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THE OMNICIENT EYE The complete work consists of 223 pages Word format

Harton!s "irthda#

The winter had come and the seeds had already sprouted; now it was time to wait for them to grow fruits and vegetables. The corn had already come out together with the potatoes; everything was coming back to normal and with all that happened they had forgotten Hartons birthday was coming. One day during dawn in spring time; when the cockerel sang for the first time and the sun shined through the windows making the house warmer, Harton woke up all of a sudden and ran to his parentss room. He opened the door, entered silently and pulling of her mothers sheet he whispered: !om, mom, wake up" Today is my birthday" #Harton said in a lower voice. Harton noticed she was not paying attention to him and started to shove her until she woke up. $hat is happening son% #!aria whispered. &t is my birthday mom" 'ou have to get up and prepare my party #()plained Harton e)cited, with sparkles of happiness in his eyes. !aria felt parali*ed and breathless when she heard him, surprised at having forgotten his owns child birthday. &t was going to be the last day they will be spending together. +re you sure it is your birthday% #!aria in,uired tattering. 'es mother, it is fifth of !ay #Harton confirmed one more time. !aria was speechless, everything had gone silent in her mind; she was controlling herself so as not to lose the composture in front of her son. !other, what is wrong mother% Have you forgotten today was my birthday% #Harton implied. -o honey #!aria answered strocking his hair. .ut the truth was she had completely forgotten about it.

!other" #Harton e)claimed when he saw her confused. & would never forget about something so important #!aria insisted/ & am 0ust a bit stunned, half/asleep #1he e)cused. Then wake up, you need to prepare my birthdays party #Hartons asked impatiently. Harton was in such a hurry to wake her up and make her go out of bed that she had no time to warn her husband about what was happening; it was not convinient to say something to him in front of their son. 2onathan was sleeping profoundly due to the previous days hard/ work. $hen !aria woke up and was about to close the bedrooms door, she looked at her son and told him: Honey, go downstars, & will go in a minute. -o, no and no" &f you stay here you will go to bed again how you have done other times # Harton complained disatisfied. !aria intended to wake 2onathan up and warn him, but it was not a good idea to tell him something in front of their son. !aria was afraid of his reaction, it could come as a shock to him and it was unfair to do something like that in front of their child. Her husband could ruin everything. Then !aria decided to wait for him to wake up by himself and see what was happening. 2onathan and !aria were aware their sons birthday would arrive and everything would end. They would live unhappy, with nothing to fill their void, consoling each other, living from the happy memories about the son they had had. +lright Harton, & will go downstairs with you #!aria said resigning herself while putting the gown over her nightdress. $hile she was going downstairs !aria told herself: 3& have to be firm, fill myself with strength to prepare the party for your last birthday my son4 3& have to and must do everything perfectly so that you do not suspect4 1aid !aria to herself. &n the kitchen, in front of the cupboard, Harton asked while !aria took everything she needed. !om, can & make the filling of the pie% #Harton asked. 'es son, you can make it, grab the strawberry, mulberry and raspberry 0ams, mi) them in a bowl and you will get a uni,ue flavour. #!aria recommended, not much e)cited. +lright mom, $hen & have it ready & will place the filling as well. #Harton informed happy. !aria dedicated to prepare the pie pastry and place it in the stone oven. Harton had finished the filling, which was e),uisite and looked delicious. He threw it into the pie, with his mothers help, and filled it. They covered it with coffee colour icing that !aria had prepared

some minutes before. Harton decorated it with strawberries, mulberries and raspberries from the wood. The cockerel sang for the second time that day, it was si) in the morning, 2onathan was still asleep. !eanwhile his wife and son continued preparing the ban,uet for the birthday. Harton, honey #!aria said/ $e should make salty cookies, sweets and snacks. & will leave the pastry for the cookies on the table and you will shape them. $e will use the same pastry for the sweets and the snacks. 'ou only have to fill them with the flavour you want and then you can put some strawberrry, bulberry or raspberry on top of them, whichever you choose. 'ou should fill the snacks with different sausages meat; & am leaving everything prepared here. & will go to the stable and pick up the meat that was left from last 1unday. & will bring sausages and bloodsausages as well. & will be back soon. #!aria said and left the house. 5o not take long !om" #Harton asked while his mother was closing the door in a hurry. & will not, & will get back as soon as possible. 5o what & have asked while & am absent #!aria said. & will #Harton answered. Her mother had left; Harton was alone in the kitchen in front of a table full of pastry, snacks, sausages... (verything he needed to do what his mother had asked. Harton devoted himself to do what he had been asked and placed everything in trays his mother had prepared and left on the top of the counter, in front of the sink. The warm morning sun came through the kitchens window. His mother was taking a while. $hen Harton was about to finish the last cookies, !aria came in through the door carrying many bags. 2onathan had gotten up. !aria found his sight when she closed the door, he was in the living room, calmed, about to sit down but, when he heard someone coming in through the door he looked that way and saw !aria carrying bags, then looked round towards the kitchen and saw his son leaned on the table making the cookies. 6or a moment !aria stood still, without even breathing. 2onathan looked at her surprised, still a bit asleep and said: !aria, is that we are celebrating something% $hat is all this% #2onathan wanted to know. !aria swallowed, closed the door and went to the kitchen, left the bags on the counter, walked towards her husband while he was looking, fearing the worst. & think it is better if you sit down, & have something to tell you: today is our sons birthday # !aria said. $hat% #2onathan e)claimed surprised/ &t is impossibe it is his birthday. +re you sure% 'es & am #!aria confirmed.

$hy didnt you tell me before% #2onathan asked. & also forgot #!aria answered/ Harton, our son, told me this morning. That means it is the last day he will spend with us #2onathan stated in despair. Thats right husband #!aria answered, deeply sorry/ & am preparing a party because he asked me to, not because it delights me. He is ,uite e)cited and & felt obliged to do it and let myself go by his 0oy #!aria commented, annoyed/ $e have to be strong, both of us #!aria said touching his shoulder. & will try 2onathan said, full of anger. & have finished my last star/shaped cookies. 7et closer"

!om" Harton screamed e)cited 8ook at them" Harton asked. & am coming

!aria said drying her tears.

2onathan nodded at her so she could go to her sons presence. 9ome mom, ,uick" Harton insisted while placing the last trays on the counter look at them" They are well/done, arent they% Tell me the truth" Harton wanted to know. 'es son, these are the best cookies you have ever made, even better than the ones & do, they are perfect !aria said while looking at the trays. Harton smiled happily 7et closer you too father, come and see what & have done" Harton asked. 2onathan got closer to the treats his son had prepared, looked at them and, in 0ust one sentence, he e)pressed what he was feeling at that moment. & am proud of you and & will always be. They are all masterpieces 2onathan said satisfied.

Hartons eyes sparkled with fulfillment when he heard his dads flattering words; it was Hartons happiest day of the year. !aria put the bags on the table, opened them and got a big piece of meat wrapped in fabric, the second bag contained a great ,uantity of sausages, the third one, blood sausages, the forth one, fresh cheeses of different si*es and forms and, in the last bag, there were garlic, onions and parsley from the yard. 1he also brought spices she had milled to season the meat. !aria, & will go to let our relatives know we are celebrating Hartons birthday today, in the country. & will also call some friends so they can help me with the fire to roast the meat and gods forgive us 2onathan said. +lright 2onathan !aria said as she turned round to grab the plank to chop the meat & will continue here together with Harton and when we are done here we will 0oin you there to help you !aria said. 5o you think you will take too long% Harton asked. !aria informed.

-o, & think everything will be ready in a couple of hours

1ee you later father 1ee you later son

Harton said. 2onathan answered.

2onathan had gone to prepare everything in the country. !aria and her son stayed chopping the meat. !aria passed through the iron grinder a big piece of meat to mill it and make cro,uettes and meatballs, the rest was chopped and made into a great stew full of potatoes. 1he handled to her son the remaining pieces so he could place them in the iron barbacue sticks. 1he also baked some steaks to roast on the barbacue. $e are done mother" pick up the beverages. Harton e)claimed 8ets load everything in the carriage and also

'es son, & will put the cookies in the oven and then lets load everything in the carriage !aria agreed. 2onathan, in the country together with his brother 2uan, placed the old wooden chairs and tables they kept every 1unday in the stable. $e should place them here, under the trees, so the sun does not heat us so much 2onathan indicated to 2uan while moving them. 2onathan picked up the dry stems they had already cut and started to throw them in the old stone barbacue his ancestors had constructed. $e need to wait now 'es 2onathan agreed. 2onathan told 2uan. 2uan stated while 2onathan cleaned the sweat from his face.

$e will take some potatoes to roast, from the yard & will bring two bo)es to collect them 2uan said.

$hile 2onathan was in the yard picking the potatoes up, 2uan came closer to him with the two bo)es. 'ou, pick the ones there, & will pick the ones in this row. 8ets hurry up in case !aria arrives, & do not want her to get mad because we are in her yard 2onathan advised and they both laughed. $omen, they are all alike +nd they are usually right 2uan complained. 2onathan commented. 2uan said.

'es, thats true. &t is hard to assume though 2uan, 2uan"

2onathan called 2uans attention. 2uan asked while getting up. 2onathan re,uested.

$hats the matter%

8ook up to the mountains

& cannot see anything, 0ust grass

2uan answered.

-o, no that way, in the hill 2onathan indicated the top of the mountain, holding one of the bo)es and running with it towards 2uan. Oh my" &t is your wife" 2uan confirmed when he saw her clearly. 2onathan raised his voice. 2onathan suggested while running,

7et up and run, every man for himself"

2uan, pick up the bo) and drift away before she sees us hidden by the corns, towards the stable.

They hided the bo)es and throw an old mantle over them so that !aria would not see them. $e have had a narrow escape 2uan said.

& am not sure; & think she saw us running with the bo)es. & have to think of a good e)cuse in case she askes 2onathan mistrusted. & do not think she has seen us, she is in the top of the mountain 2uan e)plaind, calmed.

Thats what you think. 1ometimes & feel she can see from afar as she was wearing some old ladys glasses 2onathan commented and they both laughed in the stable. $hen they went out from the stable they heard !arian and her son approaching. 1ooo !aria said to the horses that pulled from the carriage. Harton said to the horses.

(asy, we have already arrived

2onathan and 2uan went to help them to unload the trays from the carriage and soon !aria asked 2onathan: $hat happened before% $hy were you running% !aria wanted to know.

2uan made up an e)cuse and went away as soon as he could and told himself: :oor him" 2onathan played the fool in front of his wife. & do not know what you mean 2onathan answered hidding the truth and trying not to give it away, while he was unloading the trays together with his son. & saw you running with 2uan, both with bo)es in your hands. +re you hidding something% !aria wanted to know $hy were you running% $hat made you run% !aria asked, annoyed. 2onathan was sweating, he did not want to tell her the truth lest her reaction. The last time she had caught him in her yard with a relative some fruits and vegetables had been smashed and she had gone mad. 6rom that moment on he did not thought of entering the yard with a relative, up to today.

-o, nothing, they were empty bo)es, & suppose some kid must have left them behind there, among the corn, last 1unday. +s they were having so much fun & imagine they forgot to put them into place. 'ou know how kids are 2onathan commented. !aria hesitated about wether to believe him or not. $hy did you run when you saw me approaching% To be able to help you 2onathan answered while he unloaded the last tray. !aria thanked her

Thats so sweet" Thank you honey" $hy are you such a gentleman% husband. .ecause you are the most beautiful and caring person & know hugged her, making a sign to 2uan that was looking at them.

2onathan asnwered and

2uan then reali*ed everything was fine and knew 2onathan had managed to avoid her annoyance. The heir was entertained in front of the fire, watching the stems turning into ember and thinking meanwhile 3$ill -oa come to my birthday% 1he is taking too long. $hen will she be here% & will ask mom... no, & better do not. & will wait4. &n his thought all there was was the sweet and warm voice of his 9ousin. Harton" !y favourite -ephew" ;ncle 2uan said while approaching him Happy birthday" +nd a lot more to come" ;ncle 2uan said. & thank you ;ncle &t is my honor Harton answered &t is an honor to celebrate it with you.

;ncle 2uan laughed and told him one of his childhood memories:

& remember that when & was young, when & still was a boy, & wished with much strenght for my birthday to arrive to 0oin my friends and have the greatest time. & also liked opening the presents, obviously. The present & remember the most up to date is a pair f socks from my great grandmother 2uan stopped for a moment 7od bless her soul, you do deserve it grandma" +s & was saying... Harton listened with sighs The socks were gigantic, made in crochet, in dark but bright colours, & remember they went up to my knees. &n every toe there was a colourful knot. & was turning thirteen and, in that moment, & thought: 7ranma thinks & am a rodeo clown" ;ncle 2uan e)claimed. The heir laughed at hearing this. ;ncle 2uan kept talking about how much fun the sock story had turned to be: & still remember the piercing words of great grandma $hich were them% These: Harton asked. ;ncle 2uan said.

;ncle 2uan said !y boy, try on the socks & made so & can see how they suit you.

Harton laughed while his ;ncle kept on talking. +t that point & blushed, and & had a reason, my friends were laughing wildly, they remembered it for months and months... .ut what matter was to see greatgrandma happy at that moment. & hope you do not have to go through the same. &t is a suposition, times have changed ;ncle 2uan 0oked. 8ook, the guests are coming 8ets get close to them +unt .erta Harton said interrupting and looking up to the mountains.

2uan asked.

Harton raised his voice calling her. +unt .erta handled him

Oh, my favourite -ephew" Happy birthday" This present is for you a present.

& thank you +unt .erta" & will keep it and open it when the party is over, together with my 9ousin Harton said. +unt .erta laughed when she heard him. +lright boy, you can open it whenever you want +unt .erta said.

Happy birthday" :epe said, with no pleasure in talking to his 9ousin Harton This is for you :epe gave him his present and said meanwhile: +nd be aware that, if my mom had not insisted to help her to buy you a present, you would have no present at all :epe said and continued tormenting him 'ou should know that my mom told me that, if & bought you a present, & could spend a whole day with my friends. 'ou have been lucky :epe assured arrogantly. Harton ignored all that his 9ousin :epe said because :epes intention was to ruin his birthday and Harton was not willing to let that happen, above all in a day so important to him. & thank you 9ousin Harton answered cinically.

The guests and relatives were saying hello to each other. Harton was worried because his beloved 9ousin was not there. $here are you -oa% Harton asked himself. Harton wanted to know.

!om, have you seen -oa% -o honey !aria answered.

+re you sure !om%

Harton insisted. !aria suggested. Harton asked to himself again.

& have not seen her son, she might be among the people & cannot see her Harton thought $here can you be%

5ear, & know you are looking for my daughter. -oa forgot to pick up your present and went running to the shepherds cabin. 1he will be back soon +unt .erta commented to calm him down as she heard him. 6or a moment & thought -oa may not come Harton commented.

Oh, no my dear, -oa always comes to your birthdays. 1he could never forget something like this" +bove all this day that is so important to you +unt .erta e)plained. 'ou are right +unt. & have been a fool" How could & hesitate% Harton lamented.

Time went by slowly; Harton isolated from the other kids and went to the countrys entrance to see if his 9ousin was coming. +fter standing up for some minutes he decided to sit on a rock, but nothing, he could not see her arriving. $hat is happening to her% $hy is she taking so long% !aybe something happened to her. -o, & do not think so, -oa is bright and intelligent, she must have got distracted chatting with some grandma, & guess. -oa is so communicative and friendly. & must stop pondering so much about which & cannot know. & am an)ious at her arrival nevertheless Harton said to himself. Half and hour had gone by, Harton looked at his clock but -oa was still not coming. Harton could no longer be sitting; he wanted to see -oa and was worried. & think & have to go and seek her Harton thought out loud, standing from the rock.

He cleaned the sweat from his forehead that was falling through his face due to the warm sun and, suddenly he saw her and thought: +m & delusional% !aybe & was so much time under the sun that now & am having visions. .ut it was his 9ousin, the one he was so an)ious to see; he has a special affection for her. -oa" Harton screamed as he ran towards her, e)cited and happy. $hen he was right in front of her he took her in his arms and turned around as they laughed. $hat is happening 9ousin% -oa asked.

