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LEASE AGREEMENT In , on , 20__

BETWEEN For one party, Mr age, domiciled for the purposes of notifications at , of legal

holder of Passport or National Identity Document (DNI) number

( ereinafter !The Owner.)

For the other party, Mr age, domiciled for the purposes of notifications at , of legal

holder of Passport or National Identity Document (DNI) number

( ereinafter !The Tenant.)

"oth parties recognise they ha#e sufficient legal capacity to enter into this act and freely,

WITNESSETH $% I. order* &hereas, the '(ner is the o(ner of the follo(ing property in perfect (or)ing

HOUSE * +ddress*

'n the conditions and (ith the furniture and ser#ices described and photographed on the (eb page (((%rentalia%com, (ith reference number to the agreement). ,he ouse is clean, in perfect (or)ing order, conser#ation and habitability, and the (see printout attached

utilities and ser#ices it has are in (or)ing order% II. "oth parties ha#e agreed to enter into the seasonal lease of the property described abo#e, so they hereby arrange this agreement, that shall be go#erned by terms of the follo(ing


ONE. OB!E T ,he '(ner hereby cedes on seasonal lease, for the term that shall be stated herein, to the ,enant, (ho accepts, the property described and the furniture described in -ecital I% ,his lease constitutes a .easonal /ease due to holidays, as foreseen in article 0%2 of +ct 212$113 on 4rban ,enancy of a house, and under no circumstances and situation shall it gi#e rise to lease of the ob5ect of this contract on a continued basis%

TWO. RENT AN" "E#OSIT $.% ,he net rent for the season is 6uros, that shall be paid as follo(s*

278 of the preceding price, paid as a deposit at the moment of reser#ing the property% -emaining 978 to be paid prior to the ,enant entering the property%


Prior to entering the property, the ,enant shall deli#er the landlord:s deposit of 6uros, as stipulated in article 0; of the /+4% ,hat landlord:s deposit shall be returned at the end of the /ease, once the home is chec)ed%


,his agreement is granted for the season of re<uired, on th

days, from the

th of

, at $2%00 pm, and (ill be automatically terminated (ithout any notice being , at $2%00 pm, and the ,enant must deli#er the )eys prior to that moment%

,he ,enant must lea#e the property in the state in (hich it (as found, lea#ing it free of items and belongings and (ith the utilities a#ailable and the furniture and ob5ects stated in -ecital I in perfect (or)ing order, (ithout an e=tension thereof being permissible, unless agreed in (riting bet(een the parties%

FOUR. OBLIGATIONS OF THE #ARTIES 3%$ 3%2 ,he ,enant is obliged to conser#e the agreed bet(een both parties% ,he ,enant may not perform disturbing, unhealthy, no=ious, ha>ardous, illicit acts, or those that breach the -ules of the Neighbours: +ssociation on the premises% Nor may flammable, e=plosi#e or corrosi#e materials be stored in the home and2or mercantile or industrial acti#ities be performed% 3%0 ,he ,enant shall be directly and e=clusi#ely responsible and (ai#es the o(ner of all responsibility for* i) ii) 3%3 Damages that may be caused to persons or property arising from the installations of the ser#ices and utilities in the house leased by season% Damages, deterioration or loss caused to it, either caused by the ,enant or by the persons li#ing together in the house% ,he ,enant may not perform building (or), nor ma)e any modifications at all (ithout the (ritten permission of the /andlord% 4nder no circumstances may the (alls be drilled or holed% 3%7 ,he '(ner shall maintain the supplies of (ater, electricity, gas etc%, up to date (ith payment and in full operation, as (ell as the insurance of the house up to date% ouse in perfect conditions during the term freely

FI&E. WAI&ERS. ,he ,enant (ai#es the rights set forth in articles 0$ to 00 of the 4rban ,enancy +ct, and thus the rights of lease, subrogation, cession, transferral, (hether total or partial, pre?empti#e offering and (ithdra(al, and the right to impugn con#eyance%

SI'. #ENALISATION LAUSE @ailure to fulfil the obligation to lea#e the ouse (ithin the term agreed shall ma)e the ,enant

liable to pay a penalisation of a sum e<ui#alent to triple the daily rent, accrued by (ee)s elapsed until free a#ailability of the home to the /andlord, not(ithstanding the costs, e=penses and other compensation that may be due, including the fees of la(yers and procurator, although their inter#ention may not be re<uired%

SE&EN. !URIS"I TION AN" A##LI ABLE LAWS. ,he parties hereto submit to the 5urisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals of the place (here the ouse is located, e=pressly renouncing their o(n 5urisdiction% ,he la(s of .pain are applicable, specifically the current 4rban ,enancy +ct%

"oth parties hereby ratify this agreement and sign duplicate copies hereof, to a sole effect, in the place and on the date first (ritten abo#e%

The Owner

The Tenant



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