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stry with focus on BISLERI has been undertaken by Ms.

Megha Jain under my supervision in the partial fulfillment of requirement of the graduate course (BBA). The research ork is candidate!s original ork " this pro#ect report has not been submitted to any other university for any course. This is also certified that Ms. Megha Jain is the student of BBA $nd year in Mahara#a %ura#mal &nstitute' Janakpuri (Affiliated to ((%&)* *niversity).

Project Guide: Ms. Supriya



To the domestic packaged drinking water market MARKET SHARE COMPANY PROFILE OF BISLERI Background The Present Future Plans Technology Developments Purification Process Product Packaging




ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION "onsumer #elated #etailer #elated RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTION CONCLUSION ANNEXURE "onsumers $uestionnaire #etailers $uestionnaire BIBLIOGRAPHY



To learn about the domestic packaged drinking market distribution and Brand Bisleri in detail.

ater market' its

To find about consumers! and retailers! brand preference To see hether there is a threat to the mineral ater market from

ater purifiers and soft drinks. -hether the people of .elhi " its /01 and happy' paying for ater. -hether the people of .elhi " its /01 are getting health conscious. To find the retailers vie on the mineral ater market and to

assess the future prospect of the market. To find the potential of Mineral ater market in .elhi " its /01.

%tarting a research pro#ect needs a basic preparation regarding the issues related to the topic selected. 3or this one needs to do some desk ork. .esk ork includes4 +. .etermining the basic ob#ectives of the study undertaken. $. 0ollection of secondary data related to the topic from &nternet' maga5ines " ne spapers. ,. %tudy the market' hich one ants to cover. 2. Analy5e the ob#ective on the basis of information collected by secondary data. 6. All the above activities at the initial stage of the pro#ect must be completed " then the main part follo s.

Sampl S!" 1egions of .elhi " its /01 ere covered for the study. & took 67 ere selected

consumers and +7 retailers as my respondents. They sampling is not possible since one cannot say using mineral ater or not. A#al$%!%

by random sampling method because in this case systematic hether a person is

Then analysis of the questionnaire filled by the consumers " the retailers is done on the percentage base analysis " theoretical base analysis. 8n the bases of this analysis graphs ere prepared sho ing the relationship bet een t o variables. The analysis formed the bases of the inferences dra n and reaching the conclusion of the study.

To the domestic packaged drinking water market The concept of bottled mineral is quite a ne one for &ndian )eople. %ince e never consider these things as necessity and especially hen e are paying for natural resource like ater hich is available freely. The bottled ater market has recently seen gro th: the reason behind this may be the gro ing health consciousness among &ndians or non;availability of pure drinking ater. Most of the users are daily travelers' patients or it is used in parties<seminars. Moreover ,7= of the hole mineral ater customers are travelers. -hen governments spoke about providing drinking ater to all' little did one imagine that M/0s ould package it and sell it to us. The advent of the small bottles has increased consumption. Buying ater near the bus stop or at the rail ay station has become a routine. &ndian ater market has many companies selling ater' on an hole there are more than ,77 big " small players in the market some of the &!' pla$ (% a( B!%l (!) A*+a,!#a) K!#l $) P+( l!, ) M-./0 ll 1-2 these companies are dealing in same market' same price " also same capacity. Bisleri is o ned by )arle group' Aquafina is o ned by )epsi' >inley is o ned by 0oke' /estle has )urelife. But some small players also have sufficient market share in their local market' like prime' silver drop' royal fresh are very popular in the congested region. B!%l (! !% m/%1 p/p+la( &(a#. in /orth &ndia. Bisleri is having big contracts like ith air &ndian " some part of &ndian rail ays.

%ince the early +@@7s' &ndian attitude have changed and people are flocking to the cities at a frenetic pace ; one;third of &ndian no live in urban areas. But in many parts of the country' quality of ater is still a ma#or concern. (iven the eAtreme climatic conditions in &ndia' especially the heat and dust' plus the fact people are no prone to dehydration because they commute further for ork and social activities' the issues of safe drinking ater is more prevalent than ever. As the mercury soars' so do the sales of bottled ater. The advantage it has is unlike the 0olas and other drinks dispensed from vending machines' a bottle fits into a handbag and can be carried conveniently. The trend of using mineral ater for drinking purpose started as a means to take advantage of the therapeutic value of ater. This trend gained potential momentum during +@?7s and ever since bottled ater as eAported every year from mineral springs in 3rance and other Buropean countries. &n estern countries'the practice of bottled drinking ater started during +@67s. T3 ,!(%1 la+#-3 /, &/11l . 0a1 ( !# I#.!a 0a% 13 la+#-3 /, 4B!%l (!5 /, Pa(l -/mpa#$ .+(!#' 6789:87 03!-3 0a% a ma;/( ,l/p a% 13 I#.!a# p/p+la1!/# 0a% #/1 p( pa( . 1/ a-- p1 13 -/#- p1 /, p+(-3a%!#' 0a1 (2 The market of bottled ater remained eak and inactive for as long as $7 years. The relaunch of Bisleri in +@@2' ho ever' as a success due to the gro ing a areness and high consciousness of health and hygiene among people. Today many medical stores in the city are doing very ell ith the sale of branded bottled ater. The brand name plays an impression on the human mind. B/11l . 0a1 ( !% a<a!la&l !# *+a#1!1! % /, ==>ml) ?>>ml) 6l1) 62?l1) @l1%) ?l1%) 6>l1%) @>l1% a#. ?>l1%2

3or a particular brand to be certified as bottled ater it requires approval on 2 levels namely the 0entral' the state' the trade association' and individual company levels.