& wanted so much to see you; every day is like eternity while & wait to see you again. (very second without you is an empty world to me Harton said to his 9ousin these sweet words. -oa laughed in his arms turning around over and over again with him. $hen Harton picked her up he placed his face on hers and felt the most delicate perfume from her gentle, delicate and thin neck. -oa did not reali*e or imagine that Harton was falling in love with her. .oth of them ignored they would not see each other from that day on. 'ears would go by before they could meet again or maybe they would never meet again.

-oa was not taller than her 9ousin Harton. 1he had long and curly hair, naturally light reddish, it brighted under the sunlight. Her face was sweet and atractive, of an irresistible beauty. Her mouth was big, fleshy lips, so pink they seemed to be painted. 1he had big emerald/green eyes. That day she was wearing an elegant dress, she looked like a maiden from some kingdom. Harton did not take long to make a flattering comment: 'ou look beautiful 9ousin" 'ou look like a princess" Harton observed. -oa said.

& thank you 9ousin, you also look handsome wearing that suit $hat took you so long% Harton wanted to know

.ecause & had to wait for your present to be made silly" !ade my present" Harton e)claimed.

-oa answered with a smile.

'es -oa confirmed !ade you present. +nd you will only open it when you have finished opening the others -oa commented. +lright 9ousin, will you help me to open them% Of course, we will open them together Harton wanted to know.

-oa said.

$hile they were walking towards the country to 0oin the rest +unt .erta told !aria: There comes your son and -oa. Oh, & can see them !aria said They make a lovely couple. 'ou can see they care for each other. 9an you see how well they get along% !aria commented. 'es, thats true & agree !om +unt .erta confirmed & have never seen them ,uarreling.

!aria said They are the only ones that never ,uarrel. Harton said as he got nearer Here is -oa. !aria asked. -oa answered and asked How are you +unt%

How are you -oa%

& am fine, thank you +unt 6ine dear

!aria answered, sighing. -oa said.

'ou must be happy your son turns fifteen today and he is a gentleman" 'es & am !aria answered.

Harton is a gentleman, no doubt about that !aria confirmed, remembering that day would be the last one by the side of his beloved son. Harton, honey !aria continued 7o to the stable before sitting, go with -oa and bring some bread that & forgot and some beverages bottles for lunch. +lright mother Harton said as he went away with his 9ousin.


$hile everything was perfect for Harton, !aria and 2onathan kept with them the secret that was disturbing them. + painful secret that could not be revealed to anyone; they were suffering but also were trying to conceal it the best they could in front of their guests. +mong Harton friends there was a man known as <The singer<, because he was the best singer in the village. (veryone appreciated him. He was tall, robust and bearded. He was wearing a big, dark hat. He was always invited to all the villages birthdays, and he usually attended with a guitar and sang for hours while everyone dance. Harton danced one of the greatest dances with his 9ousin. $hen it was almost time to sing the Happy .irthday !aria stood up from the table and went towards Harton, interrupting his passionate danced. Harton, son, 7et closer. &t will only take a second His mother asked kindly.

$hen he heard his mother Harton e)cused himself from the dance and told -oa he would be back soon. Tell me !om, what is the matter% Harton asked as he got closer. !aria

& have a present for you. + very special present so you can remember your family said. +nd, what are you going to give me, mother% Harton e)clamed e)cited.

!aria asked him to e)tend his hand while she took away the pendant she was wearing so she could give it to him. Harton e)tended his right hand and !aria gave him the heart/shaped pendant worked in old metal. $hen Harton opened his hand saw the precious present and refused to accept it. !om, & cannot take it, it is the pendant you love so much; it carries our pictures in it. 'ou do not need to give it to me. $hen & am in the city studying & will always have you in my heart, & will always remember you mother Harton commented. & insist my son, thats why & want you to have it so you can feel my presence with you and, listen to me, you never take it away, never son" !aria asked. +lright, if that is what you want Harton said. !aria asked.

$ear it, protect it and do not take it away until you are back & will never take it away !other, never 'ou can go and 0oin -oa again son crowd. Harton asnwered.

!aria said while she watched her son go away into the

This is your family that loves you that will never forget you, carry with you the love & feel for you. $herever you are & will be waiting for you here my son. 'ou will know the whole truth someday son and & will be here to ask for your forgiveness !aria said to herself while she saw Harton 0oining his 9ousin in the dance.


-oa, come with me, lets start openning the presents pulling her away from the dance. 'es, that is a good idea -oa answered.

Harton asked holding her hand and

On the table in the shed there were all the presents Harton had received from all his relatives and friends. $ow, how many presents you have received" -oa said surprised, looking at them. Harton said, happy.

Thats true, and & want you to help me to open them &t will be my pleasure -oa e)pressed.

8ook -oa" &t is and arc and arrow"

Harton showed, e)cited.

8ook at this Harton" 'ou have got a new bicycle" 'ou will be able to ride me with it. &s not that great% -oa in,uired. & will love to take you for a ride" Harton e)claimed. Harton commented. -oa said while Harton

On 1unday we will ride on it, we will go by the roads up hill

&t will be great to spend the afternoon with you, riding in the hills looked at the other presents.

-oa grabbed her present while he was distracted looking at the others, got closer to him and gave it to him in his hands. This present is from me, 9ousin, & had got it made by the sculptors for you, & am sure you will like it -oa commented with a smile, giving it to him. Harton opened the present while -oa looked at his face e)pression. Harton was so happy he was almost speechless; his face e)pressed admiration, he was delighted at that present. & do not know what to say, it is great" &t is the best and most valuable of all" Harton said.

&t is not that ama*ing, it is something & wanted to give you, a nice memory so you can remember me when you are in the city -oa commented. & love it. &t is the best sculpture & have seen in the village. 'ou will always be on my mind 9ousin, no matter how far & am, you will always be here, in my heart Harton afirmed, moved. & will miss the wonderful moments he have spent together 9ousin when you leave -oa said to him showing him the present & have it made for you, see: that is me and this is you, this way we will be together forever, even though you are away from me you will be able to look at it and remember this day. & will wear it all the time, forever Harton said.

-oa got him done by the sculptures a bracelet with their faces 0oined together. Harton was delighted at the surprise.


The night arrived. The sun was full of stars that shined on the green country and its flowers. +ll the guests continued dancing at the rhythm of the singers music. Harton was still with -oa, all the time. He shared with her the last dance of the night and their last magical moments. 2onathan and !aria kept hidding their sorrow in front of the guests. $hen they sang the Happy .irthday they could see how radiant he was by the side of his 9ousin. -oa helped him blowing out the candles under the starlights and with the voice of the singer in the background. The birthday ended in harmony and all the guests started to say goodbye, thanking for the day of 0oy and wishing Harton more happy birthdays. $hen the moment came to say goodbye to -oa Harton felt sad. .y her side the night had seemed short and ,uick. $e will see again soon 9ousin; it has been an honour to share a dance with you. & hope to get to see you soon Harton said. &t was my pleasure 9ousin, we will see again ne)t 1unday -oa answered, saying good bye.

-oa did not know they would not see each other from that moment on, and went away e)pecting to see him ne)t 1unday. +s Harton, she used to spend waiting for 1unday to see him again. (verything was ,uiet without the singers music, without the childrens laughter, without the noises from the guests. !aria and 2onathan started to move the tables and chairs and keep them in the stable. Harton stayed staring at the bonfire, his sight lost, thinking of -oa and remembering the last dance when he had the chance to kiss her, but he did not for fear of re0ection. Harton, honey, put the fire out !aria asked interrupting his thoughts. Harton answered.

+lright, & will throw some water on it :lease be careful not to get burnt & will mom Harton assured.

!aria warned.


Maria has to sa# good"#e to her son fore$er

$hen the guests went away 2onathan remained in silence, he was weird and worried. Harton came closer to his parents and said to them: Today has been the most beutiful day of the year to me, & am really grateful because of what you prepared for me, & love you more than anyone else in the world, you made my day really special Harton declared to his parents.


2onathan could not hold his emotions. His sons words had gotten to his heart. !aria felt moved as well. 'ou deserve that and a lot more. 'ou are the greatest thing 7od gave us declared. 'ou will always be in our hearts, we love you son" !aria said. 2onathan

2onathan took the horses and saddled them and then all of them began to travel the way back home. 2onathan and !aria thought of the last moments they have to share with their son. $hen they arrived, Harton tired due to the e)citement said goodbye to his parents and went to sleep to his bedroom, as if it were a typical night for him. !aria waited for 2onathan to go first to say goodbye to his son. &t was the last time he would tuck him in bed. The last time he would see his face. Once 2onathan came back downstairs, !aria started to cry silently in his arms. $hen she entered her sons bedroom she knew she will not see him again for years or, even, never again. 1he thought those would be the last kissed she would give him, the last stories and laughters they would share. !aria hold her tears in front of her son, full with sorrow but bravery, she went in looking into his eyes. !aria said: 7ood night son. 7ood night mother Have a nice sleep 'ou too Harton answered. !aria said.

Harton said. !aria said. Harton declared.

1weet dreams

The same to you mother

They said to each other, it was a tradition they both shared. +nd if we do not wake up tomorrow, let the gods take us to heaven. !aria, at saying this together with her son, started to cry. 1he could not bear the pain of losing the most precious thing in this world, the son that gave them happiness and courage to move on and face all the obstacles they had faced along the years. There is nothing left to fight for, nothing" $hat is wrong !om% -othing son !aria thought.

Harton asked when he saw her crying.

!aria answered brushing her tears away.


& do not believe you mother, why are you so sad% .ecause & love you a lot honey !aria answered.

Harton wanted to know.

Thats why% .ut that is a reason to be happy & know son !aria agreed.

Harton pointed out.

Then stop crying, & do not like to see you sad

Harton asked.

Thats alright, & will not. -ow get to sleep and never forget the love & feel for you, wherever you were my son, remember honey !aria asked. & will mom, & love you Harton answered while his mother went away.

!aria knew it was time to unbury the secret that had been hidden all these years so as to put an end to the suffering and fulfill the oath. 2onathan and !aria went together to the stable and started digging until they found the chest. +fter so much digging 2onathans spade crashed into something hard, it was the chest, the one that would make their son forget his roots; the one that would take him away to an unknown world; even though 2onathan took it with his hands from the ground. Here it is !aria 2onathan said as he gave it to her.

'ou go, do whatever you have to do and, god forgives us" 2onathan said, lamenting. !aria nodded and went away taking with her the chest. 2onathan stared at her and, without saying a word, ran away as if he was being followed by the devil. He ran hard, despite his tiredness. He climbed to the highest mountains and, with his hands outstretched forming a cross, he vented his rage. $hy do you have to take away what is mine% $hy% $hy do you have to take away my most precious thing, the most beautiful thing & have got% $hy my 7od% $hat wrong have & done to you% Tell me" 'ou are so brave to take him away from us but a coward to answer for your actions. +nswer me" 2onathan asked mambling with rage 5o not take him, not him" Take me. He is not guilty that the men are destroying the universe. He is 0ust my boy. 'ou are so powerful and so wise. $hy do you allow this% $hy do you allow them taking him away% He is 0ust a boy, cannot you see% 'ou know how much & love him, you know & would give my life for his, do not take him" Take me" !e" 8isten to my pleas, & am begging you, & am a humble man, do not take the best from us... e)hausted from begging he cried and cried. 6or a moment he thought of killing himself 0umping from the edge of the mountains but he knew his wife was going to need him more than ever, then decided to go back home with his pain. $hen he arrived home he found !aria standing there, holding the now empty and open chest in front of Hartons bed. !aria approached the window and told her husband as she cried:


They have taken him away; we do not know if he will be back someday, we will live with his memories. & do not know how much longer & will endure without our sons presence. -o" 2onathan shouted, falling on his knees in front of the door, crying as a child. !aria stated.

$herever you are my son, & will be looking after you

2onathan stood up and hugged his wife, who needed this, and firmly said: They will have to give him back someday, he will be back, and neither magic nor anything would make him forget us. 1ooner or later he will remember we e)isted and still e)ist in his life. 'ou know why woman% .ecause the love we have given him and felt for him are bigger than anything else, than any magic 2onathan commented. !aria knew at that point her husband was giving her hope, they both were conscious of what was really happening, Harton was no longer there, he had been taken away. That was the only real and true thing that was happening. -e)t morning everything was ,uiet. Harton did no longer live there; he did no longer sleep in his bed. His sheets were in a mess, as he had already woken up from bed. The same sheets !aria had tucked him in the previous night. !aria stayed all night sat in the old rocking chair that brought her memories from Hartons childhood. &n a corner of the room his son crying and she taking care of him. +fter some hours she was e)hausted and got asleep, leaving torments aside, but not for too long. $hen she woke up the only thing she could feel was pain, the void Harton had left. The inmense sadness was reflected in her humble face, tears rolled down her rosy cheeks and her crying could be heard all over the house, in despair for not having her son home. 1he went form one side to the other crying, begging the gods to bring him back. 1he kneeled in front of his bed, looking the empty sheets. 1he stood for a while by the bedrooms window and looked to the deepest part of the mountains and said: !y son, my only son, wherever you are, feel my presence by your side. $hy did they have to take you away% 'ou are 0ust a boy. How much time would need to pass% How much time would & need to wait to see you by my side% Her husband entered the room in silence, looked at her saddened and anguished eyes, got closer to her, took her hands and placed them over his chest and, with a bump in his troath, mumbled: He will be alright, you can feel the pain and emptyness as & do, if this is the fate the gods have chosen, we will resign, we are already suffering a lot and the only thing we can do is to live with the hope that some day, at some time in our lives, he may be brougth back 2onathan said. 5espite being a tough man, 2onathan could not take it any longer, he could not hold his tears in front of !aria, his eyes were flooded with them as he spoke and they fell hard down his cheeks.


They only had the hope that he might come back some day, meanwhile they would live with the pain of his absence.

Harton arri$es to Carpi%m Empire

Harton did no longer inhabit the village of his childhood. He was unconscious of all that had happened and did not know he came from a village called Hierboa where his family, that misses him so much and suffers due to his lost and absence, waits for him. He believes he has lived with his father, =ing !orvan, all his life. He would never fantasi*e being from another world. The only memories he has are of his father, =ing !orvan. 6rom his memory all the past has been erased so that he would not suffer. Harton was deeply asleep, but this time in his new and beautiful bedroom. +round his bed hang some large light brown courtains; their rims were decorated with anti,ue embroidery. The floor was carpeted. On the walls portraits of =ing !orvan and his ancestors could be seen.


.ehind a column there were his clothes and his sword. .ehind the bedrooms door two tough and strong guardians waited. !agoi and 6alcon loyalty and fidelity. Those were their names $ere =ing !orvans right hands due to their

Harton woke up from bed and, as a child he was, he stretched. 6or a moment he stood still and thought: $hat a weird dream & have had, who were you% 5o & know you% $hat nonsense am & saying% Harton ignored his thoughts and woke up from bed, walked to his clothes and began to dress. He took his sword and his shield and went out through the bedrooms door. $here is my father% Harton asked to the guardians.

6alcon, one of =ing !orvans guardians, who was wearing armour, a sword, arc and arrows and with a slender body answered: =ing !orvan is in the mountains in front of the (mpire, training the rest of the guardians. Harton made a sign with his head and asked to be taken in front of him, as he walked through the aisle. 6ollow me, & will take you to his presence !agoi, one of the kings guardians, said.

Once on the horses !agoi guided Harton to the mountains, in the way, almost when they had arrived, Harton ordered: 1top" $hat is the matter% 8eave me here alone !agoi asked. Harton said & will be fine, there is no danger here Harton said.

$ith a sigh magoi stood there, watching Harton go away towards the mountains to find his father, riding ,uickly in his white and fast horse. $hen he could no longer see him !agoi returned to 9arpium. 6ather Harton raised his voice to call his attention.

=ing !orvan, at that moment, was training hundreds of guardians from his (mpire. They were slender strong men; the noises of the swords hitting one another could be hardly heard. 1ome men trained with a)es, arc and arrows. They shot the trees from the wood; they were prepared for any obstacle that may arise. =ing !orvan felt really happy when he heard him calling, not without difficulty due to the sound of the swords. &t was the first time he saw him in person, flesh and bones. &t was time to see the heir of his throne, the protector of the (mpire and the guardian of the most wanted treasure aspired by men. 6ather Harton said e)cited, dismounting from his loyal friend and approached !orvan, who was sweating due to so much trainning.


