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LP 12 THPT NM 2006


Mn thi: TING ANH

Thi gian: 180 pht (khng k thi gian giao )
Ngy thi th hai: 24/2/2006

thi gm 10 trang
Th sinh khng c s dng ti liu, k c t in.
Gim th khng c gii thch g thm.

S phch
(do Ch tch hi ng chm thi ghi)

Th thc nghe bng:
Mi hng dn c trong bng.
Bt u v kt thc bi nghe theo nhc.
Part 1. Listen and decide if the following details are true (T) or false (F) by ticking
the appropriate box. You will hear the piece TWICE.

The Holiday Special Programme may be useful for future jobs.


There's a demand for people to play simple roles in films.


Previous experience is essential for those who wish to take part

in films.


Costumes and food are provided free by the film caterers.


Extra skills, such as riding, swimming, etc are a must if you

want to work with films.


The Nanny Agency is also looking for people to take care of

elderly people in Australia and New Zealand.


Board and lodging will be provided by the local families.


Students will have to pay for the flight only.


Students will have to provide their own pocket money.

10. Looking after kids is a convenient way for most students who
want to travel and see a bit of the world.

Part 2. Listen to a student recounting what he had seen by circling A, B, C, or D to

indicate the correct answer to each question below. You will hear the piece
11. The student initially believed he had seen _______.
A. an airplane
C. a flying saucer
B. a fireworks
D. a satellite
12. The student had stopped his car because he had to _______.
A. change the tire
C. get a hotel room
B. change drivers
D. get gasoline
13. The student learned what he had actually seen from ________.
A. the news on television
C. his mother
B. a newspaper
D. the news on the radio
14. The meteorite the student had seen ________.
A. burned up in the upper atmosphere
B. broke into pieces before striking the ground
C. caused damage to a parked car
D. injured a woman as she was sleeping
15. The student felt _______ about what he had seen.
A. frightened
C. lucky
B. upset
D. relieved
Part 3. Listen and decide if the following details are true (T) or false (F) by ticking
the appropriate box. You will hear the piece TWICE.
16. In initial contacts, one tends to judge others by how they carry
17. The accent may stimulate comment from other people during a
18. She was in the United States in her late twenties.
19. Other people understood her easily.
20. One should change one's way of expression when one settles in
a new place.

Part 1. Choose the word that best completes each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D to
indicate your answer.
21. I can no longer afford the cost of ______ two cars, so I am selling one.
A. managing
B. running
C. controlling
D. operating
22. You should ______ a lawyer before you sign the document.
A. consult
B. counsel
C. check
D. communicate
23. He could find a teaching ______ in Vietnam without difficulty.
A. work
B. occupation
C. post
D. employment
24. There's no ______ in going to school if you are not willing to learn.
A. reason
B. aim
C. purpose
D. point
25. The children won't go to sleep ______ we leave the lights on.
A. unless
B. otherwise
C. except
D. but
Part 2. Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a suitable preposition
or adverb.
It was 10 o'clock (26) ______ night. The offices (27) ______"The Daily News"
were buzzing (28) ______ excitement. The deadline (29) ______ the paper was
(30)______ half an hour and they were frantically trying to finish the front page.
Everyone had been working all evening (31) ______ a break. Some (32) ______ the
journalists had been (33) ______ the office since early morning. They had all been
trying to get an exclusive story, to find (34) ______ something that no other journalists
had discovered. The main story was a big one: the Prime Minister had resigned. Some
said that he had been involved (35) ______ some financial scandal.
Part 3. Choose the word for each of the blanks in the following passage. Circle A, B,
C, or D to indicate your answer.
It may seem unlikely that monkeys or cats would be able to hear the subtleties
in human speech. After all, creatures other than humans neither speak human
languages nor comprehend most of them. (36) ______scientists who study hearing
have found that the auditory (37) ______ of animals and humans respond to speech
sounds in (38) ______ similar ways.
Scientists see hearing in humans and higher animals (39) ______ an act of
computer-like processing (40) ______ which a sound enters the ear and is (41) ______
down into components. These are transported in some coded form through the nervous
system to the brain, (42) ______ they are put back together (43) ______ interpreted.
Scientists believe that, in large part, how speech is processed is (44) ______ on its
acoustical properties. Research with animals shows that they can (45) ______ among
subtle nuances in speech.

