ending before the 8igilan+e Co))ission" insofar as su+h $ro+eedings relate to the fun+tions of the Co))ission" shall be dee)ed to be transferred to the Co))ission and shall be dealt with in a++ordan+e with the $rovisions of this #+t3 (+) the e)$lo'ees of the 8igilan+e Co))ission shall be dee)ed to have be+o)e the e)$lo'ees of the Co))ission on the sa)e ter)s and +onditions3 (d) all the assets and liabilities of the 8igilan+e Co))ission shall be transferred to the Co))ission. 2.. Notwithstanding an'thing +ontained in the <oreign 16+hange &anage)ent #+t" 1%%% or an' other law for the ti)e being in for+e"P (a) the Central *overn)ent shall a$$oint a .ire+tor of 1nfor+e)ent in the .ire+torate of 1nfor+e)ent in the &inistr' of <inan+e on the re+o))endation of the Co))ittee +onsisting ofP (i) the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner P Chair$erson3 (ii) 8igilan+e Co))issioners P &e)bers3 (iii) /e+retar' to the *overn)ent of India in+harge of the &inistr' of (o)e #ffairs in the Central *overn)ent P &e)ber3 (iv) /e+retar' to the *overn)ent of India in+harge of the &inistr' of 0ersonnel in the Central *overn)ent P &e)ber3

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/e+retar' to the *overn)ent of India in+harge of the .e$art)ent of Revenue" &inistr' of <inan+e in the Central *overn)ent P &e)ber3 (b) while )a2ing a re+o))endation" the Co))ittee shall ta2e into +onsideration the integrit' and e6$erien+e of the offi+ers eligible for a$$oint)ent3 (+) no $erson below the ran2 of #dditional /e+retar' to the *overn)ent of India shall be eligible for a$$oint)ent as a .ire+tor of 1nfor+e)ent3 (d) a .ire+tor of 1nfor+e)ent shall +ontinue to hold offi+e for a $eriod of not less than two 'ears fro) the date on whi+h he assu)es offi+e3 (e) a .ire+tor of 1nfor+e)ent shall not be transferred e6+e$t with the $revious +onsent of the Co))ittee referred to in +lause (a)3 (f) the Co))ittee referred to in +lause (a) shall" in +onsultation with the .ire+tor of 1nfor+e)ent" re+o))end offi+ers for a$$oint)ent to the $osts above the level of the .e$ut' .ire+tor of 1nfor+e)ent and also re+o))end the e6tension or +urtail)ent of the tenure of su+h offi+ers in the .ire+torate of 1nfor+e)ent3

(g) on re+ei$t of the re+o))endation under +lause (f)" the Central *overn)ent shall $ass su+h orders as it thin2s fit to give effe+t to the said re+o))endation. 2-. In the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 "P (a) after se+tion 1" the following se+tion shall be inserted" na)el',P -1#. ?ords and e6$ressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission #+t" @CC3" shall have the )eanings" res$e+tivel'" assigned to the) in that #+t.>3 (b) for se+tion 4" the following se+tions shall be substituted" na)el',P -4. (1) The su$erintenden+e of the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent in so far as it relates to investigation of offen+es alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD" shall vest in the Co))ission. (@) /ave as otherwise $rovided in sub!se+tion (1)" the su$erintenden+e of the said 0oli+e establish)ent in all other )atters shall vest in the Central *overn)ent. (3) The ad)inistration of the said 0oli+e establish)ent shall vest in an offi+er a$$ointed in this behalf b' the Central *overn)ent (hereinafter referred to as the .ire+tor) who shall e6er+ise in res$e+t of that 0oli+e establish)ent su+h of the $owers e6er+isable b' an Ins$e+tor!*eneral of 0oli+e in res$e+t of the 0oli+e <or+e in a /tate as the Central *overn)ent )a' s$e+if' in this behalf. 4#. (1) The Central *overn)ent shall a$$oint re+o))endation of the Co))ittee +onsisting ofP (b) 8igilan+e Co))issioners P &e)bers3 (+) /e+retar' to the *overn)ent of India in+harge of the &inistr' of (o)e #ffairs in the Central *overn)ent P &e)ber3 (d) /e+retar' (Coordination and 0ubli+ *rievan+es) in the Cabinet /e+retariat P &e)ber. (@) ?hile )a2ing an' re+o))endation under sub!se+tion (1)" the Co))ittee shall ta2e into +onsideration the views of the outgoing .ire+tor. (3) The Co))ittee shall re+o))end a $anel of offi+ersP (a) on the basis of seniorit'" integrit' and e6$erien+e in the investigation of anti!+orru$tion +ases3 and (b) +hosen fro) a)ongst offi+ers belonging to the Indian 0oli+e /ervi+e +onstituted under the #ll!India /ervi+es #+t" 1%E1" for being +onsidered for a$$oint)ent as the .ire+tor. the .ire+tor on the

