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Trina Le

To Kill A Mockingbird should be taught in schools with no hesitation because it has great literacy merit, shows an important part of our countrys history, and instills morals.

To start off, To Kill A Mockingbird is an incredibly good book to use in classrooms for literary purposes. In fact, it is already in place for many high schools and colleges curriculum Some say she (Lee) fails to effectively integrate the voice of the adult Scout with the childish perspective of the young girl who narrates much of the novel (Enotes). But, this is seems to be a minority opinion because Time magazine described her writing style as a tactile brilliance. Many scholars agree with this, praising her work tremendously. Through her narration style it is possible to see a vivid story, flowing smoothly between transitions of past and present, as well as different events in the story. The book is written efficiently with satire, irony, and parody of a childs mind mixed with serious and calm mature rumination. Lees writing gives students a chance to break down the meaning behind thoughts and events from childhood observation and adult reminiscing. Many times in the book students will have to think critically past the literal diction to access the books true message. Along with the effective narrative technique, it is also packed with themes, symbols, and motifs for deeper meaning. Well itd be sort of like shootin a mockingbird, wouldnt it? (Lee, 276). Here Scout, the protagonist, compares Boo Radley to a mockingbird. Having these sort of literary elements are critical because

students will enhance their knowledge of interpreting the deeper meaning in works of literature. Ultimately, the book is a vital teaching tool for analysis and comprehension.

Additionally, it displays an important period of time in our nations history. Not just a work of literature, To Kill A Mockingbird is also an accurate historical reference. Tom Robinson was charged with rape when he obviously was innocent. One of his arms was physically impaired, yet he was still found guilty. In the past, a number of cases similar to his were present. It was just because he was black. Also, women were still treated as household objects and expected to only do house duties and wear dresses all the time. The book allows us to see the best and worst parts of American society (Newsport News). For example, Scout is told to act more like a woman multiple times. Aunt Alexandra says to Scout that she could not possibly hope to be a lady if she wore breeches and wasnt supposed to be doing things that required pants (Lee, 81). While reading the book, students can also learn and enhance their knowledge of life in the South during the 1960s. Some may say that students are so impressionable they could get the wrong idea to what the message is, but that leads me to the 3rd reason.

The last, and most important, reason why to To Kill A Mockingbird should be used in classrooms is that because it instills morals. Atticus Finch, a major character, teaches how to be well mannered, fair, and humane. His actions make him notable as a moral guidance for everyday people and lawyers. Through out the book, Atticus

shows how to put aside racial discrimination (both in and out of the court system), sexism, and judgmental negativity. He tells Scout you can never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of viewuntil you climb into his skin and walk around in it (30). Also, the book revolves around the case of Tom Robinson where an obviously innocent black man is wrongly accused of rape and treated like dirt. People who supported the blacks were called by with derogatory terms. A key argument to why To Kill A Mockingbird shouldnt be used in schools is its vulgar language. Yes, the book does use terms like whore lady and n----- but it criticized in the book to never use that sort of language. By reading the book, students will realize how they cannot act cruel and must respect differences, even if they do not agree.

Over all, TKAM is a book well worthy to have in classrooms because of its literacy merit, historical references, and moral guidance.

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