Typhoid Bone deformation Joint pain Dardening of arteries and muscles (astro E stomach upsets BAcess content of fluoride can lead to flourisis Arsenic )oisoning


0ontaminated storage Tanks 0ross contamination at sources Feaks in distribution net ork &mproper functioning of )urifiers .omestic -aste Bore ell or contaminated ground ater 8rganic matters

Industrial waste


A#. 13!% !% 3/0 Pa(l B!%l (! & 'a#


According to the Bureau of &ndian %tandards there are +'$77 bottled ater factories all over &ndia (of hich 977 are in one state ;; Tamil /adu). 8ver +77 brands are vying for the 1s +'777;crore (1s +7 billion) bottled ater market and are hard selling their products in every ay possible ;; better margins to dealers' aggressive advertising' catchy taglines.... &n such a scenario' The %trategist takes a look at ho it all started ;; ith Bisleri ;; and ho Ram %3 C3a+3a#' chairman' )arle Bisleri created a market out of pure ater. Bisleri mineral ater as bought from the &talian company' 3elice Bisleri' in +@9@ ;; the company had been unable to market bottled ater and anted to eAit the market ;; )arle too did not see any potential for the product at that time. As a soft drinks company' )arle had Thums *p' (old %pot and Fimca (cola' orange drink and lemonade) but no soft drink company as complete ithout a soda. %o they merely used the name and launched Bisleri soda ith t o variants ;; carbonated and non; carbonated mineral ater. B+1 13( . -a. % a'/' hat could they say about a -a1 '/($ 13a1 3a. #/ ma(B 1? They didnGt kno our target group. Then' since bottled ater is colourless' tasteless and odourless' it as not an easy product to advertise. Thus' the earlier brand building efforts focused on Bisleri being healthy ith adequate minerals. The &talian name added a dash of class to it. The first print ad campaign captured the international essence and sho ed a butler ith a bo tie' holding t o bottles of Bisleri. T3 p+#-3l!# 0a%) CB!%l (! !% < (! < (! D1(a/(.!#a(!C (the spelling of the punchline as designed to capture the consumerGs attention). The campaign as successful and e ere being noticed as someone ho catered to the need for safe' healthy drinking ater.


Do ever' the real boost to mineral ater came in the early;to;mid; +@C7s hen they s itched to )H0 packaging and later to )BT bottles. The )BT packaging did not #ust ensure better transparency ;; they could no sho sparkling clear ater to the consumers. &t also meant better life for the ater. Mean hile' Bisleri soda as doing ell but they had to discontinue production as they sold their soft drink brands to 0oca;0ola in +@@,. But 1amesh 0hauhan!s interest as in building brands and not in bottling soft drinks. ThatGs hen he started to concentrate on developing 13 B!%l (! 0a1 ( &(a#.2 There as a clear opportunity of building a market for bottled ater. The quality of ater available in the country as bad. &t as similar to hat Burope faced before -orld -ar &&. The quality of ater in Burope as eAtremely poor' hich created the bottled ater industry there. &n &ndia' too' not only as ater scarce' hatever as available as of bad quality. I#!1!all$) 13/+'3 &/11l . 0a1 ( 0a% %/m 13!#' /#l$ ,/( !'# (% a#. #/#:( %!. #1 I#.!a#% -/#%+m .' they still had to increase the distribution' hich meant the dealer margins reduced. And because of limited sales' the dealer margin had to be kept high to compensate lo sales. /o they had to push sales. Dence' they introduced free sampling of Bisleri at the tables here the elderly guests ould sit. %oon customers ere ordering bottled ater on special occasions. 0urrently' the consumption of bottled ater is far in eAcess of soft drinks on such occasions. The other ma#or challenge as distribution. %oft drink sales are in glass bottles and the distribution model is built around picking up empty bottles and getting them back to the factory. ThatGs not the case ith the retail bottled ater packs (belo $ litre). But a product thatGs not available here itGs needed' is useless.
T3 #+m& ( /, /+1l 1% 03 ( B!%l (! !% a<a!la&l 3a% !#-( a% . ,(/m ?>)>>> !# 677? 1/ @)?>)>>> a1 p( % #12 But that is not enough ;; they need to keep looking for different avenues. Take stationery shops and chemists' for instance. They donGt keep soft drinks but

sell Bisleri. That is the kind of eAclusivity net ork that soft drink companies talk of.

e look for to get ahead of the distribution

0urrently' Bisleri continues to lead in the 1s ?77;+'777 crore organised' packaged ater market ith an estimated 27 per cent market share' follo ed by >inley at $C per cent and Aquafina ith an ++ per cent share. &n terms of volumes' the /orth and -est remain BisleriGs biggest performing markets' despite the brandGs sustained national;level presence. The market has been gro ing for the last three years at an unimaginable rate of C7=. The market si5e of bottled ater is eApected to surpass the si5e of soft drinks market very soon in the near future.

Aquafina 11%

Others 21%

Others Bislery
Kinley 28%

Kinley Aquafina

Bislery 40%

I#.!<!.+al Ma(B 1 S3a( %: BISLERI:E>F) KINLEY:@9F) AGUAFINA:66F) OTHERS: @6F


S/m /, 13 %p -!,!-a1!/#% a% p ( 13 la1 %1 #/1!,!-a1!/# H03!-3 0 ( ,, -1!< ,(/m Ap(!l >6I2

The location of packaging should be close to the source or place of origin of ater. 8nly ater obtained directly from natural or drilled underground sources can be sold as mineral ater. 3or ater to be called mineral to any chemical treatments. ater it should also not be sub#ect ater' it can be

3or ater to be categori5ed as packaged bottle sourced from any places.