A. Thus
A. ability
A. sizably
A. with
A. from
A. broken

B. However
B. reaction
B. remarkably
B. by
B. on
B. tracked

C. While
C. systems
C. variedly
C. as
C. with
C. sent

D. Otherwise
D. hearing
D. precisely
D. for
D. in
D. put


A. which
A. for
A. based
A. communicate

B. where
B. without
B. base
B. discriminate

C. while
C. and
C. relied
C. hear

D. when
D. after
D. relying
D. differ

Part 1. Choose the word which best fills each of the blanks. Circle A, B, C, or D to
indicate your answer.
It is true that there have been great (46) ______ in technology over the last forty
years. For examples, the uses of mobile phones and email communication are common
these days. (47) ______, machines could never do as good a job as a human, especially
when it (48) ______ to interpreting what people are (49) ______. Of course, machines
can translate plain statements such as "Where is the bank?" but even simple statements
are not always (50) ______ because meaning depends on more than just (51) ______.
For instance, the word "bank" has a (52) ______ of different meanings in English.
How does a translating machine know which meaning to take?
In order to understand what people are saying, you need to take into account the
(53) ______ between speakers and their situation. A machine cannot (54) ______ the
difference between the English expression "Look out" meaning "Be careful!" and
"Look out" meaning " Put your head out of the window". You need a human being to
(55) ______ the situation.
(56) ______ with written language, it is difficult for a machine to know how to
translate (57) ______ because we rarely translate every word. (58) ______ the
contrary, we try to take into consideration how the idea would be (59 ) ______ in the
other language. This is hard to do because every language has its own way of
(60)______ and saying this.
46. A. advances

B. steps

C. progress

D. advantages

47. A. Moreover

B. In addition

C. However

D. Besides

48. A. arrives

B. goes

C. comes

D. reaches

49. A. talking

B. saying

C. speaking

D. telling

50. A. obvious

B. direct

C. straight

D. straightforward

51. A. grammar

B. vocabulary

C. words

D. sentences

52. A. number

B. variety

C. plenty

D. couple

53. A. relations

B. relationship

C. attitude

D. action

54. A. say

B. speak

C. talk

D. tell

55. A. interpret

B. understand

C. think

D. believe

56. A. However

B. In contrast

C. Similarly

D. In addition

57. A. exactly

B. righteously

C. rightfully

D. accurately

58. A. With

B. For

C. On

D. By

59. A. translated
60. A. doing

B. expressed
B. working

C. spoken
C. making

D. said
D. creating

Part 2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow by circling
A, B, C or D.
The forest from which Man takes his timber is the tallest
and most impressive plant community on Earth. In terms
of Man's brief life, it appears permanent and unchanging,
save for the seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to
the forester, it represents the climax of a long succession
of events.
No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all
time. Plants have minimum requirements of temperature
and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of
Earth's surface has, at some time, been either too dry or too
cold for plants to survive.
However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favour of plant life, a
fascinating sequence of changes, called a primary succession, occurs first to colonize
the barren land and the lichen surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by
these organisms crack the rock's surface, plants debris accumulate and mosses
establish shallow root-holes. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs,
gradually form a covering of plant life. Roots broke even deeper into the developing
soil and eventually large shrubs give way to the first trees. These grow rapidly, cutting
off sunlight from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination - closing
their ranks and forming a climax community which may endure for thousands of years.
Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and
settlers may cut it down to gain land for pasture or cultivations. If the land is then
abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more
hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the early invaders, their seeds carried by
the wind, by birds and lodged in the coat of mammals.
For as long as it stands and strives, the forest is a vast machine storing energy
and the many elements essential for life.
61. Why do we tend to think the forest as permanent?
A. Because the trees are so tall.
B. Because it is renewed each season.
C. Because our lives are comparatively short.
D. Because it is an essential part of our lives.
62. What has sometimes caused plants to die out in the past?
A. Interference from foresters.
B. Variations in climate.
C. The absence of wooded land.
D. The introduction of new types of plants.
63. In a "primary succession", what makes it possible for mosses to take root?
A. The type of rock.
B. The amount of sunlight.
C. The amount of moisture.
D. The effect of lichens.
64. What conditions are needed for shrubs to become established?