!orvan was really glad to see him and could not conceal the happiness from Harton. Here you are my son" +t last & can see you before my eyes" The gods have listened to me" !orvan said, admired. $hat is the matter father% 8et me go, you are clasping me Harton complained.

& am the happiest king in the universe as & have you by my side. 'ou do not know how much & have needed you all these years and how much & need you !orvan said really e)cited. & do not understand father, & have always been here, by your side his reaction. & know son, but now you are in my presence, & know you are real $hat nonsense you are saying. 9ould it be the heat% :robably son, probably !orvan said. Harton felt surprised at

!orvan declared.

Harton in,uired.

Tell me son, what brings you here% !orvan wanted to know while he brushed his hair from his face and continued trainning with one of his guardians Have you come to see how & train your future guardians% -o father Then% Harton said.

!orvan e)claimed without stopping his trainning.

& have come to talk to you this time. & have something important to tell you, something that has been disturbing me since this morning when & woke up Harton commented. =ing !orvan, surprised at his sons words, stopped the training at that moment. 1on, Tell me, what is tha is disturbing you so much% 8ast night & had a dream + dream Harton said. !orvan asked.

!orvan repeated.

& dreamt about a young peasant, a beautiful maiden. 1he was in the mountains, surrounded by green meadows, crying, begging the gods to give her her son back. 6or a moment & stood still to watch her, there was something about her, & felt & have seen her before and when & woke up & felt he have spent many years away from each other Harton e)plained, e)cited $hat is happening father% $hy have & dreamt about her% $hy can & feel her suffering in my soul% $hy father% Harton asked. + tear fell through =ing !orvans cheek. 1on, some day you will understand the meaning of your dream !orvan anticipated.

$hat do you mean by that% $hat is happening% +re you hidding something from me% Harton wanted to know.


-o, no son, it is not the right moment The right moment for what%

!orvan raised his voice.

Harton asked, annoyed.

1ome day you will understand how much & need you. The only thing that disturbs me is to love you so much and knowing some day you may hate or forgive me for what & have done. 'ou are all & want and all & have got; never forget that" & would give my life for yours, & need you more than anything in this world, are you listening to me% -ever forget that, you are the future protector, without you & am vulnerable, all my hopes are in you my son !orvan said. Harton listened to his father even though he did not undertand all his words. He meant to ask him the meaning of his words but, at that moment, a guardian came and claimed his presence and Harton could not clear his doubts or, at least communicate them. Harton was only fifteen and was no capable of seeing things as they happened, all those words did not make sense in his mind. He had a skinny body, not too muscular. He was pale, and did not look like a warrior. His hair was dark and bright. His face showed sweet innocence. + noble prince sheltered by =ing !orvan, a young man that would not be able to kill a fly or defend himself from any enemy. He had never imagined that, at some point in his life, he would have to take the place of his father and confront so much greed. =ing !orvan was a determined man, protector of the 9arpium (mpire, firm in his words. He was a =ing of great honour, he had con,uested many villages, he was proud of himself and his achievements. He was tall, strong and slender. He had grey hair and big blue eyes. He was as fast as his horse but fragile in emotions. +fter a hard trainning with his guardians !orvan asked his son: 8ets ride on our horses, & would like to talk to you !orvan said.

Harton had stayed around, under a tree, thinking of his dream and answered: 'es father, lets go for a ride. 1on, & am proud to see you by my side. & have so much to tell you and so much to teach you !orvan stated & want to let you know what is happening in the universe. & will have to go soon, there will be a battle. (vil is back. !entor wants to gain possession of +tanasio and -agia and & cannot let that happen. & have to confront him before it is too late and & am afraid of the worst !orvan commented. Harton had never heard !orvan speaking that way, so concerned and worried. He could not understand much so he started to make ,uestions: 6ather, who is !entor and who is +tanasio and -agia% $ho are they and why are you so worried% +re they your enemies% Harton wanted to know 'our guardians are strong warriors and they have won all the battles they foght. $hy are you anguished% $hat is disturbing you%


1on, my duty is to e)plain everything clearly. & think today is a good day to let you know what is happening. & have waited for this moment many years !orvan said !entor is a malignant king, he lives for greed he want to domain the world and get hold of +tanasio and my sword. &f nagia is in his hands we would be lost. He desappeared many years ago, & should have killed him and & made a mistake when & did not. He has formed a batallion of warriors during all these years to attack me and sei*e the power !orvan e)plained. $ho is -agia father Harton interrupted. !orvan

-agia is the sword with which & should have killed him when & had the chance said. +nd why you did not do it father% Harton wanted to know.

.ecause it was not the right time, he has something that belongs to me $hat is what he has, father% 1omething too valuable my son cheeks. Harton asked, curious.

!orvan e)plained.

!orvan said letting a few tears roll down his wrinkled

6ather, why is -agia so important to you%

Harton asked.

!orvan looked into his sons eyes for an instant and began to e)plain it to him: .ecause it is my loyal friend. &t has the power to see things. & will e)plain it all better tonight, we have to go now !orvan said. $hen they were returning to the 9arpium (mpire, !orvan stood by its robust doors. Harton, & will be waiting for you at midnight in the top of the hills him. & will be there father Harton said. !orvan asked. !orvan communicated

!ake sure noone sees you. 7o out at dark & will father Harton said.

Harton had to think of something to distract the guardians from his bedrooms doors. +fter some moments of thinking he had a brillant idea, he would play asleep and so he did. !agoi opened the door of his room as he heard no noise and watched him sleeping; he closed the door again and told to one of his men: 6alcon, he is ready, we can go !agoi said. 6alcon was surprised.

Thats odd, he has fallen asleep earlier than usual 'es, it is odd, he was e)hausted"

!agoi e)claimed.


Harton opened his eyes when he reali*ed they have gone, went to the window, opened it ,uietly, climbed to the city walls and closed the window again. He walked through the city walls of 9arpium (mpire carefully. $hen he saw his horse he called it with a whistle, his horse came to him and both of them rode, ,uickly, to see Hartons father. +s they were approaching the mountains everything looked dark and sinister, some howlings could be heard in the woods. + low voice was heard behind the trees. Harton asked his horse to stop and made it turn towards the voice, when he got closer slowly he could see his father, =ing !orvan, was waiting for him. 7et closer my son !orvan asked & will take you to the top of the hills, & know a shortcut.

On the top of the mountain there were many guardians protecting a statue. The guardians made rows and they were all wearing armours and weapons. The guadians opened a way to walk through so Harton and =ing !orvan could pass. Harton observed everything and followed his father attentively. $hen !orvan got in front of the statue he took his sword from the armour and placed in into the statue. Harton, astonished, watched the swords eyes. .oth eyes opened as well as the statues eyes. !orvan looked at his son and asked: Tell me son. $hat do your eyes see% & can see the whole 9arpium (mpire father, the universe in it possible% Harton asnwered how is it

This sword is powerful, and together with the statue it can control the universes fate and destroy its protector. 1on, this is the most powerful sword in the world, there has never e)isted something as powerful as this sword and this statue. !y duty is to protect it as if it were my own life and prevent it to be in the wrong hands !orvan commented. & am starting to understand now father, +tanasio is the statue that provides life to your sword -agia; together they form a uni,ue link. 'es son !orvan confirmed.

$hen & observed your trainnings with the guardians, the care and afecttion you had with the sword called my attention. 6ather, it is the most beautiful sword & have ever seen. &t is of a metal none of the guardians have. & looked the metal eyes that were always blinded and & never knew why. -ow & know why you need to protect it as if it were your own life. & will protect it the same way you do when & am a man Harton spoke. !orvan felt proud when he listened to his son.


& know you will, & have faith about that but & need to train you for that and teach you all my wisdom so, when you are a man, you are the best, better than me even !orvan said $hen the time is right & will train you, you will have to protect them !orban said. 'es father, & will Harton assured him.

!orvan felt closer than ever to his son at that moment.


&n %ne'pected in$itation

The following day Harton woke up with the sound of bell strokes. He was still half/asleep when he opened his bedrooms window to let in the sunlight and the fresh air of the morning. He rubbed his eyes and saw, for a moment, someone approaching the 9arpium (mpire at high speed towards his window; He was under the impression he had seen a strange and different bird. +s the bird rested in the rim of his window Harton retreated a little. Oh, & am so tired" & thought & was never going to arrive here; it has been a long way. & think & am becoming old The tired bird said. 'ou can talk" $ho are you% Harton asked, surprised.

(asy boy, & am Triodo. 8et me gather some breath, cannot you see how tired & am% after a while he continued 'es" & can speak, & have a voice, dont you hear it% Tarari, tararan, tarari, tararan Triodo sang.


1top thats alright" 1top it"

Harton said interrupting his annoying singing. Triodo in,uired.

8ets go to my business, you must be :rince Harton 'es & am. 5o you know me% Harton asked.

-o boy, but & have heard a lot about you Triodo commented The magician is sending with me this invitation so go as soon as possible to your father, =ing !orvan. The magician" &s there a magician% Harton wanted to know.

yes, he is a regular magician, he performes great magic. The last one left me with no voice for a whole month, can you believe it% Triodo commented 5ont you have some pumpkin seeds around% Oh, & am sorry, & do not have what you are re,uesting Harton said feeling sorry.

Thats a shame" $ould you give me some water to clear my throat% &f it is not too much to ask, of course Triodo asked. -ow & understand why he left you mute for a month here, go to the wells and drink some there. Harton observed There is no water

Thank you prince, this way the trip would not seem so long, & will be able to sing through it Triodo said as he handled the invitation. Harton laughed while Triodo was going away to ,uench his thirst. $e will see each other soon, my friend 1ee you later talker" Harton said. Triodo said while he was going to the well.

He left his room in a hurry to let his father know about this event, he forgot he was wearing his pa0amas, and went to the kings room. 6ather" 6ather" & have got a letter. >ead it to me" the door and delivered the envelope to his father. Harton asked e)cited as he went through

Thats great" 'ou can read it yourself son, it is addressed to us both, read it" as he looked at the letter. Harton took back the envelope and opened it. 6ather, & do not know what it says; & ignore the language Harton said.

!orvan said

7ive it to me son, let me see it. &t is an old scripture, it is in 8atin. & only know one person that still writes this language !orvan commented and read:

(ear prince and old friend


& am dedicating these words to let you know & have come back. & have not known of you for a long time, i have decided to go back to -uman, where & have always lived. & have come to learn how things are, & received news: 'ou have a son, the son you have always wished for; an heir to your throne who you deposite your hope so that he can protect the universe. & congratulate you. & wanted to let you know & would like to meet him in person. & am inviting you both to come to my castle. & would like to be honoured with your sons presence. & am looking foward to seeing you for old times sake.

)ignat%re* (rince+ the magician

&s it true father% 5o you know him%

Harton was e)cited to know. !orvan said. Harton asked.

'es son, & know him better than anyone else, he looks after us $hen will we go% & want to meet him, & am a)cious about it" $e will go tomorrow at first time !orvan informed.

Thats great father. & want to meet him. 5o you think he may teach me his magic% wanted to know. -o my son !orvan denied. Harton asked.


$hy not father%

He has not been teaching for years. He was betrayed last time; his magic was used against him and he stopped teaching since then. & am not sure he will ever teach again !orvan commented. & 0ust wanted to have some fun father, thats all Harton e)plained.

& know son. !agic is not for everyone, it can be dangerous. -ow go and have some rest, tomorrow will be a long day, full of surprises for you !orvan said. +lright father, good night" 7ood night my son Harton said.

!orvan said.


Hartons night was becoming intense, he could not manage to fall asleep thinking about 5rince, the magician, and the wonderful it would be to meet him. He was trying to imagine how the castle would be with fairies and goblins. He hope the magician would teach him part of his magic, but he was not sure it was possible because his father had warned him that 5rince had ,uitted teaching a long time ago. That night Harton woke up from bed, nervous, turning from one side to the other. The three times he looked through his bedrooms window he thought: $here could the castle be% $hat direction could it be% -orthward, southward% Harton asked himself, because he could see nothing but woods. Then he would close the window again. His an)iety increased by the second, he was impatient in bed and this made him fall to the floor. +fter he stood up, he opened the window for a forth time. He was e)pecting to see something magical but nothing happened. Then he fi)ed his sight into the deep and perceived something emerged from the ground, full of sparckling colourful lights, they started to enter his room. Harton was mesmeri*ed, he could not believe it, and he told himself: This is not real, this is a dream, & am sure He closed the bedrooms window again and went to his bed, he believed he was dreaming while being awake. He tucked in one more time, decided to sleep this time and he succeeded. &t was daytime and Harton did not notice. He was sleeping soundly because he had spent part of the night awake, thinking about this day, fantasi*ing about the magicians castle. 1oon !agoi was calling at his door, telling him the sun had already come up. Harton started to wake up with dificulty because of the knocking on the door. He opened his eyes while frowning and reali*ed it was already dawn. He did not remember what he had seen last night, went to the window and opened it, as he did every day, to en0oy the fresh air that came through the window. $hile he rubbed his eyes he noticed a big and beautiful castle, he could not see it clearly due to the distance. +t that moment he knew what he had seen last night, when he could not sleep, was real. & remember now, it was real, not a dream. 'ou are here Harton said to himself, e)cited.

!agoi kept on knocking at the door, thinking the prince was still sleeping. & am coming, & am already awake open it. Harton said a bit annoyed and went towards the door to

:rince, you need to get dressed, your father is waiting for you. Have you forgotten today you will meet 5rince, the magician% !agoi asked. Oh no, & could not forget that" & spent part of the night awake thinking about it said, yawning. Harton


!y dear prince, get dress" 'our father is waiting for you an)iously so he can take you to meet him !agoi said with a smile. 8et him know & will not take long & will prince !agoi said. Harton said as he closed the door. Harton asked.

& will go to 0oin him

The prince started to get dressed, hurried to go and 0oin his father. $hen he was ready he grabbed his sword and placed it in his clothes. He opened the door and left, closing it behind him. He walked ,uckly through the 9arpium (mpires aisle and, for a moment, went into the kitchen where the maids were and made them all know he was going to meet 5rince that morning. They congratulated him. Harton, happy, ran through the aisles until he arrived to his fathers room, he was waiting there, as an)ious as Harton was. He opened the door suddenly, pushing !agoi a little. !agoi bent due to the pain but took his position inmidiatly while listening silently what the :rince said: 6ather, father, & am ready. 'ou can take me to meet him now" approached his father. Harton said as he

!orvan nodded, stood up from his desk and 0oined his son, putting his hands on his shoulders as they left the room. 5o be careful, & will not be out much !orvan asked to !agoi as he went away. !agoi answered.

'es sir, you have nothing to worry about Have fun prince"

6alcon said, standing by !agoi. !orvan said as they walked through the

& can tell you were waiting this an)iously my son aisle. 'es father, & am really an)ious to meet him

Harton confirmed.

& have not heard from 5rince for a long time !orvan said $e will meet again my old friend. 1on, lets get on our horses and go to the castle. &t is time for you to meet him !orvan said. 8ets go and meet him Harton said.


(rince!s castle

=ing !orvan, together with his son, began the trip to -uman, where 5rinces 9astle was. 5uring the trip Harton told his father what he had seen the night before and what he had seen during the morning. Harton was e)cited, lively, 0oyful and really happy. He could not imagine the magic and surprises that were awaiting him in the castle. There is the castle father, the same & saw last night clearly" Harton declared. !orvan said

'es son, it is the same, how many memories from my childhood it evokes $e are almost there my son.

They were seeing the most beautiful image as they approached: The floor was full of fresh grass and pines surrounded the walls of the castle; there were statues of magicians sculpted in stone and all kinds of goblins shined colourfully. The spotlights illuminated the road towards


the bridge that lead to the castles entrance. The peaks of the castle were packed with owls, waiting there motionless, their eyes hardly blinked. 6ather, there is the entrance, lets cross the bridge" 5o you think he would teach me some magic% Harton in,uired one more time. 5o not be insistent, remember what & told you: magic is not a game, it can be dangerous !orvan warned. +lright father, & only wanted... Harton appologi*ed.