The ater has to be treated and disinfected in accordance ith specifications for it to be categori5ed as packaged bottle ater. Till .ecember !$777 only siA players have applied for license for packaged drinking ater and no company has applied for license in mineral ater category. But around +9 applications in packaged ater category and 9 applications in the mineral ater category are still in the pipeline. The ne regulations also prohibit any claims relating to beneficial properties of the product and the immediate casualty ill be 0oca;0ola ith its 33)A& endorsement. 3urthermore in a bit to provide standards for both drinking ater and mineral ater and to regulate the quality and price of bottled ater' B&% approval as made mandatory from the end of +@@@. Do ever the B&% does not lay do n any guidelines or practices for processing ater and there is no specific industrial licensing policy for the bottled; ater sector. %o in effect anyone can set up a plant ithout establishing the source of the ater and the technology used to purify it. Till recently &ndia as not a potential consumer for packaged ater hence the prospects are no huge. But ith regulations some hat

confusing and contradictory it is likely to be a hile before the manufacturers are able to reali5e their full market potential in a country' hich is fast becoming one of the principal global markets in bottle ater.


&n +@9?' Bisleri an &talian company' started by %ignor 3elice Bisleri' first brought the idea of selling bottled ater in &ndia. &t started a company called Bisleri &ndia. &n +@9@' 1amesh 0hauhan' the 0hairman of )arle BAports' bought over the brand. &n those days' Bisleri packaged drinking ater as available in glass bottles. Being a returnable package o ing to various other problems such as breakage and eight' in +@?$;?,' Bisleri as made available in )H0 ()oly Hinyl 0hloride) bottles. After this plastic packaging as introduced' things started to change' and sales increased rapidly. The upsurge in the sales of Bisleri started in +@@, as 1amesh 0hauhan sold off the )arle stable of brands' including Thums *p' Fimca and (old %pot. 1ecognising the potential of the packaged drinking ater market' he then ent on to concentrate on making Bisleri a top selling brand in &ndia.

:: T3 P( % #1
&t as around the year +@@6' hen )arle BAports took charge of the brand operations and the business took off in the market. -ith factories across &ndia and a strong distribution net ork' Bisleri established itself as a force to reckon ith in the domestic packaged drinking ater market.

Barlier the packaged drinking ater market consisted of five star hotels' tourists and foreigners. As a marketing strategy' a conscious decision as taken by the company that only 27= of the sales should come from these outlets and 97= from general market. i.e. paan allas' street shops' general stores and even non;tourists. This brought about a sea change in the perception in the consumerGs mind about consumption of Bisleri. Barlier' drinking bottled ater as considered to be more of a status symbol. That thinking has slo ly changed to the point here today' not drinking Bisleri is considered as being behind the times. %uch has been the presence and penetration of the Bisleri brand in the bottled ater segment. About fe years ago' in +@@C' a strategy as adopted to concentrate aggressively on the home market. The habit of boiling ater or using electronic gadgets as not adequate' since the source of ater itself as unreliable. The bulk packages like the $' 6 and $7 litre bottles ere introduced to meet this market need. The price per litre ent do n as a result' making bottled ater very economical for the consumer.

:: F+1+( Pla#%
Bisleri as the first to market bottled ater in a totally virgin market and naturally people associate the brand ith bottled ater. /o Bisleri is perhaps already ten steps ahead of its competitors and ill endeavour to iden its gap in the times to come. BisleriGs brand positioning stresses on pure' clean and safe drinking ater. %ome of the future plans to maintain the top spot that Bisleri commands in the &ndian market are4 /e pack si5es in bottles and cups

&ncrease the distribution net ork $77 crores

ith an investment of over

%trengthen presence in traditionally eak areas by setting up +$ ne bottling facilities at a cost of 1s. +67 crores

:: T -3#/l/'$ D < l/pm #1%

To make sure that the product that reaches the consumer is al ays of highest standard and also meets international standards' Bisleri has al ays been involved in improving its product packaging. 8ne such recent development is 13 1amp ( p(//, &( aB a0a$ % al. Bisleri also recognises the need to produce environment friendly products and is orking on the )BT pro#ect. T3 &( aB a0a$ % al: >eeping in mind the consumerGs need to recognise a genuine product that cannot be tampered ith' Bisleri developed the break a ay seal. The unique cap has been patented and cannot be duplicated or tampered ith. This technology development in the product ensures that the consumer ill only get a highly safe product hen they consume Bisleri packaged drinking ater. P(/.+-1 pa-Ba'!#': To ensure purity of the bottled ater' the bottles that are used are blo n and filled at the factory itself' to avoid contamination.

T3 PET R -$-l!#' P(/; -1:

Bisleri is eAtremely conscious of environmental issues' since )BT bottles are not biodegradable and not easy to dispose. The company

is currently orking on the )BT recycling pro#ect' here they ill collect bottles from various places' crush and shred them. This shredded material ill then be made into ropes ' )BT containers for the non;food industry and other )BT items like polyester fibre' flo er vase' gift items etc.

Bisleri is totally safe " protects you from all diseases. Bisleri is trusted by 67 lakhs households across the country. Bisleri is the brand leader in bottled ater category.
The water is purified through six stages of purification process that includes reverse osmosis and Ozonation.

ater borne

W3$ B!%l (! !% p+( ?