A. Ferns must take root.

B. The ground must be covered with grass.
C. More soil must accumulate.
D. Smaller plants must die out.
65. Why is a "secondary succession" quicker?
A. The ground is more suitable.
B. There's more space for new plants.
C. Birds and animals bring new seeds.
D. It is supported by the forest.
Part 3. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word.
A hospital has just admitted that one of their doctors recently (66) ______ a
mistake when he thought that two schoolchildren were medical students. The doctor,
who was working in a busy accident unit, (67) ______ the two pupils to insert several
stitches in two of the patients there.
The pupils were on a job-experience scheme at a hospital. They were
(68)______ in white coats and were supposed to observe people being (69) ______ in
the accident unit. When asked to attend to a plumber whose head had been (70)
______ in an accident and a woman with a badly-cut leg, they carefully examined both
patients and began to insert stitches. Later, a doctor noticed they were having difficulty
and (71) ______ them to finish putting in the stitches. But, when he began to (72)
______ the seriousness of the injuries with them, he realized they were not medical
students. "(73) ______ has ever taught us how to do this," they told him. Embarrassed
hospital officials (74) ______ to the patients and their families for the (75) ______
which had been made.
Part 4 Fill each numbered blank in the following passage with one most suitable
sentence given in the list below. Write the letter that corresponds to your
answer in the appropriate box.
In our fast world of phones, fax machines and computers, the old-fashioned art
of letter writing is at risk of disappearing altogether. Yet, to me, there is something
about receiving a letter that cannot be matched by another form of communication.
There is the excitement of its arrival, the pleasure of seeing where it is from and finally
the enjoyment of the contents.
Letter writing has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It
probably began with the little notes I would write to my mother. My mother always
insisted I write my own thank-you letters for Christmas and birthday presents.
(76)______ .
When I left home at 18 to study medicine in London, I would write once a
week, and so would my mother. Occasionally, my father would write and it was
always a joy to receive his long amusing letters. (77) ______. Of course, we also made
phone calls but it is the letters that I remember most.

There were also letters from my boyfriends. We were only able to stay in touch
by correspondence. (78) ______. I found that I could often express myself more easily
in writing than by talking.
I love the letters that come with birthday or Christmas cards. (79) ______. And
it's better still when it's an airmail envelope with beautiful stamps from different
My biggest letter-writing success, however, came this summer, when my family
and I stayed with my American pen friend in Texas. (80) ______ everyone was
amazed that a correspondence could last so long. The local press even considered the
correspondence worth reporting on the front page.
I am pleased that my children are carrying on the tradition. Like my mother
before me, I insist they write their own thank-you letters. My daughter writes me little
letters, just as I did to my mother. I strongly urge the readers not to allow letter writing
to become another "lost art".
A. Most of the letters from home contained just everyday events concerning my
parents and their friends.
B. We had been corresponding for 29 years but had never met.
C. It didn't matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters.
D. Notes are appreciated, but how much better to have a year's supply of news.
E. Poor handwriting can spoil your enjoyment of a letter.
F. But instead of harming the relationships, letter writing seemed to improve them.
76. ______

77. ______

78. ______

79. ______

80. ______

Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same
as the sentence printed before it.
81. It's a pity I didn't take my doctor's advice.
I wish __________________________________________________________.
82. If Joe doesn't change his ways, he will ruin his career.
Unless _________________________________________________________.
83. The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep.
It ______________________________________________________________.
84. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy with his job.
In spite ________________________________________________________.
85. "Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house," she said.
She flatly _______________________________________________________.
86. You won't find a more dedicated worker than Mrs. Jones anywhere.
Nowhere _______________________________________________________.
87. We regret to inform you that your application hasn't been successful.
Much to ________________________________________________________.

88. The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
So _____________________________________________________________.
89. You can't expect me to pay for the ticket.
There's no ______________________________________________________.
90. Some people simply can't remember historical dates.
Some people find _________________________________________________.
Part 2. The chart below shows the pattern of interest change of university
students in choosing what to study in recent years in the country of Wonderland.
Describe the changes.
Variation in students' choices

Thousand students






IT & English



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 3. Continue the paragraph that starts with this main sentence Rural life is
more enjoyable than urban life. The paragraph should be about 200
words long.

Part 4. Mr and Mrs Brown, the parents of your friend, do not want their only son
to go on an outing with the rest of the class. You are John, write a letter of
about 150 words to persuade them so that they will let him join the class on
the outing.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END


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