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This is to certify that the work presented in the project entitled PEDDLING WASHING MACHINE has been carried out by Student name (Admission Year -2011 Seat !o" (Year # 2011


They ha$e successfully completed their project work in the partial fulfillment of the re%uirement for the award of the &e'ree of the (Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. This is a bonafide work done by the student and has not been submitted to any other )ni$ersity*+nstitute for the award of any other &e'ree*&iploma"


H%'$ () D%*'+,-%., PROF.V.K.PANDYA



P"o#$%& '(("o)'* S+$$&

The ,roject -ntitled ,PEDDLING -ASHING MACHINE. Submitted by !ame of the students

.f /" 0" +nstitute of Technolo'y1 2handu is appro$ed for the award of the &e'ree of 2achelor of -n'ineerin' (3echanical of 4emchadracharya !orth 5ujarat )ni$ersity"

&ate6-7aminers 1" +nternal -7aminer 2" -7ternal -7aminer


8e would like to e7press our 'ratitude to all people who ha$e helped and 'uided us to accomplish our project efficiently and successfully" Small but an important and timely help can pro$e be a milestone in one9s life" -$ents human bein' has such kind of e7perience" 2ein' human1 we also ha$e the same feelin' of 'ratefulness of today we also ha$e achie$ed an important milestone in our life" This project is dedicated to all the people1 whom we met1 took 'uidance1 talked inter$iewed and learned somethin' from them1 at this occasion we sincerely thank all of them while submittin' this project report" 8e would like to heartily thank PROF.V.K.PANDYA and PROF.B.T.PATEL who has pro$ided us necessary information and 'uidance for the success of the project" /ast1 we would like to e7tend thank to all our class mates also" .n this occasion and we would like to PROF.D.M.PATEL 2HOD/ OF MECHANICAL ENGG. DEPARTMENT3/ librarian1 ,rincipal without whom this would ha$e not been possible" 8e always ha$e felt the in$isible help from the almi'hty1 without the blessin' of almi'hty1 we could not ha$e succeeded"


,eddlin' washin' machine is a $ery 'reat inno$ation in its own" ,eddlin' washin' machine is specially made for the purpose of its utili:ation to wash the cloth by means of applyin' pedal" Today due to non renewable ener'y cries its basic need to utili:e the ener'y from other way or sa$e the ener'y" This project includes the construction and utili:ation of the peddlin' washin' machine which can with any amount of re%uirement" The followin' pa'es in the report includes about the constructions of peddlin' washin' machine1 its raw material1 it9s workin'1 benefits of the peddlin' washin' machine with respect to actual electronics washin' machine sa$e the time1water1electicity1and not $ery e7pensi$e" +ts main e7pect is e7ercises with applyin' the pedal to wash the cloth"

.ur ea'er effort to choose the (,-&&/+!5 8AS4+!5 3A04+!-; for our project work promised to be $ery e7citin' from the point of $iew of both the manufacture and application"(,-&&/+!5 8AS4+!5 3A04+!-; is the most efficient" +t is used for wash the cloth by means of applyin' pedal" ,eddlin' washin' machine is one of the most compact and efficient models" +t9s find useful application in the wash the cloth by means of applyin' pedal in $ery less time"



INTRODUCTION 7777777777777777777777... 1 HISTORY 77777777777777777777777777 2 WASHING MACHINE77777777.777777777777...! .13 TYPES OF WASHING MACHINE777777.77777.....8 .23 FURTHER COMPARISONS7777777777777.......11 . 3 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF WASHING MACHINE7777..1 .!3 WASHING MACHINE DETERGENT7777777777...19 .83 WASHING MACHINE MANUFACTURES77777777..1:


PEDDLING WASHING MACHINE777777777...77777.21 BACKGROUND77777777777777777777777.21 8.13 NEED777777777777777777777777.21 8.23 PROBLEM STATEMENT777777777777777..22


;3 DESIGN SPECIFICATION7777777777777777777.2 93 DESIGN ALTERNATIVES777777777777777777.7.29 <3 FINAL DESIGN CHOICE7777777777777777..777.2<

:3 ANALYSIS77777777777777777777777777.2: :.13 SHAFTING77777777777777777777777.2: :.23 GEARING77777777777777777777777...2: :. 3 BEARING777777777777777777777777 1 :.!3 FLYWHEEL77777777777777777777..77.. 1 :.83 FINS 77777777777777777777777777 2 :.;3 DRUM7777777777777777777777777. 2 :.93 WATER USAGE7777777777777777...7777. 113 WORKING OF PEDDLING WASHING MACHINE77777777. ! 113 COST7777777777777777777777777777. ; 123 EASE OF USE777777777777777777777777.. 9 1 3 JUSTIFICATION77777777777777777777777. 9 1!3 CRITIQUE OF PROTOTYPE777777777777.77777.. < 183 NE=T STEP7777777777777777777777777. : 1;3 ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE7777777777777...!1 193 COMPARISION 77777777777777777777777!2 1<3 APPLICATION777777777777777777777777! 1:3 CONCLUSION777777777777777777777777!8

213 REFERENCES777777777777777777777777!;

,edal power washin' machine means applyin' the pedal rotate the drum attached with the shaft by means of chain dri$e and create the resistance (Turbulence between inside drum water1 cloth1 powder to wash the cloth" (To support the basic family economy1 throu'h the desi'n and distribution of bicycle machines1 pro$idin' an efficient alternati$e for the rural de$elopment of +ndia"; 8omen in 5)?A@AT (also in +ndia wash clothes manually1 but the deter'ents are chemically harmful to their hands1 and the motion of scrubbin' is strainin' to the muscles" .ur 'oal is to desi'n an #.%?*%.4#@% and $"+'A6% pedal-powered washin' machine for use in rural areas to 'ently wash clothes" &ue to cost constraints1 the washin' machine is to be 4B'+%$ '-(.C 4%@%+'6 )'-#6#%4 or can be used by a local entrepreneur to run a launderin' ser$ice" The washin' machine must be %'4& ,( A"#6$ '.$ -'#.,'#. 6(5'66& with 6(5'6 -',%+#'641 easy to operate (minimal re%uired steps 1 and %'4& ,( *(D%+ by women or children" +t must also be more comfortable to use than manual methods and 5"6,"+'66& '55%*,'A6% in 5)?A@AT"

Fig.1 peddling washing machine 1


One of consequences of globalization is that there is great competition in the market and it is increasingly specialized. Every day, there are more types of washing machines. he available models get more and more effective, noiseless, economical, light and their design ad!usts to the place where you want to place them. hat is why you should e"actly know the type of machine you are looking for, its particular features and the key questions you should ask the salesperson.