At B&%FB1& plants ' ater undergoes multi E stage purification process to ensure proper blend of minerals and complete removal of microorganisms and toAic substances. %o a habit of drinking )*1B and %A3B B&%FB1& ill ensure a healthy life


Traditional process of boiling ater for purification has its limitations.&t is time consuming. 3or boiling ' ater has to be heated to +77 deg.0elsius. Also ' to kill microbes ater should be boiled continuously for a minimum of $7 minutes. Boiling may kill the microbes but can not remove other physical impurities and toAic substances. Many home appliances are available in market for ater purification. These gadgets use either filtration technique or *ltra Hiolet rays or a combination of the t o techniques. These techniques do not guarantee +77 = purity of ater. 3iltration removes only the visible suspended particles and not the minute ' invisible particles ' toAic substances or microorganisms. The filters are cleaned rarely and all the muck accumulates inside leading to more contamination. &deally such filters need to be cleaned every day hich is cumbersome. *ltra Hiolate rays kill the microbes but cannot ensure removal of toAic substances and physical impurities. These purification equipment are incomplete and need continuous monitoring and maintenance. At B&%FB1& ' through our multi E stage purification process e ensure removal of toAic substances as ell as physical and microbiological impurities. &n our state;of;the;art processing plants e follo rigorous (ood Manufacturing )ractices and strict Iuality Assurance norms so each and every bottle of B&%FB1& is made tasty' pure and safe for the consumer. PROTECT YOUR HEALTH WITH BISLERI WHICH USES 8 STAGES OF PURIFICATION


CHLORINATION : >ills micro organisms. 1emove organic matter. ARKAL FILTER : 1emoves suspended matter and turbidity. CARBON FILTER :1emoves residual chlorine " odours

REVERSE OSMOSIS : 1emoves organic material.0ontrols total dissolved solids in the ater. MICRON FILTRATION: Additional safety measures of filtration. OZONATION : Bnsures ater remains bacteria free for longer shelf life.

:: P(/.+-1 J Pa-Ba'!#'
Bisleri is available in a range of si5es.

The Bisleri bottled ater range comprises the conventional ?>> ml) /# l!1( ) 62@ l!1( a#. 10/ l!1( &/11l %K ,!< l!1( and @> l!1( ;a(% for the home segment' and smaller packs si5es of @?> ml -+p% a#. ==> ml &/11l %' though in very limited numbers for no .



Bisleri %pring -ater ; %till<%parkling PARTICULARS T.% )h 3actor 0alcium 0hlorides Bicarbonate Magnesium /itrate %ulphates Dardness M'Ll!1( +97 ?.$ +,.9 $$ 6C ?.C $ +@., 99.+



.rinking Making tea' coffee' lassi' cold drinks' miAing ith drinks >neading the dough 0ooking MiAing ith baby foods MiAing ith medicines .


6787: Buys Bisleri bottled ater from an &talian company' 3elice Bisleri. &t as bottled in glass bottles then. Ea(l$:679>%: %hifts to )H0 bottles. %ales surge M!.:679>%: % itches to )BT bottles' transparency and life for ater. hich meant more

677=: %ells carbonated drink brands like Thums *p' (old %pot and Fimca to 0oca;0ola for 1s 277 crore. 677?: Bisleri launches a 677 ml bottle and sales shoot up by 277 per cent. @>>>: &ntroduces the $7;litre container to bring prices do n from 1s +7 a litre to 1s $ a litre.

6779: &ntroduces a tamper;proof and tamper;evident seal. @>>>: B&% cancels BisleriGs licence of a ater bottling in .elhi since some of the bottles did not carry &%& label: the licence is restored one;and;a;half months later. @>>@: >inley overtakes Bisleri. The national retail stores audit by 81(;MA1( sho >inleyGs marketshare at ,6.+ per cent compared to BisleriGs ,2.2 per cent. @>>=: Bisleri says it plans to venture out into Burope and America to sell bottled ater

:: V!%!/#
A ma#or' diversified' transitional' integrated consumer product manufacturing company' ith /ational Feadership and a strong environment conscience' playing a national role in safe ater and Agro based drinks.

:: M!%%!/#
To provide the highest quality product' keeping in mind all aspects including freshness' purity and safety' and making it easily available to the consumer at a very affordable price. To achieve international standards of eAcellence in all aspects of energy and diversified business ith focus on consumer delight through value and services of product and cost reduction. To enhance capital and fiAed assets of the group to challenges and tough market trends. ithstand

To attain leadership in developing' adopting and assimilating state or art technology for competitive advantage.

To provide better quality of product and services through sustained market research and product development. To foster a culture of participation and innovation for employee gro th and contribution. To cultivate high standards of business ethics' and total quality management for a strong corporate identity and brand equity ith continuous and positive gro th. To help enrich the quality of life of all the communities specially the neglected ones and preserve ecological balance and heritage through a strong environment conscience.

The mineral ater industry is in a churn. The market is proving to inning. 8nly time ill

be yet another battlefield for an ongoing battle bet een the . %!% and the M/0s. %o far' M/0s have been tell hat the final outcome ill be but & strongly feel that here too' in. Though the fate

like in all other markets' M/0s are going to &ndian companies A fe

ill suffer at the hands of these M/0s makes ater market had been cra ling at

me sad' the choices the consumers ill have makes me happy. years back' the mineral the rate of ,;2=' or even a lo er figure. &ndians carried drinking ater in earthen pitchers' plastic or )*3 bottles. But increasing

cases of typhoid and other mineral

aterborne diseases began to be

reported. &n addition to this' liberali5ation happened and the ater industry began to be stirred and shaken. The market ere very fe players in the market meant that their ater. The market today has started gro ing an astounding rate of over +77= per anuum. The fact that there business gre name and is no by leaps and bounds. B!%l (! became a household generic for bottled

gro n to 1s++bn. The organised sector ;; branded mineral ater ;; has only 1s6bn of market share. The rest is accounted for by the unorgani5ed sector hich is dominated by small regional players. The market is still gro ing E at a rate greater than C7= per annum. &n the branded segment' B!%l (! is the market leader as it continues to lead in the 1s ?77;+'777 crore organised' packaged market >inley at $C per cent and Aquafina ater ith an estimated 27 per cent market share' follo ed by ith an ++ per cent share. &n