& know what you are going to say son, lets get off the horses. 7o and call at the door, & will be there in a minute !orvan interrupted. The king hinched the reins to the post, that was in front of the castles entrance. Harton went to the door and knocked. They were taking long to open it. 6ather, do you think he might not be here% -o son, they always take long, do not worry Harton asked. !orvan said as he got closer to his son.

They were calling at the door of 5rinces castle. (scripi That was the name of 5rinces assistant $as a goblin with long ears and dumpy face and ,uite amusing. He was different from all the other goblins in the castle. He was a tiny greenish creature, with a turned/up, fatty bottom. He was of great help to 5rince, above all when it came to get rid of the insects that inhabited the basement. (scripi, the goblin, was wearing a purple tunic with old decorations. The pockets of his tiny cape were tur,uoise as well as his boots that ended in points, and were also tur,uoise and lilac. $hen (scripi heard someone was knocking at the door he was inside one of the holes in the basement, but he was able to listen as he has great ear sensitivity. (scripi was holding a two/sharp/pointed wooden fork in his hand and stopped when his large ears let him know someone was at the door. ;y" $hat are those sounds% 1omeone is calling on the door" 1ilent, do not make any noise. -ot now. 1tay still" (scripi asked the insects. 6or a moment the insects stood still, one did not obey and moved. (scripi got mad as he could not perceive where the =nock =nock came from and grabbed the fork He had left it on the floor +nd thrusted it into an e)cited cockroach, killing it. One less to hunt. The rest can hide, & will be back for you later He showed his head with big effort through the hole he was in. !y master, someone is calling at the door (scripi warned. 5rince said (scripi said.

Oh" They have arrived soon" & though my invitation would arrive tomorrow" surprised.


OH" How come% & am tiny but not silly" & ordered the bird Triodo to take the envelope. He is faster with his wings. &f we had sent the letter with 1leepyhead you would spend months without seeing the :rince you wish to see so much (scripi commented 1he sleeps a nap with every step she takes, and long naps by the way" :oor turtle. 1he was an)ious to take them the letter. $hat am & going to tell her when she wakes up and sees them here, (scripi% 5rince wanted to know. 5o not worry; leave it in my hands & will think of something. 8ook at her" 1he is still sleeping" (scripi said. Oh 7oblin" 'ou are always so mischievous. 8ets see how you manage it. & will leave it in your hands. -ow go, open the door and tell them to pass 5rince said. Triodo was a loyal assistant to 5rince. $hen he opened his wings he crashed everything around him so 5rince was always cautions not to have him around near his e)periments. His peek was tiny, but not his eyes which were wide, big and purple. His feathers were lilac and tur,uoise, as (scripis tunic. His legs were long and thick. He was a wise and talkative bird; he was always attentive to all the conversations he heard. He was nothing like the turtle, they had completely different ,ualities. The later was always sleeping, when she woke up she would say, while yawning, one or two absurd words which made (scripi laugh at her distraction. (scripi climbed the stairs using his cane, 0umping to get there as fast as possible to the top of the high stairs of the basement. $hile he was going up he complained: ;y" & am so tired" & am almost there. 6inally & am here He said to himself as he cleaned his forehead with a piece of cloth he carried in the pocket of his leggings. He left his cane in the corner of the stairs and went to the castles door. He stopped by the kitchen and said to the servants that also were goblins while he looked for the cockroach that was in his pocket: (scape fast" $here are you% Here you are" & got you He took it and throw it on the round and robust table Here you are" This is my dinner, prepare it for tonight. Oh, & almost forget, salt it a lot. & am an)ious to eat it. ;f" & can see you have found your dinner yourself One of the goblins said. (scripi complained.

'es, & am tired of eating your food. &t is always the same

;ngrateful" The oldest goblin of the castle said 9annot you see the vegetables are good for your health% They contain a lot of vitamins and are good for you because you have to make big efforts as you are smaller than the other goblins. 'es, thats true, you are smaller than the other goblins They are good to grow; you are in a growing age still + younger she/goblin observed. The oldest goblin said.

-o, & would rather eat 0uicy cockroaches instead of your stews. $ith the years & will always grow by the sides, & am old and & will not grow any longer (scripi stated.


-o son, you are not old yet, you are... let me think... & cannot remember... Thats weird. $hy cannot & remember your age% The oldest goblin said. 7ranpa" .ut he is one hundred and eighteen years old The youngest goblin said.

'es, thats right. & remember now. 'ou are one hundred and eighteen years old" 'ou still have to grow" Thats true, goblins grow until they turn eight hundred years old. 9annot you see how big your brothers and sisters are% One of the she/goblins in the kitchen asked. $ho are you trying to deceive% & am tiny" & will never grow, ever" & am like my grandparents, thats my sentence (scripi said with sadness and started to cry mellancholly. -o son. 'ou are special. 'ou are 0ust different due to hight The old she/goblin said .esides you can enter into the tiniest holes and hunt all the insects you want, & will cook them for you. 1ee, you can do things the big ones cannot" 'ou are lucky to be small" The big ones would like to be small again 'ou have a great advantage The youngest she/goblin assured him. (scripi said resigning himself. The oldest goblin said.

'es, that is true. & am special, & can do things others cannot & think (scripi has forgotten to open the door

Triodo that was flying around, interrupted.

+y" & had forgotten" & forgot because of the talking. & have to go; & should take the visitors to the e)crement room. 5rince is waiting for them" (scripi said as he walked away. $e will see at dinner The she/goblins said.

$hile (scripi was getting closer to the door he heard the constant knocking. & am coming (scripi shouted as he ran towards the door and grabbed a long pole that was leaned on the wall $ait (scripi asked ;f" &t is heavy (scripi said referring to the pole. The pole wobbled from one side to the other. (scripi struggled to keep it straight so as to open the big latch that locked the grandious doors of the castle. +fter several attempts he managed to open it with a bumb and a trick. Then he tuned his voice and yelled: 'ou can push now. 6ather, have you heard% & thought they asked us to push Harton said.

(scripi asked them to come in one more time, after rela)ing his throat. Have you heard father% Harton insisted 8ets push father"

They pushed the doors and, as they pushed, they dragged (scripi with them. +y" .e careful" 1top" (scripi begged.


Harton heard a tiny voice asking for help, but he was not sure if he had really heard it, he kept openning the doors (scripi was running as fast as he could so as not to be trapped by the doors. He was about to get crashed against the wall, Harton hold the doors and close them again with his fathers help. (scripi, annoyed, said out loud: This time it was close, you almost crash me against the wall" He took out his wooden fork and went, angry, towards Harton 'ou cannot see me right% 5o you want to fight% 6ight as a man, here & am" (scripi raised his voice with rage. Harton stepped foward throwing away the tiny globin, with the second step he almost mashed him. He turned left avoiding escripi who was feeling he had 0ust seconds to live. Thats strange son, & thought they would come and receive us" They might have been in a hurry, opened the door and left !orvan e)pressed.

Harton imagined.

& am here, & am here. 9annot you see me% (scripi shouted, holding his two pointed fork and thrusting it into Hartons foot to call his attention. Harton screamed and raised his foot due to the impact the fork caused. (scripi was thrown through the air and fell on Hartons nose, he grabbed as firmly as he could. Once he felt he was firm and secure he looked into the princes eyes. 9an you see me now% 'ou almost kill me giraffish (scripi said staring.

Harton was shocked by it and ran towards his father asking for help. (scripi was still grabbing firmly his nose. 1ee, you are scared now. This is the same fright you provoked when & was about to be crashed against the wall (scripi e)plained. $hats wrong son% !orvan wanted to know. Harton answered calmed +y" 8et go, you are hurting me"

-o father, it is nothing

-o. &f & let it go you will throw me in the air, & know you are mad at me because & thrusted my fork into your foot (scripi said. -o, be easy, & am not annoyed, trust me, let go. .esides & would not hit someone so tiny Harton stated. (scripi got angry when the :rince called him tiny and kicked his nose with his pointed boots. This made harton mad and impatient. He pulled out the goblin that was holding his nose, grabbed him by the cape and threw him in the air, in front of him. $hy did you do that% 5o you think it does not hurt% -ow you will see" Harton said.

Harton crouched down, grabbed the small stick that had fallen from the goblins pocket, stood up and looked at him while holding it.


-ow you will see. 1tand still. 9annot you see & can poke it in your eye% 1tand still advised.


-o, that hurts The goblon answered :lease make it ,uick (scripi resigned with a pityful e)pression as he stood still. & will do the same to you so you learn to respect Harton said annoyed. (scripi complained.

&t hurts" The pain" 1top" &t hurts so much" The pain" -e)t time & will pinch your nose even harder

Harton warned. (scripi apologi*ed.

There will not be a ne)t time, it hurts too much; & am sorry

Harton laughed, placed (scripi on his right shoulder and took him to his fathers presence while walking through the wonderful aisles of the great castle. (scripi held Hartons hair. Here you are" & can see you have already made a friend 'es father, & have already found a friend what had happened. =ing !orvan observed.

Harton answered, not much e)cited because of

'our son grabbed a stick and... (scripi dennounced but was interrupted. Harton covered his mouth with his finger and would not let him continue, he knew what he was going to say. -o, do not tell him please Harton begged in a whisper.

(scripi ignored him and tried to e)plain the =ing once more what his son has done. Harton stopped him again. &f you tell him & will pinch your nose, & will put you down and you will have to walk again Harton said in a lower voice. -o, do not do that, & am too tired, & have had to climb a long stair to open the door commented. $ell, you know what you have to do Harton advised. (scripi

;f" & am so tired, & will keep ,uiet for now; you must turn to the right... & will take you to the presence of 5rince (scripi said. $hat is your name% Harton wanted to know. (scripi answered. Harton observed. (scripi said

& am called (scripi, because & am too tiny

Oh" $hat a nice name. &t matches your hight

'ou are not the first one to tell me that and will not be the last either somewhat annoyed. Harton laughed and (scripi felt sad because of it.


$hat is wrong (scripi% & was 0ust laughing...

Harton e)cused himself.

(scripi would not let him finish the sentence and, with tears in his eyes, interrupted: 5o not continue, & know what you are going to say -o, do not be sad, & was not laughing at you (scripi said.

Harton assured him and laughed again. (scripi said as he

1ee" $ho are you kidding% 'ou are laughing at me because & am tiny brushed his tears with a tiny cloth.

-o silly, & am laughing because you are tickling me as we move Harton e)plained as he laughed again & think the points of your boots are touching my neck, sit better so & will not laugh. & have been silly, & though you were laughing because you were mocking me e)pressed. (scripi

-o, & would never mock you, you are my friend. .eing tiny has many advantages, you can do thing others cannot do Harton e)claimed. Thats true, the servants have already told me that 1ee how & do not lie, & like you (scripi fingertips. (scripi confirmed.

Harton assured as he patted his head with his

+y" -ow the one that is tickling me is you 'ou have not told me what is your name Have you asked me% Harton in,uired.

(scripi said and they both laughed. (scripi said.

;y" Thats true, & forgot because of the fright you caused me, & am asking now & am :rince Harton Harton answered. (scripi declared. Harton answered. (scripi ordered.

(scripi said.

-ice to meet you, :rince -ice to meet you, (scripi

-ow you have to turn left. 6aster

Harton obeyed in order to reach his father that was farther as he already knew the way. 'ou have such long legs, like the ones of a giraffe, why dont you go faster% 9ome on, hurry those gigantic legs up (scripi complained &s that all you can do% + turtle can run faster than you, you are so la*y Harton. & do what & can Harton answered as he tried to go faster. (scripi announced. Harton wanted to know.

1top" $e have arrived

6ather, do we have to go downstairs%


'es, of course, dont be afraid my son They are old but they hold firmly 7o ahead my son !orvan asked.

!orvan said.

(scripi declared.

They prepared to go downstairs. =ing !orvan went before his son, in case there was any peril, as the stairs were old and looked dangerous. 5o be careful my son, look where you step & will father Harton answered. (scripi said. !orvan advised.

-ow you understand, dont you% 1ee how hard it is to climb this old stairs 'es, & do understand now my friend They have arrived, they are here" him. Harton answered.

Triodo informed to 5rince, the magician, flying around

5rince was preparing one of his e)periments while his guests came down by the old oak stairs. 6ather, is this place safe% &s it father% (verything looks so dark and sinister" worried. Harton

'es son, despite being many centuries old and full of spiderwebs, there is no safer place !orvan said. 'es, they are very safe (scripi added.

$hen they only were a step away from the e)crement room, Triodo, who had noticed their presence, was trying to call 5rinces attention to let him know they had arrived. 5rince was entertained and isolated making magic, and did not notice what Triodo was trying to do. 5rince dropped some of his magic powders in the caldron which e)ploded suddenly forming gigantic clouds all over the room. Harton and !orvan could not see a thing; everything was covered by the smoke. $hat is happening, father% Harton asked.

.efore =ing !orvan was able to answer he felt a hand on his shoulder and a voice that said: $elcome, my old friend The magician said. =ing

& can see you are still the old, wise and playful magician you have always been !orvan observed. & am still a youngster, & have 0ust turned eight hundred and ninety eight years replied, laughing at the =ing remarks as they hugged. &t is so good to see you again my friend !orvan said.



& do feel the same

5rince declared.

The macigian turned to Harton and placed his hand in his shoulder. $ow" 'ou must be :rince Harton, & am sure you are a good boy and & imagine you may like the magic. +m & wrong% &s that true% 5rince said. 'es, yes & like it Harton confirmed e)cited. 5rince said.

well, & have a lot to teach you then -o, it is too soon, my friend referring to Harton.

!orvan interrupted some other time, my son !orvan said

This way, we have to go upstairs 'ou must be proud of your son

(scripi said to Harton. 5rince said. !orvan said.

'es, yes & am. He is the son & have always wished for

.y the way, may & ask why you came back suddenly, the things are as they used to be here, there is no danger to fear 0ust a battle that & am worried about. 'ou know my old friend things are not the same, & am not as strong as & used to be !orvan commented. & understand my friend. & have come back because something is about to happen, hard times are awaiting 5rince said 1omeone will have to give up to save the universe. 1ometimes it is hard to understand what you say my friend !orvan said.

'ou will understand soon, you will only need to surrender your trust and believe in the stranger, he will be the chosen one 5rince said. $ho% !orvan asked. 5rince answered. !orvan said laughing 'ou are still a 0oker as in the old days.

Time will say

& did believe you for a while

Harton was coming down the stairs with his new and friendly friend (scripi on his shoulder and interrupted them 6ather, (scripi has shown me 5rinces garden, it is magical" There are speaking trees and living statues, their eyes opened when & touched them. &t is ama*ing father, you have to see it Harton continued There is a dragon with huge wings and robust legs that stopped being a statue as soon as & touched it. $ow" &t is true !orvan e)claimed. (scripi confirmed shrugging with fear &t was huge"

Tarari, tararu, tarara, & cannot believe it, my eyes should see that" Triodo said, feeling curious, and flyed away through the castles window towards the garden.


!y son and his fantasies

!orvan said. 5rince e)pressed.

5o not think that, your son has an incredible mind

&t is true father, you have to believe me. &t had wide eyes, bigger that the palm of my hand Harton insisted Of the colour of fire. 6or a moment & felt frightened but when & was about to run away he spoke to me. He asked me not to be afraid that soon we would meet again. & was scared, & turned my back to him and ran as fast as & could through the garden, when & looked back it had turned into a statue again. 'es, he ran away and almost threw me to the ground, & was more frightened than he was, & grabbed as & could 9onfirmed (scripi. $hen & was a boy & used to invent fantasies for my distraction !orvan said +s well as you my son. 6ather, it is not a fantasy, it is in the garden $hen we go away we will go and see it +lright father Harton resigned himself. (scripi asked to Harton. Harton wanted to know as he left him on the floor. (scripi said come, help me, look for a bowl, we will Harton insisted.

!orvan said, not much convinced.

8eave me on the floor carefully

$here are you going in such a hurry% & have to finish a mission & left behind need it, it is around somewhere. +ll right

Harton said looking around the 0unk. (scripi warned.

-ot that one, dont do that, cant you see it is a turtle% & am sorry, & thought you were a bowl

Harton apologi*ed to the turtle. The turtle wanted to know, yawning.

+ bowl" 'ou are here, who brought you here boy% !y father Harton answered.