Ai'"2 1Bth-century metropolitan washin' machine model

Ai'"< a $inta'e 5erman

There are many kinds of D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4" Some of them are for industrial use and others for consumer useC some ha$e top-loadin' and others front-loadin' desi'nC some of them include spin dryer and others do not" !owadays1 many washin' machines offer di'ital technolo'ies that help you control details such as time1 speed and $ibrations durin' the dryin' process" 3odern machinesD 'oal is to finish a 'reat load of work in a short time1 with the less possible usersD help"

As a conse%uence of the 'reat $ariety of machines in the market1 you should take many fundamental aspects into account1 such as what you will use it for -for industrial or consumer use-1 how often you will use it -daily or weekly-1 and the room you ha$e for it -lar'e or ti'ht" 2

Ai'"= +ndustrial w*s m*c The ori'in of washin' was a conse%uence of different chan'es in the clothes materials and the new esthetics of the fashion world" The different materials that appeared re%uired different ways of washin' them" All fabrics could not be washed the same way -each type re%uired specific cares" 1" At first1 clothes were washed in $ats with hot water and soap1 and the fine fabrics were kept soft" 2" +n 1EF01 technolo'y be'an to appear with @obinson /ancashire1 who in$ented the D'4B#.C -'5B#.%1 which also dripped clothes" <" +n 1F>> a machine to wash and dry clothes was in$ented in 0rimeaDs hospitals" =" +n 1FF0 the first D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4 were built" They heated water with 'as and coal" >" +n 1FFF the electro-technical en'ineer +ncola Tesla in$ented a compact electric en'ine which joined electronics with washin'" G" +n 1B01 the American en'ineer Al$a Aisher in$ented the first D'4B#.C -'5B#.%1 addin' to the already e7istin' machines an electric en'ine which impelled a cylinder" An automatic mechanism in$erted the spinnin' sense from time to time so that the clothes did not compress1 which fre%uently used to happen" The ne7t step was to add some rollers to drip clothes" This is the date when the first washin' machine was born"

E" After the Second 8orld 8ar1 in 1B=>1 D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4 started bein' hi'hly sold in the 8estern countries" The washin' machines were sold in series1 and manufacturin' was distributed" They were cheaper" <

F" +n 1BG01 important industrial companies be'an to manufacture hu'e amounts of washin' machines1 and others turn them into their main source of presti'e and earnin's -as Hel$inator and Ianussi" B" +n the E0Ds1 the washin' machine was definitely a well known product in -urope and America"

Ai'"> washin' machine The esthetic and functional e$olution of the washin' machine has de$eloped1 especially durin' the last years1 with the use of microelectronics" Some of the elements that ha$e been added and ha$e enhanced the washin' machine are6

!owadays1 drain pipes let dirty water 'o out and let clean water come in without the need of doin' it with the hands like some years a'o" 2esides1 the city plumbin' system is in$ol$ed here too"

!owadays1 the door has a mechanism which is connected to the microprocessor to a$oid dan'ers" The machine does not start until the door is closed" 8e can also watch the interior process to check if it is takin' place normally"

Their materials are li'hter today" 3any years a'o1 wood materials were used1 but now washin' machines are built with stron'er materials such as aluminum or enameled materials" TodayDs trend is to join materialDs %uality with li'htness and desi'n"


Althou'h the breakthrou'h technolo'y of the different brands turns each D'4B#.C -'5B#.% into a uni%ue de$ice1 we can define the minimum and basic function of a D'4B#.C -'5B#.%" The washin' machine has a central loadin' cylinder with holes and a spinnin' system on its own a7is" .nce it is filled with water1 the process ends and throws the machine contents out"

+ts function is based on a spinnin' mo$ement o$er a container1 'enerally of cylindrical shape" +nside of it1 water1 deter'ent and dirty clothes are mi7ed" This mo$ement mi7es the deter'ent with dirtiness and the relati$e mo$ement between water and clothes1 which de$elops the cleanin' process" Automatic D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4 ha$e a pro'ram system that allows the machine to perform different cleanin' processes" Accordin' to the one you chose1 spinnin' speeds $ary as well as the time and the chosen temperature"

The basic components of the machine are6

An electric en'ine which transmits mo$ement to the cylinder so that it spins in the ri'ht way" A microprocessor that controls the function of the different cleanin' choices as well as the pro'rams" This de$ice orders the priorities" A cylinder or tube which mi7es the clothes1 water and deter'ent and which acts as a container for the elements" A small $at which protects and supports the tube or cylinder1 allows water and temperature chan'es1 and supports all the elements while the process chan'es"

Ai'"G >

A housin' which supports the small $at and muffles the cylinderDs $ibrations" A couple of buffers which help support the cylinderDs wei'ht and muffle the $ibrations" A resistance system in char'e of heatin' water" 8ater inputs which transport and e$acuate clean water" A filter1 which chooses the conductDs content a$oidin' the obstruction of the drain pipe" A belt which transmits the en'ineDs mo$ement to the shea$e" A blockin' automatic system which does not allow the door to open while functionin'"


!owadays1 there are two types of D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4" This classification depends on the place where clothes are introduced6 top-loadin' or front-loadin' D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4" Top-loadin' machines are fre%uently found in the )nited States1 0anada1 Australia and many African and Asiatic countries" They are ti'hter1 which means that they occupy less space" They are perfect to use when you ha$e space problems" The front-loadin' machines are found in -urope and they are more popular ones" 2oth of them ha$e the same capacity to load clothes and the same functions" There are also different types of washin' machines accordin' to use and fre%uency of use" There are industrial washin' machines -with more capacity- and machines for home use" There are some washin' machines with comple7 ser$ices that include the temperature of the dryin' water" They are ideal for people who li$e alone" There are also washin' machines which include minimum processes and they are cheaper" +t all depends on the needs and userDs choices"

Ainally1 we can find automatic and semiautomatic washin' machines" The difference is the number of elements that you ha$e to bear in mind to wash clothes" This classification has to do with the userDs dedication when washin'" E

.1.1 TOP0LOADING VS. FRONT0LOADING WASHING MACHINES 8ashin' machines come in two types6 top-loadin' and front-loadin'" Top-loadin' washers ha$e a lid on the top of the machine1 and most use an internal a'itator that spins on a $ertical a7is to churn the water and clean the laundry" Top loaders are easier to load and unload than front-loadin' machines (since you donDt ha$e to stoop o$er to unload them 1 and they cost around J=00 less on a$era'e than front loaders" 4owe$er1 top-loadin' washin' machines are less efficient than front loaders because they use more water and ener'y" Since ener'y efficiency is such an important shoppin' consideration1 a number of manufacturers now make ener'y-efficient top-loadin' washin' machines" Accordin' to -ner'yStar"'o$1 -ner'y Star-rated washin' machines use about <0 percent less ener'y and >0 percent less water than non%ualified machines" @eplacin' a 10-year-old washer with a new -ner'y Star machine1 they say1 can sa$e the a$era'e person about J1<> per year on utility bills" The construction of ener'y-efficient top-loadin' washers can $ary" Some1 like traditional top loaders1 use a central a'itator1 but many rely on different mechanisms such as impellers1 which reside on the bottom of the washin' tub and mo$e laundry throu'hout the wash in a circular motion"

These eco-friendly appliances are more e7pensi$e than traditional top-loadin' washers1 with prices that ri$al those of front loaders" They may also re%uire hi'h-efficiency (4- deter'ent1 which produces fewer suds" 4i'h-sudsin' re'ular deter'ent may not be rinsed out completely in hi'hefficiency washin' machines due to their low water use" Another problem6 These new ener'yefficient top loaders1 with their hi'h spin speeds1 can tan'le and wrinkle laundry" Aront-loadin' washin' machines are the most popular option" +n addition to usin' far less water and ener'y1 they demonstrate the best o$erall washin' performance in comparison tests" These washers1 which look like those found in professional laundries1 ha$e a door on the frontC laundry is put into a stainless-steel drum that spins on a hori:ontal a7is" These washers typically feature hi'her spin speeds than top loaders1 wrin'in' out more water so that laundry re%uires less time in the dryer" They also tend to offer more bells and whistles1 such as additional wash cycles and hi'h-temperature cycles" Some front loaders also include special deep-cleanin' steam cycles"


