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Trina Le Mrs. Strasser Pre-Ap Lit.

Per 1 23 January 2014 TKAM Mid-Unit Essay Rewrite The antagonist to Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird is Francis because he opposes Scout and bars her success of not getting in fights. In chapter 9, Scout says, It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight (77). Scout is serious about the choice and it took her a lot of self-control to not get herself involved in the fight. However, as the antagonist, Francis interferes with her progress by instigating her to hit him, which she did. If he did not do so, she wouldnt have broken her promise to herself and her Atticus. Calling Atticus a nigger lover multiple times, Francis knew what was going to happen. Scout loses her ability to not get violent because she could not bear to hear someone talk about Atticus that way. She describes the moment as This time, I split my knuckle to the bone of his front teeth. My left impaired, I sailed in with my right, but not for so long (84). Harper Lees precise diction choice is present here, along with imagery. She didnt just say I punched him hard, instead she wanted to show Scouts anger and then paint the picture of the scene with specific words such as sailed in. It is important the reader is able to sense her emotions because the event was significant to Scout. Hence, Francis was definitely the antagonist because he purposely induced Scout into a violent brawl so that she would in turn be breaking her promise with Atticus of not getting in fights. By being the antagonist, Francis helps Scout realize how much she loves Atticus and why she has to behave on his terms. The fight between Scout and Francis was a result

of Francis repeatedly saying negative things about Atticus. It is here that Harper Lees arrangement of plot is put into play with an outstanding effect. In one single chapter, its possible to see Scout go from I can take being called a coward for Atticus to Theres no way I can let them say that! By putting all these events very close to each other, readers can be able to clearly see and sense Scouts character development. She tells Uncle Jack I swear before God if Ill sit there and let him say somethin about Atticus (86). The event was so significant to Scout that readers could see her change in a very short period of time. She broke Atticus immense promise solely for the purpose of defending him. Earlier when Cecil Jacobs called Atticus the same words, she was able to keep her calm. This proves that she could contain her temper. So, the idea of her not being able to keep her temper is out of the bag. That makes it possible for the idea that she ultimately is willing to break her fathers trust to stand up for him. Scout has a lot of respect for her father, as he does for her, but she is willing to take chances of disrupting that connection because she loves him and cant stand the things she hears. Later in that same chapter, Scout eavesdrops on Uncle Jack and Atticus conversation. Atticus is talking about how he wishes with all his heart that his children will trust him. At this moment, Scout sees Atticus as more of a dad and learns that she mustnt upset him in any way and take his word. Through the arrangement of the plot, its clear to see that Scout really loves and cares for Atticus. Essentially, it was all because of the fight with Francis that led up to all these events, and Scout learning so much about her life.

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