The king is here as well% anything.

1leepyhead asked making a pause ;f" & do not understand

(scripi you have to solve this mess +y" $hat a mess"

5rince called (scripis attention.

(scripi complained as he got closer to 1leepyhead, tuning his throat. (scripi said friendly.

7ood morning or good afternoon 1leepyhead

& do not understand anything. $ho sent then the invitation% & thought that was my task 1leepyhead said, feeling sad and confused.


-oone, they came by themselves, they heard we were here already and decided to come to see us (scripi said &snt that right :rince% 'es, thats right Harton confirmed 8ast night & could see how the castle arrived through my window and told my father. $e decided to come by our own. -ow & understand, & think & have overslept. +rent you mad at me% -o, of course no Harton confirmed. 1leepyhead said, yawning & will sleep a bit longer, & think & have 1leepyhead asked.

& am happy to see you not slept enough today.

'ou had a narrow escape, had you not (scripi% 'ou almost get in a mess boy

5rince said.

!orvan said to (scripi.

(scripi sighed and laughed together with the :rince. 8ets see if you do not make a mistake once more and get me into a mess (scripi said -o, that one no, dont you see that one is a barnacle% 7rab the one on the table (scripi said. & am sorry (scripi 6ollow me Harton said.

(scripi asked.

(scripi entered the small hole he was in moments before openning the doors of the castle. He grabbed his fork from his little pocket. !eanwhile Harton kneeled on the floor to see what the little goblin was about to do. 8ets see, there is nothing here (scripi said ;f" Here you are" 5o not run, what is the use if & am going to catch you anyway (scripi complained to a big cockroach and thrusted his fork into it, sei*ing it. Then he put it in his pocket and went back to the hunt. Harton spyed the goblins hunt, feeling sorry for the insects. +y" 5isgusting" Harton said while observing.

There is something here, another one that runs away. & do not understand. $hy do you run% +m & that ugly% & will catch you sooner or later. $hy dont you stay still so & can kill you once and for all% (scripi said to the insects while they run cra*yly with fear in their eyes. & will catch you (scripi said to an ant and when he finally caught it he said:

+nother one for my treat, & only need one more bug for my stew. 'ou (scripi said to a spider and caught it thrusting the pointed fork on it There it is (scripi said while he struggled to get out of the hole he had entered to catch his dinner. $hat are you planning to do with those bugs% Harton asked, disgusted and holding the bowl while (scripi was placing in it, one by one, the bugs he was killing.


5o not ask any ,uestions, now follow me, & will take these 0uicy insects to the servants (scripi said. & did not know goblins ate bugs Harton said surprised.

7oblins dont (scripi e)plained Only & like those bugs, they are delicious, you wont regret if you try them (scripi recommended. -o thanks, & am sure they are good but it is your dinner and we do not want you to be hungry Harton commented 9ome to my shoulder. Harton raised (scripi to his right shoulder and went upstairs while (scripi led him to the kitchen. !eanwhile =ing !orvan commented to 5rince, the magician, he was worried that something may happen to his son. He e)plained he was becoming old and weak before the enemy and the :rince was not prepared to command because he was 0ust a weak boy. 5rince was wise and could predict the future of all that was coming in the universe, but his rules prevent him from revealing it to anyone because that could change the destiny of all and turn around the events of the seen and unseen. 5rince, in spite of looking old and tired, was full of wisdom and magic. He was wearing a tunic that fell from his shoulders up to his feet, lilac and tur,uoise, with purple old symbols of dragons. He was also wearing a long and sharp pointed hat with the same decoration as his cape, tight among his long and grey hairs. Harton had arrived to the kitchens door, placed his hand on the handle and opened it slowly. 8ook who & bring for you to meet" (scripi said while he asked Harton to let him on top of the table. The she/goblins said hi to him, Harton said hi back kindly 'ou can leave the bowl by my side (scripi asked. Oh, of course Harton said as he placed it by his side. The oldest she/goblin e)claimed. The youngest she/goblin e)claimed. One of the goblins said.

!y dear, you must be the :rince

'es and the future protector of the universe"

Thanks to the gods we already have a future protector

The servant she/goblins continued talking among them about the future protector. !eanwhile (scripi made a great effort to pick up the bugs from inside the bowl to show them to the servants. 1uddenly he fell into the bowl while trying to get one of the bugs. Help me" 7et me out of here" the servants. (scripi begged repeatedly interrupting the gossiping among

& am coming, be easy" Harton said getting closer, put his hand slowly into the bowl, held him carefully by his tiny cape, pulled him out and placed him again on top of the table.


Thanks my friend, for a moment & thought & would be trapped there forever 'ou should not be so mischievous &t was an accident Harton advised.

(scripi said.

(scripi e)cused himself. Harton asked.

&t is alright, but ne)t time, be more careful

(scripi you are always so mischivious, you do not let people rela) The old servant said come and sit down, boy, you will get tired standing up 1he said to Harton. Harton sat down in one of the wooden chairs that were beside the big round kitchen table. & have brought more bugs so my soup is even more delicious servant while other two servants that overheard felt disgusted. (scripi said to the old

Oh dear" 5o not pay attention to them; & will prepare the soup so it will be tasty servant said. $hy is the :rince so ,uiet% The youngest she/goblin wanted to know. Harton e)plained, sad.

The old

& am 0ust thinking, & am worried

$hat is worrying you son% 8et me know, you will feel better while the young she/goblin served an e),uisite snack.

The old she/goblin asked

&t is because of my father, & am worried about him, he will soon leave for one of his battles and & can see he is worried; & think something is wrong and & cannot do anything to help him, & am 0ust a boy Harton commented letting some tears roll down his face. (scripi interrupted the conversation without reali*ing. :oor boy (scripi said sad & think & know someone who could help you. Harton asked.

$ho could help me%

5o not tell him anything, there is no time for that. 9annot you see soon there will be a battle and there is no time to prepare him% The old she/goblin said. Thats true my friend, even if there were time you could not go against them, you are still a boy (scripi felt sorry. 'ou should not worry, the king has always won the battles and this time it will not be different The young servant said. Harton continued telling them his sorrows and receiving their support. !orvan was still in the basement with 5rince, talking. & need to tell you something very important $hat do you have to tell me% 5rince asked. =ing !orvan said.


1ome days ago my sword revealed me that there will be a battle soon which & am not sure & will win. & cannot see clearly what is going to happen. & am worried about my son, he is still too young and weak, & am afraid something might happen to him !orvan commented. 5o not worry, be calmed 5rince asked Thats why & am here. !orvan said

& have thought you may tutor him while & am in battle

'ou know & am always at your service. He will be safe here in the castle, away from any danger 5rince said. & am leaving more calmed, & know & can count on you... we will see again soon my friend !orvan said. $e will see soon my friend, say goodbye to your son from me & will, my friend !orvan said. 5rince asked.

!orvan went upstairs as carefully as he had gone downstairs and ran into his son who was coming fast. Here you are my son, we should go before it gets darker $ait father, let me say goodbye to 5rince Ok son, be careful as you go down & will father Harton answered. Harton asked. !orvan advised.

!orvan warned.

Harton said goodbye to 5rince, the magician, and promised to come back to stay longer and en0oy his magic with him. (scripi felt sad when he new friend left. $hen they left through the castles doors Harton went once more to the garden where he had been before without his father, but nothing turned to life as it had happened before. &t is strange father approaching them. Harton said The statues were alive Harton assured his father while

6ather, & do not understand what has happened $hat, my son% !orvan asked, distracted.

Harton said.

The dragon & talked to you about, it was here, in this place and now it is gone. &t has left without saying goodbye Harton said sad. &t must have been in a hurry, you will see it another time & guess Harton said. !orvan said.

$hen they were on their horses on their way to the 9arpium (mpire Harton asked: 6ather, & want to ask you something.


'es son

!orvan said.

$hen will you start trainning me with the sword% & think & am ready for the training Harton wanted to know. 1on, before you can handle a sword you need to go through many hard trainnings commented, sighing. & do not care father, & want to learn Harton insisted. !orvan

1on, it is not a good moment yet, you need to understand you are not strong enough for the hard trainnings !orvan said. The :rince was not pleased by his fathers answered and continued insisting during the whole way back to 9arpium. =ing !orvan tried to make him understand he could not assume such a responsibility yet as he was a weak boy. $hile they got off the horses in front of the 9arpium (mpire they stayed in silence. !orvan thought his son had ,uitted insisting but he was wrong. 6ather, you have not answered me $hat do & have to answer son% $hen are you going to train me% Harton said.

!orvan asked, e)hausted. Harton asked seriously.

'ou are too young still. 'ou have to wait a few years so you are stronger, you will not endure a hard trainning. $hen are you going to understand my son% !orvan said firmly. How can you say that% & am strong, my strenght is in my heart and & know & can bear the worst trainning and succeed Harton said, angry. $hile he kept insisting to be trained !orvan felt tired and raised his voice, annoyed, saying it was not the right time. How do you dare to talk to me like this, father% Harton said really annoyed & am your son and you must teach me, from now on & want you to teach me. & want to be a man to protect what belongs to us. &f you are afraid & am not good or & cannot endure it, you are wrong. 1ome day & will be even stronger than you. 'ou will be so proud that you will never be ashamed of me Harton e)pressed. 1on, my fear is that something may happen to you, that you get sick. 'ou are all & have !orvan e)pressed $e will talk about it tomorrow. 6ather, nothing wrong will happen to me Harton assured That means yes%

-o son, it is not yes. $hen the time comes & will personally teach you all & have learnt throughout the years. $hile you are becoming a man you can visit 5rince as many times as you want. & will allow you to go and see him. &s that enough for now my son% !orvan wanted to know.


& will think about it father

Harton answered, not much e)cited. !orvan recommended.

This is all for tonight, we need to rest

That night =ing !orvan went to sleep uneasy, thinking about his sons insistence. He sensed it was not the right time to train such a fragile boy. He thought and convinced himself Harton could not endure the trainning. The king thought it was 0ust a whim and that he would forget later on and he was right, the ne)t day Harton did not remember anything they had said.

Hier"oa ,onathan!s decision


'ou need to get out of that room and forget everything that happened. 'ou have to understand he does not live here anymore, although it is hard for both of us, thats the reality. 9annot you see he is no longer here% 2onathan said to his wife. -o" His presence is still here, & can feel it. & do not want to abandon the last place that links me to him !aria replied crying. 9annot you see that causes you more pain% He have to stay together in order to face this. 9ome woman, wake up, come with me to the meadows where he used to play; you will feel better there and, at least, will see the sunlight. That will make you good 2onathan asked kindly. -o" !aria insisted 8eave me alone, this is my fault, this has happened because of me. 9annot you see it% &t would not have happened if & had not given way to !orvans proposal. &s that you are so blind that you cannot understand that & am the one to blame for this% !aria commented. -o, dont say that, thats not true. & wished him so much that because of my wishes you gave way to his proposal, and & do not regret it. & would have done the same for you 2onathan said. 'ou are lying 0ust to confort me !aria replied, in denial.

-o, !aria, & dont do that. & mean it, & believe that what happened is my fault, & wished so much to have a son you gave way to his petition to grant me my wish. The only thing & can say is that, while he was here, he made me the happiest man in the world and & know he will look for us someday. -ow we have to think what we will do on 1unday when he is not present at the ban,uet. :eople will start to make ,uestions. $e are two days away from 1unday, we will say we have to him to the city to spend some days in the house of +unt .ianca, thus we will gain some time to think of something else 2onathan commented. .erta knows there is no +unt .ianca and less in the city !aria replied.

6or that reason, we cannot name anyone someone may know 2onathan said and added & will say she is one of my ancestors, a distant +unt that sent an invitation, we went there and Harton decided to stay there a bit longer to get to know the city 2onathan e)plained. +nd -oa% $hat will happen to her% 1he will feel so sad when she does not see him on 1unday !aria said feeling deeply sad. $e cannot do anything !aria, we can only say he is absent for the time being advised. 2onathan

The day of the reunion had arrived. Harton was not e)pecting -oa in the corral gate as he always did. -oa was surprised when she did not see him in the crowd either.


+unt !aria, where is my 9ousin% & cannot see him anywhere

-oa wanted to know.

This week he is staying in the city with +unt .ianca. He insisted so much in spending 1unday there that we took him yesterday so he gets used to the city dear !aria lied full of sadness. & did not know he had another +unt, & thought it was 0ust my mother. $ho is that +unt% -oa asked. !aria, with her soul drown in sorrow, repeated all the lies they had planned. +nd, when is he coming back% $ill he take long% -e)t 1unday. 5o not worry, he will be here soon -oa wanted to know. !aria said to calm her.

Thank you +unt, & will be an)ious to see him again and ask him about the city. & am sure he is having a great time. & would have liked to go with him -oa commented. !aria could not tell anything to -oa and had to lie to gain some time so noone would suspect des?te the continuous ,uestions from relatives. 2onathan managed very well before all the ,uestions and curiosities. The evening was over -oa had remained isolated from the other kids. 1he was sitting on the same rock they used to sit together, but this time she was alone and sad. +unt !aria, if he returns before tell him to come to my house, & want to see him sadly. -oa said

!aria, with tears in her eyes, leaned towards -oa and answered, touching her head: & will dear, & will. +t home 2onathan said: !aria, & need to talk to you, we have to make a decision. Harton cannot be absent too long, everyone asks where he is; & do not know what to say. $hen & go out tomorrow people will ask me all the time. & have thought we have to pretend a death. $e must, and & think it is the right thing to do, say he had an accident in the city. $e should say he drowned while he played in the river, thats the only thing & can think of, !aria 2onathan commented. -o 2onathan, no" There must be another way to say he is not here !aria refused crying.

& know it is hard for both of us, but it is the only solution. $e could not see him for months, or even years, or never again 2onathan said. 5o not say that, my child will have to come back some day, & know. & am sure about what & am saying !aria commented. !eanwhile we have to think of what & have 0ust said 2onathan advised (ven if it hurts my soul we must say he has died and he will never be back 2onathan insisted for a long time until he made his wife agree to it.



-lanet Cir%m

!entor was a cruel and ambitious king. He offered sacrifices to the gods so they granted him the victory. He wanted to con,uer -agia and the statue so as to domain the universe, but everything had been useless for him; the gods were not on his side. +fter the con,uest of :lanet 9irum, !entor gathered the villages to ally with him for a new battle. There were many that believed in his victory and other did not. !entor manipulated his warriors as he wanted and everyone that did not obbey him got e)ecuted. 1ome people were tortured before dying a cruel and slow death. He kept men and women captive in his castle as slaves. :etri, !entors younger son, was ,uite selfish and egocentric. He wanted to inherit the throne and sei*e the power when his father was no longer there. On the other hand, garnian, his older son, had all the ,ualities and virtues the other one lacked. !entor lived hopping his older son comes back and 0oins him. 7arnian thought different. &t is time to recover what is mine !entor said &n a week we will attack, run the voice that soon there will be a battle !entor commented to one of his loyal warriors. & will sir 1amur nodded. !entor ordered to another of his loyal warrios, 1ilvo.

.ring :rincess @elin to my room & will bring here right now

1ilvo said. !entor asked.

1on, you know what to do, gather the warriors, we will attack soon

& will father, leave it in my hands. 'ou will recover what is yours this time; & will make sure of that :etri said firmly. +t this moment one of !entors warriors, 1amur, came in with :rincess @elin, who struggled. Here she is sir 1amur said, giving her to the king. !entor said.

1on, do as & commanded


1ure father

:etri nodded, leaving the room and looking at the princess.

1amur, get together with 1ilvo, we will offer a sacrifice to the gods tonight, prepare everything, & will see you at dusk !entor said while looking at the :rincess. 'es sir 1amur answered looking at the princess as well. !entor said. !entor said, calmed and sat in a chair. +t that moment

'ou can go now

-ow that we are alone we can talk the :rincess spitted at him closely. $hat do you want from me%

@elin asked. !entor

& want to inform you about future events, sit down, you will be more confortable asked kindly. -o @elin answered & despise to share the table with you.