TRADITIONAL TOP LOADERS ARE CHEAPER .ld-style top loaders arenDt as Kse7yK as more stylish front-loadin' washin' machines1 but they still ha$e some ad$anta'es" Airst1 they are 'enerally cheaper than front loaders1 often hundreds of dollars less" Althou'h less efficient1 top-loadin' washin' machines can be easier to load and unload than front-loadin' machines1 since you donDt ha$e to stoop down" They also make it easier to add items in mid-cycle (you canDt do this at all with a front loader " Another major ad$anta'e top loaders ha$e o$er front-loadin' washers6 They arenDt prone to mold and mildew buildup in the door 'asket" 3any manufacturers of top-loadin' washin' machines are aimin' to make their washers more ener'y efficient" +n terms of cleanin' performance1 ener'y-efficient top loaders fall somewhere between con$entional washers and front-loadin' washin' machines" ,ricewise1 howe$er1 the newest top-load machines can cost as much as more efficient and 'enerally better-cleanin' front-load machines" -$en so1 many owners prefer top loaders for their easy loadin' and unloadin' and for the ability to add items to the cycle after itDs started" )nlike traditional top loaders1 which use an a'itator to circulate laundry in the water1 the 3ayta' 2ra$os has an impeller at the bottom of the washtub that mo$es laundry throu'h the water" As

3ayta' describes it1 KThe load is mo$ed from the outside toward the middle with items comin' up in the center and down on the outside ed'es"K +t re%uires hi'h-efficiency (4- deter'ent1 which produces fewer suds than re'ular deter'ent" The 3ayta' 2ra$os 3L82E>08M e7cels in independent testin'" +n one test of top-loadin' washers1 it was amon' the top-ranked products1 with 'ood to e7cellent scores in e$ery cate'ory" This machine 'ets hi'h marks from owners as well" .$er >0 re$iewers at 4ome&epot"com1 rou'hly <0 at 2est2uy"com and another 2> or so at Sears"com 'i$e the 3ayta' 2ra$os 3L82E>08M a$era'e ratin's of appro7imately = stars out of >" )sers ra$e about the washerDs hi'h capacity1 with one re$iewer sayin' that this machine can do in one load what others do in three" They are also enthusiastic about its %uiet operation and the fast spin speeds that wrin' clothes out nearly dry"


FRONT0LOADING WASHING MACHINES GET THE BEST REVIEWS Aront loaders are both the most efficient washin' machines and the best o$erall performers1 accordin' to professional tests" Their hori:ontal tubs tumble clothes into and out of the water1 makin' it possible to wash a full load without fillin' the tub completely" .n a$era'e1 front loaders tend to be 'entler on clothes than top-loadin' machines1 as well as more efficient" The bad news is that front loaders cost more than traditional top loaders (thou'h not much more than hi'h-efficiency top loaders 1 and they still 'et complaints for reliability" .n a$era'e1 howe$er1 the differences in reliability between top loaders and front loaders are not si'nificant1 accordin' to owner sur$eys at 0onsumer@eports"or'" Aront loaders use about half as much water and two-thirds as much ener'y as con$entional toploadin' washers1 accordin' to the !ational 5eo'raphic 5reen 5uide" +n addition1 their fast spin speeds remo$e more water from clothin'1 thereby reducin' dryin' time and resultin' in further ener'y sa$in's" 4owe$er1 this hi'h-speed spinnin' can also cause clothes to become tan'led and wrinkled" 2ecause these machines use so little water1 they re%uire special low-sudsin' hi'hefficiency (4- deter'ents that can cost more than re'ular laundry deter'ent"

Another ca$eat is that because of their desi'n1 front-loadin' washers re%uire more daily attention" Aor e7ample1 weD$e read many reports that front loaders can de$elop mold and mildew problems caused by moisture and dirt bein' trapped in the door seal after a cycle" Some users say that wipin' away water after a cycle and lea$in' the washer door open when the machine is not in use will pre$ent the problem1 but others ha$e tried this approach without success" Afresh 8asher 0leaner Tablets1 de$eloped by 8hirlpool1 are supposed to combat mildew and odors in hi'h-efficiency washers" These tablets 'et a =-star ratin' in o$er >0 re$iews at Ama:on"com" Some owners report 'reat success and impro$ed freshness1 but others say the tablets donDt make a dent on odor" 8hirlpool and 3ayta'1 in their hi'h-end front-loadin' washers1 are now includin' a small fan that can blow air inside the empty washin' machine" 0ompany representati$es told us that usin' the internal fan is supposed to dry out any water that mi'ht remain in the washer and 'asket after a cycle1 but since this feature is so new1 we ha$enDt seen many reports from owners on how well it works" 10

Top-loadin' washers do not suffer from continued maintenance problems and needs no re'ular freshenin'" &urin' the spin cycle1 a top-loadin' tub is free to mo$e about inside the cabinet of the machine1 usin' only a lip around the top of the inner basket and outer tub to keep the spinnin' water and clothin' from sprayin' out o$er the ed'e" There are many $ariations of these two 'eneral themes" Top-loadin' machines in Asia use impellers instead of a'itators" +mpellers are similar to a'itators e7cept that they do not ha$e the center post e7tendin' up in the middle of the wash tub basket" There is also a $ariant of the hori:ontal a7is desi'n that is loaded from the top1 throu'h a small door in the circumference of the drum" These machines usually ha$e a shorter cylinder and are therefore smaller1 but offer the efficiency of a front-loader while eliminatin' the problems of the fle7ible bellows" This kind of washin' machine is sold and popular in -urope1 especially in small households1 because it offers the same drum system as front-loaders1 just with a smaller footprint" WATER LEAKAGE Top loadin' machines are less prone to leaka'e" Aront loadin' machines re%uire a seal on the front door1 and similarly the front door must be latched durin' operation to pre$ent openin'1 lest lar'e

amounts of water spill out" This seal may leak or re%uire replacement" 3any current front-loaders1 thou'h1 can be stopped and added to or remo$ed from1 by way of keepin' the water le$el in the hori:ontal tub below the door le$el" ENERGY USAGE Aront loaders use less ener'y1 water and deter'ent and clean more effecti$ely than the best top loaders" WATER USAGE Aront loaders 'enerally use less water than top-loadin' residential clothes washers" -stimates are front loaders use anywhere from about one third to one half (0onsumer -ner'y 0enter as much as top loaders" 11 COMPACTNESS Aront loadin' machines may be installed underneath counters" A front loadin' washin' machine1 in a fully-fitted kitchen1 may e$en be dis'uised as an ordinary base cabinet*unit" They may also be con$enient in homes with limited floor area1 since the dryer may be installed directly abo$e the washer" SPIN0DRY EFFECTIVENESS Aront loaders also offer much hi'her spin dryin' speeds of up to 2000 @,3" This makes it possible to dry clothes $ery %uickly by han'in' them on washin' lines or airin' racks or can substantially reduce the len'th of time re%uired in a tumble dryer" NOISE Aront loaders tend to operate more %uietly than top loaders1 since there is less of a tendency to imbalance" ACCESSIBILITY AND ERGONOMICS Aront loaders are more con$enient for little people and those with paraple'ia1 as the controls are front-mounted and the hori:ontal drum eliminates the need for standin' and*or climbin'"