terms of volumes' the /orth and -est remain BisleriGs biggest performing markets' despite the brandGs sustained national;level presence The boom in the market has also encouraged unscrupulous players to gain an entry. &n the name of mineral ater' a number of regional players have even started selling plain tap ater. Many people have fallen sick after drinking this ater. The common man!s faith in the product as put off. %ensing the up spurious mineral

as shaken. Do ever' not everyone

opportunity that this segment holds' M/0s have begun to dra


plans to enter the market' but not

ithout testing the

aters first. as )epsiGs

They carried out the appropriate feasibility studies. Do ever' among the first to challenge BisleriGs near monopoly 0oca;0ola &ndia!s >inley. The first entrant in the bulk ater category as Bisleri' hile 0oke' through >inley' entered the segmen 2 years ago. 8ver the past five years or so' Bisleri has become a ma#or player in the bulk ater segment in the bulk ater;starved southern states. The $7;litre ater packs are targeted at the institutional and the home A*+aF!#a follo ed by stiff competition from )arle!s Bisleri and

segment. )epsi is aiming to make its brand available throughout the country soon. The company has also ruled out entering the bulk ater segment in &ndia. Mean hile' the action is all in 0oca;0olas bulk ater business. The $7;litre bulk ater packs are targeted at the institutional and the home segment


BISLERI Bisleri announced the re;launch of its $7;litre home pack ith a more Jconsumer;friendly formatK in thread fitting and valve cap' against the conventional snap;on fittings. The eAisting $7;litre


Bisleri packs are no


ithdra n and the rollout of the ne ater market has gro n in the past fe

#ars' priced bet een 1s 27;97' is on. Bisleri!s focus on the bulk years' mainly o ing to the stiff competition posed by innumerable brands in the packaged bottled ater market. /ot only are there big multinational players like 0oke ith their huge distribution net orks' regional players eAist side by side' en#oying local clout. Bisleri continues to lead in the 1s ?77;+'777 crore organised' packaged ater market ith an estimated 27 per cent market share' follo ed by >inley at $C per cent and Aquafina ith an ++ per cent share. &n terms of volumes' the /orth and -est remain BisleriGs biggest performing markets' despite the brandGs sustained national;level presence the fact remains that the ne ater segment. 8nly three years ago' the bottled estimated at about 1s ,77 crore' of dominant C7 per cent share. To ensure Bisleri packaged drinking ater is held safe free from contaminations' ultraviolet treatment and o5onisation process is carried out. 85one is unstable trivalent oAygen' a very po erful bactericide ith no side effect' as it disintegrates into oAygen ater ater is packaged' thereby ensuring safety of ithin couple of hours %terili5ation effect of o5onised continues even after kids on the as block are nibbling a ay at BisleriGs stranglehold over the bottled ater market hich Bisleri commanded a

Bisleri up to its final packing. To ensure high quality of packing


materials' components like caps and bottles are manufactured in; house from resins of quality suppliers. (ood Manufacturing )ractices are stringently follo ed at all times. )rocessing is religiously monitored at every stage. Testing source ater' processing parameters' microbial quality' packaging material integrity and finally' shelf life studies' forms an integral part of quality and safety assurance plan.

S1( #'13%:
0ore business of company. 3irst mover in this business since +@9@. (ood brand a areness and brand positioning. Available in different packs like cups' 677 ml' + lit' +.$ lit' $ lit' 6 lit and $7 lit. Das become generic name in the mineral ater market.


Availability of Bisleri in all over &ndia facility.

ith solid infrastructure

3ocus on customer orientation through lo price strategy. )roduct differentiation by introducing patented break cap. Best service and proper response to dealers and customers. ay seal

W aB# %%:
Fack of brand loyalty as M/0!s are entering the market like /estle!s )urelife' )epsi!s Aquafina. Fack of (lobal A areness in brand. Fack of proper advertising to create brand a areness. Market coverage is not fully utili5ed. &nstitutional sales are not penetrated properly. Fack of technological up gradation.


&ndian bottled ater industry is still at gro th stage. &nfluence of tourists and eApatriates. Bisleri as a daughter company of )arle has a strong presence in &ndia. *nreliable municipal ater quality. )eople are becoming health conscious.

T3( a1%:
/umbers of players like >inley and other local players are present in the market have already captured the market. Tough competition from M/0Gs like 0oke " )epsi. 3luctuation in sales due to seasonality.


Focal manufacturers of the industry.

ho refill used bottle Dampers the image

-ater filters and soft drink industry is a ma#or threat to industry. 0oke and )epsi are already having strong distribution net ork in bottle ater industry ith their o n fleet of trucks " vans.

B!%l (! '/ % '( # #a1+(all$

%& 'cto!er %&&(

N 0 D l3!: The 1amesh 0hauhan;promoted Bisleri &nternational' hich pioneered the packaged drinking ater business in &ndia' catering to consumersG need to have hygienic drinking ater hile on the move or even at home' is literally changing its colours and going for a makeover. The brand that as till no marketed as packaged drinking ater (cleaned through reverse osmosis) ill no be available in a naturalavatar. Bisleri &nternational ill invest 1s+77 crore for the pro#ect hich constitutes a 1s27; crore investment in t o plants in *ttaranchal and Dimachal )radesh in line eApansion' Bisleri &nternational chairman 1amesh 0hauhan said. The plants ill come up neAt year. 0hauhan said the rest of the investment of about 1s97 crore

ould go into infrastructure development. The investment be funded through internal accruals.