(a) the Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner P Chair$erson3

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4B. (1)

The .ire+tor shall" notwithstanding an'thing to the +ontrar' +ontained in the rules relating to his +onditions of servi+e" +ontinue to hold offi+e for a $eriod of not less than two 'ears fro) the date on whi+h he assu)es offi+e. The .ire+tor shall not be transferred e6+e$t with the $revious +onsent of the Co))ittee referred to in sub!se+tion (1) of /e+tion 4#. The Co))ittee referred to in se+tion 4# shall" after +onsulting the .ire+tor" re+o))end offi+ers for a$$oint)ent to the $osts of the level of /u$erintendent of 0oli+e and above and also re+o))end the e6tension or +urtail)ent of the tenure of su+h offi+ers in the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent. 4n re+ei$t of the re+o))endation under sub!se+tion (1)" the Central *overn)ent shall $ass su+h orders as it thin2s fit to give effe+t to the said re+o))endation.>3

(@) 4C. (1)


(+) after /e+tion " the following se+tion shall be inserted" na)el',P - #. (1) The .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent shall not +ondu+t an' in=uir' or investigation into an' offen+e alleged to have been +o))itted under the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD e6+e$t with the $revious a$$roval of the Central *overn)ent where su+h allegation relates toP (a) the e)$lo'ees of the Central *overn)ent of the level of Hoint /e+retar' and above3 and (b) su+h offi+ers as are a$$ointed b' the Central *overn)ent in +or$orations established b' or under an' Central #+t" *overn)ent +o)$anies" so+ieties and lo+al authorities owned or +ontrolled b' that *overn)ent. (@) Notwithstanding an'thing +ontained in sub!se+tion (1)" no su+h a$$roval shall be ne+essar' for +ases involving arrest of a $erson on the s$ot on the +harge of a++e$ting or atte)$ting to a++e$t an' gratifi+ation other than legal re)uneration referred to in +lause (+) of the 16$lanation to se+tion O of the 0revention of Corru$tion #+t" 1%DD.> 24. (1) The *overn)ent of India in the &inistr' of 0ersonnel" 0ubli+ *rievan+es and 0ensions (.e$art)ent of 0ersonnel and Training) Resolution No. 3O1/@C/%%!#8.. III" dated the 4th #$ril" 1%%% as a)ended vide Resolution of even nu)ber" dated the 13th #ugust" @CC@ is hereb' re$ealed. (@) Notwithstanding su+h re$eal and the +esser of o$eration of the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission 4rdinan+e" 1%%%" an'thing done or an' a+tion ta2en under the said Resolution and the said 4rdinan+e in+luding the a$$oint)ents )ade and other a+tions ta2en or an'thing done or an' a+tion ta2en or an' a$$oint)ent )ade under the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 and the <oreign 16+hange Regulation #+t" 1%O3 as a)ended b' the said 4rdinan+e shall be dee)ed to have been )ade or done or ta2en under this #+t or the .elhi /$e+ial 0oli+e 1stablish)ent #+t" 1%4 and the <oreign 16+hange Regulation #+t" 1%O3 as if the a)end)ents )ade in those #+ts b' this #+t were in for+e at all )aterial ti)es. T(1 /C(1.9:1 MSee /e+tion E(3)N 5orm of oath or affirmation to be made by the Central +igilance Commissioner or +igilance Commissioner -I" #. B." having been a$$ointed Central 8igilan+e Co))issioner (or 8igilan+e Co))issioner) of the Central 8igilan+e Co))ission do swear in the name of GodIsole)nl' affir) that I will bear true faith and allegian+e to the Constitution of India as b' law established" that I will u$hold the sovereignt' and integrit' of India" that I will dul' and faithfull' and to the best of )' abilit'" 2nowledge and Audge)ent $erfor) the duties of )' offi+e without fear or favour" affe+tion or ill!will and that I will u$hold the +onstitution and the laws.>. /d/! (/9B(#/( C. H#IN) Secretary to the Government of India