Aor people who are sufficiently tall and can stand1 top-loaders may be easier to load and unload1 since reachin' into the tub does not re%uire stoopin'" 4owe$er1 this issue can be miti'ated due to the offerin' of risers (usually with stora'e drawers underneath to raise the front loader door openin' closer to the userDs le$el" MAINTENANCE WASH 3ost1 if not all consumer washin' machines1 now use a plastic outer shell instead of stainless steel to contain the water" 8ashin' machine manufacturers are now ad$isin' users1 due to the plasticDs adhesion properties with laundry deter'ent and mold1 to perform a re'ular maintenance wash which cleans the inside of the washin' machine" A maintenance wash is performed without any laundry on the hottest wash pro'ramme1 usin' either one of the followin'6 white $ine'ar1 a deter'ent with bleachin' properties or you could use a proprietary washin' machine cleaner" The purpose of a maintenance wash is to remo$e any mold1 bacteria1 old deter'ent residue and 'un'e" 12


A washin' machine has become a $ital household item that most people simply cannot do without these days" Aor one1 it is desi'ned to make washin' clothes a lot easier" +f you ha$e already tried washin' your clothes by hand1 then you9ll certainly understand what it means not to ha$e this appliance with you" $ washing machine is a pretty straightforward piece of contraption which can be run by practically anybody. %t is designed to remove dirt and stains from your clothes and make them suitable for wearing again. he machine moves the clothes about in soap suds and spins them around to separate water later on. One thing that you should understand about how washing machines work is that these contraptions are actually made of two drums instead of one. and has a lot of small holes on it for that purpose. clothes around. he inner drum works to let water in and out to spin your clothes and clean them he bigger drum, that you really don&t see works to +o*1 water while the inner one works on spinning your

The machine also has an electrically-powered pump which works to remo$e water from the drum after you9re done with the laundry" All these parts are controlled by a central pro'rammer" The pro'rammer is an essential part that will e7plain how washin' machines work" You can probably think of it as the brain of the whole machine because it re'ulates all sorts of tasks" +t makes the machine 'oes throu'h the whole process of washin' clothes # wash1 rinse1 and spin" The pro'rammer also dictates the wash cycle to use accordin' to your specifications" 0lothes ha$e different wash re%uirements so it9s important for the pro'rammer to be 'i$en specific instructions to enact" .nce the deter'ent has done its job in remo$in' dirt from your clothes1 the drum opens to drain the wastewater and then replace it with a cleaner one" This will then be used to rinse your clothes" After rinsin'1 the drum will rotate at hi'h speed to spin your clothes around1 separate water from them and dry your laundry"

1< 3.3.1 -ORKING STAGES/

5enerally1 the D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4 are G0 cm" broad and deep (2< inches 1 and F> cm" (<< inches - 1 meter (<B inches tall" +n some special occasions1 we can find G0 cm" deep D'4B#.C -'5B#.%4" The main feature of these types of machines is that they ha$e a heli7 deep inside with a rotation system which twists the clothes and helps them wash filth with specific deter'ents" The $ast majority has a timin' control and a drainin' system"

The cloth capacity is measured by kilo'rams" A standard machine has a capacity to store between > and E k'" This capacity chan'es accordin' to particular needs and the clothesD fabric" +t is important to bear in mind that the kilo'ram capacity is an industrial parameter reference between the manufacturers1 not a limit for the user"

The washin' process is di$ided in two sta'es" You need to follow them in order and carefully to 'et a 'ood cleanin'" The steps to follow are6 1" +n the first place1 clothes selection" You need to select and distin'uish white and colored clothes" The colored clothes should not dye the others" You should separate clothes accordin' 1= 2" To the material they are made of1 si:e or use" You need to read the brandDs instructions on the clothes (some of them can be washed in a D'4B#.C -'5B#.%1 others cannot and the D'4B#.C -'5B#.%Ds manual as well" <" The ne7t step is to use the deter'ent and the smoothin' products -if they are necessary" You need to A"& D'4B#.C -'5B#.% deter'ent and1 if it is possible1 a low-foam one" Aollowin' the instructions1 the idea is to use the same amount of deter'ent as the amount of clothes included in the machine" &eter'ent o$eruse does not wash the clothes better" As re'ards smoothin' products1 they are specially used with cotton or fine clothes" =" !e7t1 the washin' machine process be'ins" +t includes three steps6 washin'1 clearin' and spinnin'" +n some occasions1 it also includes dryin'" The first step is the input of water and the wash" 8ater fills the machine up to the necessary le$el for the process dependin' on the loadin' amount" +f there is a timer1 it will be filled accordin' to the accurate temperature" 8hile this happens1 the machine starts washin'1 settin' its en'ine" &eter'ent is mi7ed with water and clothes are twisted by a pressin' system"

>" After some time and after the washin' process has been carried out1 the clearin' process be'ins" The already used water is eliminated by means of an internal filterin' system" A series of rinsin' steps is carried outC some of them can be pro'rammed" 5enerally1 four or fi$e rinsin' steps are carried out until deter'ent is fully eliminated" To the end of the process and if you ha$e indicated so1 smoothin' products are added" You need to tell the machine how you want to wash your clothes" That is why you need to select the pro'ram1 temperature and type of loadin'" G" The last step in the process is the spin process1 which helps 'et the clothes e$en drier" As there are more re$olutions1 the clothes will be drier" Some machines ha$e a double spin system and some allow you to choose a soft spin or e$en a$oid it" E" Ainally1 and in fewer cases1 the dryin' process is included" 8ashin' machines which offer this type of ser$ice are $ery e7pensi$e1 so this step is usually i'nored" 4owe$er1 we should hi'hli'ht that some clothes are dama'ed due to hi'h intensity dryin'"


8e could summari:e the process in the ne7t steps6

.pen the door" ,our the deter'ent in the ri'ht place" You should use low-foam deter'ents and1 in case water is $ery hea$y1 you could use a smoothin' product" 0lassify clothes6 0lothes with different types of fabrics or colors should be washed separately from the others" Select the pro'ram" +ntroduce the clothes" 0lose the door" ,ress the on*off button" 8hen the washin' process ends1 press the same button a'ain"



8ashin' 3achine &eter'ents are solutions used for cleanin' the laundry items such as the clothes1 towels and bed sheet" 8ashin' machine deter'ent is used in the washer1 a mechanism desi'ned for cleanin' the clothes in a washin' machine" 8ater is used as the main source for cleanin' of clothes and washin' machine deter'ent is used as a cleanin' fluid that helps in the remo$al of stains and dirt from the clothes" The ener'y created in the washin' machine induces the washer to wash the clothes and the washin' machine deter'ent cleans the stains in the process of washin'" There are two types of deter'ents used for washin' purposes1 5(6$ D',%+ $%,%+C%., and B(, D',%+ $%,%+C%.,"

These deter'ents has to be used dependin' upon the temperature of the water" 8ashin' machine deter'ents play an ultimate role in keepin' the clothes fresh and dirt free" +t is compulsory to wash the clothes usin' deter'ents and this process pro$ides clean clothes" DIFFERENT TYPES OF WASHING MACHINE DETERGENTS 8ashin' 3achine &eter'ents are a$ailable in the market in different forms" Some of the popular types of washin' machine deter'ents are washin' powder1 washin' li%uid1 washin' soap and washin' tablets" 8ashin' powder comes in a powdered form and they are easily soluble in water" The washin' powder pro$ides lot of bubbles and fra'rance to the washin' water" 8ashin' powder is easily dispensable and protects clothes from 'erms and dirt" 8ashin' li%uid is somethin' which is watery in nature and it can be used by pourin' the li%uid into the water1 it easily combines with the water and remo$es tou'h stains and 'rime from the clothes" 8ashin' tablet comes in the form of small buttons and they are easily soluble in water1 these tablets can be dropped inside the washin' tub and on rotation of the tub the tablet dissol$es and mer'es with water" +t protects the clothes and pro$ides fra'rance too"


RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE TOP FIVE DETERGENT BRANDS Some of the popular brands of deter'ents used in America are

T#$% D#,B B6%'5B A6,%+.',#@%- This deter'ent is found to be costlier than other deter'ents but ranks first due to the remo$al of tou'h hard stains and odor remo$al" The deter'ent is professionally tested and has 'ained many 'ood re$iews from the customers"

G+%', V'6"% U6,+'-The washin' deter'ent is little cheaper than compared to Tide" +t remo$es stains to certain e7tent" The deter'ent has 'ained popularity due to the low price and it is 'enerally suitable for normal clothes"

CB%%+ 5(6(+ C"'+$ HE-This is a hi'hly concentrated soap and it is recommended for usa'e in front loadin' washin' machines and hi'h proficiency top loaders mostly" +t has a color 'uard and works well on stains"

S%@%.,B G%.%+',#(. F+%% '.$ C6%'+-This deter'ent is an eco-friendly deter'ent and it is made out of $e'etable oils instead of petroleum products" The deter'ent is friendly to the en$ironment and 'entle to the clothes" Acts well on stains and pro$ide 'ood fra'rance"

CB%%+ F+%% '.$ G%.,6%- This is a mild deter'ent and the usa'e of chemical is also $ery low in this case" +t is suitable for babies and children" The chemicals are harmless and do not react upon the skin of the babies"



Alliance /aundry (Speed Mueen Amica Antonio 3erloni under the brand names Asko1 Ardo1 ,hilco and Ser$is ArNelik - includin' the brand names 2eko1 2lomber'1 Altus and Arctic 2endi7 2osch - includin' the brand names Siemens1 !eff1 2alay1 ,rofilo and 0onstructa 0andy - includin' the brand names 4oo$er and Ierowatt 0ontinental 5irbau &e7ter /aundry &yson (no lon'er produced

-lectrolu7 - includin' the brand names A-51 Ari'idaire1 ?ohn /ewis1 @e71 Tricity 2endi71 Ianussi and Ioppas Aa'or - includin' the brand names 2randt1 Thompson1 .cean and San5ior'io Aisher O ,aykel 5- - includin' (in the )nited States the brand name 4otpoint 5odrej (+ndia 5orenje 4aier 4itachi +ndesit - includin' the brand names 4otpoint-Ariston1 0reda and Scholtes /5 ,ellerin 3ilnor Samsun' Schulthess - includin' the brand name 3erker Sme' Staber Lideocon (+ndia 8ashe7 8hirlpool - includin' the brand names Admiral1 Amana1 +n'lis1 Henmore1 3ayta'1 3a'ic 0hef1 -state1 Hirkland and @oper" 1B


( o support the basic family economy, through the design and distribution of bicycle machines, providing an efficient alternative for the rural development of %ndia.)

+t all started around < months a'o1 we are 'oin' around scrap yards1 local dumps1 and could not belie$e how much was bein' wasted" So we thou'ht about tryin' to make somethin' out of waste washin' machines" A washin' machine that was eco friendly also helps 'et you fit so we built the pedal powered washin' machine" +t took about twenty weeks tinkerin' in the e$enin' and many failed attempts to start with" 2ut after a few attempts we noticed that the machine wanted to build itself so we worked with it1 and after each hurdle we faced we just sat down and looked1 and out of the blue the problem was sol$ed this carried on for %uite a while so you could say the machine built itself" 20 The workin's of the washin' machine are so simple" All you need is an old washin' machine to strip down1 just the drum and shocks1 we made a frame for the machine to sit on" 8e made a frame for the bike to sit on usin' the bra:ons on the bike connected the whole machine to'ether and it workedP This could help many people in de$elopin' nations1 eco $illa'es1 conser$e water1 and of course 'et you fit"



+n de$elopin' countries1 rural women are amon' the least pri$ile'ed" 8omen are both essential to The family unit and inte'ral to the economy1 yet they rarely ha$e e%ual opportunities for education1 0areer de$elopment or social status when compared to men" .ne factor behind the ine%uality is the lon' list of responsibilities that traditionally fall to 8omen" !ot only do women perform a'ricultural duties and care for li$estock alon'side men1 but 8omen are also responsible for many domestic chores" )sually1 new technolo'y impro$es people -fficiency1 but women benefit less from new technolo'y for se$eral reasons" Airst1 women9s duties Are ne'lected by technolo'ical impro$ement efforts because domestic chores are often seen as cultural .bli'ations for women so little effort is e7pended to diminish them" Second1 forei'n aid in the Aorm of appropriate technolo'ies is une$enly distributed because women are often considered less technically competent than men" Aactors like these tend to pre$ent the de$elopment of impro$ed Technolo'y for women9s uncompensated1 timeconsumin'1 and laborious tasks" .ur team intends to directly address the pli'ht faced by women by de$elopin' a pedal-powered 8ashin' machine" " The success pedal power is effecti$e and applicable To their community" 8omen9s cooperati$es that use a pedal-powered washin' machine that would allow them to spend more time on profitable tasks and less time doin' chores" An A$era'e woman may do two to three loads per week for a family of about fi$e children and her 4usband" +t 'enerally takes at least F hours of washin' time1 not includin' the e7tra time needed to 8alk to the public washin' reser$oir or han' up clothes to dry" 21 Additionally1 while washin' clothes 2y hand1 women spend hours leanin' o$er a concrete basin" 0lothes are washed by laboriously scrubbin' each section of cloth o$er a cement washboard with their hands immersed in deter'ents Those are harmful to the skin" A pedal-powered washin' machine would allow women to wash clothes faster and with less Strain" 8hen asked what they would do with their free time1 women said that they would try to 5enerate income by makin' crafts or food to sell" Youn' dau'hters who help their mothers with &omestic chores may also ha$e the opportunity to concentrate more on their studies" /aundromat

3icro-enterprises may e$en arise if our washin' machines are successful" 0onditions $ary in &e$elopin' countries1 but women in many re'ions are washin' clothes manually while they could 2e doin' more profitable or rewardin' work elsewhere"


8omen in +ndia (5ujarat wash clothes manually1 but the deter'ents are chemically harmful to their 4ands and the motion of scrubbin' is strainin' to the muscles" .ur 'oal is to desi'n an ine7pensi$e And durable pedal-powered washin' machine for use in rural areas to 'ently wash clothes" &ue to 0ost constraints1 the washin' machine is to be shared amon' se$eral families or can be used by a /ocal entrepreneur to run a launderin' ser$ice" The washin' machine must be easy to build and 3aintain locally with local materials1 easy to operate (minimal re%uired steps 1 and easy to power by women or children" +t must also be more comfortable to use than manual methods and culturally Acceptable in +ndia"