Faunching GBisleri /atural Mountain -aterG he said the company as looking for four more locations from here e look to source natural ater. The likely locations ould be in %outh and -est &ndia he said. Bisleri has $, plants across the country producing bottled ater. Bisleri /atural Mountain ater ill be available in aqua green packaging against the blue packaging of old and ill be available in siA si5es. The company is also planning an aggressive marketing and advertising campaign ith a t o;year budget of 1s97 crore. 0hauhan said the ne packaging has been adopted in order to stand apart from the others and in 0hauhanGs ords' LAs leader' e ant to differentiate ourselves and hence have adopted this aquagreen colour'L he said. )riced at a significant premium to packaged ater /atural Mountain -ater ill be available for 1s$7 per litre. The natural ater segment' hich accounts for about 6 per cent of the total bottled ater segment' is eApected to gro by leaps and bounds as health a areness and disposable incomes rise. According to the company the foray into spring ater ill be follo ed by an entry into the packaged ice segment (Bisleri &ce) as ell into flavoured' vitamin and sparkling ater categories. The company is said to be setting up 1". facilities for ice and studying various packaging options. 1amesh 0hauhan' chairman' Bisleri &nternational eApects to sell +7 million cases of Bisleri Mountain -ater over the neAt t o years; a turnover of 1s$77 crore. The bottled ater industry is orth 1s+'777 crore in &ndia and is gro ing at 27 per cent per annum. &t is pro#ected to reach 1s6'777 crore by $7+7. The main players in the spring ater segment are Dimalaya' 0atch and Feh Berry. At present Dimalaya leads the segment ith a 67;per cent market share.


Bisleri claims to have a 27;per cent market share of the organi5ed packaged ater market. The natural spring ater market is very small and accounts for 6 per cent of the entire segment. Bisleri is pro#ecting a turnover of 1s,77 crore this financial year' as against 1s$$7 crore last year. 0hauhan says he is also preparing for an entry into the *% market ith his spring ater and is talks ith *% authorities for this. De ould not eAport &ndia;bottled Bisleri into *%' but ould set up a bottling operation there as transportation costs are a huge obstacle in sourcing the product from &ndia. L-e are in the process of getting the regulatory approvals for the venture'L 0hauhan said. De said Bisleri as at par ith companies in the developed orld as far as meeting international standards ere concerned.

>inley -aterEa product of the 0oca;0ola 0ompany;is the established market leader in the drinking ater segement. A product offering of the -orld!s /o. + beverage company' >inley -ater is brought to Mou ith the time;tested eApertise of the 0oca; 0ola. Backing >inley -ater' is the promise of delivering NTrust in every .rop!. >inley -ater!s $6 litre bubble top containers made of FeAan; a polycarbonate polymer (plastic) that is made specially for the purpose. *nlike other brands >inley bubble tops are made from )lastic. hich use recycled plastic' hat is kno n as Hirgin


&n addition to this' >inley offers >inley ater dispensers. These ater dispensers come in four basic models. The ater dispensers are ergonomically designed to suit both domestic as ell commercial requirements. 1efrigerator Model ith Dot and 0old facility Dot and 0old Model 0ompacta


A.<a#1a' % /, K!#l $:
(ood brand positioning. Available in different packs like 677 ml' + ltr' $ ltr' 6 ltr and $7 ltr. Basy availability of product in all over &ndia after Bisleri ith solid infrastructure facility. Benefit as a product of 0oca;0ola.


3ocusing on institutional sales to create brand a areness aggressively. *se of technological up gradation.

D!%a.<a#1a' /, K!#l $:
Fack of proper service to customers. Fack of strong infrastructure. /on;availability of a variety of range like Bisleri. 3ocus on distributors not on small retailers.

)epsi0o &ndia launched the packaged youth. The brand no ater bottle brand Aquafina

about five years ago in a ?67;ml pack' basically targeting the retails in conventional retail pack si5es of 677;ml and +;litre bottle Aquafina!s market share in the retail segment is estimated at about +$ per cent and it remains to be seen ho penetrating the bulk )epsi0o succeeds in ater market. )epsi 3oods' too' eApects its

Aquafina brand to turn national by the year;end. LBisleri is the


market leader and a good brand that has been built over the years. But e are gradually consolidating our bottled ater business' even if our positioning is some hat different'L says )epsi 3oodGs official spokesperson.

A.<a#1a' % /, A*+a,!#a:
%trong distribution net ork. (ood brand a areness and brand positioning. Available in different packs like 677 ml' ?67 ml' + ltr. Basy availability of product in all over &ndia. Benefits as a product of )epsi. 3ocusing on institutional sales to create brand a areness. *se of technological up gradation.

D!%a.<a#1a' % /, A*+a,!#a:
0ompared to Bisleri and >inley the service from Aquafina is not satisfactory.


Fack of strong infrastructure. /on;availability of a variety of range. Market coverage is not proper. 3ocus on holesalers not on small retailers.





