First Kiss

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This scene takes place in the Iron King , when Meghanand Ash are searching a warehouse for the

trod intothe Iron Realm. As Meghan ventures further inside,the trod guardian, a huge iron dragon, springs to lifeandattacksher. No! The iron dragon--I could onlyassume that's what it was--lunged at Meghan, jaws gaping, and my heart clenched in horror. Ireacted on instinct. Drawing back my arm, Iflung a hail of ice shards at the creature,hoping to reach it in time. The darts struck thedragon's head and shattered harmlessly off themetal skull, but I did succeed in catching itsattention. It roared and turned on me, lashingits spiked tail, and I drew my sword Snarling, the dragon charged. Breathingdeep, I drew glamour from the air, ignoring thepain and sudden nausea that came from all theiron in the room. I would not fall. For just amoment, when the dragon lunged at Meghan,I was there again in the hollow, watching thewyvern strike Ariella down. Watching her diein my arms, because I couldn't save her. Snarling, the dragon charged. Breathingdeep, I drew glamour from the air, ignoring thepain and sudden nausea that came from all theiron in the room. I would not fall. For just amoment, when the dragon lunged at Meghan,I was there again in the hollow, watching thewyvern strike Ariella down. Watching her diein my arms, because I couldn't save her. Not this time. As the dragon drew close, I knelt anddrove the point of my sword into the ground,releasing my glamour in one focused burst.There was a flash, and ice spread out aroundme, coating the ground and turning the airfrigid. I dove aside as the dragon careenedpast, unable to stop itself, and slammed intothe wall. Once more, I pulled my Winter glamourto me, knowing I was using way too muchpower, that this spell would leave me drainedand weakened. I didn't care. As the dragonthrashed and clawed at the ground, trying toget up, I took a deep breath, filling my lungswith ice, and breathed out a cone of vicious cold. I heard the dragon's metal body crinkleand snap as the blizzard swirled around it, andcontinued my assault, ignoring my fadingstrength, the way my arms started to tremble.Finally, the dragon slowed, and stoppedmoving, frozen to the floor beneath a layer of ice. I stopped, slumping against a post as mystrength gave out. Panting, I bowed my head,shaking from adrenaline, from the memorythat still haunted my mind, a black scar acrossmy consciousness. I had failed Ariella. I'dloved her, and she had died. I would not letthat happen to Meghan."Never again," I whispered, closing myeyes. "I will not watch that happen again." Her face swam across my memory, beautifuland perfect and sad, and my resolve grew. "Iwon't lose another like that," I gritted out, notreally knowing who I was speaking to. Ariella,Meghan, or myself? "I can't...""Ash?"Something touched my arm, and I lookedup. Meghan blinked up at me, her faceinches from mine, her blue eyes wide andconcerned. Seeing her, I was filled with thesudden, irrational desire to pull her close, feelher small body against mine, and kiss her. Shewasn't Ariella, but those same feelings werethere, emerging from the place I thought I'dfrozen everything out. That sameprotectiveness, and affection, and...

My heart went cold, and I trembled withthe realization. I...was in love. With MeghanChase. A human. And the princess of theSeelie Court. It was a cruel joke, of course.The Summer Court was my enemy, we wereforbidden to love each other. I could face exileif I acknowledged my feelings; Mab wouldshow no mercy even to her kin, and I had noidea what she would do to Meghan. It wasdangerous for me to be around her. I could notlove this girl.But I did.I shook my head, trying to focus. I'dfigure this out later, after we accomplishedwhat we'd set out to do. Rescuing her brother and killing Machina came first; I couldn't bedistracted by thoughts of love."Meghan," I began, not really knowingwhat to say. I was surprised she'd come back,especially with a huge frozen dragon stilllooming behind us. "Why didn't you run?" Ifinally asked. "I tried to buy you some time.You should've gone ahead."She frowned. "Are you crazy? I couldn'tleave you to that thing. Now, come on."Taking my hand, she tugged me off the post,gazing nervously at the frozen dragon. Heatshot up my arm from where her skin brushedmine, and my pulse jumped. "Let's get out of here. I think that thing just blinked at us." Hell with it. My fingers tightened around hers, and Ipulled her forward, into my arms. She let out astartled gasp as I held her close, trapping heragainst me, and kissed her.I didn't know how she would respond,but after a stunned moment, Meghan's armswrapped around my neck and she pulled mecloser, fiercely kissing me back. My heart and stomach leaped, and I crushed her to me,feeling her hands run through my hair, makingme groan. This couldn't be happening. Shewas everything I imagined, everything Iwanted. For the first time since Ariella died, Icould feel again. I loved Meghan Chase...and Icouldn'thaveher.I pulled away, breathing hard. Meghandidn't move, keeping her arms around mywaist, leaning her head on my shoulder. Ishivered, as the knowledge of what I'd justdone settled on me like a stone. I'd kissed theSummer King's daughter. If Oberon foundout... If Mab found out..."This isn't good," I whispered, wonderingif she knew the implications of tonight, what itcould mean for both of us."I know," she whispered back, though Iknew she didn't. Not really. Not like me."The Courts would kill us if they foundout," I continued."Yeah.""Mab would accuse me of treason.Oberon would believe I'm turning you against him." I wondered if I was trying to convinceher, or myself. Which was crazy; I knew whatcould happen. Why was I still debating withmyself? "They'd both see grounds forbanishment, or execution," I finished, and felther arms tighten around me."I'm sorry."She sounded sad, and I closed my eyes. You did nothing wrong, I thought . I'm the onewho knows better. I'm the one who was weak. And now I've put us both in danger. Sighing, Iburied my face in her hair, and she trembledagainst me. Neither of us said anything for along time."We'll think of something," shemurmured at last.I nodded. I couldn't think of consequences now, not when we still had ourmission to complete. Meghan's brother andthe mysterious Iron King waited

for us at theend of the road. If I made it back, if I survivedthis encounter with Machina, I would allowmyself to think about the future, and the repercussions of falling in love with theSummer princess.Pulling away, I started to reply, but theground abruptly tilted and spun beneath myfeet. I stumbled, and Meghan caught my arm."Are you all right?""I'll be fine." Straightening, I releasedher elbow, though a part of me wanted to pullher close again. I squashed the urge with avengeance. "Too much iron," I explained, toease the worry on her face. "The spell took alot out of me.""Ash--"A piercing crack interrupted us, as thedragon freed a forepaw and smashed it to thefloor. More cracks appeared as it struggled torise, shedding ice. Still alive, and I was far tooweakened to fight it again.Taking Meghan's hand, we fled for ourlives.

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