The most important aspect in the desi'n of the machine is its ability to perform as a de$ice that eases the task of washin' clothes" +n order to be a $iable solution in rural areas1 the machine should be able to deli$er the same %uality of washin' without addin' e7cessi$e o$erheads (in terms .f water use1 clothin' wear1 effort re%uired to operate1 etc" " Thus the desi'n and operation of the 3achine should be firmly 'rounded in the physics of clothes washin'1 with a special emphasis

on the mechanical aspects (since water temperature and deter'ent composition are likely to $ary " The 'roup also identified a number of secondary 'oals with $aryin' de'rees of importance that could help make the machine more useful and thus more successful" The ability to spin-dry clothes would increase water economy by re%uirin' fewer wash cycles1 and could relie$e the strenuous task of manually wrin'in' the clothes before they are hun' to dry" +f the layout of the machine allowed the user to perform manual work (hand-craft1 food preparation1 etc" while pedalin'1 we could further reduce the amount of time consumed by washin'" A number of safety features should also to be included in order to miti'ate the inherent safety issues in$ol$ed in a chain-dri$en machine" +f the machine was to be used in a home1 insurin' its portability of would allow it to be shared amon' families1 transported close to a water source for operation1 or used in households where space is limited" Another set of specifications for load si:in'1 water usa'e and pricin'1 depend on the tar'eted 0ommunity" Since we are e7pectin' the amount of laundry to $ary between families1 an initial si:e was selected based on e7istin' washin' machines1 and desi'ns allowin' for easy re-si:in' were preferred"

ANALYSIS> * C6%'.#.C6 3achine-washed clothes must be as clean as those hand-washed for > minutes QcolorR * G%.,6%.%446 3ust wear clothes at slower rate than hand-washin' Qhole*tear 'rowthR * C'*'5#,&> 3inimum <k' of clothes*load # should be easy to re-si:e"

2< * W',%+6 -ffecti$e washin' must occur in soft and hard water at temperatures from E0-120+A * W',%+ "4'C%6 3a7imum >/ water * 1k' clothes * A5,#@% *%$'6#.C ,#-% )(+ %))%5,#@% D'4B#.C6 3a7imum 20 minutes each for wash and rinse cycles * T(,'6 (*%+',#(. ,#-%6

3a7imum 1 hour1 includin' fetchin' water1 fillin'1 washin'1 drainin'1 and cleanin' machine * P(D%+6 3a7imum 1008 (comfortable le$el of human-power output * L#)%,#-% () 4,+"5,"+%6 10 years1 assumin' daily use * M'.")'5,"+#.C 5'*#,'6 5(4,6 >000 @s" (welder1 metal cutter1 shop tools * M'.")'5,"+#.C 6(5',#(.6 lcit1 2handu * M',%+#'646 /ocal (shaft1 bearin'1 weld able metals1 'al$ani:ed drum1 cycle parts1 etc" * D#-%.4#(.46 Q/ess than combined si:e of a cycle and commercial washin' machineR * W%#CB,6 3a7imum <0k' or =>k' if it has wheels (1 woman can mo$e it indoors so it can9t 2e stolen or dama'ed " * C"6,"+'66& '55%*,'A6%6 Suitable appearance1 user position and motion such that most 8omen are willin' to use the machine" D+"- -'?#-"- +(,',#(.6 =00 rpm without cloth and water1 with 2>0 rpm"


The team e$aluated a number of mechanisms that could ser$e as the basis for the washin' machine" +nitial concepts were de$eloped startin' from the mechanical re%uirements of laundry washin'1 with inspiration drawn from e7istin' and historical washin' machines" @efer to the Appendi7 for dia'rams of the desi'n alternati$es"

* V%+,#5'60A?#4 AC#,',(+6 The usual washin' machine found in American homes consists of two $ertical-a7is concentric tubs" The inner tube1 which holds the clothes1 has densely-spaced perforations which allow the water to run in and out easily" Soap and water are kept inside the outer tub durin' the was cycle" A central a'itator alternatin' directions induces friction between the clothes to mechanically remo$e dirt and stains" Aor the spin cycle1 water is emptied from the outer drum and the inner drum is spun to centrifu'ally e7tract water from the clothes" 2> * HORIZONTAL0A=IS TUMBLER6

0ommonly used in -uropean homes1 this washer also uses two concentric tubs1 howe$er their re$olution a7is is hori:ontal" +nstead of usin' an a'itator1 the hori:ontal washer utili:es fins alon' the inner barrel that lift the clothes on the side of the drum1 and let them fall back in the water on top of other clothes" 0yclin' the clothes throu'h the water in this fashion eliminates the need for rapid chan'es in the direction of rotation of the a'itator1 which results in lower ener'y re%uirements" Since the drum is only filled up to one third with water1 the machine reali:es a si:eable water economy" C+'.E04B'), *#4,(.6 @ather than usin' rotational motion to a'itate the clothes1 we were considerin' usin' a crack-shaft to con$ert the rotation of the pedals to $ertical translation of a piston" There are se$eral possibilities for the piston desi'n" The clothes can be held in a container with holes that is plun'ed into and out of the water" The piston can also be a solid block pushin' the clothes underneath it throu'h the water" Two plates with holes could hold clothes between them as they plun'e in and out of the water" 8e did not select this desi'n because it seemed inefficient to con$ert the rotation of the pedals into $ertical motion since commercial washers operate on rotational motion already" 2G * TILTED0A=IS TUMBLER6

A tub spinnin' at a inclined a7is usin' a helical fin would perform the same kind of action1 in a fashion similar to a cement mi7er" The tilted desi'n would allow for easier addition of water and clothes" !o known commercial washers use this mechanism" 3anufacturin' of the helical fin pro$ed to be problematic1 and the other construction benefits we were hopin' for in the tilted a7is desi'n did not end up materiali:in' themsel$es" !o conclusi$e cleanin' e7periments were performed usin' this desi'n"

* P+%44"+#F%$ B"AA6%+6 A rather new concept is pressuri:in' air and bubblin' it forcefully throu'h the clothes" This may lift the dirt off the clothes without re%uirin' them to be scrubbed a'ainst one another" 4eated water has also been shown to increase cleanin' efficiency" Since this idea is not common in commercial washers1 we thou'ht it would be too risky to base our prototype on it without ha$in' a 'ood understandin' of the cleanin' mechanism or how to implement it with cheap1 a$ailable1 easy-to-maintain components"



.ur final desi'n resembles a commercially a$ailable hori:ontal a7is washer" The inner drum which holds the clothes is currently constructed by modifyin' a plastic utility tub" Tubs like these are widely a$ailable in anywhere1 but could easily be substituted for other types of buckets1 perforated sheet metal or mesh1 dependin' on a$ailability" The inner drum is perforated1 so that spinnin' the drum will e7tract water from the 'arments" There are also three trian'ular fins inside the inner drum that a'itate the clothes durin' the wash cycle" The main structure of the machine consists of a simple tube frame" The frame can be built by modifyin' an e7istin' bicycle frame" The inner drum is mounted on one side of a pedal shaft" @otational force turns the drum $ia a dri$e 'ear attached to the opposite side of the pedal shaft" A bicycle chain connects the 'ear at the drum to a set of pedals mounted on the it9s frame" The pedals are mounted close to the 'round so that the operator can pedal the machine while seated +n a re'ular chair" There is an outer barrel that surrounds the inner drum and contains all the water" +n our current desi'n1 the outer barrel is constructed usin' a common plastic oil drum" The operator loads and unloads clothin' from the inner drum throu'h a cutout on the side of the outer barrel" The operator drains the soapy water and rinse water by openin' a drain $alue at the bottom of the barrel" A con$enient feature of the peddlin' washin' machine is the optional table mounted abo$e the structure" The operator can use her hands to do manual work like wea$in' while pedalin' the machine" 8omen are e7pressed interest in this particular feature"




4ere we are usin' a iron-hollow shaftin'" +t is a main base for the mountin' the flywheel1 fins and both the drums" +t is shown in fi'ure "first of all when we applyin' the pedal this shaftin' is rotated by means of chain dri$es"