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T"e +ollo7i$1 is "e o/1a$iBa io$ a$8 9:/is8ic io$ o+ "e Di0isio$s@ Zo$es@ Re1io$s@ B/a$c"es a$8 U$i s o+ CBI. ANTI<CORRUPTION DI*ISION #nti!Corru$tion .ivision of CBI is organi5ed into Jones" Regions and Bran+hes/9nits with Aurisdi+tion as detailed below. In the fun+tioning of the .ivision" the .ire+tor" CBI will be assisted b' /$e+ial .ire+tor/#dditional .ire+tors with Hoint .ire+tors heading ea+h Jone. The Territorial Aurisdi+tion of ea+h Jone is given below,
DELHI ZONE Sl. No 1 1 Na#e o+ "e Re1io$?B/a$c" @ #nti!Corru$tion Region!I" .elhi /0!I/#CB!I" .elhi /0!II/#CB!I" .elhi #nti!Corru$tion Region!II" .elhi /0!I/#CB!II" .elhi. /0!II/#CB!II" .elhi #nti!Corru$tion Region" Hai$ur /0/#CB" Hai$ur /0/#CB" Hodh$ur Loca io$ o+ B/a$c"? U$i 3 New .elhi Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .I*/#CR!I New .elhi ;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H./#CJ/ .elhi ;:/is8ic io$

1ntire area of National Ca$ital Territor' of .elhi.

New .elhi

.I*/#CR!II New .elhi




.I*/#CR (Hai$ur)





Hai$ur" /i22ar" HhunAhunu" Bharat$ur" .hol$ur" #lwar" .osa" Iota" Baran" /awai &adho$ur" Iaroli" Bundi" Ton2" #A)er and Hhalawar. #nti!+orru$tion Aurisdi+tion of this Bran+h will be e6tended to three revenue divisions of Hodh$ur" Bi2aner ; 9dai$ur +o)$rising 14 .istri+ts" na)el'" Hodh$ur" Halor" 0ali" Haisal)er" Bar)er" /irohi" Bi2aner" Churu" (anu)angarh and /riganganagar" 9dai$ur" Chittorgrah" Banswara and .ungar$ur. Besides Bhilwara and Nagaur distri+ts of #A)er .ivision whi+h were hereto under the Aurisdi+tion of Hai$ur Bran+h would be in+luded in Hodh$ur Bran+h to )a2e it +oter)inous with the Aurisdi+tion of /$e+ial Hudge" Hodh$ur.

NORTH ZONE 1 #nti!Corru$tion Region" Chandigarh /0/#CB" Chandigarh (with 9nit at /hi)la) /0/#CB" Ha))u (with 9nit at /rinagar) #nti!Corru$tion Region" Bho$al Chandigarh .I*/#CR Chandigarh H./#C J/North (.elhi) /tate of 0unAab" (ar'ana" (i)a+hal 0radesh ; 9nion Territor' of Chandigarh. /hi)la 9nit will have Aurisdi+tion in the /tate of (i)a+hal 0radesh. /tate of Ha))u ; Iash)ir. *walior" &orena" Bhind" /hiv$uri" *una" 8idisha" /ehore /haAa$ur" .ewas" 9AAain"

@ 3

Ha))u Bho$al

!do! .I*/#CR Bho$al

!do! !do!

Page 26 of 32

/0/#CB" Bho$al 4 E /0/#CB" Habal$ur (with 9nit at Bhilai) #nti!Corru$tion Region" :u+2now /0/#CB" :u+2now /0/#CB" .ehradun (with 9nit *ha5iabad) at Habal$ur :u+2now !do! .I*/#CR :u+2now !do! !do! !do!

Indore" .har" Ratla)" Hhabua" &andsaur" RaAgarh" 1ast Ni)ar (Ihargone)" Raisen" Bho$al" (oshangabad" Ihandwa" Betul .istri+ts of &0. /tate of Chhattisgarh" /tate of &0 e6+luding the areas )entioned against Bho$al Bran+h. /tate of 90 e6+e$t the area )entioned against .ehradun Bran+h. /tate of 9ttaran+hal" &eerut" &athura" *ha5iabad" &u55afarnagar" Bulandshahar" /aharan$ur" #gra" 1tah" #ligarh" &ain$uri" &uradabad" Ra)$ur" BiAnor" H'otiba 0hule Nagar" Bag$at" *auta) Budh Nagar" <iro5abad" and (athras .istri+ts of 9ttar 0radesh.



