Sains K1 Soalan

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SULIT Sains Kertas 1 Latih Tubi 2011 1 Jam



SAINS Kertas 1 Satu jam lima belas minit

JAN#AN BUKA KERTAS S$ALAN INI SE!IN##A IBERITA!U 1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa 2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di halaman 2

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 23 halaman bercetak



1. 2. 3. %. .

This question paper consists of ! question. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. "nswer a)) question. Jawab semua soalan. "nswer each question b# blackening the correct space on the objecti$e answer sheet. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan ang betul !ada kertas "awa!an ob"ekti#. &lacken onl# *ne space for each question. $itamkan satu ruangan saha"a bagi setia! "awa!an. 'f #ou wish to change #our answer( erase the blackened mark that #ou ha$e made. Then blacken the space for the new answer. %ekiran a anda hendak menukar "awa!an& !adamkan tanda ang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan "awa!an ang baru.

). *.

The diagrams in the question pro$ided are not drawn to scale unless stated. 'a"ah ang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala ke(uali din atakan. +ou ma# use a non,programmable scientific calculator. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator sainti#ik ang tidak boleh de!rogram.


+Lihat sebe)ah,

3 1. -iagram 1 shows a t#pe of neurone.

'a"ah ) menun"ukkan se"enis neuron.

-iagram 1
'a"ah )

.hat is the function of this neurone/

A!akah #ungsi neuron ini*


Carries an impulse from receptor to central ner$ous s#stem

Membawa im!uls dari rese!tor ke sistem sara# !usat

Carries an impulse from effectors to central ner$ous s#stem

Membawa im!uls dari e#ektor ke sistem sara# !usat

Carries an impulse from central ner$ous s#stem to effectors

Membawa im!uls dari sistem sara# !usat ke e#ektor

Carries an impulse from central ner$ous s#stem to receptor

Membawa im!uls dari sistem sara# !usat ke rese!tor


The following information shows the parts that are in$ol$ed when a student immediatel# jerks awa# his hand when it is pricked b# a sharp needle.
Maklumat berikut menun"ukkan bahagian ang terlibat a!abila seorang !ela"ar men entak tangann a dengan segera a!abila terkena "arum ang ta"am.

0 , 5ffector

4 , 6eceptor

1 , Sensor# neurone
Neuron deria

3 , 0otor neurone
Neuron motor

2 , 6ela# neurone
Neuron !erantaraan

.hich of the following impulse pathwa#s is correct /

Antara laluan im!uls ang berikut& ang manakah betul *

". 0 1 2 3 4 &. 4 1 2 3 0 1511/2 +Lihat sebe)ah,

% C. 4 3 2 1 0 -. 1 3 2 4 0 3. -iagram 2 shows a structure of human brain

'a"ah , menun"ukkan struktur otak manusia.

A & B

-iagram 2
'a"ah ,

.hich part of the brain controls the peristalsis process/

Antara berikut& bahagian manakah ang mengawal !roses !eritalsis*


-iagram 3 shows endocrine glands.

'a"ah - menun"ukkan kelen"ar endokrin.

B &

-iagram 3
'a"ah -

.hich of the following glands "(&( C and - secretes hormones when one is in danger/
Manakah antara kelen"ar A& .& C dan / merembeskan hormon a!abila seseorang dalam baha a*

-iagram 1! shows the different stages in cell di$ision in meiosis. +Lihat sebe)ah,


'a"ah )0 menun"ukkan !eringkat0!eringkat dalam !embahagian sel se(ara meiosis.

.hich stage shows crossing o$er process/

1eringkat manakah menun"ukkan !roses !indah silang


The gene for curl# hair 7C8 is dominant to the gene for straight hair 7c8. .hich of the following is the genot#pe of a person who has straight hair/
2en bagi rambut kerinting3C4 adalah dominan ke!ada rambut lurus3(4. Manakah antara berikut adalah genoti! bagi seseorang ang mem!un ai rambut lurus*

" & C -

cc Cc cC CC

*. -iagram shows how a se9 of an offspring is determined in humans.