60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Bisleri Kinley Aqufina Others

Nam /, B(a#. Bisleri E Most )reffered >inley Aquafina

C/#%+m ( p( , ( #- % 97= $7= +$=





40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Always
Al0a$% $7=

O,1 # $?=

S/m 1!m % ,C=

N < ( +6=

According to t ! "#r$!% cond#ct!d in D!& i ' it" Ncr it ()" )n)&%*!d t )t +,- o. t ! /in!r)& ()t!r #"!r" go in .or )n occ)"ion)& #"! ( i&! t !r! )r! "ti&& 01o. t ! r!"2ond!nt" ( o n!$!r go .or 2)c3)g!d ()t!r4



60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% "ineral #ater Soft $rin%s

M!# (al 0a1 ( 66=

S/,1 .(!#B 26=

D!t!r/ining ( !t !r6 in ) t ir"t condition6 )n )$!r)g! indi$id#)& o2t" .or /in!r)& ()t!r or "o.t drin36 on! c)n o7"!r$! t )t t ! r)tio i" 8#it! "i/i&)r "ti&& /or! 2r!.!rring Min!r)& ()t!r4



50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

0 to 2

3 to 5

6 to 10

10 & a'o!e

B(a#.% 7E$ ,E6 9 E +7 +7 and above

R %p/#. #1% 27= 67= +7= 7

T ! o7"!r$)tion " o(" t )t /o"t o. t ! 2!o2&! 3no( on&% )7o#t t ! /)in 7r)nd" ( ic )r! o(n!d 7% t ! 60% 7ig co/2)ni!" )nd )r! )d$!rti"!d #g!&%4 M)in&% + 91 50% on&% co/!" to t ! /ind" o. t ! c#"to/!r in 7r)nd" r!g)rd" to /in!r)& ()t!r4 40%

0(5 ltr

1 ltr

5 ltr

20 ltr


S!" /, B/11l H!# l1(%2I 7.6 ltr + ltr 6 ltr $7 ltr Total
60% 50%

C/#%+m ( p( , ( #- % 97= $7= 6= +6= +77=

0*%T8MB1% )1B3B1B/0B% 1B(A1.&/( 30% )1&0B -81TD 83 M&/B1AF -ATB1

20% 10% 0%



R %p/#. #15% <! 0 F /, ( %p/#. #1%

Mes 2$=

/o 6C=

T ! o7"!r$)tion " o(" t )t /o"t o. t ! 2!o2&! )r! not )22% 2)%ing t ! 2ric!6 t ! co/2)ni!" )r! c )rging .or t ! 2rod#ct4 T !% .!!& t )t t ! 2ric! " o#&d 7! ) &itt&! &o(!r4



54% 52% 50% 48% 46% 44% 42% )es o

R %p/#. #1% p (- p1!/# F /, ( %p/#. #1%





T ! o7"!r$)tion " o(" t )t /o"t o. t ! 2o2#&)tion" 7#% t ! Min!r)& ()t!r <#"t .or t ! ")3! o. 7#%ing it r)t !r t )n 7#%ing it d#! to it" )d$!rti"ing4 ;!r% .!( 2!o2&! )r! )ct#)&&% )..!ct!d 7% t ! )d$!rti"!/!nt o. t ! 2rod#ct4 In t ! int!rior 2)rt"6 2!o2&! ( o do not ()tc /#c o. ) T; g!n!r)&&% do!" not 3no( t ! i/2ort)nc! o. )d"4 So t !% 7#% it on&% .or t ! ")3! o. 7#%ing it4



80% *0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% )es o

Y % ?,=

N/ $?=

T ! o7"!r$)tion " o(" t )t /o"t o. t ! 2o2#&)tion in D!& i ' it" NCR no( ) d)%" i" g!tting H!)&t Con"cio#"4 T ! r!)"on 7!ing t ! 3no(&!dg! o. t ! .)ct t )t t ! nor/)& ()t!r ( ic (! g!t i" not )&()%" $!r% %gi!nic )nd /)% c)#"! /)n% di"!)"!"4



*0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A+!ertise+ on,a+!ertise+ Both

A.< (1!% . ,6=

N/#:A.< (1!% . 6=

B/13 97=

According to "#r$!%6 +1- o. r!t)i&!r go in .or )d$!rti"!d 2rod#ct" )nd non=)d$!rti"!d 2rod#ct" do not )$! )n% (!ig t Aro#nd >?- r!t)i&!r 7!&i!$! in t ! co/7in)tion o. 7ot @)d$!rti"!d )nd non= )d$!rti"!d $!r"ionA4 T ! "#r$!% ()" 7)"!d on r!t)i&!r"4



60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0(5 -tr 1 -tr 5 -tr 20 -tr

S!" /, &/11l F /, ( %p/#. #1%

7.6 ltr 97=

+ ltr $7=

6 ltr 6=

$7 ltr +6=

S#r2ri"ing&% 7ot ?41 Ltr )nd 0 Ltr $!r"ion )r! "!&&ing (!&& 7#t 1 &tr )r! "!&&ing $!r% &!"" )" co/2)r!d to ot !r"4



60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A+!ertise+ on, a+!ertise+ Both

R 1a!l (5% <! 0 F /, ( 1a!l (

Y % 9?=

N/ ,,=

L)"t .i$! %!)r "!!n ) tr!/!ndo#" gro(t in t ! /in!r)& ()t!r "!g/!nt4 T ! gro(t r)t! )" 7!!n $!r% ig 6 o(ing to incr!)"!d !)&t con"cio#"n!"" )/ong"t t ! 2o2#&)tion6 )ri"ing .ro/ "c)rcit% o. 2ot)7&! drin3ing ()t!r4



45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% ./0ellent 1oo+ A!era2e 3oor

R 1a!l (5% p( .!-1!/# F /, ( 1a!l (%

ED- ll #1


A< (a'






S)t#r)tion .or /in!r)& ()t!r /)r3!t i" !B2!ct!d (it in t ! n!Bt 1 %!)r" ).t!r ( ic t ! /)r3!t (i&& "t)7i&i*! .ro/ tod)%C" 2oint o. $i!( t ! /)r3!t &oo3" 8#it! di"r#2ti$! 7!c)#"! o. !)$% co/2!tition4