& can see you have not changed a bit since & kidnapped you, you are still beautiful and defiant !entor said standing up from the table and getting closer to the :rincess 5ont you know & could kill you right now% !entor threatened. 'ou had the chance a long time ago and you did not do it. 5o you think & fear death% 1ome day my father will kill you @elin defied. 5o you think enemies cannot be friends% & am not afraid of your father and less yet of his guardians. He took what was mine. -agia belongs to me, & con,uered it" !entor raised his voice. -o, thats not true and you know it. 'ou con,uered -agia once, but everything changed when you turned into the being you are now. 8ook at you" 9annot you see what you are% 'ou are a monster. 'ou are able to kill to keep it all and destroy it all, as you are doing with 9irum since you con,uered it @elin snapped. 5o you really think & am a monster% & left you live. 'ou breathe because & let you. 5o not forget that" !entor raised his voice. -o, thats not true, you do not let me; my father does. $hile he has -agia you need to keep me alive, and you know it" &f you kill me the sword will never be yours. 'ou hope one day he will come through that door and give -agia to you in e)change of me. .ut that will never happen; the universes life is more valuable than mine. &f you are going to kill me or posses me you can do it, but you will never have what you wish for while my father is alive @elin said defying him. :recisely & make them brought you to me to tell you & am planning to attack soon, and your father is weaker than years ago. & have a large, fully e,uiped army. This is my chance to con,uer whats mine once more !entor commented. He will defeat you, he has always done so. 'ou will never get what you want @elin stated.


He will not be lucky all the time !entor replied & can see you are as wise as he is, you defy me, humiliate me and you are not afraid of me. Thats the kind of woman & want for my kingdom !entor declared as he possesed her. $hile @elin was being possesed by her enemy, she sickened among tears, without opossing any resistance or pronnouncing any word. !entor en0oyed her beauty; he did not care about her feelings, He was only focused on pleasing himself. +t dusk !entor sacrifised a lamb so that the gods would lead him to the achievement of his goals. $hen the ceremony was over !entor said to his son: !y son, & will have in my hands the power & am wishing for and & will control the universe and everything will be under my command. 1oon father you will have what belongs to you and & will be able to destroy Harton. He is and will always be my enemy. & am the heir to +tanasio and -agia, not him. That scoundrel will die by my hands, & will tear out his heart and give it to the gods in sacrifice :etri said as he laughed ironically. & agree :etri, he must die before becoming a man and he can defend himself. 'ou must kill him, do not stop untill you achieve that !entor said. & will, father, you can be sure about that. He will not live long, & will become his nightmare :etri said. The conversation was interrupted by 1ilvo suddenly. 1ir, a stranger is approaching 9irums entrance fast $ho could it be, father% -o son 1ilvo. 1ilvo commented.

:etri asked +re you e)pecting someone% !entor asked

!entor answered $ho dares to come to my planet% $ho%

$e do not know who he is sir, the road is dark, you can hardly see

1ilvo e)plained.

+nd when will you know% 'ou are incompetents" $hy dont you see who is coming and then you let me know% 'ou do not know to do anything else but asking for permission" 7et out and bring him before me. 5o not stand there, useless" 1ee what he is looking for" !entor said arrogantly. 'es, sir 1ilvo answered, downcast 1amur said.

& will 0oin you

They went ,uickly to meet the misterious stranger. They both carried lighted torches in their left hands to light the way. Twenty metres away from the man, 1ilvo and 1amur stopped their horses. $hat brings you here% 1ilvo asked the stranger.


& am the older son of your king

The stranger answered. 1amur asked distrustfully. 7arnian said.

$e have not heard about him for years, what is your name% 7arnian

He answered & have come in peace, & want to talk to your king

They approached 7arnian and recogni*ed him inmidiately. $e have not known anything about you for years. $here are you taking refuge and what are you doing here% 1ilvo wanted to know. +t last you came to 0oin your father 1amur interrupted. 7arnian answered following with his horse.

1oon you will know what & have come to do

7arnian looked with disdain at his father, =ing !entor, he was not happy to see him. On the other hand !entor showed pleased to see his son. !y son, you have come back, you are here. & was hopefull you came, the gods have listened to me !entor declared. & can see you have decided to 0oin us brother :etri e)claimed with 0ealousy.

-o, & have not come to stay 7arnian informed to his brother & have come to talk with my father alone 7arnian said referring to !entor. 'es my son, of course, lets go to my room at them an)iously. 1it down my son They both went to his room while :etri looked

!entor asked and sat in his chair. 7arnian said. !entor in,uired.

-o, & do not have much time

& can see you are not happy to see me, am & wrong%

'ou are not wrong. &t is true. & have come to ask you to stop with such dispute with your own brother. How long do you plan to continue like this% How far are you planning to go% & have heard you are about to start a battle, & have not come before because & have a family to look after, with fright, thinking that in any moment one of your warriors can come to my village and take my family 7arnian said infuriated. That wont happen my son, & take care of you. !y warriors are your warriors, they wont touch which is of my own blood. They are and will be loyal to me !entor said. & cannot live with this anguish, & am not like :etri and & am not like you. & hope for a universe where everyone is in peace, with no fear of going out and find some of your warriors killing, raping and devastating villages, men, women and children 7arnian commented. !y son, do not turn against your own father. !y power will be yours. $hen the time comes you will be in charge of everything & own !entor said.


& will never be able to be like you, give it all to :etri, he is your creation, he has your ,ualities 7arnian said. & agree. He will never be able to be you, you are different. 'our ,ualities and virtues con,uered the fortress. The people adores you... they wanted your return as much as & did !entor said :etri will be in charge when & am no longer here and you, son, will be able to convince the people to 0oin him. They will listen to you and you will be the voice of the people. -o" & will never be a part of all this, never" & can see you have turned into the most despicable being and you will never have my approval. 6rom now on & am no longer your son and & have never been. & will defend which is 0ust and & will die, if necessary, in ordet to save the universe. & wont die because of what you think is 0ust 7arnian said firmly. & am dissapointed because you think that way of me He said making a pause &s that your decision% +re you sure you want to take that road% +re you convinced to choose that destiny% +re you% !entor raised his voice. 'es, Thats my last word 7arnian confirmed firmly. !entor warned.

Then accept the conse,uences

+t that moment 7arnian left his fathers room thinking of the last sentences he had said. He remembered his family that he had left them in the village and feared for the worst; for a moment he thought: They are safe; they do not know were & have been taking refuge all these years losing them. with fear of

7arnian, despite being sure they were safe, harried up making his horse galloped as fast as it could to get to the village as soon as possible. +s he galloped ,uickly he did not reali*e he was being followed by his fathers warriors. &t was too late then. !entor had ordered to kill them all e)cept his son, in case he decided to 0oin him. $hen 7arnian arrived to the village he entered the door of his house ,uickly and hugged his wife and his two little kids. 1oon the warriors were in the city and were killing everyone and destroying everything. They only left 7arnians family alive. 'ou will 0oin us whatever it takes brother :etri said breaking into his home. 7arnian said standing before his

-o" &t is not fair" & cannot do it, & cannot do what you ask family, protecting them.

$ill you 0oin us% +nswer" This is your last chance, & am not as indulgent as our father :etri said firmly $ill you% +nswer" :etri asked as he made his guard to take him outside his home. -o" 7arnian refused. :etri commented thats the

& see you rather see them dead before 0oining us, brother love you feel for them.


& am sorry my son... & am sorry 7arnian repeated over and over again, begging for forgiveness for his decision. $hen it came the turn of his beloved wife she looked at him and, without letting him pronnounce any word she said: & forgive you; there is a better good behind this sacrifice: humanity. :etri laughed at his brothers wifes last words 'ou see brother, there is nothing to fear now; you do not have anyone to hold onto. $hen you decide to come back we will be waiting for you :etri said. =ill me, kill me, kill me" 7arnian begged over and over again & do not want to live in this world anymore, not in this one. $hat kind of man destroys his own world, his own blood% .rothers against brothers, =ill me" $hat are you waiting for% 7arnian defied furious. Ha, ha, ha :etri laughed a second time -o brother, & would have already killed you but the king wants you alive, your father brother. $e will see again soon, this will make you change your mind and you will come back to us. :etri left together with his warriors, making fun of his brothers pain. That night 7arnian dedicated to bury the deads of the village and, when the sun came up, he buried and cried over his family. He cried inconsolably, hugging them. He could feel what all those families that had lost beloved ones in battles had felt. He felt shame and anger towards his father. $hen the burial was finished he rode his horse away from the village and set out a long way towards the 9arpium (mpire. The cold weather and the bli**ard hurt his face and body. He was going to 0oin the enemies of his father and do 0ustice because of his family death and the families that were destroyed the same way or even worst.



Carpi%m Empire Harton opens his mind and so%l to (rince

Harton made believe his father, =ing !orvan, he had agreed to his decision of no trainning and visiting 5rince, the magician, as a distraction. .ut the truth was he did not agree, but he had nothing left to do. 5uring the morning in the 9arpium (mpire, =ing !orvan sat on the table to eat some of the delicious treats together with his two loyal guardians that stood waiting for him to take a seat. $hile they were trying +mong laughter and talks The delicious treats made by the servants, they heard a voice from afar. 6ather, father" Harton called. !orvan

'ou have woken up early, my son" 1it down with us, make us some company asked politely, happy to see him.

-o father, & have not come to make you company today. & will visit 5rince, the magician, & need your allowance to go there Harton commented. & allow you my son, & can see you agreed to my decision 'es father, & will be back at dusk 5o be careful in the road, be alert & know the way, you neednt worry Harton confirmed. !orvan warned. Harton answered. !orvan stated, happy.

5espite pretending to agree with his fathers decision, he felt the need to be trained. He decided to consult 5rince, the magician, to be able to get it out of his chest. +fter his fathers approval he went to -uman, where the magicians castle was, together with his loyal friend, the horse.He was so eager to arrive, he galopped for hours until he could see the end of the woods, then he was able to see 5rinces magnificent castle. He came in the enchanted garden where all the statues came to life as they see him pass. Harton watched the garden carefully while he walked through it. He looked around in case he could see the dragons statue, the same he had intended to show his father, the one he had had a little conversation with. .ut, as


it happened before, he could not see it and thought 3$hy would it go away without saying goodbye4 and he tried to make sure he had seen it and it was real. & know it was here Harton said to himself in a low voice.

This time Harton left the presumptions aside and dared to ask about it to a 7oblin that turned into life as he was passing by. Have you seen a big statue with dragon shape% Oh, & am sorry, & have not seen it Harton asked to the goblin.

The goblin answered. Harton assured him, sad.

Thats odd, & have been here some weeks ago and it was here 'es, it is true, you had a little conversation with it

The umbrella/shaped palm tree said.

;f" & am so glad someone remembers me" & thought & was going cra*y but, tell me. $here is the dragons statue% Harton asked. & have not seen it since that day; & had never seen it before. & am sure it mistaked it with other garden and went away The little palm tree said. & thank you" &t might be it. & have to see 5rince now 5rince, the magician% +re you going to visit him% Harton was thankful. The young goblin wanted to know. Harton said.

'es, & have to go, & need his help in an important matter...

One of the oldest goblins listened to him, came out of his place, went to Harton and said. 7o my son, he is waiting for you. 5oes he know & have come to see him% .ut & did not tell him Harton felt surprised.

'es son, he has been waiting for you for days. He knows everything. -ow go, cross the bridge and go ahead. 5o not lose more time The old goblin advised. Harton said goodbye to all the creatures that had turned to life in the garden and followed his way. He crossed the old, cracked bridge and appeared in front of the castles doors. He hitched his horse to the post and called on the door. $hile Harton knocked on the door (scripi let 5rince know someone was knocking on the door. 5rince decided to open himself this time. Oh" $elcome :rince" & was e)pecting you 5rince declared 9ome on in, come on in, boy. !ake yourself at home. 8ets go to my room; we have a lot to talk about. &t is an honor to see you again Harton said. 5rince in,uired.

& can see you have not come with your father this time

-o, no this time, & came because & feel concerned about something, something & want to tell you Harton e)plained as they walked towards his room.


-ow sit down and tell me what is bothering you kid down.

5rince wanted to know as he sat

!y father. There will be a battle soon, & am afraid for his life this time

Harton said.

& understand son, he is not the youngster he used to be, years have weakened him. He needs you... 5rince said. & am sure he needs me, but & cannot protect him and & cannot protect even less to -agia and +tanasio. 8ook at me. 5ont you see% & am 0ust a boy without trainning and my father refuses to train my with the sword Harton said. -ot for too long, boy... time changes everything 5rince e)pressed. Harton

& do not have time. & have to do something before it is too late. $hat can & do% asked.

5o you really believe you are prepared to assume such a responsibility with the universe% 5rince wanted to know. 'es, & think it is the right time, my hearts tells me it is... but my body says & am still weak compare to the other warriors Harton said. 'ou should not worry about that, there are things in magic that cannot be e)plained. & will do something for you. & can see you are suffering because of your father and you are prepared to assume such a responsibility. 'our father needs you now, more than ever. &t is time for you to be trained 5rince communicated to Harton. .ut, who% There is no time. There will be a battle soon and we do not know when we will be attacked. &t could be tomorrow, even tonight Harton said agitated. :rince, my son, you should not worry now. $here you are going minutes will be months. 'ou will only be there si)ty minutes. Thats a total of five years of trainning; should be more than enough. 'ou will come back trained, even better trained than your father. .ut mark my words: 'ou will embark on a long 0ourney to :le)iur. (stons cabin is there, he will teach you all you need to know 5rince commented and continued 'ou should not feel fear during the trip, your fears will come against you, they will be able to read your thoughts. 'ou should go in peace; you will be able to stop them only with your thoughts. Only a brave boy can do it" &f you manage to get where (ston is, you will be safe. +nd how would & be able to get to (ston% & do not know the way Harton said, worried.

5o not worry, the road will guide you. .ut thats not all Harton, there is something more & want to tell you. -oone has ever been able to face their weaknesses, noone, you must do it, & believe in you. The universe depends on you. & trust you 5rince said. & will be brave, sir, you can be sure of that Harton stated.

-ow follow me, come here. & will take you to the basement. & have the old portal there; you will go into it, gods be with you" >emember: 'ou need to be alert and trust your instincts. +nd


something else, the portal will close after si)ty minutes and there will be no way to come back. &f you cannot come back before it closes you will be trapped forever 5rince warned. & will, sir, you can be sure about that 7o ahead, boy, go through the portal & will be back, & promise Harton said. 5rince asked.

Harton raised his voice as he entered the portal.