'a"ah 5 menun"ukkan bagaimana !enentuan seks anak !ada manusia

'a"ah 5


+Lihat sebe)ah,

.hich chromosomes are found in gametes 3 and 2/

Manakah kromosom ang terda!at dalam gamet 1 dan 5*

" & C -

3 22 = > 22 = + %% = > %% = +

2 22 = + 22 = > %% = + %% = >

:. .hich of the following is caused b# gene mutation /

Antara berikut& ang manakah disebabkan oleh mutasi gen *


Albino %indrom /own

& -own;s S#ndrome C Turner;s S#ndrome

%indrom Turner

- Klinefelter;s S#ndrome
%indrom Kline#elter


.hich of the following "( &( C or - represents the process of sublimation/

Antara berikut& A& .& C dan / ang manakah mewakili !roses !eme"alwa!an*


& C -

1!. &ased on the table( which elements are isotopes/

.er!andukan "adual& elemen ang manakah adalah isoto!*


+Lihat sebe)ah,

E)ement 5 ? @ A " & C 5 and ? ? and @ @ and A 5 and A

Nu-)e*n number 12 13 1% 1)

Number *. /r*t*ns ) ) * :

Number *. neutr*n ) * * :

11. The figure below shows the locations of elements 3( 2( 6 and S in the 3eriodic table.
'a"ah di bawah menun"ukkan lokasi unsur 1& 5& ' and % dalam Jadual .erkala.

6 2

.hich two elements possess similar chemical properties/

/ua unsur manakah menun"ukkan si#at kimia ang sama*

" & C -

3 and 2 3 and 6 2 and S 6 and S

12. -istillation can be used to separate

1en ulingan boleh digunakan utuk memisahkan

" 1511/2

water from the salt

air dari!ada larutan garam

+Lihat sebe)ah,

: & C iron from the mi9ture of iron and sand

besi dari!ada (am!uran besi dan !asir

salt from the mi9ture of sand and salt

garam dari!ada (am!uran !asir dan garam

alcohol from the mi9ture of alcohol and water

alkohol dari!ada (am!uran alkohol dan air

13. The figure shows the arrangement of apparatus for electrol#sis molten lead 7''8 bromide
'a"ah menun"ukkan susunan radas untuk elektrolisis leburan !lumbum 3664 bromida. -r# cells %el kering Switch suis Carbon electrodes +lektrod karbon 0olten lead 7''8bromide Leburan !lumbum 3664 bromida

Beat $aba

.hat could be obser$ed at the cathode/

A!a ang akan di!erhatikan di katod*

" & C -

The cathode decreases in mass

Jisim katod berkurang

&rown $apour is gi$en off

7a! kelabu terhasil

Colourless gas is gi$en off

2as tidak berwarna terhasil

" la#er of shin# sil$er solid is deposited

La!isan !e!e"al !erak berkilat termenda!

1%. The diagram shows an e9periment set up to purif# cooper sheet

'a"ah menun"ukkan susunan eks!erimen untuk menulenkan ke!ingan ku!rum &atter# .ateri


+Lihat sebe)ah,



Switch suis


Solution C Aarutan C

.hat are electrodes > and +( and solution C respecti$el#.

A!akah ang diwakili oleh elektrod 8& 9 dan larutan :*

5lectrode > 'mpure cooper

Ku!rum tak tulen

5lectrode + 'mpure cooper

Ku!rum tak tulen

Solution C Cooper 7''8 sulphate

Ku!rum 3664 sul#at

'mpure cooper
Ku!rum tak tulen

3ure cooper
Ku!rum tulen

Cooper 7''8 sulphate

Ku!rum 3664 sul#at

3ure cooper
Ku!rum tulen

'mpure cooper
Ku!rum tak tulen

Cooper 7''8 sulphate

Ku!rum 3664 sul#at

3ure cooper
Ku!rum tulen

'mpure cooper
Ku!rum tak tulen

Cinc chloride
:ink klorida

1 . The diagram shows the apparatus used to stud# the reaction of calcium with water.
'a"ah menun"ukkan radas ang digunakan untuk mengka"i tindak balas kalsium dengan air. ?as > Test tube Tabung u"i

Eilter funnel Corong turas Calcium Kalsium

?as > " & C 1511/2 turns lime water cloud#

mengeruhkan air ka!ur

turns red litmus paper blue

menukarkan kertas litmus merah ke!ada biru

will burn the glowing wooden splinter

men alakan ka u u"i berbara

gi$es a Dpop; sound when tested with lighted wooden splinter

menghasilkan bun i ;!o!< a!abila diu"i dengan ka u u"i men ala

+Lihat sebe)ah,


1). -iagram 1shows the effect of an electrical charge on radioacti$e radiation.