The machine uses a re'ular mountain bicycle transmission which can pro$ide 'ear ratios between 161 and <">61" 2B The user is e7pected to turn the pedals of the machine at about G0 rpm for the wash 0ycle and a hi'her F0 rpm durin' the dry cycle1 where the lack of resistance from water makes ,edalin' easier (continuous pedalin' is not necessary in this case " 8ith a inner drum diameter of 1Bin1 at a 161 'ear

ratio1 pedalin' at G0rpm results in a centripetal acceleration on the clothin' of about 0"FE '1 which results in efficient clothin' tumblin'" Aor the spin cycle1 the user would switch to the hi'hest a$ailable 'ear1 and a pedal speed of F0 rpm results in an acceleration of 1F"> '" This has been shown to e7tract >0S of the water from wet cotton clothin' (remainin' water wei'ht in clothin' is appro7imately B0S of the dry fabric wei'ht - comparable to commercial $ertical a7is washin' machines " :. BEARING>


2earin' are used as a mechanical component to transfer the power and to mo$e a certain part1 and is done by utili:in' the small frictional forces of the bearin'1 which makes rotates easily withstandin' the force and wei'ht load actin' a'ainst them" <0 2earin' house be classified into two major 'roups1 namely1 slidin' bearin's and rollin' bearin's1 dependin' on their friction type"

Three types of bearin' are shown in fi'" and ball bearin' has balls between inner rin' and outer rin' and roller bearin' has rollers instead of balls" -ither balls or rollers of rollin' bearin's ser$e the same purpose as the lubricatin' oil in the slidin' bearin's" @ollin' bearin' ha$e some ad$anta'es as listed below1 compared with the slidin' bearin'" 2ecause bearin' specifications are standardi:ed internationally1 most rollin' bearin' are interchan'eable1 and could be replaced easily with the made by different manufacturers" Surroundin' structures of a bearin' could be simplified" -asy to dia'nose and maintain" 0omparati$ely easy to be used e$en under the hi'h or low temperatures" The ri'idity of bearin' could be increased by applyin' preload"


4ere we are usin' a 20 teeth back wheel of the cycle flywheel" +t is attached with the shaftin' and another end with the cycle bi' flywheel by means of chain dri$e" +t is shown in fi'ure" <1 :.8 FINS>

8e are usin' an opposite shaped fins to creates the turbulence inside the drum water and cloth" 8e are usin' second hand fins of the A"0" +t is attached with the shaftin' by means of 'as weldin'" 8hen we applyin' the pedal shaftin' is attached by means of flywheel there for fins also rotated with the shaft in the drums"

:.; DRUM>

<2 4ere we are usin' a 'al$ani:ed drum" Airst of all we are thinkin' about the plastin' drum1 but after practice we are failed" Then we decided the used hea$y structure drum of the 'al$ani:ed drum both inner and outer" &rum is shown in fi'ure" +t is a main important part of the peddlin' washin'

machine because of all load of waterC cloth is rotated by with drums" So it9s re%uired hea$y structure"

:.9 WATER USAGE> The diameter of the outer tub is 2< inches1 and depth 22 inches" .ur machine is not optimally efficient in terms of water use1 since the plastic construction of the inner drum re%uired lar'er clearance between the two tubs in order to pre$ent contact durin' the spin cycle" The front of the .uter drum also e7tends considerably past the front of the inner drum to pro$ide easy access for 0lothes" 8ith appro7imately 1*< of the capacity of the outer drum filled with water1 the machine re%uires about 10 'allons of water" Total water usa'e for one load of laundry adds up to appro7imately 20 'allons1 half of which is used for the wash cycle1 while the other half is used for the first rinse cycle" The water from the second rinse cycle1 containin' just soap1 can be reused for washin' the ne7t laundry load" 8e e7pect that cle$er desi'n would allow for si:eable reduction in the water @e%uirement in the ne7t prototype"



The main important thin' is how the pedal powered washin' machine worksT 4ere after manufacture we are startin' a workin' of the peddlin' washin' machine" Airst of all open the both the door of the inside and outside drums" Then put up the cloth in the drum" After put up the cloth accordin' to re%uirement put the > to 10 liters water and the washin' powder"

!ow close the both the door" And sit on the cycle and startin' up to applyin' a pedal with slowly "After 1> to 20 minutes applyin' the pedal stop the applyin' the pedal and see what9s happens" Then remo$es the inside water with the help of below pipes in the one doll or other objects" After remo$in' the water apply the some pedal its 'ain the heat inside the drums and its help into the dryin' the cloth" Then remo$e the cloth from the drum" <=

This way workin' of the peddlin' washin' machine is done "also workin' is easily understand showin' the abo$e fi'ures"


L('$4 *%+ W%%E G F 10 12 1= 1G

G'66(.4 () *%+ Y%'+ F1F>G 101F2= 1<1EEE 1G1E2B 1B1GF1 221G<<

G'66(.4 () S'@%$ *%+ Y%'+ F 10 12 1> 1E 20

EWB () E6%5,+#5#,& S'@%$ *%+ Y%'+ F<B 1102> 11<0> 11>F> 11FG= 211== <>

T(,'6 S'@#.C4 #. R4.G0 *%+ M(.,B 1020 1<E2 1GGG 200B 2<0< 2>BE

T(,'6 4'@#.C4 #. R4.G0 *%+ Y%'+

W',%+ S'@%$ D%,%+C%.,

12F<F 1G=G= 1BBB2 2=10F 2EG<G <11G=


)ses GGS less water than a top load a'itator washer )ses >0S less ener'y than a top load a'itator washer )ses E>S less laundry additi$es than a top load a'itator washer

11. COST>

4ollow shaftin' Alywheel 2earin' 2earin' bush Ains +nner and outer drum 2icycle Arame structure 5as and electrical 8eldin' Transport and colour Total (@s"

1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 ---

100 >0 200 1>0 1000 <000 E00 1000 200 G00 E000



+t is easy to use by youn'er and older women" After loadin' the machine1 8ashin' re%uires three cycles" 2etween each cycle1 the drum spins %uickly to draw the water out .f the clothin'1 as it

drains out of the drum" +n the first cycle1 water and deter'ent are added to the drum" The operator pedals the machine for rou'hly 2> minutes1 spins1 and drains the water" The ne7t two cycles are rinse cycles" +n each rinse cycle1 the operator pours clean water into the 3achine1 pedals for 10 minutes1 spins1 drains the drum" After the last rinse cycle1 the operator Spins the clothes dry and sa$es the sli'htly soapy water for the ne7t wash cycle" .ur research into e7istin' washers and our earlier prototypes indicate that the power re%uired for washin' and spinnin' is relati$ely low" 8e demonstrated that it is not difficult to spin a perforated ,lastic drum up to e7traction speeds with clothes inside" Aor these e7periments1 we used a 5eared transmission from a bicycle" 2oth youn'er and older women can 'enerate enou'h power for the wash and spin cycles" 8e -stimate this power to be >0-E> watts" 8hile familiarity with pedalin' in 'eneral and the machine +n particular will reduce the effort e7pended by the user1 no prior e7perience will be necessary for +ts operation" The ability to chan'e 'earin' ratios will allow some le$el of tunin' to indi$idual )sers and also allow for shorter wash times with more power input or con$ersely less strenuous .peration if the user can pedal for a lon'er amount of time"