3EST ZONE 1 1 @ *nti'Corruption 1egion 4umbai /0!I/#CB" &u)bai /0!II/#CB" &u)bai /0!III/#CB" &u)bai /0/#CB" *oa /0/#CB" *andhinagar /0/#CB" Nag$ur 3 &u)bai 4 .I*/#CR &u)bai E H./#CJ/ ?est (&u)bai)

/tate of &aharashtra (e6+luding the areas )entioned against Nag$ur Bran+h.) 9nion Territories of .a)an" .iu" .adra ; Nagar (aveli. /tate of *oa. /tate of *uAarat. Bhandara" Chandra$ur" *arh+hiroli" ?ardha" #)ravati" #2ola" Buldhana" Lauvat)al" #urangabad" Halna" 0arbhani" Bir" Nanded. 4s)anabad" :atur ; Nag$ur .istri+ts of &aharashtra.

@ 3 4

*oa *andhi! nagar Nag$ur

!do! !do! !do!

! do! !do! !do!

NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i a >:#!ai also +:$c io$s :$8e/ "e A8#i$is /a i0e co$ /ol o+ ;D?%3es &.

CENTRAL ZONE@ DELHI 1 1 @ #nti!Corru$tion Region" 0atna /0/#CB" 0atna /0/#(." 0atna #nti!Corru$tion Region" Ran+hi /0/#CB" Ran+hi /0/#(." Ran+hi /0/#CB" .hanbad 3 0atna 4 .I*/#CR 0atna !do! .I*/#CR Ran+hi !do! !do! E H./#CJ Central (.elhi) !do! !do!

/tate of Bihar.

@ 3

0atna Ran+hi

!do! /tate of Hhar2hand.

4 E

Ran+hi .hanbad

!do! !do!

/tate of Hhar2hand. /tate of Hhar2hand.

SOUTH ZONE 1 1 @ #nti!Corru$tion Region" Chennai /0!I/#CB" Chennai /0!II/#CB" Chennai /0/#CB" Co+hin (with 9nit at 3 Chennai 4 .I*/#CR" Chennai E H./#CJ /outh (Chennai) H./#CJ /outh

/tate of Ta)il Nadu ; 9nion Territor' of 0ondi+herr'.


.I*/#CR" Chennai

/tate of Ierala ; 9nion Territor' of :a2shadwee$.

Page 27 of 32

Thriuvanantha! $ura)) #nti!Corru$tion Region" ('derabad /0/#CB" ('derabad

(Chennai) ('derabad .I*" #CR" ('derabad


/tate of #ndhra 0radesh" e6+luding the areas )entioned against 8isa2ha$atna) Bran+h.

/0/#CB" 8isa2ha$atna) /0/#CB" Bangalore

8isa2ha! $atna) Bangalore





8isa2ha$atna)" /ri2a2ula)" 1ast *odavari" ?est *odavari" 8i5ianagara)" Irishna" *untur" 0ra2assa) and Nellore .istri+ts of #0. /tate of Iarnata2a.

NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i a C"e$$ai also +:$c io$s :$8e/ "e A8#i$is /a i0e co$ /ol o+ ;D?%So: "&.

EAST ZONE 1 1 @ #nti!Corru$tion Region" Iol2ata /0!I/#CB" Iol2ata /0!II/#CB" Iol2ata (with 9nit at 0ort Blair) /0/#CB" Bhubaneswar (with 9nit at Rour2ela) #nti!Corru$tion Region" *uwahati /0/#CB" *uwahati (with 9nits at /hillong" Itanagar) /0/#CB" /il+har (with 9nits at #gartala" #i5awl" I)$hal) 3 Iol2ata 4 .I*/#CR Iol2ata E H./#CJ/ 1ast (Iol2ata)

/tate of ?est Bengal" /i22i) and 9nion Territories of #nda)an ; Ni+obar Islands. The 9nit at 0ort Blair will have Aurisdi+tion in the #nda)an ; Ni+obar Islands onl'. /tate of 4rissa.

Bhubanes! war *uwahati



.I*/#CR *uwahati

H./#CJ/ 1ast (Iol2ata) !do!

