Dr. Reviews 102: Just Ask

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Dr. Reviews 102

Verbally asking for reviews or feedback
This email is sent to clients of Review Concierge once they sign up for the $50/mo Professional Plan. It describes how to get better reviews online by verbally sharing your Review Link (drstars.com).

Please forward this email to your office manager, have him/her print it out and bring it back to you with the following action steps checked-off: CHECKLIST: ACTION STEPS 1. 2. 3. 4. [ [ [ [ ] Locate & memorize your doctors Review Link ] Send a letter to the staff (enclosed below) ] Quiz your staff in the hallways, How do we ask for reviews? ] OPTIONAL Purchase a pack of Review MiniCards

ACTION STEPS 1. To find your doctors Review Link, ask for his/her Review Report Card. The link is located in the yellow box on top of the report card.

Did you know: You can request to be CCd on the doctors report card.

Go ahead and give this link a try on your own mobile device or computer right now so you can experience it in action.

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2. The next step is to make sure that everyone in your office knows the doctors Review Link. Here is an email that Dr. Goods office manager sent to his staff:
To: Subject: All Staff Please help with our Review Link initiative

As part of our efforts to protect our public image, we have hired the Review Concierge to help us get more online reviews. Your participation is critical if we are to succeed in getting more online reviews. We cannot do this without your help. We need you to memorize Dr. Goods Review Link:

If you type this link into your phone or computer (give it a try), it will send you online to write a review for Dr. Good. The link is smart. It knows where the doctor needs a review, so it might go to different websites each time you access it. This behavior is normal. When you notice that a patient is satisfied, please ask them to leave feedback for us by visiting www.drstars.com/Good. They can do it on their mobile devices in the office or at home. Here is how to ask patients for a review: Towards the end of the patients visit, ask, How is your visit going? Can I get you anything? If you sense that the patient is happy, ask, If it wouldnt be too much trouble, would you leave us feedback online? You can do it right from your phone. Just go to www.drstars.com/Good. You can write the link down on a sheet of paper for the patient if he or she prefers to take it home. At this point, you should also let the patient know that if they need anything at all they can call the office and well take care of it. Getting positive reviews is critical to our success in 2014 and beyond. We need to do everything possible to make sure that our online reviews match our quality of care. The only way we can succeed here is with your help. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Office Manager

Sales: 1-866-932-5888

3. Quiz your staff in the hallways about how to ask for online reviews. They should be able to recite the warm up, How was your visit? Can I get you anything? Then they should move to, If it wouldnt be too much trouble, would you leave us feedback online? You can do it right from your mobile phone: www.drstars.com/YourReviewLink. 4. One thing you may want to consider is ordering a pack of Review MiniCards so your doctor and staff dont have to write the Review Link down. It costs $29 for a pack of 100 MiniCards. Here is what they look like:

MOO.com is our printer. The term MiniCards

is a trademark of MOO.com, which is headquartered in London, UK and doing business in the USA.

To fast-forward this lesson plan and talk to a Review Concierge about establishing a protocol in your office to get more reviews, please call 866.407.6020 or email concierge@reviewconcierge.com.

LAST WEEKS LESSON - Dr. Reviews 101: Print 50 Letters Last weeks lesson was expected to get a review from 1 out of 50 patients. However, when done in conjunction with this weeks lesson, as many as 1 in 20 patients will leave you a positive review. To view last weeks lesson, visit http://www.scribd.com/doc/201866569/Dr-Reviews-101-Print-50Letters

Sales: 1-866-932-5888

Review Concierge is located in sunny San Diego. Specifically, at 9707 Waples St San Diego, CA 92121 United States Sales: 1-866-932-5888 Support: 1-866-407-6020 Email: concierge@reviewconcierge.com

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