Harton!s trip to Eston!s

The will and impulse of Harton gained the magicians trust. 5rince put all his hopes in him, giving him the chance to try it. .ut he was not sure he will be able to come back as noboby had been able before. +t that moment the only thing he knew was that Harton was willing, at least, to try in order to help his father to fight against the evil forces. Once inside the portal he had gone through he saw the way was dark and sinister, he could hardly see what was in front of him. The only thing that lighted his way was the full moon. There were many statues of gods, dragons and warriors around him that were fighting against armed peasants from the village. He reali*ed at that moment they were undergoing a battle. Harton tried as hard as he could not to feel fear, he tried to control his thoughts and to avoid being influenced by what was happening around him. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He had walked a long path when he found three different directions. He stood and thought what would be the right one to take towards (stons, as he felt doubtful he continued through the straight path and found more stunning statues in battle. Harton could not block his feelings this time, he was witnessing a massacre and this made his fears and thoughts flow. Harton did not know he had chosen the worst direction, where the most bloody and cruel battles had taken place. Huge soldiers that did not look human, dragon fighting against other dragons, everything was being devastated: innocent people, children, elderly people, peasants that where struggling to protect their people and their village. This was such an impact for Harton that his fears started to emerge, mostly when he saw a scene: + giant soldier was about to thrust a sword into on a boys back, the boy was around his age. Harton was terrified, it was the first time he had ever seen a battle scene. He stood still afraid of the soldier for a moment and this made the soldier come to life and look at him, it left that boy in peace and went after Harton to kill him. Harton reatreated to get away from the soldier but, suddenly, he crashed into another statue, it was the statue of a strong and robust peasant that was fighting against one of the


giant soldiers. Harton looked at it asking for help with his thoughts and imagined everything came to life, and so it happened. The statues had become real beings and were no longer inmovili*ed stones. Harton could not control his thoughts or himself, he was terrified; he did not know where to go among all those gigantic soldiers that were wearing black capes and were armed with swords and shields fighting against peasants; some dragons were fighting against other dragons to protect the village. Harton managed to take refuge behind some wooden columns of the houses made with straw, avoiding the evil soldiers and believing he was safe. .ut soon an evil soldier came to him in order to kill him. +t that moment he remembered what 5rince told him before going through the portal and decided to use his imagination, he looked into the eyes of a good dragon and focused his imagination on it, asking for help. The good dragon eliminated the evil dragon he was fighting with and went to help Harton, killed the evil soldier and went back to defend the other dragons. Harton looked a way to get out of there when, suddenly, a man that seemed his same age grabbed him by the arm, in the middle of the massacre, and took Harton running towards the e)it. Harton thought he continued running by the unknown boy until he reali*ed he had tripped over a bloody corpse and had fallen on the sand. $hen Harton reali*ed the boy was no longer with him, he stopped and looked back and saw one of the evil soldiers was approaching to the defenseless boy to kill him. Harton looked in the sand something useful to defend the boy from the soldier. He found a sharp/pointed rake, that belonged to one of the dead peasants lying on the sand, grabbed it and closed his eyes, remembering his fathers trainnings and all that his father adviced to do in front of an enemy; and went to the soldier that was about to kill the boy. $hen Harton was in front of the giant he closed his eyes and imagined hilself as a great fighter and when he came back to be himself he had stabbed the soldier in the stomach and it had fallen to the ground, breathless, dead. The boy stood parali*ed, without moving. Harton reali*ed of the great power his mind had, closed his eyes again and imagined this battled had never taken place, he thought of a village where people were safe and that, someday, they would 0oin him in his final battle. $hen he opened his eyes he reali*ed what he had imagined had become true: everyone was safe. The boy stood from the ground without remembering whar had happened. Harton walked peacefully through that village looking for the e)it. +t that moment the boy he had saved came to him and asked: $hat brings you here, my friend% $hat are you looking for% & am looking for (ston. 5o you know how & can get to him% The young peasant asked. Harton asked.

'ou have chosen the right way; he is not far away from here. 8ook, can you see those mountains% 'ou will find his cabin behind them. He is an oriental elder man. $hat are you looking from him% The young peasant asked. & am looking for wisdom and training, thats all 'ou have come to the right person then & am sure of that $ait a second Harton answered.

The boy said.

Harton confirmed stepping fowards to leave. The boy asked.



Harton agreed. =amir said.

& want to introduce myself, & am =amir, & am honoured to have you in my town & am Harton, it is my honour Harton declared.

'ou have a whole day walk ahead of you; & assume you are not carrying any food to endure the hight of the mountain =amir guessed. -o, & have not brought provisions Harton answered.

9ome with me, & can help you with that =amir said and took him to the grocers. The boy took the few coins he had in his right pocket and gave them to the grocers attendant. & want some tender bread you have and a big water bottle =amir re,uested kindly.

The nice grocers attendant brought everything the boy had asked, put it in a bag carefully and delivered it to the young peasant. He thanked him as he went out of the shop. This is for you; you have bread and water here. This will be enough so you can get to your destination =amir said as he gave Harton the bag. & thank you, my friend Harton said grateful. =amir said.

'ou are welcome. & hope to see you soon $e will see again soon

Harton confirmed, going away.

Harton began his long trip towards the mountains; a long afternoon and a long night were awaiting him before arriving to his destination to meet his master, the trainer, mister (ston. 5espite the tiredness Harton kept on climbing the magnificent mountains that would lead to his goal: Helping his father and the universe. $hen the night came Harton was already on the top of the mountains. The weather was not helping him, the night turned against Harton the sand bli**ards and the wind prevented him from moving foward and he had to stay in the middle of that hell, in the middle of nowhere. Harton was looking for a place to take refuge, but he could not find any. He decided to go ahead in search for luck, but the wind blowed strongly and abruptly. &n one of the ocasions the wind took away the bag the young man had given him, the wind had taken away the only food and water he had. He could not prevent it and had to resign to it. &n a couple of hours the weather came back to normality which made Harton mistrustful and alert. This situation did not last long. 1uddenly, a furious rain started to fall and a deep fog hardened his view. Harton, e)hausted and weakened, could see in the distance a cave and did not hesitate to go into it and stayed there. He took off the wet clothes, twisted them in order to get some of the water away, and got dressed again with the same wet clothes so as not to be naked. The coldness and the water entered through the caves entrance, his feet were covered by water as well as the site where he was sitting. He felt the cold in his skin; he did not know how much longer he could endure that situation. 1oon he started to feel his cheecks burnt, he had a fever. 9urled on the floor, all wet he started to be delirious and remembered the dream he had about that young peasant. 1uddenly he came into senses and started to talk to his dead mother:


!other, if you are in heaven look after your son. &f it is the moment & should 0oin you, & will, otherwise protect me and look after me. & am not afraid of death if that is what the gods want, & am ready to 0oin you in the paradise and leave behind this land of sorrow where & have only known the misfortune of wars, bloody con,uests, all for ambition of power. $herever you are look after your son, protect him under your heavenly blanket until dawn, mother Harton said in a low voice. Harton was undergoing an inmense pain after talking to his mother and began to faint slowly on the wet floor of that dark cave. +t dawn Harton started to wake up, little by little, the sun and the mild wind entered the cave, warming it. His clothes were almost dry; he felt some himidity on his weak body nevertheless. $hen he finally woke up completely he heard a growl not so far from where he was, he stood up with fear in his eyes and went out from the cave, little by little, with much effort when, suddenly, he saw a huge and robust white bear coming for him as breakfast. Harton ran away inmidiatly asking for help but in his flight he fell down a ravine. 5espite this the bear was still after him, it would not let his breakfast go away easily. $hen Harton tripped he had banged his head against one of the rocks in the way and had fainted. &n the middle of the hill there was a shorty and oriental man riding a brown horse and watching his cattle of sheep and goats gra*ing. The elderly man heard the screams for help no far away and went to see what he could do. He arrived on time to help Harton, who was lying on the ground and had blood on his face. The elderly man did not know if he was dead or alive but he had to think about distracting the bear first and get him away from the boy as it was about to use its claws on his chest. The old man sacrified a sheep, he gave it as breakfast to the bear. +fter that the old man carried Harton on his donkey and took him to his cabin carefully. He sheltered him and took care of him as if he were his own son, without doubting a second. 1ome days after, Harton regained consciousness. He was in a small cabin, covered with blankets and wearing clean clothes. He opened his eyes slowly and with some dificulty as he had been unconscious for days. The sunlight came in through the window with great intensity which made it hard for him to see. The old man, who was sitting in an old straw chair in front of the bed, noticed Harton was being bothered by the light, stood up, without pronnouncing a word, and closed one of the windows, the (lderly man had e)pected this moment for days so as to learn the identity of the boy to whom he had started to care about as a son. The old man lived alone in his loneliness; his only company was his cattle and his dragon friend Trulan. Harton started to pronnounce the first words this man was going to hear from him. $here am &% $hat has happened% Harton in,uired while he tried to get up from the bed. (ston recommended.

5o be calmed, boy; do not make any effort, you are still too weak $here am &% Harton insisted, confused.

'ou are in my cabin; & found you in the mountains and saved your life

(ston said.


$hy cannot & remember anything%

Harton asked. (ston commented as

'ou banged your head, you may remember in some days; &ts normal he brought him something to eat. 5o sit down; you need to eat so you are not so weak (ston asked.

Harton drunk the soup with some dificulty and went back to sleep. (ston tucked him in again and left him alone; he left the cabin and went to release the cattle so it could gra*e in the mountains. He ordered Trulan to guide the cattle to the top of the mountain so, at dusk, he would go for it, make it descend and keep it in the old straw stable. How is the boy today% Trulan asked.

Trulan was a beautiful, white dragon with big wings and robust feet. He has woken up for the first time this morning; he is a little confused and does not remember anything... He cannot tell me who he is either (ston said. $ho could he be, sir% 5o you think he is from this world or he might be from another world far from ours% Trulan asked. & do not know; it is too soon to know. & will wait for him to regain his memory to learn (ston said. 1ir, you well know that might never happen. $hat do you plan to do with him% wanted to know. Trulan

& would take care of him as if he were my son. & will transmit to him all the wisdom and trainning & have achieved during all these years. & will teach him as a father teaches a son. He would be the son & have neved had. 6rom now on he will fill the void & have felt all my miserable life (ston e)plained. 'ou do well, sir, he can get to be a great protector for the other universes... +bove all if you train him Trulan commented. He will be, my friend. -ow go for the cattle, it is late. 'ou can go faster than this old man and locked it well. & will go back to see if the boy has already woken up (ston said. (ston went back to his cabin leaving the dragon in charge of the cattle as he did from time to time, when he had something important to do. $hen he arrived to the cabin, he hinched his horse to the post and came in ,uietly in case the boy was still sleeping. (ston advanced a few steps and looked towards the bed where Harton had been sleeping and saw there was nothing but messy sheets, he was not there. (ston felt worried and started to look for him all over the cabin, but he could not find him. 1uddenly he felt smelled something from the kitchen; he walked there ,uietly, thinking it could be a wild animal. (ston hold his cane tightly in his right hand high into the air, ready to attack the enemy. He hidded behind a wood column there was in the cabin and waited to be able to surprise whoever was invading his intimacy.


9ome out, & know you are there" (ston said 5o not believe & am old to hurt you. 9ome out whoever you are" (ston ordered. Harton came out from the kitchen holding two plates full of food he has prepared in his hands. $hat is wrong, sir% 5ont you remember me% &t looks like you have lost the memory and the reason and not me Harton said smiling while he went to the table. ;f, & am sorry boy, & did not think you were going to recover so soon. 6or a moment & thought you had gone without saying goodbye to this old man (ston said while he was sitting at the table ready to eat with Harton. & would not leave sir; & do not even know where & come from. & dont know if & have a family... & cannot remember anything Harton said sad. 5o not worry, boy. 'ou would make me a favour if you stayed with me while you recover. & am an old, lonely and isolated man. &t would be nice to have you here, in my cabin. 'ou are young and energetic... 'ou could help me with the cattle... There is so much to do (ston commented $ould you take away the loneliness & have in my life% +re you sure% 5oes it mean & can stay% Harton asked e)cited as he drunk his soup.

'es son, believe me, & am not making you any favour. On the contrary, you would be making one to me. 'ou would fill the void & have had all this time 0ust by talking and being here (ston e)pressed. 'ou have no idea how much & thank you. & would not know what to do without your company Harton said. $ell boy, & can see you will be of great help from now on &t will be interesting helping you sir Harton said. (ston promised. (ston e)claimed.

&f you show me you are a good boy & will teach you everything & know

Harton thought when he heard the old man: 3$hat could this old man teach me% 4 5o not worry, my friend, & can teach you much more than you think The old man answered as if he were reading Hartons mind and started to eat with a smile on his face $e need to give you a name (ston said as he stood up holding his empty plate and went to the kitchen to put it in the sink. How could you call me% Harton wanted to know.

8et me think... 'ou came to me and we do not know where you are from, & know nothing about you boy, we could call you 2erson (ston suggested. 2erson" Harton e)claimed $hy 2erson% Harton wanted to know, a bit dissatisfied. (ston e)plained.

.ecause in the old days they called 2erson to the stranger


& am a stranger to you, you mean 'es boy, you are a stranger 2erson. +nd how can & call you% Ha ha ha (ston"

Harton said.

(ston confirmed and added 6rom now on you will be called

Harton wanted to know.

(ston laughed !y name is (ston (ston said. Harton e)claimed thoughtful. (ston asked as he saw him

5o you know who & am% 5o you remember that name% disturbed. -o sir, & cannot remember anything Harton said.

5o not worry boy, you have all the time you want to remember. $e need to rest now, we will work hard tomorrow (ston recommended as he went to bed and tucked in .oy, do not stand there. 9an you see this threaded hammock% Take it and place it on the post; you will sleep there. & am too old for those things. &t will not do any bad to you. 'ou are still young and you will bear it. &t is not that bad, you will get used to it (ston said. 'es sir Harton said dissatisfied.

The ne)t morning (ston teached Harton how to milk the goats, then taught him how he liked the stable to be cleaned and, in the end, he said he would have to fill the animals troughs and feeders. Harton learnt fast and did it all without complaints, he seemed to like the tasks (ston gave him. +t dusk Harton went to gather the cattle to the top of the hill, he carried an old stick in his right hand to be able to control it better. $hen he got to the top he saw the cattle, it was gra*ing ,uietly; afar a big white dragon could be seen. Harton did not feel any fear because you could tell it was friendly; it was watching the cattle and you could see it was not a threat to the cattle or him. Harton got nearer the dragon, little by little, and spoke to it: & did not know you came here to gra*e as well Harton said.

-o boy, & come here every morning and & stay until dusk watching it. 'ou must be the young man (ston found Trulan said. 'es, do you know him% Harton asked.

$e have known each other for years. 7et closer so & can see you better. 5o not be afraid & will not hurt you Trulan asked. Trulan got up and moved his head foward while Harton got closer to him. (ston asked me to get the cattle down and lock it, it is late Harton commented.


&t is imposible" 8et me see you better Trulan said as he looked him better .oy, you are the same young man & had a conversation with in 5rinces garden, you are :rince Harton Trulan said. & do not understand anything. $hat do you mean% & think you confuse me with someone else. & am 2erson Harton answered. -o, & am not confused, & never forget a face. & am sure you are the :rince Trulan insisted.

& am sorry, & am not him. 1top" 1top it" Harton said while he held his head with his hands feeling that everything was turning round. 9alm down boy; & might have made a mistake, but your resemblance is ama*ing. -ow tell me. $hat is your name% Trulan asked. & am 2erson Harton said calmed. Trulan said.

Thats a nice name, you are the stranger 'es, sir, thats me" Harton said smiling.

9ome here, 2erson, we should gather the cattle and guide it to the stable. They gathered the cattle together and kept it in the stable. Haton locked it and said goodbye to Trulan. He went to (stons cabin, when he came in he said: 7ood afternoon, sir. 7ood afternoon, son. How was your first day% (ston asked.

& en0oyed the landscape and the cattle... & think & will get used to it faster than & thought Harton e)pressed. Ha ha ha (ston laughed & can see you have en0oyed yourself 2erson.

'es sir Harton confirmed 1omething strange happened today on the top of the mountain. There was a beautiful white dragon who said to be your friend... Harton commented. Of course" He is the cattles guardian, Trulan is my loyal friend (ston said.

He confused me with other boy, he assured me he had seen me before and & told him he was wrong; he undestood, he must have made a mistake Harton commented. $ho he confused you with% (ston asked surprised. Harton replied.

$ith a young man called Harton & think Harton (ston said.

'es sir. 5o you know him%

Harton wanted to know.


-o son, & do not know him personally, but & have heard about him. (veryone knows about his history. He is =ing !orvans son, a king of pure heart and loyal to his people, and the future protector of the universe (ston commented. & could never be him sir, & am a weak and homeless boy :oor boy (ston said thinking out loud. Harton asked. Harton said.

$hy do you feel pity for him%

+s & have heard the :rince needs to fulfill a hard mission and he has a great tradition on behalf of his father. Harton has been raised by a humble mother and she surrrendered him to !orvan to protect the universe against evil. He lives in make, believes and has no memory of his past, he think he has lived all his life with =ing !orvan (ston e)plained. :oor boy Harton said sad, unaware they were talking about him.

'es, son, you need to have much courage to do something like that. .ut & am sure =ing !orvan had and has a good reason for it (ston assured. .ut Harton will have to know the truth some day, sooner or later, his identity should be revealed to him Harton said. & think that will never happen, 2erson. &f & were in !orvans situation & would be afraid of his reaction, & would be afraid of his re0ection. He is his son, as a matter of fact, and he is raising him that way (ston commented. He may forgive him. There must have not been other choice & guess Harton said.

'es, son. 8ets stop guessing we need to rest now. & see you have got used to the hammock (ston said. 'es, sir, it is not that bad Harton confirmed smiling.