* EFFICIENT6 +t is much more efficient to wash clothes usin' than to use the manual washin' tanks" +t9s also re%uires less ener'y when compared to $ertical a7is washin' machines" The hori:ontal a7is of rotation uses less power because it rotates continuously without chan'in' directions" The operator does not need to combat the momentum and dra' forces of a barrel full of water" The operator does !ot need to lean o$er the washin' tank and submer'e her hands in the soapy water" +nstead1 the operator sits on the seat and pedals most of the time" She only needs 'et up to load the machine1 chan'e the water and unload the machine" This lea$es her hands free to work on makin' crafts and keeps them out of the harmful deter'ent" <E * EASY TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN6 )nlike any of the other alternati$es1 its uses locally a$ailable materials or recycled bicycle parts" +t can be produced in any area that has pre$alent bicycle technolo'y and thin's like plastic buckets" Since the parts are widely a$ailable1 it can ser$e as a basis for local entrepreneurs to start

microenterprises which would stimulate the local economy" Another ad$anta'e of usin' locally a$ailable parts is that easy to repair" +t is mechanically simple enou'h that any bicycle repair shop would be able to ser$ice the pedal-dri$e"



The inner barrel was cantile$ered from a rotatin' shaft supported in a bicycle bottom bracket" Since the plastic was so fle7ible1 the inner barrel distorts %uite a bit durin' rotation and needs a lar'e clearance within the outer barrel to a$oid collisions" Are%uent use would probably lead to fati'ue failure of the bucket1 shaft1 or bearin'" <F


.ur structure of our initial prototype was made primarily out of wooden planks bolted to each other and the frame because we wanted it to be easy to disassemble for desi'n chan'es1 and li'ht for portability" 4owe$er1 usin' remo$able fasteners increases the assembly time and lea$es possibilities for tamperin' since the machine is used in public spaces" Also ha$in' a li'ht-wei'ht structural frame makes it difficult to pre$ent $ibrations durin' the spin-dry cycle when clothes may 'ain a centripetal acceleration of up to 205" 8e had been puttin' remo$able >0lb wei'hts on the structure to allow it to remain portable1 but the final desi'n should ha$e the wei'ht incorporated into its structure so it will not be misused"


* DOUBLE SUPPORTED INNER BARREL6 The inner barrel will be supported at both ends fi7ed to a rotatin' shaft" Since the first prototype had one open end to allow for side-loadin'1 alternati$e loadin' mechanisms must be desi'ned" .ne option is to ha$e a trap door in both the inner and outer barrels" Another is to make one of the support for the inner barrel mo$able so that the inner barrel can still be opened and accessed from the side"

* WELDED STEEL STRUCTURE6 To reduce the assembly time and pre$ent others from tamperin' with it in public areas1 the structure will be made out of welded an'le iron" 8eldin' fi7tures may be desi'ned to make it easier to weld se$eral structures with proper ali'nment of components" The welded structure will add to the wei'ht of the machine1 makin' it inherently less likely to $ibrate" The steel structure may also be cemented into the 'round to ensure stability and security of the machine from theft" <B * DIFFERENT MATERIALS FOR OUTER BARREL>

8e are considerin' usin' a steel oil drum so it can be welded directly to the structure" 8elded attachment points would not re%uire any bolt holes that need to be sealed" The oil drum may also be shortened by cuttin' off the end1 and weldin' on a steel lid" Steel would also be more ri'id than the plastic drum we used for the initial prototype1 so it would be easier to ali'n the barrels and a$oid collisions durin' rotation" 8e are also considerin' usin' a cement basin that has the structure incorporated into it" This would make the machine much easier to manufacture because most of the machine would be a sin'le intact piece"

* STEERING COLUMN OR INDUSTRIAL BEARINGS6 Since we does not currently ha$e a use for the steerin' columns they recei$e1 it would nice to incorporate it into the washin' machine desi'n so the component would not 'o to waste" +ndustrial bearin's are also a$ailable e$erywhere" +f we find that bicycle bearin's are not suitable to support the load1 we may use industrial bearin's with 'reater tolerances and load capacities"

* E=TEND BARRELS A=IALLY6 8e are assumin' that e7tendin' the barrel a7ially will not 'reatly increase the effort that must be e7erted to rotate the barrel" 4a$in' lon'er barrels would increase the capacity of the machine and the amount of clothes that may be washed at one time" There are possibilities for di$idin' the outer barrel so that there are two compartments1 which would allow for washin' to occur on one side and rinsin' occurrin' on the other with the same shaft rotatin' two separate inner barrels" * FAUCET DRAIN SPOUT6 To ma7imi:e the ease of use1 we will use a faucet spout rather than a rubber stopper so the outflow of water can be better controlled" /eaka'e may be less of a concern if there was a fi7ed spout rather than a remo$able stopper which could be easily lost or may not fit properly after repeated use" =0


4a$in' a washin' machine will make you for'et about /aundromats" +f you buy one1 you will ha$e enou'h freedom to wash clothes when you need to with comfort" The 'reatest washin' machineDs ad$anta'e is time" ?ust think about all the thin's you could be doin' while clothes are bein' washed" Althou'h prices are hi'h1 your time is precious" Specially1 if you are with your family or performin' acti$ities you like" +f you ha$e your own washin' machine1 you can determine what kinds of washin' procedures you need for each piece of cloth and you do not need other people to do it for you" U U U U U U U U U U U U )ses less water1 power1 and soap 0leans as well as commercial washer with similar capacity Spin dries so no wrin'in' needed 0omfortable to use -nables women to do more rewardin' thin's Technolo'y for women 0ommunity in$estment that also benefits the poor Sustainable with local production and maintenance @eplicable anywhere with bicycles Sa$e the water" +t is a non-pollutin'1 as well as not usin' any types of electricity" Also we 'et the ad$anta'e of e7ercises with washin' the cloth by means of applyin' the pedal"

The D'4B#.C -'5B#.% needs deter'ent1 and water" This means an increase of consumption and e7penses in your house" +f you are about to buy a washin' machine1 you should bear these items in mind as future e7penses and analy:e your economic possibilities" The washin' machine occupies too much space" +f you 'enerally chan'e spaces or li$e in small apartments1 ha$in' a washin' machine will be a disad$anta'e for you to mo$e around and for the machine too" =1


,$-.%/0 1$2.%/E
1. %ts cost is high.

3E445%/0 ,$-.%/0 1$2.%/E

1. 2ost is lower.





complicated 6. 1aking is easy anyone can make at home.


7. Electricity working.




the 7. /ot electricity is required.

#. 5ife is longer.

#. 5ife is little bit shorter.

8. 1aintenance is costly.

8. 1aintenance is easy and not costly.

'. 9equired less space.

'. 9equired more space.

:. 4esign is complicated.

:. 4esign is simple.



+t is $ery useful into the local rural areas" Sa$in' in deter'ent and the water Scale free tub @educed traces of deter'ent on clothes 2etter wash %uality Softer clothes -asy to operate and the less effect of chemical on the women hand" -7ercise is also done with the applyin' the pedal"




From the above pro!ect, it can be concluded that the (peddling washing machine) is a very simple yet very powerful design of washing cloth which if brought into application in the rural areas of the developing countries can aid a lot of plight and the suffering of the poor peoples who find it very difficult to wash cloth by means of hand. hus it is used as a application keeping in mind the social welfare of the peoples of the rural areas. $lso +t is safe in workin' condition and hence it does not re%uire any safety 'uards durin' operation" The cost of maintenance is a low and it has a lon' life"

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