/tate of #ssa) (e6+luding Ca+har and North Ca+har .istri+ts of #ssa))" &eghala'a and #runa+hal 0radesh. /tate of &ani$ur" Nagaland" Tri$ura" &i5ora) and Ca+har ; North Ca+har .istri+ts of #ssa).



NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i a KolFa a also +:$c io$s :$8e/ "e A8#i$is /a i0e co$ /ol o+ ;D?%Eas &.

ANTI<CORRUPTION HEADGUARTERS ZONE There are nine Central 9nits of the #nti!Corru$tion .ivision lo+ated at .elhi under the +ontrol of Hoint .ire+tor" #C ((ead=uarters Jone)" .elhi ,
Sl. No. 1 1 @ 3 4 E O D % Na#e o+ "e Re1io$?B/a$c" @ /0/#C9!I /0/#C9!II /0/#C9!III /0/#C9!I8 /0/#C9!8 /0/#C9!8I /0/#C9!8II /0/#C9!8III /0/#C9!IB Loca io$ o+ B/a$c"? U$i 3 New .elhi !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .I*/#C!I" New .elhi !do! !do! .I*/#C!II" New .elhi !do! !do! .I*/#C!III" New .elhi !do! !do! ;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H./#C/ (=rs. (.elhi.) !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! ;:/is8ic io$

Throughout India. !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do!

NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i o+ E$1i$ee/i$1 %Ci0il a$8 Elec /ical& also +:$c io$s :$8e/ a8#i$is /a i0e co$ /ol o+ ;D?AC?HH.

Page 28 of 32

SPECIAL CRI>ES DI*ISION The /$e+ial Cri)es .ivision has three Jones headed b' Hoint .ire+tor" (/C!I) .elhi" Hoint .ire+tor (/C!II) Jone" .elhi and Hoint .ire+tor" /$e+ial Tas2 <or+e Jone" .elhi. The /$e+ial Cri)es .ivision fun+tions under the dire+t su$ervision of the .ire+tor" CBI assisted b' the /$e+ial .ire+tor/#dditional .ire+tor(/) and Hoint .ire+tors. The &ulti!.is+i$linar' &onitoring #gen+' also fun+tions as a $art of the /$e+ial Cri)es .ivision. The details of the Bran+hes" organi5ation and Aurisdi+tion in res$e+t of /$e+ial Cri)es .ivision are as detailed below,
SC<I DELHI Sl. No. 1 1 Na#e o+ "e Re1io$?B/a$c" @ /$e+ial Cri)es Region!I" .elhi /0//C9!I /0//C9!II /0//C9!III
Q C%!(!#al I# ell!ge#ce Cell (CIC)) In +o)$lian+e with the order of the .elhi (igh Court" CIC has been +onstituted vide

Loca io$ o+ B/a$c"? U$i 3 New .elhi

Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .I*//CR!I" .elhiQ

;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H.//C.I/ .elhi

;:/is8ic io$

Throughout India.

4rder No. @1/@@/%%!0." dated 14!11!@CCC to +olle+t and disse)inate intelligen+e regarding $rofessional gangs res$onsible for 2idna$$ing of )inors for begging" 2idna$$ing of )inor girls and wo)en for $rostitution and 2idna$$ing for ranso). It $resentl' fun+tions under .I*" /CR!I and H.//C!I. 1 @ @ /$e+ial Cri)es Region!II" .elhi /0//C9!I8 /0//C9!8 /0//C9!8I /0//CB" Chandigarh 3 New .elhi 4 .I*" /CR! II" .elhi E H.//C.I/ .elhi

Throughout India.


.I*//CR" .elhi


/tate of 0unAab" (ar'ana" (i)a+hal 0radesh" H;I and 9nion Territor' of Chandigarh.

SC<II ZONE@ DELHI 1 4 @ /$e+ial Cri)es Region!III .elhi /0//C9!8II" /0//C9!8III" /0//C9!IB /$e+ial Cri)es Region" Iol2ata /0//CB" Iol2ata /0//CB" :u+2now O /$e+ial Cri)es Region" Chennai /0//CB" Chennai (with 9nit at Co+hin) /0//CB" &u)bai :u+2now Chennai !do! .I*/ /CR/ Chennai !do! H.//C!II .elhi 3 New .elhi 4 .I*/ /CR!III" .elhi .I*/ /CR Iol2ata E H.//C!II .elhi Throughout India.