(very morning (ston woke up to train so he would not lose his skills. He had been a great warrior in his time. (ston was an elderly man full of life and vitality. He wore confortable clothes for trainning and everyday use. He had sheltered Harton as if he were his own son and had named him 2erson as he was a stranger. 2erson was getting used to his habits and culture. $he he finished doing all the tasks and gather the cattle; he stood all dirty not far from (ston and watched him trainning. !onths later Harton was still unable to recover his memory. (ston continued teaching him his culture and, every day, he felt more proud of him. Harton was a good boy, obedient and honest. One day (ston was trainning, as usual, in fron of the cabin, and watched Harton using the rake to gather some alpaca from the ground. $hile he was observing he decided it was time to transmit his knoledge to Harton as a heritage from his ancestors. 2erson, come here; do not stay standing there (ston asked.


$here did you learn to fight that way

Harton said dropping the rake on the ground.

There was a time when & needed to learn to defend myself against evil forces. !y father taught me, all & know is due to him. -ow lets see what you can do. :ick up that sword and defend yourself (ston said. 'ou are holding it wrong, 2erson; you need to hold it with your arms higher and tightly (ston advised. & am trying Harton said while he foght against (ston.

1ee, son, you would lose that way. 'ou need to be alert and faster than your enemy. 'ou always need to be cautious (ston e)plained. $ill you teach me again tomorrow% 2erson asked.

'es son, from now on & will teach you to defend yourself so, when you are a man, you will be able to defend your people (ston commented. & will Harton said.

& am sure about that (ston stated +t dawn, when it is ,uite dark, come out and 0oin me in the mountain, & will be waiting for you (ston said. & will be there sir Harton said happy.

+t dawn (ston started his stamina trainning for Harton. He made him come up and down some sand mounds to see how much he could endure. Harton, despite the effort he made to climb them, continued over and over again without complaint. He spent days and days with the same trainning. (ston was proud of him but he had forgotten something very important that was weakening Harton. His nutrition was not being correct so he asked Trulan to go with 2erson to the closest village to buy rice, flour, eggs, chicken and all the necessary to keep him strong and energetic. &n the afternoon, (ston told Harton Trulan was e)pecting him to go to the village for pantries. Harton made a long list so he wouldnt forget what (ston had ordered as there were many items. Trulan, unaware, took him to the same village he had been to months ago, before losing his memory. He did not remember he had been there. $hen they arrived Trulan landed near the village. Harton got off and Trulan kneeled on the ground watching him go to buy the errands. $ait for me, Trulan; & have something left to do. & have to go to the grocers. & will be right back, & need to buy flour and bread Harton told the dragon. Trulan nodded with a weak grunt and remained waiting.


Harton went to the grocers, went in and started to ask what he needed. $hen Harton took out the coins (ston had given him to pay from his left pocket, a young peasant of his same age came in and stared at him. Harton, &t is you my friend" &t has been a long time. Have you found mister (stons cabin% Has he sent you here to buy provisions% =amir asked, happy to see him. & am sorry, & think you have confused me with someone else went out from the grocers. =amir went after him insisting he knew him. & have got everything Harton said to Trulan, ignoring =amir. Trulan guessed. Harton Harton said ignoring him and

$ho is this% & imagine he is your friend

-o, & do not know who he is. He says he knows me but & cannot remember him replied unconfortable.

& know him, he was here months ago & bought for him bread and water so he could endure to climb the mountain and find mister (ston. & have seen you before, & assure you =amir said to Trulan. & do not know what you are talking about, & do not know you Trulan. 'es, you do. He is Harton, he told me he was called Harton Harton insisted and got on

=amir insisted.

9alm down, boy. This young man has suffered a lost of memory. He banged against some rocks while he was going to find (ston. 5o you understand now why he does not recogni*e you% Trulan e)plained and winked his eye to Harton, so as to e)cuse him for his misbeheaviour. 'es, sir =amir said, satisfied. Harton said as he went away with Trulan.

& hope you find your friend soon

Trulan kept ,uiet all the way back; he did not remember he had remembered Harton before as well. !onths later, with the correct nutrition, Harton had enough stamina, or at least (ston considered he did. 5uring one day at dusk (ston commented Harton he wanted to see how much his stamina and his intelligence could handle. He remarked the most important was to know about his intelligence. (ston tied Harton to some trunks that were in the stable. 9ome here, & will tie this to your waist, you will have to climb the mountain and when you are on the top you will have to be faster than these trunks. The trunks will get more velocity than you when they fall down the mountain. $hen you manage to get before the trunks you


will have passed the stamina and intelligence test. Have you understood 2erson% as he tied him with the rope. 'es sir Harton asnwered with a sigh. (ston re,uested.

(ston said

-ow try, go up to the top and try to be faster than the trunks & will try, sir

Harton said, but he was not sure he was going to be able to make it.

$hen Harton was already on top of the mountain looked down and thought 3How can & be faster than these trunks% They will fall away and run faster than me4. (ston broke the silence and called Hartons attention. 'ou have to do it now. $e do not have all day. 'es, as if it were easy Harton mumbled.

There & go, Harton screamed while he descended the mountain. .ut he was not lucky; soon the trucks went faster than him. Harton tripped and fell and when he was going to get up he saw the trucks going towards his head, he ducked as soon as he could avoiding they hurt his face. .ut he was still tied to the trucks and they dragged him down where mister (ston was waiting worried about the situation. ;se your hands to protect your head (ston raised his voice when he saw him falling.

Harton had landed and (ston came ,uickly together with Trulan. 1on, are you alright% (ston asked as he helped him get up.

'es & am, & am still whole Harton said & will have to think of something to go faster than these trucks Harton mumbled. (ston and Trulan laughed at hearing him mumbling. Harton soon started to laugh as well. -ow do you get what you are facing% That happens in battles, when you think you know everything you reali*e there is a lot to be learnt... +nd if you are not prepare you will die (ston commented. .oy, to face the enemy you need to be prepared and, above all, to be cautious, aware of changes Trulan advised. $hen they returned to the cabin Harton remained silent, riding Trulan, flying not far up from (ston. The later e)plained the ways he could beat the trucks, but all the e)planations were useless to Harton. He could not understand them clearly due to (stons old e)pressions. They arrived to the cabin, Harton went to his bedroom and, with (stons allowance he looked in the old mirrow that was hanging from some wooden bricks. He observed his young face; he had a part scratched due to the fall. $hile he looked himself in the mirror he said: & will have to do something to beat them >eferring to the trucks.


5uring the first week, the trucks kept falling faster than Harton. They won. Trulan would advise all he could, and reminded Harton he had to think about how to beat them. & am trying, but & do not know how to do it 'ou will find the solution my friend Harton mumbled furiously.

Trulan said.

$eeks went by and Harton could not attain his goal but he was constant and kept going, Trulan observed his will/power to get his ob0ective every day but all the advice given was not fruitfull. (verything happened when he was coming back to the cabin from the trainnings. Harton, e)hausted, entered his bedroom and dedicated himself to think while he tucked in. He was unable to get some sleep and turned from one side to the other. He thought of his trainning, of what he might have done wrong and then told to himself firmly: 3$hat should & do to beat you% 'ou are 0ust trucks, old wood4. + memory from the past came to his mind. He heard clearly a voice but he could not distinguise whose voice it was due to the memoty lost: 3@elocity is not in strenght, it is in concentration, in the intelligence to know what to do at the moment of making a desicion4. &t was some advice his father had told him, =ing !orvan. Harton did not know the origin of that sentence but he took that as an advice and everything began to make sense. He felt asleep and, at dawn, he felt more secure than ever. He went to the stable and grabbed two spears he found in a corner. +fter that he tied the trucks to himself, as he usually did. He went to the mountains taking with him the two spears. $hile he was climbing the mountain he said 3@elocity is not in strength, it is in concentration and intelligence...4 He repeated it over and over again. $hen he arrived to the top he stood for an instant and observed the dragon that was waiting for him there, an)iously. Harton focused and used his concentration; he climbed over the trucks taking with him the two spears and when he was two meters away from the goal he thrusted the spears into the ground. This made the trucks brake and he got before them, falling where Trulan was. The dragon was mesmeri*ed, surprised at what Harton had accomplished. & did it" & did it" 'es" Harton shouted e)cited while he untied the ropes from his waist. Trulan said. He was happy Harton

& can see that, boy, & am speechless. 9ongratulations" had passed the test.

!ister (ston will be very proud of me when & let him know

Harton assured.

& am sure about that. He will glow with happiness Trulan commented. He was happy Harton was everyday closer to achieve (stons e)pectations. Harton rode on the dragon and asked him to go as soon as possible to the cabin to give (ston the good news. (ston" !ister (ston" 1ir" Harton called.


'es, son, here & am

(ston answered, coming out from the stable with alpaca in the rake. Harton said as he got off Trulan. (ston wanted to know, surprised.

& have something very important to tell you

$hat is that important thing you need to tell me%

& did it" & have done it, sir" & thought & would never be able to. & had lost all my hopes but & did it Harton e)pressed @ictory was mine this time. & have passed the test. Thats ama*ing, boy" 'ou have done it" 9ome here and give a hug to this old man. & always knew you will achieve it, always (ston said really happy & achieved it in my time too, but not as soon as you did young man (ston commented. 'ou took a year to achieve it sir Trulan said laughing. (ston said.

This is not everything 2erson. 'ou have to pass other trainnings & understand, sir Harton answered.

-e)t morning Trulan took Harton to one of the farthest forest from the cabin. $hen they were on the ground he communicated: !ister (ston has arranged everything, the spears, the arc and the arrows. (verything is for your trainning. 9an you see these trees% 'ou have to aim well and shoot them. 'ou should not miss or the enemy will defeat you. Harton spent months trying to hit the trees. The spears and the arrows deflected. !ost of them went aimlessly into the air. +fter a year and a half 2erson could dominate the arc, the arrows and the spears. There was no enemy able to defeat him. (stos was every day more proud and, day after day, after trainning (ston taught him wisdom. Harton needed to learn how to handle the a)e and the knife before learning to fight with the sword. Trulan dedicated to teach him about it. .oy, 9an you see those trees in front of you% 'es, what about them% :ick one out to climb it Trulan said pointing out.

Harton wanted to know. Trulan asked.

This one Harton said and got closer to a tall tree $hat do & have to do% Harton insisted looking at the top of the tree. This trainning will help you when you go to battles to face an enemy and you find yourself in the middle of a forest which trees will block your vision. &t will also help you if you do not know which way to choose or you get lost, the trees will guide you. 'ou will only need to throw a rope and climb it. They will provide the answers, be always cautious Trulan e)plained. Harton was glad to know he would have the territory watched at every moment if he had to go into a battle some day.


-e)t day Harton woke up as he did every morning, opened the cabins door and met the dragon, who was waiting there for him. & am ready Harton said as he got on Trulan.

$ait boy, get off, & have something to tell you Trulan said 5uring all these years & have teach you a part of the trainning and & am very proud of the work we have done together. 'ou have learnt faster than & thought. The only thing missing is to learn how to use the sword in the battles against the enemy and & cannot teach you that son. 'ou have to go to (ston and tell him you are ready to learn how to combat Trulan stated. & agree. 5uring all the time we have been together you have been more than a trainer. 'ou have been my friend and my partner and & own everything & have learnt to you my friend... & will miss the moments we have spent together Harton assured gratefully. Hug me son Trulan asked pouring some tears over his white hair. Harton e)claimed.

'es, how am & going to do it if you are all hair

Trulan looked at him surprised and Harton started to laugh and hugged him. -ow go boy" >un towards (ston and tell him it is time for him to train you & will my friend, & will Harton declared. Trulan said.

!ister (ston listened to Harton carefully and agreed he was ready for the last trainning because a lethal desease was weakening (ston. 5espite everything, (ston spent the last year of his life trainning him, which re,uired a great effort: The way to handle the sword, the position of the legs, the arms positions, how to move and avoid the adversary and how to defeat the enemy. $hen the trainning was over mister (ston got worse. Harton could not do anything for him; he hardly woke up from bed. Harton and Trulan took care of the cattle. Harton looked after (ston as if it were his own father; the poor old man was weakening more and more with the days. One day Harton reali*ed there was nothing to eat in the larder and decided to go and buy some food in the village, accompanied by Trulan. He went to the same village he had been years ago. On the way to the village Trulan asked about (ston. He is not well, he gets weaker everyday... & am afraid & will be left alone & know, my friend. 'ears do not forgive 'es, we all will go through this some day side. 7od willing" He is a good man, boy Trulan e)pressed. Harton confirmed & hope he stays long by my Harton said sadly.

Trulan said.


Hurry up, my friend, lets go as fast as possible & want to get back soon to the cabin. &t is not convinient leaving mister (ston alone Harton commented. Thats alright, boy, you are right. & can see you worry about (ston flight. They passed through lovely lakes and beautiful hills. Trulan said speeding his

He has been the father & have never had. & love him and & am afraid of losing him said, breaking the silence. .oy, someday you will recover your memory and you will forget about me sad. -o, of course not" & will always remember you, always, my friend"


Trulan said a bit

Harton assured him.

Ha ha ha Trulan laughed & am sure of that, & have put you through difficult trainnings Trulan continued and made Harton laugh. 1oon Trulan landed in the village. $ait for me here Harton asked & wont take long. Trulan informed, yawning.

& will be here, & will take a nap until you are back

Harton bought all the necessary and took it in a bag to the dragon. +re we going% Trulan wanted to know. Harton said to Trulan. Trulan said.

;y" & forgot to buy bread at the grocers. & will be right back & am used to your oblivions. & will be here waiting for you

1ir Harton said to the gorcers attendant & need two bags of flour, fresh bread, rice and a good piece of salt meat Harton asked. Harton put the things in a bag he brought with himself, holding it with both hands. $hen he left the grocery he could see that, in front of it, there was a market and they sold home/made soap among other stuff. He came closer to the stall of the soap seller to buy some soap. He did not hesitate and bought the biggest piece he could see. The soap seller felt gratefull. $hile Harton continued watching the soap stall with the idea of buying more soap with the coins he had left he saw a peasant in front of the stall, he was wearing rags and asking for alms. Harton went towards him to give him the last coin he had in his right pocket. This is for you. Take it Harton asked the beggard, giving him the coin.

The man looked at him in shock and stood fro*en, staring at him. Take it Harton insisted once more and placed the coin on the beggards hand and went to meet Trulan. The peasant stood there for a moment, watching how Harton went away as if he had seen a ghost. Harton, Harton" The peasant raised his voice running after Harton through the crowd in the market. $hen he got to him he grabbed him by the arm and said:


.oy, & know you and & know you are not from this world. How did you call me% Harton wanted to know.

Harton The peasant said 5o you not remember me% & am =amir, & helped you. !any years ago you came through here looking for (stons cabin. 9annot you remember anything% 'ou came back looking for food together with your dragon and it informed me you had lost your memory. Have you not recover it yet% =amir asked. & am sorry, & am not Harton. & think you are confusing me with somebody else feeling sorry. Harton said

-o" =amir raised his voice 'ou are Harton, & am sure about that. !ake an effort and try to remember. 5ont you have any family% + father, a mother, brothers or sisters% !ake an effort. 'ou have been in my world many years. 8ook at you. 'ou have not grown old, you are from a world afar from us; you are not from this world. Try to remember =amir insisted. -o, no Harton replied kneeling down and holding his head with both hands.

The peasants words were disturbing him. =amir insisted he knew him. 1uddenly Harton started to remember everything clearly. He could see the images that have brought him to this world. Harton stood up and looked kamir who stayed ,uiet observing hartons reaction. -ow & can remember everything clearly. & am harton... & have come because my father needs me to protect our universe. There will be a battle soon Harton said. =amir smiled with happiness when he reali*ed he had recovered his memory. & have always known you were Harton =amir said.

Thank you, my friend" 7o back to your family. & have to go. (ston is waiting for me in the cabin Harton said pointing to the family that was on the ground in the corner of the market. $ill we see again, dear friend% =amir wanted to know. Harton confirmed.

'es, & am sure about that my old friend

+s they were returning to the 9abin harton e)plained Trulan what had happened. &n front of the cabin Harton asked Trulan a favour, as it was late. 9an you pick up the cattle as & make (ston some dinner; & have many things to tell (ston. & am sure he will be glad Harton said. &nside the cabin Harton kept silence and devoted to prepare a delicious and 0uicy soup for (ston. He took it to bed and fed him, spoon by spoon, in the mouth. Thats it. & have finished feeding your soup Harton said.


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