'a"ah ) menun"ukkan kessan (as elektrik ke atas sinaran radioakti#.

, -

= .hat is the t#pe of radiation shown abo$e/

A!akah "enis sinaran ang ditun"ukkan di atas*

" & C -

"lpha ra#
%inar al#a

?amma ra#
%inar gama

&eta ra#
%inar beta


1*. .hich of the following is the effect of long,term e9posure to radioacti$e substances/
Manakah antara berikut meru!akan kesan "angka !an"ang "ika terdedah ke!ada bahan radioakti#*

" & C -

-iabetes Stroke "lFhemer Cancer

1:. The figure shows a nuclear reaction

'a"ah menun"ukkan tindak balas nu(lear.
Aighter nucleus Nu(leus ringan

6eleased neutrons 1embebasan neutron 4eutron Bea$# nucleus Nu(leus berat Aighter nucleus Nu(leus ringan


+Lihat sebe)ah,

11 4ame the t#pe of nuclear reaction that is taking place.

Namakan "enis tindak balas nu(lear ang terlibat.

" & C -

Eission of h#drogen
1embelahan h drogen

Eission of uranium
1embelahan uranium

Eission of lead
1embelahan !lumbum

Eusion of h#drogen
1elakuran h drogen

1<. 'n a nuclear power station( the component that is used to con$ert nuclear energ# into heat energ# is
/alam stes en "ana kuasa nuklear& kom!onen ang digunakan unuk menukarkan tenaga nu(lear ke!ada tenaga haba ialah

" & C -



heat turbine turbin !emanas reactor


2!. .hich of the following are the characteristics of the image of an object formed b# a plane mirror/
Antara ang berikut& ang manakah meru!akan (iri0(iri ime" suatu ob"ek ang dibentuk oleh (ermin satah /

" & C -

-iminished and $irtual

Menge(il dan ma a

0agnified and upright

Lebih besar dan tegak

Aaterall# in$erted and $irtual

%ongsang sisi dan ma a

Smaller than object and upright

Lebih ke(il dari!ada ob"ek dan tegak

21. -iagram shows a magnif#ing glass.

'a"ah menun"ukkan sebuah kanta !embesar.


&'??56 erge?

+Lihat sebe)ah,


.hat is the distance between the lens and the word &'??56 so that the image formed will be as abo$e diagram/
A!akah "arak antara kanta dengan !erkataan .622+'su!a a ime" terbentuk se!erti ra"ah diatas*

" & C -

Twice the focal length

/ua kali "arak #o(us kanta

Same as the focal length

%ama dengan "arak #o(us kanta

Aonger than the focal length

Lebih besar dari!ada "arak #o(us kanta

Shorter than the focal length

Lebih !endek dari!ada "arak #o(us.

22. -iagram shows a pinhole camera

'a"ah menun"ukkan sebuah kamera lubang "arum.

object image .hat happens to the image if the distance of the object is decreased/
A!akah ang berlaku !ada ime" "ika "arak ob"ek dikurangkan*

" & C -

&ecome smaller
%emakin ke(il

&ecome bigger
%emakin besar

4othing happens
Tiada !erubahan


23. 6ahmah wears a red blouse and green trousers walks under a red light. .hat are the colours of her blouse and trousers/
'ahmah memakai ba"u merah dan seluar hi"au ber"alan di bawah (aha a merah. A!akah warna ba"u dan seluarn a.

" & C 1511/2

B)*use% Baju ' +ellowHKuning 6edHMerah 6edHMerah &lackH$itam

Tr*users % Seluar ' ?reenH$i"au +ellowHKuning &lackH$itam 6edHMerah +Lihat sebe)ah,

13 2%. The diagram shows the word equation of the Baber process.
'a"ah menun"ukkan !ersamaan !erkataan bagi !roses $aber.