/tate of ?est Bengal" 4rissa" #ssa)" &eghala'a" #runa+hal 0radesh" &ani$ur" Tri$ura" /i22i)" &i5ora) and 9nion Territor' of #nda)an ; Ni+obar Islands. Throughout India. /tates of Ta)il Nadu" Ierala" #ndhra 0radesh" Iarnata2a and 9nion Territories of 0ondi+herr' and :a2shadwee$.




/tate of &aharashtra" *uAarat" *oa" RaAasthan" 9nion Territor' of .a)an" .iu" .adra ; Nagar (aveli. /tates of 0unAab" (ar'ana" (i)a+hal 0radesh" Ha))u ; Iash)ir" National Ca$ital Territor' of .elhi and 9T of Chandigarh.

/$e+ial Cri)es Region" .elhi


.I*/ /CR .elhi


Page 29 of 32


/0//CB!I" .elhi /0//CB!II" .elhi




/tates of Bihar" Hhar2hand" &adh'a 0radesh" Chhattisgarh" 9ttar 0radesh and 9ttran+hal.

SPECIAL TASK FORCE 1 1 @ @ /0//T<" .elhi /0//T<" &u)bai 3 .elhi &u)bai .I*" .elhi 4 /T<" E H.//T< !do!

Throughout India. !do!

.I*" /T< &u)bai

>D>A ZONE 1 1 @ @ /0/&.&#" .elhi /0/&.&#" Chennai 3 .elhi Chennai 4 .I*/&.&# .elhi !do! E H./ &.&# (.elhi) !do!

Throughout India. !do!


The 1+ono)i+ 4ffen+es .ivision is organi5ed in 4 Jones na)el'" 14?!I" 14?!II" 14?!III ; 14?!I8. 1a+h Jone is headed b' a Hoint .ire+tor under the overall su$ervision of .ire+tor" CBI assisted b' the /$e+ial .ire+tor/#dditional .ire+tor(1). The organi5ation and the territorial Aurisdi+tion of ea+h Jone is as detailed below,
EO3<I ZONE Sl. No 1 1 Na#e o+ "e B/a$c" @ 14!I Region" .elhi /0/149!I /0/149!II /0/149!III Loca io$ o+ B/a$c" ? U$i 3 New .elhi Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .I*" 14!I" .elhi ;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H./ 14?!I" .elhi ;:/is8ic io$

Throughout India.

EO3<II ZONE 1 @ @ 14!II Region" .elhi /0/149!I8 /0/149!8 3 14!III Region" .elhi /0/149!8II" /0/149!8III" /0/149!IBQ New .elhi .I*/14!III .elhi 3 New .elhi 4 .I*/14!II .elhi E H./ 14?!II" .elhi H./ 14?!II" .elhi Throughout India.

Throughout India.

I This Bran+h is also +alled as C'ber Cri)e Investigation Cell (CCIC) whi+h was +onstituted vide 4rder No. @1/4/%%!0."

dated #ugust 1O" 1%%% for investigation of +o)$uter related offen+es under $rovisions of Infor)ation Te+hnolog' #+t" @CCC and other +o))uni+ation te+hnolog' related offen+es.
NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i %Ta6a io$ a$8 I$s:/a$ce& +:$c io$s :$8e/ "e o0e/all co$ /ol o+ ;D?EO3<II .

Page 30 of 32

EO3<III ZONE 1 4 @ 14?!Region" &u)bai /0/14?" &u)bai /0/14?" Chennai 14? Region" .elhi /0/14?!I" .elhi O D /0/14?!II" .elhi /0/14?" Iol2ata !do! Iol2ata !do! !do! !do! !do! 3 &u)bai 4 .I*" 14?" &u)bai !do! .I*" 14?" .elhi E H./14?!III .elhi !do! !do!

/tates of &aharasthtra. *oa and 9nion Territories of .a)an" .iu" .adra ; Nagar (aveli" *uAarat" RaAasthan. /tates of Ta)il Nadu" Ierala" #ndhra 0radesh" Iarnata2a and 9nion Territories of 0ondi+herr' and :a2shadwee$. /tates of 0unAab" (ar'ana" (i)a+hal 0radesh" Ha))u ; Iash)ir" NCT of .elhi and 9.T. of Chandigarh. /tates of Bihar" Hhar2hand" 9ttar 0radesh" 9ttran+hal" &adh'a 0radesh and Chhattisgarh. /tates of ?est Bengal" 4rissa" #ssa)" &eghala'a #runa+hal 0radesh" &ani$ur" Tri$ura" /i22i)" &i5ora) and 9.T. of #nda)an ; Ni+obar Islands.