For observing retailers, 20 retailers were identified in some of major areas in the city. Following inferences were drawn . +. &nitially e enquired about the numbers of brands that the

retailers sell and most of them specified not more than , E 2 . This indicates that the retailers p( , ( /#l$ 13 ma!# &(a#.%. $. Most of the retailers usually B p 3!'3l$ a.< (1!% . &(a#.%2 =2 H ( 10/ &a%!- *+ %1!/# a% 1/ 03!-3 &(a#.% a( % ll!#' m/( a#. 03!-3 /# !% & !#' %+ppl! . m/( 0 ( -/m&!# .2 T3 a#%0 ( 0a% /&<!/+% a#. !2 2) 13 /# 03!-3 !% %/l. m/( !% %+ppl! . m/( a#. !1 !% 4B!%l (!5 H!# m/%1 -a% %I2 2. The retailers! ans ers as to eAceptions. 6. &t as a miAed reaction of the retailers hen asked about the hich %!" of bottle is selling more

ere inclined to ards the 6 l1(2 a#. ?>> ml bottles ith certain

3!'3 %1 ma('!# pa!. to them by a company out of +77 27= ; Bisleri $7= ; >inley +6= ; Aquafina



0ampaign' stalls to beat local brands " create a areness. R 1a!l (% # . 1/ -/#- #1(a1 /# 6 and $7 litr bottle hich

can be possible only if properly advertised " home delivery of #ars are done to the #. -+%1/m (%. The ma(B 1 !% 1// -/#' %1 . and confused in the .elhi " its /cr region' so the company should properly promote " strengthen the distribution channel to survive the competition.


After analysis of the data " facts e have collected from consumer " the retailers " matching them ith the ob#ectives one can say that 13 ( !% < ($ '//. ,+1+( ,/( m!# (al 0a1 ( ma(B 12 S/,1 .(!#B ma(B 1 m!'31 & %/m 13( a1 1/ 13 m!# (al 0a1 ( a1 p( % #1 but ithin fe years the scenario is going to change. Trend signifying increasing health consciousness amongst &ndians could also be observed. Market has seen a tremendous gro th from the early nineties " no it is increasing by ?7= to @7= every year so one can easily say there is great potential in the mineral ater market. &t could also be observed that 13 l!<!#' %1a#.a(.% /, 13 P /pl !mp(/<!#' J a% 13 $ a( & -/m!#' 3 al13 -/#%-!/+% a( ( a.$ 1/ pa$ ,/( 0a1 ( #/02 8n the question of survival of so many companies government has made policies " restrictions from April $77+ hich ill force many manufactures to shut do n their factories. But due to potential in the market companies ith quality product ill survive. 3inally from the data collected at both primary and secondary level one can confidently say that Bisleri as packaged current market leader. ater brand is the



GUESTIONS G 62H/0 /,1 # ./ $/+ -/#%+m m!# (al 0a1 (? a) Al ays c) 8ften b) %ometimes d) /ever

G @2 W3 # , ll!#' 13!(%1$ $/+ /p1 ,/(? a) Mineral ater b) %oft drink

G =2 H/0 ma#$ &(a#.% /, m!# (al 0a1 ( a( $/+ a0a( /,? a) 7;$ c) 9;+7 b) ,;6 d) +7 and above


G E2 U#. ( 03a1 -!(-+m%1a#- % $/+ /p1 ,/( m!# (al 0a1 (? a) -hile traveling b) .uring parties' meeting' seminars c) -hen drinking ater is not available d) .uring illness e) 8thers G?2 W3!-3 %!" /, &/11l ./ $/+ p( , (? a)677 ml c) 6 ltr b) +ltr. d) $7 ltr

G82 D/ $/+ 13!#B m!# (al 0a1 ( !% m+-3 m/( 3$'! #!- 13a# #/(mal 0a1 (? a) Mes b)/o

GM2 D/ $/+ 13!#B 13 p(!- 13 -/mpa#! % a( -3a('!#') !% 0/(13 13 p(/.+-1? a) Mes b) /o


G92 D/ % a.< (1!%!#' /, 13!% p(/.+-1 3a% a#$ ,, -1 /# $/+( p+(-3a% ? a) Mes b) /o

G7. D/ $/+ 13!#B I#.!a#% a( ' 11!#' m/( 3 al13 -/#%-!/+% .a$ &$ .a$ ? a)Mes b) /o

G6>. W3!-3 &(a#. ./ $/+ p( , ( 03!l &+$!#' m!# (al 0a1 (? a) Bisleri c) Aquafina b) >inley d) other


/ame of the respondentOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Address of the respondentOOOOOOOOOOOO 0ontact no.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

GUESTIONS G62 H/0 ma#$ &(a#.% /, m!# (al 0a1 ( ./ $/+ % ll H%p -!,$I? a) $;, c) More G@2 W3a1 1$p % /, &(a#.% ./ $/+ 3a< ? a) Advertised c) Both G=2 W3!-3 &(a#. !% % ll!#' m/( ? a) Bisleri c) >inley b) Aquafina d) 8thers b) /on;Advertised b) ,;6

GE2 W3!-3 %!" /, &/11l !% % ll!#' m/( ? a) 677 ml b) + ltr


c) 6 ltr

d) $7 ltr

G?2 O# 03!-3 &(a#. ./ $/+ ' 1 m/( ma('!#%? a) Bisleri c) >inley b) Aquafina d) 8thers

G 82 D/ $/+ , l 13 ( !% '(/013 !# 13 m!# (al 0a1 ( ma(B 1 !# 13 la%1 ? $ a(%? a) Mes b) /o

G M2 W3a1 !% 13 ,+1+( p(/%p -1 /, 13!% ma(B 1? a) BAcellent c) *nlike b) (ood d) )oor


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VISUAL MEDIANN2 0able /et ork &nternet Britannica Bncyclopedia


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