'ron Catal#stHMangkin .esi B#drogenH


4itrogenHNitrogen Temperature H %uhu& % !IC


.hat is the use of ammonia in indusrt#/

A!akah kegunaan ammonia dalam industri

" & C -

To produce fertiliFer
Membuat ba"a

To produce sulphuric acid

Membuat asid sul#urik

To produce h#drochloric acid

Membuat hidroklorik asid

To produce chlorofluorocarbon
Membuat kloro#lorokarbon

2 . Chose the correct match between industrial wastes and the method of controlling them.
1ilih !adanan ang betul antara bahan sisa industri dengan (ara !engawalann a.

'ndustrial wastesH %isa industri 1il palm wastesH %isa min ak sawit To9ic wastesH%isa toksik 6adioacti$e wastesH%isa radioakti# Soot and dust=Jelaga dan /ebu

0ethods of controllingHCara !engawalan 1pen burningH1embakaran terbuka Elow out to the ri$erHalirkan ke sungai 6ec#cleHKitar semula 5lectrostatic precipitatorsH1emendak elektrostatik

2). 0icroorganism 8 is found in the intestine of termites to secrete cellulase enF#me for digestion of cellulose into glucose. .hat is microorganism 8/
Mikrookganisma 8 di"um!ai dalam usus anai0anai untuk merembeskan en>im selulase untuk men(ernakan selulosa ke!ada glukosa. A!akah mikroorganisma 8*

" & C -

EungiH Kulat JirusH?irus "lgaeHAlga 3rotoFoaH1roto>oa

2*. -iagram % shows the result of an e9periment to stud# the effect of temperature on bacterial growth.
'a"ah @ menun"ukkan ke!utusan suatu eks!erimen untuk mengka"i kesan suhu terhada! !ertumbuhan bakteria.


+Lihat sebe)ah,


ia0ram 1 Rajah 4 .hat is the optimum temperature for bacterial growth/

A!akah suhu o!timum untuk !ertumbuhan bakteria*

" & C -

!KC 2!KC 3*KC % KC

2:. -iagram < shows the changes of antibodies le$el in blood.

'a"ah A menun"ukkan !erubahan aras antibodi dalam darah.

-iagram <
'a"ah A

.hat is the t#pe of immunit# shown/

A!akah "enis keimunan ang ditun"ukkan*

" 1511/2

4atural acti$e immunit# +Lihat sebe)ah,

Keimunan akti# semula "adi

& C -

4atural passi$e immunit#

Keimunan !asi# semula "adi

"rtificial acti$e immunit#

Keimunan akti# buatan

"rtifical passi$e immunit#

Keimunan !asi# buatan

2<. -iagram shows the root nodules of legume plants.

'a"ah 5 menun"ukkan nodul akar tumbuhan legum.


'a"ah 5

.hich of the following statements is true/

Antara !ern ataan ang berikut& manakah benar*

" & C -

4itrogen,fi9ing bacteria change atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.

.akteria !engikat nitrogen menukarkan gas nitrogen dari atmos#era ke!ada nitrat.

4itrogen,fi9ing bacteria change the nitrates into nitrogen gas.

.akteria !engikat nitrogen menukarkan nitrat ke!ada gas nitrogen.

-enitrif#ing bacteria change atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium ions.

.akteria !endenitritan menukarkan gas nitrogen dari atmos#era ke!ada ion0ion ammonium.

-enitrif#ing bacteria change nitrogen gas into nitrates and nitrites.

.akteria !endenitritan menukarkan gas nitrogen ke!ada nitrat dan nitrit.


.hich of the following diseases is n*t linked to e9cessi$e consumption of high cholesterol food/
Antara !en akit ang berikut& manakah tidak berkaitkan dengan !engambilan makanan berkolesterol tinggi ang berlebihan*

" & C -


"nore9ia ner$osa
Anoreksia nerBosa

Coronar# thrombosis
Trombosis koronari

Bigh blood pressure

Tekanan darah tinggi

31. Table 1 shows the calorific $alue of three t#pes of foods.

Jadual ) menun"ukkan nilai kalori bagi tiga "enis makanan.


Calorific $alueHk@ gL1

Nilai kalori = kJ g0)


+Lihat sebe)ah,

1) &read

1 .! 1! . ! 3 .!
Jadual )


A am

Table 1 "hmad takes breakfast which consists of ! g of bread( 2! g of egg and 3 g of chicken. Calculate the total calorific $alue consumed.
Ahmad makan sara!an ang mengandungi 50 g roti& ,0 g telur dan -5 g daging a am. $itungkan "umlah kalori ang dimakan.