Chennai New .elhi

NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i %Fo/ei1$ T/a8e& +:$c io$s :$8e/ "e o0e/all co$ /ol o+ ;D?EO3<III.

EO3<I* ZONE 1 % @ B/;<C Region" .elhi B/;<C!I" .elhi /0/B/;<C!I" .elhi /0/B/;<C!II" .elhi /0/B/;<C!III" .elhi /0/B/;<C" Iol2ata B/;<C Region" &u)bai /0/B/;<C!I" &u)bai 14 1E /0/B/;<C!II" &u)bai /0/B/;<C" Bangalore &u)bai Bangalore !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! !do! 3 New .elhi 4 .I*" B/;<C" .elhi !do! .I*" B/;<C" .elhi !do! .I*" B/;<C" &u)bai E H." 14?! I8" .elhi

Throughout India.

1C 11

!do! New .elhi

!do! H." 14?! I8" .elhi !do! !do!

!do! Throughout India.

1@ 13

Iol2ata &u)bai

!do! !do!

NOTEE T"e Tec"$ical A80iso/2 U$i %Ba$Fi$1& also +:$c io$s :$8e/ "e o0e/all co$ /ol o+ ;D?EO3<I*

EO3<* ZONE 1 1 @ 14!8 Region /0/149!8I" .elhi

T"is Zo$e "as !ee$ c/ea e8 e#po/a/il2 o 8eal 7i " cases o+ +aFe s a#p pape/s.

3 .elhi

4 .I*/14!8" .elhi

E H./ 14?!8

Throughout India.

Page 31 of 32

AD>INSTRATION DI*ISION This .ivision is headed b' Hoint .ire+tor. It +o)$rises of following offi+es/9nits,7
Sl. No 1 1 @ 3 4 E O Na#e o+ "e B/a$c" @ /0/Training Centre!I /0/Training Centre!II /0/R;. (newl' +reated b' adAusting one $ost of /0/ CBI /0/(R #4 (#) /0/0ers. (newl' +reated $ost) #4 (1) Loca io$ o+ B/a$c"?U$i 3 *ha5iabad *ha5iabad !do! New .elhi !do! New .elhi !do! Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .I*/Trg .I*/Trg !do! .. (#d)n.) !do! .I*(0ers.) !do! ;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H. (#d)n.) .elhi H. (#d)n.) .elhi !do! !do! !do! H. (#d)n.) .elhi !do! ;:/is8ic io$

< ! ! ! ! !

POLICD AND COORDINATION DI*ISION This .ivision is headed b' Hoint .ire+tor (0oli+'). This .ivision wor2s dire+tl' under the +ontrol of .ire+tor" CBI. It has the following Bran+hes/9nits/?ings,7
Sl. No 1 1 @ 3 4 E Na#e o+ "e B/a$c" @ /$e+ial 9nit!I /0//9!1" .elhi /$e+ial 9nit!II /0//9!@" .elhi /$e+ial 9nit &u)bai /0//9/&u)bai /$e+ial 9nit!III /0//9!3" .elhi /$e+ial 9nit Iol2ata /0//9/Iol2ata /$e+ial 9nit Chennai /0//9/Chennai #I*(0oli+')!I #I*0!I #I*(0oli+')!II #I*0!II .e$ut' 0rin+i$al Infor)ation 4ffi+er Loca io$ o+ B/a$c"? U$i 3 New .elhi New .elhi &u)bai .elhi Iol2ata Chennai New .elhi !do! !do! Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .I*//9!I !do !do! .I*//9!II !do! .I*//9!I ! ! ! ;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H./ 0oli+' !do! !do! !do! !do! H./ 0oli+' !do! !do! !do ;:/is8ic io$

Throughout India. !do! !do! !do! !do! Throughout India. ! ! !

O D %


Sl. No 1 1 @ 3 Na#e o+ "e B/a$c" @ #. (Inter$ol)!I #. (Inter$ol)!II #. (Coord.) ; Co))and Centre Loca io$ o+ B/a$c"? U$i 3 New .elhi !do! !do! Loca io$ o+ Re1io$? DIsGP 4 .. (Co! ordination) !do! !do! ;oi$ Di/ec o/ E H. (0oli+') !do! !do! ;:/is8ic io$

Throughout India. !do !

______ Page 32 of 32

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