" & C -

1) k@ )!! k@ 1 * k@ 2 1* k@

32. The following information shows the effect of deficienc# of nutrient 8 on plants.
Maklumat berikut menun"ukkan kesan kekurangan nutrien 8 !ada tumbuhan.

D -ark green lea$es

/aun berwarna hi"au tua

D 6ed or purple spots on lea$es.

Tom!ok merah atau ungu !ada daun

D 3oor growth and de$elopment of roots

1erkembangan dan !ertumbuhan akar kurang baik.

.hat is the nutrient 8/

A!akah itu nutrien 8*

" & C -





332 -iagram < shows part of the nitrogen c#cle.

'a"ah A menun"ukkan sebahagian kitar nitrogen.


+Lihat sebe)ah,


-iagram <
'a"ah A

.hich of the following "( &( C and - is the nitrogen,fi9ing bacteria/

Antara A& .& C& dan / ang berikut& manakah ialah bakteria !engikat nitrogen*

3%. .hich the following is a wa# to maintain the balance in nature/

Antara ang berikut& manakah langkah untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan alam*

" & C -

Bunting of animals to preser$e forest.

Memburu haiwan untuk memelihara hutan

3ractising biological control of pests.

Mengamalkan kawalan biologi ke atas !erosak.

Gsing pesticides to control number of insects.

Menggunakan ra(un serangga untuk mengawal bilangan serangga.

-ischarge chemical waste into larger ri$er.

Membuang sisa bahan kimia ke dalam sungai ang lebih besar.

3 . The following list shows a few t#pes of gases.

%enarai ang berikut menun"ukkan bebera!a "enis gas.

1 3 Sulphur dio9ide
%ul#ur dioksida

5 L Carbon dio9ide
Karbon dioksida

' L 4itrogen dio9ide

Nitrogen dioksida

% L Chlorofluorocarbon

.hich of the gases will cause the formation of acid rain/

2as ang manakah akan men ebabkan !embentukan hu"an asid*

" & C -

1 and 5
1 dan 5

1 and '
1 dan '

5 and '
5 dan '

5 and %
5 dan %

3). -iagram 3 shows the steps in$ol$ed in e9traction process of palm oil. 1511/2 +Lihat sebe)ah,

'a"ah - menun"ukkan langkah0langkah ang terlibat dalam !roses !engekstrakan min ak sawit.

-iagram 3
'a"ah -

.hat are 1 and 5/

A!akah 1 and 5*

P A B & Threshing

Q ?rinding







3*. .hat is the process that used to make soap/

A!akah !roses ang digunakan untuk membuat sabun*

" & C -


Saponification %a!oni#ikasi 3urification



3:. The following word equation shows a chemical reaction.

1ersamaan !erkataan berikut menun"ukkan satu tindak balas kimia. 4

"lcohol = 1rganic M 5ster =.ater acid

4 Alkohol E Asid organik M +ster E Air

8 is added as a catal#st. .hat is 8/

8 ditambah sebagai mangkin. A!akah 8*


+Lihat sebe)ah,

1< " & C Common salt

2aram biasa

-ilute h#drochloride acid

Asid hidroklorida (air

Concentrated sulphuric acid

Asid sul#urik !ekat

Concentrated sodium h#dro9ide solution

Larutan natrium hidroksida !ekat

3<. " car mo$es at a speed of ! m sL1 in

minutes. Calculate the distance tra$elled b# the car.

%ebuah kereta bergerak dengan kela"uan 50 m sF) dalam 5 minit. $itungkan "arak !er"alanan kereta itu. @arak Aaju N 0asa

" C & -

1 1 2 2

km ! km km ! km

%!. -iagram 12 shows a lorr# mo$ing with a $elocit# of % m sL1.

'a"ah ), menun"ukkan sebuah lori ang sedang bergerak dengan hala"u @5 m sF).

-iagram 12
'a"ah ),

.hat is the momentum of the lorr#/ O0omentum N 0ass 9 Jelocit#P

A!akah momentum bagi lori itu* GMomentum H Jisim I $ala"uJ

" & C -

1 12 11 2 112 1 12

kg m sL1 ! kg m sL1 !! kg m sL1 !!! kg m sL1

%1. The diagram shows a c#lindrical object with mass 1 kg placed on a wooden block
'a"ah menun"ukkan sebuah "asad berbentuk selinder ber"isim ) kg berada diatas !ermukaan bongkah ka u


+Lihat sebe)ah,

2! Surface area !.!2m2

Luas !ermukaan 0.0, m,

.ooden block
.ongkah ka u

.hat is the pressure e9erted in region 6 / Eorce 3ressure N Surface area

.era!akah tekanan ang dialami oleh kawasan ' -a#a Tekanan N Auas permukaan

" & C -

! 4m,2 !! 4m,2 ! 4m,2 !!! 4m,2

%2. The suitable wa# to preser$e meat and fish is

Kaedah !engawetan ang sesuai bagi daging dan ikan adalah

" & C -



!en e"ukbekuan


%3. The diagram shows an object with the shape of an aerofoil mo$ing in the air.
3'a"ah menun"ukkan sebuah ob"ek berbentuk aero#oil bergerak di udara.4

.hich region has the highest air pressure/

3Kawasan ang manakah mem!un ai tekanan udara !aling tinggi*4

B 1511/2 A +Lihat sebe)ah, &


%%2 The effects of uncontrolled plastic disposal are

Kesan !embuangan bahan !lastik se(ara tidak terkawal akan

' '' ''' " & C -

poor en$ironment $iew

men"e"askan keindahan alam sekitar

blocked drains
men ekat !engaliran air !arit dan longkang

breeding place of mosquitoes

men"adi tem!at !embiakan n amuk

'( '' and ''' '' and ''' onl# ' and '' onl# ' and ''' onl#

% . The diagram shows an object weighed in the air and then in water.
3'a"ah menun"ukkan satu ob"ek ditimbang di dalam udara kemudian di dalam air4

Spring balance

5ureka can 1bject



.hat is the upthrust e9perienced b# the object/

7.era!akah tu"ah ke atas ang dialami oleh ob"ek tersebut*8

" & C -

!. 4 %.! 4 %. 4 .! 4


+Lihat sebe)ah,

22 %). The diagram shows an e9ample of a food label that does not follow the regulation of the Eood "ct.3'a"ah menun"ukkan (ontoh label makanan ang tidak mematuhi Akta Makanan4

.hat is the information that is n*t labelled/

3A!akah maklumat ang tidak dilabelkan*4

" & C -

T#pe of food
3Jenis makanan4

59pired date
3Tarikh lu!ut4

Eood contents
3Kandungan makanan4

2uantit# of food
3Kuantiti makanan4

%*. .hich of the following is thermosets plastic/

3Manakah antara berikut meru!akan !lastik termoset*4

" & C -




3ol#$in#l chloride 73JC8

31oliBinil klorida4

%:. -iagram shows radio transmission s#stem

'a"ah menun"ukkan sistem !eman(ar radio.

1enga un




+Lihat sebe)ah,


.hat is 3/ 1 ialah " & C modulator modulator capasitor ka!asitor transistor trasistor -iode /iod

%<. -iagram shows the radio wa$e.

'a"ah menun"ukkan gelombang radio.

Time H masa The wa$e length is

1an"ang gelombang ialah

" & C !.

A0 A4 43 A2

-iagram shows the position of three communication satellites.

'a"ah menu"ukkan kedudukan tiga satelit komunikasi.

Satellite 1 H %atelit ) 1511/2 +Lihat sebe)ah,


Satellite 2 H %atelit ,

Satellite 3 H %atelit .hich of the following statements are true about those communication satellites/
Antara !ern ataan berikut ang manakah benar tentang satelit komunikasi itu*

' '' ''' " & C -

The three satellites are geostatic

Ketiga0tiga satelit dalam keadaan geo!egun

1ne satellite communicates another satellite through the earth station.

%atu satelit menghubungi satelit lain melalui stesen di .umi

5ach satellite recei$es and transmit the radio wa$e.

%etia! satelit menerima dan meman(arkan gelombang radio

' and '' onl# ' and ''' onl# ' and ''' onl# '( '' and ''' KERTAS S$ALAN TA"AT


+Lihat sebe)ah,

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